Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Boys Club News and Chat

Seems like we've had many months, even years, of talk about the MN U18 boys. With winter tournaments and Midwest Regional League on the horizon, it will be interesting to see how all of the MN boys teams compete this club season.


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Anonymous said...

The kings FC is going to be a complete failure. Cool idea but terrible promoting job. I know pently of talent that would love to do something like that, and when i asked they had never heard of the team,

Anonymous said...

I HAVE A QUESTION TO THIS BLOG/BOARD: What are the rules governing a MN high school coach, who is also coaching a Summer Club team, regarding contact with his/her high school players who are also on his/her Summer Club team?

I only see a July 1-7 'no-contact' period cited, but no other rules/issues. Can someone shed light on this? And if there is a rule, can someone point me to where it can be found?

Anonymous said...

Anon 13/1/10 9:48 PM
The list is incomplete. It is also only the players from this years MTA U19 team. I did add a few in the initial list that had been mentioned on the blog. However, I also didn't find two of MTA players names so have no idea where they are going to school. It seems footballer wants to make some point, and is pulling numbers from thin air to make it. Several times I have posted that it is an incomplete list of only one team.

Anonymous said...

Here is the link you are looking for.
See Section 208
From MSHSL Handbook (See Section 208)
Q.What may a coach do and not do before and after the high school season with his/her high school athletes?
1)Provide camp and non-school team information to athletes if approved for a summer waiver and authorized by your athletic director to do so.
2)Coaches approved for summer coaching may provide coaching during the prescribed time period.
(Ref. Bylaw 208, Summer Coaching Waiver*)
(*The summer waiver period begins on June 1 and concludes on July 31)
(*The summer waiver period also includes a no-contact period from July 1 through July 7)
(*Coaches who have been granted a summer coaching waiver...may continue to coach that team through Labor Day if that team participates in an end-of-the-season tournament as a natural extension of the summer team season).
During the school year, prior to and following the sport season:
1)May not provide coaching, instruction, training, etc. to any member of their high school team, B-squad, J.V. or varsity other than during the season or under the summer waiver.
2)May not influence or direct a player’s non-school play. This includes:
a)Directing athletes to play in a league or attend a camp or clinic.
b)Place athletes on a roster, develop or organize a team roster; draft players for a team; select, secure, evaluate or otherwise influence the placement of athletes on a team for leagues, tournaments, camps or clinics other than those athletes approved for the summer coaching waiver.
3.May not direct, or unduly influence an athlete to participate in open gym, captain’s practice, or non-school teams, leagues or camps.
4.May not organize, supervise, direct or otherwise be involved in the organization of captain’s practice.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:46: if you really believe that kids dont think beyond friends, family, jerseys, from U13-18 then either i missed your sarcasm are you are far far behind on competitive soccer at the youth level in this state.

Anonymous said...

Back to SSM. Last years 16's was their first State Cup appearance, they won. Most of those kids are not MN kids. SSM is now starting to create teams at multiple age levels. We will see more of them at State Cup as the years progress.

The MTA White win was not what SSM detractors want to think. But that doesnt matter. White is a decent squad. SSM also beat MTA Blue 3-0 and SCSC Celtic 2-0 recently. Between the four, you have the top 6 teams in the state. Either way. the SSM 17s are in a class above in at that age level.

I dont fault SSM for what they are doing and wouldn't deny them any opportunity. Just wish academy schools like that were able to gain entry into regional and national tournaments another way. That does lead to elitism, I suppose.

With regards to "preparing or playing hard enough" you are right. but the cards are stacked against MN clubs vs. SSM. They train everyday in a ready made facility, the rest of us scramble for dome time 1, 2, 3 times a week. Often that is a patch of turf at Augsburg, Concordia, etc with 3 other teams surrounding. I know the SSM kids pay for that opportunity. Not denying that either.

I enjoy the challenge. But to say its "even" is a little narrow minded. As the SSM soccer program expands to include more age levels, it will dominate the state competition. Again, its good to have something like that for local kids to aspire to, but to play against each year?

Again, not winning State Cup isnt the end of the world from a "title" perspective, but the opportunity it gives the team going forward is. Its not about the patch, but MRL and Regionals/Nationals

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here realize that soccer is a working class sport everywhere else around the world?

SSM only took ONE out of five State Cup titles last year. MN has better soccer players. Right now, the only thing SSM is doing better than MN is recruiting college coaches to see their players. SSM does this really really well. It was not accident that MTA White was not invited to their college showcase. It was all about making SSM players look good.

SSM lost a fair amount of credibility last year losing at State Cup. As we continue to beat them they will continue to lose more credibility.

On the same hand, MTA needs to stop dinking around with two equal teams.

Foot Balls said...

If players had more in mind than friends, family and jerseys, they would be forming "super teams" at each age so they can compete nationally. Rather, the influence of friends, family and jerseys gets in the way and leads to the top talent being spread amongst various clubs. The 2009 U17 group is a perfect example.

My numbers were coming from the lists you provided. Don't post lists that don't make sense. Regardless, And what the heck is MN/MTA? Is that implying that MTA Soccer is MN Soccer.

I can't even keep track of all this SSM talk. Bottom line:
- SSM is great
- SSM helps develop NHL superstars and Hermann Trophy winners
- SSM is great for MN
- SSM doesn't hurt MN soccer
- Enough said

Also, can regular posters please use a "Name/URL?"

Anonymous said...

WHy should "regular posters use a name"? No one else does. I have been saying for a long time that the owner of this blog really should check the box which makes everyone take a name or they cannot post.

Makes it easier to see who we are talking to on here. As I say that, I am posting as an anon. Why, because I ant to make a point.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I couldn't agree with you more 7:01.

Anonymous said...

Wrong. 7:01 is a rocket scientist, his kid is a national teamer, SSM is great, and so is St Croix.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, trying to prove a point with the above posts. I think people talking to themselves to make a point or to rile people up happens a helluva lot more than we know.


Anon 7:07 said...

7:01 - I agree.
7:02 - I kinda agree.
7:02 and 25 seconds - I agree.
7:03 on 12/5/09 or 5/12/09 - I couldn't agree less.
7:04 - I disagree.
7:05 on 1/9/10 or 9/1/10 - I agree.

Enforce Monikers!

Max said...

I post

Beer said...


Drinker said...

I am?

Anonymous said...

Get it? You can post as whoever you want to be.

nobody said...

Or you can post as nobody.

Anonymous said...

But, atleast we can keep people straight as you talk. If someone wants to be deceptive, they will. Over time, people will figure out that Max, Beer, and Drinker are the same person. Mostly by characteristics of their writing........dead giveaways are everywhere.

Anonymous said...

What St. Croix team lost to SSM boys today ?

Anonymous said...

U17s. Looked at SSM website.

Anonymous said...

14/1/10 9:32 AM said:
The MTA White win was not what SSM detractors want to think. But that doesnt matter. White is a decent squad. SSM also beat MTA Blue 3-0 and SCSC Celtic 2-0 recently. Between the four, you have the top 6 teams in the state. Either way. the SSM 17s are in a class above in at that age level.

I like that you give the whites a little credit and don't get all freaked out about a scrimmage, but I'm not following how 4 teams equate to top 6 teams in the state. Did you mean they are all within the top 6 or was it a typo and you meant top 4??

By the way, to make the point that scrimmages are just training opportunity- The MTA 16's have beaten the SCV 17's in scrimmage too, but no one knows how they would fare against SSM 17's. All scrimmages (and many games) are subject to players missing, nursing injury etc.

Anonymous said...

and your point is ? ..... what have any of the MTA u17's boys accomplished in comparison to the SSM u17's ? How did MTA fare at CASL / DISNEY - or any recent tourney ? head to head in a game ?

scrimmages are scrimmages - games count. -

and Yes, I'm an MTA white parent. Our boys need SSM competition...their speed of play and creativity make us better. So come state cup this time we hope to win it all. Good Luck to all.

Anonymous said...

So, your a MTA white parent? Yeah, and I got a million dollars. You could have said you were anyone else and I'd have beleived you.

MTA White is the team that SSM uninvited to their college showcase. MTA White team is the team they don't seem to want to scrimmage. So their creativity and speed won't make you better, as they don't want to play you.
Good Luck to all ;)

Anonymous said...

Gee 2:44, maybe MTA White got uninvited because SSM wanted the college coaches to watch their kids--not yours.

If MTA put on a college showcase of their own, I'll bet that MTA would have no interest in having SSM show up either.

Anonymous said...

Not a MTA White parent, sorry. But you kind of made my point.

Anonymous said...

What is up with the MTA parents (white, blue, pink - whatever)....first they are made that SSM is here and then they are mad because SSM won't play them or invite them to their showcases but when they do play them in state cup an lose then they are mad because they had to play them ????

MTA - that is funny ..

NOT AN MTA/SSM parent ! thank god.

Anonymous said...

I think you can assume that many posting here saying they are MTA parent are not MTA parents. Some may even be SSM parents; some may even be CC parents wanting to stir the pot.

I think many of the local clubs are more concerned about SSM than MTA. MTA has seen some benefit from the development of SSM. Many CC parents that felt they could get close to the same opportunities thru their local clubs that MTA was offering. Minus the big price tags no longer feel that way. With SSM in the picture the local kids are getting fewer and fewer opportunities thru ODP and State Cup. Forcing families to make hard decision about what opportunities they can afford to provide their kids. Something all parents get testy about. Local CC DOC are threaten by SSM for the same reason, they could offer close to the same opportunities to their local players before, now they are seeing many either walk away from competitive soccer or moving to MTA.

Personally SSM no longer affects me in anyway. However, IMHO SSM is harming MN soccer, as it is limiting the development of MN players. IMHO any program that charges players/families anywhere from 30K to 40K a year is harming US soccer. It has been apart of US Youth Soccer discussions for a while. No one hear wants to address it because it ugly side of US Soccer.

SSM likes to say they are making MN soccer better. Tell us how? SSM parents I challenge you to objectively put yourselves in MN parent’s places and ask how you would feel in you were in the same place. It would also be interesting to hear from the SSM parents how the teams they left feel about SSM? What do you think your neighbors think? (Not that any of that should effect your decisions but would be interesting to hear about) From the little we have heard the SSM players have not been received well back in their home states. Which I think may be some of the reason they are so vocal here.

Anonymous said...

So 1:39pm why are you so bitter ? was your little Timmy adversly affected by the SSM machine ? Your rants seem more than a little bit emotional. Go ahead and get off your chest you will feel better.

No charge for the analysis. ;)

Anonymous said...

1:39....SSM parent here, and I will probably get slammed, but I will try to answer your questions.

first of all, it doesnt cost 40K to attend Shattuck, in trying to answer your question, I will put forth a question, how many of you on this board send your kids to a private school in MN?? Its about the same what we pay for SSM. Before Shattuck, my child was attending a private school back home. Soccer, costing us about the same here or there. While at Shattuck, we do not have to pay for travel, hotels, bus, flights, food etc. That is all included in the cost of the soccer payments added to the cost of the school.

The reason we left to attend SSM, is because it offered more of a better training enviorment. That cannot be replaced at ANY club in the US besides IMG and a few others out east/southeast. We looked at IMG prior to SSM, IMG is alot more expensive! And, SSM was a better educational enviorment than what IMG could offer hands down! If we lived in MN, we would of looked into going to SSM as well.

You said home clubs arent happy with our move, your right, they were not happy. However, they understood. Iv heard rumors of some home clubs hating on Shattuck, but, is it about the club or YOUR player getting better? My player is no longer at SSM, finished school there and is now playing in college. Here is what we were told by many college programs during visits, that they could trust any player coming out of SSM because they have proved to be a student athlete away from home, they were not concerned with win/loss records, and they knew they rcvd great coaching at longer periods of time. You will understand this once your player gets to college (D1) and the training/studying is a full time gig. 1:39, you ask to put ourselves in your position, well, I dont see a problem, unless your putting winning ahead of what your over all goals are?? And if winning state cup is all your about, then I have no answer. Every one of us has players playing the game for different reasons. I can say, for us, that Shattuck was the best thing for our player for development, educational, friendships, and a very proud feeling that Shattuck was the highschool they attended. its a special place. And, the soccer enviorment isnt all that bad either!! I drop in on this forum every now and again. And i can remember the SAME things being posted 3 yrs ago. Shattuck isnt going anywhere. If anything, they are going to get bigger. With players coming out of Shattuck, college are starting to take notice.

Anonymous said...

Another SSM parent here- I can also answer your questions.

Does it cost $40k to attend/play? Sure does, if you have no scholarship or have no need for financial assistance. Does it cost our family $40k? Nope. Besides, the $40k is not just for the soccer, why is it so hard for you to understand this? It is $40k (list price) for room, board, education, and soccer. Until you get this, there is not an answer in the world that you will understand.

How does our kid's previous club feel about SSM? Well, obviously they aren't happy for themselves because they lost a player. However, they continue to send team to SSM for games. They must not hate them that much? Plus, I DON'T CARE how they feel. They weren't providing my player the product that SSM could. As consumers, we voted with our feet and walked out the door.

SSM is undoubtedly helping MN soccer. You actually pointed out how, without even realizing it. Given what SSM provides for training, it causes the local CCs to step up what they provide. Think of it from a business angle. If company A isn't meeting your needs as a customer, and company B will- do you stay with company A? If you said yes, you are either obscenely rich or a liar. Company A knows you will walk also, so they begin to provide services/goods to meet what company B can do for you.

If you don't believe that SSM works with those who don't have the money, check into it. Don't do like everyone else on here and take everything posted here for face value. If your player has the ability, desire, and is willing to sacrifice all it takes to attend SSM- call them. Come guest. Visit campus. Otherwise, shut up and move on. The program is here, will stay here, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Regarding lost opportunities ie- State Cup and ODP. Welcome to planet Earth. You are not entitled to anything, you must earn everything. If you want to be an ODP player, work hard. If you want to win State Cup, work hard.

In the immortal words of Forrest Gump- and that's all I have to say about that.

Anonymous said...

1:39...you have more issues than the average blogger.

Anonymous said...

"Welcome to planet Earth. You are not entitled to anything, you must earn everything. "

So the kids of the rich parents who can afford to send their kids to SSM without scholarship earned their education how?

Anonymous said...

Their parent(s) paid for it 8:13 am. Whether you like it or not, that's the decision they made at their household and went with it. Don't like it? Too bad. Worry about your own kid.

Anonymous said...

The question was whether the KIDS EARNED a better education somehow by being born rich.

Anonymous said...

11:12 - Better brokers.

Anonymous said...

This drama deserves it own thread.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Class warfare. Cloud the facts with hate and envy. Is that what we are doing here? Have you really been reduced to the person who is going to go down that road?

Who knows how each of the parents comes up with the money required to attend. All I know is that someone (mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, whatever) did some hard work and made some money that may have been passed on to someone else. It isn't like any of the "rich parents" took money from you.....there is no one on the team with the last name "Madhoff".

Next argument?

Anonymous said...

Worry about your own kid.

This is the all time best comment ever made on this blog site!!!

Anonymous said...

ssm boys
3 teams
10 mn players
miniscule role in mn soccer
not germane thread

mysa sanctions nsc
how can they work to help teams schedule both without the uncertainty
this issue affects many teams

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:58pm....
Funny how when "people" talk about "Minnesota Soccer"..they only know about and talk about SHATTUCK ST. MARY'S !

Anonymous said...

That maybe because of the parents and the SSM marketing machine. Understand most of us think SSM parents have been sold a bill of goods, and ARE trying to buy their kids success. Last year showed that SSM can't deliver. It is just a matter of time before college coaches realize it too.

Anonymous said...

What do you care, 10:07? As another post said, worry about your own kid.

Anonymous said...

Last year showed that SSM can't deliver. It is just a matter of time before college coaches realize it too.

24/1/10 10:07 AM

Cant deliver what? You must of missed it then, last yr on the boys side, X-SSM player played in the final of the Mens D1 College Cup, on the girls side, X-SSM player played in the D1 Womens College Cup as well, both started, just a matter of time till the word gets out, remember 10:07, you must of missed it. I for one think playing for a college cup is a bit more important than playing for MN State Cup patches? NO?? but then again, maybe this is all your goal is, is to win the MN State Cup. Wow. Huge goals.

Anonymous said...

Wow, go out of town for a bit and things get really nasty.

24/1/10 5:12PM So, you want to take credit for two players who were already well on their way before they got to SSM. OK take credit. However, what about Samuel Asante, from that same year? The player that the Andromeda 90 coaches were so impressed with? How is he doing?

If State Cup patches are such lowly goals, why is SSM competing for them? SSM and programs like it are destroying sports. It shouldn't be about mom and dad's money it should be about players skill.

BTW I'm sure the players at SSM are thrilled to know that their parents need to buy them opportunites.

Anonymous said...

1109, unless your kids play REC soccer the same could be said about club soccer.

Anonymous said...

1109, I disagree with your views on SSM, but ripping on Samuel Asante or any other individual kids by name is uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

How was that ripping on SA?

I tried to be very careful not to rip on him. It does seem strange to me thou the difference in the opportunities that those two players received. Makes one wonder if $$ isn't the difference.

Anonymous said...

Unless your a insider with SA and SSM, no response is needed. Just keep your foul non-truth spewwing hate. Just admit it, your a wanna-be

where is your kid at?? some would think you should be worrying more about yours than SSM players.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Talk about hate.

Anonymous said...

2:02, then why bring SA into the conversation at all? Hmmmm?

Just another "stir the pot" kinda guy.

Anonymous said...

Who cares!

Anonymous said...

Samuel Asante is the first SSM Grad to win a National Championship at the collegiate level, and played a large role in the Des Moines Menace advancing to the PDL Quaterfinals . He's at Lindsey Wilson (KY), the 2009 NAIA National Champion. Many, many players would be happy with opportunities like that.
This makes 3 SSM Alums actually playing in their respective Final Fours. That's pretty darn good!
Regardless of whether players are "well on their way" or not, it still takes a lot of work, luck, and guidance to actually get there. These players and their families chose the path that would best help them "get there". They chose SSM.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I actually knew that but wonder how many of the SSM parents knew it.

I would still say money in sports/soccer is a real problem. However it not sports/soccer’s biggest problem, "Rabid Uninformed Parents” are the biggest problem. It is unfortunate that sometimes they go hand in hand.

SSM-South Campus said...

I am curious to know how I have been either "sold a bill of goods" or am "buying my kid's success"? Since you are so much wiser and know so much more about my situation, please enlighten me?

I can't help to change the fact that "most of us think SSM parents have been sold a bill of goods, and ARE trying to buy their kids success"- I have tried in the past two years to say that if you have questions about the program or how it is run- contact the school. But, no one wants to do it. They are content with sitting back and having a skewed perception of reality because it is convenient to do so. If you would actually do some research, you'd have to admit that you have been wrong....and where would you direct all your anger that your little Landon or little Mia can't seem to get the training situation they need. Basic class warfare, that's all. But, you don't get that many of us SSM parents aren't any better off than you are. Athletic scholarships (based on skill) and grants based upon financial need take care of tuition for any who need help.

I also can't believe that you would say that "Last year showed that SSM can't deliver. It is just a matter of time before college coaches realize it too." I just saw this discussion not that long ago, and saw the post which talked about how an SSM parent would not trade their child's scholarship for your kid's State Cup patch.....I agree and have the same sentiment. Mine has already committed to a school and received a deal which made everyone happy. I can guarantee you that SSM definately had something to do with that. The training environment, academic environment- hell just the fact that she has to do her own laundry makes a difference to college coaches. If you don't believe that, how about you come by the dome at SSM this weekend and ask some of the 40+ college coaches who will be there looking at the kids. Will YOUR player be in front of 40+ college coaches this weekend? I didn't think so. If they are not, WHY NOT? Spend your time and energy asking your Club these questions instead of putting down SSM.

I'd say that many of you have very dirty windows....maybe you could clean them rather than throwing stones through someone elses'?

Anonymous said...

The SSM/MTA discussion really should have its own thread. I believe the intent of this thread was to allow fans/parents/coaches to discuss issues relevant to most MN boys club teams. Things like how do you keep teams together, how can we make soccer affordable to more kids, how can clubs work together to merge players into one team when no single club has enough players at a certain age/level, etc. Or maybe how the proliferation of tournaments within Minnesota has really watered down the quality of those tournaments.

Listening to parents of two organizations that both provide elite, albeit different, soccer experiences argue about what's better is inane. That discussion deserves its own forum. Better yet, you guys should just trade e-mails and go after each other directly.

Anonymous said...

good post SC!!

Anonymous said...

From previous post, it seems that most of the students going to SSM were previously going to private school. That when looking at the cost of private school the additional money for SSM isn't that much.

Private school runs in MN anywhere from 12K to 23K. As my kids all went to public schools, the cost was $200 of HS Soccer, club $2K. Probably part of the disconnect. Room and Board at my son college cost $6K, I'll add another 4K to be generous. Making 33K for the most expensive private school and 22K for the least expensive. However none are boarding schools. SSM website states tutions is 36K with boarding an another 4K for soccer. So, SSM soccer for most in MN is somewhere between 22K more to 35K more.

Just so you know back in the day, we did look into SSM. So, I can safetly say I did and have looked into SSM, so my reality is just that my reality. I also did not like borrowing money for high school tutition knowing we were probably going need to borrow money for college, something about debt ratio some in US have missed.

Did not post "Last year showed that SSM can't deliver. It is just a matter of time before college coaches realize it too." However, when SSM media machine states that nine of their players recieved D1 scholorship from last years team, it makes parents/players wonder if college coaches are looking for the best players. Undboubtable what should have be learned from last year is that SSM creates the best Student/Players. However when just looking at the player part of it, it would seem they have come up a little short last year. I don't think MN players need more training, but they do need better public schools. I do now wonder how many kids playing D1 soccer attended private schools?

I will continue to mantain that any program that sell parents on the idea that they need to spend $39K to get their kids a shot at a D1 soccer programs is bad for soccer. Not bad for the fortuneate few, bad for soccers developement in general. I am glad it worked out for your son/daughter, I just don't think it is good for soccer. I think it is creating a class issue, which can not be good for soccer.

Anonymous said...

For the last time- WE ARE NOT PAYING $40k FOR SOCCER. NOT THIS YEAR, NOT LAST YEAR, AND NOT FOR ALL FOUR YEARS ADDED TOGETHER. I don't know how many times I have to say that.

If the cost of attending SSM for my child were full tuition, she would not have been able to attend. Simple economics.

Stop with the BS class warfare crap- my child has had no more opportunities or any type of precious metal spoon in her life. She has worked hard and been willing to sacrifice and look at options outside the box. THAT is the difference, not her parent's W-2s.

But, if you must tell yourself this to make yourself feel better for not fully exploring opportunities for your child, so be it. However, don't try and convince others of your false information/lies.

BTW- whoever it was who suggested that this thread was meant for other, constructive discussion is really naive. The parents who frequent this site ARE NOT CONSTRUCTIVE AND ARE INCAPABLE OF SUCH DISCUSSION.

Anonymous said...


So are you saying this information is incorrect? Why would they advertise it that way? I would suspect that some are paying that price. You are not, you could be the rule, you could be the exception. Who knows? Perhaps it time for you to investigate what you are participating in?

Your daughter sounds like an exceptional person and has taken advantages of what SSM has to offer. Believe it or not bad things sometimes reward a few people. Check out ponzi scheme, it is kind of how they operate.

Anonymous said...

How is the following any different than I am saying it is? It comes directly from the page you gave the link to. The only piece of information which is not listed there is any information regarding athletic scholarship, but that isn't unusual even for many Universities.

"Financial Assistance: If you are applying for need-based financial assistance, you are required to submit a $1,000 deposit ($250 non-refundable) with your signed Enrollment and Tuition Agreement. The balance of the 20% of net tuition deposit will be due and the contract will be in full force at the time of signed acceptance of a financial assistance award or rejection. If a financial assistance award or rejection is offered but not accepted, the Enrollment and Tuition Agreement is void."

I guess I don't understand what your point is? You have given a link to a website which describes the general idea behind need based financial assistance.

I can assure you that SSM is not a Ponzi scheme, and is not even close to being operated in this manner. It is, indeed, operated the same as every other private school and the SAME as every non-Ivy league University in the US.

There are definately kids are paying full price, but not all. My point is that you don't HAVE to have a silver spoon to attend. IF a kid can play at a certain level, and they show an interest but can't afford to pay tuition-- the school will work it out. I know this first hand. Complain all you want, but if your child has skills and is interested and you are keeping them out because you can't afford it- it is YOUR OWN FAULT. They will not turn a kid away because of financial reasons.

Anonymous said...

Sooner or later they have to turn people away. If Every person that went to school there was subsidized (spread the wealth) it would have to come from tuition or corporate sponsors or endowments or else they could not fund anything.

Anonymous said...

The soccer program has a budget, just like any University Soccer program. If you show interest, and you go play a few friendlies (kinda like a tryout) and the coaches thinks you can bring something to the program, then sure, lets sit down and talk, however, maybe 4:04's kid wasnt what the program was looking for, and the people in the soccer program didnt offer them anything. So 8:31 is correct, not everyone is going to come away with some sort of aid.

Anonymous said...

8:31 and 8:46- this is 9:04. You are absolutely correct. There is a large endowment, and if your child isn't what the soccer coaches are looking for talent-wise then you won't get scholarship money. However, financial aid is available whether you play sports or not.

So, again I reiterate- it doesn't come down to money, it comes down to talent and financial need.

Anonymous said...

The main problem is the Fairbault location. I've had boys from my hockey team recruited and attend. Most leave after one year because the culture shock is just too much to bear. There's more to life than one sport 365 days /year.

Anonymous said...

5:17- while this is true for some kids. there are other social aspects of SSM that the kids like and stay. I would say that in my experience, more kids stay than leave.

Anonymous said...

27/1/10 8:31 AM
-- You are truly ignorant or an idiot! Obviously, no private school can give financial help to everyone. But most have a financial assistance/scholarship program to help some who are interested in attending their school but cannot financial afford it. SSM caters to certain types of students/athletes. If you are a talented hockey player, SSM is one option for you. Crosby attended SSM for one year. Today, SSM is one option for talented soccer players. Is it the only path to a college soccer career? No. Does SSM guarantee your child a D1 scholarship? No. Clearly, private schools are not everyone.

How much did you spend on your son's or daughter's soccer? Did they attend camps and clinics every summer and winter? How much is too much?

Anonymous said...

12:11am...Does your club guarantee your player a D1?? You wanna talk about spending money, just last month a few U13/14 teams from MN went out to Cali for a tournament. WHY? Come on. Im all for teams traveling, but out to Cali. If you wanted to play at U13/14 then go over to WI, they have a very nice indoor place with 3 fields, they are playing everyweekend over there. So, again, who is spending the money??

Anonymous said...

The point is that a private high school can socialize their sports programming at the expense of full tuition parents for the glory of the team. No public school can built facilities like SSm.

Anonymous said...

10:55, if others want to do that, who are you to complain?

11:26, it may not be identical to SSM, but I would suggest taking a drive out to Minnetonka High School and check out their hockey arena located next to their dome over the football field.

And, absolutely the private school can subsidize (maybe socialize too..) their sports teams in part with the tuition paid by parents paying full price. It's one way to attract new students. See Hill-Murray, Breck, Benilde-St. Margaret's and others. The only difference between these schools and SSM is the residential part.

Anonymous said...

Thought for the Day:

"All morons hate it when you call them a moron." ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 6

(Salinger passed today at the age of 91.)

Anonymous said...

Amen, brother! (12:43)

Anonymous said...

8:16...Spot on

Anonymous said...

yep, i went to school with 8:16 & 9:57 and them teachers learned us real good.

Anonymous said...

28/1/10 10:55 AM - do you vacation outside the midwest or do you limit your experiences to WI and IA? Some people have a choice -- to spend money on soccer clubs/trips, on private schools, on big flat screen TVs, and/or luxury cars. It's fun! What is your fancy?

Anonymous said...

by the way. nice win by the SSM u17 boys over the MTA u18 boys today..SSM won 4-0.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that those who preach that it is all about "development and not the win-win" are very eager to publicize the wins. I guess winning is important when you win, but is not if you don't.

Anonymous said...

Socialism is okay as long as the team is winning.

Anonymous said...

Life been busy and this blog is not part of my full time or even part time life. However, I keep thinking that I am expressing myself poorly that when I say SSM/MTA or any organization that charges thousands of dollars for kids to participate in soccer are harming the development of soccer. Why is baseball, football, basketball able to attract so many more athletes? Media coverage, I am certain that is a part of it. However could it also be because these sports are more affordable for working families? It would be interesting to find out if there are any U16-U18 baseball, football or basketball teams in the state of MN are paying coaches $10K a year?

Here is another way of looking at my point. Let say the average family in MN brings home 5K a month (about 85K year). Most define middle class as 40K to 95K a year. When planning a budget, soccer is lumped in with child care, food, personnel items, medical expenses, and entertainment and should not be more than 25% of your take home pay. In this example that would be $1250 a month. Little John’s or little Debbie’s soccer fee for the year is 2K (and does not include uniform, boots and travel expenses), spread over nine months that $222 a month and takes up 18% of that $1250 budget. That is only for one kid. Sorry folks, I love soccer, but when it a takes up 20% of a families spending budget they move on to some other type of activities. One final note along this thought, in the world of soccer the best soccer players are coming from what countries, what kind of youth structure, and what kind of economic backgrounds? Only in USA was it a middle class sport, I think the argument could be made that unless something changes it will become upper class sport. We are moving in the wrong direction.

I am and was very leery of any scholarship program that cost $1000 to apply of which only $250 is refundable. FASFA only cost $50 to apply. As I remember like FASFA a BIG percentage of SSM financial aid is loans. Your still paying the 35K to 20K or whatever number you pick, you have just decided to pay it over 10 years with 4-8% interest.

Quick response to, “your kid wasn’t good enough”. Perhaps I should feel devastated, or not. I do KNOW that SSM does not get every player they solicit nor are they able to provide scholarships to all their players. Proof of that was at State Cup last year.

Anonymous said...

Hello, 12:36. You paid someone $50 so you could fill out a FAFSA? You are a total fool.

It's FREE: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/

Anonymous said...

Sorry your right. Got the FAFSA and registering him with the NCAA mix up.

Anonymous said...

12:36-You can't clearly get your point across because you are using bad arguments which are not fact based at all.

To give an example of how flawed your thoughts are- you say that you are "leery of any scholarship program that cost $1000 to apply of which only $250 is refundable".

Let's read what the policy actually says:
"you are required to submit a $1,000 deposit ($250 non-refundable) with your signed Enrollment and Tuition Agreement. The balance of the 20% of net tuition deposit will be due and the contract will be in full force at the time of signed acceptance of a financial assistance award or rejection. If a financial assistance award or rejection is offered but not accepted, the Enrollment and Tuition Agreement is void."

Now- let me translate so you can understand:
You are required to put a deposit down of $1000- of which, they will keep $250 as a non-refundable deposit. They will NOT keep all BUT the $250 as you portray. You are WRONG. But, let's read on. IF the financial award does not fit with you, then the enrollment contract you earlier submitted is NULL AND VOID and you get your money back.

So- in even simpler terms. Pay $1,000 (in form of a check which does not get cashed BTW). You then submit the enrollment contract. If you get a financial aid package which you don't like, you don't accept it and then you don't spend your money. IF you get an offer and take it, then the check gets cashed. Let's say you don't show up day one- then you are still responsible for the $250.

I don't know what you are talking about with the loan, but there is an option where you can pay the remainder of your bill (after financial assistance) in installments which does have a 10% finance charge. So, I guess it IS a loan- but you don't have to choose this option.

All I have to say is that I hope that everyone now sees how far off the mark you are and that you obviously have never actually gone through the process as you profess. So, nice try. How about you now tell us about the time you flew on Air Force 1 to visit the troops and got shot at?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Interesting that those who preach that it is all about "development and not the win-win" are very eager to publicize the wins. I guess winning is important when you win, but is not if you don't.

31/1/10 8:10 AM

UH, just merely posting a score ! This is a soccer thread...also SSM hosting COLLEGE SHOWCASE FOR THE GIRLS AS WELL !!!!!! YAY SSM !!!

Anonymous said...

12:36...Are you completley out of touch with the cost of youth sports? Your baseball comparison had me lmao.

Anonymous said...

31/1/10 8:38 PM
-- Wow, alot of nonsense about nothing. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

1/2/10 5:34 AM


Anonymous said...

Soccer is a working class sport everywhere else in the world. Here we have our own, homegrown working class sports. It will probably take time but until everyone is watching and following MLS like they do the NFL, and the league is full of world-class, homegrown players it will remain in the fringe.

So support it and promote it, whether at elite institutions or rec programs. Get people interested in the State Cup.

Anonymous said...

yet another academy like Shattuck. Region III has two of them in IMG and Darlington.


Stop your crying

Pronk said...

Because everyone is still stuck on the issue of elite clubs, what are your thoughts on new Charter schools directed solely at soccer? Prarie Seeds Academy in Brooklyn Park was built around having an elite soccer program. The team last fall was almost all sophomores and juniors and really gave good programs like SSM and Osseo a run.

Anonymous said...

I say, for each their own really. No complaints. People use to cry cuz Eclipse there for awhile had more to pull from and now they complain because SSM recruits from around the US. No one will be happy in this land called MinneSOOOTA. It comes down to each player and family and what their goals are and if they are really happy.

Anonymous said...

12:36 just got some poop kicked in his face

Anonymous said...

12:38- What are you talking about? When did a team from somewhere called Prairie Seeds Academy give anyone a run? Help me understand?

Anonymous said...

Why the newest youth soccer model is flawed. http://www.goal.com/en-us/news/2617/youth-soccer/2010/01/27/1764095/en-route-youth-soccer-needs-another-overhaul

Anonymous said...

the seeds will make semis at class a state in 2010

Anonymous said...

Prairie seeds lost to SSM 0-1 and beat Osseo and Coon Rapids.

Anonymous said...

high school soccer? seriously? not sure how important that is in regards to state cup or on your college soccer player profile....

Anonymous said...

Praire seeds have played SSM 3 times, losing 1-0, 2-0 and 5-0.


Anonymous said...

SSM has 13 sign NLI yesterday. http://faribault.com/news.php?viewStory=97064

Anonymous said...

Friday, Feb 5: MTA U17 Blue 2, SSM U17 1.

MTA scores early on penalty, then scores 10 minutes into second half, when SSM keeper spills ball after overhead catch and collision with MTA player. SSM's Coach Zafer complains loud and long and personal to center ref about keeper interference, and is finally ejected. He refuses to leave field (it's Shattuck's dome, after all and this guy was just the referee they hired), but eventually he shuffles off while shouting back over his shoulder. Nice lesson for the Sabre lads.

Overall SSM behavior declines, even though they were gaining momentum with several runs at goal and missed chances. Frustruation mounts, and one SSM player tries a headlock on an MTA wide mid to take him down. SSM scores very nice goal with 11 minutes remaining. An SSM player pushes MTA player aside to retrieve ball from net and refuses to heed referee request for the ball, and yellow card follows. Was player's second yellow, so off he goes. SSM players explode, one boots the ball in the air (getting his second yellow), others surround referee articulating all the fancy phrases they learned at boarding school. Red cards fly. Referee ends game with 10 minutes on the clock.

Oh, and its family weekend at SSM so parents from parts afar are snarling on the sidelines. A close look, however, also saw some who appeared quite embarassed. Not for the loss, but for the spectacle they witnessed. Rightly so.

Anonymous said...

SSM struggle when they do not get what they want. Neither their behavior or loss suprise me MTA has much more talent at that age.

Anonymous said...

Wow...sounds like quite the scene down at SSM.
Guess the privileged boys didn't get their way and lost their cool.
Didn't the MTA White team also beat the SSM 17's?

Anonymous said...

7:55- You're probably right. Biff and and his sister Bootsy are probably reconsidering staying at SSM because of this loss. Afterall, snow in the Hamptons is probably not so bad- AND the Land Rover gets around quite well.

Privileged boys! What a joke. But, you're right- MTA and everyone else in MN have more talent at this age than SSM. So, I think there is no reason for any of the MTA teams to train prior to State Cup. They'll walk through it.

Anonymous said...

Nope. No reason to train at all. And the refs will help too. Book your hotel rooms for Regionals.

Anonymous said...

SSM is overrated and overpriced. It's tough to be a factor when nationally recruited teams can't beat local teams.

This also happened on the girls side a while ago at State Cup.Their great all world team was blown away three zip by the Stars (Ref also took away a 4th goal/mercy call). SSM started whining and tried to throw their weight around. Then a couple of the Stars physical players dropped the hammer on em and they quit yapping. After the blowout they staggered out wiping their tears.
SSM should stick to hockey.

Anonymous said...

You're right 12:10. Hey, I have changed my mind- can I trade my kid's scholarship for your kid's State Cup patch?

Anonymous said...

Oh, never mind, I found one!


Hmmm, I wonder who won this one? Wonder what State Cup it was from? I guess it really means nothing....but I do bet that the player who won it/wore it is now done with college and in a job. Wonder how much college cost them?

Oh well, I'll just buy this one for $9 + shipping and give it to my kid at college graduation.

Anonymous said...

Yes. The MTA White team also beat SSM in November by 2-1 score.

Anonymous said...

WOW MTA PARENTS ... I guess you have something to keep yourselves warm with an unfinished game - 10 mins left - ... by the way how many mtaU18 BOYS are off to Univ/College nxt year - all of SSM's u18's are - guess that is the real score huh ?

Anonymous said...

what's the word i'm looking for.......oh yeah.....now i remember - vicariously

Anonymous said...

It must be frustrating to recruit nationally then have a team with players from 1 metro area beat you.
I can understand why those kids and coach lost their cool.

Anonymous said...

It must be even more frustrating to see the number of SSM players signing NLIs.

Enjoy your State Cup patch.

Anonymous said...

So, you kid BEHAVES badly, and all you do is carry on about he's going to college. Hopefully, at college they will teach him about composure and respect. Because at SSM & at home it not something they are taught.

Also while comparing number of MTA boys going off to college to the SSM boys going off to college is insane. One is a club team, with families of limited resources and the other is a BOARDING COLLEGE PREP SCHOOl. I wonder how many of the MTA boys would be going to college if they had parents with unlimited resourses.

Anonymous said...

SSM Boys LOI School
Division I
1. Old Dominion 12-6-2, Conference schedule 6-3-2
2. Bradley 6-11-1, Conference record 1-9
3. Northern Illinois 10-8-1, (new coach, lot of controversy)
4. Furman 8-8-2, Conference record 3-4-0
5. Butler 14-3-2, Unlike most Division I athletic conferences, the Ivy League prohibits the granting of athletic scholarships; all scholarships awarded are need-based (financial aid).
6. Butler 14-3-2
7. Wisoconsin??? Who know what WI school, it only state Wisconsin not mentioned.
Division II
8. St. Martin 11-7-0

So 13 have signed LOI 8 are boys. Seven are D1. Two are not receiving an athletic scholorship they have just signed a letter for the school and parents to brag about. Darn those details.

Anonymous said...

Yup all of them NLI's from SSM and no Mn state cup patch among them....wow Mn state cup is SO IMPORTANT !

Anonymous said...

Word is that SSM parents have made complaints to SSM admin about Zafer and U17 team's actions Friday night.

Anonymous said...

It does not make any difference. The players at SSM are constantly being paraded in front of college coaches while other MN players are practicing here in some gym or half-dome. The exposure to coaches does make a difference, plus the bio sheets and videos and full time coaches available to answer phone inquiries and all the rest.
They are all getting what they pay for, the school hands out some scholarships based on need and they get ROI in the form of College scholarships and LOI videos as recruiting tools for parents that may be able to pay for the $35-$40k.
Parents of players who can afford it and may have a son/daughter who struggles academically or maybe needs some structure - but can play and has potential- are looking for ROI in the form of athletic scholarships. Sooner or later they have to attract paying parents.
One little game is inconsequential and it should be. The ref ended the game as he should have, it is his choice. Move on, won't change a thing, nothing to brag about.

Anonymous said...

What is it that causes normally rational people to become such dolts..... It is nice to see the SSM boys sign NLI but given that fact that a College Education is the point and none of these players is receiving as much money for playing soccer as the parents spend on gas to watch them play.....

Anonymous said...

For what it costs to attend SSM I could send my kids to a very nice private university.
Why waste the bucks on a private HS if your kid is in a good HS district like Eden Prairie, Bloomington Jefferson or Edina?
(there are other excellent public schools as well but the three I mentioned I'm familiar with)

Anonymous said...

MTA U17 White (with a few blue players) 4, St Croix U18 0

MTA U17 Blue dominated U18 Westside, scoring got out of hand but MTA had a few helpful guest players for that one....

Anonymous said...

I know that's what you are, but what am I!?!

Anonymous said...

I'm rubber, you're glue, everything you say bounces off of me and sticks on you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for all the posts, but thought I would just recap the last week (month?) for everyone else who hasn't been paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like U17 State Cup should be very competitive this year...LOL

Anonymous said...

7/2/10 5:02, can you clarify which St.Croix U18, C1 or MRL team played the MTA U 17 team?

Anonymous said...

MTA U17 White (with a few blue players) 4, St Croix U18 0

MTA U17 Blue dominated U18 Westside, scoring got out of hand but MTA had a few helpful guest players for that one....

7/2/10 5:02 PM
impressed by the 17 w result however I hear westside did most of the goalscoring in the out of hand game

Anonymous said...

hey guys - the games between MTA 17 teams and SCV and WSD were not close to being games with complete teams on any side.

The SCV/MTA game had a mix of blue and white players, with significant players missing for SCV.

The WSD/MTA game saw missing players for WSD, and a hodge-podge of MTA U17WH/17BL/19 players to make the team for the day.

Entertaining? yes.

Good for the players involved? yes

coaches who understood what the games were for (playing opportunities against good opponents for the players involved)? yes

Any real meaning in the results whatsoever? absolutely not. Anyone who thought their team got a "good result" that day, and is serious, is kidding themselves.

Anonymous said...

you really can't make this stuff up. folks bantering back and forth about the results of mixed SCRIMMAGES held during the first week of FEBURARY. U9 newbie parents with their first born baby boy - maybe. seasoned U17-U18 parents - unreal. classic.

Anonymous said...

Check out this


Anonymous said...

lol - they try so hard south of here. comparing club teams comprised of players from countless cities/towns (and countless different high schools) in any metropolitan area to one club that also happens to be a high school is the classic apples and oranges argument. I'd buy that argument in high school football, basketball, baseball, hockey, volleyball, etc... but soccer is structured so completely different. Why not compare it to this (just one of the three large southern california clubs - this is only girls.....)

Ashhar, Natasha D San Juan Capistrano, CA UC IRVINE
Benavidez, Kristyn F Long Beach, CA LONG BEACH STATE
Broderick, Taylor D Huntington Beach, CA ST. BONAVENTURE
Brumbaugh, Shelly M Corona, CA UC RIVERSIDE
Bruno, Mia D Rancho Palos Verdes, CA USC
Campbell, Megan D Tustin, CA WHEATON
Chambers-Garcia, Shelby F San Clemente, CA MICHIGAN
Costello, Alex D Dana Point, CA USC
Cruz, Michelle F Thousand Oaks, CA PORTLAND
Daughetee, Genessee M Huntington Beach, CA CALIFORNIA
Degarmo, Alex M Laguna Beach, CA BUCKNELL
Dickson, Zoe M Orange, CA OKLAHOMA
Dillon, Emily F Long Beach, CA WEST VIRGINIA
Domanic, Natalie M Santa Ana, CA CINCINNATI
Elliott, Ali D Corona, CA AUBURN
Godfrey, Kiley F Soul Beach, CA IDAHO STATE
Gregory, Krista F Mission Viejo, CA POINT LOMA NAZARENE
Hause, Kassidy D Lakewood, CA LONG BEACH STATE
Hellman, Kaitlin M Long Beach, CA TCU
Henry, Makenna GK Fountain Valley, CA UC SANTA BARBARA
Hensley, Alison M Huntington Beach, CA WESTMONT
Hernandez, Sabrina F Mission Viejo, CA SOUTHERN UTAH
Ledezma, Natalia F La Mirada, CA UCLA
Lilii, Vanessa M La Palma, CA SOUTHERN UTAH
Messinger, Kathleen GK San Juan Capistrano, CA CALIFORNIA
Moses, Kaleigh F Westminster, CA AIR FORCE
Murphy, Shelby M San Diego, CA MICHIGAN
O'Brien, Jordan M Garden Grove, CA TULSA
Press, Channing M Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA VILLANOVA
Prioleau, Lainey M Newport Beach, CA COLUMBIA
Simien, Danielle D Corona, CA GONZAGA
Smits, Lauren D Corona del Mar, CA WILLIAMS
Thompson, Savannah GK Upland, CA CSU PUEBLO
Utvich, Jordyn M Valencia, CA UC IRVINE
Woolard, Katherine D Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA NAVY

I think you'll also see a wee bit higher calibre of college program as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused? What your point?

Anonymous said...

While I understand that the ESPN RISE story is about the potential for soccer/school adademys, it is a deceptive in touting SSM's success. The U of M does not have a college mens' team. It's a club team. It is impressive for 18 years olds to hang with players 1-4 years older than them, but I would bet that the top U18 teams from any state could hang with the U of M's mens' team.

Coach said...

I'm a boys coach that is involved in scrimmages all winter long. For you parents out there, please understand this: We use these scrimmages to look at players in different positions and situations and or we are trying to work on different styles and system of plays for the team. Never are we in it for the Win as it means nothing! So get over posting scrimmage results!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post Coach!!! This is the win win win all we know attitude in MN.

SSM-South Campus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SSM-South Campus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SSM-South Campus said...

5:12- While I understand your basic point, you have missed the mark as badly as some would say the ESPN article did. Instead of apples to oranges, you are now comparing apples to oak trees.

You just happen to have pulled the list of signings from the #1 ranked girls club in the Nation, I am sure this was just coincidence? Any one of the three major SoCal clubs will have anywhere from 3 to 6 teams (or more) in each age group. To compare the number of signings from a club this size to that of a club wtih one team per age group (and the U17 girls team is comprised of players as young as U14)is also very misleading.

A similar example is that of comparing the number of football signings between a school that graduates 75 students/year wtih a school that graduates 500 per year.

But, as has been said before don't let facts get in the way.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Eric Miller is going to Germany after his senior year of high school? How's he hook that up?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's got connections with the BHK U18BPR coach who has dangled his pro connections in front of many kids, the difference being EM doesn't play for him like others who were lured with that incentive.

A bit tongue in cheek since I don't even know EM, saw him play once during high school and thought he was very talented.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to all the MN teams heading to Arizona or Las Vegas for tournaments this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Miller going to Creighton - not Germany.

Anonymous said...

wow, some of you need to get a life

Anonymous said...

and SSM u17 boys defeat MTA blue u17 boys 1-0 ... very clean game unlike last time. good job to both sides.

Anonymous said...

For anyone who saw the MTA-SSM scrimmage you could see that several of the MTA players wore practice pinnies.
Apparently some players were auditioning for a few open spots on the MTA Blue and MTA White teams.
The scrimmage was clean and no scene like last scrimmage.
Both teams will struggle to score against solid teams with good defenders.
Not much creativity from either club unless they were missing a few key attackers.

Anonymous said...

MTA blue 2 v SSM 16s 1 Sunday night. Another good competitive scrimmage for both teams, should be an interesting State Cup.

Even though it is alleged to be a random draw, what are the odds that they will be in the same pool, allowing a "community club" with two teams to make it out of pool and into playoff portion?? OOPs I guess that is a little sarcastic.

SSM had a ton of players. How does the roster work for State Cup-anyone remember how many players can be listed? No not trying to stir the pot on this one, just curious and unwilling to be a manager for State Cup due to my fear of blue paper ;)

Anonymous said...

Alleged to be a random draw? Typical paranoia, the draw is made by the teams!

Anonymous said...

U16-U19 can roster 22 players, however only 18 can dress for each game. Go to: http://www.mnyouthsoccer.org/events/10statecup/rules.pdf

Anonymous said...

U16-U19 can roster 22 players, however only 18 can dress for each game. Go to: http://www.mnyouthsoccer.org/events/10statecup/rules.pdf

Anonymous said...

U16-U19 can roster 22 players, however only 18 can dress for each game. Go to: http://www.mnyouthsoccer.org/events/10statecup/rules.pdf

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anybody still cares about State Cup...Development Academy has changed the game...32 out of 36 players invited to u18 camp in December were from Academy clubs...SSM should get accepted for the next cycle...look at the lists of incoming recruits for the majority of D1 schools...large majority are from Academy clubs

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:42, until that happens, even SSM still cares...

By the way, they said the same thing last cycle...

Ebay said...

Are boys' parents over-hyped psychos?


But this is nothin' compared to the girls' side.

Anonymous said...

USSF Academy will take 2 clubs from Minnesota when the time comes.
Other Academy clubs have stated they don't want to go to the expense of traveling to Minnesota for just 1 match.
Unless there's a dramatic change in club success both MTA and SSM will go into the Academy at same time.

Anonymous said...

a little hopeful 7:42?

Anonymous said...

it will be either both or neither.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely...two teams or none at all.

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what I have heard from highly placed officials at the Federation as well- both MTA and SSM or none.

Anonymous said...

MTA does not have the coaching staff on the boys side to jump to US Dev Acd. It will be SSM and an elite U16 and U18 group from the new NSC Stars group. Even though the new pro team does not have a youth system, if they form 16 and 18 teams on the boys side, with the support of MYSA, the top players will come, as will the support of most non-MTA MYSA clubs as it's an elite system that doesn't attract players at any other age group. Rumor has it there is someone pretty familiar already leading the charge for the NSC on this.

Anonymous said...

A club must have a proven track record of success before admission into the USSF Academy. They don't accept new clubs based on what might happen in the future but look at history of success and current status.

Anonymous said...

Why would the reaction from MYSA, CC's, etc... be any different for a NSC Star youth team than what occurred with MTA and the Thunder? You're dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Not true 6:09, else most of the MLS-tied youth teams would never have been accepted when compared with the history of other youth clubs in their areas.

10:44, most complaints against MTA were because of their formation of C2 and C3 teams as well as the continuation of the successful Bangu academy program ages (12 and younger). Clubs were losing players and money. Even MYSA said they'd be supportive of elite teams if they were truly elite teams at the older age levels. Some may still not support it but their true colors will be shown. Actually my guess is that the only ones angered with this would be MTA and SSM.

Anonymous said...

11:25 - good response and thanks. IMO, no one will actively support any NSC Star U16/U18 boys teams (other than NSC folks) and everyone's true colors will be shown. No club wants to lose players and if past history tells us anything, pooling talent on the boys side is much more difficult than on the girls side. The boys and their parents all want their little Landon to be the star. To twist the old phrase "everyone wants to be a piano player and no one wants to be a piano mover" on the boys side.

Anonymous said...

I saw a great game/scrimmage on the Saturday afternoon, while sitting at my daughter's practice, between VLY U-18 boys and the '93 ODP team. I believe that VLY won the game 2-0, but the talent level on both teams was unbelievable. It was one of the most exciting games I have seen, great passing, outstanding off the ball movement, and some ridiculous footskills.

Anonymous said...

28/2/10 11:25 AM Said,

Even MYSA said they'd be supportive of elite teams if they were truly elite teams at the older age levels.

MYSA be supportive?? Not only is "support" of positive change by MYSA not precedented, their own rules (suggested and voted in by the CC's)do not allow a team to join at u16 or 18 at anything but C3. Yes, they could petition, but again, precendence at MYSA is to stall and reject even if the teams in C3, C2, and C1 would be subjected to blow out games...

Anonymous said...

6:09, 10:24 and other MTA coaches/supporters -- there is definitely some momentum/interest to what 4:24 says.

Anonymous said...

Non-existent team and an unproven start-up organization. I don't think that is momentum I feel.

Anonymous said...

MTA lack of ability to consolidate talent on the boys side has little to parents wanting their son to be super stars. IMHO here the problem with consolidation on the boys side.
1. Too many players who can't afford MTA fees.
2. Too many parents not wanting to pay for the too many players who can't afford the fees.
3. Lack on MTA part to delivery college scholorship to help justify to parents the cost of MTA fees.
From what I've seen that is the main and biggest difference between MTA girls programs and MTA boys programs.

Anonymous said...

12:40 PM true, not existing and unproven today, but what about next year?

Anonymous said...

11;20 Being new presents challenges, but new leadership, fresh look is helpful. MTA/Bangu is damaged goods.

Anonymous said...

What about next year? The US Dev Academy is not going to buy into a new program in the boys soccer hotbed of Minnesota. 1:28 don't you mean hope and change; where have we heard that before.

Anonymous said...

Here's the first step 6:09, 12:40 and 1:37:

The Kings Football club will be joining the MYSA (Minnesota Youth
Soccer Association) in the fall of 2010. The Kings youth program will
consist of 4 teams which is the minimum to start a youth club. Coaches
will consist of Kings F.C. players and will have the full support of the
Kings NPSL team as the founding entity. The academy structure is
based on three development programs based on the needs of each
player and family. These programs are currently future goals of the club
and will not be available for the 2009-2010 seasons

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:24 here, I don't doubt there is interest, and hopefully good intentions, but momentum?

I hope they do put something together, but hope they think it through first. What will be different about the Stars v. MTA and the other clubs who want to cater to "ELITE" players? How will they avoid the downside that comes with some players not being able to afford traveling and the expense to train at a higher level? Why would someone go there instead of SSM, MTA or their community club? How will they deal with parents who have the money and resent their kids sharing the field time with others than cannot contribute? Where will they cherry pick good coaching from? How will they deal with the constant negativety no matter what their intentions are.

I'm guessing that I'm not the only one that wondered if MTA would hook up with the Stars...or would it be another new group, but again, in the current MYSA environment new teams at u16 cannot play at the highest levels like they would want.

Anonymous said...

The Stars want nothing to do with MTA.

Anonymous said...

FYI - Boys Valley 18's vs '93 ODP was 2-1 Valley. Gotta' give the little guys the point they deserve!Yes, a great game...the 18's who have played together pretty much in club AND together in high school vs a group that really hasn't been back together a handful of times since the summer. Awesome job '93 boys!

Anonymous said...

"How will they deal with parents who have the money and resent their kids sharing the field time with others than cannot contribute?" 1/3/10 2:35 PM

Wow! We just got done doing our taxes, we made $15,000 less than we did last year. I know many families are in the same situation. We have always been one of the contributing families. We never have resented the families or players who cannot contribute. However, for the first time as we struggle to pay for soccer we are asking ourselves if we can afford $500-$600 to fund others. It is not a matter of field time it is a matter of affordability. At this time we will struggle to pay $1500 for our son to play, is it financially wise for me to say I can pay an additional $500 for someone else.

Instead of thinking that parents are only concern about promoting their little Landon's you may want to consider that they are struggling to make the house payments.

Anonymous said...

3:55, I don't want to get into a spitting match with you, but you gotta give TVB the cred he deserves for the shutout he put on the "little guys" the final was 2-0, but it was just a scrimmage and a long way from the regular season

Good luck to the 93 boys in a couple weeks at nationals

Anonymous said...

Why would any parent have their kid play soccer. Introduce them to baseball,basketball,football,wrestling,hockey etc....There is NO future in soccer.

Anonymous said...

A scrimmage against 93/94's. It was not a true squad of all 93's - Someone want to explain that one to me?

Anonymous said...

SSM recruited a new player, Toby Khounviseth for the u16 team. He is only 14, great midfield player. He should be a good lookout through the years. I saw him play a scrimmage against St. Croix, and i he also made the ODP regionals team, and went to nationals.

Anonymous said...

6:24 is a genius. Future in wresting or hockey? And I don't think 99.99% of the parents that comment on this site, even those with kids at SSM, think there kids have a "future" in soccer beyond college. They are just letting their kids do what they love and get a shot at extending their careers into college (with perhaps a scholarship. And any parent that thinks their kid has a professional career in any sport that isn't being recruited by colleges in 8th or 9th grade is delusional. Finally, many kids play multiple sports for cross-training reasons until they're in high school.

Anonymous said...

8:42 whoopy-do!

Anonymous said...

When you pay the kind of fees that Anon 2/3/10 8:42 AM pays you pay that kind of attention to who is comming and going. How about a health report, who got a cold this week down at SSM?

What was that word that was used earilier??? Oh, yeah vicariously.

Anonymous said...

12:25 must be a jealous MTA dad.

Shekki said...

Still no MTA or Shattuck in the ECNL! What up wid dat?

MILWAUKEE, Wis. (March 3, 2010) From nearly 60 clubs that applied for membership, the ECNL Board of Directors recommended 12 new clubs for membership in the Elite Clubs National League (ECNL). The ECNL member clubs approved these recommendations, increasing the number of member clubs to 52 for the 2010-11 season.

The clubs granted membership for the 2010-11 season are:

Carmel United (Ind.)
DeAnza Force (Calif.)
FC Bucks (Pa.)
KCFC (Kan.)
Michigan Hawks
Real So Cal (Calif.)
San Diego Surf (Calif.)
Scorpions SC (Mass.)
Slammers FC (Calif.)
Utah Avalanche
Varder (Mich.)
Washington Premier F.C.

Anonymous said...

???? MTA's been in the ECNL from Day 1. Are you confusing this with the USSF Development Academy on the boys side?

Anonymous said...

whad up wid you, ???? No way. Only 12 team. Bully, yah.

Anonymous said...

USSF Development Academy is coming to Minnesota again later this month. I heard they will once again meet with SSM and MTA.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2/3/10 12:52 PM
I'm actually not associated with SSM or MTA. Some on here are not associated with either program. But both do provide hours of entertainment.

However, if my tongue and cheek poke at the idiotic post somehow threated those from SSM, I apologize. I would however suggest thinking long and hard about posting a childs name on this blog.

Anonymous said...

idiotic post? the 12:25 post was worthless

Anonymous said...

Stop being uninformed and ignorant. Here, I'll post the link for you so you don't have to figure out how to do a Google search. Please review the information you see at this link and re-think your post regarding ECNL members.


Anonymous said...

In Minnesota,soccer gets almost no respect. Look at the weekend sports pages. Soccer never gets a writeup like any of these other sports. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

The hockey state. The only sport in MN that is consistently placing people in the pros is hockey.

Anonymous said...

I mean, lacrosse for crissakes gets more ink than soccer. Is it because it is not an "American" sport?

Anonymous said...

Good Luck to the 93 Boys ODP team at the ODP National Championship tournament in AZ this weekend! Not often MN does well in Region II, let alone wins it and goes to Nationals.

Anonymous said...

Soccer gets no coverage anywhere in the US. Plus, why would it? Most soccer is Club soccer, and when was the last time you saw any press on any youth club sport anywhere? If it ain't high school or college....it ain't important in the US.

Anonymous said...

State cup coverage: What are your predictions for winners in group a, b, and/or c?

I hear of good things coming out of mta 1 and 2, ep, and nssa...any information out there?

Anonymous said...

What age group did you mean?

Anonymous said...

6:25. Apologies. I meant u15 and u16 boys entered in state cup.

Anonymous said...

Hey how did the '93 ODP Boys do?

Anonymous said...

Minnesota 93 ODP lost to Georgia 2-1 in the semifinal. Pennsylvania beat Minnesota 3-1 in the 3rd place game. Georgia beat California South 1-0 in the championship.

Quite an accomplishment for the MN boys...considering they're starting their season against teams that are ending theirs.

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