Friday, June 10, 2011

IK Skovbakken news

Exciting times in Aarhus. I trained with just the 1st team for the past few days. After training yesterday, the team manager called me into his office…I knew it was going to be good or bad. He said they are going to offer me a contract! I don’t have all the details yet and hope to get more during the next few days. I will be playing in the final league game with the 1st team  on Saturday and then my trial period with IK Skovbakken will be done.

I still have to figure out details of the offer and I might go back to Norway or on to Sweden looking for more soccer. The down side is that things are wrapping up in all the Northern Europe seasons. I guess my first goal of getting a team interested enough for a contract offer is accomplished.

I also tried to make a carrot cake for my host family today. We couldn't quite figure out what american baking powder was in Danish ingredients and I guessed wrong. Sort of a flat cake, but should still taste good I hope.

Joga Bonito,


tomASS said...

Congrats- good to have a starting point

Just use more frosting on the cake

Anonymous said...

This is exciting, Jake! Congratulations. I'm staying tuned. - Gpa