Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: State Cup Preview


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Anonymous said...

What don't people understand about where the State Cup games are played? MYSA DOES NOT SELECT THE LOCATIONS, it is a bid process by the respective local soccer associations. There is a lot to consider in this process.......local teams will not be able to play on 4-6 weekends in a row, lots of volunteers will be needed, a tremenedous amount of planning is required, and more often than not your fields will be ruined for the rest of the season. Does anyone think it is a coincidence that Coon Rapids and LWB are not involved anymore?

Anonymous said...

No one is saying it would be easy...but most brackets are down to the semi and finals. MYSA could send email to those few remaining teams and find some common ground to get the games in during the week. We're talking one to three games (hardly enough to ruin a field for the year). This avoids the long commute during the week...and with tournaments and ODP, the weekends are going to be tough. It's not ideal, but could be done. Just find one of the remaining teams to secure field and refs. Those still in bracket play would need to conclude in Isanti (logistically would be a nightmare to pull).

Anonymous said...

10:01am Is right, MYSA doesn't pick the location of State Cup. Clubs do have to bid to host it and usually your fields are torn up for the remainder of the season.

Anonymous said...

Anyone hear of changing the process? Most of us who have been around a while know about the bid process and the move from CR to LBW to Isanti and the fact that no one wants to host. So change how the event is assigned. That is what leadership does when a process is not working. Let clubs bid on one or two age groups so that it can be accomodated on the limited number of turf fields similar to some of the wiser sectional play during the HS season.

Anonymous said...

two years ago it was split between C-I and LWB. lots of fun for those with more than one participant. agreed that the process could be improved. have you formally sent your proposal to MYSA?

Anonymous said...

1. How many clubs are playing games on their fields on May weekends?

2. Isn't it the 'biggest' tournament of the year? Shouldn't clubs want/be required to host?

3. How about it gets rotated between the 5 largest clubs?

4. Why would college recruiters be watching anything less than U16? Most are watching U17.

5. Spread it out around the South Metro. They're the communities with the most participants. Easy.

Anonymous said...

MTA should host it...wait, they don't have any fields.

Anonymous said...

Updated times and dates are NOW posted. I like the idea, though I'm not thrilled about the drive.

Anonymous said...

What age group is posted? Still seeing lots of TBD.

Anonymous said...

MTA has lots of fields!. There all over the metro area, which is what MYSA doesn't want for State Cup. They prefer 1-2 locations.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing posted yet!

Anonymous said...

Clubs would need to work together and gain access to their respective high school fields. Edina and Hopkins make a good pair. Eden Prairie and Tonka. Lakeville and Farmington. There are three sets of two turf fields in proximity to one another. Would need to work around hs track and lax obviously. It would take some work but seems doable.

Anonymous said...

4 sets of turf in Plymouth; Wayzata HS, Armstrong HS, Plymouth Creek Dome and Wayzata Central Middle. Also nearby, Cooper HS in New Hope. 5 sets of turf in a less than a 5 mile radius.

Anonymous said...

Wayzata Central Middle turf is too narrow and has bad spots where the dome supports make indentations in the turf. McMurray in St. Paul is nice. We need some a turf complex like Overland Park, KS!

Anonymous said...

oops - take out the "some" ^^^

Anonymous said...

where are the loud u16 tcf parents?

Anonymous said...

All you need is 36 million for a park like Overland Park. I'll donate 36 cents. Anyone else!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that was 36 million? We could take out the air cooling the turf! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Not sure why someone is crying wolf about the updated game times, but they're up now at least for boys.

Anonymous said...

Seriously people! You must be the biggest loser to keep telling everyone that the times and dates are posted! There's nothing posted for the boys! Are you having fun.

Hey guess what the scores are posted too and your team lost!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:56pm. What a yahoo! Do you like to be the first to tell everyone something even if it's wrong! Loser!

Anonymous said...

made you look.

Anonymous said...

now get back to work.

Anonymous said...

theyre up for 17b. june 4.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Tom and MYSA for getting the games done by early afternoon for those who have graduation or sibling's graduating. Not perfect, but probably best they could do. Now keep fingers crossed for dry weather.

Anonymous said...

yeah, gotta love the 8am games an hour+ away from home.

Anonymous said...

Especially if they've been to all night graduation parties!

Anonymous said...

are the u18 B/G games at 8am too?

Anonymous said...

Getting early better than missing graduation. Some of you people won't be happy no matter what they do. Live to complain.

Anonymous said...

2:51 are you worried about the players making poor decisions? If they do, they are not champions anyway...

Anonymous said...

Yes, 3:54, let's have that kid skip the all-night grad party that happens once in his/her life, just so that he/she won't let you down and win that State Cup you came nowhere near winning as you aimlessly drifted through your teenage years.

Anonymous said...

wow. angry dad.

Assuming 14G ends like it currently stands, here are the semi-finalist totals:

MTA: 7
SCV: 7
MTE: 4
PSA: 4
MUS: 4
EDP: 3
MTW: 3
DKT: 2
BLM: 2

Of course, MTA will say they have 15, so be ready for that.

Anonymous said...

oops, add TCF with 1.

Who was the biggest letdown? Have to think Shattuck is one, though they didn't enter many teams.

TCF, BVL, DKT would be others.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have semifinal % based on total teams the club entered?

Anonymous said...

MTA will hopefully have 15, because our jersey doesn't say MTW, MTE or MTN. It says MTA! We are all MTA, but playing in different regions.
And you do realize that any club can start academy type training with multiple regional teams. You could have TCF (TCE,TCW,TCS) SCV (SCE, SCN, SCS), etc.
Spin it the way you want, it's still MTA.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Among the teams with 3 or more semifinalists;

MTA: 15 semifinalists, 25 teams. 60% made the semis.
SCV: 7 semifinslists, 15 teams. 47% made the semis.
MUS: 4 semifinalists, 9 teams. 44% made the semis.
PSA: 4 semifinalists, 9 teams. 44% made the semis.
EDP: 3 semifinalists, 9 teams. 33% made the semis.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the MTAers blame away their losses by saying, "Well, that wasn't our blue team."

Anonymous said...

MTAers don't blame a lose on the fact that it wasn't a blue team. The 13G blue team lost. They played poorly and lost Tonka who had a great day.
A lose no matter what, blue or white was because the opponent played better that day.

Anonymous said...

MYSA hits another home run - U17B and U18B semis are now 8:00 a.m. on Saturday June 4th - early morning after many graduations, and on an SAT day for the U17s.

I can hear the rocket surgeons now - well, you just have to make a choice, if you are not committed to soccer enough to make this work...

Anonymous said...

REV boys not so good two teams entered 13's lost in play in game and 15's went 1-2 in a tough group.

On the girls side two teams at U13 with the younger team beating the older kids and moving into the semifinal. Combined record for the two teams 4-1-1

At U14 one team current record 1-0-1, will be in the semi with a win Thursday.

At U15 one team in semi went 2-0-1 in group play and the second REV team went 2-1 in group play

No team entered at u16

Two teams at U17 one went 2-1 and one went 1-2

No team at 18

Out of seven teams two in the semi with a chance of a third and a overall record of 12-5-3 with one group game left.

Anonymous said...

If REV 14 wins Thursday they will have 3 out of the seven teams the club entered in the semi almost 43%if they lose the number will drop to almost 29%.

This is on the girls side if you include the two boys teams the percentages will go way down.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:00 PM
Actually only 5 SCV teams played their way to semi-finals. The U19 SCV boys and girls both in semi's due to no other teams entering those brackets.

Anonymous said...

5:41pm. Rev 14g got lucky last year. They won't beat Cottage Grove. I can almost guarantee it!

Anonymous said...

Don't bother submitting a plan to take over all the high school turf fields in May. Have you heard of Lacrosse? Faster growing sport in the country and not yet spoiled by a bureaucratic associations and overbearing parents! High School fields are taken. Sorry

Anonymous said...

MYSA has all worked out. We're still in Isanti! Just delayed a couple of weeks.
Oh and Lacrosse is so boring! Watched a game the other night, I might use that instead of a sleeping pill.

Anonymous said...

where are the loud u16 tcf parents?

Anonymous said...

Still sitting on the sidelines with their mouths open wondering how could they possibly lose. They're the best club in Minnesota!

Anonymous said...

841, do you think everyone who posts on the blog is actually who they say they are. I am a U16 parent and previous posts were not made by our parent group. The same thing happens with MTA and other clubs, people post stuff pretending to be someone they are not just to get a response, obviously it worked. Congratulations to Wayzata and good luck same goes to MTA u16, may the better team win and represent Minnesota well!!

Anonymous said...

TCF was BY FAR the better team. Field conditions were horrible/unplayable. Everyone knows that; we don't need to be loud about it.

Anonymous said...

9:01. I'm from MTA and I would say there is a good percentage of people makes posts about MTA that are not true or pretending their from MTA and making outrageous statements. Welcome to the club. You know what that means though, people are taking notice of TCF! You are good club with some decent teams. I've noticed that Dakota Rev is also getting some more exposure on here good and bad. Some of the posters are just jealous and let them be, we know what is true and what is not. We're proud of our clubs! Good luck with the rest of your season.

Anonymous said...

9:46.......... "I am from MTA" do you play? or are you just a parent who refuses to stop pretending?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey all you yahoos!

As SoccerPlayer blogged on 5/19/11 at 3:08 p.m.:

"I'd just like to say that talking about soccer in a civil manner is one thing but sitting on a blog and bashing other clubs and talking smack is another. First of all- you're all mostly parents and coaches, right? This is your CHILD'S sport and life. You are going to ruin it for them if you get caught up in the political aspect and take these stupid blogs seriously. I have played soccer for almost 17 years. I used to look at this blogs on my club team and read these things and it's ridiculous that parents think they are the ones who gain anything for their children's accomplishments. If your child loves soccer and happen to be good at it let them play soccer. Getting caught up in the gossip and drama as their parent just makes you look stupid. You can't go on the field and play for them. They train for hours upon hours to be where they are because they love it. I happen to be good at soccer and i'm still playing it in college because i love it. There was a point in time when my parents got caught up into the gossip and blogs and became crazy trying to control my future and that was when i began to hate it. I love it again because i don't have parents who are into gossip of club teams or high school. Don't ruin it for your child or you won't be able to stand on the sidelines and watch your child do something that they love. Forget the petty gossip and political bull crap. They play the game because they love it."

This should be repeated again and again until blog civility is restored.

Anonymous said...

9:50am. I AM FROM MTA! No, I don't play. I am a parent. I can still say I'm from MTA. 6 out of 7 days a week I drive my two kids to training and games. I'm the one that pays for hotels, air and car reservations for out of state tournaments. I am the one that pays for them to play. I buy their uniforms, cleats, etc. I wouldn't change a thing, as long as my kids enjoy playing and it doesn't become a chore for them, I will continue to do this.
Why can't I tell TCF or REV good luck with their season? Most soccer parents from ALL clubs have class and wish other teams well. My children have friends on numerous clubs! You on the other hand must be one of these people that post fictitious and malicious statements about other clubs.

Anonymous said...

There's your problem.

Anonymous said...

What is the problem 10:20am? Parents wishing other clubs good luck? Parents hoping for the best for their kids? Parents hoping for the best in soccer?
Let's be honest, if it wasn't for the parents, none of these kids would be playing at levels that they do.
I love soccer and I enjoy watching them. I don't live through my child and I'm fairly positive they'll never get a scholarship. But I still love soccer!

Anonymous said...

Really 10:20am where's the problem?

Anonymous said...

10:20 a.m. is just a hater.

10:01 a.m./10:25 a.m./10:28 a.m,
Keep your head up. Most of us are in the same shoes as you. And then there are just some people on this blog that are jealous or envious, and wish to try to belittle others. It's that bully problem (it's not about's really just about themselves). If correct log-ins were required with valid email addresses (yes, I know people can create a new email address, but it would make their lives more difficult to do so), then the blogmaster could block such idiocy and this sort of scum would not post such BS.

Anonymous said...

Go MN wishes to all the winners come June 4/5. I hope all MN represent well. Considering the population factor, MN teams actually did well last year at regionals with a champion and several semi finalist! We can never dominate IL, MI, or OH just because of size.

Anonymous said...

as i said, there's your problem.

Anonymous said...

1154, I disagree we can never dominate. What about David VS Goliath,Mouse VS Elephant, Road Runner Vs Coyote, Elmer Fud VS Bugs Bunny ( My personal Favorite - Hoosiers) Kidding aside we will never dominate until the parents and coaches lose the belief that we can't dominate. It's that type of thinking that puts restrictions on what can be accomplished. Anything is possible but first you have to believe.

Anonymous said...

Tweety v. Sylvester.

Anonymous said...

or WYZ16GPR01 v MTE16GPR01?

Anonymous said...

If you check the 2010 State Cup results, the MTA 16 Girls have an asterisk that says they advanced to the national championships as Region II representative. Why is that when they lost the Region II championship to an Illinois team?

Anonymous said...

The little engine that COULD!!

Anonymous said...

C'mon, domination is when (as stated by bloggers on this site) as winning every game, every bracket and every championship. MN will not do that in regional or national. We will compete and compete hard and represent well. We will win our share but will not Dominate. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

314, when have we ever won our share of regional titles???

Anonymous said...

3:27pm. MN soccer is trying! And we will soon, but not every age group or bracket. What state can say that??
Stop being so negative! Are you the one that keeps coming on here day after day "What about regionals, what about nationals?" It's getting old and tired. If it bothers you that much find a new sport! MN youth sports don't dominate in any sport regionally or nationally and that goes for hockey too.
Let's work together for the common good of MN Soccer.

Anonymous said...

2:27, teams can advance if the team that wins the Region already has punched their ticket to Nationals elsewhere. They then take the next best team..

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I've always enjoyed watching those girls play, especially when they played in the fall boys league in maybe 2006 when they were 12 or 13. They made it to the fall state championship and lost a great game to the SCV (now) Isanti.

Anonymous said...

no one dominates. no one. nowhere.

Anonymous said...

I dominate!!

Anonymous said...

In a preview of the u17 boys final, ssm beat scv 3-2 in mel tonight. A pk was the difference.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mel wasn't there.

Anonymous said...

P zl pp

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the preview. Both teams are good but have rough semi games. Psa is a sleeper.

Anonymous said...

Regionals and Nationals mean nothing...DAP and ECNL is where all the talent is.

Anonymous said...

9:40pm Not exactly. Lots of talent yes, but not everyone wants to play DAP and ECNL. Some kids have other sports, interests, etc and can't commit fully to DAP & ECNL.
So there is still talent outside of those two options.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Dap only operates at 16 and 18. Plenty of 14s, 15s and 17s who are studs in mn.

Anonymous said...

Got the hint yet

No Name said...

Why don't you use a real name?
Most of what was talked about today was positive with the exception of a couple of yahoos.

Larry said...

What? The poster that said everyone has to use real names posted anonymously.

Real user name said...

"This will be repeated again and again and again until everyone is forced to use a real user name instead of anonymous"

You lost all credibility when you made repeated posts asking for everyone to use a real user name! Where is your name? Kind of forget something didn't you!

Frightened said...

What a crazy person! I am actually frightened for anyone who comes into contact with someone who has to repeatedly force their post on others.

Anonymous said...

"repeatedly forcing their post on others = violence"

-- Ghandi (wannabe)

Anonymous said...

You bloggers are all blind. The reason that person posted gibberish is to demonstrate that as anonymous you guys can post anything without consequences. That was the whole point you morons.

If you still don't get it then you all are lower than a kindergarten.

This is an example of posting with out consequences.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous post. I am involved with many forums and people on other forums would not be posting like these people do if they have to create an account and be responsible for their comments. The discussions on other forums are much more civil and straight to the point instead of personal attacks and name calling. If Tim is reading these posts he should think hard about changing the policy. Otherwise, there are simple technologies allowing the previous poster to do this again very easily to demonstrate the point.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

The last few posts were extremely immature starting at 9:57am!

I prefer to remain anonymous and most people do. Most posts are fine. You may not agree, but they do have a right to their own opinion. Just ignore what you don't like!

We would lose alot of the entertainment factor in this blog if people had to use real names, or user names with an e-mail. Besides people would just create a fake user name and/or e-mail address.

There is always going to be some immature idiot out there!

Marshall Mathers said...

I'm not afraid.

Anonymous said...

to make a stand?

Anonymous said...

Both 14G MTA teams moved into the semi-finals tonight.

Anonymous said...

not bad. 2 for 3 at 14G (the other MTA team lost their play-in game).

Anonymous said...

The other MTA team was a C2 team from the west metro. They knew they had no chance, but the coach likes to play State Cup so the girls can really see what high level of play is like. State Cup might not be the best venue for a C2 team, maybe entering a lower level tournament would be the best answer.

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM -- Wrong answer!


Anonymous said...

9:46am. 100% correct answer, because my daughter plays on that team. The girls are a group of girls that love to play soccer, but don't want to do it year around. The coaches name is Kent, he also coaches a MTA U15 C1. That team leaves for a tournament in Indiana this weekend. They are taking a couple of the girls from the U14 C2 team along. I can even give you the names of everyone on the team.
So why would you say "Wrong answer" you idiot!

So spit on u!

SocDude said...

9:46am you're wrong. And why would you say wrong answer.

As you can see on the MYSA site under State Cup and league play. The U14 girls from the west are listed as - MTW14GC201. 201 indicates C2.

MTA does have teams that are not year around academy elite type teams.

Anonymous said...

In other words, MTA disowns their bad teams when they lose.

More proof. That's all spitonu was pointing out. You always do.

Thank goodness they're in the "west metro," so they have money.

Anonymous said...

What you mean disown? They wear the same uniforms. They use the same fields. They don't pay the same fees, nor should they. They don't do the same amount training. I don't think MTA is disowning them. If they wanted to disown them, they could. MTA does encourage soccer at all levels! You only hear about the top teams. I don't see that EP, REV, SCV, WAY is going on and on about their C2 or C3 teams either!

Anonymous said...

I play for a lower level team at MTA and I don't feel disowned. I play 2 other sports and I love soccer. I don't have time to train for soccer year around and my parents don't have the money to pay the elite fees. So I play for MTA. Sure they talk about their elite teams, ecnl, dap teams more than they mention us. But really doesn't every club do the same thing? Seriously dude, a club is going to talk about how good their premier team does over what their c1 or c2 team does! Doesn't bother anyone on our team one bit! We just play cuz we love soccer.

Anonymous said...

10:00 AM - You make me laugh.


Anonymous said...

Anyone that signs "spitonu" makes the rest of us laugh. And why you would question something you most likely know nothing about. Who knows maybe you do? Although, if you did you would know it's the truth. Either way, it's time to grow up.
So no State Cup games over Memorial Day weekend.

Anonymous said...

So I guess MTA forces kool-aid down there low levels teams to!

Anonymous said...

11:08 Please learn to spell/write. Thanks- the management

Ruffling said...

"Wrong Answer" was probably referring to "maybe entering a lower level tournament would be the best answer."

That's the coach's philosophy and I agree with it. However, the better answer would be to have the parents of a C2 team formulate the tournament schedule, not the coach. U14C2 players aren't going anywhere, so what's the point of playing State Cup?

Anonymous said...

11:37 - so if they aren't "going anywhere" why even play the game???
To be consistent with this thinking, I guess all of us with no shot of making any professional golf tour should stop playing? After all, we aren't "going anywhere".....
might be they just like to play soccer and compete. just a hunch.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 11:11 if I don't right two good four yew!

Anonymous said...

11:51am - AGREED! Just like golf, I love tennis and quite frankly I was never going anywhere either. Nope, I didn't stop playing. I still play! Going nowhere shouldn't stop someone from playing.
Although, I do agree that a c2 team probably shouldn't of played State Cup. I looked at the c2's record in league play and they lost both of their games thus far in the c2 division. But, I admire them for trying!

Anonymous said...

Is it the same MTW team that won 1 game in the u13c1 west league last year? In my opinion entering them into the State Cup was a mistake. They had the opportunity to see what the "highest" level looked like basically last year having two current premier teams in their league. They were clearly outclassed in their c1 league, why sign up to play against the best of the c1 teams and the premier teams that are, due to the movement of players once a team earns premier status, likely even better than the c1 teams that beat them last year? There are other avenues to challenge your team, playing c1/premier in a tournament, scrimmages, etc. I don't think State Cup is the place to do it.

Anonymous said...

12:26pm. Yes it is the same U13c1 team from the west that won one game. When they moved from U12c1 to U13 their top players went onto play on MTA elite. So the U13c1 team was fairly stripped down full of previous c2 players. They barely trained in the winter time and when they did have a practice scheduled only a few girls showed up.
The coach is a great guy and good coach, but making making the decision to play your c2 team in State Cup was a mistake. I do know that they were hoping to play 3 games at State Cup, but drew the play-in game once again this year. You lose, you're done!

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of teams that should not enter state cup not just the MTW C2 team.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are!

Anonymous said...

Heard some DAP around the country aren't letting kids play highschool soccer starting w 2011 season? What is status for MTA & Shattuck? Anyone heard anything?

Anonymous said...

A. Shouldn't everyone sign up for State Cup? Kind of like the Lamar Hunt Cup or the FA Cup?

B. Why challenge yourself against C1 when you can challenge yourself against Premier?

Anonymous said...

Haven't we talked about this - DAP not allowing HS soccer? Unless it's changed?
Many states have HS in the spring, so that could be one of the reason.

Anonymous said...

DAP does allow HS soccer, but that's it.

Anonymous said...

10:57 AM -- speak for yourself, bozo!


Anonymous said...

10:57 AM -- you don't know what you're talking about! I'm bitter because I was no good at soccer and my kids are no good at soccer. So what of it!


Anonymous said...

My original point in making the comment was that MTA put 2 out of their 3 14G teams into the semis...a great result. I did so fully expecting someone to come back and say, "Yeah, but the losing team is white/green/magenta/whatever."

Sure enough, it took 4 minutes. Explain away the losses...explain away.

Anonymous said...

4:49 PM. Please tell us your club and the amount of teams you have at each age? So a c2 team didn't make it out of a play-in game. Many premier/c1 teams didn't make it into the semi's. That's how it goes....

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the weather holds up the weekend of June 5 and 6. If we continue to have weather problems it will be interesting to see how close the teams get to regionals before the champioships are set. Regionals are scheduled for June 24-29. There must be some deadlines Region II has for registering teams, paperwork, etc. Plus (as usual) the Minnesota teams will end up in the most crummy hotels.

Anonymous said...

I think the ill state cup wraps up the week before regions...i would assume there are other states as well that don't have a champion until the last minute...if your worried about a hotel, just book one yourself guess is the kids could care less and this is about them.

Anonymous said...

Like 98% of out of state tournaments, you can only book hotels through US Soccer. Your club can be fined if you go outside of their mandated hotels. Also, you don't want to book something until your team is confirmed to go, otherwise you could be under cancellation penalties.
It is ALL about the kids, and the kids do all want to stay at the same hotel with their teammates. But, it does take parents to get these kids there and to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

5:10, you are right. Sadly, though, you still don't get it.

Anonymous said...

5/26/11 3:16 PM -- You are an imposter. You are being tracked.

(the true and only)Spitonu

Anonymous said...

Hotels are booked through the Local Organizing Committe's Conference and Convention Bureau. Each regional conference bureau is different, last year 's did not perform as well as Souix Falls, Des Moines, or Appleton. Hotels for regionals have already been distributed to the states. They are not allocated by when teams qualify but based on a pre-determined ranking. Eight years ago the regional staff established a hotel allocation order. This sequence changes 180 degrees every other year thus odd years MN will be in the top half and even years we are in the bottom half. Last year we were three from the bottom this year four from the top. Thus all MN teams are within 30 minutes of fields in national hotel chains.
Next year in Michigan back to 12 out of 16 state associations & MRL.

Anonymous said...

10:18 Thank You for pointing this out, too many people assume rather than investigate.

Anonymous said...

the hotels in dayton last year were scary and dangerous.

Anonymous said...

10:12am. Since you really aren't using your real name, maybe it is?
I may go by that nickname too!
The tracking doesn't scare me one bit, because everything I've posted has been civil and positive. You on the other hand can't seem to shake your bitterness.

The 14G semi's are set; MTA Blue, MTA White, Prior Lake, Cottage Grove. 4 great teams, but we all know who will come out on top.

Anonymous said...

Prior Lake! Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

I don't this so!

Anonymous said...

Neat to see the girl from Northfield (plays Dakota Rev) getting a scholarship to play at the U of Mn. Fast little striker. Neat to see kid from a smaller town get a D1 look.

Anonymous said...

You mean non-MTA kids get scholarships too? Huh? That can't be so.

Anonymous said...

oops. that wasn't civil.


Anonymous said...

Is she a 2012 or 2013?

Anonymous said...

From a MTA mom, congratulations to the Dakota Rev girl from Northfield. That's great and even better that's the UofM. A good MN player stays in MN.

Anonymous said...

She is a Junior in High School and will hopefully have a healthy senior fall season and u18 experience. Fun to watch her play...very fast.

Anonymous said...

Good to know. That should round out the class of 2012 recruits at the U of M. Looking forward to see what the next class brings.

Anonymous said...

12:08 PM The four recruits at the U next year come from vastly different areas, not a one from MTA or EP. Duluth, Eagan, Northfield and West Des Moines.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

2:32 is this published somewhere?

these kids would then be jr or 11th grade?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Top lists the recruits and

These sites list recruits for 2011, 2012 and 2013.

Anonymous said...

2:38pm Anyone that would sign their name as Spitonu has issues. Considering it's now a crime punishable by law to spit on someone.
It's also illegal to bet on youth sports. Your post on 4/13 at 9:44am, you asked if "anyone started a State Cup pool." Under MYSA rules and regulations that is illegal. Hopefully you are not a coach or player. Now who is being tracked?

Anonymous said...

That is sooo incorrect. BR who plays for MTA will be playing at the U of M next year, as well as a MTA goalie. Where do you people come up with such lies? You really believe some random website? There is accurate signing information on the MTA website. As for the U17 blue team, all but 4 players have already committed to colleges, each with a nice scholarship. The U16 blue team has at least 2 commitments, both out of State. I don't know about other clubs, but I would be happy to post the colleges that will be watching MTA girls at PDA this weekend, and a preview that I personally know includes: U of M, Princeton, Stanford, University of Maryland, American, etc. ECNL is the way to go if your daughter wants to play at a D1 college, and definitely if she wants to play D1 outside the Midwest.

Anonymous said...

5:13pm Buckle your seat belt! MTA haters will be coming on strong now! I thought the early post was incorrect too, thanks for doing the research.

tomASS said...

parents, they're what ruin soccer.

Anonymous said...

uh uh parents, they're what pay for soccer. So, invest your money wisely. If your kid is happy with their community club program - great!!! Money well invested. If your kid wants more, pay for camps, additional training, and have them try out for an academy program. If they have that rare passion and want to play at the highest levels, surround them with other players who want the same thing. Easy.

Anonymous said...

5:13. BP,KL,BR,TU,TW,KT and SR are all 2011's. The other four mentioned are 2012's. That's what I meant by next year (2012).

Anonymous said...

I love it. Don't trust an independent website that tries to recognize all kids who sign to play in college. Ratherm trust MTA's. 5:13 probably gets his/her news from Fox.

Is being smarmy uncivilized?

MNF said...

Spitonu (real an impostor), why the name calling on so many of your posts? If you truly enjoy this forum, please be civil. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

No politics!

Anonymous said...

513, how could the MTA 0U16 blues have two commitments, both out of state? Aren't those girls sophomores? I would believe it if were October or November, but not this early. Plus when you say out of state, probably second or third tier schools, right?

Anonymous said...

or 4th...

tomASS said...

754 - invest wisely? With all due respect..... laughable

very simply, the cream of the crop will always rise to the top.

Money spent does not equate to achievement

Anonymous said...

No, they have August Birthdays, and they are both playing D1...BINGO!

Anonymous said...

5:19. One of the two girls is a junior that I am aware of. Don't know the second girl. She probably has a birthday after August 1st which would make her a U16 and one of the oldest on the team. She has verbally committed to Memphis. If you look it up on those two websites mentioned earlier you can verify it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 651 - (519 here) I did verify the one player. Good for her. I'm sure the second player is in there somewhere (they should let you sort by state). I apologize for doubting, and yes I should have thought about the August birthday part.

Anonymous said...

Saturday ECNL Results...
MTA 15G 1 - Virginia Rush Nike 3
MTA 16G 0 - FC Delco 1
MTA 17G 6 - Slammers FC 3

Anonymous said...

The ECNL site is showing the U15 MTA team 3 to 1 over Virginia, unless I am reading it incorrectly.

Anonymous said...

MTA beat Virginia 3-1.

Anonymous said...

Excellent results for the the MTA girls. Congrats!
It's too bad Minnesota soccer sucks...right?

Anonymous said...

that is correct. U15 3-1 winners.

Anonymous said...

Additional USSF Development Academy clarification, development academy teams can designate players as a Development Player (DP) these players per USSF Academy rules can play outside the Academy if the club so desires to gain actual game playing time. Some of the MTA 18 and 16 DP players are playing in the State Cup. This is within the rules of USSF Development Academy and US Youth Soccer National Championships Series Protocol. Full Time players do not have such flexibility.

Anonymous said...

Additional USSF Development Academy clarification, development academy teams can designate players as a Development Player (DP) these players per USSF Academy rules can play outside the Academy if the club so desires to gain actual game playing time. Some of the MTA 18 and 16 DP players are playing in the State Cup. This is within the rules of USSF Development Academy and US Youth Soccer National Championships Series Protocol. Full Time players do not have such flexibility.

Anonymous said...

MTA U17 Blues are currently in 3rd Place in the ECNL A bracket - early game tomorrow against the Number 1 seed San Diego Surf team. Good luck girls!

Anonymous said...

To MTA u17 blues - Good luck ladies and have fun!

Anonymous said...

There are 383 college coaches at the ECNL event this weekend

Anonymous said...

Sunday ECNL Results...
MTA U15G 1 - FC Virginial 1
MTA U16G 5 - Neusport 0
MTA U17G 6 - Sereno SC 0

Anonymous said...

Mta u17 blue down 2 at half vs surf

Anonymous said...

Nice article on these girls about yesterday's game on top-drawer soccer

Anonymous said...

Do you have a link for it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

mta u16 wins 2-1 this morning.

Anonymous said...

Monday ECNL Results...
MTA U15G 0 - Real So Cal 0
MTA U16G 2 - SoccerPlus Connecticut 1
MTA U17 G 0 - San Diego Surf 2

Overall weekend records...
U15 1 win, 2 ties
U16 2 wins, 1 loss
U17 2 wins, 1 loss
Overall 5-2-2

Anonymous said...

Wow, aren't these MN teams playing outside of MN and playing some of the top teams in the nation? I didn't think MN teams could do anything outside of our state? Even better these are MTA teams!

Anonymous said...

Yes, nice result ladies. I am NOT an MTA parent, but I do ALWAYS like to see Minnesota teams represent our state well.

What other teams are travelling this weekend?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Which of those girls is your daughter?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's too bad, I was going to congratulate you/them. I know how hard those two girls have probably worked to get where they are.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. MTA dad took over the blog this weekend. NIce work.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Got one!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the weather will be nice for the games this weekend.

Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

The blog is so quiet! Is this the calm before the storm?

Anonymous said...

In my opinion and on the boys side, there are some pretty good and tough competition this Saturday. U13 MTA vs MUS 10:30 field 2. U14 MTA vs SPU 10:30 field 4 and U17 SSM vs PSA 8am field 4. I think I will be on field 4 for the 8 and 10:30 game. Should be good.

Prediction: U13 MUS, U14 MTA, U17 SSM.

Anonymous said...

Don't underestimate SPU.

13: MUS
14: SPU
17: SSM

Anonymous said...

MTA vs SPU at 14 should be a good game. Haven't seen SPU play this year but heard a lot of good things about the team. Good luck/best wishes to both teams. I'm sure the winner will represent MN well at Regional.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps at U14 SPU has a chance. They lost to St. Croix (a C-1 team) over the winter, which is the same team that tied the MTA Blue team in State Cup. Maybe a good game, if you can control the parents, especially the SPU parents who moved from St. Croix. Classic example of parents who ruin it for the players.

Anonymous said...

Winners for the finals that are set...

These are locks

Anonymous said...

Dear 6:50 Keep praying

Anonymous said...

no way. maybe one of the three will win.

Anonymous said...

6/2/11 8:23 AM

Blog administrator is being too politically correct.

Anonymous said...

Ok 8:43 if you don't like those picks, who's gonna win instead?

Anonymous said...


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