Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: State Cup Preview


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Anonymous said...

I agree with 6/3/11 6:50 AM. It will be WYZ, MTE, EDP at 16 17 and 18 girls

Anonymous said...

13 tonka
14 mte
15 rev
16 mta
17 scv
18 ep

Anonymous said...

Why Rev at 15 and SCV at 17?

Anonymous said...

why not? you ask as if anyone knows anything.

Anonymous said...

just trying to spread the wins across clubs, no other reason.

The 13, 15 and 17 seem to be open for all, however mta & ep 15 are also just as strong as rev. 14 and 16 are lock mte and mta.

Anonymous said...

just like to know what people are thinking, that's all. Thanks for the honest answer.

Anonymous said...

14G Prior Lake is going to shock and win it all! You heard it first.

Anonymous said...

everyone knows MTA is the favorite at every age group, so I'm just picking the teams I hope can pull the upset.

Anonymous said...

At 16G WYZ and MTE have already played twice this season. MTE has not scored in either of those games (one league and one state cup).

Finals were
WYZ 0 - MTE 0
WYZ 1 - MTE 0

Until and unless MTE can score against WYZ's defense WYZ is the clear favorite in this group. The WYZ girls are VERY confident going into this game and the the team has some surprises up their sleeve like yhey did against TCF. Plus I think the WYZ girls are in the heads of the MTE team and have the edge.

Anonymous said...

sweet. gotta love that.

Anonymous said...

How are MTA the favorites at u15? REV beat and tied them last year in league, had a 2 goal lead late in the game in their group play game this year at State Cup.

Anonymous said...

I have a prediction, We'll know all the results after this weekend. I wish all the teams good luck. Enjoy the games!

Anonymous said...

627, I think it actually come down to coaching for those two teams, advantage WYZ. I did see their state cup game. MTE played well, but never finished. I didn't see any in game adjustments from the MTE coach.

Anonymous said...

So quiet in here...

I guess the TCF parents have nothing left to trash talk about.

Anonymous said...

oh, it's so nice to see that a Goliath can still be out-coached.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be great to be able to play the entire state cup in conditions like we had today?

Anonymous said...

So who was Goliath and who outcoached them? From what I can see it looks like maybe scv over MTA at 17b, but I wouldn't call that a total upset, though I hear scv played half the second half and 30 minutes of overtime down a man before winning in pks. Now maybe scv over Shattuck tomorrow would be one.

Anonymous said...

In case anyone's counting:

Clubs with the most teams in the finals
MTA/E/W/N: 9
SCV: 5 (includes 19B where no one else registered)
TCF: 0. (sorry, had to do it...they were the loudest on this blog)

Anonymous said...

Klonecki's doing something right over at SCV...

Anonymous said...

looks like another beautiful day for soccer. Good luck to everyone today. A note to the players, enjoy the games, give your all and ignore all the parents (well during the game anyway).

Anonymous said...

I believe it was 15 girls EDP vs REV. We heard that the goalie on one of the teams was knocked out and couldn't remember how she got there, any details of her life, etc. Does anyone know how's she doing? Scary, I really hope she's ok?

Anonymous said...

U17 G was a great game, MTA win in OT. SCV was up 1-0, MTA tied on a CK, then SCV up 2-1 on a free kick. MTA tied on another Corner. Final goal in second OT by MTA. Well fought match.

Anonymous said...

Does it bug anyone that Shattuck (which will represent Minnesota U17B at regionals) has as the same number of Minnesotans as non-US citizens (4) on its roster?

Anonymous said...

I guess WYZ U16G Coach, was out coached again. Certainly the players had nothing to do with MTA's victory...did they?

Anonymous said...

2:35 The SVCU17 boys would have been embarrassed at the regional tournament (even though USYSA regionals hasn't meant anything for 3 or 4 years now on the boys side with DAP.) So I'm glad a better team will represent MN.

Anonymous said...

MTA Girls U14, U15, U16, and U17 all win. Great day for MTA teams. EP at U18, and not sure at U13.

Anonymous said...

Anyone see the U15B match? What happened?

Anonymous said...

I was on another field, but I heard that a MTA player received a red card early in the game. I saw the MUS goals - beautiful! Very hard fought game. Great day of soccer, fields were awesome! Isanti was well worth the drive.

Anonymous said...

9:54, she's ok. She had a pretty serious concussion in the past from what I understand so she may be out for a while but was in good spirits today and it doesn't seem super serious (though brain injuries are never something to take lightly).

Anonymous said...

Well 248, at least scv embarrassed all the true minnesota teams.

Anonymous said...

Cns won 13g. MTA was nowhere to be found.

Anonymous said...

Girls' results:

u14: MTA
u15: MTA
u16: MTA
u17: MTA

I'm unsure about u13 and u18, but neither are MTA.

Anonymous said...

6/5/11 2:43 PM "I guess WYZ U16G Coach, was out coached again. Certainly the players had nothing to do with MTA's victory...did they?"

How can you say that a game has nothing to do with the players that are playing in it? With one of their coaches unable to be there, I'd say coaching had very little to do with the game.

MTA 16G plays, and does well, against the top teams in the country. Their experience shows through their possession and composure when facing a team like Wayzata who keeps 9 players behind the ball at all times.

MTA scored their first goal about 15 minutes into the game off of a string of 6 passes, where a forward then took on 2 defenders and scored.

Early in the second half, Wayzata responded with a header off of a corner that was tipped by the keeper and deflected off the far post defender.

About 10 minutes later, MTA put together 3 combinations in the midfield, where a midfielder then played a 20 yard diagonal ball to a straight-running forward who scored the winning goal.

Lots of big balls over the top from Wayzata in hopes of reaching one of their fast forwards. Defensively, they were unable to maintain position or prevent splits from MTA. A lot of chasing. They began to tire towards the middle of the 2nd half and simply could not keep up.

MTA with mostly short quick passes, give-and-go's, and very crafty through balls to their technical players up top. Solid defense that were quick to close and didn't allow much past them. Good stamina and tactical awareness. MTA was the better side in this game.

Possession: 85% MTA, 15% Wayzata

Score: MTA 2 - Wayzata 1

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...thanks, Dave.

Anonymous said...

Not that lopsided from a neutral observer. Teams closing gap on MTA today. No decisive victories other than u14 & u16 boys.

Anonymous said...

Very cool! That means that MTA has accomplished it's goal - raising the level of soccer in the State of Minnesota. Now, if we could get rid of MYSA! Our ODP teams suck - and our players deserve more! Any ideas on what we can do to further the level of play in MN?

Anonymous said...

Everyone can relax now. The results are in. Next year, MTA is pulling its top teams out of state cup. The ECNL teams will not be allowed to play league or state cup.

So, just wait until next year, I predict MTA will not win a championship on the girls side.

Anonymous said...

Unlikely 8:07, many said the same about DAP gutting MTA boys. Wrong 6:44 U16 girls could not have been more lopsided. And your wrong about ECNL, it is not a USYSA organziation, so they can not govern USYSA events. So lets add them up, shall we?

MTA: 7
MUS, SSM, BHK, SCV (no other entries at 19B), CNS, EDP, WDB: 1 each

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's true. You are correct they cannot govern USYSA events, but they can set rules for their US Club teams. ECNL will no longer allow its member teams to take part in USYSA events next year. Not a rumor - fact. Ask anyone from the MTA girls side. In fact, email their DOC.

I'llbefrank said...

MTA wasn't a factor at 17, 18 or 19 boys or 18 or 19 girls. Interesting too how they werent a factor at 13 boys or girls. Looks like people have other quality options that are less expensive and less disruptive.

Anonymous said...

620, so what if it was Dave?

I have my doubts, about him posting here, but so what?

Anonymous said...

6:44 were we wating the same game? MTA was clearly the better side.

Anonymous said...

Umm, MTA won 13 boys, so I guess they were a factor.

Anonymous said...

On the girls side like it or not the results are clear. MTA system has produced the best teams.
The 14's are clearly a step above the rest. The game was not as close as the score vs PL.
15's completely dominated the REV team, they were a disciplined
team vs a REV team that resorted to attempting long balls over the top. MTA just played back with numbers and gave up no real threats.
16's game vs Wayzata was fairly close but again the MTA team was just more organized and better. Great job of creating scoring opportunities off diagonal runs/balls to the net.

17's This was a well balanced game. St Croix played MTA pretty equally, both teams played hard and did a good job creating opportunities. In my opinion this was the closest game of any of the MTA Championships.

BTW not that it really matters but the MTA 13's who lost the first game vs Tonka in the bad weather likely would have advanced had Prior Lake played the game against Tonka (coach forgot passes). PL was much stronger side than Tonka was.

Anonymous said...

MTA claims 4 champions on the girls side. That's funny because 3 of the teams are actually MTE, meaning the "regional" academies do better than the "elite" academy.

On the boys side 2 of the champions are MTA and 1 is MTW.

So, by my count, MTA has only 2 state cup winners. MTE has the most with 3 and MTW has 1.

Even with this, I'm sure the MTA website will say they have 7 winners.

Anonymous said...

...or MTA has 3, MTE has 3 and MTW has 1

Anonymous said...

you have to love the persistence of the "regional" vs. "elite" poster. someday he/she will get a clue......either that or they actually know how things are structured and are just taking a few misguided cheap shots.

Anonymous said...

7:06am Those were the elite teams for MTA! MTA places their elite teams in different regions, but never the same region. For example 14G & 15G elite white are considered MTN. The 14G and 15G blues are considered MTE.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how you can say MTA was not a factor in 17b when they were a semi finalist, and the only team with a chance to beat SSM.

Not trying to offend SCV, but they don't match up well with SSM.

They basically packed it in on defense and won in shots from the mark, hardly a decisive win.

Player who got a sent off was clearly playing too aggressive with studs up early in the game, and then a late, hard tackle from behind-turned into an easy send off. Again, they just packed it in and the MTA attack just didn't finish there many opportunities.

And yes, we all were backing SCV after shots from the mark ended.

I agree with two earlier posts that noted Klonecki doing the right things in SCV and MTA's influence on making MN soccer better.

Whether he already knew what to do (which I think he did), because of MTA the parents realized you have to train more, expect more from the club and compete at a higher level at tournaments to improve. It's working people, now there are good choices, including MTA for those in areas where their club hasn't woken up yet...

You also have to give credit to the coaches brought in to train the kids.

Good luck MN winners, enjoy your experience at Regional!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

US Club can not dictate eligibility for USYSA events and vice-versa. There was even a law suite about this several years back. US Club can prohibit ENCL registered players from playing the US Club Regional and National tournament, but again, not USYSAs. It may be true that some MTA team choose to only play US Club soccer, but that would be a mistake to have to travel for all/most of their games. Unless US Club will have a girls state wide league next year, I can't see many teams choosing to do so.

Anonymous said...

SSM owned the first half yesterday and converted their two opportunities. SCV owned the second half and missed their four. They matched up very well, thank you.

Anonymous said...

How does MTA's 7 titles compare to previous years? How many regional titles will they win?

Anonymous said...

"The game was not as close as the score vs PL."

There we go again. I always love that one. Such a soccer-mommy line.

Anonymous said...

Very unclassy performance by MTE 15boys at state cup yesterday.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to compare the success of MTA vs their last years results. Last year they won State Cup championships at u19 on both boys and girls side of the club and this year they didn't have teams enter at u19. Last year they won 9 titles. So it's sort of comparable to last year.
This year they won 7 from u13-u18 age groups the same as last year and that was without their best u15-u18 boys playing in the event.
This will be the last year they dominate as their top girls will not be allowed to compete next year as ECNL has made that a rule for all ECNL clubs.

Anonymous said...

I can see how state cup interest would wane as kids get older, but I struggle to see why only one team registered at U19B. Don't the boys who play college soccer want to come home and train and compete with a committed team?

Anonymous said...

9:33 What happened? w the 15B MTE's? Most of the best U15's are on that team. None of them were pulled up to the U16DA team.

Anonymous said...

Most of the best u19 boys who are away at college are playing on teams in the D-1 MASL men's league.

Anonymous said...

sometimes the better TEAM wins. MTA sometimes forgets that when they assemble their boys all-star teams.

Anonymous said...

I too watched the 16G game. MTA had the best of it for most of the game. WYZ played boot ball in hopes of getting a break away. WYZ played soccer (instead of boot ball) for the first part of the second half, and was able to score. Then (once they tied), in typical fasion, WYZ laid back and resorted to boot ball and the more skilled MTA team took over from there and got the game winner on a nice three player combination.

Anonymous said...

11:20 Sounds like the U-15G game . REV was playing kick and run all day while MTA played soccer. Result soccer wins.

Anonymous said...

The difference in the u15 girls game was that MTA was able to take away what rev does best. Rev wants to attack with their wide players. MTA put faster players out wide and that took rev away from what they do best. Much was learned from the first game between the two teams. Rev is very one dimensional and had no answers yesterday. Mta has always been the better soccer team and rev has had great athletes. By 15 great athletes can only take you so far.

Anonymous said...

u15 mta boys played a man down for part of 1st and all of 2nd half. one of their best player got a red card. i personally did not see the play so don't know what happened. exciting 2nd half, beautiful goals by both team (bomb shot by MU and a nice cross/header by MTA). I really questioned the PK call with several minutes left in the game. I thought it was a very questionable call but that is from my and the rest of the non-partisan fans in concession shelter saw which was about 20-30 yds in front of us. perhaps from the ref's angle it was different.

Anonymous said...

I watched the SPU-MTA U14 semis over the weekend and for all those that keeps posting here saying SPU would give MTA a challenge, beat MTA, etc...don't know how you rate teams. I was disappointed in the game as it was skill vs boot/run and hackers. SPU was no match for MTA's skills individually and as a team so they started to resort to hacking the MTA players.

Anonymous said...

What happened to all the SCV boys teams that were suppose to be good? No where to be found!

Anonymous said...

Boy, the MTA PR machine is in full-swing today. Talking point 1: MTA = skill/possession. Everyone else = hackers/bootball. talking point 2: Describe all MTA goals as pretty/combinations. Describe all other goals as lucky. Talking point 3: Blame all losses on red cards and injuries.

Anonymous said...

1:54 sore much?

Anonymous said...

Not as sore as those whiny MTE U15parents!

Anonymous said...

1:54, obviously you did not watch the games. 1:24's acct was pretty fair. "beautiful goals by both team (bomb shot by MU and a nice cross/header by MTA" sounds to me like he/she appreciated play from both teams. No criticism or the referee just stated a point of view from his/her angle. I was also at the SPU-MTA game and 1:27's account is how the game went. I saw 2nd half of SPU-MTA game on Saturday and yes that was a rough game. With all the fouls and yellow cards, I thought I was watching a mens league game in Mexico again!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know when the regional draw will come out?

Anonymous said...

1:54, I think the only thing the MTA PR machine needs today is this, 7 champions, girls 4-0 in championships.

Anonymous said...

Great. The elite all-star teams beat everyone else. Let's see how many of the 7 win regions. Can you say, "Zippo"?

Anonymous said...

Funny, I don't see any MTA boasting on the DAP thread. I wonder why...

Anonymous said...

3:13 PM -- You can trumpet that all day, but I would guess that most could care less and/or actually think that MTA having 7 championships is bad for development of MN soccer.


Anonymous said...

It'd be great if they'd just shut up about it and let the victories do the talking.

An ounce of humility would earn them a ton of respect.

Anonymous said...

4:14 -- still looking for the MTA national championship appearances that will prove that what MTA is doing is GOOD for development of MN soccer.

Anonymous said...

4:22pm I'm fairly positive if any other club won 7 championships they would be boasting too. And why not, they should. Are you telling us if your club won a bunch of championships, you would say "oh well." You sound jealous!
Still looking for ANY MN club to win a national championship!
Good luck to ALL clubs as they head to regionals!

Anonymous said...

It'd be great if they'd just shut up about it and let the victories do the talking.

An ounce of humility would earn them a ton of respect.

Anonymous said...

1:24 PM -- one of their "best" players punched a MU player.

4:44 PM -- true, but if MTA winning 7 or 9 state titles, is that GOOD for development of MN soccer? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Anyone report on the goals scored in G U17 title game, just curious if any were high shots over top of goalies.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to MTA for a job well done. Confident that they as well as other clubs fortunate enough to go to regions will represent MN well.

To measure succes by regional and national championships is stupid. Winning records and advancing out of group play is a great accomplishment at regions.

REV Coach

MNF said...

If any coach, parent or player would like to provide updates or commentary from Regionals, please send me an email at

I would love to have a game summary from each match regardless of who was writting. I can write a daily summary, not include author names and turn off blogger comments to avoid any nasty comments.

MNF said...

Congratulations and good luck to all of the MN teams headed to Regionals!!

Anonymous said...

but what fun would this blog be without the nasty comments?

Anonymous said...

Good luck to everyone in regions! Don't listen to the losers back here who say MN teams can't do anything outside of the state. You won the state and I'm guessing the yahoo's who keep saying that never even won state!
Best of luck, win or lose MN is behind you!

Anonymous said...

if the winners can't do well at regionals, just think of how the losers would fair...... we'd be back to the "yes, we got MN in our pool!" days.

Anonymous said...

I am pulling for every Minnesota team at regionals.

Last year it was wonderful to see an MTA team cheering for a Woodbury team. We should all pull together for these kids.

Remember, they're just kids. It's the parents who are the ones wishing ill on 12 - 18 year old children.

Watch the interaction between the kids before and after games. They don't care what color they wear. They just love the game and respect their opponents (for the most part). Some will even hang out together the next day at school and be truly happy for their friend that is heading to regionals (oh, the horrors).

Anonymous said...

Great. "We won. Now please cheer for us."

Anonymous said...

6/6/11 4:55 PM

The gamewinner in OT was a perfectly-placed mishit that chipped the goalkeeper.

Would it be sexist of me to suggest that women should play on smaller goals? Why do we expect a 14 year old girl to cover the same goal that a 6'4 grown man is expected to cover? Frankly I guess I'm just tired of seeing so many goals that really shouldn't be goals. Slow-moving and middle of the goal? It's got a great chance of going in if it's high.

Anonymous said...


Why so bitter? I'm sorry you're not able to live through your son or daughter. You know, as they get older it gets easier.

Anonymous said...

No, 5:14. It gets easier as the parent gets older and decides to finally mature. It's youth soccer for crying out loud. In the grand scheme of life, I hope you have something else to live for.

tomASS said...

MTA parents are vocal on blogs because they can't control anything else in their kid's soccer world. So they release that pent up frustration here.

Anonymous said...

Actually the most vocal parents are the ones that can't get their kids on an MTA team so they resort to attacks, lies and belittling any team that goes to region and doesn't win. All while they sit back in MN and feel sorry for themselves.

TCF parent (who respects MTA, but prefers to play at TCF)

Anonymous said...

It'd be great if they'd just shut up about it and let the victories do the talking.

An ounce of humility would earn them a ton of respect.

Anonymous said...

Just an ounce. A teensy weensy ounce.

Anonymous said...

I live through my child quite well, thank you.

Anonymous said...

I think if you read thru the Blog, MTA doesn't boast that much about their wins. They don't boast anymore than any other team that beats them.

Anonymous said...

tomAss, which parents are controlling their kids soccer world? And why do you think that is better?

Frankly, many parents try to control without any soccer knowledge, and those that are allowed don't produce many team successes-it's genrally good for one kid and no others...

tomASS said...

@831 - I don't think that is better

typically the community club programs are controlled or heavily influenced by parents that have a singular agenda....their kids

An Academy program does not permit this to any extent that a community club does. So these parents only outlet for their controlling desires is to post anonymously on a blog.

I do believe the MTA posts were more civil this year than in the past years and I do know it is only a small group of MTA parents in the boasting mode.

I also agree the TC Fire parents were award winners this year for boasting about their teams. They say where there is smoke there is fire, but not in this case......only smoke

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

MNF - is it possible to start a new thread for regional. State cup talk is old.

Anonymous said...
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Splasher said...

10:37am. What are you talking about. No where does that person mention MTA or are they boasting. We know PL beat a MTA team in the semi's and lost to the other team in the finals, but I don't see anything about MTA boasting in that post. Whoever posted that was talking about one players dirty play.
Reading 101; read slowly and if you don't understand read it again!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

just a guess, but i doubt 11:55am is a mta parent.....

Anonymous said...

Just because someone says they are a TCF parent does not mean they are a TCF parent. Get over it already!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

No call was worst than the pk call with a few minutes left in the u15 boys final. I was pretty close (right behind the goal) to the play and in my opinion because of the intensity of the match at the time, the referee had a too quick a draw on his whistle. Emotions played a part in the call.

Anonymous said...

this is 108 I'm not an MTA parent. I'm a PSA parent waiting for the next game on that field. Just wanted to throw my opinion out on here cause if this happened to my son's team, I would be very disappointed!

Old Ref said...

1:08 and 1:10, please get certified and sign up for State Cup once you are ready to referee at that level.

All calls are subjective and depending on where you are standing and how you interpret the game you may disagree with calls.

The people allowed to ref those games come with multiple quality assessments in high level games and are not just everyday referees, most who got centers were grade 7 or 6.

You don't get your 7 or 6 without being recognized as making the correct calls, especially in the 18 and dangerous areas. They attend yearly meetings, most watch the "week in review" and study the game weekly. They want to be the best they can be, and work at it every time they enter the pitch.

To the people arguing about coach involvement in a caution, there may have been language or threat made that the coach was pointing out, and was then verified by AR's- I don't know, and neither do you just spectating. It's not a conspiracy, I promise you that.

Anonymous said...

1234, more importantly did she bite, spit or name call. No horse in the race but you think someone intentionally stepped on someones foot and then pushes them? what was the opposing player doing standing there? taking a break on the field. Most players who play soccer are constantly moving and maybe it was an accident.

Anonymous said...

Why would a referee do a State Cup game when they get paid less than many of the clubs in the metro area? Especially when considering they don't have to drive to Isanti to get their games.

Anonymous said...

1:57 pm – No, she did not bite or spit. Yes, I do think people do things like that, intentionally.

Ok, ok, I will admit it, you are correct – all of these girls are PERFECT little angels! They all have halos over their heads and wings on their backs! And you are also 100 percent correct that no player EVER takes a break on the field! They run top speed all of the time!

It could have been an accident, but I doubt it. The step and push was after a shot. The defender was walking back and it happened. Now, unless YOU were at the game, I am not sure how you can possibly comment.

All I am saying is it could be cleaned up a bit, that’s all.

MA said...

11:55AM - I'm the MTA Coach you mention.

IMO, the first tackle you are talking about was a very late tackle. It was on my side of the field and about 20 yards away - I had a good view.

There was no outburst from my coaching staff when the tackle was made, and I went onto the field to tend for my player who was clearly injured and in a lot of pain. The ref may have come over to me while my player was down on the field and a medic was treating her, but I can't say for sure. What I do know is that when the injured player was lifted off the field and I was walking back to my bench, I first asked one of the PL coaches, then the ref if there was a card issued. I had no idea, let alone any influence on that call. If you're talking about one of my other coaches talking with the ref, then I can't speak to that as I don't know what was going on.

As for the second yellow card tackle, that happened right in front of me. I was up out of my chair and yelled "Ref!", and that was the most direct confrontation I've had with an official in a long, long time. It was not a 50/50 tackle. The PL girl again came sliding in late with her studs up. My player was flipped head over heels, landed on her back, and I was looking at another center back going down in less than a 20 minute span.

The ref reached in his pocket and drew out a yellow, then visually paused as he realized that this was the same player he booked previously and he (the ref) might be drastically impacting the game, but he was already committed to the act.

I know the PL coach and don't blame her. In fact, I apologized to her right after the game about my outburst at the ref right when the tackle was made.

This was a final, players were playing hard on both sides of the field. I'm sure some of the PL supporters looked at some of my girls as thugs. It's all so relative and subjective. Moreover, most parents don't really understand what a fair should to shoulder or crunching block tackle looks like. A challenge can be fair even if it results in one of the girls being sent flying.

PL came out strong and completely dominating us for the first 13 minutes until we settled into our rhythm. They also played hard til the last minute, short-handed as they were. I give them props for their effort. I believe the better team on the day prevailed, but again, that's me seeing through my own rose colored glasses.

Anonymous said...

215, you obviously have no problem calling out a u14 girls soccer player and trashing her on a blog hiding behind anonymous. Oh thats right you didn't mention her name, but you might have just as well. Maybe she did deserve the card but by stating she purposely stepped on the players feet and pushed them over tells me your a nutty parent who cries everytime someone falls or gets knocked over.

Anonymous said...

1:56, or maybe the ref made the wrong call.

Anonymous said...

I wish REFs would understand what a "fair shoulder-to-shoulder or crunching block tackle looks like." I'm so sick of cards being issued when 17/18-year-olds play physical but clean.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

426, The funny thing is parents think anything that happens to there kid is a foul and there kids can do no wrong. Most parents don't know the difference between a hard tackle and a foul. If she is as bad as you say she is why didn't someone (another player) put her in her place.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

4:39, you're proving that most parents don't know the difference between there, their and they're.

5:07, you're proving the same about your and you're.

tomASS said...

Old Ref - well stated and as usual spot on advice

@411- every good referee will admit they never have called a perfect game but many calls can be subjective as the old ref indicates. Wrong or right can only be found in the eyes of the beholder which is the center ref.

MA- stands up and is forthright which is always appreciated here.

All the new scuttle being bantered about only reinforces why parents ruin the game

MNF said...

I will start a Regionals thread shortly. It will be in the upper right had corner of the start page.

Please leave the state cup chatter here, and allow everyone who wants to support the MN teams going to regionals to enjoy themselves. They are all representing MN and the soccer community should be behind them.

Anonymous said...

How about the old refs who can't keep up with the flow of the game yet take every opportunity to insert themselves directly into the game's outcome? They're the BEST!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
tomASS said...

@anon825 - just as there are good and bad players as well as coaches, there are some referees that also continue to work games but fail to contribute to the game in the best manner possible.

Problem is there are not enough quality referees to go around at times.

There seems to be plenty of referees on the sidelines though that are neither qualified or of very high quality because if they were I am almost positive they would want to be contributing to making the beautiful game better by showing the poor quality referees the way it should be done.

but I could be wrong eh?

Anonymous said...

Old Ref - how do higher grade refs get evaluated? Does a mentor come watch their games? Do they videotape the game and evaluate it?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

tomAss, as mentioned earlier, the problem is that MYSA doesn't get the highest quality referees possible because they're not willing to pay what it takes to get them. I'm not saying they should be making officials rich, but if they want higher quality referees, they should be willing to pay more than the going rates for clubs to attract those quality refs, especially given the importance of these games.

Outspoken said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

12:29 am - yes, sexist, but more so, really? Smaller goals? It isn't like the scores are double digits. Smaller goals so games will end 0-0? Female keepers can cover the nets. The SCV keeper was short, but it wasn't the game changer.

Anonymous said...

funny, the most abusive parent toward refs I know is a ref himself. "pot calling the kettle black?"

tomASS said...

@1019 - I would agree with your position.

Shekki said...

@12:18, I would agree with your position.


Anonymous said...

There is a rumor floating around that the MTA ECNL teams will not play State Cup or Premier league games next year. Can someone from MTA comment on whether or not that's true? Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:38 That's a fact.

Anonymous said...


I'llBeFrank said...

That doesn't mean MTA won't be at State Cup, it just means their top team in each ECNL age group won't. But, they have depth. Look at their boys; their top U16 and U18 players were in the Development Academy and were ineligible for State Cup; their "leftovers" won U16B and were finalists at U18B.

Maybe they won't win 7 titles again next year, but this non-MTA parent predicts they'll still win more than anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Big brother has spoken 1020, 957, 850, 507.

Anonymous said...

Why would MTA pull their best teams out of State Cup and give up their chances at Regionals? What about Premier league games?

Anonymous said...

Because playing in ECNL and DAP mean more in the long run than playing in regionals. Better chances of being seeing by college coaches, better competition.
Also, lots more traveling (more money)! More families might opt off blue and stay on white. So yes, MTA has depth.

Anonymous said...

You'll see plenty of depth at the "second teams" as many families will avoid the very high pricetag (mostly travel) associated with the top-level teams. Many talented boys chose to not play DAP specifically due to the expense.

You can only do so many carwashes to fund the kids who can't/won't pay.

Shekki said...

This post has NOT been removed by a blog administrator.

Anonymous said...

I saw where some individuals were asking for when Tegional Groups will be posted. Missouri does not have their State Cup finals until 17 June thus the Regional draw will not be posted until after all State Cup Champions in Region II are complete.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to correct you 11:57, but the draw is this Friday, June 10th and will be posted then. RII draws by STATE (and will be posted that way), so whether a State Cup has been completed or not has no bearing on the draw timing.

Outspoken said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MNF said...

I did remove several posts earlier today. It was getting a bit ridiculous with the attack-style comments directed at a 14 year old player. I did not remove MA's post because, in my opinion, he took issue with the play, not the player; and he clearly identified himself. You can disagree with me and feel free to send me your thoughts at Happy Blogging.

tomASS said...

@MNF - your sand box.....your rules....we're just guests

@Shekki - welcome back

Shekki said...

I never left. Just moved my kids to DKT, PL and TCF.

tomASS said...

@ shekki - I like it, divide and conquer

Anonymous said...

Some Perspective:

Shekki said...

Yeah, I got to boast anonymously about how great all three clubs are...I mean, were.

Anonymous said...

Whoa...Valley over White Bear Lake 4-1 in U13 Boys C3 last night? Anyone catch that one?

Anonymous said...

Shekki - why do you say "were"? They still seem like pretty competitive clubs.

Anonymous said...

Hey MNF -- why don't you exercise your absolute discretion to remove the post of Anon 3:30 PM? I guess YOU don't find it insulting and otherwise unkind.

Shekki said...

I have three boys, so no, they're not.

tomASS said...

@433 - I'm ok with heavy sarcasm

Anonymous said...

Youth coach quits after letting opposing team score
By Marjie Ducey
« SportsShare A widely known youth soccer coach has resigned and three clubs are replaying U.S. youth soccer Nebraska championship games because the coach had let an opposing team score Sunday night in a game between two Omaha Football Club squads.

Doug Trenerry, coach of the Elite 1 under-13 girls club team, turned in his resignation hours after a match in which he allowed the Elite 2 team to score. The idea was to help the Elite 2 team advance to Saturday's final. Trenerry's team was already out of the running for a spot in the final.

The Nebraska State Soccer Association has planned an ethics hearing.

The OFC under-13 teams had played to a 0-0 tie when the Elite 2 team scored with three minutes left against Trenerry's Elite 1 team.

“I was informed by the top team's coach that this was done for my team," said Jacque Tevis-Butler, coach of the Elite 2 team. “My response was to walk away from him.”

Tevis-Butler, who also coaches the Millard West girls team, said she left the field after Sunday's youth game and immediately called Alex Mason, OFC's director of coaches on the girls side.

She said she told him what had happened, “how I was appalled by it and how disrespectful and unethical it was."

Trenerry did not immediately return phone calls from The World-Herald.

Jeff Hulbert, executive director of the state soccer association, said he was informed of the situation on Sunday night and the club also self-reported Monday morning. The championship committee met and decided the best course was to replay the games.

The OFC Elite 2 team, Gretna and Toro squads were to replay games Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, with the two teams with the highest point totals advancing to Saturday's final. Winners of Saturday's final advance to regional competition June 25 to 29 in Appleton, Wis.

“No matter what the sanction or forfeits, somebody would have been penalized," Hulbert said. “Let the three teams left, for the good of competition, play the game and win or lose on the field, not in a hearing. The coaches have agreed and are moving forward with the competition."

The Elite 2 team had already won one of the games ordered replayed.

“My team, my parents, myself personally, were the victims in this," Tevis-Butler said. “As were the children on the other team."

Shane Piper, the new chief executive officer of OFC, said he talked with coaches and parents of the Elite 2 team on Monday night.

“There was disappointment from the parents because they want to compete and the girls want to compete, and disappointment in the state's decision to have to replay games where there had already been an outcome."

Hulbert said a group appointed by his board of directors will hear the evidence to determine any fines or sanctions. He said no action will be taken until after the tournament is over.

“The club did self-report and took immediate action against their coach," Hulbert said. “All parties involved have handled it professionally."

Piper said OFC is recruiting an accredited coach to fill Trenerry's role. Trenerry, who has coached more than 20 club soccer state championship teams, also coached the OFC girls under-15 team.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rep. Weiner?

MA said...

Putting the good of the club before the good of the players and the game itself. Sounds familiar...

Anonymous said...

I think there's a "Skillzy" for that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its unfortunate that these type of situations get all the publicity. A coach (MA for example) does a 1000 good things for kids that never gets reported. And no, my kid doesn't play for MA, although I would have loved if it would have worked out that way.

MA said...

I haven't designed the "Tank the Match" Skillzy yet, but apparently there might be a growing market for it. I'll give it some thought... slam.

Anonymous said...

At least you have a sense of humor!

tomASS said...


You know it has been said that you can't change yesterday. Seems MA has done all that is necessary to make amends for his mistake.

Good to see he has a sense of humor and can poke fun at his past.

Appears to me he has not lost the lesson learned from the past. To me that is sufficient to forgive

I'm ready to move on and live in the present

Anonymous said...

Good to hear, tomASS - maybe there is a skillyz for that as well!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

almost there

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1400 woo hoo

Anonymous said...


MA hope you coach my kid one day. See you when we pick up and drop off kids at daycare.

Anonymous said...

Mark you are a great coach and we have been lucky to have you coach our kids. Hope you continue for many years!!

Anonymous said...

This may be off the subject a bit, but speaking of MTA and coaches, anyone know who is coaching the girls MTA teams next year?

Anonymous said...

It is off subject and why does anyone care, unless you know something you're afraid to leak.

Anonymous said...

All good coaches will be coaching MTA girls teams next year!

Anonymous said...

I want :)

Anonymous said...


Funny joke

Best coaches are still at Rev, EP, Shattuck & St. Croix.

Anonymous said...


Why do you wanna know?

tomASS said...

@627 at EP?? Since Wayne's departure the quality of coaching and instruction has diminished a great deal. I can think of maybe 3 at EP who might qualify

Anonymous said...

And all 3 might be MTA coaches!

Anonymous said...

With tryouts for all clubs just around the corner, it's the question that's on everyone's mind no matter what club you are with.

Anonymous said...

The best thing to do if you're truly interested in who's coaching at any club is to contact the DOC. At MTA it's RZ for the boys and MC for the girls. Their contact information is on the MTA website. Just tell them your child is interested in trying out and would like to know who will be coaching "team X."

If you do that, you'll get better, more accurate inforamtion than you will trolling on this blog.

Anonymous said...

That's not what I heard.

Anonymous said...

I'll bite. What have YOU heard?

Anonymous said...

I'll bite too! I'm curious?

Anonymous said...

They usually don't announce coaches before tryouts and keep it very secret. Loose lips sink ships!! Several coaches from MTA read this blog routinely. If I'm wrong please let us know your plans for next year. Just Blue teams!! Well see if we get any info??

Interested parent

Anonymous said...

next year 15s Storlein, 16s Cook so far.

Anonymous said...

12:39pm. Assuming that's blue girls teams?

Anonymous said...

1239, Who are you??

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