Friday, May 20, 2011

Chat: 2011 Regionals


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Anonymous said...

two down.

Anonymous said...

Actually, 4 down.

Anonymous said...

MTA U17 Girls are through to the semi-finals.

Anonymous said...

Could it be 5 down?

tomASS said...

If you are in Appleton make sure you have an adult beverage ( if of age ) at Cleo's

Anonymous said...

MTA U14 Boys lose to Vardar 3-2.

Anonymous said...

six down? boy, this is great.

Anonymous said...

how old were the Vardar U14Bs?

Anonymous said...

The U14 girls scored early against the Vardar team, and dominated the first half. Vardar came on strong in the second half with two goals. Both teams had a very similar style of play. I heard the Vardar coach after the game, and he was VERY complimentary of the MTA team. These girls played their hearts out. As for the U14 boys, it was tied two to two late in the game. An MTA player was obviously fouled, slightly inside the box from my angle, but it was called a free kick. The MTA player bended it around the wall, hitting the cross bar, and bouncing out. A Vardar player made a nice run, with the ball getting slightly ahead and the MTA goalie was able to take a strong kick at it. Unfortunately, the kick hit the Vardar player, bouncing behind the MTA goalie, for a goal. An unfortunate series of events resulting in what might have been a win into a loss, with minutes remaining. Another disappointing loss for a well deserving MN team. The U17 girls tied, with a goalie playing as a field player, a defender playing goalie, and 9 players on the field to rest as many players as possible. After all, the game didn't matter. Smart move by the coach to rest as many players as possible for the semis tomorrow. A very uneventful game. I only caught part of the Inferno game, but sounds like another domination. Best of luck to those MN teams tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

don't mess with vardar. period.

Anonymous said...

Better clarify 5:31s comments. The U17s didn't play down players all game.

MA said...

Absolute heartbreaker for the 14 girls. After a very emotional win against an extremely talented MI Hawks team on Sunday - a team that beat us last year in group play 2-0 and went on to win the region - and after going 1-0 up in a first half into a strong wind, to give up 2 goals in the second half was devastating. Vardar's first goal was a terrific strike from 20 yards out into the top right corner, their second goal was soft, but credit to them for battling back. Heard the 14B game was even more of a heartbreaker.

For MN to have 3 teams advance to the semis is a first, isn't it? Moreover, 3 other MN teams were still alive on day 3 (if I'm correct that EP had a mathematical chance today). I'm sure the semis are chalk full of teams from IL, MI, and MO. But with three teams MN is right in the mix of the next tier. Throw in how close the 14s were and that might have gotten MN to 4th or 5th in terms of semifinal appearance ranking (for what that is worth). Hypothetical, I know, and maybe not a true gauge of the development happening in our state as compared to the development happening in other state in RII, but MN representation at the regional event is improving somewhat.

Anonymous said...

heckuva lot better than Dakota.

Anonymous said...

MA - not to mention one of the best saves by a goal keeper all weekend when SN perfectly timed a jump to punch a sure goal out of play. Well done...

Anonymous said...

Why are people counting how many MTA teams go down? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Because MTA knocked them out at State Cup, but instead of cheering for a fellow MN team, they would prefer to see them lose.
Just curious though, if your team had beaten MTA in State Cup, do you think your team would have done better at regionals?

Anonymous said...

MN had 3 teams last year, MTA 16g, 19g and 14b. Two years in a row with 3 teams.

Anonymous said...

12:08- U14 Girls lose and U14 Boys lose to Vardar. Surprised by both. Wasn't this the boys MTA team that has been together over three years with the same coaches and not advanced out of bracket play every year? Heard this age bracket along with the 16s was the best hope for success at regions, disappointed again!

Anonymous said...

u14B had some players switch to other clubs this year. Two of who were strong ODP Region selection last year.

Anonymous said...

funny. i'm bashing mta AND i'm at regions.

Anonymous said...

That's understandable. They need someone to empty the trash and clean the port-a-potties. Too bad your kids team didn't make it - unless you are an Inferno parent, but I would hope the parents of 19 year olds already in college has more class than that!

Anonymous said...

gotta love the MTA superiority's so pervasive. losers.

Anonymous said...

Overheard on the MN U14G sideline yesterday, "Well, at least we get to go back home and beat everyone."

You stay classy, MTA.

Anonymous said...

EP parents are silent today. Lost 5-0! hahahaha. This is the super team with the great coach?! Surrreeeee...

Anonymous said...

Hanging out at a youth soccer game 'overhearing' parents talking on the sidelines after a game and then posting what you hear to stir the pot. You were made for this blog 10:53 as you call out someone else as being classless.

Anonymous said...

8:46 and 11:01 - why do you bite on this stuff (especially when all of these posts are coming from one or maybe two people).

Anonymous said...

MTA U16 Boys won their semi-final today. Region Championship match tomorrow. Congratulations.

MA said...

No superiority vibe here.

10:53, why don't you let me know who you are and describe the parent from my team you overheard making that comment. Then I can deal with that poor attitude directly. Thanks in advance.

Congrats to the 16Bs. Just heard the 17G beat NSA 2-0 to advance. 19G have a good chance as well. Possibly 3 MN teams in the finals. Cool.

Anonymous said...

MA...thanks for the good news. Great to see Minnesota teams having success at Regions.
Minnesota soccer has come a long way in the last 8-10 years.
Congrats to MTA u16 Boys and MTA u17 girls. Best of luck tomorrow.
Good luck to WDB in their match today!
A rising tide lifts all ships.

tomASS said...

U16 Boys win

Anonymous said...

is NSA the team the U17 girls lost to last year??

Anonymous said...

You stay classy, MTA.

Anonymous said...

how old were the Raiders FC U16 boys? just curious.

Anonymous said...

1:27. Yes its the same team. But NSA already has a spot at nationals (just like last year) for winning the National League. MTA's defense along with their goalkeeper kept Them in the game the first half. Then they switched ends and MTA went to work. First goal was off a corner kick where BR scored on a header. The second goal was a beauty about 20 yards out again by BR. They pulled together as a team and got the result they deserved.

Anonymous said...

What are these questions about players ages supposed to mean?

Anonymous said...

how many of the centennial u13g's do you think will be wearing MTA blue next summer? 0-3 at regionals has to hurt.

Anonymous said...

217, it's the age-old question about MTA "hiring" older players to play on their younger boys' teams.

Anonymous said...

257, Why would a parent leave a team that made it to regionals to move to a team that did not.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that MTA is also recruiting the top coaches from dakota rev to coach a few of their elite teams.

Anonymous said...

3:19 - Many players and their parents know that getting a foot in the door with the club that will be involved in the ECNL is wise thing to do. Plus look at the track record of MTA girls and college scholarships....the ECNL is only going to magnify this situation.

Congrats to the WDB U19 girls on advancing to the Region Final. Good luck tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Also, MTA WINS at regionals. Do you for a minute think MTA won't win that age group next year?

Anonymous said...

Some interesting stats on the impact of ECNL on regionals next year:

81% of semi-finalists (13 of 16 ) are/will be ECNL teams next year

90% of finalists (9 of 10) are/will be ECNL teams next year

I think this validates the strength of the new league and also the drain it will have on USYSA region II.

Anonymous said...

MTA results at Regionals to date:
14 wins
8 losses
1 tie

Anonymous said...

Great job by all MN teams today, all three teams have looked good throughout and have great momentum going into tomorrow but I have to admit the U16 Boys games was the most entertaining by any MN boys team I've seen. Nothing against the two great Shattuck teams who were very talented and are now playing in college, professionally or with national teams but I would pay to watch the video of the second half because the IL team was talented and creative but MTA answered each goal and keep taking the lead. They have come back in four straight games and give them a great deal of credit they score when needed. GREAT JOB BY ALL PLAYERS & COACHES.

Tom Moriarty

Anonymous said...

ECNL is great, don't get my wrong. If you want a chance at a scholarship your chances are better, but not guaranteed. It also means more travel for MTA teams. It will average out at about $10,000-$12,000 per player with team fees, travel costs, etc. Let's say you start playing when you're 14 years old x 4 years, that's $40,000 (low end) that you could have used towards college.
Just saying......

Anonymous said...

Just saying,
Where are you getting that $10-$12K number?
Are you involved on one of the ECNL teams?
Please elaborate.

Anonymous said...

5:20 you have no idea what you are talking about. You need to stop listening to idiots on your kids sideline and then posting what you heard here.

Anonymous said...

5:20 is not far off.

ECNL fees $2300
If you look at this 2011 15 schedule. They traveled to Florida in December, San Antonio and Indy in March, New Jersey in May and Des Moines in June.
Let's average 3 nights at all hotels with the exception of Des Moines(2nts) at $100 a night 14 nightsx$100=$1400.
Airline tickets to 4 of the destinations average $350.00 (probably higher) for the player and 1 parent $2800.00.
Right now were at at a total of $6500. This doesn't include a car rental, possible bus rental fee, food. Still haven't added in the cost to pay for the coaches hotel and airline ticket and incidentals. I think $10,000 is a fair number.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the ECNL destinations will change next year, but it's still a good average.

Anonymous said...

Since when does mom/dad holding your hand count towards the ECNL player costs (EVERY event-can you say helicopter...)? Most teams travel as a team, stay 3-4 to a room (so the $100 night is way off) so you can start downward revising your costs right there. On the other hand, $350 might be a tad low for air flights.

Anonymous said...

10 grand/year is a realistic all in estimate based on our experience; only going to get more expensive next year with the additional "regional" matches (a regional trip costs the same as a national trip)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and also to 6:04, it's called wanting to watch your kid play, not holding their hand.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with watching your child play soccer, I wouldn't call that a helicopter parent! Yes, the players do travel as a team in most cases, but many times parents also travel along and stay in a separate room. We pay all the fees, why can't we watch our child play soccer?
I am an ECNL parent! $10,000 might be a little high, but 5:53pm is fairly close. It does run around $6,000-$7,000. So far my child is only getting very partial scholarships offers and not from schools she wants to go to. She's had better academic offers over soccer offers, which she'll most likely take.
In the end though, I wouldn't trade a thing, we've enjoyed our time!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for you 6:04pm. Either you're a player who's parents would careless about watching you or you're a parent that would careless about watching your child.
Kids grow up very fast! Why not enjoy it while you can. Soon they'll be gone to college.

Anonymous said...

Not hard to see which parents fly around the country........sometimes things hit close to home. Probably many of the same parents that go to most of the practices. So let's see, 3 games - 1 hour per game = 3 hours of actually watching your kid play and at what cost? Don't you watch them in HS? State Cup? Been watching them since they were 6? I would recommend saving those personal travel costs for college tuition as in the long run that would be a better investment.

Anonymous said...

Let me see, stay home and watch some boring reality show or watch my kid play soccer. Easy answer!

Al B. Frank said...

Take your $12,000/year and put it into a 529 plan and maybe take a little and hire an ACT tutor, and I'll show you some cash for college and a nice academic scholarship at a school your kid will want to go to. Worked for my kid, who after playing intense soccer since age 10 (two state cup champs), told me after his final high school season last fall that he was done with intense soccer. It would have sucked had I put all that cash into MTA.

That said, you stay classy, MTA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Best of Luck to all 3 Minnesota teams who play for championships today!

Anonymous said...

8:26- Too bad your kid chose to quit soccer. Maybe that's why he or she didn't play for MTA - lack of passion or dedication. My daughter does have that passion, enjoys every minute on the field, loves traveling with her team, and is getting plenty of full scholarship offers from schools she never even considered in the past. The ECNL teams are for the gifted athletes who want to take their game to the next level. Yes, there is a price to pay, but I feel it is a great investment. She NEVER would have received this exposure with any other club in Minnesota - guaranteed. No, ECNL is not for most players, but if you have a daughter who has that passion and wants to play at a D-1 school, especially outside the Midwest, either have her try out for MTA, or travel to a bunch of camps, which is expensive as well.

Anonymous said...

You stay classy, 6:52. You stay classy, MTA.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mrs R.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love an "anon" blog. Does everyone honestly believe that the kids referenced in some of these posts actually play for the clubs in question? If you really dislike any specific club think about how easy it is to drive up the hate meter by writing a post stating how superior that club is and better than any other club.

Anonymous said...

6/28 1053am There's no way you were on sideline for U14G. Not one parent was even thinking about the next game. Too heartbroken for the girls.

One thing you are right about, MA and the girls showed nothing but "class" in defeat. Great job girls.

MA said...

Inferno up 1-0

MA said...

17Gs heading into OT

Anonymous said...

what about 16B?

MA said...

Boys up 2-1 in OT

Anonymous said...

9:15am - see 8:19am's post!

Anonymous said...

Mta u16 boys and u17 girls both in OT at Region 2 finals.
Boys just scored to go up in OT.

Anonymous said...

Go Inferno!

MA said...

17G - Sockers score to go up 1 in 2nd OT

Anonymous said...

Go Sockers!

MA said...

17s down 2-0, 16s win.

Anonymous said...

Inferno wins

Anonymous said...

woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

The one team I had pegged for going through lost. So close, again.

Anonymous said...

MTA u16 boys win region final in OT
But u17 girls lose in OT

Anonymous said...

and WOODBURY INFERNO WIN TOO. Did you forget they were there?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Inferno. I thought they would be at nationals a few years before this but glad to see they finally made it!

Anonymous said...

MTA cares about themselves. Big reason they drive wedge in MN soccer community.

Anonymous said...

11:34 - Why the hate already? Jeesh!

Anonymous said...

Inferno won the entire tournament without getting scored on! That is impressive.

Anonymous said...

Maybe 11:09 didn't have the inferno score. Get over yourself.

Congrats to the MTA 16 boys and inferno girls. Great run MTA 17's.

Anonymous said...

you mean someone other than MTA went to regionals? huh?

Anonymous said...

6 down

Anonymous said...

Eat your heart out.

Anonymous said...

Would you rather have 6 down or ZERO up?

Anonymous said...

Only one MN club could have six or more teams lose at regionals in a year, right 1:13? :p

Congrats to Woodbury Inferno, great job!

Congrats to MTA U16B - tough loss in semis last year, region champs this year!

Congrats on another great season to the MTA U17G, even in defeat today. Even though I am sure the loss stings a bit today, being a regional finalist two straight years is quite an accomplishment!

Wish I could have gone to regionals this year, first year I have missed it in many. Congrats to all MN teams who competed in the best showing ever overall for MN Soccer at the region2 championships!

Anonymous said...

To all the people that are counting down the MTA teams - WHERE IS YOUR TEAM AT?

Anonymous said...

folks, no reason to get upset at those counting down MTA losses, its just not a big deal.

Remember, if you are ripping their team (by asking where they are at, implying that they were not good enough to make regionals) you are really ripping their kids, not them - not necessary.

mta guy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the MTA boys and the Woodbury Inferno. Good Luck in nationals!

Win for MN!

MTA parent

Anonymous said...

You stay classy, MTA.

Anonymous said...

Drop the CL & Y in classy and you have the perfect example in 3:06pm.
Stop being so jealous, so you didn't make a MTA team.

Anonymous said...

You stay clASSy, 3:16

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow. that's low.

Anonymous said...

4:16 & 7:23 is the same guy talking to himself. Same ISP.
What a tool!

Pollyanna said...

Congrat to both MN team for going on to Regionals.

As far as the cost of soccer....

If child is 13 or 14 years old and you are funding soccer thinking to get your child a soccer scholorship, you are nuts.

If you are a parent of a boy funding soccer thinking to get your son a soccer scholorship, you are nuts.

There are 1960 possible D1 Mens scholorships (none in MN). There are 3720 possible D1 Womens scholorships. Coaches, Clubs and Schools selling parents of 13 and 14 year olds that they need to play with you in order to get a D1 Soccer Scholorship or as the more sneaky one's say "the opportunity" is just unethical. And that is whether you are MTA, SSM, Vadar, Magic, or just GI Joe! Parents on the same hand, wise up. This isn't the first time someone has given this information.

MTA - your talking out of both sides of your mouth. You whine that people don't cheer for you, yet make comments like "how many of the centennial u13g's do you think will be wearing MTA blue next summer? 0-3 at regionals has to hurt. ANON 6/28/11 2:57 PM"

Have you ever heard of the golden rule "Treat others as you would have them treat you?"

Anonymous said...

And don't for a minute think many of those 1960 or 3720 scholarships are full-ride. My son chose a D3 school, but he was recruited by a reputable D1 school with a strong mens' soccer program that had $45,000/year allocated for scholarships...for the entire team. Luckily we didn't have huge mega-club fees over the years.

Anonymous said...

10:22am. The Centennial comment was posted by a Centennial parent (me)!

Anonymous said...

Some people like a BMW or Lexus and some like a Chevy or a Kia. Whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...

And some people get a ford marketed to them as a lexus at the price of a porsche. And the financing dept can't tell you where the money went.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Good sleuthing, 7:41, especially given the fact that I posted 4:16 from work and 7:23 from home. You must have developed a realllllly good tracking program. It must have taken you hours, days, maybe even weeks or months...TOOL.

14.3%. That's low.

Anonymous said...

I suspect he meant 4:15 and 4:16.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:33
IF that is true, are you trying to start drama within your team to ensure a spot for your Mia next year?

From U5 to U15 soccer should be a child's game played as a GAME! I would advocate that their be no Regionals or Nationals until U16.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MN's results at regionals are within reasonable expectations. As much as people say MTA should win in MN, Eclipse (IL) should win at Regionals. Eclipse won 13, 14, 15 and another IL team won 17. They should win they have all the advantages that MTA enjoys here not only in their own state, but over the whole region. Therefore established club teams like Carmel, Michigan Hawks, FC Milwaukee are home complaining about Eclispe. Eclipse in turn will go to nationals and get dominated by TX, NJ and CA teams. They will then complain about unfair their situation is compared to those states. Unfortunately, only a few very close to a situation (someone like MA) who has experience and credibility can truly know whether his team and their players with their talent achieved to their level of ability or not within a game or series of games. MN certainly didn't go backwards this year in terms of regional results which is positive. That said, MTA or any club can preach, train, etc until they are MTA blue in the face, but they have a ceiling on their level of achievement on a regional and national scale. To have one or 2 teams a year advancing out of regionals is a great accomplishment and a reasonable expectations.

Anonymous said...

Admin, how about a MN regional/state tournament thread for the rest of us whose kids aren't gifted/connected/rich enough to play on an MTA team?

The NIT is still a tournament, you know.

Anonymous said...

It's all relative, 1:54. While there's always someone better than you, there's always someone worse too, and that list is growing. Dakotas, Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin, etc.

Anonymous said...

1:56 - how about you find another thread? This is the Regional thread, so if your kid is not gifted enough, this is the wrong thread for you. As for rich enough, MTA has a scholarship program just like any other club. Connected? I guess that is up to you. I talked to some parents on the U13 Centennial team, and they were voicing concerns regarding comments by the officials that the girls needed to "play stronger." I don't know if it was appropriate, but most likely accurate.

Anonymous said...

hey, dolt. there IS no other thread. this is the one with any activity, so I figured the admin might see it. plus, regionals are over, dolt.

Anonymous said...

Another great experience! Inferno plays well and advances to Nationals (opponent was down to 11 players) but a win is a win! MTA U17 girls gave it there all in an overtime thriller, but Soccers advance.
The U17 girls beat two teams that are already advancing to Nationals (StLouis Scott Gallagher MO 2-0 in pool play and NSA Illinois in the Semifinals 2-0.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can't just say Inferno played well. You have to throw a dig.

You stay Classy MTA.

Anonymous said...

5:31 prime example of MTA continuing to wedge soccer community in MN. They could be pushing everyone forward and be the darling of the state but their arrogance and insecurity prevent it. Change the leadership and the state moves forward. Will never happen because people would lose power and money.

Anonymous said...

Hold on - 5:50pm and 6:18pm, it's all about perception. Maybe 5:31 was just making a statement. I am lost at where the "dig" was. They stated a win is a win! Also, who says 5:31 is a MTA parent?

Not sure there was a dig thrown, maybe just how YOU read in to it?

tomASS said...

@ PollyAnna - spot on, spot on

@1123 - I like the thought process

@457 - dolt, a little used but one of my favorite labels. Great choice - good and proper application as a response to an asinine post.

Anonymous said...

Cant just say inferno won. The dig is the "other team played with one-legged midgets" comment.

I love MTA 17g, but they lost. If you ain't first, you're last.

Anonymous said...

Final records for Minnesota teams at Regionals this year. ( I think this is accurate)

All MN teams: 24 wins-20 losses-4 ties
MTA teams: 15 wins-9 losses-1 tie
A/O MN teams: 9 wins-11 losses-3 ties.

Minnesota teams were definitely competitive this year. Our states results at regions improves every year.

Congratulations to WDB u10 girls and MTA u 16 boys for winning Region 2 titles.

Anonymous said... made a's WDB U19 Girls.

Anonymous said...

No typo, it was the U10 team that won. They played on stilts and had multiple layers of clothing on to make themselves look bigger. There just that good. MA has his eyes on that group!!!

Anonymous said...

6/30/11 1:54 PM -- they have a ceiling on their level of achievement on a regional and national scale? What or where is that ceiling?

Anonymous said...

Storlien had Bangu-Tsunami girls team 7-8 years ago that went to the National Championship game 2 years in a row.
Thats a pretty high ceiling!

Anonymous said...

1052, Hoosiers, Bad News Bears, 1980 hockey team, my T-ball team in Kindergarten. All good teams that achieved greatness without a ceiling. It can be done you just have to work a little harder than the next team!

Anonymous said...

imagine what our regional record would have been had the better team won all of the MN state cup finals.

Anonymous said...

Which teams would those be??

Pollyanna said...

@Tomass thanks.

I'll be the first to admit that our family probably spent too much money on soccer if we thought our children would be getting soccer scholarships. I have two sons, one son is playing on a soccer scholarship, and it is not a full ride. The only full rides I’ve heard of in Men’s Soccer are those going to Military Academies. However, several of the other young men that my son played with received probably 2X or 3X what he did in academic scholarships. Do I regret spending that kind of money? Not regret, think fondly of what I could have been doing with that kind of cash, yeah. But it hard to regret watching kids play hard, work hard and excel.

Addressing the copter parent comment....Parents sacrifice and work hard to provide for their children. They get few opportunities to spend time with the kids. Soccer takes a big chunk of their time at that level. Time spent in a car, plane or hotel room are priceless, Some of our families most memorable time spent together has been in a car, plane, hotel room or camp ground at a soccer tournament. I would not have missed them for the world. I often think the people making the copter comments are the coaches wanting open wallets with no strings attached. Nice dream but not very realistic.

Anonymous said...

Well, did we really send our best at 13B/G, 15B/G, 16G, 17B, 19B? Really?

Anonymous said...

Damn right we sent the best at 15B!

Anonymous said...

hehe, yeah right.

Anonymous said...

Ha-ha, it still hurts doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

8:02...on the girls side it would be a YES. Look at the standings, first place in league and they won state cup tourn...what else do they need to prove to you...NOTHING, they have proven it on the field, more than once!

Anonymous said...

8:02 is just trying to stir the pot...

Anonymous said...

They won so they are the best!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did post 8:02 to stir the pot. I went an entire three-day weekend without any MTA pomposity and needed a fix. Thank you. Now I can go back to my dead-end job calling deadbeat mortgage delinquents.

Anonymous said...

I see no pomp today, so you may need to linger in your MTA pompless state.

Anonymous said...

sorry Pollyanna,
IMO, parents who watch every practice (not just go - but really watch and observe), converse with the coach after most practices, feel compelled to go to every game requiring travel of any kind, etc... are (once again) IMO "helicopter" parents. You may not agree (or could be hitting too close to home for many so the need to defend), and that's fine as these are opinions. IMO, kids learn more from their decisions and failures. Having a parent always leading "interference", IMO in the long run does not serve them well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the bonus pompousness, 1205!

Anonymous said...

Definition of POMP
1: a show of magnificence : splendor

Anonymous said...

Look at these numbers!
10,000+ teams at the state level
926 teams make it to Regional
60 teams make it to National
12 teams will be crowned National Champs!

MN has 2 of the 60 teams at National! Pretty darn good IMO.

Anonymous said...

Awesome work, Woodbury!

Anonymous said...

pomposity [pɒmˈpɒsɪtɪ]
n pl -ties
1. vain or ostentatious display of dignity or importance (see "MTA")

Anonymous said...

It's the "ous" part of "pompous" that MTA just doesn't get.

Anonymous said...

My kids team is the best!! The rest shouldn't even show up to play, they don't even belong on the same field with my DD. Waiting!Waiting!

Anonymous said...

Don't lose that confidence!

Anonymous said...

1144, thanks for the advice

Rev it up said...

So is it worth my time to take my kids to MTA tryouts? I hear that most of their teams are already set due to players not leaving and recruiting with the exception of looking for maybe 2-3 players on each team.
I know call me crazy and I know it's alot more money, but it's what my kid wants!

Anonymous said...

There's always white or gray

Anonymous said...

6:34pm What gender? What age group? My experience is they take new players if they are an upgrade to their current. It's a competitive club. Most new Blue players come from their White teams. The 17G's team has taken 5 new players in 3 years - all from the White team. And, it's more money because the teams train 3X a week all year and travel out of state and typically two professional coaches per team. Make sure your kid wants to play 4x a week or more most of the year because that's what you are paying more for.

Anonymous said...

Another consideration: Would you rather be a white starter or a blue benchwarmer/scholarship supplementor? My son chose white, and I'm able to save in his 529 plan as a result.

Anonymous said...

anybody heard who the coaches will be next year for MTA elite girls?

Anonymous said...


13s- Kassa
14s- Bidwell
15s- Abboud
16s- Cook
17s- Storlien
18s- Storlien/Singer

Anonymous said...

10:56pm Abboud has retired that's old news. If you have a Facebook type in his name, MA even mentions it there. It's too bad though, he'll be missed. I hear Storlien will be the 15 blue coach.

Anonymous said...

13s Kaasa
14s ?
15s Storlein
16s Alberti
17s Cook
18s Singer/Hood

Anonymous said...

What the? are you smoking? Were you not at the meeting?

13s Storlein
14s Kaasa
15s Alberti
16s Hood
17s Cook
18s Singer
19s Zahl

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the MN players mentioned in the article!

Anonymous said...

emailed to MTA families today. Coaches for 11-12 season.

94 ECNL(U18)- Yong Kim
94 Blue(U18)- Meghan Schoeberl
95 ECNL(U17)- Mark Cook
95 Blue(U17)- James See
96 ECNL(U16)- Dave Alberti, Assistant Coach Jeremy Driver
96 Blue(U16)- Ben Gaddis, Assistant Coach Meghan Schoeberl
97 ECNL (U15)- Danny Storlien
97 Blue(U15)- Tony Bidwell
98 Blue(U14)- Chad Moore
98 White(U14)- Mark Cook, Assistant Coach Sarah Johnson

The U13 age group will be announced very soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Big shake-up. What's going on over there?

Anonymous said...

Looks like boys are again an afterthought at MTA.

Anonymous said...

No big shake up at MTA, coaches usually take a new team after 2 years. You're told that at try-outs, so no big surprises.

Anonymous said...

12:41pm MC is more on the ball than RZ.

And calm down people, no shake up at MTA. Everyone knew about coaching changes before season even began and in some cases 2 years ago.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I'm concerned, this isn't what we were told.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly what we were told, so don't make waves!

Anonymous said...

3:30pm. I'm guessing you didn't listen when the directors were talking at tryouts? At tryouts they didn't give names of the coaches and possible coaching changes, but the 2 year coaching thing was addressed.

Anonymous said...

330 what were you told?

Anonymous said...

What's with the Mn Thunder shake up?

Anonymous said...

What the.....! There is no shake up. At tryouts last summer, we knew that there would be a new coach. I think it's great! Kids need a different coach so their play doesn't get stagnant.

Anonymous said...

why do people still bite on this stuff.....

Anonymous said...

What happened to AK? How come he is not coaching one of those elite teams?

Anonymous said...

bet he's getting 13's

Anonymous said...

I have a good guess 13 blue

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure i like all this turmoil. too many good people are leaving.

Anonymous said...

I'll bite..who is leaving MTA besides MA? And it was very common knowledge last year that this was MA's last year coaching due to his company Skillzy's. Although, I bet he comes back and coaches his daughters one day!

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure i like all the turmoil at all the cc's. I heard that all top coaches are leaving to form a new super club!

(not true, but see how easy it is to start rumors)

Anonymous said...

I've heard EDP, CCH, WYZ, PSA and TNK boards are discussing forming a super club to compete with MTA.
It will be interesting to see which of the well paid DOC's in those clubs will lose their paycheck if that happens.

Anonymous said...

PSA and CCH are somewhat of a joke, so if true that would be wise of them.

Atleast CCH and EDP joining forces and WYZ, PSA and TNK joining forces.

I would be surprised if true, too many egos involved!

Anonymous said...

west-side clubs are junk...the fewer the better.

Anonymous said...

if west-side clubs are junk, what would you call the north side clubs? Bottom feeders, scum, etc?

Anonymous said...

Any news on what MTA fees (U13-U15) will be for 11/12?

Anonymous said...

MN Thunder Academy Girls Elite Tuition 2011-12 season

Elite Girls Teams = $2200

ECNL Teams = $2300

This doesn't include tournament or travel fees.

Not sure on the boys side?

Anonymous said...

Thanks. On average, how much does ECNL travel cost?

Anonymous said...

I love it..."tuition."

I'd be wary of all these changes. Ask for a peek behind the curtain, friends.

Anonymous said...

"This doesn't include tournament or travel fees."

In other words, tuition gets you on the team. THEN you need to open the checkbook, i.e., quadruple that tuition number.

Anonymous said...

Why not, you pay for what you get!

Anonymous said...

he he. right.

Anonymous said...

12:30 What changes??? Tuition is exactly the same as they were last year.

Love the people who know nothing about the clubs fees who think they know so much. What I do know is I paid $2300 in club tuition for my daughter and just over $2000 for her to travel with her team to all ECNL events.

Anonymous said...

Travel isn't cheap. Indoor training space isn't cheap. Wake up people.

Anonymous said...

right-o. mortgage the house, people. wait, you don't have any equity anymore, do you?

Anonymous said...

Looks like 7-8 road trips. That's a lot of travel and a lot of school missed.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. That's a lot of travel. For what?

Anonymous said...

Missed school? Who needs school when all those scholarship offers come pouring in?

Anonymous said...

You still have to get good grades in soccer to be considered for a scholarship!
Now if you're talking D1 men's football or basketball, they barely need to have a 2nd grade education to get a scholarship!

Anonymous said...

ACT scores are reported using the middle 50%. In other words, a school may have a middle 50% ACT range of 25 to 29, meaning half the kids score in that range. A quarter score above that range; they're the brains and they get academic scholarships. A quarter score below that range; they're the jocks and they get athletic scholarships.

Anonymous said...

Good for MTA in changing out the coaches , all good coaches but teams go stale with the same voice for more than a couple of years. Rotate that talent !
As far as a "West Metro super club" I say DO IT!!! Way too many clubs in MN. MN needs consolidation for top teams to excel. Actually a "super club" handles all ages better as the kids get the chance to play at their true levels and IMO thats how they can develop best.
Now lets get one of those "Super Clubs" in the North,South and East Too !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where the results from ECNL are posted? I couldn't find a link.

Anonymous said...

How about that USA Cup? Monsoons today and probably 95 degrees and 110 heat index tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Monsoons were an understatement! Miserable day up there!

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