Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: State Cup Preview


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Anonymous said...

6/13/11 12:21 PM -- Agree 100%. 6:03 AM is living in la la land.

Anonymous said...

MA is obviously trolling this blog, maybe he can enlighten us

Anonymous said...

It's a well known fact that MA is done coaching. He's concentrating on his company. He will be hard to replace! I do believe he will still coach at East Ridge, but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

12:39 is dreaming.

Anonymous said...

MA who is coaching your team next year?? Storlien like previous post said.

Anonymous said...

my kid is on that team. that's not what we were told. what's going on here?

Anonymous said...

Don't believe anything you read here 515. They're just throwing underware against the wall and seeing what sticks.

1221, you're wrong. MTA always announces their coaches shortly after regionals.

Anonymous said...

801, you're wrong!!!!

Anonymous said...

What? We were told something different as well, as in bigger changes lie ahead. That's why we're staying.

Anonymous said...

11:02pm What kind of big changes? All new coaches, merging with another club(s), moving the club to England. What?

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, coaching youth soccer is highly overrated and training youth soccer is highly underrated. What makes kids very good soccer players (not just athletes) is the training they do when they are in their younger ages. As they get older, the coaching is about keeping them engaged in the sport and learning how to be a great teammate within a system. The reason why a 'club' could elevate itself to the next level is their year round training programs (time, consistency, quality of trainer, etc.) not just a few wonderful coaches. Their are great coaches who take players that have been well trained as youth and manage them into a highly competitive team and there is nothing wrong with that. But let's be honest, especially at the older ages and the higher level (Premier and Regionals), pure athleticism with a strong coach only gets you so far. The long term hope for MN is more winter facilities featuring year round training across more and more clubs with that talent consolidating on one or two teams at an age group (ie MTA and a second club) and then putting a coach that knows how to motivate and get players to perform in game (and make adjustments). I see several of the big guys at MTA that are really good coaches, coaching 3-4 teams. The only way those players can be good and get enough attention is train together across ages and get supplemental training from other people in the club. The die is basically cast for the older teams save the 1-2 players they may pick up over the winter (ie did the u15 MTA team getting LM put that team over the top of Rev and EP?) so it has to start early. The rap on MTA is other clubs train the kids and they 'farm the talent'. I am sure that is true but with their younger programs they are starting kids in the program and 'home growing' more and more. My kids have played with MTA over the years with great experience and I consider that door open if need be and that specific decision would be coach specific because of the ages of my kids they are 75% about team and 25% training. They don't have aspirations to be the next Mia or be professionals, they just want highly competitive teams, with good kids, playing the best competitive and a solid coach. Ultimately, where clubs can build for the future is broader and deeper quality training at the young ages and I see that happening across the metro.

Anonymous said...

Homer = DOH

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem at the older ages is commitment.

Anonymous said...

801, by the way your underware stuck, please clean and put away.

Anonymous said...

MA, come on now spill the beans, who's replacing you next year behind the bench. You know you want to!! Inquiring minds??

MA said...

I don't really think it's my place to make coaching announcements on a blog. You can find Cook's email on the MTA site and I'm sure he can answer any questions about the future of the older MTA girls teams.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you can't believe any of this stuff anyway.

Anonymous said...

is mta really that much better than everyone else???

that would be a big mta YES my friend

Anonymous said...

see, it's people like 909 who hast so much they come one here and pose as an MTA parent to give the club a bad name.

not going to work.

Anonymous said...

so you're saying no MTA parent would say that MTA is better than everyone else?

that's odd in several ways.

Anonymous said...

No, MTA parents don't say "MTA is better than everyone else." They may say MTA will beat your team or MTA will win that tournament, but we don't say that our club is better than anybody else. That's usually people trying to discredit MTA.

Anonymous said...

Everyone "toots" their clubs horn, it's not just MTA folks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who tooted? It smells around here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It smells like VICTORY!

Anonymous said...

TCF is the best!

Anonymous said...

toot toot!

Anonymous said...

toot toot Wayzata is the best!

Anonymous said...

Please stop! I'm the best, nuff said!!

Anonymous said...

I hear the SCV academy will pose strong competition for top players on the east side, especially given the coming turnover on the girls' side at MTA.

Anonymous said...

What a joke!! One coach who has won a state cup title, no A licensed coaches. No proven record of developing anyone in the last several years. Just because you say you want be something doesn't mean you are!! No state cup titles in 2011 and some of the biggest kick and run teams out there.

Welcome to the St. Croix Soccer Club Academy website. The Academy is the elite training and competitive arm of the St. Croix Soccer Club and the most comprehensive player development environment in Minnesota. The Academy features the state's most decorated, experienced coaching staff, the most detailed and accelerated development curriculum and the finest indoor and outdoor club-operated training and match facilities in the region. Academy teams train and develop to compete at the highest levels against regional and national competition. Join us for the best soccer experience - period.

Anonymous said...

3:58pm So why would you say "coming turnover" on the girls side at MTA. I haven't heard too much about anyone leaving. Maybe girls that don't get alot of playing time may leave, but really how could you blame them. Pay all that money to sit on the bench.
Why would they go to St Croix? St Croix's resume is somewhat lacking!
I guess you're just giving your toot toot!

Anonymous said...

St. Croix Academy is a lot of bark and not much to back it up.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, what do you want them to say...."we're pretty good please give us a try?"
In all honesty, next to MTA, they probably have the most to offer as any club out there. The difficulty they run into is attracting players not on the eastside due to travel considerations.

Anonymous said...

Just play for MTA. Very simple.

Anonymous said...

It is all situational dependent. At one MTA age group on the boys side, there are still parent coaches. Until that changes, some new players will not be interested. St. Croix is a good option.

Anonymous said...

Wow. sounds like SCV has MTA worried. lots of whiny posts after 3:58.

Anonymous said...

No worries! Once they have a proven product than worry, but for now - whatever! SCV is just trying to scare MTA girls into leaving. They know they won't leave unless they hear that many girls from their current teams are leaving and that ain't happening!

Anonymous said...

watch out east siders!

tomASS said...

Having a strong SCV program can only press MTA to continue to look for ways to improve what they do.

Competition is good

SCV's problem will be long term sustainability since it is still considered a community club with too much selfish parental influence

Anonymous said...

I actually think that SCV is picking up where Woodbury left off. Woodbury will never have another Inferno team and I think that Woodbury is just settling in as another CC. Whereas SCV has picked things up a bit in the last couple of years, they can get under MTA's skin a little, but in the end, don't walk away with the state cup championships. They may pick up some MTA eastside players, the ones who aren't getting enough playing time for their liking or who aren't buying into ECNL.

Anonymous said...

MTA girls in the west, come on over to Wayzata. We're less expensive and competitive!

Anonymous said...

tomass, you have no idea what you're talking about. none.

Anonymous said...

SCV's board is united behind a visionary DOC who has the full support of the club's leadership.

Anonymous said...

11:23am No thank you!

Anonymous said...

What vision? copy MTA and hope.

Anonymous said...

Actually, MTA copied and hoped.

Anonymous said...

Who did MTA copy in the state of MN? Because lots and lots of people don't like the MTA model.

Anonymous said...

...and lied and cheated.

Anonymous said...

Not anymore than any other club!

tomASS said...

@1226 - a community club's leadership is through parent board? Thus the leadership will have change and turnover and can not sustain itself at a high level for a long period of time.

@1224 - then provide an example :-)

Anonymous said...

If you want your child to sit on the bench for most of the game and still pay 1000's of dollars, than MTA is the place to go. If you want more equal playing time and don't really care if they play in college or not, than a CC is where it's at.

Anonymous said...

tomass you're losing it. scv's been steadily moving in the right direction with a board made up of parents, admins and coaches for about 10 years now. a strong doc with a vision is key. the board is the reality check.

tomASS said...

@1134 - Let's see what happens in the next 5

tomASS said...

also @ 1134 - I also never said SCV was not progressing over 10 years but they have not sustained a high level over an extended period of time.

Learn from Woodbury's mistakes

Anonymous said...

and MTA's mistakes!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's be realistic, you have MTA and then the rest. The community and other clubs like Dakota Rev, Prior Lake, TC Fire, put together some good teams at certain age groups but they will never consistently compete overall long term with MTA. The other programs are successful at certain ages because they happen to have outstanding coaches for certain teams (PL U14 girls for example), not because the club is strong overall. MTA will always have the most number of qualified coaches and draw the overall best talent. The results show it. In reality, it isn't even close.

Anonymous said...

11:49 AM -- Ok, but having one club dominate certainly is NOT good for soccer development in MN.

Anonymous said...

Another club needs to step up! SCV, TCF or REV maybe trying, so let's give them some time.

Anonymous said...

TCF? With only 6 teams, they will need lots of time.

Anonymous said...

This is a constant battle that will never end. The reason MTA exists is they fill a need that community clubs will never be able to. Top to bottom MTA will always dominate, and they should. Community clubs need to be satisfied filling their role. If MTA pulls their top teams out of state cup and premier leagues the balance will be much better. I can hear the community clubs rejoicing!

Anonymous said...

6 teams all C1 or premier.

Anonymous said...

tomass, please don't utter woodbury and scv in the same sentence. woodbury doomed itself when it turned away from MA and his grand plan. SCV has been building on a mission to serve its community as well develop top-performing elite teams. No other club that has this multi-mission has more teams playing premier, MRL, and advancing out of State Cup bracket play. The SCV academy will only strengthen the elite teams.

In no way are parents ruining this club like they did at Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. Woodbury had the opportunity to be a CC "dynasty" with the MA "Academy" concept but scuttled it before it even hit the ground.
Have to wonder what could have been with the U17G Woodbury team. Most have gone the MTA route and will be playing in college.

Coulda - Woulda - Shoulda

Anonymous said...

Everyone should remember one thing – a lot of teams/clubs in MN recruit.

Here is my question – why do you all blame MTA for the kids coming over? MTA does not make the final choice, the PARENTS and KIDS do! So, if you want to blame someone, blame the players and parents! Is it Notre Dames fault that they recruit and players end up going to school/play there? Is it Stanford’s fault? Maybe it is North Carolina’s fault? MTA does not pay people to come play; it is a freedom of choice! The players (and parents) exercise that freedom.

You are bashing a club that is trying to do good things for MN soccer. Bringing the top talent of MN in to one pool is a good thing for Minnesota soccer, and let me tell you, Minnesota soccer needs all the help it can get! If we do not pool the best players on one team (like ODP), how would we stand against other competition regionally or nationally? We have trouble with the pooled teams and getting through regionals, how would we do without the pooled teams? Again, the majority of the teams recruit, and that does include PL, TCF, CC, SCV, Mah and I am sure others. For all you parents that disagree, that’s ok. We will take your son/daughter’s high school team to regionals and see how they compete! They may even win – right?

Anonymous said...

There must be alternatives. MTA has not been a model of excellence within or outside our community.

tomASS said...

@157 - maybe I should have used EP - my apologies. EP had a great thing going ( level if not superior to SCV) in the past 10 years) and when their DOC with a vision left, the parents took back control and have disrupted what was once a one of the best CC programs.

I would wager in 5 years SCV will have taken a dip

Anonymous said...

Only if the current DOC leaves. I don't see it. He's a Stillwater native and a SCV vet, and he has the support he needs to build it.

Anonymous said...

The only State Cup title SCV won was at U19 boys who were the only team entered at that age group.

Anonymous said...

so? SCV put more teams into the semis than any other non-MTA club.

Anonymous said...

Opportunity for SCV next year when MTA pulls its top girls teams at 15, 16, 17 and 18 out of state cup.

The problem is, they'll never know if they really won without MTA there.

Anonymous said...

it's like winning the NIT. a championship, but really?

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's starting early. I knew the arrogant MTAers would say "yeah, but we weren't there," after next year's state cup, but a year early? WOW!

Anonymous said...

But now since the top MTA teams won't be at State Cup next year won't all those other CC teams win at regionals! I'm sure they'll compete just fine and than everyone can stop saying "MTA can't win outside of MN!" I'm sure REV, SCV, TCF and EP will sweep and go on and win nationals. You heard it hear first!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone not wish and hope for any team (regardless of club) to do well anywhere!?! Whether that's C3 or MN Premier or MRL or ECNL or State Cup or Regionals or potentially Nationals?

Could someone out there please tell me why they would want any child to fail? Love to hear an honest response.....

Anonymous said...

It's all about ME!

Anonymous said...

One answer - they are green with envy!

Good luck to all MN teams next week!

Anonymous said...

we don't want kids to fail. just clubs and the nutjobs that run them.

Anonymous said...

Why would you want an organization that helps children and teenagers to fail?
I feel sorry for adults whose minds work that way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

let's just hope that 1:31 doesn't have kids.

Anonymous said... organization that helps children...

Anonymous said...

just a thought here...if mta pulls out due to ecnl, and other states top teams pull due to ecnl. regionals then are wide open for the cc's in the midwest??

Anonymous said...

Any organization, whatever its purpose, is as good as the individuals running it. Unfortunately, MTA has some bad apples, generated some bad publicity, and made some poor decisions. I don't think MTA has made any bold, public effort to fix or diminish that reputation or made public any structural or leadership changes. They seem to be on their own path, with or without MYSA. So, some continue to dislike MTA as a club, while others seek to beat them on the pitch.

Anonymous said...

I happen to know many of the people who run the MTA Acedemy and they are all very nice individuals. Everybody has had or has issues in there life, not just MTA people. Choose where you want to play and be happy with your decision if not look someplace else. Keep seeking to win on the pitch, that is what soccer is about. And yes I am a MTA parent.

Anonymous said...

3:21 PM just reminded me to add to my earlier post that some MTA parents contribute to or foster the dislike for MTA.

Anonymous said...

boys regionals were previously weakened at u16 and u18 with USSF academies in most other states. With the exception of SSM, MN teams haven't fared well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and storm trooopers thought Darth Vader was a "very nice individual."

Sorry, my other analogy would have been considered un-civil.

Anonymous said...

3:43 sorry you have so much hatred towards people. I wish you well.

Anonymous said...

3:43pm. Now go back to your mother's basement and watch your Star War trilogy!

Anonymous said...

which one? the first trilogy or the second trilogy? (which is actually the first trilogy). I don't hate people; I hate storm troopers.

Anonymous said...

Wishing all the Minnesota teams great success at regionals!

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