Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Girls - MYSA Districts and State Tournament

I guess it is that time of year again. MYSA league teams will be starting districts and then off to the state tournament.


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Anonymous said...

Yes, I heard he is no longer part of MTA or Thunder

Anonymous said...

tryouts start today.......
prediction #1 - what happened at state cup will have zero impact on the mta u13 girls tryouts

Anonymous said...

What happened at state cup?

Anonymous said...

What happened at state cup?

Anonymous said...

Oh, thats right.... MTAs self proclaimed best and brightest coaches screwed all their players and parents.....where can I get some of that.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know where i can get a garreth bale wallbanger

Anonymous said...

see 7:16am....

Anonymous said...

Does 7:16am have Gareth Bale Wall Bangers?

Anonymous said...

if you are serious about the "wallbanger", i believe only "fatheads" have the licensed products while "wallbangers" are created using your own supplied image. doubt you could get a "fathead" of bale without permission.

Anonymous said...

ok thanks

Anonymous said...

The numbers appeared really small at the U-14 tryouts. I counted only 36 kids. Two premier teams and at least one C1 team will be hard to form from only 36 kids. I do know of one injured player not present but where was everyone else?

Anonymous said...

3:12 - are you talking about MTA? That sounds about right as they only had two teams last year (the MTA team that played in the West District has separate tryouts as they are part of the Thunder Academy West).

Sorry, have to try harder......

Anonymous said...

Not so...Theyre elite academy tryouts. 36 is actually a good # considering what they did with the white team......nothing but fleeced the parents.

Anonymous said...

Yes so.....check the MTA tryout details. MTW (where the C1 team originated) has their own tryouts at the U14 age group.

FYI, when you make that kind of white team comment all it basically does is make you look like a parent who's pissed their DD didn't make the top team.

Sorry, have to try harder.....

Anonymous said...

Theyre all white at that age to Burnsville. Who cares about MTA tryout details....wanabe parents ,overpaid coaches ,past criminal acts by directors.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ get over yourself, take a reality check.

Anonymous said... always makes me laugh when people blast others about blasting others.....

Anonymous said...

IT makes me laugh when people blast people who blast people who have in the past blasted others for blasting those that blast people ...... im laughing now about blasting you...that makes me sad.

A Casehardened Minty Mount said...

Mark my words: ASK FOR A BUDGET. It's your own fault if you don't know where you're money is going? MTA is a club in debt. White, Navy, Grey all subsidize Blue. Run. Run away!

A Casehardened Minty Mount

Anonymous said...

EP U17s adding a huge amount of talent next year.

Anonymous said...

Define "talent" 6:11.

Anonymous said...

5 region pool players and a national team player?

Anonymous said...

If true then that should be quite a nice team.

Don't count out MTA as I believe DS will have them playing a much better brand of soccer and with possibly happier players. They also have quite a bit of talent.

Anonymous said...

Has EP changed their residency requirements to allow this to happen? They have always had a requirement that 80-90% of players on a roster be from EP. Has this changed with departure of WH? Applaud if so, it will alleviate some of the players as possessions mentality that has held the club back.

Anonymous said...

what makes great players?what should be the focus of the youth program? if all that everyone pays attention to is team results and wining, what has gotten left out, the,improvement,and focusing on the players needs has to come first,everything else second.escpecially at u14 and this,win that.what about the players.sometimes you need to put work into a avaerage player to make them great. if mta put more emphasis on training the good players as they do into recruting and training the great players, their teams overall would do better. other than this, why is everyone so against mta.vicariuos parents whos kids dont stand out in everyones eyes as they do to their own, if you dont like mta,or anyclub dont play their, shut up,and let everyone else find out on their own, if mta is really that bad, eventually,like all bad things,will fold in on itself and go away.if not, then it is not as bad as everyone is saying.most of the complaining is because they had a kid on a mta team and was nocked off by a more talented player.that has happened to mine also" but not at mta". she still needs more training,maybee she will never be a star player, but in reality not everyone can.only have what god gave you at birth.thats not the clubs fault another kid was batter.i guess everyone that is complaining i have the answer.
go to the doctor and get a perscription for the disease you have" my kids an honor roll student bumper sticker syndrome"
by the way i hate those. thats life

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the residency rule, but the team in question already had at least 4 non-EP kids and what was last year's U18 team had traditionally been comprised of upwards of 50% non-EP girls. IMO, it gets harder to keep any rule like that as the teams get older as the player pool also shrinks. At U14 there were over 100 girls teams (from Premier down to C3) while at U18 there was a total of 18.

Anonymous said...

6:34 - are those all new additions or do those numbers include the currrent EP RII pool players?

Anonymous said...

EP superteam? Prove it. The rumors are getting old.

Anonymous said...

The defecting girls parents will eat the coach like big fat crocodiles when their DD's don't get their way.

Anonymous said...

not that coach. sure didn't happen with her old team.

Anonymous said...

too bad -- maybe her old team would have done better with all that talent.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to MN so I thought my first post would hopefully enable me to fit right in:

DS - would appear to suck
JE - would appear to suck
MA - would appear to be the anti-Christ
AK - would appear to be the anti-Christ JR.
MTA - would appear to suck
CC's - would appear to suck
MYSA - would appear to be idiots
NSC - would appear to be a horrible place to play
MN Thunder - would appear not to be a professional soccer team
MN Lightning - would appear to be some confusion as to why they even exist

These are just a few of my initial impressions which begs the question.......why don't a lot of you out either find a way to make things better or find another sport? What I am grateful for is that many of you are venting your personal angers, frustrations, & shortcomings on this blog and not taking them out on your spouse, kids, and household pets.

Anonymous said...

Who made you god, 4:29?

Anonymous said...

4:29 here, nope not a god, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Anonymous said...

its the same old crap,,,,,, everybody THINKS their club or their team is the best, but it REALLY does not matter, take it from somebody who has been there. Please enjoy it while you can.

Anonymous said...

out of the loop for a spell where did WH from EP go? Does that mean they have a new DC for the club and EPHS s new coach?

Anonymous said...

429 has hit the nail on the head, and it appears a few of those nailed don't like it.

Anonymous said...

I hope there's accountability in the next life for every asswipe parent on this site who rips a coach from anywhere. I am not a target here, but it's despicable and tragic that all of this dung gets thrown at people, and the reality is that most of it is just playing time or cuts dressed up in parent anger. I hope all of you get stuck in a room together in Hell. Wait, maybe we're already there...unfortunately, you've dragged the rest of us down with you. Very poetic.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to "minnesota nice".

Anonymous said...

What is the scoop on RZ? Is the clock ticking on him as well?

Anonymous said...

what is the scoop on RZ? is the clock ticking on him as well?

Anonymous said...

MTA is requiring players to accept a position on a team within 24 hours of being offered a spot.

Looks to me that MTA is trying to strongarm the top players who would like to look elsewhere, or who are looking at MTA this year and played for another club last year.

Talk about running scared!! Now who is trying to claim those players as possessions? The MTA faithful always claim it is the CC's who try to manipulate the tryout system. How lame is it to move your tryouts to the earliest possible date and then put a completely unreasonablly short amount of time to accept your spot well before many clubs have even held their tryouts. The only reason MTA would have such an unreasonablly short window for acceptance is because they are afraid to let kids look elsewhere for fear they will see that there is life after MTA.

Parents/Players don't accept this. It is unreasonable and manipulative for any organization to only allow 24 hrs from the offer to the acceptance especially this early in the tryout season. If MTA is "all that" they should let their program speak for itself and not force kids to make a decision based on fear.

Anonymous said...

Why would the clock be ticking on RZ?

Anonymous said...

10:13 More to the story than you indicated. They are really desperate now forcing the payments to the team through the club and mandating electronic monthly deductions. Also I heavily encourage all to read the budget very carefully recognizing what isn't showing up. Tournaments,travel, several teams not playing MYSA so it appears they have reduced the costs but with no tournament line item the costs will likely go up, not down. An organization with financial troubles is lowering it's costs? Probably not.

This club consistatly manipulates the system to try to appear as more than they are.

Anonymous said...

10:54 PM
Dude, settle down. Yes, there are some bad parents, and there are some coaches who don't know how to deal/communicate with kids and/or their parents (good or bad) or make bad teaching mistakes. Face it, some persons earn the right deserve to be ripped? Would you defend Denny G.??!!

Anonymous said...

Beware MTA 10:13 has figured you out!

Running scared? Hardly! Sounds more like they are confident in who they pick and if you are not on the bus when it is time to go, too bad. Forced to make a decision based on fear of what? It is only soccer.

Anonymous said...

it's a verbal no sign no pay yet

just a real interest gauge

works both ways

my kid got a lower color than desired?

still had time to shop!


Anonymous said...

do you really want your kid to be the 16-17th player on a blue team

Anonymous said...

The 24 hour acceptance request is nothing new to either MTA or CC's alike. This is a practice that MTA did not on it's own initiate as there are plenty of other clubs that request commitment in a similar timeframe. As alway's I think there is room for exceptions if you express them on a one for one basis with the coaches. If everyone is playing on the up and up with one another then your dd should be able to have time to make the best decision. Don't assume the worst but hope for the best. I wish all the boys and girls the best of luck this tryout season as it is a very stressful time for them!

Anonymous said...

How can you expect a club or team to tell you at this time what travel costs will be when there are wild swings in cost of airfares etc?
I think having it done the way it was presented to us is more along the lines of what other clubs do.
The travel costs can be sorted out later after the dust settles.
Then every player/parent can work out the best deal or maybe the team/club can negotiate group rates or fares?
Don't panic and compare apples to apples.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Costs can be sorted out later, but they should tell you which out-of-state tournaments the team will/expects play in.

Anonymous said...

LC. You may be correct but I agree with 10:13 description. Here is how it was communicated to us. We recieved a call saying we were in but had to commit within 24 hrs or they would go to the next player on the list. Maybe this was just an isolated incident?

Anonymous said...

Some coaches will tell you that the most important component of skill development is the calibre of player you are training with. Many believe that to improve you must be challenged by better players. This can be a strong argument for being the 16th or 17th player on a blue team.

Others will contend that being one of the top players on a lesser team will improve other skills like leadership.

Whichever route the parents/player take they will end up favoring one belief or the other.

What isn't a reality is to convince yourself that if you would be player 16 or 17 on a "top" team that the "lesser" team that you might opt to be one of the top players on is as good as the "top" team, because if the "lesser" team was as good as the "top" team then wouldn't that same player be player 16 or 17 on the "lesser" team?

Anonymous said...

i am not an MTA fan at all but the 24 hr commitment doesn't seem that unreasonable. it's not like players and families show up there no knowing what to expect. frankly it is a good idea if i were in there shoes. be first and make the best players commit? that's smart. that said, their pooling concept at the younger ages is silly. meaning, it is a good idea for MTA but the parents are suckers to fall for it.

Anonymous said...

MTA coaches ripped on Woodbury last year for using the 24 hour commitment. Hypocrites!!!

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't there be a standardized tryout period set forth by MYSA for any club paricipating in MYSA.

ie:Tryouts between the end of the season ( final game of MYSA state)and Aug 10 with all commitments made by Aug 15. This gives all players an opportunity to shop if they want to without feeling of losing their spot to the "next player on the list" before they have even finished their evaluations at other clubs.

Remember it is "illegal" recruiting if you speak to a player (regarding participation in another club) during their season.

24 hours is unreasonable in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

FOOLS...It is like that at most clubs here in MN and other states (IL and WI) of which I came from!

Anonymous said...

1:36 PM Does that make it right?

Anonymous said...

In my mind, the FOOL is not the one who questions the status quo, but rather the one who blindy accepts it (1:36)

Anonymous said...

1:36 - you must be new. What you will quickly learn is that if it is MTA related it is wrong.

Anonymous said...

2:06 I see, everyone is against MTA and MTA is the only way.

Anonymous said...

I heard from a little birdie that there was some sort of power struggle at MTA and thats why MA isn't involved as much as before. Sounds like maybe some guys originally from WIngs. Love him or Hate him I would definately pick MA to run the program over anyone formerly from Wings. Sounded like the direction of the club and what Model to follow (East vs West) in the future.

Anonymous said...

i think you nailed it 2:17!

Anonymous said...

2:41 MTA has a much better chance of succeeding with former wings people running the show.

Anonymous said...

2:49 - define "succeeding" as obviously you have a different defintion than those who feel state cup titles equate success.

Anonymous said...

Don't see what is really wrong with the 24 hour thing .....either you want to play for a club or you don't. One big difference is that with MTA if you later decide you want to leave they don't have any problem with that. Not like some clubs thatabsolutely refuse to release a player no matter what.

Anonymous said...

249, Are they running the show??, and what makes you think they would have a better chance of succeeding?

Anonymous said...

a player could skip try-outs

play high school, do well ,train hard

wait until all the dust settles

be a free agent

scout the top teams

& mention availability


it worked out well for at least two on-the-bubble

players on my nephews team in another state

risky however!

Anonymous said...

Just an observation from the outside looking in regarding MTA.

My understanding is that the original goal from the Bangu side was for 2 elite teams at the U13 and above age - a true elite development approach. Love it or hate it but that was what they were committed to doing.
This now seems to have morphed into countless teams and a West Academy which would appear to be running autonomously from the main, core MTA. Almost kind of a community club that has all of the twin cities as its community...
If so, this has Wings written all over it and for those hoping for the demise of MTA, your wish may come sooner than you had hoped for. The old Wings group did such a great job in their previous club.....

Once again, no facts to back this up, just my observation.

Anonymous said...

The 24-hour rule was put in place so kids (at that time) that were in the finals of the state tournament at Blaine did not have to pile in the minivan at the final whistle and break speed limits to get to a tryout.

Anonymous said...

I think MTA is still evolving, hopefully for the better. The west academy appears to have its own budget/account. And the u13boys team that won summer state came from the west, not the blue/white elite. Interestingly, the promotional tryout email that went out last Friday states that "MTA U13 Elite Boys secured three 0910 U14 Premier League Spots."

Anonymous said...

The 24 hour issue is much to do about nothing. Just an issue for a few folks to complain about. I would bet 90% of the families and almost 100% of the key players accept the team invite on the spot. Lots of clubs do it, but a few folks (who's kids probably didn't even try out there in the first place) are using it as just another bash MTA opportunity.
Not saying it's right or wrong, but I am saying its common.

Anonymous said...

well,the club my daughter plays at uses 72 hour accept or decline team placement.
24 is just to short. especialy if a player is shoping around for a team they feel comfortable with or think they would click with others.12 to 14 year olds have trouble making up their minds to start with

Renegade Lou said...

Regarding the 24, 48, or 72 hour commitment restrictions, you guys are all fools if you're ripping on other clubs. There is no one else to blame here besides MYSA and their ridiculous player restriction rules. End of story.

Anonymous said...

OK lou you make a good point too.

Anonymous said...

vg turnout at BV 2night for first tryout and more good players expected on Tuesday. All of their top players will return and there were several very good players from other clubs there as well. Like MTA, the team will be better again next year.

Anonymous said...

Returning to the 'what's important' theme, it's finding the most competitive team you can find that has a spot where you can play as many minutes as possible. You don't improve riding the pine. 16th player on Premier isn't as good for a young player's development as a starter on C1.

Anonymous said...

I think we parents go back adn forth on that. P competition, coaching and training are typically much better, but some kids, and some parents need to be on the field more to feel justified in what they put into it so yeah they should find a C1 team in that case.

Anonymous said...

i tend to side with 7:26. please keep in mind that the proper training-to-game ratio should be at least in the 4:1 range. parents tend to only focus on watching their child play in the games when in fact the player should be spending at least 4 times that developing their skills during practice, training sessions. they should also be doing skills and physical training outside of these scheduled practices if they really want to excel.

Anonymous said...

but lets be honest, 99% of kids are not playing soccer to train for some future spot (college, etc.). they pay money (parents) and train to play in games. at the younger ages (probably at least to u16) playing the games is most critical experience for 99% of the players in youth sports. training is more important for those small kids that have exceptional talent and the interest and means to make a career out of it. i agree with the comment that a player that can be the top 5 on a c1 team or the 17th player on a premier team is better off playing c1. the only person who would prefer the 17th spot is a parent with an ego that says my dd is on a premier team

Anonymous said...

8:35 - I agree. I believe that's what house league is for. Little if any practice, lots of games.

Anonymous said...

spoken like a true parent 8:35 (what's that hovering sound i hear overhead.....).

Anonymous said...

8:48 spoken like a true soccer wonk that believes 1. the world revolves around competitive youth girls soccer and 2. through wonderful coaching and disciplined training (and lots of $) every girl has the chance to be a super duper winner! you can count the number of quality, dedicated high level trainers in the state on both hands. even the royalty at MTA is limited in the quality of training they offer. part of it isnt their fault, the state doesnt have the facilities or weather to produce a consistent group of true high level players and teams (witness the 0-fer at regionals this year). So go ahead and keep illusioning yourself that parents and kids are excited for the awesome training by a half interested 30 something that coaches 3 teams

Anonymous said...

9:55 - this may not have been the case with you, but when I played youth sports my biggest goal was to get better (improving my time, lowering my score, etc...) and I, like 95+% of all other youth athletes (back then and now today) had no illusions of being a pro let alone playing in college. I believe the main goal in athletics is to strive to compete - at any level. Life lessons are learned such as teamwork, sacrifice, dedication, dealing with failure, etc... Somehow along the way you turned this into a rant about eite soccer clubs (MTA in this case, but if you lived in IL it would have been about Eclipse, or in WI about FC Milwaukee, etc...).

I've told you what I think is important about competitive youth sports, I would love to hear your opinion (or whatever axe it is you would like to grind...).

Anonymous said...

youth sports.competition.sometimes the parents become more competative than their kids.most kids look to improve and compete and play against other youth.very few will play college,and even fewer will go pro.i think alot of the money spent on training and sports in general, are parents pushing their kids to a level that the parents want so they can brag to other parents, it isnt always what the players want themselves."living vicariuosly through their children" to make up for their own short commings.what happened to showing up and enjoying whatching your kid play, and be happy watching them good,or bad.ive been at plenty of games listening to parents yell at their kids for mistakes so everyone can hear it, yell at the ref for body contact etc..., they no when they make a mistake and yelling never corrected this because it happens over and over, soccer is a contact sport so if your kid gets nudged shut up, because you dont say anything when they are dishing it out, its just part of the game that has always been there and always will, take a team that looses a match, the parents are always more upset than the players,remember, your kids are playing, not you.parent involvement is important, but now a days it has gone to the extreme, just let them play, if they have what it takes, nature will take care of it.

Anonymous said...

Nature vs nuture. Thats a new one on here.

Anonymous said...

i think you missed my point.

Anonymous said...

With the uncertainty at U15 (U16 next year), it may benefit the teams that have tryouts next week. Sounds like the Competitive Committee will decide the fate of Eagan, NSSA and Wayzata on Saturday and a positive outcome (staying Premier and haing a 9 team league is a possibility) could attract bubble kids to their tryouts early next week. It will be interesting to see.

Anonymous said...

Your point has been made hundreds of times. Was just hoping for something new I guess.

Anonymous said...

And bubble kids will help a "premier" team how?

Anonymous said...

If the U16 P league has nine teams next year will they play 8 or 16 games? How many will be moved down? Alot of question marks around a 9 team league.

My guess is a 8 team league with St Croix out since Tonka and NLS advanced further in State and per rules there should have been atleast two spots open for C1 teams.

Anonymous said...

their really isnt anything knew to say that already hasnt been said, it will always remain the same and never change.unless parents can get a clue, which has never and will never happen as long as the sport has been around,well, it might change, when pigs can fly.SAME OLD SAME OLD.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of ideas out there, however they get shot down by MYSA or shouted down by parents because they aren't "fair". Those that find alternatives are chastised and ridiculed typically by those who it has no effect on or who have no intention at least trying. And God forbid anything cost money...

Anonymous said...

3:13 and 3:29 Is that it?

Anonymous said...

yeah, thats it, tired of getting blue in the face. can complain and complain and dis agree with everything and nothing will it or hate it,deal with it or get out.thats all their is to it.nothing more nothing less.
now i am done

Anonymous said...

What they should have done is have the three premier that tied and the three league winners play a round robin tournament. The three with the most points should become premier.

Anonymous said...

Other than MTA Blue , this years U15s were bad. Who would have thought in 1 year NSSA would implode. Dakota rev moves up and wins the prem league.I watched the state final game between NLS and Tonka,neither team can compete with the bottom 3 in the premier league. Relegate 1 on goal diff take Tonka up.

Anonymous said...

Did the dust ever settle at what is now the U17 girls age group or are tryouts still going on?

Anonymous said...

i like 4:58's idea


Anonymous said...

Tryout at EP tomorrow for their U17 team. Apparently SP, TW, LU, OS, and others confirmed to be joining TU and company.

Anonymous said...

MTA tryouts done. Wayzata tryouts tomorrow. Shattuck?

Anonymous said...

i have no idea who all these initials are......

Anonymous said...

i'm for all games & no practices


Anonymous said...

Looks like WYZ U17 was plundered even before tryouts . . .

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
At U17 NOTHING of importance will happen."

14/7/09 8:51 PM

Anonymous said...

4/8/09 9:51 PM - Disagree with your assessmnet. Clearly the blue team is clear from the other teams, but the next 7 teams (white and the 6 premier) are very competitive. The league results show that - 7 points separated first and last. No consolidation of talent other than the blue team is the reason for that. The competitiveness of the league is the most compelling reason to not relegate any of the last place teams since they are earned 40% of the points.

Anonymous said...

8:04 - I believe 9:51pm might have meant on an overall assessment of the teams. Being competitive with each other and being good can be two very different things. There are C3 and house leagues that are very "competitive". When the second best team comes in third in a MRL First Division and all the other MN MRL teams are fighting to stay out of a First Division basement I can see the point.

Anonymous said...

EP U17 gains:
SP - 2009 RII pool player from Rosemount
CS - MTA goalie from Edina
TW - 2008 RII pool player from Wayzata
Both Inferno players

Adding this to the two EP RII pool kids plus other solid players.

Anonymous said...

i always laugh at the people who complain there is nothing new on the blog and all they post is an entry complaining that there is nothing new. just leave

Anonymous said...

4/8/09 4:58 PM - Great idea, but when are going to do this? Too late now.

From what I heard the MYSA Competitive Committee suggested a three team playoff for Eagan, NSSA and Wayzata to determine which two got relegated, but Bob Poretti vetoed the idea.

Anonymous said...

8:25 -- TW is not a Region II pool player. BTW, why would she leave her current the State Cup team?

Anonymous said...

11:52 - you are correct, the goalie from that team is. My guess is kids leave for what they perceive to be better opportunities or fit their needs/goals better (roster strength, better training challenges, MRL Premier, recruiting exposure, etc...). I think many folks thought Wayzata kind of "caught lightning in a bottle" last year and lightning rarely strikes in the same place twice.

Anonymous said...

If WYZ U17 has the Reg II goalie, that increases the odds of them catching "lightning in the bottle" a second time.

The EP U17s are agressively recruiting, but what has that team or its coach delivered in the past?

Anonymous said...

Suddenly, this feels like the JE blog. Could do a bit better job of sounding like someone else, or just put your name on it. Is this the EP Inferno?

Anonymous said...

EP Inferno - that's got a nice ring to it.

Anonymous said...

It should be an interesting battle on this blog between the DS-bashers and the JE-bashers to see who can spew the most bile in the upcoming year with regards to the U17 age group.

Anonymous said...

12:52 Wayzata has "a" Region II goalie, not "the" Region II goalie. For all we know, she could be the last goalie on the depth meter. Once EP puts this team together, it going to be tough to beat them. And it should be even more fun to watch them in action. But isn't there a limit as to how many new girls can be added to a team? Have they hit the quota?

Anonymous said...

Hello there :) I am 14 years old and from Burnsville. Well as much as I appreciate your very nice, "positive" comments ( haha positive??) , I think you should let the teams speak for themselves. Now I know you parents know SO MUCH about the game ( haha doubt it) but us players ( yes, the ones actually playing the game) don't need your worthless, negative comments. Now remember we're the ones playing the game, not you. Sorry to this but your soccer dreams are over. Bye Now :)

Anonymous said...

isn't it past your bedtime? BTW, next time one of your parents drops you off at practice thank them for the thousands of dollars they are spending on your soccer development.

Say hi to Gareth for us all and don't forget to say your prayers.

Anonymous said...

There is a limit and they should double check the rules before they make all their decisions.

Anonymous said...

there is not a team limit, its an overall club limit so the u9 golds etc are 100% leaving room for plenty of outsiders at the older premier teams

Anonymous said...

8:56-- I like the fact that you have the guts to argue with a 14 year old. Your a really nice guy. And I do thank my parents for the thousands of dollars they spend on my soccer development but when it comes to stuff they don't know about, they stay out of it. I don't like seeing my team get trashed talked. Saying we were a fluke, we're a bad team, we're just luck. Now that's called parents ( not from my team ) being to involved. What can I say, " sorry you child didn't win "??. There are some sad people on this blog. Oh and yes I would love to say hi to Gareth for you, but he is not on the mn futbol blog at the moment. Geez though, I don't know why, most of you guys seem to know what your talking about?? OH I identified myself enough, now instead of being a coward ( like you are right now) who are you? Who are you to talk about my team like that? Identify yourself. Bunch of cowards.

Anonymous said...

do you honestly want us all to believe that you are a 14 year old girl......nice try.

Anonymous said...

i know who you are, and you are not 14, you are a middle aged guy with an identity problem.

Anonymous said...

If true 9:55, then I think there might be some deeper issues. That post was copied onto virtually every thread.

Anonymous said...

14 year olds do not use the wording "geez though" Would have been more convincing with the use of "WTF" or "OMG"

Anonymous said...

they do too!

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the author's age, you are failing to see the validity of its contents.

Maybe your attempts to discredit the poster's age is your way of dealing with the guilt of being exactly the type of person that is described.

Anonymous said...

something tells me that 2:05 is also our 14 year old.......

Anonymous said...

4:11 - You better have that something removed, because it is lying to you.

Anonymous said...

Can tell you right now it is not a 14 yr old BVL player....the club/parents don't or won't spend "thousands" of dollars on player development. LOLOL thousands...

Anonymous said...

Middle aged men dont use LOLOLOL.....

Anonymous said...

academy try-out results now being posted

good luck!

Anonymous said...

anyone know where I can get a peg leg?

Anonymous said...

Captains' practice for high school...who are the class a and class aa favorites? In an effort to pre-empt the comments, yes, I know it is 'high school soccer' but it is still interesting and fun to talk about.

Anonymous said...

The MTA results has been known since Sunday since they call kids and offer spots all you need is facebook and the kids will give you the rosters as the calls are made =)

Also not all players listed are done trying out

Not MTa's fault but their is a need for try out rules by MYSA so the kids has a chance to learn about all their options before they make a decision.

Anonymous said...

Class AA - gee tough call......maybe Woodbury, Eden Prairie, and I'm guessing Wayzata

Class A - I think BSM will be tough, Mahtomedi lost a lot, not sure about Blake but they are always very solid

Anonymous said...


Look at their history, there is no way they would vote in a rule that would not hurt players. We all know this, yet some ignorant parents still keep asking for more.

Come on people, use common sense. Go to the tryouts, more than one if you are not sure. Be honest with the coach calling, and then support whatever team your kid chooses. Notice, I didn't write the team YOU choose...

Anonymous said...

Why does MTA call set up their tryouts early and try to be the first to call? Duh, in most cases they are the team the kid wants to play for if chosen...

Get over it, the kid would not be there if it wasn't their first choice (or in some poor cases, their parent's first choice).

Anonymous said...

I think the early tryout dates for MTA (as well as others) had as much to do with this year's calendar as anything else. I know that doesn't sound very sinister, but that's my opinion.
Tryouts can't start until 8/1 and this year 8/1 happened to fall on a Saturday. For efficiencies, tryouts for the different age groups were done back-to-back, one right after the other at one centralized location (impossible to do on a week day due to parents working). In this manner, coaches/trainers, etc... could evaluate 4 different age groups over an 8 hour time frame.

I realize this might make too much sense and remove a bit of the evil from the "evil empire", but there is nothing wrong with their approach.

Anonymous said...

Timing of when they started makes sense. Their 24 acceptance rule is the issue. A simple rule that says clubs must wait until August 14 at the earliest to offer players a spot on a team and can not require the player to accept the spot on the team until August 21 at the earliest is all that is required. Provide a little structure to avoid clubs forcing decisions to serve their own good not the kid's.

Anonymous said...

There are teams already at tournaments the week of 8/14......

What's the big issue with having a 24 hour acceptance? Either you want to play for a team or not (and in all honesty the club feels the same way about the player). I do see your point for someone who does not make a "top" team and is offered a spot on the "second" team. That family might want to look around for other opportunities if playing in a higher level or the need to be on a "top" team is important (and nothing wrong with wanting those things).

Anonymous said...


That is one of the best ideas ever posted on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Go read Woodbury's tryout says 24hr acceptance as well. MU also advise their players 24hrs.

Anonymous said...

great, a rule proposal for the less than 1% of kids (or families) who can't make up their minds.....

mta has three teams in the prestigious eclipse challenge cup next weekend - with 9:10's rule please help us understand who they should send (as they must have the proper 09/10 player passes to compete).

Anonymous said...

you are supposing they are going on an MYSA pass. US Club does not have the same convoluted rules as them so almost all tourneys are done on USClub passes.

Nope....women use LOLOL though

Anonymous said...

10:11 - good point on the passes (no idea what the last line means...). I guess the bigger question is how many families are really in need of some MYSA tryout rule? I only seem to be hearing a very small vocal minority. Making a rule to appease a handful of folks IMO is not a good idea.

Anonymous said...

go ahead...make more rules so people can break them and then we will have more to bs about it here!

Anonymous said...

and some teams form right away to play fall competitive MYSA (u14 and under) so they need as much lead time as possible

Anonymous said...

while we are at it let's create a rule that clarifies what issues/topics new rules can be created for??

Anonymous said...

one ineteresting note about the eclipse challenge is that mta has 2 girls teams (AK u14 and MA u13) but nothing at u12. I think most people now realize that after those 2 teams, MTA will have a big drop off at the top level. Part due to competition and part due to the fact that MA and AK were 'draws' to the club. Their current u11 age teams (upcoming u12) are ok but nothing special (as AK/MA teams are within MN)

Anonymous said...

Its the training..AK and MA awesome at training while others are not. AK and MA's team will always be superior to the other MTA teams. I know from personal experience.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the two teams going to Ill for the Eclipse challenge. The 14's have a really tough pool.

Ohio Premier Eagles (#1 in south Ohio)
Eclipse select (#1 in Ill)
Albertson 95 Fury (#3 in NY)

I am not saying this in a mean way so please don't take it that way, but if they can win one game in this pool they should feel good about their effort. This is not a high scoring team so defense will be critical for them to be able to stay in the game with this level of competition.

Anonymous said...

People look so hard to find things....
i believe last year was the only year that a MTA U12 team went to that tournament and their appearance was pretty much MA-driven.

The big difference is that what are now the current U13 MTA Blue was never much of a "regional academy" team like is currently in place but a collection of players that already spans the twin cities. What MA did was basically fast forward the current process (just like he did with the current MTA U16's which had good success at the younger ages). Keep in mind that with their current structure, the 4+ regional academy teams at U12 will merge (plus potential outside players) next year at the U13 elite level.

Some of the reasons there is not a MTA U12 team at this year's tournament. Some may find an acceptance of this explanation, while others (no matter what the reasoning) will immediately dismiss it.

Anonymous said...

The only MTA team (current girls) that will be completely dominant in MN play is the current 13's, MA's team that played 13 as 12's last year. The U-16 blue is very good but is not as dominant as they once were.
The U-14's are also very good but are pushed hard by at least a few other MN teams.
I think it would be fun to see what level of a team could be put together in MN that could compete regionally and Nationally but this will not happen under the current Mn soccer enviornment.

This state needs to consolidate clubs big time, Someone needs to be a leader in the north which currently offers no good choice, Edina,EP wayzata,PSA and Tonka need to merge in all of the other smaller clubs to each of them and then figure out how they can reduce those big 5 down to 3. Burnsville, PL, bloomington should merge, Dakota Rev, Valley,Lakeville and Eagan should merge, Woodbury,Stcroix, Cottage Grove and the surrounding smaller clubs should merge etc,etc etc,. If these things could happen and the numbers of clubs could shrink down to about half to one third the current numbers of clubs the talent consolidation could put together some pretty solid teams and coaching staffs.

Anonymous said...

imo the clubs will NOT merge as parents get on the boards of various clubs so their kids end up on the top team even IF they don't deserve it. With this being said some of the paid positions would probably be eliminated and those people will tell their club it is better to keep it going as it is. This is just food for thought, any thoughts on this?

Anonymous said...

Thats exactly what I was thinking. Too many DOCs making big bucks in many of the "community programs" would fight consolidation. Their paychecks are the reason!
Parents wanting their kid to be on the top team is also a major problem in getting clubs to consolidate.

Anonymous said...

Walk away from CC DOC paychecks???? i think you now have the reason this will not happen under the current MN soccer environement... The only reason Wings merged with Bangu as part of the MTA creation was because they really did not have much of a choice as that club was declining rapidly.

Don't disagree with your view of the girls landscape except for the U16's. They have beaten the white team three years running, so that tells me that teams 3-5 at the age group currently don't seem to provide too stiff of competition, not sure what next year's SSM U16's will look like. The U14's will be batting DREV for the next few years to come. U15's seem to be MTA/BVL, U17's will be MTA/EP, U18's will be WDB/SSM (if you want to include SSM).

Anonymous said...

same person just wrote 3 posts

Anonymous said...

That cracks me up as it works exactly the opposite at some. If you want your kid to NOT make the top team, be on the board. I know it's not intentional, but it seems to work out that way. We've even had a high level board member freak out and quit cause I think he thought being on the board would give his DD an 'in' and history/irony repeated itself.

Anonymous said...

nope 3:26 as I wrote one of them. Just lots of folks that came to a very easy conclusion right off the bat...

3:29 - i think what happens is the parents who oftentimes get involved are those who feel their kid might need the extra, perceived benefit of having a parent on the board. at any reputable club the team decisions are based on ability not last name.

Anonymous said...

What? Some kids make top teams because their parents are on the board. I used to think this was just a CC problem but it seems it happens everywhere.

Anonymous said...

No board members at MTA have kids on any of their blue teams from what I can tell.
It doesn't appear to be an issue at MTA.

Anonymous said...

i agree this has NOTHING to do with MTA but it does with the CC

Anonymous said...

439, maybe not this year, but in past years I'm sure its happened.

Anonymous said...

If it's happened tell us about it.
Which board member had their kid on a blue team at MTA?

Anonymous said...

Thats the only knock on community clubs...sometimes these guys forget that these are volunteer positions,they are'nt elected. For the most part , its almost like these club presidents are missing a gene somewhere. They really believe that their club can only benifit if they are in a position of power. Blindly manipulating coaches into choosing their daughters. I pity any coach who has to deal with that for a year. What about the kids , they train all year only to be bumped by some tools kid.

Anonymous said...

At MTA, Hoaglin's daughter was on the Stars from the beginning, but being that she was a perennial high school all-state, one of the top Class A Ms. Soccer candidates, and is now off at D1 Valparaiso on a full ride something tells me that her abilities might have had more to do with it than her dad.

Anonymous said...

Also if you look, the majority of that time MTA/Bangu only had one team per age group......

Anonymous said...

Any news out of the competitive committee meeting today? MA, U16P teams, etc...

Anonymous said...

Three premier teams got moved down three C1 moved up

Anonymous said...

Three premier teams got moved down three C1 moved up

Anonymous said...

Fact? That is insane.

Anonymous said...

That is MYSA at its best..........if it is true

Anonymous said...

whatever they decide, MYSA's decision will be "insane" to those who it negatively impacts.......

Anonymous said...

It doesn't impact me at all but it's a stupid move if true.
Those 3 new C1 teams will get killed by the 3 remaining premier teams next summer.
But what do you expect from a bunch of bureaucrats?

Anonymous said...

The league was very balanced as it was. I am not sure that 3 C1 teams will create the same dynamic. They should have made it an 8-9 team league. Maybe a couple of the teams would opt for MRL and not do MYSA (EP and REV). It gets to be too much to do both.

Anonymous said...

That is crazy, I watched all three at the state tourney,nowhere near the quality of the 3 coming down. Thank MYSA for taking so long to figure this one out,none of the teams coming up were aloud premier tryouts. This is age group has one team.... and they're losing ground on the regional opponents.

Anonymous said...

The 3 teams coming in were allowed Premier tryouts. In fact they were all told by MYSA to advertise for U16 Premier Girls. However, in MYSA's infinite wisdom, it also told the 3 teams that were relegated that they should also advertise U16 Premier Girls tryouts.

Anonymous said...

You're kidding yourself if you think that there's that much of a difference between C1 league champs and the bottom of a mediocre premier league. As a matter of fact the premier league champion LOST to a C1 team that ended up below a promoted team in league play. It will continue to be a vanilla premier league at that age group. No regional giant killers in that group.

Anonymous said...

but my DD plays for a ppppprrrrrreeeeemmmmiiiieeeerrrr team sounds a lot better during brag-offs with the other parents......

Anonymous said...

Why does it always have to be about being a regional power based on some comments on this blog 99% plus of all teams should just stop playing becuase they are not a regional power. Comments like that only shows how little some people now about the game.

Anonymous said...

6:12 I heard REV has no interest in MRL, they plan on trip to Europe for same price as three weekends in MRL.


Anonymous said...

not true to my sources. someone likes starting stuff, or is being really sarcastic? 12:28

Anonymous said...

12:15am is correct (and I commend such clear thinking at that hour..).
When the vast majority of MYSA teams are of the C2/C3 classifications doesn't that tell you that love the game, teammates, fun, etc... are the primary driving force?

Anonymous said...

the primary driving force should always be the love of the game.... what cracks me up is all the folks who knock clubs who try to take those kids who are willing, regardless of what parents pay, to take it to another level. Why is it wrong for EP/WZY/MTA to offer a level of training and coaching that will get those kids where they want to be?

Anonymous said...

Remember the uproar back in the old days when Bangu and St. Croix would do what EP attempted to do this year at U17? Club Raiding!! LOL.

Anonymous said...

not saying these clubs due this" at least one might", theirs nothing wrong with providing training and coaching to get players where they want to be, if their main focus is on improving the players themselves, and not recruit players strictly to further the club itself, youth soccer should be about player development and not mainly focused on club development at the expense of the players.

Anonymous said...

calling what happened at u17 ep "club raiding" is rubbish.
it was already a very good team with some stellar players and used their new coach and her wdb players as part of a total sell package to entice other top quality players.

Anonymous said...

8/8 7:09pm

I don't think there are many age groups in MN where more than one or two teams could be "regional giant killers" and at U16 you have a previous region champion and semifinalist that doesn't even play in that premier league.

My DD's C1 team played Rev and played the Madison 56'ers, now U17, that finished second in the WI's state championships and Rev was by far the better team of the two. And yes the 56'ers had their full team.

I do agree that there's not much difference between the bottom three premier teams and the top 3 C1's. I think mediocre and vanilla is a stretch when comparing them to the other age groups premier leagues.

Anonymous said...

5:45 If it is club raiding for St. Croix and Bangu then it is club raiding for EP. No difference

Anonymous said...

9:27 - I agree with your consistency, disagree with the terminology. hard to ever accuse anyone of "club raiding" when the players always leave on their own free willing. i guess it could be called "old club quitting". maybe that would be more accurate.
in regards to the ep team, they have 5 new players of which 3 where playing up a year so i would not classify those as "club raiding" or even "old club quitting". the goalie from mta and the wayzata player are the only players who left their old teams at their true age group.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The shake out at the upcoming year's girls U17 over the next few weeks should really be interesting with lots of potential scenarios playing out. Who's coaching what team? Who's going where?, etc.... The key will be if the Inferno kid plays U17 next year. If she goes with JE to EP, expect others to follow. It should be a lot of fun!

12/7/09 10:13 PM

A prophecy from roughly one month ago.
As an EP parent I am looking forward to the upcoming year.

Playdoestalkingnotblogs said...

If you are an EP parent, please do your daughter a favor and stay off the blog.

You are making yourself look like a fool.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the three U15 Premiers that were relegated for U16 may all play MRL. Plus it sounds like MYSA left the door open to re-submit their petitions after the AGM in November.

Anonymous said...

If all the rumors are true MN still does not have a top notch team at U17. Instead of MTA being slightly better than EP it now may be the other way around. SSM is the early state cup favorite if they play U17 and not U18.

Anonymous said...

Geez, the parent of "the Inferno kid" (10:11) is now a self-proclaimed prophet as well as a frequent poster/promoter.

10:59 is spot on.

Anonymous said...

I have met who I think you are all referring to as the "inferno kid", and her parents. I seriously doubt anyone from that family has or ever will be on this blog.

If you want to talk about soccer, leave the kids out of it, unless it is a true compliment-show you're an adult and have some class.

Anonymous said...

Parents who feel the need to come on here and boast about their kid are regrettable, as are those who need to respond by tearing the kid down. It would be best if parents just bragged about their DD's to their relatives. However, as we have seen this blog is irresistible to doting dads. Please just be amused by them, in most cases they mean no harm. Far worse to respond to them with criticism of a kid.

Anonymous said...

Haven't read anyone tearing down the Inferno kid (or any other kid recently).

The advice by 10:59 applies to all proud parents: do not brag about your DD - at least not on a blog.

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