Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: State Cup Preview


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Anonymous said...

I wasn't talking about the College player in the clip. I was refering to a girl in MYSA this year who pulled an opponents hair during one of the early league games . Sorry I see my post was somewhat confusing. The girl who pulled the hair in our league is a highly skilled player who made a bad choice.

Anonymous said...

11:50 The spit DID take place.

Anonymous said...

We should ask to start a new blog line: just for those girls who spit, bite, pull hair, swear, and act like sailors! (love that line!)

Anonymous said...

1:01...have you run DNA to be sure it was in fact the REV girls spit?

Anonymous said...

Nope - the girl who got spit on could see it quite clearly.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, objectivity has nevern been 11:09's strong suit. If you want to say you dominated a team, try to win by more than one, please. Five crosses to a kid who kicks the ball wide or over the net is a weakness, not a sign of domination.

So, if the SSM/MTA Blue group game is the U17B championship, I assume MTA Blue will say they took second place even though they won't advance to the semis. Just watch. The whining begins Saturday after 10am.

If you want to be seeded next year, win your bracket this year.

Anonymous said...

Alright, I admit it I spit the other day, but I had a cold and some flem or maybe it was a farmers blow. I can't remember which. Since I'm in a confessing mood I also bit someone the other day, they just looked nummy!!! I hadn't had lunch yet!!! Sometimes you do what you got to do. Isanti doesn't have a lot of Restaurants to choose from so I did the next best thing (Canibalism).

Signed Hungry

Anonymous said...

Is "flem" the same as phlegm?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:52, 11:09 here, I never said dominated, I said the game wasn't as close as the score. Relax dude.

MTA won't say they are second or a finalist unless they make it there.

Sounds like a jealous reaction. try to let the boys play, and don't scream out at the refs next game...

Anonymous said...

2:02 shouldn't you be teaching spelling rather than correcting a soccer blog?

Anonymous said...

9:47 I am sure girls can bite, but it is more likely that with today's generation Y children and their parents that they magnify everything 100 fold.

Take a look at this blog. We went from spitters to oh my game was worse, it had foul language. OH NO mine was worse we had biters. What is next? Who is going to come forth and out-do the biter. Anyone with a weapon carrying player? How about the terrorist player? Oh I like the one about the foul mouthed, hair pulling, biter who was a terrorist. And the worse one of all is did you see the uniforms on that girl?

Get a grip parents and players when two people go for a ball some accidental things may happen.

Anonymous said...

"The game wasn't as close as the score."

I always love that one. Such a soccermom line.

Pulling hair is a characteristic of a bad player. "Highly skilled player?" Is she playing on the NSC Stars? Otherwise, there is no such thing in these parts.

Anonymous said...

I am teaching spelling. Didn't you read it?

The spit wasn't accidental. Unless it was "spittle" when she called her an "'effin bitch".

Anonymous said...

Enough with spit, hair pulling, biting and what's next peeing on the other team!

Back to State Cup....any predictions besides U17 boys?

Anonymous said...

That's the most asinine thing I've ever heard. Ever.

Anonymous said...


Some teams will win and some will lose, but everyone will complain!!

Anonymous said...

I think people want to talk 17B because that's the only age MTA won't win.

Anonymous said...

2:16, what does pulling hair have to do with the skill of the player? I'm guessing Eric Cantona had no skill because he chose to kung-fu kick a fan in the chest. Or that Zidane isn't skilled because he chose to headbutt someone in a game. The list could go on and on.

Also, to suggest the only skilled players in the area are playing for the Stars is laughable. There are some incredibly skilled youth players in the area. (And some not-so-skilled players on the Stars).

Anonymous said...

yea, try as they might, whine as they do, they won't win u17b.

Anonymous said...

that some folks consider the Stars a benchmark for skill is nuts.

Anonymous said...

That some folks consider a girl in MN State Cup to be highly skilled is nuts.

Anonymous said...

3:41pm Why can't a girl be highly skilled compared to other girls? Does the term "highly skilled" only apply to boys?

NewRef said...

People, you can't imagine the crap that happens on the fields. Friends, it's physical, intense competition, and State Cup has added least to parents. I'm amazed at how many kids-even MnThunder ones-could care less.


Anonymous said...

3:57, there are tons of skilled girls in state cup and elsewhere. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say there are dozens of girls up there who will get college scholarships to play. Granted there are fewer scholarship options for boys, but a LOT more girls will get money to play in college than boys...and I don't have any daughters.

Anonymous said...


Repurposing Condoms as Soccer Socks --
Every now and then I read an article that catches me off guard and this is one such piece.

It turns out that the big soccer fashion trend in Cape Town, South Africa, these days is to wear condoms on your feet to keep your socks up.

The need for such an innovative way of using these prophylactics is the result of a lack of proper soccer gear, such as socks with elastic to hold them in place. Since condoms are distributed for free in order to help curb the spreading of HIV, it all makes sense.

Sivuyile Nqawe of the Lingelethu Football Association in Khayelitsha said it was to "ease matters for those who cannot afford expensive brands of football kit on their mission to sharpen their skills to become future soccer stars".

"It is just a creative method and it works to alleviate the situation. You just break a condom packet, grab and stretch it. Then you put it on your leg," Nqawe said.

"You will find that in most instances players bring a box of condoms to a match and share them among teammates for the same purpose."

Another example of necessity being the mother of invention.

Anonymous said...

um, wow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And that relates to spitting and biting how?

Anonymous said...

4:06pm. I was defending 3:41pm comments about girls in State Cup. I have girls in State Cup!
I've seen plenty of very talented, highly skilled players from numerous clubs!
More talent on the girls side than there is on the boys side!

Anonymous said...

I'm confused as why you are so confident that will not win 17B, they very well might not but you guys seem to be so sure that they have zero chance too

Anonymous said...

417, can you repost using a complete sentence? (you know, subject, verb, predicate).

Anonymous said...

MEthinks 417 wonders why everyone is so certain Shatuck will beat MTA 17 boys. They just will. MTA can't finish and Shatuck shoots low. Shatuck by 2 or 3 and another 2-1 team will get the wildcard. Done.

Anonymous said...

Boasting about highly skilled girls that might get a scholarship from some D2 school in North Dakota while degrading the players on NSC Stars/Thunder who have completed scholarship careers with accolades at notable universities?

Makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Blue beats Shattuck by 2. End of Story;)

goBIGblue said...

I will walk to midfield and turn cartwheels if that happens. ;()

Anonymous said...

Okay, I will be looking forward to seeing you there. Seriously do it.

Anonymous said...

Just watch. U16B MTA Blue will be upset...and possibly early on. Either they've lost a lot of talent or other teams are just getting better than MTA.
I think MTA has a 50/50 shot in each of their next 1-3 games in State Cup. I'm not sure they have it in them. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

does the USSFDA have any impact on the makeup of all the boys U15-U18 teams?

Anonymous said...

yes. ssm and mta are weakened at u16 and u18 as a result...and maybe a bit at u15 and u17 too depending on who is placed on the teams. kids who play a certain number of ussfda games cannot play state cup. mixed reviews from mta parents/players so as to the value.

goBIGblue said...

I'll be watching my Eagan Fury trying to earn the wildcard. An MTA loss and a win by us over Forest Lake and a MU win over Eden Prairie in Group 3 and we're in and I'll do my cartwheels on field 2. We played st.croix pretty even and they took it to forest lake pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Both SSM and MTA have players from USYS U15-U18 age groups on their USSF Development Academy teams which does weaken their U15-U18 teams entered in State Cup.
USSF Academy uses the Jan-Dec international birth year while USYS still uses the Aug-July birth year for their teams.

MTA Parent said...

You non MTA people, don't talk like you know what is going on. MTA U16 Blue is the same team from last yr's U15 state cup champ plus 4 new kids. Didn't lose anyone except the Asian kid. Stronger than last yrs team! U17 Blue is the U16 white last year, with a few extra players. Most of the U16 Blue last year are playing USSFDA so they are not in State cup. Got it? Now that you know the truth, you can debate & argue who wins/lose at U16 and U17 boys.

Anonymous said...

If MTA Blue 16B is the same as last year's 15s, who's playing for MTA's 16 USSFDA team this year? the 17s and 18s are both going to lose.

BNG/MTA was always a girls club; boys never had a dynasty and it's getting weaker.

Anonymous said...

Thats odd you say that. I just looked at last years State Cup results and MTA boys won 5 of 7 age groups.
I expect they won't win as many this year because their top players are now playing in the US Development Academy at the older age groups but that doesn't mean they're a weaker club.
Every club would love to be in the Development Academy if they could.

Anonymous said...

i'd agree the mta (b)luster is wearing off. other clubs stepped it up and there are now many more options for good players. kids can stay "home" and not have to deal with all the mta nuttiness.

Anonymous said...

8:36 AM where have you been? As the bearded guy in The Hangover said, are you a rah- tard.

USSDA 94's (or 16's) are mostly last year's u16Blue team, with 4 PSA players. Why because they were born in 1994.

The guys who were born in late 1993 are now on the 17's blue or the 92's (18's)USSDA.

It's not this difficult people, hope you are better at your jobs than you are with forming your soccer opinions.

Anonymous said...

"mta nuttiness" as in actually practicing and improving their soccer while getting a good workout at the same time?

Anonymous said...

"born in 1994." L-O-effing-L. Now THAT's a good one!

Anonymous said...

if that's what i meant by nuttiness, several dozen other clubs would be nutty too.

nuttiness is thinking you're the only ones doing it.

Anonymous said...

MTA - Win at 13, 14, 15, 16. 17 and 18 up for grab because of USSDA players not in there. So MTA win's maybe one less than last year...that is dynasty for me! Go MTA!!!! Anybody want to put ur $ where ur mouth is, come see me this Saturday and I'll take all your bets! I'm the guy with the green hat.

Anonymous said...

Every Autumn, bloggers complain about how bad high school soccer is.

Every Spring, bloggers boast about how good their club is and how much their players are improving.

It doesn't add up.

Anonymous said...

As an MTAer, I know that MTA attracts most of the best players in the metro at any age group - not all of them, but most. Given this, we SHOULD win State Cup at all age levels. If we don't, shame on us. But who would be to blame? Administration? Coaches? Players? Parents? Probably parents mostly...

MTA is the only Club "in town" with that talent appeal...Or, at least WAS the only Club with that appeal.

What the arrogant MTA players and parents among us don't realize is this: such arrogance turns off many great players/families from interest in the academy. This goes against any recruiting efforts, and no one seems to care.

The reality though is this: most MTA players and parents don't want to attract others to the Club. It means LESS chance that the player or "our little Mias and Donovans" will make the cut next year.

So, such arrogrance ends up being self-serving. If you say how great you are over and over, eventually you'll believe it. With that arrogance, our ranks will dwindle and we'll be left being the laughing stock. We need to act in a way that ATTRACTS more and better talent, not disgusts the talent from looking our way.

So, fellow MTAers, let's suck it up and just play the game (of soccer, not words). The game results - good or bad - will speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

1104, That's one of the reasons why we left!! Well said.

Anonymous said...

What goes against recruiting efforts is the money involved. Most parents don't want to make that kind of investment.

Anonymous said...

And the ones that do are often the problem...

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't see it that way but whatever.

Anonymous said...

As a non-MTA person, I'm curious if the money MTA families are spending is really that much different than top teams at other clubs that are also doing significant traveling. Anyone willing to share their monthly payments and what those cover? If not, completely understandable.

Anonymous said...

What costs would be variable?

-coaching fees
-indoor facility fees

Anonymous said...

I have 2 kids in MTA and yes it is expensive. However, it is not any differ
ent then other club teams that travel alot. When your child loves what they do, it is worth the money and when they get a scholership later it makes it all worth it!!

Dad of MTA players said...

My kids are in MTA. 2010/11 Cost for juniors are 1500 for the year plus traveling for 2 out of state tournaments. I would say we spend about 600 per tournament (2 nts hotel and food/gas. A couple of local tournaments as well. For elite, it was 2600. They do travel to at least two major out of state tournaments and also do MRL, National, ECNL, Regionals, etc. Traveling costs is different for each family depending on travel arrangements. We did do several fundraiser events to help out. I've heard it is not so much different at other clubs if you play in all these events.

Anonymous said...

Scholership (sic)? He he, that's a good one.

Anonymous said...

Dad, what's the ball-park total for your elite kid? Just curious, as my son has a similar schedule.

Anonymous said...

Monthly tuition fees for MTA blue team = $300
Monthly travel costs for ECNL/Regionals/Nationals = $500
Full Ride to play a sport you love at a D1 college = PRICELESS


Anonymous said...

Full ride. he he. now THAT's a good one.

Save 8 years of those monthly fees and you've got your tuition to the U of M or Madison.

Anonymous said...

4:52, please ignore 5:22.

Oh, and here's another cup of Koolaid. You look thirsty.

Love, MTA

Anonymous said...

1. You don't pay those fees for 8 years.
2. You don't pay those fees EVERY month, any given year.
3. Who wants to go to Madison, or wants there kid to go to Madison?

Anonymous said...

sorry - their, not there....

Anonymous said...

well, if you want to attend the school that has put more CEOs in Fortune 500 companies than any other school...

they're, there, their...Madison teaches the difference. Obviously North Hennepin doesn't.

Anonymous said...

don't worry...your kid wouldn't get in anyway.

Larry said...

I watched an interesting u15G (MRL)game this evening, Edina vs St Croix Ajax. Also, they will play each other Saturday at State Cup to determine who comes out of group.

There had been chances by both teams with Ajax seeming to be in control overall but` Edina playing tough and not giving away a goal.

60 minutes into the match it was 0-0. Ajax talent does not drop when they sub, and they had 5 subs. Edina seemed to have only one sub. Ajax subbed in 5 fresh players and went on a 5-0 run in the last 20 minutes.

Final: St Croix Ajax 5, Edina 0

Anonymous said...

Oh my, why did they run up the score!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is so outrageous, that coach should be run out of town due to his huge ego.

Sound familiar???

Sorry SCV, I actually like your club and what you are doing for the kids, but had to point it out.

Anonymous said...

These "running up the score" posts remind me of the times when MYSA put Shattuck and MTA newly formed Premier/Midwest League caliber girls teams into their C-3 leagues.
Those entire seasons saw nothing but horribly lopsided scores.

Anonymous said...

A 0-0 tie for 2/3s of the game followed by a late barrage doesn't sound like a run up. Though, it sounds like maybe SCV played a little game and held back their 5 best players until the end. You know, don't let them see what you have until the game matters (this weekend). I have no problems with this.

Anonymous said...

Nice job SCV...I see league play at GU15 MTA beat EP 2-0. Should be an interesting and fun semi round at this age. EP will come back fired up to redem themselves, SCV is playing very well, and MTA/REV tied the other day.
Any predictions on this age?

Anonymous said...

I'd rather go to Madison than most of the schools listed on the MTA & SSM websites for giving scholarships to their players.

This blog is sew dumm sumtimes.

Anonymous said...

You only go to Madison if you want to party your brains out.

Anonymous said...

9:38am. Not sure you would even get into Brainerd Community College with your spelling!

Besides, I would guess if you were offered a scholarship at one of the schools that handed out scholarships to MTA and SSM, you would go!

Anonymous said...


How about coaches salaries? care to share that?

Anonymous said...

If you're asking about coaches salaries at MTA, it's lumped into the fee we pay monthly. That fee is paid from August-February. It's not a year around fee.

Anonymous said...

11:35 -- Wee haw, fees are paid in only 10 of the 12 months.

10:44 -- I've always appreciated how my club's coaching director stressed to my kids that they shouldn't let soccer drive the school choice. Rather, find a school that matches what you're looking for and then try to play soccer there.

Folks who ignore that rule end up hating college because they play for a D-2 dump where they have no time and aren't getting a quality education. While the signings makes for good press for Shattuck and MTA, I'm not sure I'd wish that on anyone's kid.

Really... University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and these are rarely even close to full-ride scholarships, especially on the boys side.

Anonymous said...

Why do you people bash kids choices? Do you know the kid who chose Arkansas, do you know what they are interested in academically, where their family is etc. Shut it you jealous pigs.

When your kid makes a choice I hope you helped them make the choice that is right for them, not one that people on a blog will agree with.

Dad of MTA players said...

Players costs per trip for Elite is roughly 100 - 150 if driving trip. If it is a trip that requires airfare, each player buys their own ticket (300 -400 each). Coaches fees, facilities, training, etc. (except uniforms 250) is included in the 2600/yearly fee. For this price, we train 3 times per week at minimum 1/3 of a full field, most times 1/2 field at any of the domes and have at least 8 scrimmages (full field 1.5 hrs each) from Oct - Mar. Break it down and you will see that it is reasonable.

Dad of MTA players said...

On top of that after March, we continue to train at Concordia or McMurray 2-3 times per week rain or shine because of turf field.

Anonymous said...

1:01pm. I agree with 12:07pm, you sound like a jealous pig. And really, so what UofA Pine Bluff maybe that kid grew up there and wanted to return. Could be a number of reason!
Maybe you couldn't get into a college since you can't do basic math. August-February is 7 months, not 10 months!
Now back to work, the dinner shift at McDonald's begins soon!

Dad of MTA players said...

People care to share what they pay and what the get in return from other clubs? I would like to know cause the facts so that I can make sound decisions based on all aspect (trainers, coaches, and costs) when my younger one reaches the elite age level.

Anonymous said...

The only people willing to post what they pay is MTA. Why doesn't anyone else tell us what they pay over the course of the year? Like 2:17pm, I'm curious maybe I want my younger child to play elsewhere once they hit elite level too.

MTA parent

Anonymous said...

I dont paye anything to play for MnThunder, but UI'm realy good.

Anonymous said...

I say about $3,000 all-in for a state cup champ team (semifinalist of finalist every year), MRL, Premier league, college showcases, two of the best coaches anywhere. College coaches regularly watched winter training. Non-MTA (though no gripe against them - they forced everyone else to get better - we've just had a great experience where we are).

Anonymous said...

2:34pm. What too obvious that you don't play for MTA! Again another jealous individual.
I agree with 2:42pm. Even if you don't/didn't or want to play for MTA; MTA did make other clubs better. How many clubs now say they have "Academy" training?
You don't have to like MTA, but we have to respect that other clubs have stepped up their training.
Better soccer from all over Minnesota will come out of this!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you're SCV 17's and agree you have two terrific coaches, but be careful 2:42, people will hate you because you are so arogant, oh yeah that only applies to MTA parents who say their coaches are good, and that their kids teams have done well.

Don't get me wrong, I like SCV, just making the same point.

Anonymous said...

Don't. EVER. do. that. again.

Anonymous said...

So, which non-MTA club will have the most semifinalists?

EDP, SCV, and DKT look to be in the best position. Others?

Anonymous said...

You just hit the U15G's semis with all four teams:


Anonymous said...

at 15 i think rev and mta need a win and in...scv and ep by the look of it are already in

Anonymous said...

Granted, anything could happen, but based on what should happen (and what is already known), here's what one might expect for leading non-MTA semifinalists:

SCV should have 7 semifinalists (13B, 15G, 17B, 17G, 18G, 19B, 19G)

PSA should have 6 semifinalists (13B, 14B, 15B, 16G, 17B, 18B)

EDP should have 6 semifinalists (13G, 15G, 16B, 17B, 17G, 18G)

DKT should have 3 semifinalists (13G, 14G, 15G)

MUS should have 3 semifinalists (14B, 16G, 17B)

What happened to WDB? They used to be all over State Cup?

Anonymous said...

there was some serious thought in this last journal....

Anonymous said...

I'm a freaking FAN, man.

Anonymous said...

besides you have too much time on your hands...what does this tell us? The kids from woodbury are now at scv or mta? if you live in the west, you best chance for success are ep or psa?
Why did you take mta out of the equation?

Anonymous said...

is success defined by the number of teams advancing out of pool play?

Anonymous said...

2:13pm. Being from the west, PSA is a joke on the girls side. I agree with EP. Add Wayzata and Tonka to that mix. PSA is ok with boys, but girls no way!

Anonymous said...

Out of the teams listed above, which ones have a real shot at making the finals?

Anonymous said...

"Why did you take mta out of the equation?"

Funny, you start talking about anyone but MTA and they wonder why you're not talking about them.

Anonymous said...

Funny you start talking about MTA and someone decides it was an MTA person and they are arogant. BORING-Talk about soccer, pleeeeeze.

Anonymous said...

MUS a semi-finalist at 16G? Bahahaha!

Anonymous said...

The only way either PSA or MSU will have a chance at G16 is through the wild card.

Anonymous said...

So, TCF is confident they'll win group C, and probably ticked that they weren't mentioned in 1:52's list.

Anonymous said...

funny, we ARE talking about soccer. It's State Cup. Teams play each other. People have opinions as to who will win.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the MU15B

Anonymous said...

...and we've gone a record FOUR posts without mentioning MTA!

ATILSEN said...

So I ventured on this blog today, and saw someone poke fun at TCF. We have 4 teams in state cup with a combined record of 6-2. The U16G, U14G have a good chance at Semifinals or better. If any of the haters would like to do the research I bet its the best winning percentage in STATE CUP this year for any club.

OK I am ready to check back after the weekend, win or lose and see what the haters have to say about it.

Anonymous said...

it's hard to hate something insignificant. Who is TCF anyway? I thought it was a bank.

Anonymous said...

How about those TCF boys?!

Anonymous said...

14G: MTA will win group B.

16G: PSA will avenge the league loss over TCF. They were holding back anyway.

Anonymous said...

At G16, the top two teams in each group are playing each other. Should be some good games. The four semi-finalists will come from those six teams.

At this point, only MTA is guaranteed a semi-final spot. Because even if they lose they would win a tie break over TCF if they were to lose. Unlikey in both cases I believe.

The semis at G16 will be...
TCF, MTA, MUS and PSA. WYZ could be in over PSA depending on the scores and BVL is in if they beat MUS, but I'm calling the upset.

Anonymous said...

4:47pm. Hey TCF, why don't you talk about your MRL record against very less than average teams?? You won only 1 game in the lowest division of MRL...WOOHOO we're winning State Cup!

Anonymous said...

Sorry 1:52 EDP is out of u17G, MTA Silver has already taken the bracket.

"EDP should have 6 semifinalists (13G, 15G, 16B, 17B, 17G, 18G)"

Anonymous said...

Nice take 6:12, but I do have to differ. The four to advance at 16G will be A-MTA, B-BVL, C-TCF, Wildcard PSA.

MTA and TCF should meet in the finals and from there it's a coin flip. TCF might be the best team in that group.

Anonymous said...

10:31, one word for you. Not.

Anonymous said...

Looks like SCV is the strongest non-MTA team in the event.

Anonymous said...

612 and 1031,

I'm not sure anyone has any idea if either of you are correct ot not. No one pays attention to U16 girls, probably the weakest age group in the state on either the boys or girls side. So really, who cares? Whoever wins will get dominated at regionals.

Anonymous said...

I'm betting the farm on SCV 19 boys winning state cup this year ! As much a lock as I have ever seen!
Also, No stopping the 19 SCV girls from making it to the final! These are rock solid predictions!

Also are two of the 7 "semifinalists" SCV is bragging about.

Anonymous said...

That is funny 7:34

Anonymous said...

Well, the weather is going to be terrible today. Good luck to everyone. Stay warm and dry!

tomASS said...

@815 - how bad can the weather be? It's not snowing.

Soccer Player Up

Anonymous said...

Hey I didn't see you doing your cartwheels today.... Shattuck by two......yeah......

Anonymous said...

Thoughts about psa/Ssm or croix vs mta?

Anonymous said...

not there today, but heard the 17B games were uninspired. prom hangovers? ssm should whup psa. mta and scv will be a very good game. mta has a new kid who is amazing.

Anonymous said...

How's this for non-MTA-ness?

By tying instead of letting the better team win, SCV 16B's second team kept their first team from advancing out of group play.

Anonymous said...

1:23 - No new kid on MTA.

Anonymous said...

There are many new kids on the MTA 17b's......

Anonymous said...

MTA U16 girls lose and are out. Wayzata 1 - MTA 0.

Anonymous said...

Not out - wild card.

MTA 17s Dad said...

Not sure who you think is the new kid. Most are from last year's 16white team, 4 from last year's 16s blue, 1 from MU ...

Where does he play front, mid, back? We'll try to figure it out and let you know.

Pretty even game against SSM, thought MTA had the better chances, but you have to score to win.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thank goodness for the wildcard. Half of MTA's advancing teams snuck in through the back door.


Anonymous said...

I went to watch what should be the best soccer in MN at the State Cup and what I got was a presentation in kick ball.

I was surprised not to see players rounding the bases at these games. Although, I think some of them were actually trying to do that.

Way to go parents for encouraging your players to kick the ball with cheers like, "way to kick it girls", "that was a great boot boys", "send it to Jimmy", "kick it hard girls", "get some leg on it", and my favorite is, "just kick it towards the goal".

Anonymous said...

Is he.....African American.....?

Anonymous said...

WYZ and MTE in U16 final.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, wrong on both accounts. BVL-TCF Final at U16G.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are all wrong!!!!!!!! Minnesota Kicks - Minnesota Strikers Final at U16 girls with Ace scoring the winning goal!!!

Anonymous said...

17G MTA Blue vs MTA Silver, SCV vs MTA White

16G WYZ vs TCF, BVL vs MTA Blue

15G EDP vs DKT, SCV vs MTA Blue

17B SCV vs MTA Blue, SSM vs PSA

16B MTA Blue vs MTA White, NSS vs EDP

prediction for
15B MTA Blue vs EDP, MUS vs PSA

Any prediction for finals?

Anonymous said...


13B MTA Blue vs MUS, PSA vs SCV

14B MTA Blue vs PSA, LKV vs MTA White

18G EDP vs BLM, SCV vs SSM

Anonymous said...

Looking at the 17G group, there are a lot of teams that should not be playing state cup. These teams are losing 5 or more goals per game. There are 16 teams. Get real. What are these coaches thinking? They think at 17 they can compete against established teams? Maybe they have too big of an ego to not tell the parents and kids. I saw the MTA Blue and SCV Scorpions games and they just playing around with these teams and not working hard and yet they still racking up 5 or more goals.

Anonymous said...

MTE 16G may have purposely lost to Wayzata because they are afraid to play TCF. They had wildcard wrapped and would avoid TCF in semis by losing. Watched the game, they hardly took a shot and it looked like the defenders just watched Wayzata walk in for the goal.

TCF is a lock at this age, they are already in MTE's head.

Anonymous said...

TCF - stop making such stupid posts and go back and play soccer or try to play soccer!

Anonymous said...

Again, what the eff is TCF? I thought it was a bank?

Anonymous said...

TCF=Twin Cities Fire. Get with it. A Premier Girls Club.

Also a bank too. And a Stadium. If you google hard enough, you'll find other references. I'm sure of it.

While MTA has a lot more teams (a lot more) at all age levels, TCF focuses less on winning at all cost and more on player development and college showcasing. The Club coaches push the players to be the best they can be and do not shy away from taking on a player that shows potential.

TCF is 1/2 price of MTA, but TCF teams do tend to travel and play in a lot more events, likely equalizing overall costs. This, of course, depends on the team: both TCF and MTA.

While there are great community club teams out there, nothing compares to TCF in terms of showcasing talent. MTA showcases too, but only in events that benefit the Club over player.

Footy is a team sport. So it's nice to see a player/team focus with TCF.

Yes, I'm a TCF parent.

Anonymous said...

I would have considered TCF had I not heard many undesirable things about a couple of their coaches. Do your homework folks before you pick your club.

Anonymous said...

4:59pm Agreed! MYSA had a posting that Aaron Tilsen was suspended for a couple of games. What did he do?

4:48pm "TCF focuses less on winning at all cost and more on player development and college showcasing."
REALLY? Why do you go out an borrow players from other teams, so you can win? Why can't you just play with the players you have? I'm not saying that's wrong, but don't say that TCF focus's less on winning, because you know that is wrong!

Anonymous said...

When does Aaron Tilsen start is 4 game suspension? Found on MYSA website. Just curious? Is it just within the state of MN?

Aaron Tilsen

Inappropriate Behavior Four-game suspension

Anonymous said...

Aaron served that suspension a long time ago. Years ago in fact. MYSA should update their website. TCFire and Aaron are not for everyone. And he is far from perfect. He yells, a lot. But a lot of coaches do. The great thing about MN youth soccer is you can seek a coach whose soccer style fits well with your child. We found that with Aaron. Our DD knows when to tell him to chill, and has dramatically improved as player and athlete. We do travel a lot to showcases. The focus is on playing at a high level (not high enough vs SCV) and moving on to college soccer. Small club, lower cost, strong committment by players, coaches, and parents.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing about any suspension for Tilsen on the MYSA website???????

Anonymous said...

It was on there. I see they updated the suspensions on 4/21/11. As you can see by 6:14pm post, Mr. Tilsen served his suspension. 4 games for inappropriate behavior.

Anonymous said...

Tilsen served his suspension during MTA-Gate. In fact, it is my understanding that the corner he had to sit in was the same corner Aboud and Kaasa had to use to serve theirs. I am still waiting to see Nathan Klonecki boot one of their coaches for physically assaulting a player who has now moved on to another club. But since everyone hates MTA and apparently doesn't recognize TCF as legit those who do really bad things like physically assault players can still work in the system.

Since I like my kid to be tossed arround and to have a coach elevate their own child over the team we decided to go to SCV where they do honorable things for the players.

Lots of skelletons in every club. How is Dave Scheer working out in WBL? Why did Tony Englund leave BVL? Why is WDB falling apart? Could it have anything to do with Peter Rivard being a total nimrod? Where does the 2.9 million dollars go we give to MYSA? This entire palace of putrid we call MN soccer is filled with people who should not be associated with youth sports and all you have to say is Tilsen yells, MTA sucks, Shattuck is overrated, TCF is a bank. I think we have bigger fish to fry before we start challenging for National Team spots or National Championships on a consistent basis.

Anonymous said...

It was under Hearings and Appeals on the MYSA website. I'm guessing his name was removed after he served his 4 game suspension.

Anonymous said...

4:59 did his homework. He was able to hunt down a number of past players and their families who moved on to other better clubs and teams. He read the diaries of the players and wathced the parent's video logs of all their training sessions and games and was able to see how the players who left, in fact, fourished at their new clubs.

They are now vying for scholarship money at the top 4 universities of Stanford, Notre Dame, North Carolina, and Florida State. They have won the Heisman Trophy and are appearing on Oprah next month for their charitable work teaching young women the perils of TCFitis.

Every coach has players who for whatever reason do not like the system or coach and leave. So please leave your dumb-ass comments at the gate of self righteousness.

Anonymous said...

4:59 2nd post. Please leave your stupidity at the home. When you take it into public it just makes me want to hide for fear of being assoicated with Americans like you.

So far over the past two years my players have guest played for MTA, Shattuck, BVL, SCV, PSA, WYZ, MPB, TNK, EDP, Appleton WI, Japan, and Equador. There are more reasons than winning to use a guest player. The most common is you don't have enough subs, the second most common is trying to recruit players away to your club. The third common is they are friends of someone on the team they are guesting with. The least common is the coach is trying to win so they go and recruit a game changer.

I believe if you read the blog you would have found out that TCF used a club player who was age appropriate to play in MRL. MRL is like state cup in the fact that once out you are done for the half. But because you are a in fact a Forest Gump, you need someone to tell you when to stop before you get hurt.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know there was now TCF Koolaid, but apparently 4:48 has been drinking it.


They don't even have boys' teams, and it looks like the only girls' team they have is U16.

Anonymous said...

9:28 I don't know if you are an MTA parent or player, or someother club parent or player; but either way blogging with you has been enlightening. Not only are you ignorant, but your ability to comment on the post accurately is along the lines of my 12 year old.

What does having boys teams have to do with TCF focusing on player development at a more cost effective rate than MTA? According to your post the University of Minnesota must not be a legit University for sports because they don't have a men's soccer program.

If you are student please pay more attention in school and learn how to formulate a cohesive argument. If you are a parent please go back to praising your child for their superior (fill in the blank).

Anonymous said...

None of you make sense! Go to bed!

Anonymous said...

All this talk about Tilsen. What about Mark C? Didn't he get fired from high school soccer for something terrible?

Anonymous said...

9:57: "just one (hic) more sip (hic) before bed"

Average (at best) wannabes don't deserve the time of day.

Dream on. Dream on. Dream until your dreams come truuuuuuuuuuue.

Anonymous said...

Until then, play for MTA/

/Duh Winning

Anonymous said...

scv 17s smoked tcf 8-0 yesterday. is that what tcf refers to as "cost-effective player development"?


it was hard to watch, and kinda sad.

ChicagoSoccer said...

C'mon, do you Minnesota people really think you have a shot at regionals playing that kickball or whatever you call it up there?

Anonymous said...

My kid's team destroyed Chicago Fire a few weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

This year's delicious irony is found at u13 girls where the chance for pk-gate 2 comes up this time in reverse. Rev's version of MA/AK are set to go at it in pool play as rev u12 has to beat rev u13 to ensure a rev team to advance out of the bracket. The two characters involved are the MA/AK equivalent and we might just get a replay but with the younger beats older in a "shocking upset" twist! Set your DVRs fans

Anonymous said...

Ok 8:41 I'll bite. Tell me about your insight on Sheer and Englund.
My guess is Woodbury is falling apart because they rode the glory of a couple girls teams who stuck together and had a great run, but now are off to college, with no development plan to support younger players. I also think they have far too many clubs in that neck of the woods. Adding an Eastridge club was crazy with Cottage Grove, Woodbury, MTE and stcroix all within a 10 minute drive of one another.
MYSA could be better served if they had 1/3 the number of clubs!

Anonymous said...

8:16 Nice post but your theory is blown due to another MYSA screw up. U-13 Rev team won the last game , It is posted incorrectly on state cup site. U-13 advance with win or tie 12's only can advance with a win.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury's demise began when Abboud left years ago. At that time, he was building a super-club with a year-round training requirement for the top teams. Parents in the community were upset when outside kids came to play there. So, Woodbury chose to be a community-based club, and set Abboud lose to create his super-club elsewhere. Worse, it was then run by insular, protective parents who freaked out every time a skilled kid left to play for a competitive team.

St. Croix was the huge beneficiary of this mistake, and is still the only real option in the east metro.

Anonymous said...

8:24 thanks for the correction although that ruins all the fun..maybe, cause now we have the u12's up 1-0 with 5 minutes to go theory...don't count these 2 out yet to out do MA/AK!

Anonymous said...

Please detail these scandals mentioned above and others. We all know the infamous MAAK PK-Gate. Let's hear about these others.

I don't know how these coaches get caught up in these scandals in youth soccer.

Anonymous said...


Do tell..."Lots of skelletons in every club".

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:51 your crystal ball indicates 9:24 doesn't know the 2 Rev coaches... HMMM? who are you?

Anonymous said...

It is funny how nobody will mention the MC scandal. It looks like MTA boys are the only ones contributing to this website.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll bite. What is the MC scandal?

Anonymous said...

Who is MC? Is he that MTA U13 or 14boys' coach?

Anonymous said...

That's because the people that know about it are over it and don't really care anymore. Just like we are over the MA/AK thing. Why do you feel the need to rehash it? Let it all go already.

Anonymous said...

Scandal is more interesting than U15G game predictions.

Please share.

Anonymous said...

What's the MA/AK thing?

Anonymous said...

Soccer Fan was surprised yesterday at State Cup to see St. Croix U14 Boys tie MTA Blue. St. Croix should have won if not for an off-sided goal called back - seems to me that earlier in this blog an MTA parent wrote that St. Croix didn't even come close to having the talent to beat MTA? Hats off to St. Croix, their talent showed they can play with anyone!

Anonymous said...

I think MC is Mark Cook

Anonymous said...

9:55..hmmm? I can ask the same, who are you? are you an x-rever with an axe to grind?

Anonymous said...

If anyone knows how to get my computer to allow the State Cup brackets to update, rather than stay blank (I looked prior to games starting, and nothing seems to work to get them to show scores and points), I would greatly appreciate it.

Signed, Computer illiterate.

Anonymous said...

is this blog about state cup or about personal attacks? who is the owner of this blog and where is his responsibility of keeping this blog focus? or is he the type that loves to have a forum for a few people to attack each other in public without having to use their real names. or is he better than that and start requiring people to sign in with real name and email address so that they are responsible for their words without hiding behind anonymity. show your self which one you really are for better or for worse.

Anonymous said...'re funny!!! You talking about the SCV that was already 0-2 and the MTA Blue that was already 2-0 and don't need a win to advance. Even with a loss, they would advance based on tie breakers with BHK. SCV lost to BHK and the MTA west team which is not close to the level of the Blue...FUNNY you said SCV can play with anyone!

Anonymous said...

MC who is the current girl's director at MTA was let go from Holy Angels for stealing money from the dome/concessions when he was the girl's soccer coach there and dome manager. It was dealt with by the school and Richfield PD and is over. Move on people.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what someone did a few years ago! As long as it wasn't illegal towards kids or a crime that can be punished by law. If it's soccer law and they broke it and they were suspended for awhile, but are free to coach again, WHO CARES!
Everyone makes mistakes. I'm going to take a guess that 95% of you on this blog hasn't done something wrong at one point.

Ok, any predictions on the 14 and 15 girls side?

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with SCV being an academy now???

Anonymous said...

Ever since MTA, more clubs have added "academy" to their title.
Early in this blog someone mentioned, hate or love MTA, but MTA did force clubs to rethink their programs. It may hurt MTA in the end because more clubs are switching to year around training, better recruiting, etc. In the end hopefully it well help Minnesota soccer.

MTA 17s Dad said...

1:18, which one are you? You signed anonymous too.

If we want this blog to be about state cup, we need to ignore the personal attacks and move on to the soccer they will eventually get bored and head somewhere else.

If you want to know who the owner of this blog is, read the beginning of the blog.

Remember the MYSA slander lawsuit?? Some of you making personal attacks may want to tone it down -even when you sign as anonymous-it may not be worth it.

Anonymous said...

14G semi-finals

MTA Blue, MTA White, Prior Lake, Dakota Rev.

Repeat of last years final MTA vs MTA.

MTA blue wins

Anonymous said...

2:59pm here....meant to put Cottage Grove in the last slot, not Rev.

Anonymous said...

Here's something for the MTA lovers and haters to mull over...MTA results and predictions:

GU13 - no MTA team advance, no clear winner either.
GU14 - MTE wins!
GU15 - MTA less than 50% chance winning, no clear winner.
GU16 - MTA less than 50% chance winning, no clear winner.
GU17 - MTA wins!
GU18 - MTA less than 50% chance winning, EP wins!

Hey at least they are mentioned in all but one age bracket...pretty good!

Anonymous said...

2:45 PM, 7:17 AM, 11:25 PM, 5/14/11 6:17 AM, 6/11/10 5:11 PM here, hey 1:18 PM, why don't you lead by example and stop using Anonymous. It's a lot more convenient for everyone.

3/14/10 7:45 PM

Anonymous said...

Sounds like SCV DID play with Blue and should have won. Please don't say MTA didn't need it so coach played palyers 12-18.

A lot of these games come down to matchups. A sloppy boot ball "team" can sometimes beat a loaded egocentric/selfist/individualistic Blue team.

Anonymous said...

There may be no I in TEAM, but there is MA in MTA.

Anonymous said...

I love the "don't say mean things because we will find you" threats. I may be typing away in a cyber cafe in Buenos Aires right now, and you're going to find me?

Oh dear. MTA is great. MA didn't cheat. MC didn't steal.

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