Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: ECNL games, results and news


Anonymous said...

Anyone know the scoop on what will happen with ECNL next year, specifically what is planned for the new "regional format" and if they will play these games during fall or spring seasons?

I'm hearing that ECNL kids will not be allowed to play high school due to ECNL moving to the regional league format. Given the mixed bag in the midwest of some states playing fall high school and some states playing spring, can't see any way around it.

Anonymous said...

Instead of posting a rumour you heard on a blog. Why don't you contact someone from the only ECNL club in MN. I bet they know what is going on. If you read the ECNL website it clearly states that all players and clubs will be allowed to play HS soccer.

Anonymous said...

The big question is "will the various high school governing bodies allow the kids to play ECNL/high school at the same time"?

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the MTA teams down in San Antonio this weekend!

Anonymous said...

U17 MTA Blue won 2 tied 1 Strong wind in game tied 0 0 Great job girls, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

U17 in Indy - mta won 2 tied one 0 0 with only 13 players two of which are goalies. Good job again!

Anonymous said...

All in all a decent weekend for MTA in Indy, went 1-1-2 vs Carmel and Ohio Elite and 1-2-1 vs OP. The MTA teams played 3 games this weekend and the other clubs only played one game. The U17s 18s and 16s were all very shorthanded. Kudos to the 17s who went 2-0-1 with 1 field player sub and 3 starters not there.

Anonymous said...

No mention of the 15's How is that team doing? record makes it look like they are struggling a bit.

Why are the MTA teams constantly ending up short players at all of the ECNL weekends? Didn't the girls know they would be traveling prior to team acceptance in Aug?

Anonymous said...

They didn't get mentioned because they had a full roster of players. The are playing well and holding their own. The last three games in Indy were all against A bracket teams with 2 ties (1-1 and 0-0) and a 1-0 loss.

Anonymous said...

10:47 yes, they knew it. As for the 17's two girls went on spring break, two out with knee injuries

Anonymous said...

The reason why MTA is short for ECNL event is that teams have multi-sport athletes. The 15s had bunch of injuries from HS soccer, they are now getting healthy. The 16s were missing two BBall players who were in the state tournament, one hockey player at a national camp and one player who went on spring break. Even with the missing players the teams held there own.

Anonymous said...

How DARE the people at MTA allow multi-sport athletes on the team when no one else allows them! And injuries should be banned from the team!

Anonymous said...

How dare a player go on spring break instead of playing soccer - what nerve! Where is the commitment?

Anonymous said...

Relax 4:14 and 6:06 you are thinking way too much. Nothing in life is perfect. Enjoy the ride!

Anonymous said...

I really believe those were sarcastic comments - maybe you should do the relaxing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ECNL heads to PDA (New Jersey) this weekend. Good luck girls! and have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Saturday ECNL Results...
MTA 15G 1 - Virginia Rush Nike 3
MTA 16G 0 - FC Delco 1
MTA 17G 6 - Slammers FC 3

Anonymous said...

MTA 15G 3 VA Rush Nike 1

Anonymous said...

U17G MTA 6 Sereno 0 big game tomorrow vs 1st place surf

Anonymous said...

Sunday ECNL Results...
MTA U15G 1 - FC Virginial 1
MTA U16G 5 - Neusport 0
MTA U17G 6 - Sereno SC 0

Anonymous said...

Monday ECNL Results...
MTA U15G 0 - Real So Cal 0
MTA U16G 2 - SoccerPlus Connecticut 1
MTA U17 G 0 - San Diego Surf 2

Overall weekend records...
U15 1 win, 2 ties
U16 2 wins, 1 loss
U17 2 wins, 1 loss
Overall 5-2-2

Anonymous said...

Did I hear that some girls from current MTA blue teams don't want to play ECNL? Can anybody explain why?

Anonymous said...

Nice try 101

Anonymous said...

Seriously, can someone explain why? Is it $$$, time or what?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone been able to figure out the ECNL schedule next year from the release on MTA website?

Anonymous said...

5 away League weekends
4 home League weekends
0 showcases
1 trip to Nationals in Chicago

4 home League weekends
4 away League weekends
2 showcases (winter and Feb)
1 trip to Nationals in Chicago

U16 and U17 ECNL
4 home League weekends
4 away League weekends
3 showcases (winter, Feb and PDA)
1 trip to Nationals in Chicago

4 home League weekends
4 away League weekends
2 showcases (winter and Feb)
1 trip to Nationals (but maybe for the top teams only)

Anonymous said...

Yikes. Better get a few more credit cards.

Anonymous said...

Looks like MTA is now a watered down version of itself. I know of a lot of girls who left the club this year. Maybe they (MTA) got a little too big for their britches and expected the kool-aid drinkers just to keep paying through the nose.

Anonymous said...

Since MTA has not posted 2011-12 teams on their website from what authority do you speak?

Anonymous said...

High school thread!
High school thread!
High school thread!

Anonymous said...

High school thread!
High school thread!
High school thread!

Anonymous said...

Really 9:24am? Not many MTA girls left! In fact barely any! The girls that left were girls that didn't make one of the two teams at each age. Why didn't they make it? Because many TCFire players left and joined MTA, Cottage Grove, Wayzata, Burnsville, etc. Don't start rumors about something you don't even know anything about.

Anonymous said...

The only people MTA lost were girls that didn't make the team! ECNL teams got stronger, not sure how the blue teams fared, but many ages picked up girls from other clubs.

Anonymous said...

methinks the soccer historians will look back at 2010-2011 as the year MTA peaked.

Anonymous said...

MTA will still be strong. But, we can thank MTA for one thing, they did force other clubs to pick it up at notch (better training, more winter training, coaches, etc). Dakota Rev, St. Croix and Minneapolis United are 3 clubs that took MTA's model and ran with it. So MTA will be strong, but so will some of these other clubs.
Competition is always good!

Anonymous said...

agreed. some will rise and others will fall. some will realize their place in the hierarchy. some won't, and will whine endlessly.

MTA was good for MN soccer.

Anonymous said...

high school thread
high school thread

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the MTA ECNL teams this weekend as they start their season!

Anonymous said...

Nice first weekend of ECNL play. Way to go girls!

Anonymous said...

Minneapolis United took MTA's model? Please elaborate 8/23/11 10:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Any club that succeeds obviously must be taking MTA's model. duh.

TILSEN said...

FYI MTA has been around for a very small sample size. The future will determine if it was a success.

Now BANGU was a success I never ever played a BANGU team that was bad and maybe never even beat a BANGU team. But MTA teams vary a great deal in ability, coaching and success.

If in 20 years MTA is the force it is now I will be a believer and happy for MN soccer.

Anonymous said...

Aaron - you have done a lot for MN soccer as well. First of all, to offer an alternative for families who cannot afford programs like St. Croix, MTA, etc. The Fire is a nice choice with year around training. Also, you have served as a landing place for girls that get cut from the top teams, offering some comparable out of state opportunities. Thanks for your passion.

Anonymous said...

12/7/11 8:24 PM - for the most part, I agree with you, except for stating, "families that cannot afford programs like St. Croix, MTA, etc."

I do believe that Fire is a little more expensive than St. Croix, based even just solely on the 2010/2011 soccer year/season. If families can afford Fire, I would tend to believe they could afford St. Croix, Dakota Rev and Cottage Grove.

Aaron does have passion and I think it can be perceived sometimes as something different. Aaron teaches some things that I see other clubs not teaching. Aaron also does not teach things that I see other clubs teaching.

If I were going to give any advice to a coach, it would be this - when a player makes a mistake, especially for the first time, you DO NOT yell or scream at them. Most of the players are kids and they are bound to make mistakes - in soccer and in life. That is what we (parents and adults) are supposed to be there for. To help them and guide them. Yelling and screaming does not always get that task accomplished.

Over all, Aaron is a good person and his heart is in the right place. Good luck to TCF this year.

See you on the pitch!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to Mark Cook as he takes over the head job at NDSU.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to JR from Centennial for being named the Minnesota Gatorade Girls Soccer Player of the year and to the otheer nominees,
SB - Orono
AF - White Beàr Lake
SK - Lakeville North
LM - St Louis Park
JR - Simley
KS - Wayzata

Well done ladies!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Teams are in San Diego this weekend. Good luck to them all.

If anyone has results, please post them!

Anonymous said...
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