Tuesday, August 18, 2009

'09 Boys HS Season

The 2008 boys high school season had a lot of parity with many very good teams. Who will emerge as this years champion?


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Anonymous said...

Wayzata was missing a starting defender due to illness.

Anonymous said...

1:44 are you really going to argue that there was more talent in '93? There is more parity, but the overall quality is massively better than 15-16 years ago.

Anonymous said...

DS ONLY coaches when the team will be good. He took those years off because no one was there (player-wise). He won state with four transfer kids - before the rule went into effect - my goodness, two returned to their home high schools after soccer season...ethical? He goofed last night big time, but there should be some credance given to coaches who stick out the bad years and work with kids on a daily basis - there are reasons for the haters. I understand he might bail now, as they have no GK in the wings ready for this....

Anonymous said...

What happened this week to JHS to cause such a mess on the field?

Anonymous said...

He's a poser.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen such a brutal tournament.....yes sir, bad year for high school boys!! Jefferson won a very easy section. EP was way down this year. All of the other good Lake teams were in section 3

Anonymous said...

Storlein took a few years off coaching when he was named Jefferson's athletic director and went back to school to earn his master degree.

Most of you bozos probably don't even know what that entails.

He has since resigned the AD role because he enjoys the coaching aspect more than the administrative role of AD.

Anyone bashing Storlein ought to talk to his peers and college coached across the USA who know and respect this guy's ability.

Anonymous said...

How many times have we heard over and over how this group of seniors is the best group of players to come out of MN in a long time. But as I've watched High School Soccer, I just haven't seen it. Where are all the amazing players? They can't all be playing for AV? Are there quite a few players not playing High School Soccer?

tomASS said...

Danny is a top notch coach and one of the best in the state if not the region. Every great coach will have their detractors. Those that know soccer know Danny is one of the best ones we have in the area.

Anonymous said...

He went back to school at that time because he know the HS team would be weak and lower his lifetime record/achievement. If they would have been loaded with talent, Im guessing he would have postponed school until it looked like a couple of bad crops were coming in.

tomASS said...

626 - for teachers and educators additional degrees usually mean more money. Most in the educational world that I know usually do not postpone that opportunity since they are typically under paid and appreciated in most districts

Maybe timing just happened to be ideal.

Me XMan said...

To tell the truth DS has his glory moments but last game against Wayzata was his worst in years. Got outplayed and was dominated by a lesser team. What a shame.

Not to take anything from Wayzata. Those boys really wanted to win and gave above par performance. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

DS could coach the Gopher Women or any MIAC team to conference championships and all of those coaches know it.

Quite simply, Jefferson is lucky he's still there.

Jefferson had a scrawny freshman and some sophomores in their starting lineup this year. How many of the highly rated, big 2AA teams can say that?

Anonymous said...

Edina had a lot of sophomores too

Anonymous said...

Jefferson: Academic Silver Award Winners

Cumalitive GPA: 3.71

2008: 3rd in State, Bronze Academic Winners

2009: Back to State, Silver Academic Winners

---> All-around great kids from Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

In addition, coming from a smaller AA school.

Anonymous said...

The Storlien detractors bash him because of his affiliation with Bangu/MTA not because of what he has done at Jefferson.
It's just more of the bashing directed at anyone and anything associated with Bangu/MTA.
It's quite apparent that it's just more envy and jealousy of other's success.

Anonymous said...

DS was demoted at JHS, he did not Choose to return to coaching, Blm schools reformatted their athletic department, and he lost that additional title and more importantly additional money - hence coaching makes up for it. Look up the facts before acting like he missed coaching. Anyone who knows him knows him knows all he cares about is money on his salary and rumor has it he will leave if he finds an AD job. Blm Schools chose NOT to hire him last year.

He blatantly and openly says he ONLY coaches great players, his affliation with MTA and his insistence he only coach the top, top players. He never volunteers to help in any community or coach any of the young players in MTA. We all define ourselves in our own ways, but there are coaches who stick with kids through the bad years and work with kids who are young, versus just coaching the good ones, but again we all define ourselves by our actions.

With all that, his team was more talented then Wayzata and from the tall forward on the bench it is clear there is a lack of discipline on that team. Good luck to everyone who is eligible.

Anonymous said...

The haters are up early today. I just think it's great we have such great coaches who touch our children's lives. DS is a great coach and everyone knows it and I agree with the previous posts about how his affliation with MTA causes negativity. It is similar to MA on the girls side of this post, but, hey it's lonely at the top!

Anonymous said...

7:37, St
Storlien was demoted? I'd love to hear your source for that one!
And in regards to the "tall forward" discipline issue you blame the coach and not the parents?
Are you aware the "tall forward" had 2 tall brothers who preceeded him in past few years on Jefferson's varsity?
Are you aware that the 2 tall brothers were both suspended for disciplinary issues during the HS soccer season when they were on JHS team?
And yet you want to blame the coach for the discipline issue and not the parents?
Get your facts straight before sticking your foot in your mouth next time.
It's obvious you tell lies and bash coaches like Storlien because you're envious of the success and that he coaches for Bangu and MTA.
I feel sorry for the people who need to bash and tell lies about others in an attempt to make themselves feel better about their own lives.

Anonymous said...

Burnsville '93 - there is no sport now that is not being played at a higher level than in 1993.

Your glory days were played against smaller, slower, weaker athletes in worse physical condition who trained fewer hours with lesser facilities.

Your 1993 team would fare poorly against the teams you disparage, just as teams from 1977 would have done poorly against your 1993 team.
It is reality. Face it.

Anonymous said...

xman 8:45...why anyone cares what you have to say on this thing continues to baffle me. You say in this post DS lost and the Wayzata kids won, I guess I didn't know DS was able to actually play in the game. My guess is a lot of the people upset with him had kids on the teams that didn't play much. Parents would rather see their kids teams lose and have them play then win without them.

Anonymous said...

Let's stop talking about JHS and DS. Who cares? They were an average team that won a down section. What a brutal final four in AV, WB, NF, WZ. Bad tourney.....an even worse year. And by the way the teams in the ealry 90's could play with todays kids. The top teams were just as good, just not as deep as today. Wait a minute......let me take that back. Only one good team this year, so yes maybe even deeper back then too. Hey X-man keep posting comments, I enjoy hearing your stupidity.

Anonymous said...

I dont think that this that "down" of a year for high school soccer, AV is just that much better than everyone, they may be the best high school team to ever come through MN, not the most talented, but they really know how to play together and I am not sure that some more talented teams would be able to beat them right now

Anonymous said...

No kidding, stop all the DS bashing, who cares, his team is out and if it's about HIM, then obviously something is wrong. I do know and DS is forthcoming with it, that he now teaches full-time versus AD'ing half the day for extra pay. Call it a demotion or whatever, but the district sent both the girls and boys directors back to the classroom and hired FT AD's. It was not anything he did or didn't do. But, again, who cares, Valley will walk to the finals and win the finals and CS will be the winningest coach ever, to never skip the lean years....:)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, now people are blaming parents and coaches for children's choices. These kids are 18 yrs old. If a kid doesn't care about their season, they make bad choices. The school district has no choice but to enforce this. It's the kids fault, plain and simple, it is certainly NOT the coaches! Blame the kid and parent for sure. If you care about your teammates you don't make those choices, it is quite simple.

Me XMan said...

Quit comparing to the past teams. If you want I'll pick this year AV and Osseo last year over any other years. They're the best all-time IMO.

Anonymous said...

DS did not even apply for the new AD job. He wanted to go back and teach full time and he is no seeking a full time AD job. He did not even apply for any because he wants to teach and coach. From what I hear he is a better teacher then coach.

Anonymous said...

DS worked in Cottage Grove for years without pay, coached at his high school (Park) for two years without pay. How many of you can say that? He won the State Cup with a team of all Cottage Grove kids. Are you kidding me? Park HS went to the boys state tourney 4 times. 2 times when he played there, 1 time when he as the assistant coach, and one time with the group of kids he coached for 4 club seasons. I wonder why Park has not been back to a Section Final since he left town.

Anonymous said...

Because all the players go to Woodbury HS. It's not coincidence that since MSHSL stopped transferring that everything changed. Not to jump on any bashing, but lets take a reality check...nevermind when someone is 22 yrs old and trying to get into the coaching scene, they need to do camps, clinics, volunteer, etc to make a name for themselves. What has he done lately? His playing career is nothing to discuss here. It's nothing compared to many other HS coaches and soccer was very different 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

I agree, soccer today is 90% technical and 10% other. It was so different when I played in college (late 80's), where an athlete could be a star on the field, speed was king and someone with technical skills reverred as a star. It's amazing how good kids are today! That is what we should be writing about, not bashing some coaches past or personal professional choices. If someone applies for a job and doesn't get it or if they never apply, it makes no difference. Blm Schools already had chosen their new AD, so it would not have mattered if he applied or not. The bottomline is kids are great now and coaches need to be great and for the most part they are!

Anonymous said...

12:04 pm "And by the way the teams in the ealry 90's could play with todays kids. The top teams were just as good, just not as deep as today. Wait a minute......let me take that back. Only one good team this year, so yes maybe even deeper back then too."

That is the epitome of an ignorant post. Listen to the Boss. Your Glory Days are over, and your ripping today's teams is a boring story. Teams should only be compared to those in their own era. You were great THEN, not now. Any top team from 16 years ago is a generation behind, and would be lucky to compete with any top 10 Class AA team today.

Anonymous said...

More credit needs to be given to Apple Valley's squad this year. People blame their success on the opinion that "the talent of MN High School soccer is at it's worst this year" so they just cruise by. All of you know damn well that even if the talent was at an all-time high, AV's team would still be on the exact same success channel that they are on right now.

Like XMan said, this team is probably the best team to ever play in Minnesota.

Also, why are you guys backing up Storlein with the fact that he's "brought his teams to # section finals" and "# state appearances"?

None of that matters if his team doesn't win the title. The kids aren't going to take pride or hold a positively significant memory of their high school days if they didn't win the entire thing at the Dome. I'll tell you right now that section championships, or state appearances mean jack shit if your team isn't hoisting the state trophy.

By applauding him for making a State appearance or this and that, you're applauding him for losing - not winning.

Anonymous said...

3:20 winning is important but not the only thing that matters. they are kids and not pro's and having a positive experience and learning life lessons are the most important thing. It will be interesting to hear what you have to say about the AV season if they do lose.

Anonymous said...

but they wont so it does not matter, not one can touch them

Anonymous said...

it wouldn't surprise me if you had this in your closet 4:52 or some No Fear tshirt...


Anonymous said...


-I agree with you on the point that the lessons learned and having a positive experience are extremely important...

But the fact is, winning the championship is going to heighten the memories that much more. I mean, even the second place team will remember it, but they'll remember it as them watching the other team celebrating after the win and news articles coming out about how they lost to the champions the next day, etc.

Even losing in the State quarterfinals - something that is still a good accomplishment because only 7 other teams are "qualified" enough to be there - isn't going to be remembered 20 years from the day because kids won't value that sort of accomplishment as much.

However, applauding a coach on losing in the State quarterfinals isn't something to be proud of. Winner takes all, and the one who wins has the highest say later on.

Mister Soccer said...

Jose Mourinho isn't a very good coach because he is only willing to coach the biggest teams with the best players for the biggest salary.

After years of sacrificing and working to get to where he is, Mourinho now refuses to work with bad players that don't give maximum effort. He's only willing to coach highly driven players. He's a selfish prick.

I just puked in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

805...it's all relative. Wayzata for example will look on this season as a huge success even if they lose the next game, Valley will only consider it a success if they win it all. this is youth sports, it's not the nfl where only winning matters.

Anonymous said...

AV is a great team.....but we'll never know how they would stack up against the past great state championship teams. The state took a huge step back this year in soccer. Never seen it this bad.

Anonymous said...

Northfield in the semi's??? Come on what a sucky tourney.

Anonymous said...

I agree....it appeared like we were watching JV soccer this year. I saw about every team play and this would be the only quality Varsity squads I would list....
AV, Woodbury, Eagan, Elk River, Park, and White Bear. With AV being an excellent team and the rest just being good teams. Everybody else sucked. I agree with one of the posts from a couple days ago when they said lucky for AV they are the only great team this year...usually we have 3-4. Cake walk for the Eagles.

Dumass said...

As a HS coach--I'd have to say that the players these days are much more skilled than they were 20 years ago. however, skills only get you so far--particularly in HS soccer.

Kids these days can trap and pass like crazy, which is awesome. Sadly, a lot of the kids still don't know how to play soccer--i.e., the team game. I'd say thay physical and mental skills play a huge part of HS soccer. This is why you end up with mediocre teams doing OK with a bunch of C1 seniors.

Anonymous said...

Where did Elk River come from this year? Haven't heard about them in many years. Did they have a good group of seniors? Any of their kids play big time club soccer? I heard from a few people they were coached by a guy who sat in a chair rather than on the bench. Anyone know who this guy is or his credentials?

Anonymous said...

I think this years soccer is a product of some of the drama from age group/parents. It hard for players to buy into TEAM soccer when there aways a parent willing to change the rules or bend them to suit there needs. It hard to play TEAM soccer when your parent have always told you that you are amazing and need to be the star because...... So, I do think there are talent players in this age group, they just don't know how to play with others. College should be interest experience for them.

Mister Soccer said...

I won a state championship back in the 1990's.

Myself and my talented teammates did not play "TEAM soccer." It was quite ugly. Players and teams these days are much better than we were overall. Teams possess the ball far better than we ever did.

I can think of 4 of the best players in this age group who didn't even play HS soccer and I think all 4 have a chance to be very good after high school.

More facts:
- Players today are good.
- Teams today are good.
- AV still plays ugly, but effective, soccer.
- The senior age group is very good.
- The senior age group should combine onto one MYSA club team.

Anonymous said...

I think posts about direct play vs. possession and posts predicting which teams will win, and posts about combining the top seniors into a strong club team, and all kinds of other topic, are interesting to read.

I think the posts that poke at individuals by name are kind of inappropriate and not very classy. I'd like to see that stuff stop.

Anonymous said...

10:17 is correct. AV does play ugly, but effective soccer. Foolish talk saying AV is the best HS team of all times. HS soccer has been sliding badly for 2 or 3years. AV are a very good team and Woodbury is a good, but not good enough to beat AV. Put the same players on the field with Wayzata, Armstrong, Blaine, South, Tontino, Benilde, Jefferson, Osseo, Stillwater top teams from 3, 4, 5, 6 years ago and they probably loose most/all the games. Some by 2 or 3 goals. These teams all had multiple defenders that dealt well with the long ball. Also had 1 or 2 offensive players that would shread AVs defense.

I also agree that the transfer rule change and Shattuck have impacted HS soccer quality. Talent is more spread out or evening missing from HS ball. Imaging Bunburry playing HS soccer. He may have averaged 50 goals a season for 2 or 3 years running.

Anonymous said...

How does JS Academic award = great kids? So if you play soccer and have a good GPA that makes you a good kid? I think we all know that JS has had more than its share of dicipline issues over the years.

Anonymous said...

High School soccer is sucking canal water the last few years......big time!! Much better in the late 90's early 2000 years. AV not even close to the best team of all time. Probably not even a top five AV team of all-time.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:17 I agree with what you are saying but when has Blaine had a state contender.....never. They suck and play in an easy section. They would be below .500 in the Suburban East or Lake every year Same thing with South, Totino, and Benilde. Don't even begin to mention shitty squads from Class A. Or what I like to call Class JV.

Anonymous said...

Class A sucks X-man's banana.....and he's hung like a mouse

Anonymous said...

What a brutal year.....no interest in going to the dome for the first time in my life. Northfield sucks and Wayzata was below .500 most of the year. Wow.

Mpls soccer guy said...

AV's 1992 state championship team might have been their best ever, with Brad Davies and Mat Foley ending up at Stanford and a sophomore goalie, Jon Lowery, who played at Ohio State and in the pros.

Overall best probably was Stillwater team of Morehead, Magnuson, de St. Aubin, Kurttila, that won 40 straight games.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:23.. I would take a few Class A teams from years past over any AA team you can think of in the past 5-6 years.

Anonymous said...

anyone able to update the AA semis for those of us who cant make it?

Anonymous said...

Inside MN soccer is blogging live from the games.

Anonymous said...

thank you for that!

Anonymous said...

mpls soccer guy...I'd agree, that Stillwater team was ridiculous

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Class A is brutal we all know it....the only one that will defend a Class A school is a Holy Agels or Totino parent. Man up and hop in the Varsity league. Please don't comment anymore. I can't stand the JV league. I played for Breck four years ago. Class A is just not the same unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Agreed on the 1987 SPA team....they would destroy anybody right now. Again, high school soccer has never been so bad. This AV team is not even a top 5 AV team as stated before. Current AV parents will be the only one that argue.

Anonymous said...

AV has had some great teams before, I would argue that the 88 and 89 AV teams may have even been better than 87 SPA, but I think we can all agree that was a great time for MN soccer, but this AV team is right behind them, just off of sheer numbers they have broken almost every single team record in AV history and many individual records as well, they also have been awarded POY awards to two different players in the same year, has that ever happened before?

Anonymous said...

The guy you are talking about is Ryan
Servarty. He has been with TRSA for 2 years as coachign director.
He played at Elk River high school and helped volunteer at Augsburg one year ago.
He is a real piece of work. Not a real knowledgeable soccer guy.

Really good at kissing a-- to get what he wants.

Is in the good old boys club up in Elk river/TRSA.

He has been very cruel to alot of players over the years, and now that he has become ill he expects the world to feel sorry for him. Tough break

Heard he has lukemia, but do not know for sure.

I heard he was cruel to a group of players 2 years ago.
Causing them to all leave the club with a police report on the incident.

I only know what goes around comes around and maybe he is getting a dose of what he dished out.

Anonymous said...

Tired of hearing how great DS is and how he got his masters degree.I got my doctorate at the U of M in 3 1/2 years while working full time and raising four children. Gimme a break.

Anonymous said...

The reason why AV is breaking so many records is because everyone else sucks.

Anonymous said...

3:36pm -

Are you sure you want to go there - Be a man - or should I say WOMAN - and add who you are to your false and slanderous statement!

MNFUTBOL - Please remove 3:36pm post!

Anonymous said...

3:36pm - do not know of the guy but I would say from your comment posted you are some piece of work - Not appropriate to air your issues and slam someone as you just did - Did that make you feel good? I am guessing you are looking bad now - not him!

I agree with 4:44pm - please remove that post

Anonymous said...

strange you would think I was a woman not a man.
I am a one of many men who witnessed the whole order.
So strange you are not eager to show your true name, but ask me too.
The truth hurts and can be harmful to those who have tried to hide this for the past 2 years.

Anonymous said...

strange you would think I was a woman not a man.
I am a one of many men who witnessed the whole order.
So strange you are not eager to show your true name, but ask me too.
The truth hurts and can be harmful to those who have tried to hide this for the past 2 years.

Anonymous said...

The truth is the players you speak of played on 4 different teams in 4 different clubs in 4 years - Would say that has more to say about the players and parents then the coaches.

Anonymous said...

20 minutes into the first half, AV is up 2-0.

Anonymous said...

Again the truth is not what you say.
They played TRSA for would have been 2 seasons and there were 6 players not 4 who left after this incident.
If you remember correctly they all paid a very big price for what happened to them.
One of the boys had sactions against him when they played TRSA. He was not allowed to play that game in order to sign up with another club.
May this will jog your memory

tomASS said...

456 - just be ready to defend your "truth"

Good thing you you didn't say anything bad about the MYSa

Anonymous said...

5:27pm read 5:14pm post again - they never said anything about how many players left or named anyone directly - Obviously, you are placing a personal attack and no one here wants to hear it!

Anonymous said...

What's up with the AV game?

Anonymous said...

AV up 2-1.

Obarski- 22 seconds in
Jabari- PK goal

Yurek- Free Kick, top or arch

Anonymous said...

Half time update on the AV / Northfield game - AV is up 2-1. Northfield scored after an AV handball just outside of the box.

Anonymous said...

Nice job to Northfield...who would of thought it?

Anonymous said...

what a sad commentary this blog is on youth sports.

Anonymous said...

what? shut up

Anonymous said...

AV scored again in the 46th minute - now 3-1 (DR set an AV school scoring record with that goal)

Anonymous said...

Update on AV / Northfield:
Northfield scored their 2nd goal in the 84th minute making the score 3-2 AV.

Anonymous said...

Jorge at nirthfield greatest coach you have never heard of.

Anonymous said...

Final AV 3, Northfield 2

Anonymous said...

Is that Jorge Brennes?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Northfield!

Anonymous said...

Jorge Zuccolotto. Taken nfld to state 7 of last 8 years...hired by ben d (spa girls coach now). Jorge is a great coach. Hails from Mexico. Players love to play for him. Transcends the lame "great soccer minds" from MN

Anonymous said...

I live right on the burnsville/eagan border. Eagan plays Northfield every year for the opener. Eagan always beats them, but it's always a 1 or 2 goal game. Usually a pretty decent squad Northfield has.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Jorge and his team -

Pollyanna said...

Anon 3:32

Don't have a kid on the team. However, my son had several conversations with the mentioned coach as he was being recruited by Augsburg. Can't imagine any of your comments to have a shred of truth to them. Didn't know he was sick, but will now make sure we make a call to see if we can help.

None the less, I do know Pysco Sandy, and I too thought your comments sounded like one of her delusions. Now that you claim to be a guy I think you are the same white lily guy who attacked Osseo Captain eariler on this year under the the Anon heading. What color is the sky in your world? Whatever the color, I glad I don't live there it seems to be a evil and mean place.

Anonymous said...

Obarski, the junior is Apple Valley's best player.....not the two player of the years.

Anonymous said...

any scores yet from the woodbury game tonight?

Anonymous said...

Woodbury is good.. Eric Miller is a fun player to watch. Very rare to see such quality.

Anonymous said...

miller is awesome

Anonymous said...

go jags

Anonymous said...

update on the woodbury game?

Anonymous said...

1-1 with 10 minutes left

Anonymous said...

pollyanna the world I live in is a very colorful place, as I am black and my skin is too. Maybe that is why things went so wrong.
I did not write about osseo under any false heading. But you too must live in quite a world, since he was able to pull the wool over your eyes.

Anonymous said...

ooookay shakespeare?

Me XMan said...


Me XMan said...

I can't believe this Wayzata team. I've counted them out three times for good: Armstrong, Jefferson, and now #2 Woodbury and they've beaten them all. Can't believe it. I'm going to bonkers if they beat AV in final.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Woodbury for their outstanding season, and to Wayzata for pulling off an unexpected upset! And let's not forget that Northfield gave AV one of their biggest scares of the season... And you guys were worried that the end of the season was going to be anticlimactic!

Anonymous said...

Wow...again what a bad year

Anonymous said...

Wow...again what a bad year

Anonymous said...

Wow...again what a bad post

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:00 - It's hard to tell who you're grousing about now. You didn't identify the post to which you were referring making it a meaningless piss and moan.

Anonymous said...

Since Jefferson and Woodbury out, this blog is sooooo quiet!

The cheerleaders have left.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with Xman. Stolien sucks and choked big time.

Anonymous said...

How about Class A Mr. Soccer being the only one to miss his kick from the mark for Totino Grace?

Anonymous said...

Plain bad luck - Can't all be perfect like you 1:57 pm

Anonymous said...

Jefferson should have won it all they had the most talent other than AV. Should've been an upset in the championship Jags over Eagles.

Anonymous said...

It's getting a bit testy in here - it sure seems like the parents are worse sports than their kids! Your team lost - just let it go...

Anonymous said...

Yonga figured he was guessing one way most likely and thought he had the safe bet. It backfired things happen.

Anonymous said...

Jefferson finished 7th in the Lake....what? should have won it all?

Anonymous said...

Jefferson finished 7th in the Lake....what? should have won it all?

Anonymous said...

Congrats are in order for Northfield. Jorge does a nice job.
Irony? Nfld's first year as AA and they provide a good battle against AV in semis, but didn't even make state at A last year or in 2006.
But last year's AA finalist in SLP loses in first round of A state.

Anonymous said...

Leave that "Jefferson finished 7th in the Lake....what? should have won it all?" post one more time for us to read.

Jefferson knocked off Edina and Eden Prairie to get to the tournament. Those two teams both were in the rankings all year. Wayazta got lucky against them just like every other team they beat in PK's or OT

Mister Soccer said...

How many senior classes have won the MYSA State Cup and HS State Tournament in the same year?

1996 Stillwater
2009 Apple Valley

Another Stillwater team? St. Paul Academy/Blackhawks?

Anonymous said...

The last I heard, AV still had one more game to win before they could claim that they won the HS State Tournament! Did I miss something???

Anonymous said...

Northfield deserves a huge amount of credit to get there. They were written off at every stage of the game. They obviously have been well coached.

Anonymous said...

I was checking scores from the third place games and saw that Northfield also gave Woodbury a good amount of trouble, Woodbury only won 1-0. Then I checked the 1A game and saw a 1-1 tie reported. Was this an error or do they allow ties in consolation matches?

Anonymous said...

Ties are allowed per MSHSL rules. They each get third place hardware.

Anonymous said...

AV has the most talent. Come on be real. About 15 other teams are very similar. Woodbury, Wayzata, Eagan, Jefferson, Burnsville, Eastview, White Bear Lake, Park, Stillwater, Edina, EP, Northfield, Elk River, Champlin Park, Southwest, Armstrong. All of these other teams could beat each other on any given night, but cant be AV.

Anonymous said...

8:45 - I can't compare the talent myself, but from watching the games, Burnsville and Northfield could have beaten Apple Valley on some nights. AV didn't seem to win as many 1v1s against those teams as they did against others, and that seemed to make a big difference.

Anonymous said...

After watching the semis:

* TG were over confident and really not as good as I expected
* AV did not deserve the PK and were played fairly close by a very average NHS team
* Wayzata continue to live a charmed tournament experience

Anonymous said...

Every team has close games, the difference between good and great teams is the ability to win those close games and AV has won every game they have played this year, you cant argue with the results

Final Prediction said...

Anonymous said...
I predict 2 upsets:

Wayzata over Jefferson
Northfield over Elk River

26/10/09 10:26 AM

Ok, a little chest beating here, but my next upset prediction is:

Wayzata over Woodbury.

Not that Wayzata are that good, but they found a little magic. I do think Northfield is in the best position-possible to beat AV, but AV are just too strong.

31/10/09 11:24 AM

OK not that anyone really cares, but I have a final prediction.

Wayzata 1 AV 1 (Wayzata wins in PKs)

Anonymous said...

AV played poorly I don't think they put themselves in that situation again. But anything could happen at this point.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said that is rude and inconsiderate. This blog has no place for you!!!! Come on.

Anonymous said...

Hornets should have won state. GO EDINA

Anonymous said...

"Shoulda, woulda, coulda..." Wait 'til next year.

Anonymous said...

Ok so now that this seasons done lets start talking about the next. I think that Grand Rapids should win it all everyone agree???????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How about Simley? They'll win it next year.

Anonymous said...

Simley had a very nice team this year but unfortunately there team graduates all of its talent and only keeps 4 players that saw playing time at state. Ouch! It is going to be tuff for them to go .500 let alone win it all. But they had a great year and probably should have been in the final, if they only would have finished the 2 breakaways they had.

Anonymous said...

Any coaches on the way out? Coaches on the hot seat about to get let go?

Anonymous said...

Apple Valley vs. Wayzata
35th minute
AV 1, Wayzata 0

Anonymous said...

Apple Valley vs. Wayzata
Half Time
AV 1, Wayzata 0

Anonymous said...

Apple Valley vs. Wayzata
51st minute
AV 2, Wayzata 0

Anonymous said...

Apple Valley vs. Wayzata
80th minute
AV 3, Wayzata 0

Anonymous said...

Apple Valley vs. Wayzata
90th minute
AV 4, Wayzata 0

Anonymous said...

Final Score:
AV 4, Wayzata 0

Unofficial stats:
Shots - AV 20; Wayzata 9
Corner kicks - AV 8; Wayzata 3
Fouls - AV 11; Wayzata 11

Congratulations State Champions Apple Valley!

Me XMan said...

Congrats to AV! I already knew all along AV would go all the way.

Good job Wayzata.

Anonymous said...

AV sucks

Anonymous said...

good one 8:54, you really got em there

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I hear AV kicked Chuck Scanlon to the curb for not having a good enough record.

Anonymous said...

I thought my team and conference was down this year. (NW Suburban)I'm sure AV was great this year, but it's impossible to say they were better (or worse) than any given team they never competed against, directly or indirectly. That's like picking the best team in the NFL. Talk all you want, it's a waste of breath/time.

Anonymous said...

AV is not even close to the best team of all time. AV parents please stop posting that. This was a terrible year for soccer. PLEASE SHUTUP AV PARENTS.

Anonymous said...

Please shut up everyone else who lost and is saying this is a down year for soccer, thats BS, its no better or worse than any other year

24-0-0 first team in history to go through season without a loss or tie, results do not lie, this is a great team and everything they accomplished this season should be praised

Anonymous said...

If the nucleus of the AV team had done well at USYS Regions with the Valley United club team I might give the claim of best HS team a little more weight.
Bottom line is they are a very good team in a down year for high school soccer.

Anonymous said...

so when was a good year? (please save us all from going to back 20 years to one SPA team....).

Mpls soccer guy said...

One measure of overall quality is the number of players who move on to college programs.
The Stillwater team of the mid-90's had at least five DI players -- Peter Agrimson (Northern Illinois), Bobby de St. Aubin (Wisconsin-Milwuakee), Dana Kurttila (Fairfield), Marshall Morehead (Marquette) and Nick Magnuson (Dartmouth).
I don't think there are five DI players in the entire state this year, and it will be interesting to see where some of the AV seniors end up.

Anonymous said...

I think that maybe one of the seniors will end up on a D1 team from AV, but they have 3 juniors who could all very well end up playing D1 soccer as they are all getting a lot of attention from the D1 schools right now

as far as other players in the state, Yonga (Totino), Wolf (Rosemount), Goddard (Jefferson), Zieminski (Eastview), Darbaki, Denyon, Gandier, Billings, Olson (SSM), Neher (Mahtomedi), Jaman (Roseville?)

All of those players have gotten looks and some may end up playing D1 not sure who will or will not get opportunities

Anonymous said...

A good year is when you have more than 1 quality team, we had a great year but this was the weakest I've ever seen that state...and 10:31 who are the 3 juniors AV has that could go D1? Are you crazy? Obarski yes....everyone else better hope for St. Olaf like METRO PLAYER OF THE YEAR David Rosenthal
-AV Parent

Anonymous said...

tyson ali
lewis frazier
man u 58 man u 99

bit silly isnt it
a v were awesome this year simple as that.
times change so its tough to compare anything

Anonymous said...

According to ESPN Rise Verbal list:

Brandon Wolf - MF (Rosemount and Valley United) - UW - Milwaukee

Zach Harwerth - GK (Anoka and SCV) - Houston Baptist

Zac Brown - GK (SPA and MTA) - Richmond

Nick Lund - F (Hudson and SCV) - Wisconsin

Mackenzie Lund - MF (Hudson and SCV) - UW-Green Bay

Anonymous said...

Metro Player of the Year DR is CHOOSING St. Olaf. Doesn't mean that he hasn't had "looks"

Anonymous said...

His sister also goes there and plays soccer. It is an educational choice that allows him to play soccer as well.

Mister Soccer said...

96 Stillwater was great. Maybe the best. Successful in club too. Some of those Stillwater players were juniors.

1996 was a down year too. Very top heavy for talented players. Not many D1 players. Many of the top players were juniors, even sophomores, that year.

Basically, it's the same thing as 2009. 2009 AV is great. I would say there is more talent overall in the 2009 class than 1996. Those players listed above says it all. That's a lot of good players and it doesn't even list a couple of the best.

The state had 7 quality U17 premier teams. The state has never had that many teams in one year of that quality.

It wasn't a down year of HS. Just good players spread out all over, including on football teams.

Take the 3 best players from SSM, AV, SCV, MTA, BHK, ARS, WSD and have me coach them. National Champions. I guarantee it.

I'm out. See ya next year.

TomAss & JY, call me if you want to set that up for me.

Anonymous said...

An objective spectator's opinion:

Bijan Jabari from Apple Valley will play at a D1 School is he chooses so. It may not be a top school in the country, or even the top 10, but he would and will be able to play at the D1 level and I am sure that due to his credentials and accomplishments that many D1 schools are looking at him. He is good in the air and puts his entire effort into every game which is crucial for his position.

David Rosenthal from Apple Valley has the stats to go D1 but after seeing his performance I will say this: he is a great player and a great goalscorer, but he is playing at the high school level. D1 NCAA is a whole different level and I don't think that he has the intensity or the true desire to improve himself to be able to play at that level. A D1 Attacker needs to have one thing in mind which is scoring under any circumstances possible. They need to envision that their season will end if they don't score that goal. David doesn't play a physical enough game and doesn't seem to have the mentality that I previously mentioned. David playing at a D3 level is the right choice I believe. He was on the all-academic team I think? Let him concentrate on his schoolwork and play soccer as well. He will probably get farther with his academics than his soccer skills will be able to get him as well.

As far as the "3 Juniors" that AV has that could go D1, I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. The only one that I think has a chance is their midfielder Simon Geottl, who in my opinion is not only the best player on AV (including Bijan and David), but one of the best players (top 10) in the State. I will try to pay as much attention to his following season next year, because his skill and talent is unbelievable and I would back his journey to D1 more than any other AV player. Obarski is a good player, no doubt about that. I saw him play in the Metrodome and I was very impressed. I don't think he would be ready to go to any college program this year and will definitely need to improve his skills next year in order to clearly stand out so we'll have to see how his season goes next year to truly see how he can improve season after season.

AV's team was good. Definitely one of the best in AV's history and definitely one of the best that the State has seen. All of their records will go unbeaten for a while now, so all of those boys should be happy that they have a piece of history.

What Anon 10:37 said in his list of players was pretty accurate and I would agree with most of them.

Anonymous said...

Simon Geottel is a senior

Anonymous said...

There are strikers at the international level that don't:

"have one thing in mind which is scoring under any circumstances possible." And don't "envision that their season will end if they don't score that goal." And don't "play a physical enough game and doesn't seem to have the mentality that I previously mentioned." Does Jozy even have all that?

Very few MN players will be anywhere close to a "top 10" D1 program (to keep names out of it).

You make D1 soccer seem greater than the Champions League. Comments like that make you lose all credibility instantly.

Anonymous said...

D1 Soccer is on an ENTIRELY different level than high school. D3 Soccer is an entirely different level than high school soccer, let alone D1.

YOU make it sound like 3 players from every Top 10 team in Class AA go D1...the reality is that every high school player would get their ass kicked in a D1 game, but the players that are able to compete at that level are the ones who withstand the ass-kicking and don't give up throughout the process.

The core group of the players on AV play for Valley United's U18 Premier team, which is the best team in the state and one of the best in the region. On that team, about 6 and MAYBE 7 players (at the MOST) will have a shot at D1. And the only reason why that is the case is because that team is blessed with talent.

Out of AVHS's seniors, only Bijan Jabari will have an actual chance at playing for a D1 school. David Rosenthal, like I said earlier, is a great goalscorer, but he's not disciplined enough to get his ass-kicked repeatedly at the D1 level. Kyle Webb, Stephen Johnson, and Cory Winkler are all in the same situation. They'll be able to play for a D3 school, but D1 is nearly out of the question because they simply aren't ready for the jump up in the level of play.

A D1 striker needs to have the mentality that he will mow down anyone in his path in order to score the goal; that he will do whatever possible to win. If you disagree with that then you have no attempt in trying to argue with me.

Anonymous said...

From watching the games at the Metrodome, Johnson from AV is the best stopper I've seen in high school in a long time. I think he might have the bag of skills necessary for D1. As for Webb, I think if he could bulk up and add 25+ lbs of muscle he would be a force at the D1 level.

Anonymous said...

Simon G is a junior not a senior

Anonymous said...

To all the HS coaches and players and parents who made it possible, thank you. I would say you made HS soccer 2009 an exciting event. The HS league did a good job too - some years the organization will find ways to screw up.

Can you beleive we are not bitching about refs? Wow.

There's a good season for us all to enjoy - fall is here. Go get a nice apple and enjoy! Now let's go continue the ranting with spring soccer.

Good job. tomass / MNfutbol / mister soccer / soccermom mexaman / where is the pint - tomass is buying.


Anonymous said...

mr soccer is not a good defender runs like a dweeb can shoot worth shit. any other AV player should have gotten it but def. not him.

Anonymous said...

5:16 Just go away.

Anonymous said...

Was at the state championship.......wow what a down year!! Too bad....

Anonymous said...

5:16 just leave you don't know what your talking about

Anonymous said...

5:16 It seems to me when a team only surrenders 2.4 SHOTS per game, 1.3 corner kicks per game, and 0.3 goals per game, the defenders are doing a helluva job!

BJ played the last couple of games nursing a leg injury. You can't judge his full season's performance based on his State Tournament play. He SHOULD have been resting the inuury, but insisted on playing. The honor was well-deserved.

He scored 11 goals on 35 shots (rating him #53 overall); had 7 assists (rating him #52 in total points); not bad for a DEFENDER!

Anonymous said...

He had been playing with a pulled quad for a while, though it didn't begin to show until state.

Anonymous said...

Yep....never seen it this bad!! What a joke of year. 1 quality team....what has happened?

Anonymous said...

Yep....never seen one person constantly rag on the soccer this year! What a joke of a blogger. 1 broken record.....why watch?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't one quality team. It was just that the best team was one of the best the state has seen in a while. There was stil a lot of talent throughout the state and several very talented teams.

Mister Soccer said...

Top 3 from each team might not go D1, but Top 3 from each team could make a run at Nationals, as I said. A lot of these guys already are going D1:

SSM: KD, PD & about 3 others

There's a quick 18 and there's plenty more to choose from. Looks to me like a good year of soccer and it looks to me like that team would have the ability to be a national power.

Anonymous said...

Sorry boys.....It was a bad year and I don't think it's just one blogger that feels that way.

Anonymous said...

Anyone go to the MYSA general meeting on Saturday? Anything major come up?

Anonymous said...

Like Mister Soccer says, to have 7 good premier teams along with some scattered talent on the other teams, that's pretty good.

I don't think there has ever been an age with those numbers.

With that said, it was a boring fall with AV mopping up.

Anonymous said...

I think if most states put together their all star team they would think they would win on a national level. Truth is mn kids probably dont have the mentality to win at a very high level.

Anonymous said...

oh wise one 1:01 - and what mentality is that and you are basing your opinions off of.....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when "All-Conference" announcements are made and where?

Anonymous said...

1 26, repeated failure at regions.

Anonymous said...

404: what do you consider failure at regions, two runners up by this age group, one semifinal loss

Anonymous said...

since when does one's "mentality" equate to success at regions?

Anonymous said...

6 47, 2 runners up, name them!
9 58 you do not get it.

Anonymous said...

1125 he was wrong only one runner up and 2 semifinalist,

U13- Bangu region runner up
U14- PSA region semifinalist
U15- PSA region semifinalist
U16- St. Croix 0-1-2, not as well as they should of group winner lost in semi's
U17- Valley United goes 1-2, group winner lost region final in shootout

I'd say thats more success than any age group in MN can claim right now and that I can think of recently on the boys side of things.

Anonymous said...

11:25 reminds me of the ONE soldier marching out of step with his troop who's yelling at everyone else to get back in rhythm...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Soccer
Your 11:07pm post IMHO shows a real lack of knowledge about D1 soccer. Several of the kids you list I just can't see EVER playing the D1 soccer I've seen. D1 soccer is about size and speed (like it or not a fact) along with grades. Don't know about the players grades but have heard rumors that some of these super stars are not stars in the classroom and are looking for professional options. Several you list here would not even start on a MIAC team. I don't need to go into specific names but seriously I would say at over 1/2 of that list has no chance at D1.

Mister Soccer said...

I played D1 within the last 2 decades. IMNSHO you have a real lack of knowledge.

They might not go to Indiana, Maryland or UCLA, but there are plenty of other less elite D1 programs where they would have a chance to play. You don't always have to be all-world to play D1 and you don't always have to be an impact starting player to letter on a D1 team.

It's a challenge to play college soccer at any level. I think those players are good enough to play somewhere. I don't know squat about their academic report cards.

It is about speed, but size, give me a break. We don't need to get into that topic.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:23 you know I don't think I or many would disagree with you. But if you have read this blog or talked to parents and even school officials (SSM), D1 is the benchmark of being a all-world quality player. Last year specifically, many here and again associated with SSM used the D1 status as being the difference between being a all-world quality player and a MN hack. So....given those past post, I too would question some of Mr. Soccer list. All soccer at the next level is about speed. You may not like the size issue, but if a coach has a two players who can play at the same speed and one is larger, they will go with the larger player. I think all college coaches look at
1. Ablility/Speed
2. Coachability
3. Academics and
4. Size
Probability in that order

Anonymous said...

D1=all world quality.
it's always nice to end the workday with a chuckle.

Anonymous said...

All Conference selections were made a while ago. It depends on the school how they will announce those selections. Most wait to give the awards at their team banquet.

Anonymous said...

probability in that order,,,,,,,that sums up the fools blogging here

Anonymous said...

I guess we will see how many on that list go D1 and stay D1. Then we can discuss who are the fools.

Anonymous said...

Was not the original point about forming a national power U18 club team? Not about how many would play D1.

I agree with Mister Soccer, aka Anon 10:23. He knows all and seems smarter than all ya'll.

Anonymous said...

1125 he was wrong only one runner up and 2 semifinalist,

U13- Bangu region runner up
U14- PSA region semifinalist
U15- PSA region semifinalist
U16- St. Croix 0-1-2, not as well as they should of group winner lost in semi's
U17- Valley United goes 1-2, group winner lost region final in shootout

I'd say thats more success than any age group in MN can claim right now and that I can think of recently on the boys side of things.

so successful that we have won ONE game in 6 the last two years. Not very impressive.
The Bangu 13s stuck 10 players behind the ball and hoofed it to Emu, hardly soccer at its finest and take out the 20 year old and they would not of been there.
PSA were a good team but didnt have the mentality to win, red cards.
So whats to brag about?

Anonymous said...

So who are the early favorites to win state at 18s. I'd say ssm.
Valley will never repeat as its been seen before and it was only scv that did not deal with it.
how is player movement at the age

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