Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lady Gophers Soccer

The lady gophers start the preseason with a #18 national ranking. With last year's outstanding season behind them, and loosing many oustanding seniors, they may not be able to match last year's success. They should be a very entertaining team, loaded with local talent. Get out to a match and support MN's only D1 program! Click here for schedule


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Anonymous said...

don't know the swedish player, but the fact that hasn't committed at this late date tells me a)she hasn't made up her mind; b)she might be heading back to Sweden after graduating from SSM; c)your player evaluation abilities could be lacking if no one across the country has made her an offer.

Anonymous said...

1007, no dog in the hunt, but please. OS is ranked something like 6th in the nation for her class and one of the others is ranked in the top 20 and the other one isn't even ranked. SO please don't put a kid down when you really don't know much about soccer.

Anonymous said...

12:11, you plead with 1007 not to put a kid down, but you proceed to point out that one named player "isn't even ranked." Was that intended as a compliment?

You may not have "a dog in the hunt," but I'll bet you have a DD in the discussion.

Anonymous said...

124, you would be so wrong!!

Anonymous said...

LOL ...12/2/10 9:58...WOW so the W.B. 2010 beat up on the E.P. 2011 in scrimmage. Thats hard to believe with such highly touted acclaimed and hand picked 2011 players. Daughter whose in the 2011class playing up fortunately allowed to help beat the impressive 2010 talented team twice in 2008 premier league games with game winning goal.
Somebody seems to be lacking either coaching skills or evaluation skills perhaps maybe both. Was the scrimmage spanking as bad as 4-0 whooping E.P. took in lower division of Disney? Sure smiley was fit to be set in stone
since likely motivated W.B. was her old team laying the wood to her new team. Hopefully no one got hurt in meaningless blowout.

Anonymous said...

2:45 - huh? in english please for all of us to understand.

Anonymous said...

What 2:45 just said is that the 2010 WDB team would run the 2011 EDP team off the field in 7 of 7. Just ask the only person who knows both teams. Whoopps, on second thought you had better not ask her.

Anonymous said...

shouldn't most U18 state cup champs beat a U17 runner up? not sure what your point is....actually i think i do....just another anon rip at a coach. always have to ask the bigger question - why? what is your motive? please inform us as inquiring minds want to know....

Anonymous said...

The score of the scrimmage in question was 6-1 and Wdby didn't have 3 of their starters! Ouch!

Anonymous said...

are we talking about the scrimmage back in November (just seems odd since it's the middle of February)? I guess some hate burns deep and long.

Anonymous said...

Hate? I thought this discussion was about the strength/weakness of the GGs recruiting. Is there a history between EP and WDBY that is known only to insiders? Please enlighten.

Anonymous said...

The only connection is the old U18 WDBY coach now coaches the U17 EP team and somebody has an axe to grind with her. Nothing new.
I agree that this discussion should be about the GG's recruiting. Colleges recruit players not teams and attempting to have direct comparisons between different aged players (2010 vs 2011) IMO is a bit of stretch.

Anonymous said...

17s should be able to compete with 18s. If not, they are unlikely to do so when they are facing the same players in college.

Anonymous said...

then why do juniors and seniors in college usually start over freshman and sophomores......? why is experience usually seen as a major positive when evaluation teams? why do we always hear like the current WI team that they are a "young team but will get even better as they get older"?
i agree the top U17's can play with the top U18's (same holds true at any younger-older comparison). the lightning usually had a few younger kids, but the fact that the bulk of their roster was college or post college players had to say something.

Anonymous said...

Nobody on the wdby team has a axe to grind with the old coach...on the contrary - most are very thankful for her coaching and help with college recruiting. There were no bad feelings when she left just time to change things up. She goes above and beyond and probably is doing the same for the EP team. Noone has any bad blood for the EP team either - just an awful big difference between them that was/is a bit of a surprise.

Anonymous said...

tell that to 2:45 and 11:05 from yesterday and 8:15 from this am.....
are we all still referencing a november scrimmage here in the middle of february?

Anonymous said...

The point is the WDB 18's have a much better team overall than the EDP 17's. It is not the agew difference, it's the talent. As someone stated earlier, a good 17 team should be able to compete with a good 18 team. If they can't, then it's a talent issue. JE would privately admit it and she is the ONLY one who would know that answer! How this relates to the GG's is that they just bet their future on three EDP 17's and it won't work. Mark my word.

Anonymous said...

Yes very surprised EP team with 3 gopher offensive recruits couldnt score even though WB team has pretty good defense and played very good Eclipse team at Disney toe to toe. Did the recovering supposily 6th best player in nation play in that November scrimmage also and offensivily not able to score too. Seems some united team play and soccer IQ lacking and same was probably true at Disney blowout. Quote from soccer coach seems to apply here....In my business, togetherness is not just a nice concept that you can take or leave according to taste. If you dont have it, you are nothing, selfishness, factionalism, cliquishness, are all death to a football a manager in football, i have never been interested in simply sending out a collection of brillant individuals. There is no substitute for talent but , on the field. talent without unity of purpose is hopelessly devalued currency. Hopefully Nov.scrimmage and Disney loss can be just what talented needed right away and can learn from to reach potential. Still think E.P. has potential to do well if they win state cup and go to regionals. Every member of E.P. team should now have a clear mental picture of what team unity improvements need to take place in order for likehood of success to be maximized. Gopher teams do play together and with united sense of purpose and will be necessary ingredient for playing time for these recruits.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that 4 EP players quit this weekend and MDW set to take over the team. OS is off to Wisconsin. JE took college job in Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Any word on whether any of the new girls replacing the ones that quit are from Canada and also play hockey?

Anonymous said...

Quite the sense of humor 10:56 & 11:01. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Aren't all the top 2010's playing for WDB while the best 2011's are scattered among 2 or 3 teams?

Anonymous said...

don't waste your time 2:51pm, your comments will never sway the opposing side.

Anonymous said...

What does all this club mombo jumbo stuff have to with anything?? Clubs winning this and that, does it really matter once they get to college?? MTA,WDBRY,SSM, I could care less who wins state cup, I just want players to be developed enough to be able to start the freshman season with a BANG!!! If that isnt happening, then, there is a problem

Anonymous said...

Just noticed that the keeper from MTA 2011 will be going to Iowa. Doesnt that make like 5 keepers?? Wonder what the sales pitch for this recruit was??

Anonymous said...

I believe she's actually now with the EP U17's.

Anonymous said...

Have Tubby help with recruiting.

Anonymous said...


The most successful D1 football programs also have the highest number of player arrests.

This should tell you something about the type of soccer players you should want to recruit if you want to become an elite team.

Anonymous said...

lol - those hoodlum women soccer players at UNC, ND, Stanford, UCLA, FSU, BC, etc.. strike fear into everyone's heart. I wouldn't even go to a game where one of these elite teams is playing unless I'm packing heat for self-defense.

Anonymous said...

Its also factoid, that MOST women soccer players have higher GPA's.

Anonymous said...

Are the GGs "finished" with 2010 and 2011?

Anonymous said...

I'm betting 2010 is done.
2011 is probably waiting on one big fish who has not committed yet.

Anonymous said...

I think 2011 is also done and the big fish winds up somewhere out west.

Anonymous said...

Gophers got one big fish, arguably two. Whether the other one commits or not, I doubt the Gophers are done with 2011.

Anonymous said...

After Jenna Klugel...what other big fish from round here shined?

Anonymous said...

10:45 - I bet 70% of the folks on this thread do not remember someone who gradutated in 1998 (which might also bring into question if she was such a big fish why don't they).
She was an outstanding player, but the college game in terms of quantity and quality of outstanding players has grown exponentially. Different era-but yes, a great talent.
Good luck to all the ladies whether they are big fish, little fish, sharks, minnows, plankton, etc.... Get a good education because when college ends for 99% of them their soccer careers also end.

Anonymous said...

Was Jenna Klugel only Minnesota player ever TO start and play on national championship team? If so years did she start.

Anonymous said...

I know,I know it's the race card.The top elite teams all have the best players of color. Now lets see. The GGs have had how many in the last decade???

Anonymous said...

what in the world are you talking about 6:00pm?

Anonymous said...


I believe she started every game for 4 years. 4 championship games , winning 2. 98-01.

Yes, while a different era, definitly someone young players in Minnesota should be aware of , I was't aware she was forgotten.

Anonymous said...

9:34 - I bet 50% of the folks on this blog would not know who she is and 80% of current soccer parents would have no idea. Folks on this thread would have more knowledge since they've taken the time to go to a MN women's soccer thread they would most likely also have more interest/knowledge. You are talking about events from 10 years ago. Most folks on this have DD's who are either currently playing or recently played. That makes the current age range from 10-21. At the older age of 21, JK's accomplishments would have occurred when their DD was 11 playing for their CC with parents just getting into soccer.
I bet half the folks who's kids play soccer would not even know who Brianna Scurry was. Folks on this blog might, but most soccer parents would struggle.

Anonymous said...

All of which puts the on the field success of our DDs in perspective.

Did JK's obvious dedication and discipline help her acheive success off the field too?

Anonymous said...

Either fewer folks would be able to answer that as they (myself included) would have no idea.

Anonymous said...

JK started all four years with NC and played on US Nat'l team a bit.

Anonymous said...

In the big picture of life,none of this matters.

Anonymous said...

It all matters

Anonymous said...

Nope. It absolutely does not, except to the player and her family. Other than that, life goes on.

At some point it becomes about the education and the life lessons learned, the soccer goes away.

Anonymous said...

So emotional....I'm welling up.

Anonymous said...

By the end of their sr year 99.9% of the players will be glad it's all over and wonder if the last sixteen years was really worth it.

Anonymous said...

By the end of their sr year 99.9% of the players will be glad it's all over and wonder if the last sixteen years was really worth it.

Anonymous said...

like beauty, worth is in the eye's of the beholder.


Anonymous said...

So if the Gophers are done with 2010 and 2011 does that mean they're now working on 2012? How can a sophomore have any idea where she wants togo to college?

Anonymous said...

That's how it works these days, verbal commit in the fall of your junior year means having to build your short list spring of soph year.

Anonymous said...

Some adults on this blog still don't have a clue what there gonna do.

Anonymous said...

I think 2011 is also done and the big fish winds up somewhere out west.

23/2/10 6:06 PM

OS is headed for San Diego

Anonymous said...

That had to be one MDW was trying to land.
Congrats to a fine soccer player who is headed to a great school and location.
The 2011 Gopher roster looks a little weaker...

Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that colleges are going after sophomores. How can they know how a 15-year-old is going to continue to develop (both physically and technically)? It just seems early to me.

The NCAA recruiting schedule is thrown out the window. How do the coaches stay within the rules and chase 10th graders?

Also, young girls can't possibly know what school will fit their needs academically. Let's face it, the most important part of playing in college should be (I know it's not for everyone) the education. I can't imagine putting my daughter in a position where she needs to figure out what major she's interested in as a sophomore.

Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that colleges are going after sophomores. How can they know how a 15-year-old is going to continue to develop (both physically and technically)? It just seems early to me.

The NCAA recruiting schedule is thrown out the window. How do the coaches stay within the rules and chase 10th graders?

Also, young girls can't possibly know what school will fit their needs academically. Let's face it, the most important part of playing in college should be (I know it's not for everyone) the education. I can't imagine putting my daughter in a position where she needs to figure out what major she's interested in as a sophomore.

Anonymous said...

They don't know how a 15 year old will develop. And the proof is in those "top recruits" that never progress at the college level. And, vice versa, those less than top recruits who end up having good careers. They stay within the rules because players and parents and club coaches know how to work the system. I.E. Scheduling unoffical visits, hosting and / or inviting coaches to tournaments / scrimmages, and acting as a go between. Players who are committing early are often those who want to secure a roster spot / money and who have made soccer the number one priority. Maybe they figure they can change majors once enrolled...

Anonymous said...

UCLA is already watching a 5th grader in Glendora Ca. Her name is Isabel Sanchez and she is a phenom,the real deal.

Anonymous said...

I think a sophomore does have an idea of what they may want to do in college. And, from my experience, many people change majors during their college careers. If an athlete is looking at schools, like the U of M they have many options when it comes to their education. They are able to look at a school's academic reputation and get a pretty good idea if that school will fit their plans.

Anonymous said...

Are these the same 10th graders who can't manage to play a 90 minute State Cup game the same day as prom?

SSM-South Campus said...

4:36- I am not sure if "early commitment" was a part of that particular Iowa players process. So, NO I don't think that it played any role in this situation.

I am certain that you could find plenty of opportunities to point to the flaws of "early recruitment and commitment", but think you need to search elsewhere this time.

SSM-South Campus said...

2:25- typically, no these are not the 10th graders who can't seem to decide between a State Cup game and Prom. This typically includes the 5% of players who show up wondering why their teammates are not as committed as they are.

Sorry, just the truth.

Anonymous said...

All sports are overrated. Period.

Anonymous said...

Soccer Earns Shutout in Spring Opener...

(Overland Park, KS) The journey for the 2010 edition of Minnesota Soccer began on Sunday with a scoreless tie against the Missouri Tigers at the new Overland Park Soccer Complex in Overland Park, KS. The match was the feature college showcase game of the "Border Battle" youth tournament over the weekend.
Minnesota, who returns all 11 starters from last season, earned a shutout against the defending Big XII Champion Tigers. Missouri had not been shutout since September 20th of last fall. Additionally, Mizzou finished 2009 ranked 11th in the nation in scoring offense.

The Tigers looked as if they were going to get on the scoreboard in the 21st minute of play when sophomore Jessie Crabtree was in alone on a breakaway with Minnesota goalkeeper Cat Parkhill. Parkhill came out and stood her ground and Crabtree's shot sailed high over the goal.

Minnesota earned several free kicks in the attacking end of the field throughout the game, but failed to produce a quality scoring chance. The Gophers' best chance came in the 73rd minute in the run of play when freshman Marissa Price served a ball into the box for classmate Stephanie Brandt. Brandt's shot sailed just wide of the frame and the game remained scoreless.

Mizzou put pressure on the Gophers in the final 5 minutes of the match and earned a clear scoring chance for forward Kari Adam 12 yards from goal with under a minute to play. Parkhill came up with the diving save, parrying the ball wide to preserve the shutout.

The Gophers outshot the Tigers 8-3 on the day, but only managed two shots on goal while Mizzou managed just the one in the final minute. Missouri did however earn 8 corner kicks to Minnesota's 4. The Gopher attack was led by juniors Kylie Kallman, Molly Rouse, and Katie Bethke who each recorded two shots on the day.

There were over 200 Gopher fans in attendance among the crowd that assembled at the youth tournament to cheer on the two teams. Minnesota returns to action in Cary, NC the weekend of March 27-28 when they take on ACC powers Duke and Wake Forest at the WakeMed Soccer Park. The Gophers battle Duke at 12 noon on the 27th and Wake Forest at 1:30pm on the 28th.

Anonymous said...

a whold lotta words for a 0-0 draw. lol

Anonymous said...

Is the "attack team"/forwards changing up for the GG's? Thought KK was defense?

Anonymous said...

LOL- you're right 8:33. I guess it is a moral win, when you can say "we didn't lose". This is a very "British" way to look at things.

Anonymous said...

How are the GGs doing on the East Coast?

Anonymous said...

Did Duke have any subs against the GGs? They are bringing in 11 new players and will be a much better team in the fall.

Anonymous said...

been seeing some more local girls accepting scholarships for the 2010 and 2011 classes. congrats to all the young ladies.

Anonymous said...

Wake Forest went to the elite 8.... so it was a win they probably felt like they should have had against Duke and a good win against Wake Forest

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