Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: State Cup Preview


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MA said...

Last time I checked, State Cup at U14 and above was the first step in a National championship event. If teams choose to register and compete for the experience, then they should be ready to face some very strong competition; competition from teams that have a goal of improving and working on specific ideas in order to be ready for the next level of competition. If that improvement comes at the expense of weaker teams in the event for the experience, that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Anyone who has a serious issue with this should probably have been playing in the Blaine Breakout.

Would it have been more socially acceptable to have the better team play keep-away for 35 minutes rather than continue to play soccer, albeit under restrictions? Does that show better respect for the opponents? It's up to the weaker team's coach and the team parents to help their younger players find positives and make a lop-sided game a learning experience, not up to the better team's coach to sacrifice his/her team's own development because they happen to come up against weaker competition.

Anonymous said...

But you are willing to sacrifice the BETTER TEAM by throwing the game for the WEAKER team in Pks???

Makes a lot of sense. You should be the next Technical Director at MTA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Run up a score, don't run up a score. I guess I don't have much of an opinion on that.
Although, I do agree with MA about playing State Cup. I have to give kudos for some teams especially in the U14 girls bracket for wanting to play State Cup when we all know the outcome. But, you also have to realize that if you play in State Cup you will be playing some of the best teams in the state and it may not be pretty.
Still great for trying because you never know "Any Given Sunday"!

Anonymous said...

Dude, I hope you get smoked at regionals. Not your girls. You.

Anonymous said...

Please stop with the personal attacks.

And MA,
Please stop "egging them on". In this market, at least try to mask the appearance of arrogance. Sometimes saying or writing nothing says is the best thing to do. Yes, we all know about "free speech", etc. My advice is to just try to stay above it all. Responding to petty attacks on you and your team descends you to the attacker's level. Turn your cheek (maybe I should practice what I preach?)

Yes, the 14 girls have 1 VERY GOOD team, 3-4 REALLY GOOD teams (trying to become VERY good), 3-4 GOOD teams (trying to become REALLY GOOD), and then the rest. As 10:16 points out, on "any given Sunday", you can see an upset. A good team can beat a really good team, and a really good team can beat a very good team. But you will not see and real major upsets.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should try and car pool up to Isanti if you can. It saves on gas if you split it and lessens the traffic jams.

Anonymous said...

Take 35 N to North Branch exit take a left travel about 10 miles to Cambridge than go south for a few miles on 65 no stop lights =)

Mister Soccer said...

I don't see how running up the score over 8-0 is beneficial to the winning team.

If you truly want to develop these kids, at that point, why not play 1-touch keep-away and/or put players in different positions?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I agree with Mister Soccer for once!

Anonymous said...

Please....MA isn't MA! Don't be stupid. This is the last place there would be a comment.

Anonymous said...

Why 8-0? Why not 5,6,or 7-0? So now these girls aren't "truly" developed? I am sure MA's girls have had plenty of games to develop using all kinds of restrictions. Maybe they used this one as a finishing exercise? Good luck to the next team that plays them; challenge them, out work them, beat them. I am sure they would love the competition.

The benefit of this game is it was step 1 of 5 to winning the State Cup, just like everyone else playing in it.

I love how people think it's actually MA...

BobBradley here.. said...

Dear Minnesota,

Soccer will get better in your state, please be patient. But, you will have to get rid of all other clubs with the exception of MTA. They are your best hope for continued success in the country.

Signed, Coach Bob

P.S. Really people did you think MA was actually posting, just like Bob Bradley would be posting on this site. Smarten up!

Mister Soccer said...

The game is over at 4-0 in my book. Make it 5-0 for good measure. 8-0 is getting absurd and going beyond that isn't a 'finishing drill," rather, it's immature and low class and a lack of discipline from the coach.

Personally, I'd have more fun playing keep-away, showing off our possession, running the opponent ragged, and making them look silly than piling on the goals.

Anonymous said...

I say run the score up, If you can't handle the HEAT get out of the kitchen. I'D rather get beat 15-0 then made to look bad by a team who had quit trying to score on me and played keep away. More power to MA for letting the girls play and keeping the throttle on. I'm just surprised he actually let them score that many. That's never been his MO. I actually gained a little more respect for him.

Anonymous said...

well 2:57, you're an idiot with issues! Let's not forget these are 14 year old KIDS.

MA is gaining your respect for must have wanted to spoon with him after the PK issue.

Anonymous said... more thing. I bet you were never on a championship team in any sport at anytime of your life! If you had, you might know that HOW you win is just as important as IF you win.

Anonymous said...

405, you'd be wrong on the Championship thing. The real funny thing is that the ones that really have a problem with the score is the parents not the kids. Have you ever watched a team that is being embarassed by the other team who is playing keep away from them. They quit playing and trying. Is that what you want. Why put all the blame on the winning coach what about the coach of the losing team, isn't it his responsibility to look out for the well being of his team. Maybe they shouldn't have been there to begin with and knowing that he should have prepared them for what the game might be like.

Anonymous said...

"Have you ever watched a team that is being embarassed by the other team who is playing keep away from them. They quit playing and trying."

Your ideas are backwards.

Players continue playing because they don't want to be embarrassed even more as the goals continue piling up. This proves that it is worse on the opponent to pile on than to play keep-away.

They quit against keep-away because they've accepted the mercy request...similar to throwing in the towel in the ring.

Anonymous said...

I have to be honest, the philosophical argument about which is better, to continue to score or to play keepaway is funny to me. Why is no one addressing that a team was bad enough to give up 15 goals in a game? Let's also keep this in mind, it was a game in which players could be substituted at any stoppage of play and without stoppage time added.

Anonymous said...

4:57pm. I agree. Some teams really have no business playing State Cup. Fine if they want to play just be prepared that you may get your butt handed to you!

Anonymous said...

4:34, hey champ. Agree there are others to take some of the heat. Coaches, club representatives and MYSA allow these teams to sign up and play.

Maybe it's a blessing for the losing team and they actually benefit somehow?

Have seen alot of lopsided scores, never 15-0 in state cup. Someone here was trying to prove a point...what that point was no one will know! (only ma knows)

Anonymous said...


"Have seen alot of lopsided scores, never 15-0 in state cup. Someone here was trying to prove a point...what that point was no one will know! (only ma knows)"

WE'RE BAAAAAACCCKK! That's the point!

Anonymous said...

Personally I hate those kind of lopsided games where one team is not playing at the competition level they should be at. Both sides feel bad and the kids aren't learning anything. If you are a C3 team then play C3 and then maybe play up to C2 at the most for better competition. Don't go from C3 to premier level. That's unrealistic and crazy.

Anonymous said...

Seriously folks, do you really think MA would be posting those comments?

Ok, the girls U13. MTA blue lost to Tonka in the first game. I would have to say Dakota Rev is the favorite. Oh and I'm from MTA.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I hadn't looked at the blog for a couple days, been busy with work and soccer-it's a great time of year.

I'm amazed that the parents are soooo bitter when their child's team or any other team loses to MTA. I hate you because your better than me today?

Not all kids, (or people for that matter) are winners/champions. Some will get beat, and still end up being productive adults. Relax.

Anonymous said...

Getting smoked in State Cup should be seen as a wake-up call.

I've said this before, but it always amazes me when there are "soccer moms" and MYSA players out there that have never heard of State Cup.

15-0 is ridiculous. Why not make it 5-0 and run the other team ragged?

Anonymous said...

Sat at game for my younger child on Monday night with mostly dads and only one dad knew what State Cup was! Not just "soccer moms!" Many dad too!

Anonymous said...

By "soccer moms," I am referring to those moms and dads who complain when their 18 yr old doesn't get playing time for the HS team, yet they haven't heard of State Cup.

Like I said, getting smoked in State Cup should be seen as a wake-up call.

That's the only benefit of a 15-0 slaughtering. It sends a message to the rest of the state to catch up.

Anonymous said...

The U14 BVL team on the other side of the drubbing is a C1 team. Last year BVL had two C1 teams in league, which finished 3-4-2 and 2-5-2 in the U13G Classic 1 South district. In other words, not State Cup material, folks. Still, I think you prove your point at 5 or 6 to nil. You get the maximum +/- benefit at 4-0.

Who can beat them? TCF? MAH?

Anonymous said...

Is my PC weird, or did the 13B State Cup results get deleted?

Anonymous said...

TCF or MAH cannot beat them, come on! Their white team would have the best chance and I don't think that will happen either. Prior Lake would be the next possibility, but it's not happening.
MA's team will win the U14's.

Anonymous said...

MTA 14 blue will beat MAH at least 7-0.
I fear what will happen to their opponent after that, Maplebrook. 18-0!

Anonymous said...

I see MA's 14 play REV 15's tonight. Hopefully they can give them some competition. Should be close either way.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll email the Michigan Hawks coach and tell him it's OK to run up the score on MTA this year at regions. I know he held back last year...didn't want to break any fragile egos.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone is a winner! Someone has to lose for State Cup to determine the participant in Regions.

It's that simple. If you don't want to play better teams, you probably should not be involved in competitive sports, especially the biggest tournament in that sport.

If you are afraid to fail, you already are on the road to failure.

If you are jealous of that type of dominance then you should try to emulate it not tear it down.

I have very little faith in MN getting better in soccer if the vast majority of parents don't want little landon or mia to be humiliated on the field by clearly better opponents.

Ask a true champion what motivated them, and many (if truthful) will relate a time that they were dominated. They took that day to heart and never let it happen again.

Anonymous said...

5/4/11 3:02 PM wants someone to run up the score on MTA, but doesn't like it when it happens to his/her child???

You people are hypocrits!

Anonymous said...

Do you think that maybe MA is going for his last hurrah? I'm hearing that this is is last year coaching that team.

Anonymous said...

Actually, we're hypocrites.

You can always tell the MTA coaches...they can't spell.

Anonymous said...

So, 3:18, we should expect great things in the future from the BVL U14 girls?

Anonymous said...

Maybe that can't spell, but they do know how to train and coach the top soccer players in the state!

Anonymous said...

3:02 - Really? Do you think anyone believes that? I was at the game, and although a MTA parent, I don't have a girl on that team (I was in Dayton, love soccer, so cheered on every MN team I could watch). The game was fun to watch, but Michigan did not hold back. I could give explanations of what lead to two of the Hawk's goals, but it would just be viewed as excuses. I was recently on a campus tour with my daughter with one of the top women's soccer teams in the nation, and as we listened to the coach, my daughter and I turned to each other and simultaneously said, "That sounds just like MA." Go ahead - cast daggers about an admitted mistake made a few years ago, but MA has contributed so much to the game of soccer in the State of Minnesota. If it wasn't for him, my daughter would NEVER be where she is now.

Anonymous said...

5:44, he he. Good one. Train and coach. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like MA lost tonight. Chalk one up for the good guys.

MA said...

Good morning.

Anyone who thinks that I take some sadistic pleasure from a 15-0 score doesn't know me at all. I had almost that entire Burnsville group at camp and knew many of the girls by name. They weren't some random opponent to me.

In the end, we played soccer. We had restrictions on the girls, but we played soccer. Most of you on here currently bashing me for actually playing the game are the same people who continue to bash me about NOT playing the game back in 2009. I'm sure some can find the humor in that.

Moreover, we have not played at our age group/gender for over a year. We haven't even seen another MN U14G team, save our White team who we train with. I was caught off guard by the competition and was not able to prep my girls before hand as to what changes needed to be made should the score get to 5 or 6. Thus, our restrictions (yes, the madman actually imposed restrictions!) came via subs informing field players, and it took some time to implement. I wasn't about to yell out across the field that we were now at 1-touch in the attacking half, or that the girls couldn't take players on 1v1 - to me that would have been more a slap in the face to the Burnsville group. We'll be better prepared as a team next time, should we face similar competition.

These aren't excuses. Just shedding some needed light on the discussion. You may now continue to bash away. I'm enjoying the dialog. I'm also happy to answer your questions, though I'm not logging on here daily.

Oh, and to the coward who hopes that I get smoked - I feel sorry for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can download our State Cup schedule from the MYSA website and come find me.

Mister Soccer said...

Uncertain if that's MA or not, but a great response nonetheless.

The interesting bit I take from the response is the honesty in, "it took some time to implement."

As I've said before and as this proves, 'in-game' coaching in MYSA is overrated. Players around here aren't good enough to execute adjustments on the fly. Players just play how they play. This reminds me of all the people who bash coaches for "not making adjustments." Very rarely are instructed adjustments actually executed in these parts.

Anonymous said...

Hey MA. What was the score at halftime? Did you score all 15 in the first half? I assume you do talk to your girls at half... correct? seems the restrictions you say you imposed on your team could have been communicated by you at that time.
My personal belief is that your team did nothing wrong, it is a State Cup match. If you sign up for this tournament it should be expected that you are a team that can play at a high level. I am honestly more critical of the decision for Burnsville to put a very average (at best) team in the tournament. The Burnsville team was sub 500 last year at c1. Now if they do want to put their kids in a position where they are playing over their head then they should not expect others to ease up on them. It seems the Burnsvillers need to re-evaluate if infact they are up to the State Cup level of competition.

Anonymous said...

If you are indeed MA, great post. Continue to do what you do best - coach. You do a good job of ignoring all the critics on here.
Some teams have no business playing State Cup.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's Bville that's complaining about the 15-0 score.

I don't think State Cup should be limited to only top tier teams. State Cup is a good experience and a measuring stick for the weaker teams. I think more teams should be in State Cup...and it should be held as late as possible in the season.

Should Iowa and Dakotas and MN of the 90s not appear at Regionals because they aren't at that level?

MA said...

For the majority of you who don't care for this conversation, feel free to skip reading this post.

Mister Soccer, I am who I am. I went blue, so I'm sure you can email me if needed.

9:43, it was 3 or 4 zero at half and I felt there were other more important issues to address with the girls. We scored 2 quick goals in the first few minutes of the second half, and the restrictions began filtering to the field players with the first subs at around the 8 minute mark.

Personally, I don't have a problem with any team entering the State Cup competition as long as the players and parents are prepped by the coach/club as to what to expect and what the tournament itself is all about. Many coaches seek out tough competitive events to test their players, and this can be a very good thing if player/parent expectations are managed and coaches use losses to better teams as educational and growth experiences for their players.

I've read the dialog here, and have had other coaches and DOCs approach me inquiring about the scoreline vs Burnsville. I've given it more thought that I thought it needed based on all this, and asked myself many times if I was coaching a team on the other end of a lopsided game, would I want the other coach to play possession in their own half, have players turn back on breakaways, or otherwise stop attacking us. The answer is a definite "no", but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

Hey, where is the outrage regarding the MPLS United running up the score in the boys u13 game on Saturday (10-0)?

Oh, I forgot that win was against the hated MTA east kids.

Hypocrites! (Hopefully my English teacher above notices I have now corrected the spelling-and no I am not a MTA coach).

Anonymous said...

I believe that was a U12 MTA team playing up, but I could be wrong.

Still why isn't anyone saying anything about MUS running up the score?

Anonymous said...

MA posts both as Anonymous and MA. I think this guy loves the attention. I think you should leave the soccer to the big boys at MTA and stick to selling skillyz.

Anonymous said...


Dont worry, he will not have a team from MTA next year. This is his last season with the 14s.

Anonymous said...

Skillzys. Love that one too. Anyone want to invest?

Anonymous said...

the mta 12s shouldn't have registerered for statecup./duh winning

Anonymous said...

Talk about a divisive dude. I've met him and played soccer with him and he's pretty cool and a great coach, and I'm from a club that regularly gets smacked by his teams.

I don't get all the MA hate, when he's the only MTA guy I have any respect for.

Anonymous said...

113, please tell us who all the big boys are for MTA?

Anonymous said...

432, Mark C. & Steve B. to name a couple.

Anonymous said...

They're a couple?

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. They're considered big boys? MTA should be worried.

Anonymous said...


Back to state cup...BIG WEEKEND for 15+. Most have two games and the pool play will take shape. Weather should be better than last weekend. Good luck to all the teams!

Anonymous said...

U17 Boys is wide open. This weekend will tell a lot.

MTA Blue plays a very strong/ consolidated Mpls United.

Mpls. United gets MTA Blue and Shattuck.

SCV has two easy games.

VLY is a wildcard...can they compete with Shattuck and MTA Blue?

Everyone says the wildcard will come from Group B. I think it will come from A or C. In my opinion, a bracket needs two weak teams to get the wildcard, not necessarily two strong teams.

Anonymous said...

SSM & MTA Blue should advance from their pools.

Anonymous said...

How about the 17G? any prediction this weekend?

Anonymous said...

SSM and Blue are in the same pool, so one will have to be the wildcard. It won't happen, as there are weaker teams in A and C, meaning unless SSM and MTA tie in pool play, a 2-1 team will likely advance from A or C with a better goal differential. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


MTA/SSM will be a great game. 10am tomorrow. Wow. 4 groups. 6 of the teams shouldn't even be there.

Anonymous said...

Looks like another MTA team ran up a score. MTW U13B won 12-0 over Prior Lake. Looks like they're loaded with Prairie Seeds' reserves. :)

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, outrage when MTA wins big, but not when other clubs do the same.

Boring Jealous Hipocrites.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to the state. Why is it called MN Thunder Academy? Who are the MN Thunder?

Anonymous said...

oh, dear. here we go again. 3:50, you will hear two opinions that differ like north differs from south. you will not get the truth here.

Anonymous said...

or from the MTA website.

Mister Soccer said...

Great stuff for the future of Prairie Seeds:

Anonymous said...

If you want to play for the best club in the state than it's MN Thunder Academy. Just look at past State Cup results, Summer State, tournaments, etc. MTA is also the best chance for you to be seen by college coaches. More scholarships were given to MTA players this year than any other club.
Word of warning, everyone that doesn't play for MTA hates us (jealous). So that should tell something. We love MTA!

Anonymous said...

The Story of Professional Soccer in MinnesotaIntro by Brian Quarstad – IMS Soccer News

Minnesota is not known as a hotbed of soccer in the United States, yet the land of 10,000 does have a rich soccer past. Kicks, Strikers and Thunder are names synonymous with Minnesota soccer.

Pro soccer came to Minnesota in 1976 when the Denver Dynamos moved to the Twin Cities and became the Minnesota Kicks. The North American Soccer League team drew crowds of up to 45,000. Struggling with dwindling attendance league wide, the team folded after the 1981 season with a record of 104 Wins and 70 Losses. Even in its final year the Kicks drew an average of 16,600 per game. The team made the playoffs all 6 years and played in the “Soccer Bowl” final in 1976. Players like Alan Merrick, Steve Lit, Tino Lettieri, and Alan Willey stayed in the community, helping strengthen youth soccer programs.

In 1984 the Fort Lauderdale Strikers moved to the Twin Cities to play in the Major Indoor Soccer League. The team carried with it some of the former Kicks players. The Strikers played four seasons and folded with a winning record of 107 Wins and 97 Losses.

Minnesota’s next outdoor team was the longest running. Buzz Lagos and Tom Engstrom formed a team called the Minnesota Thunder who went pro after 5 years as an amateur team joining the USISL in 1994. The early years of the Thunder saw great success as had Minnesota’s previous soccer teams. Manny Lagos, Amos Magee and Tony Sanneh were three players whose names became known in the league and around the world. Minnesota made it to the finals in 1995 and 1998 and won the championship in 1999. The Thunder folded due to financial issues after the 20th season.

By the fall of 2009 after it was apparent the Thunder would no longer exist, the National Sports Center announced they would form a team to save professional soccer in Minnesota. Three months and four days after officially announcing a pro team would play at the National Sports Center in the USSF D-2 Pro League for the 2010 season, 11 players for the NSC Minnesota Stars stepped on the field at Swangard Stadium in Burnaby, BC, Canada to play the Vancouver Whitecaps. A new installment of soccer history in Minnesota has begun.

Anonymous said...

The Story of Professional Soccer in Minnesota Intro by Brian Quarstad – IMS Soccer News

Minnesota is not known as a hotbed of soccer in the United States, yet the land of 10,000 does have a rich soccer past. Kicks, Strikers and Thunder are names synonymous with Minnesota soccer.

Pro soccer came to Minnesota in 1976 when the Denver Dynamos moved to the Twin Cities and became the Minnesota Kicks. The North American Soccer League team drew crowds of up to 45,000. Struggling with dwindling attendance league wide, the team folded after the 1981 season with a record of 104 Wins and 70 Losses. Even in its final year the Kicks drew an average of 16,600 per game. The team made the playoffs all 6 years and played in the “Soccer Bowl” final in 1976. Players like Alan Merrick, Steve Lit, Tino Lettieri, and Alan Willey stayed in the community, helping strengthen youth soccer programs.

In 1984 the Fort Lauderdale Strikers moved to the Twin Cities to play in the Major Indoor Soccer League. The team carried with it some of the former Kicks players. The Strikers played four seasons and folded with a winning record of 107 Wins and 97 Losses.

Minnesota’s next outdoor team was the longest running. Buzz Lagos and Tom Engstrom formed a team called the Minnesota Thunder who went pro after 5 years as an amateur team joining the USISL in 1994. The early years of the Thunder saw great success as had Minnesota’s previous soccer teams. Manny Lagos, Amos Magee and Tony Sanneh were three players whose names became known in the league and around the world. Minnesota made it to the finals in 1995 and 1998 and won the championship in 1999. The Thunder folded due to financial issues after the 20th season.

Man of the Match - Manny Lagos - 1994
By the fall of 2009 after it was apparent the Thunder would no longer exist, the National Sports Center announced they would form a team to save professional soccer in Minnesota. Three months and four days after officially announcing a pro team would play at the National Sports Center in the USSF D-2 Pro League for the 2010 season, 11 players for the NSC Minnesota Stars stepped on the field at Swangard Stadium in Burnaby, BC, Canada to play the Vancouver Whitecaps. A new installment of soccer history in Minnesota has begun.

Anonymous said...

Want to pay a ton of money to play soccer?

Want to fear for your spot every year as your coach actively recruits new players to take your spot?

Want to support (financially, transportation) the best players on your team?

Want to deal with amazingly fragile egos?

Want to be part of a team that recruits players from other strong teams, only to turn around and play those same teams because they aren't competitive at the next level?

It's an easy choice.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're talking about PSA or TCF.

Anonymous said...

ha ha, hardly.

Anonymous said...


Which 6 teams shouldn't be there for the U17G age group?

Anonymous said...

What premier team doesn't recruit from outside it's little suburb?

Anonymous said...

7:52am. Exactly! It's not just MTA.

Anonymous said...

More importantly what club in the USSF Academy or ECNL doesn't recruit from a very large geography usually an entire metropolitan area?
I would imagine most of the posters here haven't been involved with a team that competes on regional or national level judging by many of the comments.
It's a much bigger world out there beyond your picket fences.

Anonymous said...

Any results on the girls side today? Had to work and MYSA will probably post them on Tuesday. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

U17 Scores

MTA White won by a lot Eagan won by 5 Rev by 4 St Croix by 4 or more MTA Silver by one and EP by two and Blue Beat SSMby 4 or 5

Blue will win group A REV and St Croix play for group B tomorrow Eagan and White will battle it out in C next weekend and EP will battle it out with silver in group D.

A few U17 teams should not have signes up. Scored could get high pretty bad in group A tomorrow and where bad today in group B and C.

LARRY M said...

I checked in trying to get more U15G scores. The ones I have are Eden Prairie 5 DktC1 0 with 0-0 halftime. St Croix Ajax 3 MTA White 2. Fun match. Does anyone have other scores for any ages?

Anonymous said...

Rumor is that EP and SSM both won at U18

Anonymous said...

EP beat MTA 1-0

Anonymous said...

Why can't MYSA publish scores in a timely manner- every other tournament does so.

Anonymous said...

U18G- EP 1-0 over MTA (ECNL); SSM 1-0 over Wayzata

Does anyone have scores from the other U18G brackets?

How about boys scores?

Anonymous said...

I agree - scores were posted last weekend by now. With all the technology, why can't they post scores immediately?

Anonymous said...

It's called being lazy-just like they waited to cancel games last weekend until after everyone drove to Isanti. If you're going to run a State Tournament do it with some sort of professionalism.

Anonymous said...

The carrier pigeons are still flying from Isanti. The scores will be posted within three working days.


Anonymous said...

U15 scores
Rev 2-0 over PSA. REv went down one plAyer due to double yellow card.

MTA Blue 8-2 over LakevillÉ. MTA to face Dakota Rev early tomorrow morning

Anonymous said...

Bad day for TCF 17 girls. Shooting has not been a weakness on U19P all spring, until today vs Dakota Rev. Not 1 shot off. Yuck. And half of 17C1 doesn't come to game because of prom and track. They played a full half vs MTA White with 7 girls. Gutsy 45 minutes of play with rotating 2 or 3 into goalie. They conceded game after that.

Anonymous said...

Watched a bit of that 15GRev game. Question for Old Ref - don't refs card for swearing and spitting? Man those Rev girls are like sailors!

Anonymous said...

Wait....someone is knocking Rev and not MTA!

Anonymous said...

I think REV heard to compete with has to act like MTA. ie rough play physically and verbally.

Anonymous said...

Prom is everywhere for everyone. where's the commitment?

Anonymous said...

yay. scores!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Unimpressive start for the superclub. MTA boys are 8-8 in bracket play so far. They've always been stronger on the girls' side, but you'd expect a better start from the boys after all that non-stop blathering from the Ban-Goons.

Anonymous said...

Isn't TC Fire sort of a joke club? Girls who can't make MTA teams? Do they have boys teams?

Anonymous said...

17B will be interesting. SSM looks strong in Group B, so MTA Blue will need to run it up v. Valley tomorrow to help their wildcard chances. Poor MU...a very good team that will be 0-2 after tomorrow.

It's hard to believe a team from Group C will be allowed to advance. It was painful to watch those teams play today. Ug-Ly. Blackhawks ARRIVED three minutes before kickoff.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I don't think MTA girls are verbally nasty. They play rough, but their language is nothing like I heard from Rev today. Classless poor sports. They behave like men.

Anonymous said...

Anyone get the same Wayne's World vibe when passing that Schwing plant on Highway 35E?


Anonymous said...

Can Isanti maybe turn down the garbage sales and maybe hire a cop to patrol that horrible intersection? I mean, we're bringing money and class to that place (I drive a Benz SUV)...the least you could do is help us get the @#$% out of there.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and that smell? Could you at least wait until we leave before laying your manure? I mean, crap (literally)!

Anonymous said...

12:19, I think I saw you on the interstate, driving right down the middle of the road and talking on your bright new WHITE iPhone. Definitely classy. Definitely.

Anonymous said...

Are the MTA girls teams under some type of orders to run up the score this year? 17s 5-0 and 16s 7-0.

Is that really necessary? I mean, once you have four that's the max, what's the point of disregarding the other players' feelings and rubbing their faces in it?

C'mom man, show some class!

MA said...

9:48, you can bash 15-0 as classless, but 5-0? And you think that is rubbing opposing players' faces in it? For those who have played the game, in most cases a 7-0 loss is not as huge of a deal to the players as it is to the parents/coaches.

Just got word that MTAs 15s battled back in the second half from 2-0 down against Rev. Must have been a fun game to watch between the top two teams at this age group.

Anonymous said...

Hope the MTA girls were able to wipe off the Rev spit off their bodies....

Anonymous said...

948 are you an SSM or Woodbury parent?

Anonymous said...

10:21 and you're proud of that? Kinda sick in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

12:07 Not proud of anything - just remarking that Rev girls spit on other girls. What are you reading into that comment?

Anonymous said...

U17 G MTA over Wayzata 6 or so to 0. Let's prepare for the backlash of running up the score,but keep in mind that the Wayzata team has only one or two girls that even make the HS varsity team.

Larry said...

The U15G MTA Blue/Rev Rampage was a fun game. MTA was lucky to get the draw. Good for them but bad for my dgd's team. Both teams will probably advance out of group. It is likely both teams will come out of Group with MTA winning and Rampage as a wild card. Looks like the Cup champion may have to beat both teams. I didn't see any of the spitting or dirty play by either team. Blue played physical but is overall slower than Rampage. Rampage has one girl that Blue can't match up with and she hurt them. Rampage was up 2-0 late in the game. Rampage also has what IMO is the best defender in the state. She was trying to clear a ball and it skipped off her head for an own goal that gave Blue a chance. LS for Blue seemed possessed and IMO energized the team to attack and finally several minutes into added time and after 5 or 6 corner kicks Blue finally got their 2nd goal off a header by LM.

Go Ajax!!

Jon said...

Larry, thanks for the update. How about those "Ajax". Great outing with balanced scoring.

Anonymous said...

15 game between MTA and REV was a great game, two teams putting forth an incredible effort. Very gritty performance from both teams and all the credit in the world should be give to these 14 and 15 year old girls for giving all they had. It shocks and disgusts me that people look to find the negative in what was a great game.

Anonymous said...

Who is ajax?

Anonymous said...

How about a 10 goal rule just like in baseball. That way everybody will feel good about themselves. If you can't compete you have 2 choices, get better or whine how it is not fair for a team to beat another team.

Anonymous said...

AJAX (not authorized version) is the u15 girls team for St. Croix SC. They are a C1 team working to be a Premier team. With 6 MYSA premier teams, 3 MTA, Dakota Rev South and Edina and Eden Prairie West, SCSC is becoming a magnet for East girls and girls not looking to play for one of the other premier teams.

Anonymous said...

So SCSC is recruiting outside of their zip code? That's blasphemy I say...BLASPHEMY!

Benz's suck said...

Hey 12:19 AM,

Did all of your class go into your car? Cause it isn't showing in your pretentious attitude. Instead of beating up on Isanti, we should be thanking them for being the only club willing to come to the plate when MYSA called. I could comment more about your "classy" post but I've got to get back to my garage sale in the trailer park.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if Isanti was the only club to volunteer their fields for State Cup...can anyone else verify if that is true? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

4:49 I apologize for giving the wrong impression. No time did I mean to imply that SCSC was going after players. Players seek out other good players (and coaches) to improve themselves during training plus play competitively as a team.

Options are limited.

Anonymous said...

Okay, doesn't take a rocket scientist...nobody wants to host because State Cup destroys your fields. Why does Isanti have such a large, lush soccer complex? Easy. What else are they going to do with the land? It is adjacent to a sewage treatment facility. Nobody will buy the land to build a house. It stinks. So, as much as the commute sucks, the fields have been great, and parking okay (just need to time it with previous games). The improvements that need to happen can all be attributed to MYSA.

Anonymous said...

Agree Isanti fields are the best state cup has been played on in years.

Anonymous said...

I will drive to Isanti every year to play on quality fields. Way better than LWB or CR.

Anonymous said...

5/8/11 3:33 No one is looking for negatives in the MTA/Rev game. It shocks and disgusts me that a Rev girl would spit in someone's face and call her an "effin bitch" in their first game.

Anonymous said...

TCF girls must be big fans of the Twilight series, because they have a couple of biters!

Anonymous said...

Why has MYSA posted all the scores from Sunday except 16G?

Man, they sure know how to run a tournament.

Anonymous said...

9:59 . I saw the Rev PSA game . The game was completely controlled by the Rev team. The PSA team was playing hard. I don't believe they were playing "cheap" but they were very reckless with many fouls through the back. The officiating let the game get too "chippy" then tried to get control by issuing the double yellow/red. That didn't help because it wasn't seen by anyone watching (players/coaches/spectators)as a just penalty for the actions. The girl who got the Red wasn't even part of the foul. I honestly could hear no swearing from anyone but,in the heat of the moment, who knows ? I definately saw no spitting, again I could have missed it, but highly doubt any spitting took place. The only chance PSA had was to play physical ( many fouls through the back of the girls) due to the speed of the Rev team, they did what they should have in order to give themselves a chance to win the game. The officiating let the physical play get out of control early and then tried to reel it in later calling foul after foul and delivering several Yellow cards (both teams) . Anyhow thats how I saw it, two teams playing hard and doing everything they could to find a way to get a W.

Anonymous said...

All this talk about spitting and swearing...sounds & smells like one parent with sour grapes.

Where are those 16 scores, and bracket C for the 15's looks messed up. Didn't MA say the MTA came back to tie?

Anonymous said...

7:10, you are correct. MYSA has it in for mta...they marked them down for a loss?

Anonymous said...

6:57 I saw the game the same way. 0-0 at half. The players mentioned the behavior.

7:10 No sour grapes. Not a parent of any girls. Every one knew Rev was the best team. Just didn't expect the best team to act that way.

Anonymous said...

OK, let's be honest. Rev's top girls teams at 15,13,12,11 are coached by the same two guys. Those that compete against them understand the way their teams play, the way the parents behave, the way the coaches coach and the way they recruit and cycle through players. Frankly, they are no 'better' soccer community citizens than the hated MTA coaches/parents/staff and considering they both possess significant talent, they have had good but not great success. That said, there is a big demand for these type of teams/coaches/etc everywhere because if parents want it and they are willing to pay for it they can have it. This shouldn't be unexpected to anyone and I assume they feel some pressure from losing 2 years in a row when they should have gone further.

Anonymous said...

I have two kids who play for MTA, if they swear, spit, bite or play cheap they get to warm the bench.

Anonymous said...

8:16 I wholeheartedly agree with you. It's tough for parents and coaches to hear what is going on because they are too far away or are distracted by sideline conversations. You have to find the kids on a team that will be honest with you and let you know what is going on when kids on the field say things under their breath. They are smart enough to say it only so the nearest players can hear them.

Anonymous said...

I love the Rev parent who said he didn't see ANY spitting or swearing. Amazing how he could keep his eyes on ALL 22 kids running around for 90 minutes.

Anonymous said...

MTA continues to be very average on the boys side. 8-8-1 after the weekend.

Anonymous said...

7:10 I'm sure the center ref reported the score wrong. He actually called one of the Rev girls by her first name during the game. Guess he must ref a lot for them.

Anonymous said...

MTA blue teams have won every game they've played at State Cup.

Anonymous said...

Not MTA 13G, they lost to Tonka.

Anonymous said...

9:27 They may have been speaking about the boys side.

Old Ref said...

5/7/11 9:49 PM asked, don't refs card for swearing and spitting?

If a referee sees a player spit at anyone, it should be one of the easiest RED's they'll encounter. I'm guessing if spitting occured, it wasn't seen by the center or AR's.

For swearing unfortunately, the answer is yes and no. Depends on the temperature of the match, depends why the curse was blurted, who it was directed at etc.

In the past we have been convinced that cautions and ejections should be managed, and that you should work to keep players on the field. Recently the tide has changed and cautions and ejections are being pushed more to bring the game back to "beautiful".

It's hard for many refs to caution for swearing, we are supposed to have a thick skin..

One thought in referee circles is that you have to gain something from the cautions. A lot of times there is no gain from a caution for poor language, and you do not want to get yourself into a situation where a legitimate caution will cause a team to play short if not needed. Remember these are very important games, many feel cautions are better kept for late, dirty, or tactical fouls.

Local college conferences have insisted that any swearing be cautioned, and actual watch tape and reprimand referees who do not take care of this disrespect of the game.

Most ref's really do get that swearing is unsporting, but unfortunately we also do not want to negatively affect the game for "light" cursing.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

18G Blues lost

Anonymous said...

The post was about MTA boys in response to 9:19's comment.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Old Ref!

Anonymous said...

I just checked and the poster is right. Minnesota Thunder Academy boys are 8-8-1 so far in State Cup.

Blue is just one level of team in the club. The overwhelming majority of kids who play for MTA do NOT play for a Blue team. They just happen to be sold the Blue story and are probably helping support the Blue least on the boys side.

Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

9:24 are you making this up as you go? Seriously , do you think the center Ref would intentionally submit the wrong score in hopes it would somehow not be reported by the MTA team as incorrect? This discussion has gotten stupid!! The Rev MTA Blue state cup game was an excellent game ! Hard fought to the end. The first half was as "clean" a game as I have seen between these two teams. the second half logically got more intense as the MTA Team fell behind by two goals. The MTA girls picked it up big time and fought back for a tie. They deserved it! The Rev team is very talented as is the Blue team. They are two very different styles of play. Both very effective. Give it a rest about conspiracy theories spiting swearing etc. those are the two best teams in MN at U-15 with EP right on their heels. MTA and Rev will now both advance to semi's with a win next weekend. All of you should come to the game bring your video cameras with the sound recording setting set at the most sensitive your camera allows. if all holds true the U-15 age group is going to bring the 4 best teams in MN together for the semi-finals. How often does that happen?

Anonymous said...

A video camera WITH a shotgun microphone would not be able to pick up a normal conversion in the middle of the field, let alone a standard camcorders with a built in mic.

Anonymous said...

i'll bring one of those big dishes that they use on the sidelines at football games. that should do it.

Anonymous said...

Now you're talking!

Anonymous said...

Girls don't swear period so get over it.

Anonymous said...

11:37,I would go it one further and say it's a three way race at the GU15 level, with SCV coming up on the outside. The last three meetings between MTA, EP and REV have all been ties (MTA vs EP and EP vs REV , last summer in league) and then this past weekend MTA vs REV.

NO clear favorite in this race! (unlike some other age brackets)

Then there is SCV, who has beaten MTN and who could very well beat Edina (both are 15P)...should SCV be in the discussion???

Looking forward to an interesting semi and finals on the field...let alone all the parents here on this blog!

Anonymous said...

Girls don't swear? Ha that's a good one.

Anonymous said...

A blast from the past...gotta love those asterisks.

Anonymous said...

i think the truth is in the comment somewhere.

"Girls don't swear period so get over it."

Rearrrange and remove the word "don't" and you get:

"Girls get period, so swear over it."

Anonymous said...

just leave the "don't" in it...

"Girls get period, so DON'T swear over it."

Anonymous said...

on behalf of men everywhere, amen.

Anonymous said...

12:16 I did say: " if all holds true the U-15 age group is going to bring the 4 best teams in MN together for the semi-finals." St Croix will be one of the teams based on current standings and likely finishes next weekend. I wasn't trying to slight them just feel they are a fore gone conclusion to be one of the final 4. I do believe MTA and Rev are a step above EP (even though EP seems to always find a way to get the job done) and do think 2011 version of the St Croix team may still be a little behind the other 3 teams. I have only seen them play once however and see they are having a decent run in the MRL league.
I just see no way EP or St Croix will be able to hold up against the evil thuggery of the Rev and MTA teams. I hope they bring their raincoats to keep the spit off of their pretty black or Red uniforms, and the coach provides earplugs for the girls so their sensitive little heads aren't polluted with the vile language these two teams are spewing in such an intimidating fashion. :)

My guess is we see a fun and evenly matched final four..... Unless one of the teams unexpectedly stumbles next week. ... It's happenned before, It could happen again.

Anonymous said...

Don't bet against Eden Prairie. They're 2 for 2 in State Cups.

Anonymous said...

12:55 At least you agree about the Rev girl spitting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The "evil thuggery" of 14 and 15 year old girls? lol

Anonymous said...

MTA girls 14-3-1 and to piss of the haters more. U17s girls semi's will be 3 MTA teams!!

Anonymous said...

2:06pm YES!!!! Way to go MTA!

Anonymous said...

huh? I see MTA girls are barely over .500, or do you not count the teams that suck?

Anonymous said...

2:25 Sorry, forgot the U12 West team but correct me if I am wrong.

U13 1 win 2 losses
U14 2 wins 0 losses
U15 2 wins 1 loss and 1 tie
U16 2 wins 0 losses
U17 6 wins 0 losses
U18 1 win 1 loss

Looks like 14-4-1 to me.

Anonymous said...

8:07am...if your going to call out coaches and clubs why don't you get your facts in order before typing. U11 you are grasping! Like most large clubs they offer multiple teams within each age group...from Premier to C3. The difference is the CC's can offer ALL kids the opportunity to play in their home area without driving 50 miles, the select clubs cannot say the same.

By the team moves on to Regions...most teams signed up for state cup expect to do well or win it, if not what are they doing there? So pressure??? I think all the teams feel it.

Anonymous said...

230, you have way to much free time!!

Anonymous said...

2:35, that's far from true. I'm a coach, have teams in the State Cup this year, have had teams in the State Cup in the past. I've never really believed my teams have a great shot of winning the tournament. We signed up to play against the best teams in the state and find out where we stand. Truth be told I'd bet you that in each age level, probably 4 coaches really think their team has a great shot at winning it... the rest are there for high level playing experience against good teams.

For example, do you think there are 14 teams at u14 that think they can beat Abboud's 14s? No, but 18 teams signed up.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe if he gets himself DQ'ed again...

Anonymous said...

did you read the post or read into it too much?

"most teams signed up for state cup expect to do well or win it" did you see the "or"

Doing well means something different for each it a win against a highly ranked team? is is to make it out of pool play? is it just be competitive? or is it not to get beat by 15? ( i hope it's not the last one, cause that would be a waste of time , energy and money!)

Anonymous said...

You know, if MA were a politician, celebrity, or a professional athlete, his apology would have been accepted by now. But no, we would rather continue to kick him for his admitted poor choice.

If your pitiful little minds can only hold on to a honest mistake made by overthinking a situation I feel very sorry for you and hope you never ever make a misjudgment in your attempts to change kids lives for the better and advance a sport you love in the state you live.

No I do not have a daughter, and am not related to him. I have seen him train the kids who show up for training, and I truly believe he meant the best for both teams. I also believe if his teams lose to a better group of girls he would be happy for the winners. (Of course, he would go back to the drawing board and figure out how to correct that for his team).

Folks get over the negative and teach our kids some real compassion while still being competitive. We can't afford to lose good trainers, and scare aware new ones.

Anonymous said...

Amen 3:43

MA would you coach boys?

Anonymous said...

I just wish he'd leave that pit they call MTA.

Anonymous said...

In 17 Boys, MTA Blue may be sent packing this weekend. They need to beat Shatuck.

Anonymous said...

And go where! The pit they call Rev, SCV, SSM, EDP or TCF.
You can certainly tell when people come from losing clubs because they feel to need to knock winning clubs; MTA, SSM, REV, EDP.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he could build something where there isn't so much dysfunction and psychosis.

Funny, people aren't knocking SSM, EDP, SCV or TCF, and they're only knocking the spitters at REV.

Anonymous said...

TCF has biters!

Anonymous said...

Ok ok, spitters and biters...and swearers. Other than that, they're not at all like MTA.

Anonymous said...

OK big game in u17 boys this weekend, Shattuck vs MTA Blue. Loser is likely done. Who do you think is winning

Anonymous said...

SSM beats MTA by 2 at least. They've handled teams MTA has barely beaten.

MUS2 will get the wildcard with a win. Amazing how MUS FINALLY merges Jedi and Wildcats into a superteam, and it's the REMAINING players who will likely advance to the semis.

SCV/SSM in the final. SSM wins by 3 in a really good game, but SCV won't be able to keep up.

Anonymous said...

Who exactly has SSM handled that MTA has barely beat?

Anonymous said...

Boy you MTA people are dum.

SSM beat VLY 5-0. MTA beat VLY 2-1. Please don't tell me Blue hit 9 pipes.

SSM beat MUS 3-1 in a game I watched and wasn't that close. MTA Blue beat MUS 2-1 in a very close game.

Blue is out of State Cup at 10 am Saturday.

mama mia said...

What's wrong with recruiting? Why would you want a player that would rather play for your opposition anyways? All the clubs in Europe recruit. They recruit players from around the globe.

Stoopid dumbeys.

If you're good enough to play for a better team, you better go. Just like why would Bunbury play for Canada when he can play for the US.

Anonymous said...

I am a bit confused as to how in the course of a soccer game multiple players can bite an opponent without the ref or the spectators seeing the incidents. I think the person who posted that is either a little too sensative of a player and probably shouldn't be playing contact sports or they are a parent who's little baby was touched during a game and in their mind created a scenario that is far from the truth.

I believe bites leave marks. Especially if a bite is deliberate. Shouldn't be too hard to show a ref a bite mark immediately following the "attack".

Get a life you people!

Anonymous said...

I've seen biting at games, especially girls games. We had a girl on our team that was bit last year, she walked over and showed the ref, his comment "I didn't see it happen!" You could see the teeth marks on her arm.

We just laughed off, but it happens!

Anonymous said...

Who bit who?

Anonymous said...

I just saw a hair pulling incident that would have rivaled the Utube incident from last year (New Mexico state ?) The Ref didn't see it so no foul. It is sad but often true that at the higher levels of play frustration often leads to stupid decisions by otherwise good people. the girl who did the hair pull is a fantastic player who was getting frustrated and then made a bad decision. It happens, hopefully if the coach is aware of the incident he/she can be a leader and help the player learn from her mistake. IMO just because the ref does'nt see an infraction it doesn't mean it is acceptable behavior. Maybe I am in the minority here, but I do believe we need to continually work to teach the difference between right and wrong ... even if the ref misses it.

Anonymous said...

you all seems to have forgotten, soccer is a contact sport. if you want to be soft, have you kids participate in synchronized swimming!

Anonymous said...

Soccer is a contact sport and I tell my kids whatever you dish out be ready to get it back. I have a very physical daughter who does not hesitate to throw shoulders, hips, shirts tugs and she gets it back. But at no time should she ever bite or pull hair!

Anonymous said...

5/9/11 11:45 PM seems to think his opinion is the only one that matters and obviously didn't see MTA blue play if he thinks the MU game was close. The score was, not the possession or opportunties. If MTA scored 1/5 of the cahnces they produce they would be accused of running up the score on this blog.

The Valley game was not even close despite the score, they rarely got out of their own 1/3'rd. Goal was scored after MTA went down to 10 men on a defensive miscue.

MU's supposed 2nd best team has always done better at State Cup and league except at 13's. Back then Wildcats were second best (but better than Jedi), now they realized it and the better team ended up in the 17's group of death.

SSM v MTA will be a great game. Unfortunately this highlights another MYSA weakness, just seed the teams so the best meet in the semi's and final. Despite what some SCV fans might think, this game will be the real championship.

Anonymous said...

In what game did TCF bite?

Anonymous said...

Don't the boys have their own state cup thread?

Anonymous said...

11:41, obviously the bit never took place...nor did the famous spit. The same person started the "shooter in the grassy knoll"

Can we please stick to soccer.

Mister Soccer said...

Fantastic player? How about spoiled brat, coddled punk with a false sense of entitlement.

This isn't a result of "frustration:"

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm glad to see she's been suspended by her team. That is one rotten player!

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