Friday, May 20, 2011

Chat: 2011 Regionals


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Anonymous said...

more monsoons today.

Anonymous said...

bring your water wings.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever asked why it costs a team nearly $1,300 to play in USA Cup Weekend?

Anonymous said...

That's a good question? It's an expensive tournament. Weather is totally beyond USA Cup's control, but we pay all that money and our games are severely shortened.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't cost $1300 to play in the best college showcase tournaments in the nation. What a rip-off!

Anonymous said...

The cost is probably high to cover the sling bags every player gets. At least last year they gave one to the coach and the manager, but not this year.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, 7:29, you have to think Puma subsidizes the cost of the bags.

I just don't get it. I love the concept of an "international" tournament to end the season (or in my kid's case, end the career), but really, $350 per team plus $50 per player? For what? Short games on small fields, and two games against local teams we've played repeatedly over the years.

USA CUP Weekend pool games have 30 minute halves, with 45 minute halves in semis and finals. Due to the weather and no contingency plan for more fields, pool games were shortened 15 minute halves, and semifinals and championship games were shortened to 20 minute halves.

You load up with guests to fill a roster because it's usually hotter than Hades, and then you can't get them all into the game. Thank goodness we won it all.

Anonymous said...

Very few MTA teams at USA Cup. Must be broke after all that travel.

Anonymous said...

USA Cup will run itself into the ground. It is halfway there.

Anonymous said...

whoa, we're half-way there. whoa-oa, living on a prayer.

Anonymous said...

It's MTA's fault!

So you stay classy MTA

Anonymous said...

MTA was a sponsor of the USA Cup (you can see their logo on the bottom of the website).

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love how people can turn any topic into something about MTA. Amazing!!

Next your going to blame MTA for the state shutting down and the national deficit.

Anonymous said...

1:41; not the national deficit, only the home "budget" deficit! (as is true for any club). Kids are expensive these days - but a very good way to spend your $. Just have to put off retirement and enjoy watching them play.

Anonymous said...

The good part about the USA Cup format is two teams from each 4 team pool advance. So often in a tournament you lose/or even tie a game and you are out of it. The format they use guarantees several games and gives everyone a fair chance to advance should a team have a bad game. The weather was brutal but that is out of their control

tomASS said...

USA Cup pays referees squat that always helps with the budget

Anonymous said...

mta didn't sponsor usa cup so much as they bought advertising for their upcoming recruiting surge. august is coming...time to replace #s 12 to 18 on the roster! maybe find a sugar daddy out there too.

Anonymous said...

so where does the money go then, tomass? if not to refs, reserve fields, field maintenance, gift bags?

MA said...

10:54 - Looking at the last issue of Soccer Times, seems like there are plenty of clubs making a recruiting surge. If they weren't, why are they paying for advertising? Wouldn't you agree?

I'd also throw out there that players #12 - #18 are always in danger of being replaced - in any club that has the numbers to support multiple teams at an age group and on any level team. Isn't that the purpose of tryouts? To place players with similar abilities together? I haven't been around a MTA team that has changed 6 players... ever. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I've seen more player turnover in other clubs with newly promoted U14 Premier teams than I've seen within the club I work in. Player turnover is not a bag thing, and definitely not exclusive to MTA.

As for the sugar daddy comment, ANY team (ECNL or C3) that can find a parent who can pick up a goodly portion of that team's budget would count themselves lucky.

Anonymous said...

I guess we can test your theory with how much turnover will there be using the MTA 12 girls that made 14 premier? If they even get that spot.

Anonymous said...

I've not seen many teams that replace 6 players! 2 maybe, 3 at the most. At tryouts all teams and not just MTA maybe looking for something specifically; a striker, goalie, strong defender to supplement what they need the most.

Anonymous said...

Hard to compare the upcoming U13 age group at MTA. This is the age they combine the Jrs academies. With two very good U12 teams in the club it will be interesting to see the make-up of the teams.

FYI, MTA's U13 Blue team will play MYSA U14 Premier next year.

MA said...

10:20, you're right, the MTE 12's rosters could see turnover like this this year. As 3:29 said, the MTA U13 consolidation year is a bit atypical, but could support 10:54's claim of MTA roster shake-ups, albeit not lending support to the broad-based statement of this type of turnover club-wide.

Anonymous said...

I was a little nervous to take my daughter to U13 elite try-outs. Never have been a fan of the coach from the west. I heard he's taking his team to PSA. Good riddance in my opinion! Thankfully, not everyone is following him. Alot of good girls moving into the U13's. I like the coaches that will be coaching blue and white U13 elite.

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing that the MTA elite teams will roster 22-24 girls for both ECNL and blue. Anyone know if this true? I don't like the idea of having to pay the high fees and than my daughter only plays in a certain amount of games? Is this something MTA is doing to generate income? If it is indeed true, people are not happy and are talking about looking elsewhere especially on the non-ECNL teams.

Anonymous said...

they need to pay the bills, folks.

Anonymous said...

7:49PM Not true at all!!

I asked this question to MC last weeek. ECNL teams can roster up to 26 players. The plan is for the ECNL teams to use players from the Blue teams to make sure that they are bringing 18 players to each ECNL event. The idea is to have more kids train with the ECNL teams, therefore building a bigger player pool and making sure they are not bringing shortened rosters to ECNL events. Both teams will roster 18 players but the ECNL teams will expand their rosters with Blue team players to make sure they are not shorthanded at events. If all 18 players go, they will not be adding more player to that event.

FYI, MTA is having a informational meeting about the ECNL and the girls program next Thursday, 7:00PM in the Holy Angels Stadium. It is open to both MTA and non-MTA families. This will be your opportunity to hear from the club and ask any questions you have about the program before tryouts.

Anonymous said...

7:49pm here. Thanks 11:22pm! Your response makes sense and I like it. You hear rumors, etc this time of the year and you never know what to believe.

Anonymous said...

MTA trying to make money. They have to somewhere because they give scholarships to the best players.

Anonymous said...

Rumors, Rumors, Rumors...

Please just to directly to the source (of any club) and find out what it really is all about before you go with any rumors and lose an opportunity for your kids to develop. One year's lost of development opportunity at ages 13-15 will be costly for the kid to play at higher levels ages 16 and up. Find the right development fit for your kid whether it be the coach, the trainer, the system, etc. Everyone's needs are different so find the right one for your kid.

Anonymous said...

4:28pm I agree and stop with the rumors!

Anonymous said...

In any event, don't expect that any of the rosters will be 18 kids. If you're in the top 11, no worries. Not sure why you'd stick around to ride the bench and pay the same fees. Talk to some of the families that are leaving. Being a training "dummy" for the top players is a waste of money. If you're sold the "pool" story then you know you'll be part of the pool.

Anonymous said...

12:05am. I assume your talking MTA. The only age group they pool play is U13 and they only pool until October with 36 players (18 for each team). This gives them extra time to evaluate players before placing them on the blue or white. They started this with the current U13 and it appeared to work.
There really isn't "pool" for the older groups. ECNL and blue teams train together, but there isn't pool play. ECNL teams may roster 22-24 players for some tournaments and in that case if you're player 18-22 you may sit on the bench for that tournament. I agree I wouldn't want to pay the extra travel costs associated with that specific tournament by being player 18-22 and than spend the entire weekend on the bench.

Anonymous said...

12:05 Using your logic, if you don't start you should quit. Don't persevere, don't show class. Only play if you are the best of the best. Big fish in a little pond.

Glad my dad never thought that way!

Anonymous said...

Well said, training dummy. Glad your dad has big bucks to be able to live through you.

Anonymous said...

1:11, My dad never had big bucks, but he always found a way to let me pursue soccer, and hockey. At times, I was a training dummy as you call it. And then I grew, developed and worked on my own time, to become one of the top players on my team. I didn't go to a soccer school or I would have played in college, I continued playing adult, then coached, and refereed. My father still knows his choices were the best thing for me. I love the game to this day.

Next week I will watch my son head off to the college of his choice to play soccer after going to classes taught by the 3rd best staff in the country because he learned to work hard at 2 clubs ending at MTA.

Attitude is the difference between training dummy and taking advantage of opportunities, but obviously you wouldn't know that.

Anonymous said...

too many "PRO" superstars were once bench warmers, second team players, etc. Not all players are born with all the right ingredient but they work hard put in their time and persevere. When their opportunity comes along, they grab and never let go! Sorry for those of you that are teaching your kids to quit if you are not already the best at ages 11, 12, 13...

Anonymous said...

love the training dummy comment. sounds like he/she was a training dummy. or maybe dreamed of being one. who knows. there are a lot of ways to get exposure. maybe benchwarming at mta will work, maybe not. there are other options.

Anonymous said...

Just looking over the state tournament girls results and other tournaments locally, it seems like Mpls United is making a little bit of a surge. I would never take my daughter there but perhaps they are emerging as the 4th club in the big mix from a top club in each geography perspective (MTA, St. Croix, REV). Success usually leads to more success before money and ego gets in the way and perhaps this club is going to make the next step up on the girls side.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the MTA and Woodbury teams today as they start Nationals!

Anonymous said...

MTA U16 boys up 1-0 about 10 minutes into 2nd half in first match at nationals.

Anonymous said...

U16B Nationals: MTA 2 CESA 0...Go Minnesota! One win out of the way, two to go.

Anonymous said...

MTA U16 Boys just defeated CESA/Region III Champs by 2-0 score in first game at Nationals in Phoenix.

Anonymous said...

Go Inferno tonight!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Minnesota MTA Boys. Good luck in your next couple of games.
Best of luck to Minnesota WDB girls tonight.

Anonymous said...

Go Eastside FC and Concord Fire!

Anonymous said...

Inferno wins 1-0 over the Texans

Anonymous said...

Good job by both Minnesota teams yesterday.

More proof that player consolidation is the way to go.

It's a shame our players and teams can't compete at the national level, eh 12:06?

Anonymous said...

Inferno didn't consolidate, they've been basically the same team since U13. Just great players and coaching. Further proof that you don't need MTA for that. There are pockets of amazing teams all over the state.

Anonymous said...

STOP with the dislikes! Cheer for MINNESOTA!

MA said...

Inferno began consolidating talent at U11. The consolidation of talent spanned years, but it's still consolidation.

Bring Minnesota's very best together under quality coaching and they'll compete with most other teams in the US. Moreover, if teams like this get the "bounces", they could bring home a national title.

Anonymous said...

The Inferno has players from all over the metro area. That is consolidating. That it happened at age 13-14 doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Anonymous said...

Any team is consolidation unless you never make a roster change.

tomASS said...

MA - spot on

Anonymous said...

Inferno has players from all over the metro. Wayzata, Eden Prairie, Edina, Bloomington, Burnsville, etc. At least nine different high schools are represented.
It's disingenuous to claim they haven't consolidated talent. I think it's great they have.
I thought this group had the talent to get to nationals before but finally with a change of coaches they finally broke through.
Win it all ladies!

Anonymous said...

MTA U16 Boys take 1-0 lead late in the first half of today's game.

Anonymous said...

MTA U16B wins game two. MTA 1 Eastside FC 0...They are now 2-0-0, 3 GF 0 GA. Tied with Albion on top of standing!

tomASS said...

Come on Lads You can do it!

Anonymous said...

MTA Boys win their 2nd match 1-0 at Nationals.
They haven't allowed a goal in the two games they've played.

Anonymous said...

MN teams are 3-0 so far and possible 4-0 after tonight when Inferno wins again. I hate to say it but so many haters here though MN teams cannot do anything outside of MN. Wrong!!!

Anonymous said...

If consolidation happens everywhere, what does this comment mean then?

"More proof that player consolidation is the way to go."

My point is simply that consolidation doesn't need to happed at one club. There are pockets of excellence all over.

Go WDB and its SCV coaches!

MA said...

I think it's important to clarify one thing.

The purpose of consolidation at the top level is not to bring home championships. Rather, the purpose is to allow extremely talented players to 1) be surrounded in training sessions by similarly talented players in order to allow each player to best develop to their potential, and 2) to allow top MN players to be invited to/get accepted in showcase events, allowing our home-grown players the same exposure opportunities that other talented players across the country have, helping capable MN talent to continue on with the game past their youth soccer careers. That was probably a not-very-well-formed run-on sentence, but hopefully I got my point across.

The championships are nice. They leave great memories with those involved, provide decent marketing material for the clubs whose teams find success, and sometimes cast a momentary spotlight on "third-world" development environments like little 'ol Minnesota, but they are not the rational for consolidation... at least not in my book.

Anonymous said...

MN State Championship (MYSA) : Boys side was dominated by the Thunder gang, 4 Championships C1. (no other club has more than 1)
Girls side dominated by Dakota REV. 3 Championships. C1. (no other club has more than 1).

Clearly the MYSA State Championship is not of the caliber of the MN State Cup,(No Premier level teams) But is still a great experience /Honor for the kids on those teams.
Congratulations to all of the Championship teams !

Anonymous said...

Again, and this doesn't contradict MA's point...My point is simply that consolidation doesn't need to happed at one club. There are pockets of excellence all over.

MA said...

8:19, you are right. Talent consolidation can happen anywhere. As long as players are attracted, top-level coaching is provided, facilities are adequate, soccer decisions are made by knowledgeable people, and suitable competition is provided, it doesn't matter what color jerseys the players wear.

Anonymous said...

MTA U16 Boys are tied 0-0 at the half in their 3rd match at Nationals.
If they tie or win today they play for National Championship on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

MTA boys lose 4-0 and are eliminated. Woodbury needs a win and some help.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. 5-0 on the USYS website. Nasty circle of outcomes with no undefeated teams. MTA beat Eastside. Eastside beat Albion. Albion beat Concorde. Concorde smoked MTA. Sadly, MTA didn't get to play either of the two weakest teams in the pool (1-2 and 0-3).

So, with four 2-1 teams, it came down to +/- to determine finalists. A 2-0 loss today and MTA would have been playing in the national championship. So close. Too bad they didn't coach to protect that.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury is actually sitting pretty good. There are four teams, and two advance. They beat the other 1-1 team and play the 0-2 team today. The other 1-1 team plays the 2-0 team today.

Anonymous said...

Really? You take a cheap shot at a coach who went 2-1 at Nationals?
Here come the haters.

Anonymous said...

just saying with a 2-0 loss, that same coach is coaching in the national title game. just a shame they couldn't get it done.

MA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Congrats to MTA U16 Boys...3rd place at Nationals only losing out because of goal differential. Awesome in my eyes! Of the 6 teams in the bracket, 5 of them are in the National League. Any of them can beat the other any given day depending on how the team plays that day. These teams are very close in skill, athleticism, and soccer intelligence. Congrats to all of them as they proved it by no one going undefeated in group play.

Anonymous said...

2:16 here again...good luck to Woodbury tonight! Let's put a win together and then have a great game in the Final! Go MN!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You mean a 2-0 deficit. A bit doltish in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

it kinda takes effort to lose 5-0. i mean, really.

Party said...

@2:35 How did your team do this year? It takes lots more effort to get to one game away from the final

Anonymous said...

whoa, nellie. as MA eloquently states above, it's not about wins and losses. coach blew it.

MA said...

Thanks for the correction 2:34.

11:55AM, are you reporting from AZ? You witnessed the MTA coach not playing to "protect" a 2-0 deficit? My point is that unless you were there watching the game, it's not possible to claim that the coach "blew it" by somehow not playing to minimize the goal differential. Moreover, coaches know that the best game plans can be thought out, but rarely does the opposing team work to make those plans a reality. So regardless of a strategy, it could simply not have worked.

The Inferno still have a decent chance of playing in the final on Sunday and avenging their loss yesterday. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

It's comical watching these bozos who can't win at State Cup criticize a team and coach who won at Regions and won their first 2 games at Nationals.
You can almost see the hate oozing out of the pores on their hairy backs.
It's too bad these kids from Minnesota can't play soccer, eh?

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see some of the coaches Burnsville added. Kind of thought they were irrelevant these days

Anonymous said...

Inferno lose 5-1

Anonymous said...

KIds from Minnesota? Originally?

Anonymous said...

they still are, 942, they still are.

Anonymous said...

9:42 Seems every year we here of the great coaching additions Burnsville makes. Problem is they need to add them every year. Too much turnover from year to year.
Burnsville is on a big slide, No State Cup Championships and NO MYSA (tier one) Championships. I'm not sure what happened down there but maybe this new crew of coaches can get them going again .

Anonymous said...

Looks like the new St. Croix Academy will make a dent. Lots of new kids at tryouts.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Was at MTA tryouts last night. New faces to add to the ECNL teams. They are going to be better than ever.

Anonymous said...

Lots of new faces at ECNL tryouts throughout the day! Many girls from numerous clubs wanting to play ECNL; Rev, St Croix, TCFire, Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Prior Lake, Cottage Grove to name a few.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to SCV 17G winning US Club Soccer nationals, 14B placing well at US Club Soccer nationals and 17B winning Surf Cup! Watch out for the St. Croix Academy!

Anonymous said...

Not to burst you bubble but it looks to me like the st croix girls lost in the premier finals, which is the us club version of a b bracket.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the MTA folks. You stay classy, MTA.

Anonymous said...

Who says 12:29am is from MTA?

Anonymous said...

I do.

No one ooozes "we're-great-you-suck" like MTA.

Anonymous said...

Have you talked to Rev parents lately?

Anonymous said...

TC Fire parents!

Anonymous said...

But Rev and TCF teams generally suck. MTA teams generally don't.

Anonymous said...

500! Plymouth Soccer Association is the best club for players that want to be average. GO PSA, we aim to be average!

Anonymous said...

MYSA strikes again - MN has two teams at nationals for the first time ever, and MYSA's little email blast mentions nothing about either team - just an email link to check out USYS Nationals results.

Disappointing, yes. Surprising? Sadly, no.

A hearty congrats to MTA U16B and WDB U19G for a nice run!

Anonymous said...

Well done, Woodbury!

Anonymous said...

How about a thread to start the high school season? See Star Tribune has the football hub out and not the ones for girls and boys soccer. Shocker!!

Anonymous said...

NO! I want to keep talking about the Women's World Cup!

tomASS said...

Reports are circulating that Bob Poretti the MYSA president was living the high life at nationals.

Question that needs to be answered was it on his dime, the dime of MYSA or someone else dime?

Anonymous said...

Girls AA HS Predictions

Champ/Runner=Up/ Dark horse

Sect 1 - Lakeville North/Northfield/Lakeville South
2 - EP/Burnsville/Edina
3 - Eagan/Eastview
4 - Woodbury/Stillwater/East Ridge
5 - Centennial/??
6 - Wayzata/Tonka
7 - Duluth East/Andover/Osseo
8 - Anoka/Elk River/Rogers

Top Ten

Duluth East
East Ridge

Anonymous said...

Some more dark horses:

Section 4: WBL and Mahtomedi
Section 5: Moundsview
Section 6: SLP and Hopkins
Section 8: SMA

There has to be an upset in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Section 6 darkhorse - Armstrong.

tomASS said...

EP is not that strong this year

Anonymous said...

tomass -- show me the reports and why you beleive they are credible.

tomASS said...

how can I show you the reports? One your an annon. and second there is no way to post on the site. I could see if I could get the hotel receipts but still would not be able to post them

I have verbal reports, rumors if you wish, circulating in the out of state community soccer circles.

Credibility coming from trusted out-of state- soccer friends who were at the national tourney. One whose son is employed at the hotel the MYSA contingent stayed.

If he spent his own money that then is his own business. If he irresponsibly overspent MYSA funds on extravagant accommodations the state membership should investigate to see if he did not follow MYSA travel expenditure guidelines.

If some other organization provided the accommodations I have no problem with it as long there is not a business/non-profit conflict of interest that would try to influence business within the MYSA, but maybe the MYSA does not have a code of conduct for itself like it does for its members and players?

As good as they are at not supplying membership with financial reports on their web site I would expect they do lack internal controls for the executive members.

tomASS said...


Anonymous said...

rumors or fact -- which is it!!

tomASS said...

my sources say fact, many anons on here would speculate rumors since I have not presented anything for anyone to read. My sources are solid and could be confirmed by an employee of the hotel if I pursued more aggressively- learn to discern and read between the lines.

Of course as I stated he has done nothing wrong if:
1)he paid for it himself
2) MYSA travel guidelines for employees and executive staff have been followed
3) it was paid by someone else that would not have influence or cause a conflict of business interest with the MYSA if the MYSA even has such policy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. More checking will be done....

Anonymous said...

Stillwater girls graduated a huge core. They still have 2011's Ms. Soccer (IMO), but will not contend.

Stillwater boys, on the other hand, will dominate.

Anonymous said...

Careful, tomASS. MYSA has a history of going after people.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Ms Soccer AA my top three are:

BS Defender from Lakeville South
AF Attacker from Duluth East
KH Attacker from Stillwater

Anonymous said...

KH hands down.

Anonymous said...

Where is KH planning to attend college?

tomASS said...

@825 - nothing defaming, or liable in any statement

The MYSA should focus more on transparency in their operations than anything else.

Anonymous said...

damn close tomass!

Anonymous said...

BS Defender from Lakeville South will be attending Wisconson
AF Attacker from Duluth East will be attending Minnesota
KH Attacker from Stillwater will be attending Army

Anonymous said...

KH = West Point

Anonymous said...

KK - GK from Eagan should also be mentioned. Will be attending the U of M next year. It's been a while since a keeper won the award.

tomASS said...

@815- hardly, but read again and tell me where you find anything that comes close to those legal definitions

Anonymous said...

are you a lawyer too?

Anonymous said...

Typical Tom ass stuff -- he's always right. He says "Of course as I stated he has done nothing wrong if:
1)he paid for it himself
2) MYSA travel guidelines for employees and executive staff have been followed
3) it was paid by someone else that would not have influence or cause a conflict of business interest with the MYSA if the MYSA even has such policy."

But, of course, Tom ass has no facts to support that all or any of the above are not true but expects MYSA to open an investigation.

Tom ass - Did you reveal the identity of your sources to MYSA?

tomASS said...

@849 - no but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express one time

@911 - I am not always right, but I can tell you I am never wrong ;-) so maybe I should be a lawyer

why would I ask MYSA to open an investigation against itself.

The only evidence MYSA would need to deal with is the expense report and receipts that they would need to sign off on and approve.

The membership however, needs to be more diligent on how the MYSA conducts itself on all matters and hold them more accountable.

I wonder when the last time an outside firm was brought in to do an audit.

Anonymous said...

1976: Dewey, Cheatem and Howe, LLP

tomASS said...

@1233 - I always love that one - solid contribution

Anonymous said...

High school thread!
High school thread!
High school thread!

Anonymous said...

Girls AA Top 10

Eden Prairie
Lakeville North
Duluth East
White Bear Lake

tomASS said...

EP is not a top 3 club this year

Anonymous said...

NO disrespect intended but what do you see at LVN that puts them that high? They were 8th in the SSC last season. New players????

Anonymous said...

Stillwater way too low

Lakeville North way too high
Eagan and EPa little too high

No Eastview? No East Ridge? No Edina?

East Ridge

Anonymous said...

Re Lakeville North,

A mix of MTA Blue players from various age groups, some Rev players from U17 Premier, a senior dominated roster, and SK is probably the best attacker in the state.

Eastview underachieved last year, and graduated their best players.

Edina appears to be very young - probably a year away.

According to someone who seems to know Stillwater (earlier in the thread), they lost a lot to graduation.

Eagan was undefeated in the SSC last year with a junior dominated roster.

Anonymous said...

Stillwater parent says Stillwater girls will struggle. Boys will dominate.

Anonymous said...

Boys top 10?? Who else besides Apple Valley, Southwest and Stillwater?

Anonymous said...

High School thread for boys and girls would be good.

Anonymous said...

Why run a blog if you're going to ignore it. NONE of the chat threads are at all relevant today.

tomASS said...

@855- make use of what is available,blog somewhere else, or volunteer to be a moderator.

These sites are not easy to manage and to stay on top of if your life is full of other responsibilities.

Maybe he didn't realize the dedication it would take to try to serve anons while not making any money doing so.

Anonymous said...

Can't get a HS chat thread, can't get a pre-season coach's poll, the Twins are unwatchable. Might as well exercise.

Anonymous said...

What are some interesting girl's games today?

Anonymous said...

Girls Rankings

1. EP
2. Wayzata
3. Eagan
4. Stillwater
5. Centennial
6. Woodbury
7. White Bear Lake
8. Burnsville
9. Edina
10 Duluth East

1. Benilde
2. Orono
3. Mahtomedi
4. Rogers
5. Blake
6. LaCrescent
7. East Grand Forks
8. Monticello
9. Minnehaha Academy
10 Holy Family

Anonymous said...

Mahtomedi and Rogers are now Class AA

Anonymous said...

I guess they should have told the coaches that before they polled them.

Anonymous said...

What is the best site for looking at the daily scores? It seems as if none are being updated. Any site to track HS soccer scores, stats, games, etc.?

Anonymous said...

tomASS said...

I would also try

If they do the same great job for hockey as they do for soccer this will be a good location to check

Anonymous said...

Article in Star Trib today about soccer. It mentions that next hear US Soccer Development league will now allow players to play high school. It goes on to say it will effect about 250 kids in Dallas and about 50 kids in the Twin Cities. They quoted Danny Storlein (Jefferson boys coach, MTA ECNL 15 girls). Does anyone know, does that effect just the boys? Or will effect the girls too?

Anonymous said...

The streak is over. The streak is over. Holy Family over Apple Valley.

Anonymous said...

It effects just the boys. No changes to ECNL. The ECNL has structured the events around the high school season so the girls can still participate.

Anonymous said...

Scores the past week in Girls AA

EP over Duluth East 3-2
Woodbury over EP 2-1
Centennial over Burnsville 5-3
Eastview over WBL 3-2
Anoka over BJeff 2-1
Eagan over Woodbury 2-0


Anonymous said...

Mahtomedi over WBL 5-0
Edina over Stillwater 2-1

Anonymous said...

Not surprised by the victory, but by 5 goals MAH over WBL? Anyone able to share a game report?

Anonymous said...

MAH will rock. Stillwater has three players and NOTHING else.

Anonymous said...

Tomass - a few people have offered to help out with the blog and have received no return emails.

So, does that mean we should start up a new blog? Or do we make '11 USYSA Regional’s the designated place to talk high school soccer?

Anonymous said...

Boys AA
Blaine 2 Elk River 1

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