Tuesday, March 24, 2009

'09 Girls State Cup

Brackets are posted, teams are practicing, parents are getting worked up...must be state cup time. You can find the brackets here:


U17 girls should go to WDB, but will be the most competative in years. U18 girls a toss up...the rest could go to MTA.


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Anonymous said...


Reading the blogmaster's comments, not sure about everything going to MTA as sure they have a team that you could call the favorite at many age groups, but few overwhelming favorites (maybe U15).

What's changed at U17 that would make it the "most competitive in years"?

Anonymous said...

Agree. Not sure MTA is a clear favorite at any age group. WDB is clear favorite at U17. Not because they have an overpowering team, 1-10-1 record at regionals, but the age group is not very deep and what talent WDB does not have is scattered among many teams. At U18 SSM will meet MTA in the final. Result not very important as both teams go to regions. I will pick MTA if they have their college players back, otherwise SSM. At U16 MTA should win but SSM will give them a run. EP a dark horse here. U15 could be a surprise. Again MTA is favorite IMO but they will be pushed. They needed a shootout or OT to win state cup last year. U13 and U14 no idea.

Anonymous said...

I would not necessarily pencil in SSM and MTA Blue at U18. This is a very talented and deep age group. The most successful team MN has produced other than Tsunami Sota in MTA Blue, not what they used to be but still very solid. In addition two other MRL Premier Division teams in MTA West (Wings) and Woodbury. Both these teams have several D1 recruits and at times have given MTA all they can handle at state cup. Very good teams, either of which could pull an upset and get to the final. Add to this an SSM team with some of the most talented players in the state at any age and you have a very entertaining age group. The best overall we have ever seen here.

Anonymous said...

13 MTA
14 MTA
15 MTA
16 MTA
17 MTA yes, they will break Inferno stranglehold.
18 MTA

'nuff said. See you when it's done.

Anonymous said...

7:47 - not sure I agree. in looking at their roster on gotsoccer i actually think the inferno team is stronger and deeper this year than last year.

Anonymous said...

I agree, WDB is down this year. I predict they are upset in the semi-final.

Anonymous said...

13 REV
14 Burnsville
15 MTA
16 EP
17 Inferno
18 SSM

Contrast to 7:47 I know. Bottom line is more age groups are vulnerable to MTA dominance than ever before. All of the above deserve cofavorite billing at a minimum.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same WDB team that played SSM U18 to a 2-2 tie or is everyone talking about the U18 WDB team?

Anonymous said...

8:11 you must be joking. Burnsville? EP? REV? REV won't event make the semis.

Anonymous said...

8:11 - not a bad term "cofavorite billing". Not saying that these teams can't or won't win, it's just that a few of them really don't have much to show in terms of winning anything or beating the MTA "cofavorite".

Anonymous said...

8:13 I guess everyone gets thier opinion. All three teams you write off will compete very favorably at their age. Rev not advancing out of bracket play? wow, have another beer.

Anonymous said...

Burnsville at 14 is legit. good team who has been active all winter. Not sure about EP at 16. Rev is real deal at 13, MTA too tough at 15 for realistic upset, Woodbury can still deliver at 17 and SSM is very good at 18. Hard to disagree that all will compete.

Anonymous said...

7:47--get off the bad stuff you're inhaling. The MTA 17 Blue team is an embarrassment to MTA, as they can't wait until that team is out of their system in a couple of years. The only team which remotely has a chance to knock off Woodbury is PSA and it is a remote chance.

Anonymous said...

8:25 - why would anyone ever call a team of teenage girls an embarrassment? That team, like every other MN higher level team, sacrifices and works their butts off. I would bet that MTA is just as proud of their effort as they are about any of their teams. Plus, every year that team adds a player or two and gets better.

Anonymous said...

8:13 amen! Also to the others, Inferno will be 2nd place this year.

Anonymous said...

The real truth is that MTA is a contender at all ages. What other club can say that! This is the top club in MN bar none. How can anyone even think about disputing this?

Anonymous said...

i always love it when people say a team is going to win or not win and never give any basis for their claim (i guess the "because my dd plays for that team" is not a very compelling answer).

Anonymous said...

The Thunder faithful are showing no respect to the other contenders. (hard to believe) Arrogance is very dangerous, be careful.

Anonymous said...

Stating that MTA is a contender at all ages IMO does not show a lack of respect to the other contenders. Not even sure I would take 7:47's post very seriously, obviously someone looking for a reaction.

Anonymous said...

the academy is 2-1 favorite at each level
the clubs in the field can win 1/2 the cups

Anonymous said...

OK 8:52 explain your answer. with specific details.

Anonymous said...

Parents have absolutely no control over the outcome of the game played on the field. This, of course, is frustrating to them. They see their DD training hard 3-4 times a week, and they are powerless to help.

Thank god, then, for the MN Futbol Blog, where even the most impotent can manage to bluster out some nonsense or another about their club winning all the cups.

Anonymous said...

MTA simply has the best players, best coaches, and best overall program. Other clubs do a good job but are unable to match what MTA does thus they will always be chasing the dream as opposed to living it.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:30--I am only repeating what some of MTA's own people have said about the 17 Blue team. Would you really want me to tell you which MTA paople have said this?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Bangu-Wings merger was beneficial to the U14 group more than others at the elite level. Now the best of the Bangu State Cup runner-up team and the best of the Wings State Tournament Champions are together on a team. They had three shutouts in the top bracket at Nomads and lost 1-0 to the team that won the tournament. The primary loss from the Bangu team last year was a player who went to Woodbury, but she shared time with the a top level center mid, so her departure is minimized. Best of luck to all teams traveling this weekend for MRL.

Anonymous said...

954 (You need help) Minimizing the loss of a player, Why even mention it? The top bracket at Nomads, do your research and look up the teams you played. Not top level teams. How many Wings players made that team and how many actually deserved to be there? Why did that player leave??

Anonymous said...

9:54: By even mentioning the Nomads Tourney means you don't know squat. That tourney is a joke. It is a crap tourney for crap teams.

Anonymous said...

MTA will be in finals at every age group except U17 and win anywhere from 4 to 6 championships this year depending on how the ball bounces.

Anonymous said...

Really disgusting behavior talking about 14 year old players and basically indentifying them. I'm glad most posters are here for fun and do not stoop so low. It's shameful behavior. Let the kids play soccer, if you think your club (any club) is great, keep it a secret so your kid's position there is not threatened. Mostly, don't id kids on here at any age!

Anonymous said...

Must agree, Nomads is a mid tier tournament at best. Just because you travel to CA doesnt automatically mean you played top competition. Top out of state tournaments that teams from MN attended this winter were Disney,SC Del Sol, and Vegas College Showcase (Mayors Cup?).
Agree MTA 14's are favorite but also agree you need to Stop the player ID game you are playing.

Anonymous said...

7:35- you forgot to mention the Jefferson Cup. But I guess that since no one from MTA traveled to that, it must not be important.

Anonymous said...

Here is a breakdown based on previous accomplishments:

U13 - favorite would have to be MTA as they won this last year as U12's. REV is also very good.

U14 - favorite would have to be MTA as they lost in last year's final. There are other solid teams at this age group - Wayzata, Burnsville, etc... all have solid teams.

U15 - MTA would have to be the favorite as their Blue and White teams have faced each other in the finals the last two years.

U16 - MTA has won this age group all three years, but both SSM & EP are right there with them.

U17 - WDB has won this all four years and barring an upset should win again.

U18 - MTA has always been the strongest team, but SSM, WDB, MTW (Wings) will give them great competition.

U19 - there are only two teams, but MTA would have to be the favorite.

I'm not predicting who is going to win or making claims that one team/club is better than another, but just going off of the history. Teams change from year-to-year and the ball can take funny bounces. Teams that don't get one shot off during a game have won State Cup titles in PK shootouts. What is good to see is that IMO the overall quality and depth of the age groups continues to get stronger.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is this the same WDB team that played SSM U18 to a 2-2 tie or is everyone talking about the U18 WDB team?

24/3/09 8:12 PM

I believe SSM was without the center mid who was at Natl Camp during this game.

Anonymous said...

9:24 What center mid are you referring to? CC was at that game.
It was the Inferno (U17) that tied SSM 2-2.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Inferno isn't in the U18 bracket -- that would make both the U18 and U17 brackets far more interesting.

Anonymous said...

Darn...I couldn't figure out why the soccer ball was getting bigger and bigger. Then it broke my nose. Ouch!

Unknown said...

I think you are forgetting that SSM has a potential D1 All American. Player is a lock for two or three goals a game.


Anonymous said...

hate to burst your bubble westsider, but that same player got shut out in last year's U18 state cup game.....

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter? I bet WSider hasnt even seen SSM play?

Anonymous said...

What he might not realize is that pretty much the top 4 teams in the U18 age group are made up almost entirely of players heading off to D1 programs next year - at least 40+ kids (plus a few who are already in college but still age eligible).

Anonymous said...

Should be great games

Anonymous said...

U17...Blackhawks. Ted Kroeten will work his magic. Easy pool placement. Dark horses.

Anonymous said...

4:45--agreed, B'Hawks should win their easy bracket, then get blasted by Woodbury, who will name the score. Likely 6 or 7-0. B'Hawks got relegated from Premier and couldn't beat anyone in that weak league. 4:45, if you're serious about their magic, then have him pick up at least six more horses, as they only had two players LY.

Sorry, when stupid posts like 4:45's show up, I can't help but fire back as some people have no clue how much stronger Woodbury and to a lesser extent PSA is at that age group.

Anonymous said...

Is 4:45 talking about the same Blackhawk team that lost in the semi-finals to the same Woodbury team last year 5-0? Not saying it can't happen, but that would be an upset of epic proportions. If this is the same coach as last year why didn't he work his magic then?

Anonymous said...

3/25 1:36

Sorry bub...seen the SSM player several times with the Lightning.She is that good.


Anonymous said...

Last year's BHK coach was John Sylvester..now it is Ted Kroeten. They only had two players last year? Well no wonder they lost. This year, I imagine, they will show up with at least 11 players. Excellent point 5:04. Of course Woodbury is going to win it. But have some fun with it.

Anonymous said...

I bet all those predicters of an upset over WBY this year don't know that Inferno has never given up a goal in State Cup and probably never will.

Anonymous said...

5:56 you are correct and that is an amazing statistic, it truly is. I wonder what would happen to their physche should someone get up on them early?

Anonymous said...

We've seen what happens to the WDB U17 team when they fall behind.
Just look at their record at regionals the past few years.

Anonymous said...

6:30 - true, but at least they get there every year, which is more than you can say about every other current team their age (and probably your DD's 6:30). And if you don't have a player at that age, why would care and why would feel the need to rip them?

Anonymous said...

Inferno gave up goals in State Cup in 2004. I think we got beat by the Tsunami Stars 8-0. Granted we were U12s...

Anonymous said...

"We", are you a player on the Inferno? If you are a parent, why would you refer to your daughter's team as "we"?

Anonymous said...

Wayzata at U14? What did they accomplish last year? The top 5 teams are Tonka, Woodbury, MTA, Burnsville and TCF.

Anonymous said...

9:25 is being clever and fishing and it looks like they caught one.

Anonymous said...

No Minnesota team in their age bracket has seriously challenged WBY Inferno in a game that mattered for years, so whatever their regional record has been means nothing. They are by far the class of U17. MTA-Blue had a mediocre MRL and State Cup record last year and don't play MYSA, so it's hard to know why one would promote them as a legitimate contender this year.

Anonymous said...

1-7-4 at regionals since U13

Anonymous said...

What is the fascination with folks on this blog who spend most of their time dragging down teams? From the MTA Stars to the old PSA SuperEagles to the WDB Inferno to the MTA U15 to the "fill in the blank team" to the "fill in the blank team". If its not the teams then it's individual players. What makes these people tick? Is it jealousy? Is it spite? Maybe someone else out there who has a better understanding of sports parent mind psychology could enlighten me (or all of us for that matter).

Anonymous said...

I thinks just basic jealousy and envy from parents/players? who have had their teams lose to the stronger teams in the age group.
This seems to be the only way to vent it as they see their teams continually losing to these elite teams on the pitch.

Anonymous said...

8:42..Well put!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is jealousy, really. The fact is, there really is not that much to be jealous of.

Instead, I think it is a matter of low self esteem. There are several ways one can feel better about one's self, and we see them consistently on this blog.

One way to feel better about yourself is to live through your child's accomplishments. I think we don't have to think to hard to see which bloggers choose this route.

Another way to feel better about yourself is to tear others down. Again, it is pretty easy to see who this refers to.

Anonymous said...

What is the repeated novelty of proclaiming MTA to be the best club in MN? It seems like it is every 10th post. We get it but so what?

The observation most important on a bigger scale that has been made is that collectively the quality is getting better. The u13 age group coming into the fold could prove to be the strongest with the most depth. 14 and above in my opinion have just a few good teams but aren't really that wide open. For sure, this crop of u13 has far better teams and players than last year's class. That is a good sign and hopefully each year the quality entering the pool will grow. To be taken seriously outside or frankly inside the state, our teams need to perform more consistently out of state. If the vaunted 4x state cup champ team from WDB can't even win 25% of their regional games, everyone should put their own accomplishments in perspective (be it MTA, SSM or whomever).

It is a fun event, and for the most part the girls work hard, and compete fair no matter the color of the jersey. Let's just hope people periodically keep things in perspetive.

Anonymous said...

10:33 - I agree that the quantity of quality players is increasing. IMO it's still too early to say one early age is better than another. Also, a depth of talent at a specific age group does not always go hand in hand with regional/national team success at that same age group. At some ages there might be more quality players, but spread out over 3-4 teams. In other age groups, 1-2 teams might have all the top kids resulting in greater outside state success.

Anonymous said...

I think if you take a look at records of Minnesota teams who have gone to regions at least twice in the past few years (both boys & girls) you will find their records are better than the WDB team. It appears the current U17G age group just isn't as strong overall as a few of the others.

Anonymous said...

No doubt WBY has laid eggs at Regionals, but I would not leap to the conclusion that WBY or the U17 age group lacks talent. In fact, WBY has has done very well in other national tournaments, and the U17 age group took third at ODP nationals. Let's hope that the U17s and all other MN teams can peak not puke at Regionals.

Anonymous said...

ODP is not done by USYSA age groups. The 1991 ODP group was comprised of current U17 and U18 players. This years 93's are U15 and U16.

Anonymous said...

someone build someone up..........

and someone tears 'em down.......

Anonymous said...

WDB 17s run is over. They will not win State Cup this year. They are a team ready to implode once they loose at State Cup. Look for other teams to win State Cup at this age group in '09, '10 and '11.

Anonymous said...

9:16 - maybe so as soccer can be a very fickle game. Who is this mystery team that is going to beat them and why?

Anonymous said...

I think it is the team with the German Sisters.

Anonymous said...

There are clear favorites in 4 of the girls age groups. (13-15-17-19)
Woodbury is definitely the favorite at U17.

Anonymous said...

11:00 Agreed that MTA is clear favorite at a The 13 And 15 ages, who do you have slated in at 19?

Anonymous said...

There are only two teams at U19. MTA (most of last year's U18 State Cup champs) and North Metro. Have to give the heavy nod to MTA.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury has to be the clear favorite at U17. Their prior history speaks for itself. If they do repeat, hopefully they will be able to account for themselves better at regional's than they have in the past. Last year, they received a favorable draw and were not able to capitalize.

Anonymous said...

1:00 - agreed. no one expects them to necessarily win their pool and make the semi's, but it might be nice for them to win at least a game or two.

Anonymous said...

But WBY has won tourneys with teams at least as tough as the teams in Regional pools -- why shouldn't they be expected to win their pool?

Anonymous said...

dakota rev will run over mta

Anonymous said...

408, Dak Rev will not run over MTA. It will be close.

Anonymous said...

i always love it when someone comes on and confidently claims that a team will handily beat a team it's never beaten before.....

Anonymous said...

Dakota Rev 13's will win.

Anonymous said...

It's still March and the REV parents are already getting REVVED up. I'm sure every dog that lives in a U13 REV household hopes they win as well............

Anonymous said...

I am wondering for U-15 age group no one has mentioned NSSA.What is the thoughts on this team as they went undefeated last year in the Premier league

Anonymous said...

NSSA? Refer back to the 3/25 0600 entry - quote: "By even mentioning the Nomads Tourney means you don't know squat. That tourney is a joke. It is a crap tourney for crap teams." Well, the NSSA U15 team was there, and they won 1 and lost 2. So, I guess they are a crap team according to the poster. Or, does that quote only apply when talking about MTA teams?

Anonymous said...

geez....nothing like an "angry drunk"........

Anonymous said...

Except for an angry drunk mta goober!

Anonymous said...

"I'm sure every dog that lives in a U13 REV household hopes they win as well............"

I don't get that?

These teams could end up playing next weekend at the West Des Moines Premier games.

Playing is so much better than talking!!!

Anonymous said...

8:57 - as in they will get kicked out of owner anger & frustration......

Anonymous said...

Why is there so much animosity between two U13 teams? I could understand older teams that have battled over the years and maybe some bad blood has been built up, but U13? Oops, I forgot, it's not the players - its the parents. Nevermind.

Anonymous said...

9:32 Thanks, brain not fully engaged yet today.

Anonymous said...

To the angry drunk who responded to my question about NSSA,Thank you so much for your feedback you really have shown how smart you are.Last year in league play NSSA were 22GF and 3GA.They beat the white team twice in the USA Cup and have not lost a league game in two years.However you do not hear anything about this team why?

Anonymous said...

WBY18s win over MTA(Wings)18s this morning in MRL games, 3-2. Fast and furious at times, fun game to watch. Nice way to start your weekend!

Anonymous said...

10:58 - was actually supporting NSSA. Some loser posted that NOMADS was a waste of time and a crap tournament. Was trying to acknowledge that top MN teams participated and should be recognized. NSSA at U15 is a very strong team. Most have avoided them all winter for scrimmages. They deserve credit and have managed to pull strong players from several cc's. Best of luck to the girls in State Cup.

Anonymous said...

10:04 the animosity you speak of does not exist. It only occurs on this blog which of course does not mean it comes from the teams in question.

Anonymous said...

4:55, come on! you really think people not on those two 13 teams are on here posting about them? That's either arrogance or ignorance on your part. Most of us wish the parents and whomever would stop the banter.

Anonymous said...

Any word on MRL results today? Girls U18 Premier at Holy Angels.

Anonymous said...

mta 14 won 3-0

Anonymous said...

SSM U16 scores today from SSM tournament:
SSM 6 Dakota Rev 0
SSM 7 Dakota Gold (SDakota State Cup Champs) 1

Tomorrow- Lakeville U17s. Hope it is a clean game and everyone can get out of there with no injuries.

Anonymous said...

7:30 I believe that on any given team, at any age level, the one or two bad apples are commenting. This does not mean animosity exists. I also believe people not related to those teams will post on this blog to try and create an atmophere of hate to give themselves a feeling of power in their own minds.

Anonymous said...

Is that the same Dakota Gold team that MTA u14 Blue beat 4-0 in St. Cloud?

Anonymous said...

MTA 14 parents are obnoxious!!!

Anonymous said...

Change that to ALL MTA and SSM U16 parents are obnoxious. Along with any parent who blogs and brags about teams between U12 and U14.

Anonymous said...

Add in EP U16

Anonymous said...

and don't forget 6:29 and 7:22 (and me!!)

Anonymous said...

i think woodbury is the BEST

Anonymous said...

Another thread started a discussion on the scheduling challenges between State Cup and State track. Simple question: would it help the conflicts if the State Cup games were scheduled on weeknights? MYSA league games are on weeknights so why not Sate Cup games. State Cup teams could keep their league schedule cleared for the State Cup game nights and then no weekend conflicts with Track. Seems easier to change State cup schedules for high school age kids, u-15 and up, than it would be to try to get the MN State High School league to change their State Track Meet. I know it would mean several nights of the week rather than several games on a single day, but that seems to be a minor issue?
Thoughts? This idea is so simple I'm guessing I missed something that would not let this work.

Anonymous said...

They have a hard enough time getting someone to host 3 weekends let along block off an entire 15+ nights of game. Plus you would need lights and then it backs up league play to an even shorter time span. Simple fact is life is full of choices. Pick track or soccer. The players committed to soccer really could care less as they want to go to Regionals. The players who aren't truly trying to get to Regionals shouldn't be signing up for State Cup in the first place. That is the problem, too many teams turning State Cup into just another "tournament" to play in.

Anonymous said...

not sure if any of the fields have lights.

Anonymous said...

3:17 I'll agree with you that choices do have to be made (track or soccer) and I don't envy those who will have to make that decision. The type of athlete that your talking about are typically just flat out competitors, who want to win and excel no matter what the athletic endeavor. A committed soccer player can also be committed to track and not want to let either team down in that situation. I think this concept goes beyond track and soccer and to often people are ready to slight a player who has other interests outside of soccer.

Prom and track events could be avoided by utilizing Sundays. Perhaps I am mistaken but I do not remember the Finals being held so late in May. Even with last year being delayed by weather did not run that late. I'm sure the multiple sites we have this year is probably the reason for that. Hopefully Coon Rapids or another site that can host the entire event in the future will be available.

Anonymous said...

It'll be a cold day in Blaine before it is ever held there (even though it probably makes the most sense). Come to think of it, I've spent lots of cold days up in Blaine so maybe this isn't so far-fetched.

Anonymous said...

FC Milwaukee 91's perenial state champs...and top 5 in nation ..players all committed decided the heck with MRL and tourneys. They have other things more important to them so they just schedule random friendlies with other top teams.Sounds like they have things figured out pretty good.

Anonymous said...

9:23 - personally, I don't have a problem with what FC Milwaukee is doing, but I'm sure there a few of their future college coaches who probably aren't that thrilled with their backseat attitude. Many probably don't have a problem, but I'm sure some do.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. The U18s need a high level of competition this summer to prepare them for the college game when they report to their college teams around the beginning of August.
This is not the summer to "coast".

Anonymous said...

This current 18 FCM team is not as stacked as in the past. Lost the better players last yr to college. Hint, all the scoring went to the Univ of WI. Laurie Nosbush. This team has always been the FCM 90-91 team. most of the 90s are all gone

Anonymous said...

So now some of you know more than the FC Milwaukee coaching staff and what is needed for the players to prepare for college? Because I'm sure they've never sent a kid to college from their club before. Give me a break. Someone should email the entire coaching staff about these postings so they can get educated on player development.

Anonymous said...

MTA and SSM have it down so now they are expandind into the states next to us with their wisdom.

Anonymous said...

typical SSM/MTA slam. in looking at the posts I didn't see anything that referenced either of those clubs. but those who want to slam usually don't need a reason....

Anonymous said...

FCM 18s have allready won their state cup and will be at regionals. I don't know this for sure but would guess they will have their colleage players back for regionals. I allso thing if you schedule good competion for friendlies it can be just as good as going to some of the big time tournaments and alot cheaper.

Anonymous said...

1:12...So true. And you know what, winning is not all that important is it??

Anonymous said...

10:37- You ASSUME that the coaching staff instigated and was alright with the decision to forego MRL. That is a big assumption to make. I have seen this situation happen a few times, and have NEVER seen a coach be alright with this decision.

Anonymous said...

1:30 hit the nail on the head. FC Milwaukee pulled out at the last minute because of conflicts with the schedule that the rest of the teams agreed on. They would have been unable to field a team for 2 of the weekends and decided to forego mrl as a result.

Anonymous said...

I bet HS was involved with this decision?? You will notice that Eclipse isnt playing Spring MRL as well.

Anonymous said...

1:30 I think the players instigated and made the decision. I've talked to many of the parents and that was the impresion they gave me.

Anonymous said...

My dd's team will beat your dd's team. :>p

Anonymous said...

my daughter does not play on any top teams but i know for sure my daughter is better than your daughter by a million!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

don't care if your club wins all state cups my club will always be better than your club

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

saying a player is "garunteed 3 goals a game"... especially when the player hasn't scored 3 goals in one game once this year, might be the funniest thing I've seen on this forum. and there has been some GOOD stuff.

Anonymous said...

9:09 - just look at the source....

Anonymous said...

9:09 sounds like a insider?? Is there uneasy feelings coming out here?? looks like it to me.

Anonymous said...

12:37 - huh (sorry as I know some of your wit will be wasted by having to explain your post, but I don't get it)?

Anonymous said...

You couldn't possibly know if someone has scored three goals in a game this season or not, unless you were an "insider" to the team. It isn't like you can follow box scores.

Open mouth, insert foot.

Anonymous said...

Yawn...girls soccer...

Anonymous said...

Yawn... same old person tring to stir the pot!

Anonymous said...

Why would MYSA move the 16's and 17's to Isanti? From a collegiate recruiting standpoint they are the 2 most desireable ages to watch. I wonder how many college coaches will drive there multiple times? I suspect not many! It just doesn't make any sense. Oh wait... it is MYSA

Anonymous said...

No worries. Nobody cares about MN state cup. If they aren't already on the radar, this years state cup won't help.

Anonymous said...

7:08 - college recruiters at MN State Cup? 7:52 is right, showcase tournaments, ODP, etc.., are where the coaches are at.

Anonymous said...

7:52 and 7:08- You don't think coaches would want to look at the girls in the SSM- EP game?

Anonymous said...

752 and 805 are correct with respect to D1 recruits. However, many local D2 and D3 coaches attend MN state cup to look at players.

Anonymous said...

Division 3 recruiting? They can take a chance on any player. Its not like they give them a scholarship. If the kid ends up not being good enough they sit on the end of the bench or get cut. The programs that finish in the bottom of the MIAC are begging for players, any players. The programs that finish toward the top end up putting them on the JV(basically cut) or cutting them. Most kids see the writing on the wall and self cut. On the women's side the level of DIII has dropped by a lot since the numbers of DI and D2 programs has gone up. If you play on a C1 or higher team you can play
DIII girls for sure. Premier or higher MIAC for sure.

Anonymous said...

When did our sport morph into being a means for A:"showcasing" kids all of whom would be money ahead banking what they spend on soccer. B: making it "easy" for college coaches. Playing college soccer at the highest D-1 level or the lowest D-3 level should be about the accomplishment. The truly gifted players will be found by the truly ambitious coaches. The rest is parental pushing and slick marketing to make clubs and coaches look good by winning games the non participants ever hear of.

socmom said...

I'm not sure which MN State Cup 7:52 and 8:05 are talking about.
We've attended every one since 2002 and the sidelines have always been littered with D1 Coaches.
Practically speaking, State Cup is probably a "premier" players best bang for their buck.

Anonymous said...

Have attended state cup since 2001. Other than U of M can count D1 coaches on 1 hand.

Anonymous said...

I didnt see any D1's either.

Penn State, Notre Dame, UConn, UNC, NC State, FSU, Texas, A&M, the list goes on.

I agree with what alot you have to say SocMom, but Im not buying this, best bang for the buck?? If this is the case, then someone should be handing you some change back.

Best bang for the bucks Iv seen is for the Girls its Disney and Nationals, for the Boys, its Dallas and Nationals.

socmom said...

11:26 & 12:33
My bad ...
I meant to include "D2" coaches in my comment..
As far as D1s go, I agree but might stretch it to 2 hands.
I've see D1 coaches from 3 / 4 Wisconsin D1 schools, both No and So Dakota D1 programs , and a few from D1 programs in Iowa / Nebraska etc.
(When you add D2 coaches you up the numbers).
BUT, winning State Cup does position you for "Regions".
And,from what I've seen at 3 Regional tournaments (Sioux Falls, Des Moines, Rockford) ...
Regions is a much cheaper way to get a look than say Disney etc ...
Maybe we just aren't getting the good deals on tickets / hotels / food / souveniors / entertainment at "showcase" and MRL events.
I agree, the list of D1 coaches grows at these elite events.
But, in the end,very few MN kids end up at these schools.
Truth be told, ODP Regions is probably a good bargain too.

Anonymous said...

1:03..."very few MN kids end up at these schools".... other than a couple of SSM recruits (who I don't classify as MN kids) rarely does a local kid go to an "elite" school (suppose we need to define elite). As a matter of fact, having a hard time coming up with the last one.

socmom said...

Case in point…
The MTA “signing day” release showed 21 D1 / D2 programs represented.
I’ve seen a dozen of those schools at State Cups over the years.
The others come from IN, NE, IL,IA.
Those coaches most likely saw players when Regions / ODP were held nearby.
Only Cornell and So Carolina are left.
That’s 2 / 21 programs unlikey to have seen players outside of Region 2 events.
IMHO, we (MN) just don't produce enough top talent to warrant all this traveling about the country.

Anonymous said...

2:56- That is EXACTLY why you have to do all the traveling. If you are producing the top talent like an Eclipse, the coaches come to you. Eclipse has its own events which bring in huge numbers of quality D1 college coaches.

Incidently, I was traveling with my daughter's team this weekend down in Region 3. I pulled duty as the distributor of player profiles, I was surprised at the number of the D1/D2 coaches in Region 3 who not only knew of SSM, but knew the "principals" by name and already had the contact info for them.

People ARE looking at what is happening in Minnesota, and there IS interest.


Anonymous said...

socmom - 1:46 here. You are probably correct, although there have been many comments both pro/con on the tournament experience. I suppose "experience" might be the best word to describe it. Most players/families are there for the experience, a few hoping to be seen nationally by recruiters (maybe 1-2 teams at each age group might have a few of those caliber players). Still can't recall the last MN player to go to a truly elite program (in my book a consistent top 15 team, frequently reaching the sweet 16, etc...). As stated before I don't include SSM as when their players are listed as incoming recruits at their respective colleges they always list their home towns, not Faribault.

SSM-South Campus said...

3:19- That is the most rational, respectable reason I have seen/heard for why someone doesn't consider the SSM players MN players. I can understand and will agree with you on your reasoning.

See, I can be rational, if the reasons for the opposing view is also rational.


socmom said...

One final attempt and now I’ll be more specific.
IMHO, no recent girl’s team has traveled or promoted themselves more than the Bangu Tsunami Stars.
Look at their most recent roster (now MTA) and compare it to signing day releases.
Here are the D1 colleges represented:
Illinois State
Iowa State
No Illinois
North Dakota
I’m simply asking…
Couldn’t most of those kids have been evaluated @ State Cup / Regions / ODP Camps?
(Heck, over the years, I’ve seen half those colleges at USA CUPS!!!)
Cornell would be the only program not likely to attend a Region 2 event.
For the record…
Having had 2 kids play vs SSM …
I’m all for their program and not the least bit surprised to see their success.
But , they are in a different class than most MN teams.

Anonymous said...

Well said soc mom, I would lump in any other Bangu/MTA Blue team as well as Woodbury Inferno. I doubt if any of their list of players going to play D1 is any longer than teams that stay around this area and play.

Anonymous said...

Exactly 709. Another example of the pointlessness of travel is the Michigan Hawks 2009 class. 20 members and 17 of them will be at school within one state of Michigan. Kids tend to stay close to home unless there is a reason not to. And no, it is not always greener in a far away pasture.

Anonymous said...

UWM is probably over the years the strongest of the above programs. Minny has had one good year and ISU and N'western have decent programs, if only because they play in solid conferences. SDSU could be building a program right now and Mankato would beat ND, NDSU and probably No. Ill. Creighton and Ill State are middle tier D-1 programs.

Anonymous said...

To play a bit of "devils advocate", how can a coach evaluate the top players from MN if the only time they ever get to see them perform is against other MN teams at State Cup? Let's be honest, for the top team(s) at each age group, they might have 1 maybe 2 decent games. If we look at the rankings, MN usually has maybe 1 team ranked nationally (top 50 - for whatever the rankings are worth) in each age. What can a coach learn about a player when are they aren't challenged against higher caliber competition? Regionals might offer a better glimpse as does ODP camp, but that's only 18 players per calendar year (and is usually a mix of two USYS playing years).

Personally I do not have any issues with showcase tournaments. It is as much about the experience, friendships, team bonding, an incentive/reward for hard training, etc..... To try to boil it down to solely a recruiting opportunity IMO does not give enough credit to the entire out of state tournament experience.

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day, tournaments are about revenue. Showcases included. Elite Clubs Nat League beginning later this year will be the new id ground for many top women's NCAA programs, much like DAP is for the guys.

Anonymous said...

Not many are on board with the girls league. Michigan, Texas, Arizona, and Cal-South are all major talent areas that have decided not to join. It is more about Eclipse and Ohio Elite trying to stick it to USYSA than about the players.

Anonymous said...

Clubs who have committed to the new girls league:
Albertson Fury, New York-East; Arsenal FC, Cal-South; Atlanta Fire, Georgia; Bethesda SC, Maryland; Birmingham United, Alabama; CASL, North Carolina; CESA Premier, South Carolina; Charlotte Soccer Academy, North Carolina; Colorado Rush, Colorado; Concorde Fire, Georgia; Connecticut FC, Connecticut; Crossfire Premier, Washington; Eclipse Select, Illinois; FC Delco, Pennsylvania-East; FC Milwaukee; Wisconsin; FC Stars of Mass, Massachusetts; FC Virginia, Virginia; Freestate United, Maryland; FSA SoccerPlus, Connecticut; Minnesota Thunder, Minnesota; Mustang SC, Cal-North; Neusport FC, Nevada; Ohio Elite Soccer Academy, Ohio-South; Ohio Premier, Ohio-South; PDA, New Jersey; Pleasanton Rage, Cal-North; Real Colorado, Colorado; San Juan SC, Cal-North; Sereno SC, Arizona; St. Louis SG, Missouri; Texas Challenge SC, Texas-South; Virginia Rush, Virginia

MIAC Fan said...

It looks like about 10 of the top 20 girls clubs in the country have already joined the new league.
Thats a great start when you look back and see that not all the top boys clubs jumped ion the US Development Academy right out of the gate.

Anonymous said...

Missing 12 of the Top 20 teams at U16, Missing 15 of the Top 20 at U15, Missing 14 of the Top 20 at U14

There are some good clubs, but they have a ways to go.

Anonymous said...

9:58-I don't think Mankato would beat NDSU.

Anonymous said...

The new girls league will provide the highest level of competition across the nation.
It's only a matter of time before several more top clubs jump on this train.
Kudos to the progressive thinkers who organized this and made efforts for it to be a US Club Soccer operation.

Anonymous said...

Womens Pro League starts this year.
WPSL...started 3/29. Some games on Fox Sports


Anonymous said...

Northsider...I think your wrong in this. WPSL and WPS are 2 different leagues. WPS is the games on Fox. WPSL teams are NOT that strong. The WL teams are stronger with better players.

Anonymous said...

Mankato would/will drill NDSU when they do meet. mankato outplayed Drake a week ago and McGahey is just getting started.

Anonymous said...

I am a casual reader of this blog and I am constantly amazed at the tone of the entries. Not quite sure why there are MTA or SSm haters.

We are talking about teenage girls. They are all the same, no matter what club they belong too.

The parents are all the same too. I have seen the same behavior from a Woodury, Dakota rev, Eagan, MTA parents. Who are we kidding here? We are all the same.

Soccer does not define who these girls are or the potential within each of these girls.

I want my daughters (3 of them) to understand what teamwork, hard work and striving for specific goals is all about. If they win great. If they lose what did they learn and how can they grow from the experience?

Each of my daughters have been/are on teams that have been successful in their own right. I just want them to learn from their experiences and grow as people.

I would like them to be on successful teams but I do not hang my hopes on a D1 scholarship. I hang my hopes on them doing well in school and being good people. I want them to be succesful people.

Let's put this into perspective and wish all of the girls well.

Larry said...

Will someone please expand on the new girls league? I haven't heard much about it. Is it USSF? More info please.

Anonymous said...

larry, this so called new girls league might not happen, if your talking about the new league that Eclipse is trying to put together thru US Club. Sure, there are clubs that are interested, but right now, that is all it is. Some of the top clubs that Eclipse was hoping would jump in have not done so and matter of fact, told Rory Dames that they do not plan on playing in it.

My 2 cents on it thou, why start up a new league for girls?? I think the MRL is good enough for the Region II girls, Coastal League for the Cali clubs, Region III League etc etc etc. Keep the tournaments/showcases the same and you will see the same clubs at the same tournaments in the future. The ONLY thing I would recommend, is when these clubs do travel to any out of state tournament/showcase, the tournaments need to TRY to do a better job of having teams play against teams from another region.

Anonymous said...

9:00 - I agree with your sentiments. The only concern that I have with MRL is that it is getting so diluted (61 U14 girls team in the spring league alone). MRL needs to do a better job of making exceptions to their rules and grouping teams based on performance/ranking, etc... or start to be more selective in who they accept (doubt that will ever happen as that means refusing to cash a check). So with both of our 2 cents we are getting close to a nickel.

Anonymous said...

9:44 Since this is your second attempt to elicit a response I'll bite. There are four Mn teams in the 14 MRL. 13 % of our C-1 and Premier teams. Take out the MTA MRL only team, it is 10%. Assuming us to be a middle of the road population state, looking at the really large states if they have 10-15 % of their teams this is actually the perfect statistical number. Perhaps you should just say you only want your daughter's team to play MRL from here to add to your feeling of "eliteness". Find something more intelligent to add here.

Anonymous said...

1:58, 9:44 here, you make a very large assumption of what my true intentions are and we all know what happens when people assume....nice stats though.

My daughter has come and gone through MRL and back when her team played in the beginning there might have been 25 teams. Frankly, from what people tell me there really isn't that much of a difference in quality between what MN Premier was (before all of the MRL defections) and the current MRL 1st Division. Sorry to see people having to drive or fly all over the midwest for roughly the same competition. The upper MRL Premier level might be a different story. It will be interesting to see if that new league gets off the ground the impact it might have on MRL. This all plays into the constant "striving for something better" mentality that pervades youth sports. Same thing with the "showcase" tournaments. 2 flights with 32 teams is now 6 flights with 100 teams at each age group.

I guess what we all forget is that youth soccer is a business and as parents we are the targeted market (suppose I should get off my soapbox here before I fell and twist my ankle).

socmom said...

Anon 3:37
You are on to something.
The exodus from MYSA Premier soccer began about 5/6 years ago.
At the time, we had a kid one of the "best" MN teams.
In an attempt to improve competition, the parents voted to leave MYSA for MWL.
At the time, the bar for MWL acceptance was higher and the number of teams fewer.
While partly true, the kids did compete against more "worthy" opponents in MWL.
What's also true is that the MYSA premier league began to water down as the "better" players exited for greener pastures.
Now here we are, 5/6 years later, and IMHO, both MYSA PREMIER and MWL are more diluted.
BTW, of the 18 or so kids on that team...
Half a dozen went D1, but only two lasted until the end of their senior year.
Interestingly, the two survivors saw the least amount of collegiate playtime.

Anonymous said...

4:28..I do beleive your post, however, lets not forget, players today are better than they were 5-6 yrs ago. Ask any WPS player and they all say that todays players are better than they were back in their days. Why do people keep saying things are so diluted?? Are people trying to say, we are better than everyone else?? You read about what coaches are saying at ESP and NIKE 50 camps, saying these young girls are better than they were back about 6 yrs ago.

Eliteism at its finest

Anonymous said...

Greater quality of better players - doubtful
Greater quantity of better players - definitely

Case in point, from top-to-bottom the current WNT probably isn't any better than its glory days (Hamm, Lilly, Foudy, Scurry in her prime, etc...). However, although I haven't seen any games, I would bet that the overall quality of the WPS is higher than the old WUSA (I think that's what it was called).

Anonymous said...

Regarding the number of elite girls players in MN. I think you have to remember that MN also is a hotbed for girls hockey. Many of the elite hockey players would probably have been elite soccer players. Only a few states have both girls sports. I think MN does just fine in turning out elite soccer players.

Anonymous said...

The league will be boring, slow paced and hard to watch. It also won't make it through it's 2nd year.

Anonymous said...

6:32, you talking about the WPS? You clearly haven't followed women's soccer or haven't seen a game. They have been fast paced with some terrific and entertaining play. Will the league continue? Hope so. But boring? You don't know the game you're trying to talk about.

Anonymous said...

9:51 I agree with you, I think the WPS league (Iv watched 3 games so far) is very entertaining. It is fast as well. What I thought about watching a few internationals thou, I think the US girls are better. The brazilans are WAY overrated except Marta, who is the bomb. Scurry however is past her prime. She needs to retire from the game and come work for MTA and be the keeper director!!

Anonymous said...

I suppose terms like slow-paced and boring or fast and exciting are all relative based upon your experience.

If you play, or watch, u14 girls soccer the WPS is very fast and exciting. For that reason it is a good watch for young girls hoping to improve their games, and I hope it succeeds.

If you watch MLS or even A-league games, however, the WPS is decidely slow and boring. Heck if you watch u18 boys, the WPS league is slow and boring. For that reason, along with a decided lack of disposable income in their fan base, I doubt it will succeed.

I hope they got a long term commitment from Puma as their support will likely determine the success of the league. For that reason, all supporters of women's soccer should be going out and buying Puma cleats and apparel. This means you MTA - time to drop that lucerative deal with Nike.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about dropping a deal with a company that bought out a company that owns the USL pro leagues.

Anonymous said...

11:56-Why would that matter?

Anonymous said...

Kinda like watching a MLS game against a EPL game huh?? They said all the same things when the WBA league started up, look at them. Look at the Pro Softball league, they are up and running. Dont hear a whole lot about them thou do you??

I hope the WPS last. It wont be easy, but the players are better than the ones that played WUSA.

Anonymous said...

Last weekend for State Cup Tune ups. Any State Cup teams traveling to Ill Or Iowa? Who? Good Luck to All.

Anonymous said...

Think most teams are stay closing to home except the once that have MRL

Anonymous said...

a few teams in OH at the Blue Chip Showcase for 16's & 17's.

Larry said...

Disclosure-Big Bangu supporter and I like the way Mark Abboud trains kids.
That said, girl's state cup history MTA (Bangu/Wings): 2006- 4 of 7, 2007- 5 of 7, 2008- 5 of 8. 13's and 15's are clearly dominant. The others, except 17's, are clear favorites with some good challenges possible in a couple of ages.
The big question is will they win 4, 5 or 6 in 2009.

Larry said...

typo- 5008- 5 of 7

Larry said...

too early, I'll quit typing.

Anonymous said...

Okay - this is a serious question but it will probably sound stupid. I watched a game recently with two teams from MN. Team One had 6 "defenders" that all stayed within or near the box. Not once during the entire first half did the goalie from Team Two touch the ball. When Team Two finally scored, Team One adjusted and started to play some offense. They had several scoring opportunities and the game became much more interesting. I realize it is a strategy, but I suspect it is not fun for the players, and certainly not exciting for the fans. Again, I apologize for my ignorance. I guess the answer is, "it is all about winning."

Anonymous said...

larry - 19's are clear favorites as well.

Anonymous said...

9:19...This shows you the great training and development this team is getting. Proof postitive that winning is more important than developing. Lets pack the box!!

Anonymous said...

I think Tonka is the favorite at U14. I saw them play MTA on Wednesday. Although they lost the game, they dominated the first half (0-0 tie at the half). After a fluke goal half-way through the second half, the wheels fell off, but Tonka was clearly the better team.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? If you were at that game how can you say they dominated? Clearly they packed the box in the first half and were scored on three times in the second half. I would like to understand your definition of dominate.

Anonymous said...

More telling is how quickly an mta coach or parent ran home to post the score on this site. Are we feeling insecure?

Anonymous said...

i always love the "we lost but we're the better team" postings. I'd buy it if the final score was 1-0, 2-1, etc.... but 3-0? Maybe when Sid retires from the Strib you can apply for his job? no dogs in this hunt, but i always find it amusing.

Anonymous said...

Larry, I agree both the 13 and 15 girls are very good teams. 15 has a great track record (regional champs) I however think you may be overly aggressive on the 13's likely dominance. It seems they have struggled scoring goals lately (St Cloud,SanDiego,). Add to this the fact that at age 13 many other teams may have had roster/coaching changes that could affect play. I agree that the 13's must be the favorite but teams like EP,Edina,Cottage Grove, North Metro and Dakota Rev should certainly not be overlooked.

Anonymous said...

tonka u14 dominated mta and lost 3-0...bwaaaaa! haha! i could care less about either team but that's a good one!

Anonymous said...

13's did win State Cup as U-12's last year. Not sure if that was an indication of the weaknesses at U-14 (this year) or the strength of that team. They (current 13 blue) finished 8-3-1 in league play last year.
Others mentioned also had good records last summer.
Dakota Rev 7-3-2 (as u-12's playing 13 C1)
Cottage Grove 12-0-0 (as 12's)
NMetro 11-0-1 (12's)
EP 7-1-0 (12's)
Edina 6-1-1 (12's)

Who knows how this transfers to 2009? Probably will depend on who has trained the most over the winter or added strength to their roster. I agree that all of these could challenge MTA blue.

13G Guru said...

If all teams play close to their given abilities, the only team that will challenge the 13 Blues is Rev, and that will still be a three goal game in favor of the MTA girls.

I included a moniker so you can all bow to my expert knowledge of this age group or call me goat.

Please, no hater responses. I'm not ripping on any other team, just stating my opinion. Anyone else that has a differing view point is welcome to post back at me in debate and is wrong.

Anonymous said...

OK 13 Guru. What basis for declaring the MTA girls 3 better than the Rev girls? Have they played? when ? who won? score? Any changes on either roster since those games.

Do agree that these are the best two teams, disagree that no one else has a chance. Weather,injury,fluke,new talented players on a team could all create a surprise.

Anonymous said...

I was also at the 14 MRL game between Tonka and MTA and MTA clearly was the better team that night. What I would add though was that it should have been a 1-0 game as the last two goals were due to a late game "d" breakdown and a very lucky chip shot from 80 feet out.

This could have been a preview of the State Cup final and if Tonka gets their top forward back from a leg injury by then they will also have their top CB who injured herself in track that day. As two of their top five players were out it could be a decent matchup in the final--if they each get there. All in all it was not very good soccer from either team and I've seen many better 14's in the past from various clubs. maybe that's why a twelve year old team won it last year.

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