Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: DAP games, results and news


Anonymous said...

For anyone who wants to see what the DAP is all about, Shattuck will host 2 games on Saturday February 12.

2:45 18s MTA v SSM
5:15 16s MTA v SSM

Should both be great games.

SocHead said...

Those should be great games. MTA 16s are and SSM 18s will walk away victorious.

old ref said...

Depends on what MTA 18's show up with. Some of the "star" players don't work hard every game. Not ripping on them, just observation.

Anonymous said...

I've heard Eric Miller will not play with MTA 18's as he left early for Creighton.

Anonymous said...

Eric Miller was called up to the U18 Men's National Team.

Anonymous said...

Shattuck win both games 3-1 today according to usda site.

Anonymous said...

saw both games, man Shattuck looked great.

Anonymous said...

thank goodness SSM 18s are not playing state cup. wow.

Anonymous said...

Did the team under the MTA U18 Academy team fold? If so why?

old ref said...

Have recently heard rumour their GK may have quit, hope he hasn't he was a good keeper.

A lot of u18's end up quitting after they find colleges to go to, and try to get jobs to help pay for fun, school, girlfriends etc. It's sad to watch them hang up their boots, but happens ...

Anonymous said...

I heard the GK was pulled up to the academy team, which then left a bunch of boys hanging.

However, I also heard many of the parents were complaining about the cost. And that there was no coach. Or that the coach name to the team wasn't actually the coach showing up or coaching the team.

From what I heard wasn't handled very well, and alot families and players end up scrambling in the end. Sounded like MTA needed to do a better job.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like MTA to me! It's amazing DAP didn't look behind the curtain.

old ref said...

Still hearing the 18's GK quit, not that he got pulled up to DA (although he got some minutes a few months ago).

Doesn't sound like MTA is the problem with the 18's, sounds like players and parents had unrealistic expectations or just plain moved on with other things in their lives.

Anyone with facts? I just hope he will play college, or amateur mens. He looked like a good player, and I hate to see kids quit the game.

Anonymous said...

not sure why anyone would play academy 18 in its first year here. by then all decisions re college have pretty much been made. join at 15/16 and get seen. its a lot of money to play good competitoin and maybe prep for college level play.

Anonymous said...

Good point 12:30.

My question is similar, why would the MTA coaches and directors pick a team of 92's who are all graduating and moving on. Many who are not even showing up regularly to the training sessions (which people were told are mandatory and reported to USSF).

Wouldn't it have been smarter to pick kids who had something to gain, such as Juniors in high school and train them? Would they win a ton of games, probably not, but USSF claims this is to develop higher caliber talent.

This would have given MTA a good pool of 93's to meld with the 94's for next years 18's team.

By the way, the superstar 92's haven't won much anyway and the golden boys on the 94's are not producing either.

Anonymous said...

Well said, 8:13. Now let's wait a few minutes for the MTA spin.

Anonymous said...

8:13 here, I am MTA, I just don't understand the logic in the choices.

Lot's of 17's who got left out in the cold, too old for the 16's team, too young for the 18's.

Now next year's 18's will be lots of 16's or a whole new group of players with no experience with the higher level of talent and the speed of the game at the DA level...

It's almost like the poor choices the pro teams in this town make :(

Anonymous said...

2:12, you mean to say there's an MTA realist?

Anonymous said...

There are many, in my experience, most of the parents are just like all the other clubs.

Anonymous said...

"most of the parents are just like all the other clubs."

wow, that's not a very nice thing to say hahahaha (signed a parent)

Anonymous said...

1:35 that's my point, the grass isn't greener just different shades of green. Pick the shade that fits your child.

Anonymous said...

USSF Development Academy rules: "To maintain a focus on training, Academy teams do not play in any other leagues, tournaments, State Cup competitions, ODP or All-Star events without written permission from Academy staff. Full-time Academy players can only participate on their designated Academy team, with only 2 exceptions: high school soccer and national team duty."

What does this do to MTA and SSM State Cup entries in the DA age groups? Are MTA and SSM willing to violate USSF DA rules just one year into their respective DA tenures?

Anonymous said...

They have more than 1 team at those age groups...they enter teams that are not their DA level team and they are not breaking any rules.

Anonymous said...

Why no results on the 17/18 MTA page for this weekends game? If you look at KC's site, you can find that the game ended 3-2 KC.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the 15/16's aren't scoring again this year and the remedy they brought in from PSA is still having trouble with send-offs and cautions. Could be a very long season if they don't find a kid who can score who doesn't come with an attitude/anger problem.

Anonymous said...

be careful what you wish for...

soccer fan said...

4 goals by a former psa player against teams like red bulls, revolution, chicage fire, chicago sockers, casl chelsea... just be happy he is not playing against your team.

Anonymous said...

Right now, the former PSA kid is such a one dimensional player. For good teams, it's easy to shut him down. Mark him throughout the match and he'll start to throw punches out of frustration.

Maybe one day he'll grow up and will become a great player.

Hope his Minnesota parents grow up too. They're even bigger jack-a**es than the player can be on the pitch.

Anonymous said...

again, be careful what you wish for...

Anonymous said...

Soccer fan, thanks for the stats. I didn't mean to say he wasn't a goal scorer, I actually meant that he was, just having issues with being a gentleman on the field (I don't know him off the field), and the beautiful game does not allow that kind of player to remain on the field long. It also costs the team when he gets sent off.

Not sure it was a great choice, especially when combined with the rumors that 3 other players came with him in a package deal.

When is it time to look to develop someone else? I bet there are 4 kids who can control themselves and compete at that level who are not on the current team, actually I think there are at least 4 developmental players who control themselves and are not traveling or being rostered.

P.S. No relative of mine is affiliated or eligible for that team, so don't send the "original" response that I am mad due to my son being cut...just observation and curiosity.

Anonymous said...

and for the sake of the team checking account, four other players who can pay to play.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the developmental players are already in the club, therefore already paying or being "scholarshipped".

Anonymous said...

...or being scholarshipped.

let's see what they do next year.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the 18's picked up a win, and the 16's may have gotten two?

Anyone see the games?

Anonymous said...

MTA 16s beat the three teams that are worse than they are. MTA 18s beat a team that was better than they are, though when you're in last place, all teams are better than you are.

I'd expect weakness from MTA, but am surprised SSM is not doing better.

soccer fan said...

7 goals

Anonymous said...

Why are you surprised SSM is not doing better?

Anonymous said...

National (global?) recruiting. Historically stronger than MTA.

I think SSM struggles with getting all those egos to play a team game.

You'd think they'd have it figured out by now, after training daily since last August.

Anonymous said...

I get what you say, but I'm not sure historically stronger fits either, it seems only one recent SSM team did well, the one with Teal on it.

I think they have a better model so far, but MTA is located more conveniently. If MTA can do a little better job picking players that will play well together for a whole season, and then build on it, I think they will grow to a competitive part of USSDA.

Unfortunately, it does not look like they started well, taking mostly 18's rather than having 17's training for next year. Also heard some younger guys declined later, as they felt like they were second choice and were happy with the team they were playing with...

Still hope they both improve!

Anonymous said...

how did mta 18's do this past weekend? watched them in phoenix...seems like they are not ready for the Dev Academy level of play...all those years of playing in a small pond...just sayin'

Anonymous said...

At this level it is all about coaching and training. It looks like MTA needs to improve on that to compete at the national level

Anonymous said...

agreed. Shattuck seems much more prepared for this level of play, at least when I've watched them.

Anonymous said...

MTA appears to be much stronger on the girls side. There seem to be many strong options that are less expensive on the boys side, which is significant because so few boys get substantial money to play in college.

Anonymous said...

Ssm has facilities, captured players and trains 6 days a week. Coaching is inferior at Ssm, just ask anyone who has played there. Ssm also costs a lot more than Mta + Wayzata HS.

Anonymous said...

you probably get a better education at WHS too.

Anonymous said...

MTA - U16s 2-1 and U18s 2-1 at showcase

SSM - U16s 1-0-2 and U18s 3-0 at showcase

MN well represented in TX, way to go both!

Anonymous said...

Dev. Acad. Finals will be in Milwaukee in a couple weeks.
At 16 both MTA and SSM were close to the playoffs. Still nice to see all four teams do well in the non-playoff showcase.

Anonymous said...

Comments after the first year from MTA/SSM?

Is DAP a bust like other states have implied?

Anonymous said...

It's a bust. Give it one more year under Klinsmann.

Anonymous said...

High school thread!
High school thread!
High school thread!

Anonymous said...

MTA Boys U18 Development Academy team beat the Chicago Fire Academy 2-1 today.

Anonymous said...

The MTA u18's were lucky to get their game in before the snow accumulated.
The MTA u16's lost 0-2 in a game that was played in a heavy snow. The field conditions deteriorated rapidly with players slipping and blls skipping oddly on the snow.
At kickoff the all the field markings were covered with snow and by the end of the game there was over 1" of snow on the field. It's unfortunate they had to play in these conditions. Chicago Fire 1st goal came when MTA keeper failed to pick up the ball because he couldn't see penalty box line to determine if he was legal to touch the ball with his hands. He hesitated then decided to clear the ball with his feet but the hesitation allowed the Fire striker to close down, block the kick and then run past the keeper to dribble the ball into the goal. Very unfortunate.
I hope they find an alternative location inside a dome for today's matches.

Anonymous said...

What does it mean to be on "probation" with USSDA?

Anonymous said...

MTA U15/16 team won 2-0 yesterday at the USSF Development Academy Showcase in Florida.
The U17/18 boys won 3-0.
Good show fellas!

Anonymous said...

SSM strong performance as well. Looks like the 15/16s tied for divisional lead with two Colorado teams, 17s/18s just one loss. We should be proud to have two MN teams who are doing as well as they are on the national scene. Way to go boys!

Anonymous said...

MTA 15/16 won again today by 3-0 score. Record to date is 2-1.
MTA 17/18 won 3-0 and are now leading the division with 3-0 won/loss record.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see both MTA and SSM doing so well in the USSF Development Academy.
It's nice to know our Minnesota boys can compete nationally when they have the right training environment and excellent coaching.
We've caught up quickly to the rest of the US since SSM and MTA came on the scene.

Anonymous said...

he he. really? I sense an implosion coming.

Anonymous said...

Do share 8:52, I agree with the 7:40 am poster. When MN competes nationally in a sport that is not hockey which is expected, that is good for our state.

Anonymous said...

Look behind the MTA curtain.

Anonymous said...

MTA parent here for all three years since Bangu. Happy with what my son gets, club fees have rose, but nothing I can see behind the curtain. Looks like the MTA teams did very well at the tournament. I would be happy to have a son playing USSDA. Girls program solid and competes regionally as well. Easy to throw out comments such as 7:26 am did. Harder to come up with facts.

Anonymous said...

10:20 is correct.

The U17/18 MTA boys won 2 games and tied 1 this weekend and are in 1st place in their USSF Development Academy division.

The U15/16 MTA Boys also won 2 games and tied 1 this weekend.

It's great to see our local kids playing well and winning against the top competition in the nation.

Why would anyone have a problem with the local boys having success?

Anonymous said...

MTA u17-18s Academy boys had a great 3 games over the weekend in Florida at the USSF Academy Showcase.
They won 2 games and tied one. They didn't give up a goal the entire weekend.

Anonymous said...

Also heard first hand that MTA teams garnered a lot of attention from scouts. More so then the teams they were playing. Something good is going on behind that curtain.

Anonymous said...

Let's all hope it doesn't implode before all the young-uns paying the freight are old enough to get those looks.

Anonymous said...

SSM DAP smoked MTA DAP 18B in shattuck this weekend.

Anonymous said...

That's because a lot of the players were from the U 15/16 team as the 17/18s that were committed to a college didn't play.

Anonymous said...

Same for SSM. Nearly all the SSM players are college-committed, and have been for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

I heard that one of the MTA U15 Boys has been invited to join the U17 Residency Program in Bradenton.
Any truth to this rumor?

Anonymous said...

It's true. One of the MTA u15 boys has been called into the u17 residency program in Florida.

Anonymous said...

He's 14, actually. Wow. Real deal.

Anonymous said...

Mukwelle can p-l-a-y. He may be the first MN player to live up to his hype. His only issue could be his size in the US game. I think he will be an outstanding professional, though he may need to go overseas to play.

Anonymous said...

Thunder/SSM travel this weekend to start USSDA games? Will be interesting, saw a match in February versus two teams. SSM defeated MTA at bpth age groups. 18s fun to watch, high level soccer!

Anonymous said...

Very competitive 18s game today, good soccer, skilled players. Late goal scored by Shattuck player, believe he is one of the younger players maybe a 16, very impressive. 16s game much less competitive. Should have been 3-0 win by SSM if not for save from Thunder goalie. Worth the drive south, SSM should lead both divisions now?

Anonymous said...

Tale of two teams in this state. Imagine if Shattuck had all the 16s playing at the their true age group and not playing up at the 18s. Imagine if they did not care about the development of players and just played to win. Not sure that any Academy team would touch them in the US this year if that was the case. Props to the coaching staff who will not get much credit in MN. Seems like the soccer press only thinks there is one team deserving of coverage. Didn't the 18s rank in the top 10 in the US last week on ESPN soccer ratings? Crickets. Don't expect to get too much credit Shattuck lads. Keep up the good work, MN and all of your home states are proud.

Anonymous said...

Tale of two teams in this state. Imagine if Shattuck had all the 16s playing at the their true age group and not playing up at the 18s. Imagine if they did not care about the development of players and just played to win. Not sure that any Academy team would touch them in the US this year if that was the case. Props to the coaching staff who will not get much credit in MN. Seems like the soccer press only thinks there is one team deserving of coverage. Didn't the 18s rank in the top 10 in the US last week on ESPN soccer ratings? Crickets. Don't expect to get too much credit Shattuck lads. Keep up the good work, MN and all of your home states are proud.

Anonymous said...

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us (for $40,000 a year) and the world will live as one.

Anonymous said...

Imagine, Dreamer.....very good and too funny!

Anonymous said...

Not entirely sure what the GP points at the end of the USSDA standings means? But it looks like only two other teams in the US are ranked higher that SSM in the rankings. Those boys ranked higher that the LA Galaxy Team and New York Red Bulls don't they feed into MLS? Goes for both the 16s and 18s. Looks like some good soccer being played in Southerm MN. Check it out!

Anonymous said...

yawn. nobody cares.