Thursday, May 21, 2009

U13G Semi Final Controversy

The Sunday 5/17 MN State Cup U13 Girls semi final game between MTE13GC101 (U12s playing up) and MTA13GC101 ended with a bit of controversy. According to the MTE13GC101 coach's statements in his own blog:

"I told them I was so proud of their efforts, but I wanted them to step up and pass the ball to the U13 GK when it was their turn to shoot. "

This has stirred up many questions about ethical behaviour. Some are speculating that the MTA13GC101, Coach AK, may have known what was going to happen as well. There seems to be more bloggers chiming in with strong concerns about Coach MA's decision. Still a few are defending his actions.

The MTA "club" has tried to distance themselves from the controversy by stating on their web site:

"The MTA Executive Board is aware of an incident at State Cup this past weekend. It was a coach's decision that came into question; an individual decision, and it was not supported by the club. We are looking into it further to deem whether any disciplinary action is needed."

What could be even more disturbing is that Coach MA may have informed the team parents of his plans, during the previous winter. If true, why wasn't anything done?

What's next? What will MYSA do? What will USYSA do? What will MTA do?


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Anonymous said...

haha, I never knew the reason WH got caught was because he actually EMAILED that crap to people. So not only was he acting ethically improperly, but he's apparently a complete moron as well as he documented the whole thing.

i'm gonna rush right out and buy his books now!

tomASS said...

1219 - you might want to learn a bit about soccer first before you buy his books.

Anonymous said...

1st I will admit I am too lazy to read all the older posts. My apologies if this has alread been discussed.

So, was there really a 4th official? Someone at the game?

Do not name him/her! But,I worked State Cup semi's and to my knowledge there were no 4th officials until Championships this past weekend. There certainly were none in the games I worked.

U13g have unlimited substitutions, so this would be a very boring assignment, and an unneeded expense for MYSA. Why would there be one in the MTA v. MTA 13g semi?

tomASS said...

maybe because it was a MTA vs. MTA game?

Anonymous said...

not following you tomASS - please elaborate.

tomASS said...

a joke - that a 4th official would be needed for a match between two MTA teams to keep an eye on them

Anonymous said...

not like you tomASS to jump on the bandwagon and bash without some reasoning (almost as bad as the larry craig reference - what were we all supposed to infer from that).

tomASS said...

no funny bones among many of you.

Have a little fun - not jumping on the band wagon. It was a great set up for a joke based on all that has happen.

I must be in good company with Jay Leno, Conan,
Letterman. you don't like closeted, conservative gay senators who go on the down low eh.

Anonymous said...

time to kill this thread me thinks..........

Anonymous said...

Regardless of what the 4th offical heard or didn't hear MA statement to MYSA cooked the U13's. "I had my players pass their penaity kicks to the opposing GK when it was their turn to shoot, effectively bowling us out ot the competition and sending OUR U13 team to the finals" He took ownership of the team, they can no longer benefit from his actions. Given MA statement, why should the tournament committee think the 4th offical was lying? Truely guys you are mad at the wrong people. Don't be upset with MYSA be tick with MA.

tomASS said...

822: It doesn't work that way anymore. MA can take responsibility and move on. AK says he doesn't want the team to be in the middle of the controversy and he wants to move on.

Put the parents want to blame everyone else besides the individuals that are responsible. It is the parents that do not want to move on.

Good thing the coaches are trying to teach a kids a life lesson.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. When people whine and complain loudly and strongly enough, they can cower those in authority into doing anything to satisfy them and take the pressure off themselves. Particularly when they are predisposed to dislike the party being punished already. Very valuable lesson and one you see repeated all the time in real life. Kudos MYSA.

Anonymous said...

No one has answered my question. Was there really a 4th official, and why in only one game.

I am not blaming anyone, I do not believe MA's actions were appropriate, but I truly would like to know why this alleged 4th official, allegedly overheard a conversation between two coaches.

tomASS said...

1005 - Best answered by those at the game or by MYSA who did the investigation

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Don Shelby has an opinion on this too.

Anonymous said...

methinks the "alleged" 4th official "allegedly" heard an "alleged" conversation between two "alleged" coaches.

Anonymous said...

There are 4th officials at all state cup semi finals and finals. You can draw your own conclusions.

Anonymous said...

9:38, there were NOT 4th officials at all the semi's. The games I worked did not have 4th's.

Did anyone who was at the game verify an actual 4th was assigned to the u13g MTA v MTA?

Anonymous said...

938, there were not 4th officials at all semis. no idea who this guy/gal is, but if he/she really heard some sort of discussion, why wouldn't he/she have gotten involved at the time of the conversation?

Anonymous said...

Shelby is s total d-bag. He has no idea what he is talking about. He is part of the media machine that is responsbile for some much exaggeration, sexism, racism and sensationalism. He and the rest of his turdballs should be flushed!

Anonymous said...

I must have missed the Shelby stuff can someone tell me what this in regards to.


Anonymous said...

Having not heard Shelby, I bet he took an anti-MA/cheater stance, and I bet 11:22 is an MTAss.

Anonymous said...

I am not a MTA person and my children do not play for MTA. I can't stand Don Shelby or the liberal and stupid Minnesota media.

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