Tuesday, August 18, 2009

'09 Boys HS Season

The 2008 boys high school season had a lot of parity with many very good teams. Who will emerge as this years champion?


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Anonymous said...

I'd say its a toss up for SSM, VLY, and Blackhawks.

Anonymous said...

why blackhawks, they have never won anything

Anonymous said...

hopefully only 7 more months of the parents of what is now the current U18 age group.......

Anonymous said...

It's too bad all the best players aren't on Blackhawks or MTA to make State Cup a route and do bigger things at Regionals.

What a waste! At least give it try.

The last time the talent was mostly consolidated was at U15 and U14 and they made the semifinals. The talent is even better now.

Anonymous said...

I think that the best age group and one that could really make some noise in regionals is the MTA U17 team this year, I know they have had struggles getting out of state cup, but if they had Obarski, Goettl, Johnson, and Van Beck from Valley who play up, and Kannah from BHK who plays up they would be dominant

Anonymous said...

Aaah the we need to consolidate the talent script again. Wow, this group of parents does like to keep carrying on and on and on about consolidating talent to be a super power? At this point, please consolidate your talent! At least we would get to hear some other kind of excuse or whine for a change. We've only heard this one since these boys played U13.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone attend the Senior All State Classic tonight at the Metrodome?

Anonymous said...

Who's Osseo boy on McDonalds placemat?

Anonymous said...

11/11 - 6:57 You don't know squat about the Bangu U13 boys that went to Regionals, proably pissed your son's team didn't win.
Go suck on sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't you consolidate the talent?

It's kind of like the USA sending the Columbus Crew to the World Cup to represent the country on the international stage.

It simply makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

The reason it has never happened at this age group (currently U18's) and won't for their final year can be found in all the posts on this thread........too, too much parental involvement and making sure their little Landon gets to shine. That is why there has always been a high amount of family movement (note how I didn't say player movement) from team to team.
"how can my boy shine brightest when there might be other shining stars on the team who might compete to be the brightest".

Anonymous said...

I agree. However, on the other hand it requires a lot of parental involvement to make a team like that happen. It's not like a bunch of teenage boys are able to organize a team like that on their own.

In summary, it appears to me to be a bad crop of parents and a stubborn group of coaches that didn't make this happen in the last 3-5 years.

Another twist on the issue is a lot of parent coaches in that age group. Perhaps they got in their own way of winning bigger things.

Anonymous said...

well if the stubborn parents are also the stubborn coaches it's easy to draw your own conclusions.

Anonymous said...

I am glad we can all look back and second guess what should have and what could have.

Life is good and the kids are moving on to college.

Let's move on!

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head. There were 2 parents in that group who insisted on coaching their own kids.
Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how those Landon will do when dad's not the coach in college?

Anonymous said...

Get off the "consolidate talent" bandwagon.

Who should decide which club gets all the best players to do bigger things at Regionals? If you consolidate talent in one team, what does that do for improving soccer overall in MN? Do you have a personal interest in seeing this happen?

How can you compare a U15 or u17 club team going to regionals/nationals to a national team playing in the World Cup?

You're right, it simply makes no sense.

Mister Soccer said...

Perhaps if MN teams had more success on a regional and national level, more MN kids would either A) want to play soccer or B) work hard to duplicate that regional and national success.

Just like in the World Cup, it would do great things for our youth participation and development if the USA won the World Cup.

Makes sense to me.

And how do you decide who gets the team? Easy. It doesn't matter. It's not about representing your club. It's about representing the state.

My personal interest is seeing soccer improve overall in MN. Winning on a regional and national level would do this.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be 2 distinct sides to the consolidation debate:

Side 1: Let's try out best for regional and national championships. Let's consolidate.

Side 2: My kid wouldn't be in the top 18. Let's not consolidate.

I'm glad I'm not on Side 2 - the side that loves the idea of participation medals for everyone and hates the idea of A and B teams.

Anonymous said...

Here is my theory on this age group:

Valley was too good from U9-U12, I don't think they ever lost to a MN team in that time frame, so everyone wanted to form a team that could beat this team, and this team was not going to split up because they had so much success, thus those 10-12 kids are stuck there and are not going to leave because they are good and all live right there

Because of Valley's success Bangu and PSA decided they would each try and form their "super teams" at U13 and they battled it out from U13-U15 so the talent was now spread out between 3 very good teams and still with some stragglers at WBL, WNG, and WSD

This is the time where things needed to be consolidated if they were ever going to be, somewhere between U13 and U15, if things would have been done then this could have possibly an age group that could have done something, but at this point it is too late

Following the debacle at WBL, SCV was formed as a team to outmatch all other teams with a coach who thought he was God's gift to soccer, and Bangu's fold opened the door for BHK to grab a couple players and for MTA to fill in with leftovers from other teams, now the talent is spread among 6 different very good teams(ARS, MTA, BHK, VLY, SCV, WSD), but no elite teams

Throw is the fact that SSM took a couple players from the age group and are also very good and you have a recipe for disaster at the regional level

the fact that this age group is having some success in MRL and has at times been ok at regionals is pretty amazing the way the talent is spread out here

Just my thoughts now tear them apart

Anonymous said...

That's a good timeline.

Also, VLY has always kept things at home, probably due to some pressure and arrogance of their tradition and HS program. Therefore, VLY isn't really a player in providing talent to Minnesota's bigger cause.

Also, the implosion of the PSA/ARS SuperEagles was another detriment. SuperEagles had a great thing going. Adding about 6 top players 3 years ago could have actually made them super. Probably could have won it all.

With all this said, it's never too late. I really don't know why the top 18 players in the age aren't all calling one another to join forces centrally at WSD, MTA or BHK.

Imagine if there was an open tryout with the top 40 players. There is so much depth and talent at that age. It could be beautiful and great for those players. Training sessions would be incredibly competitive.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know of any high school coaches stepping down or getting fired from AA programs?

Anonymous said...

Fired??? Does not really happen.

Anonymous said...

Marshall Moorehead at Hastings? Doubt he will be back. Tony Englund at Burnsville is stepping down.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the Big Three Automakers getting together to form one company. We won't have to bail any auto maker. What a concept?

Imagine the Big Three oil company joinging forces and form one big oil company. We may actually enjoy seeing gas prices lowered to less than .50 cents a gallon.

Imagine the big Three networks getting together to create one big network, TV progams will be much better and we would enjoy watching TV.

Imagine all the Big Three Hospitals Mayo, UM, and Fairview getting together to form one big hospital, our healthcare systems will be much better

Imagine all the Big Three DIII colleges in MN get togther to form one insitituion. We may actually have a D1 school in MN.

Imagine all the Big Three African countries getting together to create one country. Maybe Africa will win WC someday.

Imagine - Imagine peace in the world!

It is my great pleasure to thank all the coaches and parents for giving us a chance to create a very competitive environment and enjoy this age group. I enjoy the imagining!

The SE/VLY/SC/WSD/BHK/EP/PSA will still be there and we need to continue to imagine all the best of times.

Peace - JY

Anonymous said...

Not being as in touch with the "Big Picture" as y'all seem to be, I'd like to pose a question to the group. If a kid has the dream of playing college soccer (at any level), is it more important for him to be on a summer team that enjoys tremendous success or on a high school varsity team that enjoyes tremendous success? And is it TEAM success or INDIVIDUAL success that is more important?

Anonymous said...

Imagine if all the MLS teams combined their best American players to compete in a worldwide tournament that decides which country is the best. It's called the World Cup.

It's best to have individual success on a successful team.

I like the line: "The stars don't make the WC; the WC makes the stars."

If your team wins, individual recognition comes more frequently.

If you want to play college soccer, just be a good player and either get seen or go try out. It doesn't matter who you play for if you're flat out good enough.

Anonymous said...

3:59 said:

"If you want to play college soccer, just be a good player and either get seen or..."

First, I think there are a lot of GOOD players who will never even get a chance at college soccer. GOOD at U17/U18 or GOOD in high school varsity is mediocre, at best, in college.

Second, "get seen" - are you more likely to "get seen" by college recruiters in summer league soccer or in high school varsity soccer? Are summer coaches or high school coaches more likely to serve as advocates for their college-bound players?

Anonymous said...

JY where is PY playing this summer. Don't see his name on the MTA roster?

Anonymous said...

Valley unbeaten from 9 to 12?
Ask them, they have a problem with a certain team!
My son used to play for Westside and beat them twice at young ages, he has since guest played for Westside and beat them again.
I understand Valley is a very good team but I think Westside beats them most times

Anonymous said...

8 05 please leave wsd out of it! Let this be for the brats

Anonymous said...

Westside only beat them in Fall soccer, never in summer soccer and Valley beat them at U13 in state tournament when the winner of that game went premier, and Valley has beaten them recently in MRL the last two seasons

Sorry, but Valley's only loss until U13 was in tournaments where they played out of state teams in 11v11 tournaments when they were still playing 8v8 in MN

Anonymous said...

the last two seasons? They did not play at u16 in mrl.
At 15s it was Vly 1 Wsd 4. Last season in premier I think Wsd may of won both games, they won when my son guest played and scored!
As far as summer/fall soccer I am not positive but I dont think the two teams met in summer at state or league, they did meet in fall and wsd won each time.
Get over yourself, Vly is not the flag bearer for soccer, in fact they are a boot ball squad.

Anonymous said...

Valley Utd won state cup for the first time at u17 because they did not compete against mta ssm bhks wsd, they matched up good with scv, shame on scv coaches for not figuring Valley, the mysa teams did!

Anonymous said...

8:38 (and lots of others in this whinefest)

Why can't we just celebrate those to whom good fortune fell (or hard work paid off) rather than slamming those that did not compete or lost in the process? Why is it always necessary to tarnish the victors' accomplishements? Isn't THAT the essense of good sportsmanship? Life isn't fair - deal with it.

Anonymous said...

JY. You don't want to see 3 oil companies into 1. Monopoly and higher pricing. Same goes for healthcare providers. Competition is good for business. Not monopoly like with insurers. Gov't healthcare plan is good for competition.

Anonymous said...

10:31 please keep your ignorance to yourself. Insurers have a monopoly, what a joke. This is a soccer blog, keep your politics off.

Anonymous said...

By "be a GOOD player," I mean be good enough to play at the collegiate level.

College coaches do most of their scouting in the club season because they're busy coaching their own teams in the fall.

You don't want to rely on a coach to serve as a recruiting advocate.

Anonymous said...

axman is a dope. Seriously, does he not ever learn. Wrong all the time and every year. Wrong on Wayzata, Wrong on Northfield, Wrong on Maplegrove, Wrong on Duluth East. He is only right when he shuts up. Shut up man.

Anonymous said...

Hey JY, where is PY playing this summer? I noticed his name isn't listed on the MTA U18 roster.

Anonymous said...

i met JY at the dome and asked this same question. JY told me it will be up to PY since he is a big boy now and can make his own decision. I agree with JY on this issue since it is always parents running the show. I wish all kids could do the same - except that the problem is that we cannot have kids be kids without parents meddling. When they go to college, it is a different story. go BK and Creighton.

I know JY is deprerssed today his defending champs SuperEagles lost FIFA U17championship to Switzerland. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

I hear Yonga and Kesler went to wsd.

Anonymous said...

The insurance companies do indeed have a monopoly; anti-trust exemptions have been in place for the industry since WWII. Not politics, reality.

Anonymous said...

Get real Obama (6:50). Tell me a story of how it will be better and/or cheaper, NOT

Anonymous said...

I hear other things about where yonga went

Anonymous said...

If the insurance companies are opposed to it I'm for it. Anybody who'd side with the insurance companies is uninformed and probably undereducated.

Anonymous said...

1031, you are so clueless!!!

Anonymous said...

This blog is boring when TomAss, MisterSoccer and MexMan are absent.

Did Westside gather a lot of talent?

Anonymous said...

11 06, I hear Westside kept all 11 starters and main subs then added kessler and a forward who played for simley. I think they got a few other good players.
If they are healthy and have the full team they will contend.
They did not do well early but came on a bunch won premier league and I think usa cup. They go as e.b. goes but now they got him help up front

Anonymous said...

I know Westside lost one starter to Valley, so they obviously didn't keep all 11 starters, although they have typically been a really tight group and have not had a lot of change over the years

WSD has always done well in MN league play, but they are never really a contender in any thing that really matters

Anonymous said...

JY, where is PY playing this summer? Don't see his name on the MTA roster.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows JY, knows that it is not PY's decision. JY likes to say that but will make the decision for him.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for 2 years from now when all of the parents of last year 17s/next years 18s stop talking about what a great age group it is...did any of you watch any HS soccer this year? It was the worst it has been in 10 years. For club, the state cup champs will not win more than a game at regionals when all of the academy players from other R2 states don't even participate. For the last time, there is partiy at the age group for MYSA teams because the talent is so spread out, that makes for good matchups, but not necessarily good teams, good soccer, or more good players than any other birth year.

Anonymous said...

4:32 Agreed, HOWEVER, for the last time, nor does it make for any FEWER good players than any other birth year! JEEZ - Chill!

Anonymous said...

wsd lost no starters may of gained about 4 starters it seems.
Vly has not improved the squad
mta is weaker
ars is about the same gained a few solid guys who can contribute but lost top guy
scv has about same group
bhks picked up py and hamed that improves them a buch and makes them deep which was the problem
ssm has karim and patrik and a great team and all the prep to win it.
top five in order to win state cup

Mister Soccer said...

The predictions made last year's U17 State Cup weren't even close.

Anyway, I predict Blackhawks to win a tight race.

Anonymous said...

so I am confused according to this blog PY is playing for BHK, WSD, MTA, and ARS this summer

I agree that 25% of PY is probably better than most guys in the age group, but really that is gonna be tough on him, but I am sure that JY will love that

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:53 what are you smoking PY is not the best player in that group and not even close, you guys must be his PR team.

Get a life

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:53 what are you smoking PY is not the best player in that group and not even close, you guys must be his PR team.

Get a life

Anonymous said...

I've been reading all this PY speculation and wondering why people make a big deal out of it. I think you should lay off the kid--I am just a reader who has been reading the rumors of who is playing where , but I am not part of PY's PR team- just a parent who doesn't think that it's right to make snide remarks about these kids.

Anonymous said...

i'll be the official clock for everyone else:
29 more weeks until the current U18 age group will be completed.
the countdown will be a blessing for most but will completely stress out a few.

Anonymous said...

Any PR re. PY or any player does not help at this stage.

Fast forward 2015 - who cares what team he played for in summer 2010?

He like all other good players have a lot of work ahead of them and academics cannot be left to bloggers.

Call me or email me and I will very glad to tell you more about PY's plans for fall 2010. That's more important at least in my small brain!


Anonymous said...

who cares about summer soccer? why are we talking about it? It's just a warmup for the Varsity season.

Anonymous said...

who runs this blog?

Anonymous said...

If the MRL postings are correct Westside and MTA do not have a U18 Boys team, is that right? Wonder why, especially if Westside has all the talent, wouldn't they want to use this to get ready for State Cup?

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but who runs this blog?

Anonymous said...

Westside and MTA both have U18 teams but are not playing in MRL.

Anonymous said...

mrl is the same as playing tournaments so playing two, three tournaments in april is not so much a way to prepare for state cup but a way to lose a few players for state cup.

Anonymous said...

I know Westside and MTA both have U18 teams and they have both played MRL for the last few years
If you just play tournaments to get ready you still run the same risk of having injuries as if you played in MRL. Anytime you step on the field you have that risk.
Just seems strange that both of them are not playing MRL. Especailly MTA who claims that playing out of state teams is better than playing MYSA. Wonder if both were denied slots as neither did well in last years MRL. Or did economics play a decision this year for both of them.

Anonymous said...

I do not think mrl is too big a deal at u18 maybe the teams dont think the hassle is worth it, possible reschedules, weakened competition perhaps. Who knows each to eaches own

Anonymous said...

Jabari is a tool and a half

Anonymous said...

I HAVE A QUESTION TO THIS BLOG/BOARD: What are the rules governing a MN high school coach, who is also coaching a Summer Club team, regarding contact with his/her high school players who are also on his/her Summer Club team?

I only see a July 1-7 'no-contact' period cited, but no other rules/issues. Can someone shed light on this? And if there is a rule, can someone point me to where it can be found?

Anonymous said...

14/1/10 8:25 AM-at a minimum must have approval from high school AD, and cannot coach until school is out, then must also skip July 4th week. If other coaches are there you could try to twist the rule and say the coach is not coaching that player...

I have heard of some sort of exception for camp type training such as Coerver...

Anonymous said...

I'm just waiting for my laundry. It'll probably be done by 11:00

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rumor has it Storlien is leaving Jefferson. Anyone confirm?

Anonymous said...

Hey just a quick preseason prediction but I think Mr.Soccer this year hands down has to be going to Ebyneeeezer Mugatu from Park or his lady friend Ganondorf, TRY JESUS!!
The only one who may be able to upset his hopes for glory is the one and only David zalk from roseville
-Binho Bitch!

Anonymous said...

Well will the 2010 Boys HS Season thread get started?

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