Thursday, February 07, 2008

MN Girls Winter Tourney News

Since the girls blog shut down, I haven't heard much about the girls team winter tournament plans. Please use this post to let us all know how the MN girls teams are performing at Winter events.


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Anonymous said...

Bangu types??? There are all types of Bangu Parents, some good, some bad. Just as in every other CC or Club. I have learned over the years that it doesn't matter what level you play (Rec or Traveling) that if you win you will be disliked especially if you are on the wrong end of one of those scores. Cut MA some slack he did get it started, and never claimed to have invented it!! If he wouldn't have gotten it started would you have??

Is not Wings a Club like Bangu? So you are saying they won't be recruiting as much. I'm pretty sure a lot of Wings players came from other CC's. Pure Hypocrisy!! Wayzata also has a History of recruiting. I have heard the girls from u13 - u15 will still play on their current Wayzata or Wings teams and Play Us Club. What are you going to do when the kids want to switch from wings to Wayzata or vice versa. If you are happy with the status Quo great if not the Thunder Idea is new and exciting.

Another level of training is great but still not the answer. The talent level will still be watered down with whom the better players play and train with on a day to day basis. We as a metro community need to get the best players together to train and play with. Until we do that and put aside petty disputes we won't accomplish what we all want. I would have hoped other Clubs and CC's would have jumped aboard and do what is right for the kids. Unfortunately it is more about money.

Anonymous said...

8:44, I have only followed girls soccer for the last couple years, but soccer for over 34 years. I know about their accomplishments for the last few years but wasn't into girls soccer when those teams played from say U10 to U14. I'm not the most computer literate so it was easier to ask on this blog than trying to do my research. Plus it would take way to long to look up and I'm not sure where to start. I know the U17 won state cup as U12 but that is it. I know less about Woodbury U16. So please fill me in I would greatly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

844, This is my second post to you I must not have sent the first one because it didn't show up. So her it is again in a nutshell. I have only followed girls soccer the last couple years. I know more about the 17's because we have watched them play. Have never had the opportunity to watch the 16's. Hopefully this year.
I also know the 17's one state cup as u12's. Please fill
me on their accomplishments from say u10- u14. I would greatly appreciate it. I hated doing research in college and have always found it easier to ask someone who knows than to look it up myself!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The game is different now than it was a few years ago. The Stars and Inferno are solid teams from this area who compete well regionally. Fantastic! The current u14s could reach or surpass their forerunners, and the current u11 Blues are way ahead of any group before them at this young age.

I don't think MA has EVER claimed to reinvent any youth development wheel.

The Wings/Wayzata model is a good one. Similar models were tried in the past in other areas, but the growing US Club opportunity has now made collaborations like this possible. I agree, others will follow. Funny, they have to look outside of MYSA to do anything for the higher level players,

However, though many have banded together against the Thunder plan, US Club plans like this have limited longevity. Top players will eventually want to play with other top players, so full mergers are the way to go so that club names/pride don't factor in to adult decisions and mess players up.

Anonymous said...

It's good that US Club Soccer is finally making inroads.
MYSA will be forced to be more responsive and less dictatorial.

Anonymous said...

929 and 946 sorry but I am also not interested in doing research. I simply am aware that these teams went out of state regionally and nationally and did as well as the current teams do. At this point I couldn't even tell you which one went where and did what. If you want to visit tournament or NSR archives to look things up go for it. You seem to miss the main point here. It is not to compare different teams, I am sure your daughters team is outstanding and wish them well as I do the older teams. The thrust is to point out that other young MN teams have done well pre-academy. I used these teams as examples. There seems to be a tendency by some to use the accomplishments of the U14 team to show how great the academy system is. It may well be, but the fact that we have had nonacademy teams in years prior have similar success to me indicates a wait and see attitude is in order. Also the U14 team to date has done much better than the U13 and U15 teams. Personally I think the Thunder academy is the way to go at older ages. I like the model of Wing/Wayzata at the younger ages. Our teams may not be as strong because of lack of consolidation but we will develop more players with numerous regional academies. What troubles me about trying to establish elite teams too young is that they can become static with a roster that is resistant to change. Better players come along but loyalty to old players and parent groups gets in the way of necessary changes being made. We then end up with older teams that are not as strong as they could be. Consolidation can come later at U14-15 and up when it matters most as Eclipse and some other major clubs do. I think there should be one club players go to at that point. The danger with this might be that if we do not the results at young ages it may be difficult to get the teams into major tournaments. Strong teams at U15 and up should be enough to overcome this.

Anonymous said...

9:51, Isn't the Wings/ Wayzata thing for just U13-15. At least that's what I got from my info???? I could be wrong. Also I feel that if you wait until U14 you are missing out. I would bet there are some parents and kids who would disagree from your loyalty perspective. Nothing is perfect and I am sure some mistakes would get made but the fact remains the same the teams would still be far superior with the younger training. I also agree with numerous regional academies under one banner working together. Everyone doing their own thing will just lead to the status quo. We can all be happy for being below average ( as a state) in soccer or we can work together for something better. I thought the Thunder proposal was numerous academies through out the area, with the U13 age group being the consolidation age. The nice thing about the Thunder proposal is that if it does happen, and I believe it will eventually, is that each academy would still draw from several cities thus bringing in better players for each academy team. Then when the consolidation happens at U13 you have a far superior group of players to draw from and a much better team with aspirations of competing on a Regional and National level. Then everyone could support these teams because they would be made up of players from all over. A TRUE minnesota team.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of MN teams in the JFGs tournament in Iowa this April. Does anyone know how the brackets were determined? Also, it looks as if there are some U12 teams playing up to U13. Is there not enough competition in their own age bracket, or just placed there because their own brackets were full?

Anonymous said...

JfG was a quality tournament 5 years ago. With the rise of the NSR tournaments in Chicago and others it has evolved into basically a MN tournament held in Iowa. It does have terrific fields though.

Unknown said...

It's important that at the older age groups the team gets matched with the right coach. That's a coach who builds a strategy best suited for the talent of the team not vise versa.Makes all the difference in the world.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1109
JFG placement by REV was by choice as they're playing up for State Cup at U13. Can't speak for the rest of them. I've absolutely hated going to that tournament the last few years and playing 2-3 other MN teams in our bracket. I think the organizers would do well to be more selective as to who they let into the competition, esp. at the 'Purple' brackets. I gue$$ they're deci$ion making mu$t be driven by other factor$.

SSM-South Campus said...

Quite honestly, most of the better Iowa teams have begun to not participate in JFG because the level of play has decreased over the past few years. Please don't guage the level of play in Iowa based upon what you see there.

Most of the Iowa teams will typically head off to Kansas City or St Louis thus avoiding JFG.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Does anyone have results from the West Des Moines tournament, or a tournament link?

Anonymous said...

Any word on Mn teams at JFG yet?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know results of games at JFG yet?

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