Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: State Cup Preview


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Anonymous said...

3:25pm. So what? That's old and tired by now. Find something new!

Anonymous said...

3:28 is right. A "loaded egocentric/selfish/individualistic Blue team" is old news.

Anonymous said...

SCV will give the Blues a run at 17G

Anonymous said...

4:02 keep praying.

Anonymous said...

SCV will give the blues a run at 17B too.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I will bite. Everyone has made mistakes in their lives, it is how they react and recover that matters. Mark Cook may have made a mistake (not sure, don't know the facts) but he has contributed significantly to the advancement of soccer in the State of Minnesota. I am not sure how many graduates from the MTA girls team last year received D1 scholarships, but I know that most of the girls on his current team have already committed to D1 schools, to play soccer. My daughter was at an end of the road community club program, he took her on, developed her, and she is now getting looks, and offers, from D1 programs, with significant scholarship offers. I personally think many of the coaches have big egos, to include Cook, but he has a right to have an ego. He is communicating with big time colleges on behalf of my daughter, and has done a great job at representing her. So, if he did make a mistake, he could have moved on and gave up, but instead he showed true character, dusted himself off, and pursued his passion. After all, it is character that matters, because character is really who you are, where reputation is simply what others perceive you to be.

Anonymous said...

4:29pm. Exactly! I now MC and I agree with you completely. Guess what folks, I'm not an MTA parent! Everyone makes mistakes! Mark is a great coach. Please tell me what paid coach in your club doesn't have a big ego? Also, a coach that didn't make a mistake when they were younger.

ATILSEN said...

I was suspended in 2003/04 for calling a u18 player on an opposing team a bad name after a game in which she did some things I thought were totally out of line.

In the end regardless of what a kid does, I as coach have to responsible for what I do.

I did, I was and somehow MYSA put it on the website 7 years later.

As the kids on teams I coach know, when we lose I take all the blame and am happy to do so. Saturdays 8-0 game to SCV was my fault we could have played differently, subbed differently and had different players play in different spots. The kids did their best and SCV has some great finishers on the team.

1 of whome I really enjoyed to see play at such a high level since she played for TCF from U12-U15.

I enjoy the attempted ripping and am always glad to set the record straight!

FYI the bad TCF state cup results sit at 7-3-2 and 1 team in semi and 1 team can go with a win.

Rather than tear us down I would like to read some good old fashioned pride and someone show me how the big clubs are doing overall. Because in my mind having 12 AMAZING teams and 65 really bad teams is not a GOOD club.

Our 6 team are all good teams and have good players. We are small, we work together and our kids who stay love it.

OK im done until next weekend when hopefully the TCF u14 G beat MTA white and move to semi's and TCF u16's beat wayzata and move to finals. GO FIRE!

Anonymous said...

SCV will be happy to continue to take your graduates.

Anonymous said...

4:22 keep praying.

Anonymous said...

4:56pm. I admire you for coming on to say what happened. Calling an opposing team member a name isn't the smartest idea, but it doesn't make you a bad coach. Mistakes happen!
I believe your 16's will beat Wayzata, but your 14's won't beat MTA. You tied Edina! Either way best of luck!

Anonymous said...

5:07 keep dreaming

Anonymous said...

My daughter plays for TCF 17 girls. She has had more exposure playing for Fire than any of her other teams.The team has played well sometimes and poorly in other games. At the end of the day the players get over it and play another game a different day.For people to take there shots at Aaron and the TCF teams that these girls play on is Tacky.The game is for the Kids.As parents we want what is best for our kids.Hopefully they will go to school get some help to pay for college out of the experience. Whats sad about this blog is that it is all negative. Maybe people would not have such a bad attitude about Mta if they would just win there games and be done with it instead of bragging about how bad everyone else.

Anonymous said...

More exposure playing for Fire than any of her other team? What other teams? Doesn't make sense. If you want exposure, ECNL is the only way to go, unless your kid wants to play in the midwest (which is fine). If your kid wants to play for D1 schools outside the area, you need to find a "special" community team (EP Girls U18, for example), or, MTA. The list of coaches watching my daughter's last tournament included Georgetown, U of Maryland, Harvard, Florida State, Stanford, Portland, etc. Your choice.

Anonymous said...

Thats great for you. My daughter has played on other local community clubs teams. Has been approached by schools in the midwest.She just needs to decide were she wants to go to school.Not all D-1 schools are for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Then your community club is fine for you. Congrats on a happy soccer experience. My point is if your daughter wants to play D1, then MTA is the best bet.

Anonymous said...

Computer Illiterate -
If you have the standings page bookmarked, hit REFRESH button to get them updated.

Anonymous said...

3:54. I hope you realize that this "loaded egocentric/selfish/individualistic Blue team" is a completely different team that has only three kids from last years blue team. Glad to see you keep up to date with this stuff and say stuff that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

To play D1 you need to be a good soccer player on a good team.

If ECNL is the only way to get a look why does MTA teams that are not in the ECNL attend showcases?

Bottom line good players that want to play college soccer will find a place to do so. Club name has very little to do with it coach and team mates does.

Anonymous said...

To play D1 you need to be a good soccer player on a good team.

If ECNL is the only way to get a look why does MTA teams that are not in the ECNL attend showcases?

Bottom line good players that want to play college soccer will find a place to do so. Club name has very little to do with it coach and team mates does.

Anonymous said...

Does your daughter want to play D1, or do YOU want her to play D1. Many teens don't even know the difference...if only becomes relevant when psycho dad pushes the issue.

D1 is a huge time commitment for a sport with no future after college. Maybe hit the books, score in the 30s on your ACT and get some merit awards. You'll be better prepared for college and life, and will likely have more options for both.

Anonymous said...

so you;re saying that by nearly ENTIRELY turning over a team, you get rid of egomaniacs and selfish and individualistic players?

One thing about your comment should scare most rational people: you dumped 15 of 18 kids from one year to the next (watch out, kid, your coach is AGGRESSIVELY looking for your replacement).

Beware the evil empire. You gotta love that team cohesion from one year to the next. It must take all winter to learn the names of all the new kids.

Anonymous said...

9:16pm. If you move up we were talking about MA and the person said
something about his U14G as a "loaded egocentric/selfish/individualistic Blue team." You go on to say "is a completely different team that has only three kids from last years blue team."
MA's U14G team is pretty much the same team. I think they may have lost one player that moved out of state and another player that didn't make the team. They added 3-4 new players, but it is the same team that won last year. It's you that is not keeping up.

Anonymous said...

hahaha. wow. we have a lot of immature people on here. grow up a bit. i play for twin cities fire and personally aaron is a good coach. he has taught me more then any other coach has. he is always pushing us to try our hardest. thank you !. (:
<3 nicole

Larry said...

Try a different browser. I usually use Chrome but I have to switch to Firefox sometimes to get updated scores from MYSA. I didn't try IE, so I don't know about it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


800! said...


Anonymous said...

Saw the second half of the U14 SCV/MTA match. Don't fool yourselves. Both teams played to win, there was no "let up" by MTA despite the earlier comments. Will be interesting to see how that St. Paul team matches up. If it is the indoor team I saw this winter, will be a good match. 15s and 13s look like a lock for MTA though.

Anonymous said... sorry but you need to look this stuff up before posting .Its the white team from last year with a few blue kids and a couple other kids. I have been playing with fellow white team members for three-four years and this "cohesion" is not a problem. Its not like our coach replaced 15 kids with 15 random kids.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you mean there is actually a chance for white team players to move up to the blue team?? Oh, the horrors!

Thanks for the insight 731 - I love how it flies in the face of those who claim the white teams only exist to supplement the blue teams.

Anonymous said...

921 - you are wrong in so many ways. Some teens do get the difference and embrace the challenge of playing D1 and hitting the books. It's not one or the other. Besides, many of these young people do get 30 (or more) on their ACTs.

If you go through the recruiting process, you will see one of the first questions any quality D1 coach asks is "how are your grades - what are your SAT and ACT scores?"

And to your comment that it doesn't get you anywhere after school - WRONG again. When college graduates are looking for that first job or applying to graduate school, having kept up grades while playing D1 is VERY attractive. It shows his or her dedication, commitment and work ethic.

You are correct, some parents do push their teens, but there are many teens that have the desire, and many parents who support their child's decision to pursue a dream they've had since a very young age.

There is nothing wrong with players who would like to stay close to home and play D2 or D3 or even decide not to continue playing in college.

Sorry if your son or daughter didn't have the opportunity to play D1 and I'm sorry you can't live vicariously through them and brag to your co-workers that your little one is going to some big school. But, to say "Maybe hit the books, score in the 30s on your ACT and get some merit awards. You'll be better prepared for college and life, and will likely have more options for both," is total hogwash.

Any athlete who does well in college will likely have many more options.

So worry about your own kid(s) and don't assume every young man or young woman who is going on to a D1 program was either pushed by daddy or is somehow not smart enough to get in to a quality school.

Anonymous said...

9:19 amen

Anonymous said...

White teams (and Silver, Grey, etc.) do exist to supplement and fund the Blue teams. It's normal; these players are the "reserves" - waiting in the wings for their shot at the big time. Hee hee. While fully understandable at the pro level, it does stink for youth.

Just ask about the percentage of players receiving scholarships on your respective Blue team and on the White team. At an MTA board meeting 2 years ago, for two Elite boys age-levels anyway, we learned of almost 80% of Blue players from both teams were receiving scholarships/assistance and only 1 White player getting some help.

Interesting. But.........

Who really cares? White teams offer good training and high levels of play. A lot of Blue kids are very talented - naturally and dedicated - and most would never have the opportunity to compete at their high level without the assistance from MTA. Consider it altruism or charity. What a shame it would be to see such talent passed by because their parents (if still alive or present) can't afford what has become mainly (unfortunately) a "white-collar" competitive sport in MN as in many other areas of the US.

Anonymous said...


So go ahead and brag - what school is your little Mia or Donovan going to? I know you're just busting at the seams to tell us and to tell us how it was only possible because MTA.

What arrogance you write with. To come in here and preach to someone you don't know because you are high and mighty and the parent of a D1 player - get off your high horse.

Anonymous said...

What a bummer for the U-13 Prior Lake team ! The coach or Manager forgot the passes and the team had to forfeit. They were playing a Tonka Team that beat the MTA Blue team 1-0. The Prior Lake team is pretty good and would have given the Tonka team a good effort most likely. Not only did the goof up take out PL it also sealed the fate of the MTA Blue team. How bad would you feel if you were the one who forgot the passes!!! Isn't that one of those things you triple check before leaving the house?

Anonymous said...

Amen, 9:19. The world needs more Realtors.

Anonymous said...

Shame on PL. EVERYONE knows the rule: NO PASS NO PLAY. Totally inexcusable.

And for MTA to benefit, dang.

Anonymous said...

9:19, your glasses are so rosy.

"Many" of these kids get in the 30s? Huh?

Coaches ask about grade and scores? Of course, as in, "Can I get this kid into my school?"

A small percentage of D-1 student-athletes succeed as students and athletes.

Anonymous said...

LOL, if anyone actually looked at the websites that show where players commit to, they would see that annually only a few kids stray farther than midwest colleges (and there is nothing wrong with that). Take 5 minutes and look deeper and you'll see that except for a few of the big hitters most schools recruit somewhat locally.

LOL, just because high level college coaches are at a specific game does not mean they are there to see your child - could be they are looking at a player on the other team. Take 5 minutes and reference the coaches who are at the game with where the team you are playing is from......

LOL, what never gets published is what percentage of the scholarship is actually being given. Most teams have 22-24 players and there are only 13 full D1 scholarships - do the math. Most schools will supplement with academic money first where possible - so yes, good grades can help.

To help with your analysis:

At the end of the day all that really matters is that everyone is happy with the decision. Yes, there are some parents who spend lots of money on their child's youth soccer careers banking on a scholarship return on their investment, but most parents spend the money because their child loves to play soccer, the child wants to get better, the child wants be challenged. Aren't these the kind of qualities we want in our children?

Anonymous said...

Another pass related incident this year: manager brought last years passes to a league game a couple of weeks ago. Team had to forfeit.

Anonymous said...

3:04, the same Prior Lake team? Or another team? I've had one scary moment as a coach where I had the wrong start time for a game for whatever reason, I had the passes. I got a call from the team at the field asking where I was and that put me into scramble mode, luckily it was a tournament and they were willing to wait (I got there about 20 minutes late)... never again.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone keep old passes? Why?

Anonymous said...

3:11 Different team - a North District boys team.

Anonymous said...

Folks, your child will not get a look unless they contact the coach and convince them they are genuinely interested in their school, or have an amazing game while the coach is watching someone else who did the work to get them to show up.

In our son's case, the 31 ACT, leadership examples, and documented volunteering helped more than you would imagine. Having both coaches and teachers give support and recommendations also helps.

Coaches know how hard it is to play college ball and succeed in school. The schools are being pressed by NCAA to have kids complete their schooling successfully or they lose scholarships, so they have to take kids who have proven they can time manage themselves.

Good luck MN

Anonymous said...

9:04....not sure what you even meant with that last comment but I am pretty sure I agree...although your pointless sarcasm is kinda confusing

Anonymous said...

I once had a 7 PM HOME game. It was raining in the morning that day. The opposing coach canceled the game at noon due to rain (informing his team only). My full team was informed at the field during warmups. The opposing team's coach was at the SAME field coaching his other team's game before my scheduled match. I "heard" the opposing team's best player wasn't going to make the game that evening. My coach didn't want to force a forfeit because that takes away a game from our team.

The opponent was MTA.

Anonymous said...

Why am i not surprised?

/Duh Winning

Anonymous said...

4:07pm. Ok, when was this? Boys or girls, age group, date of this incident? Your club? Field and city? More details would make it more believable.
You sound like sour grapes, but go ahead, by all means keep slamming MTA if it makes you feel better about yourself and your team!

Anonymous said...

One time we had a game and when we got to the field we saw the MTA players dancing in a circle and shaking some rain sticks. Next thing you know, it's pouring rain now so MTA said that the game will have to be canceled. As we were walking to our car we hear that their best player had a headache and was unable to play!
MTA must be tight with the higher beings in this universe. They have to be! Because MTA is the cause of all that is bad in soccer in Minnesota.
Grow-up 4:07pm!

Anonymous said...

You said it. MTA is the cause of all that is bad in soccer in Minnesota. It is a polarizing vs. unifying entity. Well, MTA parents are polarizing in any case.

MN is too small for this.

Anonymous said...

What is polarizing is every club that loses lines up and attacks MTA. Well if we make your club better that's great. Lately on this blog people have started to attack TCFire and Dakota Rev. Why because they win too! What is about you people? Do you want everyone to lose, so we can be unified as one big loser state.
Well TCF and Rev welcome to the "We CC's hate your club" club! MTA will gladly welcome you in because it makes for better soccer. Keep winning TCF and Rev and watch the haters come out.

Anonymous said...

hmm. I don't hate TCF or Rev. I just hate MTA.

Until you succeed in being competitive on a regional/national level instead of taking pride in beating the clubs you take your players from, I will have no respect for you. Given the weakness in your administration and the lack of depth of coaching, and combined with the nutty parents you attract, I don't think that will be happening any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Stop coming up with the same tired response "they can't compete in regionals and nationals!" It's getting old! Why can't you compete in regionals or nationals??? Really why is everyone leaving it up to MTA to do it or to NOT do it. Come on clubs let's see you go out on the national stage and compete? I really wish you would so you would all shut-up!
Hey at least MTA is trying, along with SSM, EP and a few others!

Anonymous said...

Now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Big weekend ahaed - predictions?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the majority of the dislike for MTA is driven by their success. I don't believe the recent dislike with Rev and TC Fire are because of their recent successes. The Rev and TCF issues are specific to actions allegedly witnessed on the field, and a past suspension of a TCF leader. Two very specific items. The MTA dislike is a function of years of issues. It goes way back to the beginning of BANGU. The midseason recruiting of talented players from surrounding teams, the you've been id'd cards given out by Bangu leadership after games and at footskills camps etc. Bangu/MTA always seem to be involved in the controversy of the day. Part of this is due to the large numbers of players involved, the larger the sample group the more likely someone does something wrong. MTA often seems to play on the fringes of the rules , legal yes, within the spirit of the rules ,,,often no. The other big issue is the fact that they allege to have 4 clubs (north,south ,east, west) yet they are, or at least have been governed by one board of directors. Is that four clubs , or one club with four "branches" ? The only reason it is a big deal that they do this is because they will place teams in districts to "showcase" the club in an effort to recruit other kids from that geographical location . They routinely have teams with the majority of the kids living in the east play in the south, or living in the south playing in the north, or... you get my point. Is this legal, I guess so? Is it the right thing to do? only if you have a win at all cost mentality for the good of the club, not necessarily for the good of the player.
I respect the MTA teams success on the field. I am disapointed to see the tactics of a few adults making poor decisions that give so many of the MN soccer community this poor perception of MN youth soccer. MTA your record of success is tops in the state right now. Everything you do , because you are on top, is a reflection of the entire states soccer image.
Please be a better leader. Make good decisions, be respectful of your competition, and try to check the Ego's. Same for the Rev,TCF,EP.St Croix, etc.. True success needs to be more than just on the field. There is no on/off switch for integrity. You either have it or you don't .

Anonymous said...

6:55am. Well said and I am a MTA parent.

Anonymous said...

A little MA brown nosing...

Why is it that the MN community rallied behind Bangu but despise MTA?

How's this for thought....

Bangu was elite-only. But it was too small to financially support those great players who do not have the means to pay. So, needed to grow, merge, develop.

MTA attracts tier 2 players/families too providing them a false sense that they are elite. Since this is new to these players/families, they don't know how to act. Humility was never learned, parents never had successes, etc. Liken it to how disgusting the 'new rich' can act... All of the MTA "duh winning"/"we're great"/"let's see you do it" BS caused the reaction of others. People do not reject the concept of an Elite club, only the small-town, small-minded arrogance portrayed by parents of non-elite players who think they are elite because their kid plays for MTA. Walk the MTA sidelines during MTA Blue and White matches. Blue parents (mainly elite players) are well-behaved, understand the game, and let the kids play. White parents (mainly non-elite players) are the yellers, the ones blaming refs, opposing team players, opposing team parents, and stick tongues out, OMG. Just pathetic.

None of us real elite player parents would ever insult any other Club. We love them/you as feeder and player
identification for the next generation of players. Send us your best. But wannabe elites that make White teams...well, you can stay where you're at...or at least send us your money and keep your attitude back in your community.

Anonymous said...

Ok then, there are lots of reasons to hate MTA.

Anonymous said...

7:22am. U14 Boys State Cup a couple of weeks ago. MTA Blue vs White. White parents sit quietly on the sideline. Ref had to keep warning blue parents and eventually had to tell a blue parent to leave the game.
It is not the white parents doing most of the yelling and it's NOT the blue parents. It's an handful of parents on both sides. Just like any club, it takes 2-3 parents to make the rest of the parents look bad.
Also, do you know many white players don't want to play blue. They don't want to play DA or ECNL. Actually the white players are playing for the love of soccer and may not even want to play in college.
In fact 7:22am, you don't even sound like a MTA parent. A MTA parent would never say what you said in the last paragraph. So it sounds like your child didn't make an MTA team. Sorry, train harder and maybe next year and get over your jealously towards MTA.

Anonymous said...

There's the sickening attitude, right there, folks. that last paragraph.

Anonymous said...

I really wish you people would move on. I'm not even a MTA parent, but really I want to talk State Cup. There's a "I hate MTA" Facebook page, why don't you people go there and bash them.
I have friends that play MTA and they are not anything like what you say. My child has friends on blue and white teams and there and 7:22am is dead wrong! I could bash another club that I find extremely annoying any overbearing parents, but I'm not going to.
Now back to State Cup...

Anonymous said...

What club would that be?

Anonymous said...

People that attack other parents, players or club are only feeling inferior about themselves. If you truly were happy you would not need to make accusations (98% of which are false) against other clubs, coaches, players or parents. I hope you can find some happiness, but in the meantime if it makes you feel better to bash than so be it.

Anonymous said...

Similar experience as 7:22am last year with the now Blue U14 team. Much smaller team than ours because they were playing up at U14. Parents and coaches alike riding the refs for calls that were clearly fair play by our players. Refs had to warn the Blue sidelines twice. If you are going to be Elite and play your kids up, then play the game and stop looking for the ref to change the pace and play. Didn't play White, no comment there.

Anonymous said...

There's really obnoxious parents everywhere in youth soccer. There's also really nice, respectful and knowledgeable parents everywhere. It's not limited to a particular club or organization.

Anonymous said...

State Cup: on the girls side despite all the typical craziness for the most part it is setting up properly.

u13: you can never know at this age group. MTA teams should always have some advantage but my guess is one of the Rev teams will win. This isn't a real clear group and no really great teams that can likely compete out of state
u14: MA's Thunder team will win, Prior Lake has a chance
u15: the right final 4 are in the semi finals (hope the winner is among EP/MTA/REV) - would be nice to see a different regional team than EP
u16: the right final 4 are in the semi finals (BVL or MTE would be best here to go on)
u17/18: seems about right

MA said...

This is all so funny.

Can someone please point out a zip code in MN in which we can find 16 players of the same age group and gender who all have interest in year-round training AND have the ability or potential to compete at the ECNL or DA level? I'd move there in a heartbeat as there would obviously be something special in the water. It's just not realistic - not here, not in Chicago, not is St Louis, not in Dallas, etc.

Can anyone else please point out an example of a strictly community-based development environment that consistently turns out high-level collegiate soccer players; players who spent their U9 - U18 years surrounded by lower-skilled athletes?

The Bangu academy started in 2004 to fill a void - the growing demand for structured, year-round training at the 8 to 12 age groups. At that time, no other club was providing this type of development environment at those age groups. People bashed us for covert recruiting, and that was absolutely off the mark. It was blatant recruiting, though we thought of it as identification. The belief was that MYSA's anti-recruiting policies were in place to "protect" MYSA member clubs, and not in the best interest of the players themselves. If there was a talented player identified in camps or in league or tournament games, they were likely approached with the option of a higher-level development opportunity - an opportunity that they probably wouldn't never have known about unless informed directly. The Woodbury Inferno team was built in part from a community base, and in part from identification from camps and local competition. I pretty much guarantee that the talented players in that group (2 of whom are in the U20 Nat Team pool) owe part of their development success to the other players who were "recruited" to the team, and those recruited players from places like WBL and IGH wouldn't not have been in an environment that helped propel them to DI scholarships unless their parents were educated about higher level development options.

Non-Bangu people/clubs didn't like losing talented players to a development environment they couldn't match, so they began figuring out how to match it. Many clubs now offer what Bangu started offering in 2004, and many players now are able to find very, very good year-round training options in their own geographic areas. This is a great thing for the game.

However, this still doesn't change the fact that it is still extremely difficult, if not impossible, to find 16 players in one geographic setting who are capable enough to play at the highest level of the youth game. Thus, there is still a need for what MTA offers with the ECNL and DA.

It's not about winning. It's about providing an opportunity for MN's top soccer athletes to develop together and showcase their abilities against the best competition in the US, in front of the top scouts and college recruiters. It's about giving talented MN players the same opportunities as talented players from SoCal, New Jersey, NC, etc.

Why is there the hate? Well, part of it runs deep from past years - Bangu recruiting, the marketing campaigns, touting of local successes with younger teams made up of players from multiple communities, etc. I was an integral part of that, and though I no longer agree with some of the things that were done, it can't be changed.

Part of the hate stemmed from the merger with the pro team and the advantage that uniqueness among MN soccer clubs brought to attracting players.

And part of the hate still comes from MTA being able to offer something unique (ECNL and DA) that no one else in MN will be able to offer.

MA said...

Part II as this post was too long to be accepted in its entirety.

What's the ideal solution? MYSA. A regional organization of district select clubs - true clubs - supported by all the MYSA member clubs in that district. 4 clubs in the metro area (N, S, E, W), one in Duluth and one in Rochester. These DSCs would have the full support of community clubs, shared training resources, and form teams that compete solely against the other DSCs. Competition could be controlled, training would be emphasized. Knowledgeable DOCs within each district would be involved, MYSA would govern the curriculum and structure.

At 13, the best of the DSCs come together to form 2 MTA (or whatever the elite club would be called) teams at each age group, the rest of the DSC players form the MN premier league. The elite teams work towards the goal of ECNL and DA competition.

It's a collaborative effort on a grand scale, but it can only come from MYSA. People may say US Club could come and do that, but only MYSA has the real chance of binding together all the current community clubs towards a more positive vision.

I understand that this will likely never happen and may not even be possible due to MYSA policies I don't know about, but I've seen a lot in the last decade and, IMO, this would be the best way to move forward.

Anonymous said...

"Playing for the love of soccer."

I always love that one. About as much as:

"The score didn't reflect how lopsided the game was."

The story about MTA canceling the game happened. So did the Shootoutgate Scandal. So did everything 6:55 notes. That's enough for me.

Anonymous said...

MA, I don't disagree with your idea in theory but you have to acknowledge that putting MYSA in charge of anything is very likely to result in some sort of mess.

Mister Soccer said...

Two things from MA's well-written, mostly accurate, impassioned response:

1. "I was an integral part of that, and though I no longer agree with some of the things that were done, it can't be changed."

It can't be ignored that this is the PRIMARY reason for MTA hate. MTA leadership, while driven and passionate, needs to take a deep breath at times, thoroughly think things through, and not act like such ego-centric a-holes (as I've personally experienced). When they are the leading club in the state, they need to lead with respect.

2. MA is spot on regarding MYSA. MYSA is stuck in the ice-ages. Always have been. What MA outlines above reminds me of something: ODP. An MYSA governed select training team. I've been saying it since I played: our ODP team should be a club team. As simple as that. MYSA needs to make it happen. Seems too late now with the emergence of MTA.

While I don't care for all of MTA and their shenanigans, MA (or the fake MA) certainly has my respect.

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but ODP is no longer a training program, right? It used to be about year-round training. Now the tryouts are in April? I'm a bit out of the loop but I've been involved in the program both as a player and a coach and I stopped coaching because it just seemed like a cash-grab to me.

Anonymous said...

Prior Lake has a chance at U14? Really? They lost to Mahtomedi in league play last week and they tied Cottage Grove last night. They're in a fairly easy State Cup bracket (Wayzata has lost a bit of it's luster). They will be in the semi's for sure, but no way are they beating MA to take the top spot.
Good luck though!

Anonymous said...

he he, that's so lame.

/Duh Winning

Anonymous said...

10:29am You don't indicate what is lame? Please elaborate?

Duh I'm a loser!

Anonymous said...

Marks solution mat be impossible to achieve. Too many personalities with history/politics involved in MN soccer. When you get right down to it Mark and a few of the MTA/Bangu group are excellent coaches but the trust of competing clubs and players that their kids will be treated fairly is not present. Mark admits the clubs past mistakes put a big tarnish on many of the soccer communities thoughts regarding him and his club. It was refreshing to hear him admit the mistakes, but even so it is unlikely enough would funnel to a program as he describes above due to the past burns.
In my opinion, I think a positive step would be for MYSA to require any club in the 7 county metro provide a minimum number of teams and a minimum number of higher level C1/Premier teams in order to maintain active club status. It would hopefully force some mergers within the system. We have minimally 1/3 too many clubs in my opinion. Consolidation is needed.
Look in the east: Woodbury, Eastridge,MTA,Cottage Grove Hastings St Croix. All pulling from the same population.
The South: Dakota Rev, Eagan, Burnsville,Valley,Lakeville,Farmington Prior Lake.
West: EP, Tonka,PSA,Wayzata,MTA,Chan Chaska etc.etc.etc.
Same in the north.

Time for some of the smaller clubs to merge in with the more established group to consolidate talent in a more "friendly" way.

Anonymous said...

Solution: MTA structure with current MTA leadership replaced by people who bring people together. Agree that the way MTA/Bangu started (we are better than you marketing) is a PRIME reason for the hate. Get rid of the egos and MN soccer starts moving forward out of this rut. Never will happen because MC and company would have to step aside.

Anonymous said...

If you want a truly elite program to succeed without alienating everyone, you can't build it and turn around and compete against everyone. In other words, create a mega-program that will NOT be part of MYSA/State Cup. It'd be like if Shattuck played Minnesota high school soccer or hockey. They don't, because they are/intend to be so much better than that. Or, taking a team of all-star NFL players and placing them in the NFC Central every year. Why does everyone hate the Yankees? Because they try to do just that...assemble all-stars and beat up low-budget small-market teams.

ECNL and DA are a start, and no one whines when MTA succeeds there. They whine when MTA brags about dominating State Cup. Given what they intend to be, THEY SHOULD DOMINATE STATE CUP!

Anonymous said...

That's true it's not fair that MTA competes in MYSA/USYS events. MTA is moving away from that to compete in US Club National Premier League as well as US Development Academy and ECNL.

Anonymous said...

11:33 and 11:56 nailed it (and many others have on this subject over the history of this blog). Taking the top players from the local clubs and consolidating them for the purpose of offering the highest level of training (practice with the best) and competition (regionally not just in MN) is the perfect mantra for MTA. To be truly regionally or nationally competitive in a state our size in more than just one team, you would have to have this. Kind of like ODP's intent but at a team level. It's clear there is a transition now where MTA is leading the charge out of MYSA for the very top teams but it wouldn't surprise if other clubs with critical mass like St. Croix, Rev, EP follow suit in the coming years. Unfortunately that will defeat the purpose IMO because with the talent resources of our state we cant really compete in the upper tier without a single super team. Now, that said, if the only measure of success is a national or major tourney championships there are far more failures than successes. Having been to a multitude of games over the years from CC to local tourneys to State Cup to regionals and having kids play with and against Bangu, MTA, Rev, SSM, etal, the only suggestion to these parents is to be humble and supportive of their teams, opponents and kids. By and by most are but it is the 'pricks' that ruin it. MTA is a business, designed to make money, that does so by trying to field the best possible teams, with solid year round training. They also offer programs for 'less skilled' players and an occasional chance at upward movement. They want to try to be regionally competitive which is noble but they (parents) need to realize as wonderful as their DD is, there are thousands of girls and hundreds of teams that are significantly better. There is nothing wrong with their cause is is the delusionals that ruin it.

Anonymous said...

Why would the board and current MTA coaching leaders need to step aside? Who would replace them, the DOC's and coaches who are not as proficient??

Still sounds like you hate them because they are more successful.

Anonymous said...

Would someone please go start a blog so you can rip on MTA 24/7 and let the rest of talk about soccer.

Mister Soccer said...

We are talking about soccer.

State Cup revolves around MTA and this is far more interesting than U14 match predictions/speculation that nobody looks back on.

The suggestion for MTA Leaders to step aside likely stems from the polarizing shenanigans (Shootoutgate) that many of them are guilty. People fail to realize that the replacements wouldn't be better (if any replacements even exist).

Anonymous said...

This is the State Cup category. Maybe Tim should start a separate category for MTA bashing.

Anonymous said...

Until then, bash away. Funny how everyone hated on Shattuck and MTA at this time last year. Now it's just MTA. Makes good sense.

Anonymous said...

Actually we don't mind if you bash MTA, but it just seems like there's better use of your soccer time. If you read back they were bashing SSM, but lately Rev and TCFire have been attacked. I guess winning games makes others hate you. Either way if it makes you feel better about yourself, than by all means keep bashing. Anything to make you not feel inferior anymore.

Anonymous said...

SSM didn't tank a shootout, cancel away games or boast about how great they are.

Anonymous said...

I am not an MTA parent, I have a child on a premier comm club team. If we did not have a team in our club which would benefit the development or challenge their ability, would I consider mta?...hell yes! MA hit it on the head, find 16 kids in the community with the ability to succeed at a regional level...not gonna happen. I'm certain every premier team in this state has a few kids from a neighboring comunity club.

Take mta out of MN state cup...really? If they have limited success in regions, what the hell do you think the community club is going to do? I love having MTA as a bench mark...if you can beat them, kinda makes your season! If you lose, don't bitch about it...get better!

I think this blog is similar to those sideline parents referenced earlier...a few parents with sour grapes and making all the noise...that's what alot of the MA and MTA bashing is...just noise.

Anonymous said...

can i get an amen for 4:11?

Anonymous said...

So predictions anybody?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

15,16, 17 semi & finals for boys&girls. Any predictions?

Anonymous said...

lol - if MTA won 15%-20% of all the State Cup titles versus about half of them, this would hardly be as issue or topic on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Hehe. Keep living thru your kid, 651

Anonymous said...

i predict fisticuffs in u18b

Anonymous said...

You can all stop complaining next yea when MTA pulls their blue teams out of MYSA in favor of ECNL.

Anonymous said...

bhk over mta,
psa over blm (shootout).
bhk over psa.

ssm over psa
scv over mta (shootout)
ssm over scv

mta over mtw
nss over edp
mta over edp

mte over slp
mus over psa
mte over mus (shootout)

mta over spu (shootout)
lkv over mus
mya over lkv

don't know or care.

Anonymous said...

Girls winners...
13 - no way to know for sure
14 - MTA
15 - EP
16 - MTE
17 - MTE
18 - EP

Anonymous said...

There. we talked state cup. Can we PLEASE go back to bashing MTA now?

/Duh Winning

Anonymous said...

10:30, I disagree slightly.

Haven't seen them play this year but heard the SCV 17b are low on numbers and have had a key player hurt, also lost a tough mid to MU, not sure they can beat the MTA team, but MTA is struggling to finish lately.

On paper SSM should win easily over PSA, but it's State Cup, early in the day, it might be wet, so you never know.

I assume you mean MTA over NSSA in 16b.

Haven't heard much grousing this year about girls games and prom. Aren't some schools having prom this weekend?

Anonymous said...

7:25am. What is wrong with wanting to win? I'm sure every club goes out there and wants to win.
I'm thinking that you were one of those kids that were brought up by; everyone wins, no team loses, don't keep score, and everyone that ran got a first place ribbon.
Yes, win!

Anonymous said...

scv is stronger at mid. tough sometimes = foul/card concern.

Anonymous said...

16 Boys - MTA over NSS. A rematch of last year's final. MTA killed NSS like 10 nil last year. Should be another cake walk.

Anonymous said...

Demographics, resources, organizational skills, competitiveness and leadership to me is leading MN towards a few 'super clubs' (relative term) over the next 5 years (specifically talking girls here). Of course you will have MTA but it seems like St. Croix is taking over that area (Woodbury is tier 2 now), Dakota Rev in the South, likely EP in the West. For sure there will be teams within other clubs that will challenge at every age group every year. But we are talking overall top to bottom depth for talent, coaching, training, etc. Again, MN has to consolidate talent to compete out of state for reasons out of its control (population, weather, etc.) and there will never be a single dominant club because there will always be people that don't like that club (ie MTA), don't want to drive, don't like the philosophy/leadership/etc. The 'tactics' these clubs (REV, EP, etc.) use to 'sell the dream' to little Mia or Donovan and their parents are no different than what MTA does so let's no kid anyone. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with that but let's not single out MTA. And of course it is not everyone in these clubs just the key leaders that set the tone. On the girls side be it, Prior Lake at u14, EP and Rev at u15, Burnsville and TCF at u16, I guarantee a large percentage of their players are not from their own 'community'. They all had a good product, recruited players and put together a team. So what makes that different?

Anonymous said...

10:11am. I agree with your post. By the way, great post. I have observed many girls teams. There is a problem at Prior Lake U14. That coach is burning those girls out! They have tremendous talent, but many of the girls have had it. They practice 6 days a week! With 6 days a week practices, you should have beat Mahtomedi in league play and not tied Cottage Grove.
MTA, EP, Rev do not practice 6 days a week. I will point out that is unique to the 14 girls at PL. Otherwise PL is great club and only getting better (forget that the U13 coach or manager forgot passes last week at State Cup and had to forfeit).

Anonymous said...

11:49, I think she's walking a fine line too... from what I've witnessed she has kids that are willing to work very hard in games and much of that I believe comes from the amount of work that is expected of them in training. I don't know that they're more talented than their opposition on average but they typically outwork them. She has done great work with them but maybe it's been too much? Only time will tell.

Mister Soccer said...

Their coach, the '87 Metro POY and in the WNT Pool, was a hardworking player and is a dedicated coach. I'd play for her.

Anonymous said...

she might have been POY in 87...but was probably a sr in hs. These girls are 14...big difference!

Anonymous said...

These girls have been run so hard that they have thrown-up during training. Multiple injuries, mental breakdowns. She may have been 87 POY, but that doesn't make you a good coach! 1:39pm said, these are 14 year old girls!
My question is why are the parents allowing this? Why, because they've been feed kool-aid from Prior LAKE. Promises, promises!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she's a great person. I wonder about the coaching style. If they train that hard, shouldn't they be cleaning up in league so far? She's 0-1-1. She lost to the MTA white team in State Cup semi's last year and again to them in summer state play. Although, MTA white 14's are an extremely talented group.

Anonymous said...

Being named Player of the Year 24 years ago doesn't automatically make you a good coach! Come on Mister Soccer!
Besides soccer has come so far in 24 years that her talent in 1987 is as equal to the talent of a good U11-U13 girl in 2011.

Anonymous said...

Mental breakdowns at U14 WOW!!!!! What classifies as a mental Breakdown these days!! Tears??Quitting the sport?? Therapist??Bellevue?? Self Doubt?? Just curious?? I've always said what doesn't Kill you makes you stronger!! I've also thought throwing up because of working hard was a Badge of honor showing how hard you are working. It sounds like maybe she has gotten the most out of these girls and that the parents are upset because all the hard work hasn't produced the wins the parents are looking for, but that is just my take on it.

Signed Hungry

Anonymous said...

Did the girls enter the season out-of-shape with aspirations to beat MTA in a early season State Cup? Perhaps that's what the girls wanted.

If young athletes of today are so advanced (as noted above), why are they puking?

Anonymous said...

I'd echo 2:24. I was all-state in the mid-80s, and I was overmatched as coach when my kid's team was U12. Past playing success does not equal coaching success. No way.

/Duh Winning

Anonymous said...

I blew chunks as a young teenage athlete and so did my teammates. I never complained about it. I pushed myself.

But I guess boys sports is a little different than girls sports. A little tougher.

Anonymous said...

Training hard is acceptable for both boys and girls! An athlete should push themselves to always be better. That's one of the marks of great athlete. But 14 year old girls still in middle school do not need to be pushed beyond the brink! How many of these girls will even want to play soccer in 1-3 years? Push hard, but don't make promises and threats on why you push them that hard!

Anonymous said...

Hungry and 2:55...You're kidding...right? Trying to compare your 40 something life and glory days in HS sports with the girls of PL.

Good for you, the badge you earned while puking in HS is honorable...give me a break, sounds like you were not in shape to start with.

Soccer Player said...

I'd just like to say that talking about soccer in a civil manner is one thing but sitting on a blog and bashing other clubs and talking smack is another. First of all- you're all mostly parents and coaches, right? This is your CHILD'S sport and life. You are going to ruin it for them if you get caught up in the political aspect and take these stupid blogs seriously. I have played soccer for almost 17 years. I used to look at this blogs on my club team and read these things and it's ridiculous that parents think they are the ones who gain anything for their children's accomplishments. If your child loves soccer and happen to be good at it let them play soccer. Getting caught up in the gossip and drama as their parent just makes you look stupid. You can't go on the field and play for them. They train for hours upon hours to be where they are because they love it. I happen to be good at soccer and i'm still playing it in college because i love it. There was a point in time when my parents got caught up into the gossip and blogs and became crazy trying to control my future and that was when i began to hate it. I love it again because i don't have parents who are into gossip of club teams or high school. Don't ruin it for your child or you won't be able to stand on the sidelines and watch your child do something that they love. Forget the petty gossip and political bull crap. They play the game because they love it.

Anonymous said...

Amen 3:08...I agree 100%, unfortunately most here will go back to bashing clubs, coaches and players to make them feel better about thier pathetic lives.

Anonymous said...

Since when does little Prior Lake make ANY noise in MN soccer? The little noise we're hearing must be the result of a few people doing something right down there.

Anonymous said...

Prior Lake is one of the few clubs in the south metro doing things well it seems, couple of motivated people is a very good start. Add the fact that it's a community with money and they have potential to make some noise in the future.

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm from EP and Prior Lake does make some noise in soccer. They're a great CC. They have some good teams. Their DOC (same coach mentioned earlier) maybe a little questionable, but for the most part a fairly good club.

Anonymous said...

Puking during practice sounds like poor planning and/or nutrition on the athlete's parent's part...

Maybe as parents we need to learn how to help our athletes fuel and hydrate their bodies properly.

Anonymous said...

All kinds of speculation on puking:

-overzealous coach
-out of shape athlete
-poor diet from parents

Guess how much it matters?

Anonymous said...

3:08 = id.i.ot

Anonymous said...

yay! 900

Anonymous said...

As SoccerPlayer blogged on 5/19/11 at 3:08 p.m.:

"I'd just like to say that talking about soccer in a civil manner is one thing but sitting on a blog and bashing other clubs and talking smack is another. First of all- you're all mostly parents and coaches, right? This is your CHILD'S sport and life. You are going to ruin it for them if you get caught up in the political aspect and take these stupid blogs seriously. I have played soccer for almost 17 years. I used to look at this blogs on my club team and read these things and it's ridiculous that parents think they are the ones who gain anything for their children's accomplishments. If your child loves soccer and happen to be good at it let them play soccer. Getting caught up in the gossip and drama as their parent just makes you look stupid. You can't go on the field and play for them. They train for hours upon hours to be where they are because they love it. I happen to be good at soccer and i'm still playing it in college because i love it. There was a point in time when my parents got caught up into the gossip and blogs and became crazy trying to control my future and that was when i began to hate it. I love it again because i don't have parents who are into gossip of club teams or high school. Don't ruin it for your child or you won't be able to stand on the sidelines and watch your child do something that they love. Forget the petty gossip and political bull crap. They play the game because they love it."

This should be repeated again and again until blog civility is restored.

4:31 - you're a d'bag! (I can't believe I've descended to your level).

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:41pm!

Anonymous said...

Parents from prior lake laugh as they say their club is run by the prior lake mafia. You've to be in the family or be a "chosen" one to be a coach/board member. The 14's will be done playing soccer by the time their 16. To bad-she should know better!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:31. al.l id.i.iot.s.

Anonymous said...

I love it - The Prior Lake Mafia! It definitely fits! Unfortunately it rings true throughout the club and spreads over to the HS!

Anonymous said...

Dear 5/19/11 9:26 PM,

As SoccerPlayer blogged on 5/19/11 at 3:08 p.m.:

"I'd just like to say that talking about soccer in a civil manner is one thing but sitting on a blog and bashing other clubs and talking smack is another. First of all- you're all mostly parents and coaches, right? This is your CHILD'S sport and life. You are going to ruin it for them if you get caught up in the political aspect and take these stupid blogs seriously. I have played soccer for almost 17 years. I used to look at this blogs on my club team and read these things and it's ridiculous that parents think they are the ones who gain anything for their children's accomplishments. If your child loves soccer and happen to be good at it let them play soccer. Getting caught up in the gossip and drama as their parent just makes you look stupid. You can't go on the field and play for them. They train for hours upon hours to be where they are because they love it. I happen to be good at soccer and i'm still playing it in college because i love it. There was a point in time when my parents got caught up into the gossip and blogs and became crazy trying to control my future and that was when i began to hate it. I love it again because i don't have parents who are into gossip of club teams or high school. Don't ruin it for your child or you won't be able to stand on the sidelines and watch your child do something that they love. Forget the petty gossip and political bull crap. They play the game because they love it."

This should be repeated again and again until blog civility is restored.

Anonymous said...

Dear 5/19/11 10:05 PM,

As SoccerPlayer blogged on 5/19/11 at 3:08 p.m.:

"I'd just like to say that talking about soccer in a civil manner is one thing but sitting on a blog and bashing other clubs and talking smack is another. First of all- you're all mostly parents and coaches, right? This is your CHILD'S sport and life. You are going to ruin it for them if you get caught up in the political aspect and take these stupid blogs seriously. I have played soccer for almost 17 years. I used to look at this blogs on my club team and read these things and it's ridiculous that parents think they are the ones who gain anything for their children's accomplishments. If your child loves soccer and happen to be good at it let them play soccer. Getting caught up in the gossip and drama as their parent just makes you look stupid. You can't go on the field and play for them. They train for hours upon hours to be where they are because they love it. I happen to be good at soccer and i'm still playing it in college because i love it. There was a point in time when my parents got caught up into the gossip and blogs and became crazy trying to control my future and that was when i began to hate it. I love it again because i don't have parents who are into gossip of club teams or high school. Don't ruin it for your child or you won't be able to stand on the sidelines and watch your child do something that they love. Forget the petty gossip and political bull crap. They play the game because they love it."

This should be repeated again and again until blog civility is restored.

Anonymous said...

Blog civility? What's that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So what I'm bashing my own club!

Anonymous said...

Dear 5/20/11 8:57 AM,

As SoccerPlayer blogged on 5/19/11 at 3:08 p.m.:

"I'd just like to say that talking about soccer in a civil manner is one thing but sitting on a blog and bashing other clubs and talking smack is another. First of all- you're all mostly parents and coaches, right? This is your CHILD'S sport and life. You are going to ruin it for them if you get caught up in the political aspect and take these stupid blogs seriously. I have played soccer for almost 17 years. I used to look at this blogs on my club team and read these things and it's ridiculous that parents think they are the ones who gain anything for their children's accomplishments. If your child loves soccer and happen to be good at it let them play soccer. Getting caught up in the gossip and drama as their parent just makes you look stupid. You can't go on the field and play for them. They train for hours upon hours to be where they are because they love it. I happen to be good at soccer and i'm still playing it in college because i love it. There was a point in time when my parents got caught up into the gossip and blogs and became crazy trying to control my future and that was when i began to hate it. I love it again because i don't have parents who are into gossip of club teams or high school. Don't ruin it for your child or you won't be able to stand on the sidelines and watch your child do something that they love. Forget the petty gossip and political bull crap. They play the game because they love it."

This should be repeated again and again until blog civility is restored.

Anonymous said...

And good luck to all teams this weekend! This is a pivotal weekend for many gender/age groups, with final group games, semis, and finals! Looking forward to White over Blue upsets!

Anonymous said...

Dear 5/20/11 11:50 AM,

As SoccerPlayer blogged on 5/19/11 at 3:08 p.m.:

"I'd just like to say that talking about soccer in a civil manner is one thing but sitting on a blog and bashing other clubs and talking smack is another. First of all- you're all mostly parents and coaches, right? This is your CHILD'S sport and life. You are going to ruin it for them if you get caught up in the political aspect and take these stupid blogs seriously. I have played soccer for almost 17 years. I used to look at this blogs on my club team and read these things and it's ridiculous that parents think they are the ones who gain anything for their children's accomplishments. If your child loves soccer and happen to be good at it let them play soccer. Getting caught up in the gossip and drama as their parent just makes you look stupid. You can't go on the field and play for them. They train for hours upon hours to be where they are because they love it. I happen to be good at soccer and i'm still playing it in college because i love it. There was a point in time when my parents got caught up into the gossip and blogs and became crazy trying to control my future and that was when i began to hate it. I love it again because i don't have parents who are into gossip of club teams or high school. Don't ruin it for your child or you won't be able to stand on the sidelines and watch your child do something that they love. Forget the petty gossip and political bull crap. They play the game because they love it."

This should be repeated again and again until blog civility is restored.

Anonymous said...

Blog Civility?? What fun is that?? YuK!!

Anonymous said...

Really people, don't take things so seriously. Everyone has a right to their opinion, we don't have to agree with it, but it is their right!

Good luck to everyone this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to everyone except the teams I want to lose!!

Anonymous said...

I know the person who keeps posting the same posting over and over. He's a loser associated with a has-been club who hates everyone.

Anonymous said...

Has been club? What club is that?

Mpls Kickers?
Mpls United?
Newcastle West?

Anonymous said...

mU iSn'T a HaSbEeN.

Anonymous said...

Oryx? Woodbury?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When was the last time Mpls United won State Cup?

Seems like a 'has been' to me.

Anonymous said...

or a "never was"?

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow begins BVL 16g redemption after being ripped off by the refs in the finals last year. Clearly the best team in the state with a bad taste in their mouth. Final BVL 5 MTA 0. BVL will then beat TCF and be back on top where they belong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many shots it took for 10:39 to work up THAT much courage.

Anonymous said...

Lots of MTA boys upsets coming Saturday. Barely over .500 in group play. Losses coming at 13, 16, 17, and 18.

Anonymous said...

The MTA Blue teams haven't lost a game.

Anonymous said...

So the teams subsidizing the blues must really suck.

Anonymous said...

U-13 girls semifinals now set. Some interesting results.

Tonka vs MUS. Tonka beats MTA blue, then guarantees win of the bracket with PL forfeit (forgot passes!) and then loses to MTW 1-0. Did Tonka play the bench the entire game against MTW?

Rev 12's vs Centenial. Rev 12 year olds beat very good Rev 13 year olds to advance to semi final round. 12 year olds in the semi's? I know it has happenned a few times before, is this a good thing?

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for high school soccer.

Anonymous said...

7:46pm. Tonka tied the U12 MTW team in league play too. Than that same U12 beats them in State Cup
The U13 MTA blue team will admit that they didn't play well at all the day they lost to Tonka in State Cup.
Unfortunately, PL not showing up with passes and give Tonka the win on a forfeit doomed them.
Conspiracy theories could say PL forgot the passes on purpose to keep MTA out! I'm really kidding, but I'm sure there will be some yahoos that may think that way.

Anonymous said...

MYSA canceling games again? I'm in Isanti. Cloudy, but no rain. Haven't felt a drop in over 1.5 hours.

Anonymous said...

I was up there also and several fields had standing water on the edges of the field.

Anonymous said...

All afternoon games have been canceled due to field conditions.

Anonymous said...

1.3 " of rain overnight in Isanti according to National weather service.
Mid week championship games? thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Some finals set...
at U16G Only MTE is listed so far, so result online for WYZ TCF

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant no result online for WYZ TCF

Anonymous said...

WYZ TCF game cancelled due to field condition.

Anonymous said...

So no MTA teams yet? WOW - I guess the east academy is better than the parent club - two finalists so far.

Anonymous said...

I always love that one. Somebody tries that MTE/MTA thing every year. Try some new material 439.

Anonymous said...

Dumb question. Why did WYZ and TCF get cancelled if the other 9 a.m. games all were played?

Anonymous said...

They all moved fields. The games were played if the fields were acceptable, but not all fields were okay. Wish MYSA would make decisions. Some teams are traveling next weekend.

Anonymous said...

Anyone thinking tomorrow's games may be postponed again? It's looking like it's supposed to rain basically all day tomorrow. If it was a field condition issue I can't imagine they'll be any better tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Dear MYSA, please let us know the plan. The older players have commitments (PDA next weekend, other sports, graduations). Whatever the plan is, make up your mind. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

7:18pm. Agreed! Lots going on with schools at the end of May.

Anonymous said...

You people aren't supposed to have lives outside of soccer.

Anonymous said...

Dear MYSA, here's an idea for you ask local high schools in the metro to allow the use of their turf fields for state cup then there's no problem with the whole driving to the other side of Minnesota for the games and no problem with field conditions if your playing on turf

Anonymous said...

3 mta teams down, a few more to go. Congrats to scv for taking 2 of them down.

Anonymous said...

Dear person whom is so conversed about PL, sound like you have to much time and need to get a life. For a community club they seem to be doing a very good job. If you don't like it don't tryout there. I have seen this coach and see has the best interest of the girls at heart. Unless you know the fact don't comment PH.

Anonymous said...

I do know the team and some of us are not trying out again.

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm hoping that MTA doesn't win many finals (and I'm from MTA). That way the winners whomever they are can go to regionals and get spanked. Than everyone can stop bashing on just MTA for doing bad outside of the state.
No matter who wins, I wish them well and I do hope they go far in regionals and onto nationals. At that point it is GO MINNESOTA!

Anonymous said...

State Cup games canceled again on Sunday. Fields are flooded! Time to look for different fields MYSA!

Anonymous said...

Unless another club steps up and offers to host, we are stuck with Isanti. End of story. People bitch but don't want to be part of the solution.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the drive to Isanti but truth be told the fields aren't bad, they're far from great but they're better than LWB was last year. I've definitely had to be smarter about car-pooling this year to save money on the gas but the fields are fine.

Anonymous said...

Isanti has done a good job, it's not their fault that the fields are flooded.

Anonymous said...

Lwb is a muuuuuuch better facility with muuuuuuuch better fields.

Anonymous said...

Plus it's not built next to a sewage treatment facility.

Ps I'm 1000

Anonymous said...

Yeah, my kid plays for St. Croix and they had to play on crappy home fields last year for the entire season. The best answer is to de-centralize and play at multiple complexes. Disadvantage = college coaches can only watch a few teams at a time.

Anonymous said...

where are the loud u16 tcf parents?

Anonymous said...

Eating crow

Anonymous said...

The 16G final should be interesting. WYZ and MTA have played twice this year. 0-0 tie and 1-0 WYZ win. I might actually watch that game depending on when they play.

Anonymous said...

MTA didn't win a game today!

Anonymous said...

It was hard for most teams to win today since MYSA canceled all the mid-day and afternoon games due to flooded fields.

Anonymous said...

8:56pm What have you been smoking? There wasn't any games today! MYSA canceled all the games with the exception of 9am game between TCF and Wayzata!

Anonymous said...

Still, it's nice to see MTA not winning.

Anonymous said...

rescheduled games are up on MYSA.

Anonymous said...

What age groups, because I'm not seeing the schedule for the games?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they're scheduling games at those times.

Anonymous said...

You mean TBD? Because that's the only dates and times listed.

Anonymous said...

Why not have have U16-U19 in Apple Valley and U13-U15 in Eden Prairie?

Plenty of fields in those clubs, or Eagan, or Minnetonka, or Wayzata, or Bloomington, or Burnsville...

Anonymous said...

Because those clubs have to step up. Many fields in Plymouth are closed due to poor conditions, that covers a majority of the Wayzata and PSA fields.
I think MYSA is going to have to split the ages up and find turf fields. More rain today and more rain predicted this weekend.

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