Wednesday, March 07, 2012

2012 State Cup Preview

Should be an interesting and wide open tournament on the boys side this year with DAP players and teams not eligible for State Cup Play. Good luck to all the players, clubs and coaches!

I am looking for 2 U15+ girls and 2 U15+ boys to share there perspective on the State Cup competition by writing a blog post after each State Cup game. I am more interested in hearing about a players perspective on training, game preparation, team chemistry, excitement of the cup, etc. than match highlight stories. I will turn comments off for player's posting upon request. Please contact me at if you are interested. Talk to your parents first as I will ask for their written permission if you are under 18.

Please direct State Cup chat to the new chat section to the right. Please be civil and do not call out any players by name unless you are complementing them. Thank you!

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Questionable Decisions From MYSA and My Beloved U16

MYSA is soon to be a thing in the past. The association is ran by a group of incapable ego maniacs. Some may have some experience in soccer, some are just enjoying the droplet of power that they feel entitled to.

It is frustrating when incidences that have big consequences happen to you repeatedly. I coach a U16 team in St. Louis Park. When the boys were 13 they played C1. They were at most an average team. They finished the season with 25 percent of the max point that can be earned in a season.

The rule states that is a team earns 25 percent of the total points or more they will not have to face relegation. It took weeks for the decision to be made, and the final word from MYSA was...they had to move down to C2.

The kids worked their butts off! They won C1 tournaments locally and went undefeated and was promoted back to C1. There, they had a successful season as well. They won the league, finished C1 state runners up and was promoted to Premier, and so we thought until MYSA got involved.