Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: Boys Club, Tournaments and News


Anonymous said...

Who's the MN team winning regionals this year?

Anonymous said...

State Cup prediction:

U13 - MTA, does nothing in region
U14 - MTA, maybe semis in region
U15 - MTA, no noise in region
U16 - MTA Legitimate chance at region
U17 - MU, no noise in region
u18 - SSM, legit chance at region

Anonymous said...

will SSM have a team playing in State Cup? The USSF Academy teams aren't eligible.

Anonymous said...

they have a U16/17/18 mix consisting of players on on the academy teams

Anonymous said...

i meant players that are not on the academy teams

Anonymous said...

MTA U14 not guaranteed the State Cup title this year - there are other U14 teams that have the talent to potentially knock them out.

Anonymous said...

MTA U14 Boys are as close to a sure thing at State Cup than any other team at any age boys or girls.
Nobody else is close to that talent level.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess you are either one of the parents on that team or an MTA Director?

Mister Soccer said...

What happened to requiring User Names?

It would help limit Anon telling Anon things like, "Let me guess you are either one of the parents on that team."

Anonymous said...

scv will repeat at u17. they got better.

Mister Soccer said...

You must be a U17 SCV parent.

old ref said...

2/14/11 3:55 PM what positions did they upgrade? Is Kogl the coach yet?

MTA Parent said...

If you are talking about SPU 14 and SCV 14, they are not good enough to challenge MTA...not even close!

Soccer parent said...

MTA didn't really "Walk" through State Cup last year. Looking back at the scores, MTA beat SPU 2-1 with, for the most part, the same talent that they have today. They also had a difficult time stopping Blackhawks in a 8-6 game. I hear that the SPU team only has 5 players from last year on their current team and picked up some very good talent that the MTA folks didn't even know was out their because they were playing up. MTA Parent, there is more out there than MTA!

Mister Soccer said...

Seeing as though MTA won 10 of 14 State Cups in 2010, there doesn't appear to be a whole lot more out there.

And I believe MTA was runner-up in a handful of ages as well.

But I'll be rooting for the little guy.

Anonymous said...

I will be rooting for the little guy as well.
How about...
18s - Bloomington United
17s - MTA
16s - MTA
15s - Minneapolis United
14s - Blackhawks

Anonymous said...

Bloomington? he he

MNF said...

I orginally had restrictions requiring registered user names, but I had a total of zero comments in about 25 days. I still encourage everyone to post with a name. So SCV17 Anon fan, please pick a name to post under. You can select "Name/URL" when you post and use a consistent name. Thanks.

Soccerfan said...

Pretty neat article about the MTA u17's

Anonymous said...

that's impressive for a Minnesota team to perform so well outstate so early in the season

Mister Soccer said...

Cool article, but...

6 games in 3 days...and they wanted more? I thought one of the advantages of the academy structure and the new US Soccer system is avoiding this kind of schedule.

Please explain. Were the games 20 minutes long?

Anonymous said...

Mister Soccer,
I don't know the details of the game length but this wasn't even one of MTA's Academy teams which makes this tournament win even more impressive.
I suspect the games were shortened due to the rainouts they experienced early in the event.

Mister Soccer said...

A very impressive win for MTA.

But rainouts or no rainouts, why 6 games in 3 days, or 4 days, or even 5 days? And why would a coach suggest in the article that they wanted even more games?

Soccerfan said...

Not sure on the details but I'm sure theres some explanation to the coach's response. Regardless this is an impressive showing for MTA.

Anonymous said...

I heard most of the games at this tournament had to be settled by kicks from the line due to the rain in AZ. I know several other teams (other ages) were only able to play one or two games with the balance of the games settled by PK's. This made for some unpredictable matchups in the semis and finals.

My guess (and it is only a guess) is that is the reason the coach would have liked more.

How many full games did the MTA team play and how many of the wins were via shootout?

I'llBeFrank said...

So in other words, it's probably safe to say the best teams didn't win in many cases. Bummer. It diminishes the significance of the win.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this age group was affected by the rain but looking at the scores of most of the rounds of play they all finished 1-0. Looks like PK's to me.

Tough break for the players. Can't control the weather.

Congratulations still to the 17's as they did find a way to come out on top.

Anonymous said...

I believe 2 of the wins were because of PK's (mainly in the group stages of the tournament), the rest were real games. Still unfortunate that they couldn't play all full length games.
-Looking at the teams that advanced to the quarterfinals/ semi-finals it seems like the best team advanced most of the time. But that is based on gotsoccer ranking which can be unreliable.

Mister Soccer said...

So what I'm gathering from these responses is that due to rain, the teams didn't play most of the games, they just showed up to the field for a shootout to see who would advance. Interesting. Is this correct?

Still, why was the tournament scheduled to have 6 games in 6 days? I thought this is what US Club ENCL Academy Soccer has been preaching to avoid.

Anonymous said...

It was because the group was large enough to need a quarter,semi and final after the three games of pool play. Only the eventual champion and finalist play 6 games.

17's Dad said...

Here is the scoop on the MTA 17's PDT championship.

Pool play was 6 groups of 4 teams, so scheduled for 3 pool games, then quarters, semi, and championship game.

MTA had played their first pool game Saturday mid morning, winning. Due to rain the city closed the fields Saturday afternoon. The rest of pool play was completed with shots from the mark on Sunday at the one artificial turf field.

First session, GK1 makes two saves, and MTA wins. Due to win in first pool game and result of the other shots, MTA cannot lose pool. Second session,GK2 and other shooters get experience, but lose shots from mark.

City does not give tournament directors an answer that fields would be open Monday, so quarterfinals are scheduled late in the evening for kicks. GK1 makes 3 saves in shots, MTA wins.

Monday games are moved to another location. Semi final, MTA wins 2-0 in a shortened 60 minute match.

Championship game goes 0-0, no overtime allowed (again 60 minute match), straight to shots. GK1 makes the save on first shot, MTA shooters all finish their opportunities. SC Del Sol shooter missed on 4th shot, MTA wins.

Article had innacuracies, including stating SC Del Sol missed on first shot, and having a player noted as having a great game, even though he did not travel to AZ, writer didn't correct entire story.

Coach was stating he would have liked to play actual games on grass, but quote was shortened. His point was that they went to AZ to play games, and tune up for MRL Premier, State Cup and positive outcome was a bonus.

In the games they played, MTA was strong. Most people talked to in AZ felt most of the better teams advanced beyond the shots, but didn't talk to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Great summary. Great result for MTA 17s.

But still, why did a US Club MRL ENCL Academy event have 6 games scheduled in 4 days? Isn't this what they've been preaching to avoid with their higher ratio of training to matches?

Anonymous said...

These are all good questions regarding the tournament and I agree that the direction for soccer development is in emphasizing training and not tournament accomplishments, but a few points:
This tournament was not affilitated with ECNL (which is a girls league and the MN team in question were boys)
This tournament was not affilitated with MRL (which is the Midwest Regional League and this tournament was in AZ).
This tournament was not affiliated with the USSF DAP.
This was a SC Del Sol tournament and they can do whatever they want.
Only two of the twenty four teams could have played 6 games and only 4 could have even played 5.
Congratulations to the boys team.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, there were ECNL Regional games scheduled at this event. All ECNL teams have 4 regional games that they self schedule. Those games can be in conjunction with other events but ECNL teams cannot play more than one game in a day. All ECNL sanctioned events are 3 day events with one game/day.

Anonymous said...

Really? I wouldn't have guessed that.

Anonymous said...

With the U18 their a MTA U18 at State Cup?

I thought they had one but they are either not going to tournaments or have they disolved????

Anonymous said...

MTA has two teams. The better team is an academy team and the 2nd team is in state cup. The 2nd team also does MRL so I would not be surprised if they decided to not do state cup.

Anonymous said...

Everyone (except VLY U18s last year) does State Cup. MTA will be there. Plus, the group that is this year's U18Bs has consistently been one of the largest age groups.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that DAP teams do not do State Cup, so I do no think the SSM and MTA Academy teams will not be there. Could someone out there confirm that?

Anonymous said...

Regarding MTA, a club that strongly supports the academy system, US Club Soccer, ECNL and the schedule of limiting the number of matches played per day and per week, why would the U17 team sign up for a tournament that had so many games in so little time?

Seems hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:56,
Why would USYS sanction such an event? Aren't they part of the bigger picture and supportive of the goals of USSF? Could it be USYS is hypocritical? Maybe only in it for the money?

I'llBeFrank said...

well, it was basically a PK contest, so why keep talking about it?

Anonymous said...

OK, it's time to move on! New topic anyone?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure MTA U18 boys non academy team has dissolved.

Anonymous said...

MTA has two U18s in State Cup.

18B is single-elimination with 7 teams:

St. Croix vs. Blackhawks
Northern Lights vs. Bloomington
PSA vs. MTA U19C1
MTA (last year's white) BYE

winners of first two play. winner of PSA-MTA19 plays MTA White.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know the U17 pools for state cup?

Anonymous said...

3 brackets
MTA Blue and SSM are in the same pool.
SCV has the easiest route to advance.

I'llBeFrank said...

Boys chat has twice as many posts as girls...something is terribly wrong here.

Anonymous said...

958,obviously U16 MTA Blue parents don't know that the Blog is back up and running! Wait...Wait...

Signed I'llbeBack

Anonymous said...

how do both mta blue and ssm end up in the same bracket for the 17's

Anonymous said...

scv and mta white were in the championship last year, so they were seeded into separate brackets...everyone else was randomly assigned. (bad) luck of the draw...or good luck if you're scv. scv beat blue and white beat ssm in the semis.

Anonymous said...

I heard Minneapolis United is also in the same group at SSM and this true?

Anonymous said...

3/8/11 9:57 You information was incorrect, SSM never got out of their group not even as a wild card. Semi was MTW vs PSA and SCV v MTA. SCV beat MTW but both went to Regionals. Seeds were A1 - SCV, B1 - MTW, C1 - PSA

Anonymous said...

what are the brackets for 17 then?

Anonymous said...

SCV was MN's only U16 team at regionals last year. MTA sent blue and white at U17 (this year's U18).

Anonymous said...

The problem with those seedings is that PSA lost most of their good players to MTA

Anonymous said...

The problem with those seedings is that PSA lost most of their good players to MTA

Anonymous said...

Seeds are based on what happened at last year's State Cup. Whoever won the pool bracket got top seeds this year.

Anonymous said...

Brackets are up.

Anonymous said...

Bloomington is the clear favorite for the U18s. They have some division 1 talent.

Anonymous said...

although the ep u18s arent in the state cup this year, they have some real talent

Anonymous said...


Mister Soccer said...

State Cup is approaching, it's time to require Blogger Names.

Shekki said...



Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Eden Praire.
But there is not a clear team to win any age in state cup this year.

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Eden Praire.
But there is not a clear team to win any age in state cup this year.

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Eden Praire.
But there is not a clear team to win any age in state cup this year.

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Eden Praire.
But there is not a clear team to win any age in state cup this year.

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (?)

Re-Energized said...

I know there are lots of parents who dislike MTA but hopefully you'll hear my point after you read the whole post.

I just watched a group of MTA u12 b's scrimmage a u14 g's team full field. The b's team is a group that I had walked by a couple years ago on a small field and had to stop to watch. I don't know that this team is actually 12's, they may be younger and playing up.

The raw talent, and amazing understanding of tactical and team concept sucked me in. I love this game and this team exemplified what, I think, most MN's want to see our teams achieve.

The coach has obviously been blessed with kids who really get it. But the changes I saw today are obviously coached, and I think if you really love the game and understand what higher level soccer looks like, you'd be impressed.

I would implore any of you who are coaching, to go watch this group and bring back ideas to your own teams, no matter what level. I would also tell any fan of the game that is feeling a little frustrated with the level of play they have been seeing to go view this group and you'll be re-energized.

Wow, thanks to these kids I am excited again about MN soccer!!

P.S. Please don't bash them because of their jersey logo. Let's figure out what they are doing right and spread that knowledge around.

Anonymous said...

11:35am I was a parent of the 14g they were scrimmaging against today. Lots of speed and they played the 14g quite well considering they were undersized compared to the girls. But they will be a fun team to follow in years to come.
Unfortunately, people don't look at the talent they just look at the jersey.

Anonymous said...

It would be easier to take what MTA does and apply it to all the other teams if they didnt put a spin of "we are better than everyone else out there" with all the products they have, haven't seen this team in particular but if they follow the same MTA mold it will only be a matter of time until they are just as unliked as the rest of the teams and club for that matter, I agree we need big name clubs in order to compete and produce the best players possible whether those players be in the club or having to compete against it all season long but MTA is doing it with the wrong attitude

Anonymous said...

Where's the attitude coming from? Directors? Coaches? Players? Parents?
Please provide specifics.

Anonymous said...

parents and coaches. the kids could care less.

Anonymous said...

Can you provide an example of how the coaches express this "attitude"?
Is it how they act? Or what they say?
Or what they do?

Anonymous said...

Here are a few...I only have a few minutes this morning.

Anonymous said...
State Cup prediction:

U13 - MTA, does nothing in region
U14 - MTA, maybe semis in region
U15 - MTA, no noise in region
U16 - MTA Legitimate chance at region
U17 - MU, no noise in region
u18 - SSM, legit chance at region

2/4/11 2:16 PM

Anonymous said...
MTA U14 Boys are as close to a sure thing at State Cup than any other team at any age boys or girls.
Nobody else is close to that talent level.

2/11/11 4:45 PM

MTA Parent said...
If you are talking about SPU 14 and SCV 14, they are not good enough to challenge MTA...not even close!

2/15/11 3:41 PM

Comment: Shut up and let your field performance speak.

Anonymous said...

None of those appear to be from MTA coaches. Probably not even parents, and if they are their opinion, why would it bother you so much.

The opinions of a few do not make the club arogant, rude, wrong or anything else. The same thing happens at any club that has any lasting success. Ask anyone who has played against some of the SCV boys teams for one example. And by the way, even with that example it is only a few parents, not the coaches, the club, or most of the parents. Relax. Find a club that fits your child and quit with the bashing based on jealousy or ignorance.

Anonymous said...

So it's anonymous bloggers that have the "attitude"....thank you.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's ANYONE but MTA parents making those posts? Really?

Anonymous said...

...and the guy whose kid was cut from that (now) U19 SCV team is still sore about it...

Anonymous said...

funny how there's no MTA bragging on the DAP board. would think that's where they'd want to be respected, not State Cup where they should win everything against the lowly community clubs.

Wayfutbol said...

I'm from one of the lowly community clubs, mostly because my child is an ok player. I wish he could play for MTA or Shattuck, but he's happy where he is and that's what important.
Everyone needs to grow-up. There are some extremely arrogant parents in my cc club, but a majority of them are fine. I would guess that every club (and we all know who that parent or parents are) has a some. So let's just sit back and relax a little and thank god were NOT hockey parents!

Anonymous said...

12:55 PM I also think that it is non-MTA parents writing all the negatives

Anonymous said...

12:56 PM I don't have anything to do with the SCV 19's. SCV was just an example, they are having some success and the same grumblings are posted about them-it's jealousy. But your true class showed bringing up something you must be embarrassed about.

Tonkakick said...

Seriously folks, if you want to see some arrogance, go to a PSA U9 girls game. The parents are some of the biggest A^%$&, I have ever seen! Funny thing is that they're so arrogant at the younger ages and than where are those PSA teams when it actually counts?
Point is a lot of PSA teams have great parents. So don't lump an entire club into the arrogance pool, because it's usually only a few parents.

i'llbefrank said...

3:05, are you beign sarcastic or serious? arrogant U9 parents?

the end is near...the end is near.

Anonymous said...

3:05pm is completely serious and I doubt sarcastic. I know that team well. They're playing up to U10 (who cares) this summer. But the coach will play them up to U12 in some winter play. The coach makes them travel to KC and now Rockford next week. They think they're so talented, but it's a whole team of get the ball run and score, get the ball run and score. They're not learning the game. Why I know this is because I have a good friend who's daughter is on the team. Seriously it's U9/U10 folks, just learn the game you don't need to go play in every tournament! Besides it doesn't even count!

Anonymous said...

get the ball run and score works sometimes though, look at valley last year, I guarantee you can have an intelligent conversation about the game with them even if they didn't play it the same way, I do agree though at that age their is no need to travel everywhere or even really anywhere

mta 17s dad said...

MTA and SCV 17b's at Blue Chip in Cinci starting today. Good Luck guys! Make MN proud!

So? said...

howd the 17s do today? they played earlier. not sure when scv plays?

mta 17s dad said...

17's win 2-0 over Novi Jaguars from MI. Sounded like Novi missed a point blank opportunity in the first half, and MTA hit a crossbar late in the first half, then picked up two in the second.

SCV has a 4 something game today against Herndon FC from VA, so 3 something our time. Good luck guys!

mta 17s dad said...

SCV beat Herndon (VA) 2-1 Friday. Lost to Tulsa Black (OK), and tied an underrated and very strong Grand Rapids Crew (MI) team from MI.

Tulsa is 16th and Crew is 37th in the nation on GotSoccer,so 1-1-1 result is a pretty good weekend.

MTA lost 1-0 to Lou Fusz (MO)(26th in the nation and 1st in MRL Premier), after hitting the crossbar twice and won their final 2-0 against Everest (ON).

Pretty good showing for MN 17s! Nice to see.

Anonymous said...

MU wildcats over SCV 17B 1-0 in MRL today, though SCV looked a bit banged up and short-handed. I'll never figure out why SCV can never assemble an 18-deep roster. They have a great core and top-notch coaches.

Anonymous said...

MTA u 14 boys do not have a chance with SAINT PAUL UNITED this saturday

Chicago Soccer said...

You Minnesota people keep coming back for more. We smack you down time after time.

Anonymous said...

pshaw, Chicago. Outside of your academies (which are far better than ours), Chicago soccer isn't much. You'd expect more from a metro area with 8 million people.

Chicago Soccer said...

Actually your Minnesota Thunder Academy U17/U18 team tied our Chicago Fire Academy team in November.
The Fire did beat Shattuck St Mary's by 2-1 score line.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chicago Soccer,
If your Chicago Fire Academy boys can't beat the "losers" from Minnesota that must make the Chicago Fire Academy losers too? Right?

Anonymous said...

FIre academy isn't much.

Anonymous said...

hey, how are districts shaping up? Who's going premier next year?

Anonymous said...

Premier in MN....the new C2. Come on...

Anonymous said...

You stay classy, MTA.

Anonymous said...

8:47am Seriously dude! Why would someone from MTA say what 8:35pm said. Get over it! So you didn't make an MTA team. Move on! Or wait you want to stay classy with snide, untruth remarks.

Anonymous said...

You stay classy, 1:00/MTA.

Anonymous said...

Heard that players from MTAs 15s and 16s team are being moved down to the 14s for Schwanns Cup. Can someone confirm this? Haven't been up to the tournament yet. Would surprise me, thought this group of coaches had more ethics than this. Players are clearly not 14s.

Anonymous said...

As long as the paper says 1/1/97, they're 14. Who cares where the paper came from. MTA certainly doesn't.

Ethics? Really? When there's a chance to win and show the world how great your club is?

Anonymous said...

Plain sickening. Kids are smart. Would guess the current players are talking about it, know it is wrong, but are looking to the parents, or God forbid good coaches to take a stand on this issue. Instead everyone looks away and says the birth certificate says 14, nothing we can do. Has anyone ever considered the kids being moved down? They are being exploited to what, win a State Cup or compete at regions? Would be nice to just see one parent or one coach take a stand on this. Crickets......silence, I thought so.

Anonymous said...

Plain sickening. Kids are smart. Would guess the current players are talking about it, know it is wrong, but are looking to the parents, or God forbid good coaches to take a stand on this issue. Instead everyone looks away and says the birth certificate says 14, nothing we can do. Has anyone ever considered the kids being moved down? They are being exploited to what, win a State Cup or compete at regions? Would be nice to just see one parent or one coach take a stand on this. Crickets......silence, I thought so.

Anonymous said...

curious if there are any lawyers our there? If one of these U14 players told my son that he was really 17 but now playing 14 due to his birth certificate is my son bound as a MYSA player to report that violation based on the Honor Code 8.1 listed in the MYSA handbook? Also in the MYSA Handbook Providing False information. If these kids are talking about there real age and other players and coaches are ignoring it is there liability? Also noticed that not reporting a violation is held to the same standard as committing it according to the MYSA Rules.
Any thoughts on this?

Anonymous said... Providing False Information
Knowingly providing false information to the MYSA or its officials is prohibited. This includes falsifying birth date information; altering member passes, attempting to use altered player passes, and other presentation of false identification, or any other provision of false information.

Anonymous said...

Soccer Fan: Got to watch the USA Cup final between MTA U14 and SPU U14. It was a great match between two talented teams. But, it really didn't matter that MTA had several older players on the field - SPU out played them and were the better team! It was nice to see however that a small club can triumph over a lack of ethics in using players who everyone could see were not 14. Is winning that important to MTA?

Anonymous said...

Other Soccer Fan: Saw same game with my son. We may have seen the best foot skills on both sides of the ball that I have ever seen in a youth soccer game at U14 in MN. Both teams had remarkable strikers. The St. Paul team had a solid back four that MTA could not break through. The game was won by St Paul in the middle though. Surprised MTA went to kick and run after the St Paul team adjusted formation at the half. Hard to dribble through a midfield with five across and four back. Great job by both teams, entertaining!

Hope the above posters are incorrect. Call it what it is, cheating! I would pull my kid from that team if true. Have heard US Soccer really frowns on that kind of decision by a club.

Anonymous said...

luckily, the differences get smaller when the "other" kids catch up, i.e, puberty. not many U17 teams complain about 20-year- old opponents (besides, the 20-year olds aren't as good as they could be due to playing with younger kids year after year).

Anonymous said...

congrats to spu. well done.

Anonymous said...

The U14 final was epic. The game could have gone either way. SPU took advantage of an early opportunity for #19. The goal was class, cheeky chip over the goalie left-side of box from 10 yards. The referee let the boys play, not like MN referees. MTA players were caught a few time looking to the referee for help after hard tackles or 50/50 shoulder charges. Soon, players from both sides began to notice the referee's style and play became a bit more "chippy". There were a number of SPU and MTA players who were handed yellow cards for high slides and elbows.

MTA continued to play a quick-passing possession style but SPU was relentless and did not give much room for the skilled MTA players. MTA was close to leveling the score, when their best player bent a shot in from the right corner of the box off the crossbar, the ball continued to bounce around the goalmouth until SPU finally cleared it out of danger.

To begin the 2nd half, MTA had a sequence of around 20 passes with an SPU forward chasing the ball around. I thought this set the tone for SPU in the second half. As the half went on, MTA began to send longer balls up-front rather than looking to build. SPU's backline smothered up any attempts over the top. MTA had their best opportunites when they attacked from the outside with their midfield. SPU's second goal came off a freekick sent into the box. SPU's #19 again, found a gift inside the box and the goalkeeper out of position and calmly tapped the ball into the net from 8 yards out. The game was iced away by SPU but it was tense for a few minutes when SPU #10 received his 2nd yellow card.

Overall, this game had it all, skill, physical play, and rivalry. In the end, #19 was the difference maker and best player that game.

Anonymous said...

and I bet he is 14.

Anonymous said...

hey folks, I have been around for quite awhile, but take this however you would like.

kids tell each other the truth. kids lie to each other. kids wind each other up over things like age, especially certain kids from certain ethnic backgrounds who get fed up with always being accused of being too old.

some of these kids do it to wind up adults, too, who are usually much more gullible than most kids.

Anonymous said...

High school thread!
High school thread!
High school thread!

Anonymous said...

Finally a high school page, and sure enough, comments are disabled.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Time for a Development Academy thread.

Anonymous said...

Why? No one cares.

Anonymous said...

MTA U15/16 team won 2-0 yesterday at the USSF Development Academy Showcase in Florida.
The U17/18 boys won 3-0.
Good show fellas!

Anonymous said...

And now, the rest of the story.

MTA 15/16 lost Saturday against PA Classics 0-2. (PA Classics' first win of the year)

Anonymous said...

The MTA 15/16s won Saturday against PA Classics 2-0.
On Sunday MTA 15/16s won 3-0 v Empire United.
MTA 15/16s record is now 2-1.
Are you that envious you need to lie?

Schedule/Scores >

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah?

12:30 pm Minnesota Thunder Academy U-15/16 0:2 Chicago Fire U-15/16 Como Park - McMurray Field (Turf)

Anonymous said...

That game was played in 2 inches of snow which was hardly a measure of the better soccer team.
A 2-1 record in the Development Academy is good enough for me.
How's your team doing in the Academy? heh heh heh

Anonymous said...

Actually my kids at creighton

Anonymous said...

If your kid is playing soccer on the Creighton's men's team and is from Minnesota he played for Bangu/MTA.
Congrats on their success this year and I hope they win the NCAA championship!

Anonymous said...

Well then what DO you care about 9:01? This is a blog about Minnesota soccer after all.

Anonymous said...

I tell you, this blog really opens up your eyes to the animosity of non-MTA people toward MTA people. You can't tell the difference between the adults and the kids who are posting.

Anonymous said...

12/13/11 1:34 PM: You forgot to mention the adolescent, insecure behavior of MTA people on this blog.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call all MTA people insecure. If anything the insecure people are the people that feel the need to make themselves feel better by bashing other clubs besides their own.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that MTA players, coaches, and parents are all lumped into one category. That is the same thing racists do.

Anonymous said...

Do all racists do that? You aren't lumping all of them into one category, are you?

Anonymous said...

No, I didn't quantify racists. It could be some or most or all. Anyways, I think you miss the point.

Anonymous said...

Anybody home?

Anonymous said...

Nobody home but us racist and MTA haters.

Anonymous said...

MTA as a racial group???

Anonymous said...

It must be election season time!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard any news on Lakeville Soccer Club cutting ties with AM? Just heard a rumor and wondering if there is any truth out there.

Anonymous said...

Lakeville? Where is Lakeville?

Anonymous said...

Yes AM is out as DOC at Lakeville