Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: Midwest Regional League games, results and news


Anonymous said...

U14 TCF girls just played 4 games in a weekend in St. Louis. 1-2-1 playing good in 3 out of 4 games. We traveled with 13 players total and 1 very helpfull guest player who assisted 4 of 6 goals. A former MTA blue player scored 2 nice goals and 3 other girls pichted in with goals for 6 GF and a wopping 9 against. Not bad for a C1 team playing outdoors for the first time together. Coach Tilsen

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Guest players are allowed in MRL games. Look on their website - they list all the paperwork you need to fill out.

TILSEN said...

Oh did I sound proud? Good they played great and and the girls are improving daily. Just figured I would give an honest report of the play. Playing 4 games in a weekend with just 2 subs was tough on all of the players on our team. If somehow this team can manage to make it past SCV in a play in game I bet the State Cup group should be fun. Oh this same team lost a little 2-0 scrimmage to MTA Blue a few months ago with no guest players, and beat CTG u14 PR 5-0 indoors this winter. So unless you come and play us and beat us, try not to talk bad about us, coach T

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:10 am - Coach T is correct. It is always easy to talk trash behind an Anonymous username! Also, you can bring a guest player if they are in the same club and meet the age requirements. Might want to read up a little, before you try to make someone else feel bad! MRL Rules 3.02 (Player Eligibility). MTA Parent.

Anonymous said...

TCF won't make it by SCV.

Anonymous said...

what tournament did you play in St. Louis?

FireSoccerMom said...

Thanks, Aaron, for posting your comments to the team publicly also. It was fun to see them playing outside and against some great competition. It was fun to see them score some goals. It will be more fun when they allow less goals. After our first weekend, I think I prefer MRL to a spring tournament. The girls were looking at the standings and comparing how all the teams did against each other. They never pay much attention at tournaments. They seem to be looking forward to Rockford.

Anonymous said...

I don't see a U14 TCF girls team playing in Rockford? 16 yes, 14 no.

Anonymous said...

When does Aaron Tilsen start is 4 game suspension? Found on MYSA website. Just curious? Is it just within the state of MN?

Aaron Tilsen

Inappropriate Behavior Four-game suspension

Anonymous said...

Are you guys looking at MRL? Fire is playing and talking about MRL.

SoccerDude said...

It appears that U14 TCF girls are playing MRL, but they are in the lowest division (First Division white). The teams they are playing are average at best. Good for them for trying, but I wouldn't be proud that the guest player scored 4 out of their 6 goals last weekend and the former MTA blue player did not make a team at MTA this year.

You may have beat Cottage Grove in a scrimmage 5-0, but I also know that some of their better players left and went to St. Croix. They also lost Jonathan Schafer to Tonka.

The State Cup play-in game between TCF and St. Croix will no doubt be good, but I have to go with St. Croix.

Anonymous said...

8:06 - Guest player did NOT score any goals.

Anonymous said...

8:06am - if you read what Aaron said, the guest player ASSISTED in 4 out of the 6 goals, NOT SCORED. Also, players coming and going is all part of the deal, right?!?! Yes, CG they lost Jonathan Schafer, but I do not think Jonathan Schafer was their coach when they made premier. He became their (CG U14) coach AFTER they had their premier status (when they turned to U14) So, him leaving the club, really has nothing to do with anything. He was, and still is, a good director and a good coach, but did not coach (or start coaching) that team until this August of 2010.

futbolmaster said...

9:31. An assist is as good as goal! That's what kids are taught from early on. So really your guest player created 4 out of the 6 goals, still nothing to be proud of. Still last weekend was NOT impressive for TCF.
Cottage Grove did not earn premier status through league play. They came through back door. They placed 2nd in the east league and than played the summer state tournament. Cottage Grove had one of the best "non earned premier" team records (along with Tonka) in that tournament. So Tonka and Cottage Grove earned the last two spots. Why didn't TCF play in summer state and try to lock up a premier spot?
So granted TCF may have more strength this year, but to date they haven't done anything impressive to make people sit up and notice.
I'm just playing devils advocate here. Good luck, but I'll take St. Croix too.

Anonymous said...

I will put my name behind my team in that play in game? Want to wager anything?

I take FIRE!

coach T

by the way what has SCV ever done? They lost 2 us in league play last summer like 4-1 and 3-0 and have yet to beat us in 3 games this winter. They did beat us in a 7 or 8 person shootout in districts last year with us missing players at ODP. Just cant figure out how you EXPERTS come to conclusions when you either haven't seen us or them play or know the results.

I still think it will be a fun game for sure, we have a friendly rivalry/respect for eachother and it makes for fun games.

Anonymous said...

8:06 - I guess it is like MTA playing in the "B Pool" in the ECNL league. I believe all but one team is struggling in the B Pool.

Anonymous said...

12:40pm Well somewhat exactly. The difference is that ECNL is a little more exclusive than MRL. But still B league. Also, MTA and Shattuck teams are premier teams. Some teams playing MRL are not premier in their state, nor even ranked very high within their state.
Old coaches rule "When you beat everyone in your state than we'll go out and play outside of our state!"

Anonymous said...

Futbolmaster – I do agree, an assist is an important part of the game, but so is defense. A lot of the times, the defense are kind of the un-sung hero’s. They are always clearing dangerous balls and making great tackles, but you rarely hear about them or praise them after the games like you do the players that made the goals or the players that created the opportunities for the goals. It’s a team effort!

When you are a U13 team, in order to earn a premier spot, you have to get 1st or 2nd in your league. Remembering, there are 4 leagues (North, South, East and West). The first place team in each league automatically gets a premier spot. The other four teams that landed in second place have to get the furthest in state to earn the last 2 premier spots. There are 6 premier spots available for the U13 age group to earn. So, if a team gets 3rd place in their league, they can NOT win a premier spot, no matter what they do at state. I believe those are the MYSA rules, but I could be wrong. So, to answer your question – TCF could not have won a premier spot, solely based on they came in 3rd in the east league.

SCV has added few more players than last year, so they have improved as well. Not only did they pick up some CG players, they also picked up a few WI players of good quality. So, both teams (SVC and TCF) picked up new players. Not so sure I would take SCV, but it will be a good game and hopefully, we will be there to watch. I just like how people make these accusations and have never seen either team play, just kind of funny to me.

Good luck to both teams!

Anonymous said...

Soccerdork(806), First off, you obviously don't know anything about the former Blue MTA player who moved clubs. You made it sound like she wasn't good enough to make any of the MTA teams which is not true. I for one thinks she is better than quite a few of the current players on that team. Second, why do you care so much and what makes you an expert on girls soccer??

SoccerDork said...

1:55pm. I think people know alot more than you think. Former MTA player, initials - MS. She's a great player, maybe a little slow for MTA, but still an excellent player. Also, a great young lady. I also know that she's unhappy at TCF and would love to come back to MTA, but has to wait until try-outs. And good luck to all teams at state cup. Oh and I have to go with TCF over SCV in the play in game.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Coach T for giving your input to your weekend of MRL soccer. I believe that is what this blog is for. It's nice to hear and hope that others can play nice on here. Does not matter who/what/where these girls played, but rather that they played. Good luck in your future MRL events.

Anonymous said...

soccerdork, I'm a little confused you originally picked St. Croix over Fire, now Fire over St Croix. You sound like a politician. I really don't care who you pick as I don't have a kid at that age group. My problem with you and your post is that you are critiqing a young girl on a public blog. Why??

Anonymous said...

I believe soccerdork said she was an excellent player. Slow, but alot of players are slow. Sadly some of the speed goes down as girls get older. Does it really matter who wins SCV or TCF. They won't get by MTA in their bracket.

outspoken said...

Is it soccerdork or soccerdude?

Anonymous said...

ECNL B Flight is way more competitive than MRL, its not even close. When you have nationally competitive teams from every region playing in a league it is going to be way more competitive than any regional league, especially a league in Region 2 which is the weakest in the country.

Anonymous said...

2:20 - Is it the White or Blue team?

Anonymous said...

White, but still not getting by them. Remember it was white vs blue in the U13 championship last year. White team upgraded with players from TCF, PRL and DKT Rev.

Anonymous said...

2:29 - Nobody compared ECNL B Pool to MRL. Reread all the posts before you make comments.

Anonymous said...

220, He made reference at first that she wasn't good enough to make an MTA team. Once again responsible adults shouldn't be talking about young kids on Blogs. Please let us know who your kid is and we can critique her on the Blog, then maybe you will understand.

outspoken said...

2:44 - AMEN to that one!

Anonymous said...

2:44pm. Wow, calling someone an excellent player is wrong? I hope someone calls me an excellent player on this blog!

Anonymous said...

MTA white also has upgraded with Wayzata's goalie.

Anonymous said...

321, read his first post, he didn't call her an excellent player at first, he took a shot at the player in his original post by saying and I quote "The former MTA Blue player did not make a team at MTA this year." My problem is with people who feel better about themselves after ripping on someone or something else.

Anonymous said...

even if someone says they didn't make a certain club's team, that's not a rip. Come on people "man-up!" Have you read the boys chat recently? Also, don't assume that everyone that makes a post is an adult. You know we're on spring break!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the parents are getting nuttier and nuttier at younger and younger ages. We can thank MTA for that. Soon they'll be critiquing U9 keepers.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of loons on this blog. So what if you don't make one club over the other. Maybe the other club is better, maybe not. Whatever! It's not a rip to say someone didn't make a club unless you think it's a rip because you didn't make that club's team. Be happy where ever you play and enjoy the game. Of course someone has to turn it around and rip on MTA. Go ahead MTA loves it and it shows your jealously when you make those statements. I'm an MTA player and I have lots of friends that play for TCF. I love them and they have a good club too and they have great players!
Relax people and let's look forward to spring!

Anonymous said...

Which teams are playing in the MRL Premier division?

Anonymous said...

None EP declined their spot REV 17 missed by one point.

Anonymous said...

look for yourself:

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

MRL ain't what it used to be. Kinda getting watered down.

Anonymous said...

10:26 PM - I believe if you look at MRL for the U14 girls, you will see that it is not "watered down", so to speak. Those are some of the top teams playing in the 2 premier leagues. Carmel, Eclipse, Michigan, Ohio, KC Select.

Anonymous said...

MRL Premier may have some teams, but MRL First Division has become MYSA Premier league with lots of driving between games.

Anonymous said...

If you look at MRL 1st Division, it is basically the third highest level of play available for MN boys players. 1 is USSDA, 2 is MRL Premier, 3 MRL 1st Div.

I think that play has improved in MN, but the level of MRL has actually lessened due to USSDA taking teams away...

We need to keep training, and learning. IMO MN is improving faster than many, maybe we'll catch up some day

Anonymous said...

With the exception of the 17s on the boys side, it looks like the rest of the MTA teams, 14s and 15s are struggling in the Premier Division of MRL. Are these the eventual academy teams or just C1/White teams that are playing MRL Premier? If the boys side is watered down too, this can't be good for the home team.

Anonymous said...

It's the top teams. Doesn't look good for the Academy future, especially given how poorly they're playing currently. Can't imagine the people paying the bills will stick around for mediocrity when you can get mediocrity for about 1/3 the price.

Anonymous said...

This is like listening to local politicians. Someone makes up a statement, "MTA costs way more than everyone else". And it is passed on and on and on and on. Please, all of you people who have no facts, stay away from MTA, USSDA, SSM and all other clubs or programs trying something to better MN soccer players. It will still grow, and then when it's too late for your child, you'll then say, "they could have paid for college with all the money they waisted on soccer at (insert hated club or program name here). You act like victims, it's a defense mechanism .. how sad

Anonymous said...

Sir, it's not "waisted" money, it's WASTED money. Waisted money is the money you spend drinking beer and growing your gut. WASTED money is spent padding someone's pockets while you chase a dream that is so far out of reach for 99.9% of Minnesota soccer players. Capisce?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:25pm. Although, I wish they would have used spell check. But, they have a point. So what if I want to waste my money on MTA, SSM, etc club. It's my money! My kids want to play for MTA and they're good enough to play for MTA. Will they get a scholarship, probably not, but that's ok too. I do have college funds set up for them anyway. And what about hockey, those parents are spending twice what I pay at MTA and their kids are most likely not getting scholarships either. But they pay it because they want to and their kids get to have fun.
So layoff! We have the right to spend our money anyway we want and I want to spend it at MTA. Does that make me a koolaid drinker, heck yes!

Anonymous said...

wow, where to start on that one?

Anonymous said...

Brutal weekend for all the MTA teams in MRL, 14s-15s and 17s. Is there just that much more talent to chose from in the bigger markets like Chicago to create stronger pre academy teams? Is there even stronger talent out there to strengthen these MN teams to compete? Put one son through the hockey circuit and MN is able to dominate the Midwest states at this age group even in a smaller market. May take years for soccer to compete at the level needed to grow the sport in MN.

I'llBeFrank said...

Perhaps mta needs to do more than just assemble the best kids in one place. Maybe?

Anonymous said...

Be sure to sign your team up for MRL Premier I'LLBeFrank, oh yeah you have to earn it. Being negative doesn't negate what those kids earned. Yep they had a tough weekend, part of life, can't win them all ...

Yes 12:44 there is much more talent in the Chicago area, since it reaches into several states. One team parent stated that over 300 boys tried out for the team, some from over 100 miles away. But that is not the only reason MN struggles. That area has been playing longer, against stronger home competition etc. Same thing with MO teams, who can also train outside...

MTA 17s dad said...

It is an amazing advantage to play close to home, just look at last year's 16boys MRL 1st division where MN did extremely well.

Thanks LWB/SCV for hosting!

Anonymous said...

I see several issues here with MN soccer. First of all, I think a lot of the kids from the other area’s (Chicago, Southern California, Michigan, and Ohio) only play one sport. We have A LOT of kids that play 2 or 3 sports in MN (Basketball, hockey and baseball/softball) to name a few. Some say it is good to play multiple sports, some say it is not good to play multiple sports. Supposedly, playing multiple sports makes a kid a better athlete. But, let me tell you one thing – “better athlete” does NOT equal “good soccer player”!

Maybe some of it boils down to coaching we have in MN (not all coaches). Continually teaching foot skills and knowing how to incorporate the skills in to the game with making the runs, attacking without the ball, etc. Kids participating (coming to more than 90% of the practices) + Technical + tactical = WINS!

Anonymous said...

But we have one thing no one else has: 17-year-old 13-year-olds.

Anonymous said...

LOL 18 yr old U15's?

Anonymous said...

You can thank MYSA and the liberals for those alleged "old" players.

Each and every player should have to show legitimate proof to play, no matter the country of origin. Not just the american born players.

Anonymous said...

Is that you TomASS? More politics again?

Anonymous said...

Its not politics. I have a real concern when my 15 year old may potentially be playing against a player that is not legitimately the younger age he is rostered at. Not just the ethical concern for fairness of the game, but the danger it can pose on the field to the players. I agree with poster at 3:57.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:57 and 5:46. I've seen players out there that you know there is no way they are 14-15 years old!
If you have to go to a dentist to determine your age, you shouldn't be playing!

Anonymous said...

3:57 could have made the point without the first line. What is MYSA going to do - say someone legal immigration papers/passport/etc are wrong?

Anonymous said...

The papers are legal but sometimes not accurate. When a child with an unknown birthdate comes here from a faraway place, he is frequently given a date of birth of 1/1 of the year he's placed with in school. Hence, an unprovable 8 year old who can't read is given a 1/1 birthdate that matches his new kindergarten classmates. That's just the way it is. My brother is an inner-city doc who serves the immigrant community and many (most?) of his child patients have 1/1 birthdates. I won't say which neighborhood he works in for fear that MTA will go recruiting there. (Sorry, had to do it.)

mta 17s dad said...

8:07 PM I know what you are trying to say, but be careful with what you think is the correct physical development for what a kid should look like at any given age.

My wife and I heard from u10 to u15 that there was no way our son was the age he was playing at. He was just tall for his age. Some of the parents of other teams would say it even though there kids had played against him since he was 8 yrs old.

Being bigger and stronger does not always equate to older or cheating.

Anonymous said...

Very good point 7:45, but that is not the player that is being referred to. 4:19 is referring the player that has documented a 1/1 birthday and is clearly not the age on the birth certificate. Is is generally not just size, but an 11 or 12 year old that is clearly older with a change in voice, fully through puberty. A few years back my son played with a kid like that. Great kid, student, hard worker, and unbelievable player. We won every game in the state that year and looking back, the coaches should never have followed his birth certificate, but estimated what they thought his age was, and played him there. It was not the players fault, it never felt good to see the glances from the parents on the other side, and say to my son, well that's what the birth certificate/papers say. It sent him the wrong message as a player and as a person. I'm not sure this can be fixed, but most know it is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Well, I know it is no consolation, but you can tell your boys that eventually they will need to compete against players who are older and more experienced if they want to play at the next level. High school, college, National Team, MLS, Europe ...

If they keep pushing themselves to be better, many will get that opportunity.

A high school teacher once told our class, "Life aint fair baby". He was right, and it has helped me not give into pettiness when someone cheats...

Anonymous said...

Or maybe you do what's best for the kid and play him at a level that challenges him (and helps HIM improve) versus helping a younger (mta) team beat up on cc opponents.

Anonymous said...

High school is not a level up! It's fun and it's great to be part of your high school team, but I would never call it a level up! If anything it's a level down.

Anonymous said...

4/22/11 10:23 AM,



Please stop complaining about age-eligibility. One or two players do not a team make (said Yoda style), and your kids are not going to get any better unless they play against bigger, better, and yes - older - players.

Anonymous said...

Do or do not, there is not try.

Anonymous said...

There more to youth sports than playing your kids against bigger better kids, of course that will challenge them and develop them into better players. Not trying to be the moral police here, but what about the simple concept of what is right and what is wrong. Haven't seen anyone comment on that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Go ahead and ask the parents of the player who you think is doing something wrong. See what you hear, don't go to a blog.

Anonymous said...

Parents? What parents? Never seen them.

Anonymous said...

DIfficult season for MRL in MN. No big wins that I can see.

Anonymous said...

Incorrect. Thunder 16 boys doing well in their top division. A St. Paul Team in the 14s bracket won their division and looks like there was only one goal scored against them. Might want to look again.

Anonymous said...

Because there is so many doubters out there who refuse to think that maybe a MN team can do well outside of the state! Good for both St. Paul and MTA.

Kendra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kendra said...

Aaron writes an informative and honest post, and then he is attacked. The problem with online anonymous postings is it allows all the personality disorders to spew their garbage, indiscriminately and unchecked. It is completely inappropriate to identify and critique a 14 year old girl in a public forum, and despicable to do it under the veil of anonymity. If you don't have the courage to sign your name to a posting, don't bother sharing.

Kendra Goertzen

Kendra said...

Wow...Aaron writes an informative and honest post, and then Aaron and his team are attacked. The problem with anonymous online postings is it allows all the personality disorders to spew their garbage, indiscriminately and unchecked. It is completely inappropriate to identify and critique a 14 year old girl in a public forum and pathetic to do it under the veil of anonymity. If you don't have the courage to sign your name to a posting, don't bother sharing your destructive opinion. Youth soccer could use the integrity boost.

Kendra Goertzen

Anonymous said...

Dang. I always like comment deleted's posts.

Kendra Goertzen said...

My original post got deleted because of a dang spelling mistake.

Aaron posts an informative and HONEST comment about his U14s MRL experience. The reaction: contempt, scorn, sarcasm. Yet others think it's appropriate to identify and critique a 14 year old girl in a public forum and and then hide behind the safety of anonymity. The problem with online comment sections is they gives free reign to the personality disorders to spew their garbage indiscriminately and unchecked. If you don't have the courage to sign your name to your comment then it would probably be best not to post it. Youth soccer could use the integrity boost.

Kendra Goertzen

Kendra said...

My original post was voluntarily removed because of a dang spelling mistake.

Aaron posts an informative and HONEST account of his U14 team's MRL experience. The response: scorn, sarcasm, and contempt. Then someone else thinks its appropriate to identify and critique a 14 year old girl in a public forum while they hide behind the safety of anonymity. The problem with anonymity is it allows people to spew their destructive garbage indiscriminately and unchecked. If you don't have the courage to sign your name to your post then it would seem logical that maybe your post isn't appropriate and don't bother sharing it. Youth soccer could use the integrity boost.

Kendra Goertzen

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything knocking someone. This must be the first time you've been on this post, have you read some of the other things people say? Relax and take it with a grain of salt. Everyone has their right to their own opinion, although it doesn't make it right. Just laugh it off, they're are lots of idiots out there!

Kendra said...

Like I said...if your comfortable with your post sign your name.

Kendra Goertzen

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kendra said...

Online impersonation is acceptable on this blog? The 9:41 post is not mine.

Kendra Goertzen

Anonymous said...

Online impersonation is NOT acceptable on this blog. Your name will be highlighted in blue. Clicking on it will open your profile. Someone pretending to be you will be in black. Ignore them.

Anonymous said...

Ok, everyone take a deep breath! Especially parents! Let your kids fight their own battles, it will make them stronger. Remember it's youth soccer and it's their game, not ours!

Anonymous said...

High school thread!
High school thread!
High school thread!

Anonymous said...

MRL rocks! Can't wait for the upcoming season.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Outspoken said...

Yes, the blog is working correctly, no one is posting anything.

MRL starts this coming weekend - any predictions?!?!

Anonymous said...

U15 St. Croix, Blackhawk, Lakeville, Minneapolis United, MTA White, SPU kick off its MRL season, St. Croix went 3-0, best team out of these group so far..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ anonymous post 4/16. SPU is playing the premier level compared to the other MN teams. Important thing is that all the MN teams continue to play well, win or lose, and through all of this, show they have class and respect for the game of soccer. In reading some of these posts, it is clear that some parents need a little lesson on class and respect. This is not about the parents....but about the kids!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How did St Croix 16 girls do this weekend? nothing posted yet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

looks as though they came away with two lost previously to rev. didnt see the games, were they missing some players?

Anonymous said...

thirteen girls teams in MRL from MN. Only 3 with winning records ( a few games have not posted results yet) Really only two of the three are " credible" as U-16 Rev team has played only one game.
Shattuck 18's are undefeated 8-0 and St Croix 17's are 4-1-1. All of the other ten teams are under .500. Not to good a showing for MN soccer so far.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not everyone should be allowed to play then...

Anonymous said...

Eagan should never be allowed to represent MN in MRL again. Showing up and lose is a lot better way to represent MN than to not show up at all.

Anonymous said...

Eagan 18's bail out of Crossroads (MRL)weekend 3 days prior to games being played literally throwing the whole schedule into a tailspin. Nice effort Eagan. Selfish acts like that should be fined substantially with the fines going to the teams they would have played so those teams can offset their travel costs.
What's up with the poor judgement coming from that club. What a mess they have going. Get your house in order, your very selfish actions are now affecting many others.

Anonymous said...

This is really pretty common in MRL.

Anonymous said...

Here is some good news for MN soccer.
Either SCV or REV will win the U-16 division earning a premier spot for next year. Two MN teams on top of the leader board.

Anonymous said...

Think St croix can earn one at u17 as well