Friday, January 28, 2011

Chat: Girls Club, Tournaments and News


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Anonymous said...

Mark Cook leaving MTA, thoughts?

Anonymous said...

NDSU coach John Ross is going to Northern Illinois.

Anonymous said...

Mark Cook named NDSU coach.

Anonymous said...

New NDSU coach - Mark Cook. He's leaving MTA.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Mark Cook is leaving MTA to take over the head coaching position at NDSU.

Anonymous said...

MTA Girls DOC off to NDSU.

Anonymous said...

who's going to replace Cook at MTA?

Anonymous said...

MC off to NDSU - Mark Yuill taking over as parent/coach and DS as coaching director.

Anonymous said...

Any word on who joins him on staff?

Anonymous said...

Spring = Change. Cook out at MTA ( Congrats on new gig NDSU ) Merrick out as Lakeville DOC.

MTA lands on its feet with Storlien sliding in as DOC. Thunder won't miss a beat.

Lakeville ? who gets that job? JL from Rev ? (current North coach)

Lakeville seems to loses more players to other clubs than anyone else. If they could close that door and give a quality option down there they could be a force.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Danny Storlein taking over Cook's job as the Elite girls dirctor.

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Anonymous said...

Who's taking over at MTA?

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Anonymous said...

Danny Storlein

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Anonymous said...

Two MTA promises broken for elite level players - no parent/coaches and no person will coach two elite teams. Do you think they will give a refund to those parents who already paid?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the people of MTA will have to understand. With MC leaving at the end of January, the club doesn't have many options for available coaches. It's not ideal but it will get them through the end of this year and then the club can hire new staff for 2012-13.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

anyone home?

Anonymous said...

11:12 AM,

Where does MTA say no parent coaches?

Where does MTA say no person will coach 2 elite teams?

I've scoured their website etc and find nothing stating on those issues?

Please help...thanks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this blog isn't working correctly

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Anonymous said...

Happy Day!

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Anonymous said...

Cook to NDSU

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Anonymous said...

please fix it

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Anonymous said...

So who is the new ndsu coach?

Anonymous said...

Any score on yesterday's game between 97 ecnl and 97 blue (formerly white) at St. Cloud?

Anonymous said...

any score in yesterday's game at st. cloud between 97 ecnl and 97 blue (formerly white)?

Anonymous said...

Anybody have scores from the MTA's shindig this past weekend in St. Cloud?

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Anonymous said...

Mark Cook - off to NDSU!

Anonymous said...

You have to post something to get to the next page - this blog is screwed up!

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Anonymous said...

3:33pm It was 0-0 most of the game. And than SB knocked one in towards the end of the game. ECNL 1-0 over Blue. Blue played ECNL very tough. The ECNL girls were getting very frustrated.

Anonymous said...

The MTA 97 Blue girls also tied the MTA 95 Blue girls a couple of weeks ago. They've also beaten the 96 Blue's the last two friendlies.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Please fix it

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Anonymous said...

whats up with the website

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Anonymous said...

It means nothing right now - the truth will all come out in state cup and league play, which is played outside! Grass versus Turf - 2 different games in my opinion.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Please fix this screwed up website!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let the fun begin!

Anonymous said...

10:35pm KO is that you?

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Anonymous said...

2/3/12 9:04 PM - Not sure who you are referring to, but those are not my initials.

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Anonymous said...

If people are not going to keep this blog working, we should move to a different site and let someone else, who has time, manage the site. Unless someone else has any idea's.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what were the impressions of the mta/st cloud event? any comments?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A waste of time and Money!!! Driving up to ST. Cloud to Play a team in your own club and two others who are way worse than the clubs second team. A lot of parents were bitching about why this was in St. Cloud.

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Anonymous said...

3:50pm. I agree 100%!

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Anonymous said...

Fix the blog please!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

still not fixed

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Anonymous said...

whats the buzz out there??

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Anonymous said...

fix this site!

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Anonymous said...

How come this blog has been dead lately? Any teams going out of town soon?

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Anonymous said...

It is dead because it is screwed up! People do not know that you have to post something to get to the next page.

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Anonymous said...

what up

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Anonymous said...

Parent coaching at 16 TCF last year. All about me and my daughter.

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Anonymous said...

Why does everyone hate MTA so much?

Anonymous said...

First, They traditionally have strong teams and everyone likes to find excuses why the guy/gal on top is on top.
second, the recruit many players away from the local community clubs and then are often in the same league playing against those same teams they recruited players from. Some people believe kids should play in their local are for the club that feeds into their high school.
third, MTA has had some bad press with the State Cup cheating scandal and a few coaches that crossed the line of "intensity".
Finally, The club has been accused of overstating the talents of the kids they are recruiting. Promising the world but delivering a "white team" experience at a "blue team" pricetag.

Not sure if others will agree with m thoughts but these are the issues I hear most often.

Anonymous said...

1:25 pretty accurate list:

I would put the most emphasis on number 2 -recruiting top players away - as the #1 reason a certain group of people hold a strong and vocal negative opinion of MTA. They may list your other reasons in an argument or on this blog but in the end if MTA did not personally effect the team their child played on by recruiting away a player or two would they really care or hold any opinion of MTA one way or another more so than the opinion they hold on Rev, MU, St Croix, whoever? The answer is no.

To your point, a majority of the group who has this negative view of MTA believes that kids should stay with their community club. This group is just as upset when their club brings in "outsiders" to their top teams at the younger ages and for their premier teams.

The fact is that all clubs recruit and some do it more often and better than others. MTA happens to do it pretty well and picks up kids from all over the metro and beyond. This gives all of the community clubs a common enemy to go after. No one in the North, West, or South cares if St Croix is recruiting away Woodbury girls so that does not get the wave of support when discussed on a blog like this. Same goes on in the South where Rev takes lots of Eagan, Lakeville and Farmington Club players but again very few outside the south care or pile on if it gets mentioned.

Recruiting, within the rules, is a good thing. It has been mentioned several times before that increased competition has improved the quality of soccer training & development at most clubs in the metro area. The negative side is the mud slinging that goes on by those who would rather bash the "competition" than shine a light on the strengths of the organization they associate with through their child.

There are 'bad apples" at every club, have been apart of (3) over the years and can tell you that for the most part 90% of the parents are positive & sane / 10% are crazies and not just with youth soccer!

Anonymous said...

I would hope that by now recruiting top players away would have dropped down to 3 or 4. The MTA "brand" (good or bad)is much more known today by parents and players than a few years ago or during the Bangu days. There are also a lot more other good clubs and teams (in certain age groups) that may have slowed down the movement of top players to MTA. Does any one know if the total number of players in MTA is growing, stabilizing or declining?

Anonymous said...

Agree with 2:43 but would like to add that many times a player is reaching out to other clubs because he or she is not happy with their current club and that is not recruiting, clubs that lose players do to this does so because they don't have their house in order but it is easier to blame other clubs of recruiting than creating what people are looking for. Bottom line options are good.

Anonymous said...

The explanation is much simpler...pure jealousy.

Anonymous said...

4:07 PM -- You are a simpleton.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the recruited player is a c1 or premier player while the rest of the team, on average, is C-2 -- this seems to be a good reason to move to MTA or a more competitive team.

Anonymous said...

I am personally very happy to see the improvement in clubs like EP,REV,St Croix and MU. IMO it has raised the bar for MN soccer by expanding the quality opportunities for kids. Hard to make a serious case that MTA is not still the "king" but I do feel it is a healthy thing to see many of the above named clubs putting teams together that are legit competition to even the top MTA ECNL teams. The difference between the current MTA and the rest is MTA has a seriously strong team at virtually every age in MN. My daughter plays for one of the other clubs as that is a better fit for our family.

Anonymous said...

5/11/12 1:01 PM here, ok, I understand a few reasons. I will take the top reason, recruiting. People have an issue with recruiting, but should these people blame the club that is recruiting (MTA) or should they really blame the parents and kids for moving? If a person buys an expensive car, is it the cars/dealers fault or is it the fault of the owner for making that purchase?

In my opinion, the final decision(s) are made by the parents, not the clubs. I do not see many other clubs hated like MTA, nor do I see or hear other parents being bashed.

Again, I was just wondering and I thank you all for the insight

Anonymous said...

Soccer should be organzied on a school district model, like hockey. Recruiting would then not be an issue.

Anonymous said...

7:45 -- It's the recruiting part that really upsets people. The parent's decision to leave is secondary.

Anonymous said...

You also don't see salesmen of BMW sitting at the Ford lot telling their customers Fords are crap.

Anonymous said...

MTA does no more recruiting than MUS, SCV, DKT, BHK, SPU, WYZ, MTK, PSA, EDI, and this list goes on and on...players move clubs because they are unhappy or looking for something different or better. MTA looses players every year who decide it is not for them. Does that make the clubs they move to evil? I think not. MTA does not cost a dime more than many other clubs with the same training schedule, tournament and travel schedule. The highest paided coaches I have ever heard of were at MPB and SCV.

Anonymous said...

PSA in the west metro does so much recruiting and they're not even secret about it! They have convinced more players to leave from Wayzata and MTA west! They go in with the hard sell that they are much cheaper than MTA. Although, as we found that's not true. MTA put the costs right out front for us to see, PSA kept adding things on and in the end it was more than MTA! So don't be fooled!

Anonymous said...

5/11/12 1:01 PM here - yes, good stuff. 5/12/12 4:32 PM, I agree, but I have not seen an MTA coach go somewhere and state that a club sucks or that their club is crap. But, I have seen where an MTA coach would “ID” a kid and give them a card or something like that and get try to get them to come play for MTA, another alternative. Now, I could be totally wrong, but just going by what I have seen in the past. Not sure they even do that “ID” thing anymore.

So, my next questions, which 5/13/12 9:13 AM and 5/13/12 11:35 AM bring up, if a good majority of the clubs recruit then what is the big issue, if that is truly the case? I do know that Dakota Rev, Cottage Grove and St. Croix have people on their teams (boys and girls) that do not live in the immediate area. Did they recruit? I know for a fact, one coach from Cottage Grove did recruit for the now U15 team. Not the current coach, but the one before who has moved on to a different club.

In order to keep up with other clubs outside of Minnesota (Chicago Eclipse, Michigan Hawks, Ohio Elite, etc) Minnesota teams have to pool the talent. Do we want to compete regionally and possibly, nationally or not? Do you think we can win anything regionally or nationally if we do not pool the talent in Minnesota? What would be the plan to compete regionally or nationally? We have 2 or 3 girl teams that actually give others a run for their money regionally and maybe few boy teams, at least based on last year’s results. Hopefully, some different outcomes for this year.

Anonymous said...

I think you missed the early Bangu/MTA campaign which was basically community clubs were categorized as peasants and they focused all their marketing efforts on saying that. And the state cup scandal didn't help among other things.

Anonymous said...

For the most part if a MTA coach invites and uses the words "ECNL tryouts" than they will be looking at you at tryouts. If you just come to MTA tryouts, you will be trying out for their "blue" teams. ECNL teams are set well before tryouts with the exception of 1-2 players.

Anonymous said...

1:01 check your rosters for any successful SCV team...few if any players from the "immediate area." Cottage Grove, Dakota Rev successful teams...can you name 1?

Anonymous said...

5/14/12 10:37 PM - sorry, I am not understanding what you are asking.

I will be happy to answer your question once I understand what you are asking for.

Anonymous said...

Cottage Grove NO. Rev 15,16,18 are all contending Premier teams and many consider the 13's amongst the best 13 teams in this state.

Anonymous said...

Competitive hockey does not follow the zip code philosophy...the best players go to academies and juniors in Canada. Sorry but the best players don't play HS hockey...except for maybe a couple seniors a year.

Anonymous said...

You are considering an incredibly small number of hockey players. The best soccer players do that too (national academies out of state). The bulk of the hockey players are in clubs just like our soccer players. They play in their community clubs.

Anonymous said...

And plenty of them go on to receive DI scholarships.

Anonymous said...

MTA parent here, what's going on with our club? I'm worried. All the energy is put into ECNL. The younger kids coming in are dwindling. Many kids don't want to play ECNL and prefer the blue. MTA sticks the "2nd team" label on the blue team. Colleges have no interest in looking at the "2nd team" in a club.
Thinking it's time to look at some of the other clubs that put their energy into all of their teams.

Anonymous said...

From Day 1, that's been the problem with MTA -- the focus on the blue (now ECNL)teams.

Anonymous said...

The departure of MC from MTA elite has hurt. DS is doing nothing and the club is dying. We for one are looking at new clubs for tryouts.

Anonymous said...

I'm a "non-MTA" person. My thoughts are this... While ECNL in theory is a great thing (great for the top kids, great for club recognition, etc.) it's actually done as much harm for MTA as it has good. They're no longer as visibly dominant in MN (top teams not participating at State Cup). This part is conjecture, based on what I've heard through others... their second teams aren't as appealing as they once were as there doesn't seem to be a strong focus on them. And honestly, for a club that draws many of the best soccer players in the state, I personally don't believe they have a large percentage of the best coaches in the state. They have a couple of very, very good coaches but they also have many average coaches. Again, this is all from the outside looking in.

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