Thursday, May 21, 2009

U13G Semi Final Controversy

The Sunday 5/17 MN State Cup U13 Girls semi final game between MTE13GC101 (U12s playing up) and MTA13GC101 ended with a bit of controversy. According to the MTE13GC101 coach's statements in his own blog:

"I told them I was so proud of their efforts, but I wanted them to step up and pass the ball to the U13 GK when it was their turn to shoot. "

This has stirred up many questions about ethical behaviour. Some are speculating that the MTA13GC101, Coach AK, may have known what was going to happen as well. There seems to be more bloggers chiming in with strong concerns about Coach MA's decision. Still a few are defending his actions.

The MTA "club" has tried to distance themselves from the controversy by stating on their web site:

"The MTA Executive Board is aware of an incident at State Cup this past weekend. It was a coach's decision that came into question; an individual decision, and it was not supported by the club. We are looking into it further to deem whether any disciplinary action is needed."

What could be even more disturbing is that Coach MA may have informed the team parents of his plans, during the previous winter. If true, why wasn't anything done?

What's next? What will MYSA do? What will USYSA do? What will MTA do?


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Anonymous said...

So 10:47, are you saying that everything the U17 SCV boys team has done since they may have cheater their way into team formation should be erased? They should not play the boys 17 final today and let the the 2 other semi-finalist that lost play to see who plays Valley?

Anonymous said...

I'm having a really hard time seeing how people can attempt to justify not punishing a team that was partner to a fraud [maybe not an equal partner, but a partner either way]. I'm sorry it's kids, but I'm sorrier for our society that we have so many that can't see right from wrong when it involves their dd.

Anonymous said...

So any score on the 13 g final? It should be over by now. Was it played?

Anonymous said...

8:19 wrote "I hope those involved in the spiteful AK/U13 decision can sleep at night after they took EVERYTHING away from a bunch of 12-13 year old girls." (emphasis mine)

That's not over the top??? They had everything taken away from them? Their families, their friends, their futures? Everything?

Or was is just another game that they hadn't even earned the right to play in?

The people who should be having trouble sleeping at night, and asking their gods for forgiveness, are those who believe that soccer is everything. Talk about your false idols.

Anonymous said...

A partner in a fraud?
His players DIDN'T let the U12 shots go in. His players MADE their PKs. You can't be serious!
What did the U13 players do to alter the result of the game?
Are you wearing blinders? LOL
If not your hate and jealousy of that club has blinded you.

I'llBRtBack said...

1052, no, I'm not saying that. If something wrong is done, it should be corrected if possible. As far as I can tell, their placement was correct based on the field results. Again, maybe not the right reasons, in your eyes, but correct in the end. And I have less of a problem with incorrect placement, than fixing a game. The first problem takes care of itself over time. If it's wrong they'll be eliminated by survival of the fittest. That hasn't proven to be the case. There wins to make the final are legitimate. There's no scenario I can think of, given the evidence, that can justify not dq-ing both teams in game fixing. This isn't even an apples/oranges comparison. I can't think of anything short of a criminal act that's more detestable than arranging the outcome of a game.

Anonymous said...

The author of that post didn't emphasize "everything". You did.
I read his post to mean everything relative to this State Cup event and the opportunity to go to regions.
To interpret beyond that is absurd in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Only 1 team "fixed the outcome".
AK's team did what they were supposed to do.
They blocked the "PKs" and they put put the ball in the net when it was their turn to shoot.
What could the U13 team have done to stop Abboud from passing the ball to the U12 keeper?
Use some common sense. Don't let hate cloud your thought process.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:37,
Are you the "unbiased" leaker from inside MYSA who has been leaking info on this blog?
It's nice to know some in our MYSA gang are so ethical and have higher standards than their target of choice,Mark Abboud.
Some folks just can't disguise their hate.

Anonymous said...

1052, I don't have hate or jealousy for that club (dd played for them back in the day), or the coaches (like them both). Just sick of loyalty blinding people from reality. It happened. 1047 is right. The coach is part of the team. Take your punishment and be a good example to your kids in how you do it. Grow up, they're not entitled to a second chance at a semi. They were part of a cheating scheme - end of story.

Anonymous said...

1107 here, oops, my bad, I should have addressed 1105

Anonymous said...

Virtually all medical professionals agree that the release of anger and hostility is a crucial component to improved mental as well as physical health. With that in mind, I think we all need to look at MTA not with disdain, but with gratitude. For without their actions last weekend, the vast majority of bloggers on this thread would not be feeling so refreshed and energized.

We might all want to also show a bit of pity to those involved with MTA as they have decisions to make that few if any of our daughter's coaches will have to make. While 99% of the clubs out there just hope to get one team into the State Cup semi-finals, MTA has to decide which two (and in some cases three) teams should compete for the championship at many age groups. I'm sure it is a cross none of you would like to bear.

So next time you see a MTA parent, coach, or player, don't disparage them, but give them a hug and say "thank you" because without MTA, I would not be feeling so vibrant and that I also empathize with you because of the difficult decisions that your club must make.

Anonymous said...

10:58 - Obviously you don't get it. Obvioulsy nothing anyone and anybody can say will make you get it. Perhaps you should take some time away from a soccer field and the computer. I'm a part of that same club, and your post are embarassing. I would think if you talk to MA & AK they would tell you the same thing.

Anonymous said...

10:58 - Obviously you don't get it. Obvioulsy nothing anyone and anybody can say will make you get it. Perhaps you should take some time away from a soccer field and the computer. I'm a part of that same club, and your post are embarassing. I would think if you talk to MA & AK they would tell you the same thing.

I'llBRtBack said...

11:13, I'm positive they would. Both of them are way more stand-up guys, than most of the jokers defending an indefensible situation, and pathetically begging to please let their dd's team off the hook.

Anonymous said...

I think if MA would ever stop walking he would have AK half way up his backside. I like the way MA's blog says AK is one of the top up and coming coaches in the state. It is really easy to be a top coach when you can select the top 16 to 18 players when they all try out....even at U9 and U10, or have the club give a top team. Give him a bunch of rec kids or a C3 team and see if he can develop them into a "elite team".

Anonymous said...

I think it's too early to tell on AK. I disagree however with the C3/rec kids idea. Seriously, in many ways, it's tougher to make good players better, because the increments of improvement are less obvious and, assuming they got there because of some success, their previous experiences (bad habits) may be harder to stop since it's worked for them.

My daughter plays on a U11C3 team and their coach is one of premier team coaches in the club. He's said that he's getting much more out of the U11C3's than his boys premier team, because they know they've got a long way to go and are open to learning.

Anonymous said...

The big question for evaluating a coach is did the kids improve, get more knowledge of the game, learn age/level appropriate skill sets, and can they hardly wait for next season. That's a successful coach.

Anonymous said...

Any results?

Anonymous said...

Anyone from MTA willing to share what the internal sanctions will be? Someone yesterday posted something about them being harsh, but no word yet.

Anonymous said...

I'llBRtBack - your sense of reasoning is SO biased that you are making a fool of yourself. I thought tomass had the corner on that ;) You are a perfect example of some who is agressive and dumb, like most of our politicians. You can't remove yourself from your own personal connections and opinions to see that SCVs/MYSA Executives crime is far, far worse than a coach throwing a game. You hate for MTA is probably rooted in your child not making a team or a small man unit...could be both.

I do believe MA should be out for 3 years AK out for 2 years, MTA given a 5K fine, but the 13s team should have been in the final.

Anonymous said...

9:55 Said "Sc #2 - U13 should have played another semi final game against the next in line (Prior Lake) for a fair chance to move to the next round."

I agree with you 9:55, but would add that AK would not be able to coach the 13's for the rest of State Cup or Regionals and possibly the Summer State Tournament. That way, you don't penalize the girls, only AK.

Anonymous said...

EP over Edina in PK's (3-0) after a 0-0 game at U13.
Burnsville over MTA at U14.

Anonymous said...

To the WBL loser parent who is still upset over the SCV 17B deal (from three years ago), SCV did nothing wrong. They assembled a team and went to the MYSA asking for C1 placement. The MYSA gave them C1 placement (on their second petition). No promises were made...the players (and parents) wanted out of a god-awful situation, and I have to say the ruling was probably appropriate.

I'llBRtBack said...

1153, if anything, I'm biased towards MTA since I know and like both coaches, my daughter played for MA many moons ago, and I strongly support MTA's vision of being a USSF Academy program. As someone with ties to the U13s, you are not seeing this issue with clarity. I have no ties with SCV, and we'll just have to disagree about what's worse. Name-calling . . . really??? Make a logical point that doesn't ignore their involvement or previous applications of sanctions in similar circumstances, and I'll agree with you, but several state associations and USYSA have already come down on the side of game fixing being an egregious act.

Anonymous said...

Listen up you idoits, my daughter is perfect. You bozo's don't get it, she is a victim of circumstances out of her control. MYSA decision has damaged her psychie, she suddenly is question Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and gasp yes, even the Tooth Fairy. I think I'll go see my lawyer tommorrow and file a suit seeking damages for destroying her childhood. ;)

Anonymous said...

Details on GU14 plz!!!

Gawd said...

Are the girls getting shat upon? Absolutely. Maybe the two egomanical blowhard coaches should have thought of the ramifications of their actions before conspiring to commit the fraud.

Whether MA was thinking about his girls, the other girls, his club or his fragile ego, he was wrong to inject himself into the game in any way. Shame on him.

The moral? Get out of the bleeping way and let the game be played.

Anonymous said...

Once you think about it. Would AK question the actions or decision of his mentor MA? I dont think so. Heck his team was going advance....why should he care how he got there(even if it was given to him and not earned). And if they keep winning would AK take the credit for leading his team to victory? Pictures on the MTA website...etc.

There should be a asterisk with a explanation if they advance and inform everyone of the circumstances how they got there....Given Not Earned!!!

AK is just as wrong as MA for this event to happen and the results of any disciplinary action need to be equal for both MA and AK.

Anonymous said...


simple question...yes or no.

are your current U13 ties with MTA?

Anonymous said...


Just using my Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech.

I'llBRtBack said...

1250, I have no current U13 ties, my kids are either younger (U11) or older (college).

Anonymous said...

unfortunately, just like in politics, the party in the wrong will be overly defended by its loyalists and overly persecuted by the opposing party.

unfortunately for MTA, the opposing party is in power......

Anonymous said...

Like i said before, IMHO, the blame is on the coaches...plain and simple...not the mysa, ref's, mta,etc...the girls both 12/13 are victims of a coaching desicion that violated the rules...last i heard the coach is part of the far as i've seen one of those coaches is a stand up guy who has taken full responsibility for his actions...the other has not...his silence says alot... i don't have a pony or a dd in the show

Anonymous said...

EP wins on PK's. It would have been poetic justice if after lobbying MYSA to have the MTA 13's disqualified and succeeding they had lost to Edina. So many adults making bad decisions here, from MA to WH to MYSA and the only ones that get an undeserved punishment are a bunch of young girls. Sad. Seems strange that as Tomass said EP would not have wanted to play MTA in the final. The W is what matters apparently. Whether AK knew or not the MTA 13's should have been allowed to play.

I'llBRtBack said...

To all who keep claiming that there is some sort of witch hunt or overly burdensome sanctioning going on . . . I'll say it again - you don't know what you're talking about. These are the same sanctions happening elsewhere in similar circumstances. There is no over persecution going on here. It's what's been determined is right in several cases and backed by the USYSA. There are NO instances where both teams were proven to have knowledge of an arranged outcome where both teams were not disqualified. NONE, ZERO, NADA!! USCS has had incidents as well . . . call them, MTA parents, they'll tell you the same thing. If any member of the team (including the coach) is in on it, you get to forfeit your games . . . all of them in that State Cup. There is no 'party' in power. There are rules that are being administered the way they have been and should be.

Anonymous said...

In reality, the u13 parents have a decision to make as to whom their DD are coached by....their fault the girls are not playing...not ep, not mysa, not ref's, not even MTA...the decision of the coaches...get your explaination from them as to why they would fix the outcome of a game...I don't feel their intent was to hurt least the one MA who has owned the mistake...IMHO

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the EP kids. The parents now get to watch them go 0-3 a GD of -15 to've done them proud!

Anonymous said...

I'llbrightback I challenge you to produce even ONE circumstance where this has happened before. I am not talking about pool play where there is a third team involved. there are plenty of examples of that. Give me an example of where a team loses a game and thus eliminates ITSELF! There are none. The "rule" everyone seems to fall back on to justify this is meant to apply in a situation in group play where 1) team MA is out 2) Team AK needs a win against MA to advance 3) Team MA throws game to allow team AK to advance out of group instead of Team NSSA which would have gone through if team AK had lost or tied. When the team that throws the game is the one eliminated why should there be a witch hunt to punish a bunch of other kids who had nothing to do with it. And it shouldn't matter whether their coach knew or not!

Anonymous said...

This year's u13 team can't do any worse than last years! LOL!

Anonymous said...

137 that is the best summation I have seen of this debacle. I would not hold my breath waiting for an example from IBRB because there is none. When has a team ever thrown a game to eliminate themselves? The fact that people went after the 13 team is unbelievable. I am not with MTA and truthfully don't approve of some of the things they do, especially with recruiting. But this goes beyond anything remotely fair and reveals some pent up vindictiveness by MYSA, whether others encouraged them or not.

Anonymous said...

the tip of the iceberg is melting

Anonymous said...

Coaches are at fault!!!!! (IMHO)
ask the coaches who victimized the girls, well OK ask MA at least he has been honest...there is no witch hunt...they cheated
a witch hunt would have eliminated all MTA teams
team=players+coach, your coach failed the girls
1:24, what poor wonder your dd plays for a rule should be very proud.
don't have a player in this mess and not a "hater", just love soccer

Anonymous said...

243, Honest, please!! MA not only hurt the 12's and 13's but he then proceeding to throw the parents under the bus by claiming no one objected ( Which is the farthest thing from the truth), thus, putting some of the blame on them instead of himself the "professional soccer coach" AK only offense IMHO was not standing up for what he knows is right against someone whom he unfortunately followed without question.

Anonymous said...

Eventually everybody will figure it out. It's all about the coaches and the clubs. Your kids are simply replacable pawns and the source of income. Player development is a secondary ptiority when you can recruit.I'm familiar with a half dozen coaches and all these guys talk about their record and personal achievments. Sit in on a beer and cigar session. They all want to be bigshots. So much for youth soccer.

Anonymous said...

3:43, another idiot chiming in with no grasp of anything. When did MA ever blame the parents? When did he ever blame anyone else besides himself? Please enlighten us or shut up until you have something useful to contribute.

Congrats to EP. Good luck to them.

Anonymous said...

I heard Edina missed their PKs on purpose. rabble rabble rabble. DISQUALIFY EP!!!!!

I can't wait to her the EP club touting their "state champs."

asterisks anyone???

Anonymous said...

u14 was a good game. burnsville lead 2-0 at the half and MTA worked very hard and did not quit. they got a goal with about 10 to go and then couldn't get the equalizer. burnsville got the bounces it seemed but like many said it was an even, 1 goal type game.

Anonymous said...

Way to go U14s for giving a great that is a championship...congrats to both teams on a well fought game

Sounds more like the soccer we all need to see

My daughter team...years ago lost in a similar is still a game she remembers...memory's

Anonymous said...

At regionals:

EP13s 0 [insert anyone] 5

Anonymous said...

its really sad that an adult posted that 6 31pm post,wow,get a life.

Anonymous said...

justice was properly served. congrats EP .

Anonymous said...

439, In the newspaper article MA stated that no one objected when the parents found out about what he would do in a match up with the older team. That sound like trying to spread the blame around to me. Maybe you should open your eyes?!?

Anonymous said...

Whoever posted at 6:31 P.M. is a jealous twit and has real issues which they must have to deal with everyday. Eden Prairie is a very good "community" club team with a few players from outside of Eden Prairie. Can you imagine Harrison vs. Whitehead today. Two of the very best coaches in the state pitted against each other in a U-13 game? Wish I could have been there watching two CC teams slug it out. Soccer, at least in the West District is in very good hands with guys like WH, SW, MW and GL. BG from MTW isn't bad either.

Anonymous said...

SW & WH....LOL

because they have accents and write books?

Anonymous said...

congrats Wayzata u16 girls!!!

Anonymous said...

What upcomming tournaments are the EP State Cup champs playing in? It will be interesting to see if they really are the best team around. They were for this tournament but I still contend they are no better than the 4th best team at that age group in MN. If I were running a tournament in MN and knew they were signed up I would be calling up the MTA gang and a few other Non-west league teams to fill up a competitive bracket.

Anonymous said...

agreed, congrats to Wayzata at U16. They were the better team and deserved the title. They went undefeated in their pool, knocked off the 3 time defending champs (MTA) in the semi's, and then beat a very good EP team.

Anonymous said...

SW and WH,so now its a disadvantage to have an accent and write a book?Spoken like a true immature college coach doing a club stint.
Name the MTA/scv/psa Coaches with a higher background playing and coaching than WH,how many national seminars do Zahl and co. demonstrate at?
Which pro teams have the MTA/scv etc coaches played for,yeah all 80 of them.
WH has more soccer knowledge than most clubs staff put together.

Anonymous said...

it's almost too easy to get the british coaches lackeys fired up.....

Anonymous said...

"british" you mean English,yeah?

Anonymous said...

Does WH's book teach coaches how to coerce players to stay in their community's club by threatening them with not playing on the community's HS team if they leave for a competitors club?

Anonymous said...

9 45,why dont you call and ask him?
I think you are too gutless to do so.You must love this typically gutless mn blog where you can back stab people and not be held responsible.
Can you believe we have a blog with no way of starting our own topic,sadly its all we have so we blog on.We only get to blog about subjects dictated to us by the blogmaster,such is the strong German{nazi}influence in mn.
No open forum,no starting new topics,no free speech here.
When does the MA book come out,I hear its titled"The life and times of Squeaky and I"
He already has a second book planned,"How pippy crossed"

tomASS said...

One of my favorite Eagles' songs

Get Over It.

This dedication goes out to all those MTA u13 parents that can't seem to come to grips with responsibility and misplaced blame.

ladies on the team, your time will come again and maybe next time adults from your own club will not get in the way.

Maybe these fine young ladies, some with dysfunctional parents , want to dedicate the song to mom & dad rather than me do so.

If there is still questions about AK's complicity, ask your executive board to share what they know. You will find out that he did have prior knowledge.

To those that still ask, what could he have done? How about a simple quiet word after the first kick from the mark, " Hey Mark no, this doesn't feel right, lets do it the right way and play it out. The leader of the team led his troops into a pit.

Please remember I supported the girls getting the opportunity to play, but by the standards of the game I would have been not following the proper sanctions.

The best case scenario did not come to fruition.

Now turn the volume up and listen to GET OVER IT by the Eagles.

tomASS said...

PS - hang in there I'llBrtBack - it get very frustrating when common sense can't be followed.

Anonymous said...

The real life lesson here is how applying enough parental political pressure can crowd out common sense and justice.
- Justice=An adult breaks the rules and faces the consequences.
- Injustice=Girls play their hearts out and win, but are rewarded with disqualification because the adult told another group of girls break the rules? How do you make sense of this? Easy! Just blot out the “In” with a generous dollop of political BS, and call it justice for everyone.
I would have understood if the game result was voided and those girls had to prove themselves against another opponent. But disqualified? What a spineless political move.
No honey, you don’t have to be better skilled or conditioned…Just learn how to apply political pressure like mommy and daddy. There, that’s our girl. We’re so PROUD!
RULE #1 - Let the Kids Play

Anonymous said...

No doubt it would have been preferable to see advancement decided on the field of play, rather than a politicians office.
At this point, let's remember to keep the KIDS first and wish them all well at Regionals. Best of luck girls!

tomASS said...

1140 - they did not win the game. It was given to them by cheating that took place on an agreement between both coaches.

I think it best that all the MTA u13 parents approach the MTA executive board for the answers they are seeking regarding the injustices they view and site.

You will not find them on here or you will not hear what you need to hear from the right individuals here on this thread.

The pro and con sides will continue to go around and around with the same arguments because emotions are clouding clarity on the issues.

tomASS said...

cite - not site

Anonymous said...

Hey Tomass is drinking tonight. Yahoooooo! Probably has a date with Patty too!

WH for president! Of the d-bag club!

To bad the 13G EP team will give up 50 goals at regionals....ok, maybe just 25, but you get the point!

tomASS said...

As the day started, as it will end

God is Great

Beer is Good

People are Crazy

Anonymous said...

AND JUSTICE FOR ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Larry said...

I went to Coon Rapids to watch the u13 and u14 girls finals Sunday morning. Two very entertaining games. The strong winds impacted the games more than I anticipated, but they were still well played games. First half with the wind, Burnsville’s 14’s were quicker to the ball and covered space better.-second half, advantage MTA. A well deserved decision for the Fire. The energy the 13’s brought to the game made for a fun game to watch. Neither team was willing to yield anything to the other team. Edina almost put it away with 2 minutes left in overtime. A terrific shot from outside was pushed just enough to go high and hit the crossbar. Lots of oohs and aahs but no scores. Eden Prairie’s kicks from the penalty mark were dead on and they all hit the same top right corner.

One of the MTA parents asked how my MTA u13 was dealing with the fiasco. My response that she, nor her teammates were going to be defined by a poorly thought out decision by a coach, nor a heavy handed punishment by an organization. They still thrive on the game, the competition, their coach and their teammates. They have not lost anything.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that.
It sound like the U13 girls are handling this in a more mature manner than the "adults" at MYSA.

Anonymous said...

9:54, you write like WH in his mediocre books. Welcome back to the blog, though we all know you never really left. I don't think anyone understands your proposed book titles for MA though.

Many of us are glad you're going to get a chance at Regionals this year. Hopefully you'll draw some good competition so you can finally see what high level girls soccer is really like and grasp that your club isn't really as strong as you tell everyone it is.

At least Burnsville has a chance of competing at 14s. Good luck to them, MTA at 15s, Wayzata, Inferno, MTA and MTA.

Anonymous said...


They lost their coach for next years State Cup and who knows what else. That's something isn't it?

Anonymous said...

8:56 - don't think you understand what Larry was trying to say - the players are still proud of who they are, love the game, and look forward to future challenges. But if you want to keep drilling away who are we to stop you....

Anonymous said...

having seen most of the U13 state cup teams, how did EP beat DREV (I missed that game)?

Anonymous said...

10:26 EP played a great game. Rev was and is missing (injuries)their players that came over from Bangu. One is an outstanding attacker and the other is an outstanding defender, two of Rev's top performers. It may not have mattered because EP played a solid game.

Anonymous said...

thanks 11:12, good luck to EP at regionals.

Anonymous said...

tomass, I refed a U13 (PSA/TR) game fri night and was it fun seeing U13 girls play hard and enjoy the game. Parents were cheering their kids, being very supportive on the sidelines. The coaches were encouraging and did not try to fix the outcome of the game. They were appreciative of their players skills and the game was well played.

In all fairness, we should sometimes appreciate the many good kids playing soccer and MYSA soccer has to cater for them as well. These kids playing at this level may never get to regionals but they play the game for fun nothing wrong with that.

Any attempt to fix a game is a shame and we should not even think about it - period.

I am not a big fan of MYSA and all its policies but MYSA is as much to blame for this incident as NY state is to blame for 911 bombing.
If anything, MYSA handled this very well.

For once, we can say 2009 state cup was well run despite the location issues - good job Tom and all.


Anonymous said...

JY - what is your point here with these comments?
"The coaches were encouraging and did not try to fix the outcome of the game. They were appreciative of their players skills and the game was well played."
Your implication is that others do not do this, which club are you refering to? careful your bias is showing.

Anonymous said...

Thank God it's all over. Now it's off to college soccer. This last year has been one %$#@$% mess.

tomASS said...

jy - I bet you couldn't stop enjoying yourself. Sorry I missed you call. I will try you later this week.

I agree regarding the MYSA. No one has more disdain for them as I do, as you are well aware of. However, even though I would have made a more lenient decision, I do not think they can be harped upon regarding a decision they were forced to make and wish they probably didn't have to. It was not as unjust as many will imply.

I don't think Jy was taking a shot at any other teams. I think his intent was to say how enjoyable the game is with not a lot at stake.
C2 teams playing because they love to and they want to compete. Less at stake will always mean more enjoyment for almost everyone.

There is nothing more enjoyable during the hockey season than coming across a mini-mite game or practice. To those players it is their sports world and they compete to do their best. Watching Rec soccer always brings a warm fuzzy feeling. Pure enjoyment of the game.

Anonymous said...

tomass - beer and cheese great stuff - we can all laugh at this. I will even invite other MTA parents - so whose side am I on - not sure! at the end of the day, there is nothing at stake for a U13 game.
soccer game played by young kids at this age should be fun and laughable. oh I forgot we have been watching too much Beijing Olympics gymnasts from China.


tomASS said...

jy - when I get my knees replaced maybe you and I can team up again and referee a u13 game together!

Anonymous said...

11:12 Yea right injuries. Always excuses on this board. How about EP is just a much better team. State Cup Champions I do believe!!

Anonymous said...

I was out at Lucy Bell last night for ODP and watched the ends of several championship games for the St. Croix tournament, which were just finishing. In 30 minutes I watched FOUR shoot-outs, and saw eight different teams', players', parents' and coaches' reactions to the intense stress. In some cases, a strong keeper made some amazing saves. In some cases, the stress got to players and they missed the net or shooting it to the keeper. Having not seen the games, I don't know if the better team won in most cases, but the PLAYERS settled the games in every case.

After witnessing this, it made me doubly sick to think of what MTA did to meddle in the final outcome of that game, and how outraged the players and parents of both teams must be. Shame on MTA to think they can play God and affect the outcome. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

7:08-Pull your head out. I was answering a question as I saw it. How to you get "much better team" out of a 2-1 victory, then not win in overtime against a team the MTA beat 4-1 in group play?
Take the top two players off most teams and that is a honest explanation for less than their best performances. When Rev has their full team, and EP will face their full team sometime, your arrogance will fade.

Anonymous said...

7:35 - can't believe I wasted 11 seconds of my life to read that post. well done sir, I'll never get those back.

tomASS Whole said...

Can anyone post the state cup champs in order by age group? While MYSA is very adept that kicking 13 year old girls out of tournaments for playing hard and making their own shots, they don't seem to be as adept at updating results on their web site.

tomASS said...

tomASS Whole - they are also very bad at keeping all their meeting minutes up to date.

Anonymous said...

MTA didn't know what Abboud planned to do. Think about what you post before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

Girls State Cup Champs
U13 Eden Prairie
U14 Burnsville
U16 Wayzata
U17 Woodbury

Boys State Cup Champs
U19 TBD (VLY vs WBL)

Anonymous said...

9:09 You can keep denying anyone else knowing about this, but many who know the two coaches knew of the plan well ahead of the incident. MA,AK and several others at MTA. You are doing yourselves no favors by keeping the deny,deny,deny game going.
EP won Sate Cup at U-13 , most agree they were not considered a pre tournament favorite, in fact they were a long shot at best. They caught Rev at the "right time" (Rev had several injuries) then they got lucky with the MTA coaches messing up causing the DQ situation we are all so well aware of.
I think it best to try and put this whole thing behind us and off of the "front page". MYSA will rule soon on the coaches eligibility and that will likely cause another firestorm. MTA's reputation has clearly been harmed, not all feel this way, but many feel this club needs to take a good hard look at themselves and look to regroup.
The 12 and 13 year old girls need to know this is not OK, but also need to move an and try to go out and have some fun for the balance of the season.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to lob a "bomb" out there claiming "many" knew of this.
If you're so informed why don't you just list the names of those who knew?
And at the same time tell us who you are?
Could it be you're full of BS and just want to bash the club for the actions of one individual?
Very courageous of you to throw that kind of BS at the wall anonymously and not have the guts to say it to anyone's face.

Anonymous said...

Anon just like you 9:42. Lets see how the MYSA rules.

MTA fanboy said...

wow... rise of the MTA boys and fall of the girls?

Looks like the merger sure is getting it done with at least one gender. then again, assuming there is no mass exodus they should be favorites to win at U14 and U13 next year.

The current U16s were a major disappointment. Maybe ES isn't the master coach the MTA brass think he is. That team seems to be regressing under him.

Anonymous said...

909,How do you know who knew what?

Anonymous said...

This blog is an absolute cancer on both sides of the coin. Mnfutbol would do greater good for the state of the game if he/she shut the site down.

Anonymous said...

9:42, how many is 'many'. I'd say every parent that was at his meetings that he describes in his own blog is many (at least 2 dozen). I'd say add in any other coaches that knew, and ask MA/AK's coaches who are friends . . . they knew it and openly talked about it among other coaches. That's many. I think skip the talk of the coaches who supposedly knew (and I believe), and just talk about the parents. That's enough to use the word 'many' by most reasonable people's standard. Haven't heard from SSmurf, but I'm 99.99% certain that he discussed among some of his colleagues in his club (heard it from one of them back in Feb?). Just quit! You're not being anywhere close to reasonable.

Anonymous said...

9:47 - not sure what to say about the U16's, but without the U13 fiasco (and assuming MTA would have won that age group as the favorites) MTA would have most likely won 4 titles versus 5 from the year before. If that is going downhill, then your standards are very high. Also, in looking at the old Wings club, please name one solid girls team. Not sure they even had a premier level team on the girls side other than the current U18's. At least 95% of the girls side as part of the merger came from the old Bangu. Wings was always much stronger on the boys side.

Anonymous said...

Re: ES, I don't think you can judge how good a coach he is or is going to be on one tournament or one season for that matter. Are his players getting better? Is he trying new things that might payoff long run but the players haven't quite grasped yet? Ask the kids . . . they're not dummies.

Anonymous said...

10:28 is correct. You also have to look at injuries, roster changes, etc.... You can't a team's success/failure by one tournament.

Anonymous said...

It has been interesting following the stages of grief displayed by parents on all sides regarding the u12/u13 debacle.

It's a game anyone can play as people post their thoughts.

As a refresher, the seven stages are

2.Pain & Guilts
3.Anger & Bargaining
5.The upward turn

What stage are YOU at?

Anonymous said...

wait... my standards are too high if going from 5 to 4 is a downhill trend?

hmmmmmmm. thats a thinker.

seriously, I get what you mean, but this U13 thing is a huge black eye and the current U16s seem to be sliding. It wasn't just state cup, their results were poorer from the word go this year. Somebody already mentioned player turnover, that has something to do with the coach doesn't it? I know the top player (one of the 3 top players I should say) left that team for the U17 Inferno this year. Now SOME of that had to do with wanting the challenge of playing up and the training of JE, but some of it also had to do with ES's "don't ever question me its my way or the highway" approach to dealing with kids.

Anonymous said...

TomAss & JY

Come to TOPSoccer, I have been saying it for years. These kids/athletes/players play with all their heart. Truly, coaching these kids is a refreshing! JY bring your son, he will have a blast. Looks great on a college resume and I think helps them refocus why they work so hard. The players (premier and C3) always come back for more and always have a great time. It has been the best thing I have done for my two younger boys.
Pat Robson

Anonymous said...

I never knew about this until I read your post 12:26pm. My son has been wanting to do some community service which relates to what he knows, SOCCER!

There are some time conflicts occasionally, what exactly is the time commitment? (Richfield is closest)

Anonymous said...

MTA coulda,woulda,shoulda won 4 instead of 5 championships this year, THEY DIDN'T. Quit making excuses. They screwed up at 13s, the 14s are weak and the 16s are flawed because of the core picks that they made when the girls were 13s, and didn't cull and replace enough every year, as is the case with their succesful darlings the 15s. The 17s were never strong. As far as the 2 other championships they will win on the girls side, 18s and 19s really don't matter much...

Anonymous said...

125, contact MYSA and ask about their TopSoccer programs and they can put you in touch with the closest one to you. I know there's one south of the river, and Pat would be up north.

Anonymous said...

Entire 96 RTR blog has been removed for the website.

mama mia said...

I'm not sure which is more lame:

- MTA saying "shoulda coulda woulda won 13 championships."
- 1:44 angrily saying "THEY DIDN'T."

Even in the wake of the U13 dramedy, I think it's realistic that in the next 5 years, MTA will be winning 85% of the State Cup championships. I think any talented young player would be foolish not to train with the MTA Empire.

I don't like it, but that's the reality and it will probably be beneficial to the bigger picture for MN football.

Anonymous said...

MTA may not win that many championships because in the near future their top teams will be playing in the Elite National League.
I don't think those teams in that league will be eligible for State Cup play.
That league will probably attract the top players from most states including Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

wait... why is it that U18 and U19 don't matter than much?

god that has to be one of the dumbest posts in history.

"U13 soccer is more important than U18 soccer"

why???? (wait for it)

BECAUSE THAT'S THE AGE GROUP MTA DIDN'T WIN. ahhahahahaha. If it were the other way around the same lame poster would be talking about how U13 doesn't matter.


Anonymous said...

The new Elite League has back-tracked on some things already. Don't expect them to pull out of state cup anytime soon.

There is a lot of wait-and-see with this new league by the top clubs in the country. Right now it is not that different for the old Red Bull League. The people in charge Dames/Bracken don't exactly have the most ethical track record and some clubs are hesitant to get on board with them.

It could be very good, it could be a bust. Time will tell. Don't get tunnel visioned into this being the only option. Slammers, Texans, Carmel, Vardar and others don't seem to think it is worth it.

Anonymous said...

U18 & U19 don't matter as much as say, 16&17. Most of the player at 18 and especially 19 have decided where they will go to college, and have their arrangements made to do so. Look at the MTA 18 Blues this year vs.the 17 Blues from last year. How many of those players are there this year, and how many current Blue players are last years lowly white players??
As far as 12s and 13s, the only thing more important than the 18s and 19s is that they will one day be 15s,16s,and 17s.

Anonymous said...

uh, the U18 MTA top team is basically the exact same team. In fact I can think of only one "white" who got moved into that group and that was one of the two goalkeepers.

sorry, this is a BS position. As ANY good coach will tell you U18 is JUST AS IMPORTANT as U17, because they are getting READY to jump to the next level. These U18 teams that "take it easy" because they kids already have their colleges lined up are doing their players a horrible disservice.

Anonymous said...

2:39 - I was just about to write the exact same thing. 2:27s post reflects the backwards thinking that keeps MN soccer behind in the game.

Anonymous said...

OK, I see many of you are in the bargaining stage. Bargaining over which age groups are the important ones, bargaining over whether or not a dynasty exists, etc.

By the way, I can see 18s being important to some as a culmination of years of work, even though most have already found colleges, graduated from high school, and are going on to bigger and better things. But 19s? please, there is a reason only two teams are entered (ie., no one cares).

tomASS said...

I think U18s are very important, but I would suggest to the college bound players that they should really look at hooking up with adult teams comprised of college players playing over the summer.

The physical nature of the game in college is not done service in a u18 premier league. I don't think u18 prepares you as well and i think some of the competition drops off from some of the teams.

Anonymous said...

MN Thunder just posted an update regarding the State Cup incident...MA pays $600 to a charity of his removed as technical director of MTA and will continue to coach his U12 team...AK...nothing.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like they've come down pretty hard on Abboud.
I imagine there's a good sized salary hit with the demotion. And a fine on top of that? Ouch!
As far as Kaasa goes there really is no evidence I'm aware of that he did anything wrong.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Inside Minnesota Soccer seems to have the scoop on this no help to MYSA.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that comment on the article at

Anonymous said...

1115 MTA 16's had just as good a year this year as they have ever had. They have never been a great team and always had tight games in state cup. Too many injuries this year at the wrong time and the Wayzata team is playing very well, as EP found out. When healthy they have a more talented roster than last year. Give credit to some of the other MN teams who have some talent of their own.

Anonymous said...

8:22 Anonymous said...
7:35 - can't believe I wasted 11 seconds of my life to read that post. well done sir, I'll never get those back.


Yep, and 36 girls will never get their 2009 State Cup back. Well played, MTA.

former college coach said...

tomASS - respectfully, I don't agree. People think college is all about the physical aspect, but the TECHNICAL LEAP and increased SPEED OF PLAY are the biggest differences, and you don't get much of that in a local adult league.

I coached at the NCAA DI level a few years ago and I can tell you we absolutely wanted our incoming freshmen playing U18 and our sophomore to be class going back to play U19.

Anonymous said...

626 the 12's can thank MTA or MA to be exact. the 13's can thank MYSA.

Anonymous said...

MTA - the club ALL of these players have chosen to be part of - cheated.

MYSA merely handed out the penalty (however poorly they communicated it).

Ref #4 at the 12/13 semifinal HEARD MA and AK talk about tossing the game if it went to kicks. He ain't innocent. His blog even mentioned it the Monday after the game before they pulled it down.

Face it. You are a member of a club that cheated.

Anonymous said...

If the 13s had beaten the 12s in a fair contest, then the 13s could blame MYSA. What people like 7:11 seem to not understand is that because of MA's actions, the 13s never earned the right to even blame MYSA. We will never know if the 13s would have won the game or not. Both the 12s and 13s can blame the coaches involved in the apparently mutual decision.

tomASS said...

706 = don't disagree but we are talking MN here from what I have seen your premise is a step backward in this state.

Anonymous said...

well said 711. Whether AK knew or not is irrelevant, his team played to win and did nothing wrong. People blinded by hate for MTA will never see this though (or admit it) and are all too happy to seize this opportunity for some vengeance by dq'ing a team of girls who are blameless. Hard to blame MYSA though, as the pressure on them from EP was intense as well as from others with axes to grind. Not many people at MYSA who will stand up for what is right in the face of that much flak. They are volunteers. Unfortunate, but as in most things the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Now, wait for the vengeful to shout again.

Anonymous said...

MTA is treated no differently by MYSA. Quit whining.
Whats the problem you have with EP? Support em,State Cups over.Next year,find a team your dd feels good about, a coach who loves soccer, quit looking for all your wildest dreams to come true through your kid.

Anonymous said...

From wikipedia: COLLUSION: an agreement, usually secretive, which occurs between two or more persons to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically involving fraud or gaining an unfair advantage.

It takes two. Bad MTA! Bad! Bad!

tomASS said...

all the most compelling arguments will not convince the MTA u13 parents. They are too emotionally tied to the situation. Nothing rational or with common sense will change their current perception which is their reality right now

Someone earlier had listed the grieving stages. It will be awhile.

I think I may be in the remission stage of the outbreak.

Anonymous said...

If I was the EP 13 coach I'd respectfully decline to participate in regions. The players know that they didn't win anything and are probably embarassed to go. Oh,you are the Minnesota team that was gifted in.Especially bad for the players if they get dominated.

Minnesota should not send a team from that age group.

Anonymous said...

10:35 dumbest post of the year

Anonymous said...

10:35 pm

Give it up! EP won the tournament. They beat the team that advanced from the other side of the bracket. EP should be excited to go play Regionals. If the games are competitive, great. If they get shellacked, they can see what they need to do to improve. There is plenty of embarrassment to go around - MTA for throwing the mess on MYSA, and people like you for writing such hogwash.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure 10:35 is just trying to stir it up (although a bit of the top IMO). Wouldn't be the first person, won't be the last person. Future comments will come from MTA friends and MTA foes.

and it appears by 10:51's post.....highly succesful - I guess I didn't give them enough credit.

Anonymous said...

Very Aboudian.

Anonymous said...

New Tevlin article on star tribune web site as a followup.

Anonymous said...

931, The problem is it's not that black and white. You're not automatically an MTA-hater if you think the enforcement of the rules was correct. You're not an MTA-hater if you think that the evidence showed collusion (thanks for the definition, 953). You're an MTA-hater if you wanted them punished before the investigation took place and you think their program is damaging to soccer and kids. It's a great program if it fits your child's needs (one of mine, yes, one of mine, no). I actually think that MTA's influence has been one of the most productive things in MN soccer in a long time. It's made everyone evaluate what they do and how to best serve their kids. That does NOT mean I think MTA was treated unfairly. You need to get some perspective that only time will allow, and maybe not even then. Are there haters . . . definitely, just watch this blog for a while, but I can't see where anyone can point fingers anywhere but MTA's adults for this outcome. Should MYSA/USYSA ignore the rules because it's MTA?? The MTA board may not agree with MYSA's conclusion re: the U13s, but they also acknowledges that collateral damage can be expected when you break the rules. I'm very surprised that they're allowing MA to continue as a coach, but I'm pretty sure that will not last either once sanctions come down from the MYSA grievance committee with support from USYSA, then is mirrored by USClub.

Anonymous said...

The 4th official who overheard the conversation is full of Sh**, he never heard a word from either coach. He chose to make up a false statement and should never ref again.

By the way, he is openly against MTA and and from EP. Ask any ref who works with the guy, he has stated his opinion many times in front of other refs.

tomASS said...

One of the biggest funnies of the follow-up article is the claim that Candace Daly has been around youth soccer for over 20 years????

Anonymous said...

9:53 et al. I keep hearing collusion by many, so thank you for the definition. But how does this definition apply? Everything said about the incident states that it was done out in the open with no attempt to disguise what was happening. So, contrary to your definition, there was nothing misleading, deceptive or fraudulent about the actions taken. Please research another definition.

tomASS said...

oh boy new anger from 1138

tomASS said...

1141 - blatant cheating then?

Anonymous said...

I think blatant cheating fits. Let me google it.

Anonymous said...

Here's a better one:
Idiot is a word derived from the Greek ἰδιώτης, idiōtēs ("person lacking professional skill," "a private citizen," "individual"), from ἴδιος, idios ("private," "one's own").[1] In Latin the word idiota ("ordinary person, layman") preceded the Late Latin meaning "uneducated or ignorant person."[2] Its modern meaning and form dates back to Middle English around the year 1300, from the Old French idiote ("uneducated or ignorant MTA parent"). The related word idiocy dates to 1487 and may have been analogously modeled on the words prophet[3] and prophecy.[4][5] The word has cognates in many other languages.

Anonymous said...

Still working through this.

cheat: a deception for profit to yourself

How did MA profit?

tomASS said...

I love a nice dessert cognate after a great steak

Anonymous said...

How doesnt MA profit. For you its prophet.

tomASS said...

1150 - do you have one of those definitions for dummies book? many more applications than the one you conveniently picked and decided not to comprehend

tomASS said...

1155 LOL

or falsely prophet

Anonymous said...

Not able to offer an honest answer so you evade the question.

How did MA profit.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're still working through this, 11:50. This must be a tough one for you to grasp. Profit doesn't necessarily mean money, i.e., I cheated my way through college. One can conclude he profited by putting his interest in his club over his interest in his team, which is despicable. (Despicable is another big might want to check this link for help:

Anonymous said...

You're stuck on "profit," midnight. Try this one:

Cheating is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others. Cheating implies the breaking of rules. A person who is guilty of cheating is generally referred to as a cheat (British English), or a cheater (American English).

mama mia said...

11:01, I love that one.

People who don't think U18 matters are the people that AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH to be playing at high level U18. The BAD PLAYERS have either quit or are playing on "tournament teams" with their fellow bad players.

U18 matters because that is the age MN players have realized that congregating the top players on one team is the best way to approach regionals.

Wasn't the only MN team to ever win nationals a U18 team back in 1990?

U18 matters for good players. It doesn't matter for bad players. The majority of players in MN are in the bad players group.

Anonymous said...

...or "an MTA coach."

tomASS said...

was Snidely Whiplash despicable, dastardly , or both?

Anonymous said...

tomass- a great day - gm goes down, MA goes down - both are highly successfull. ironic. MA needs 2 years to recover - GM needs 2 years to bounce back?

Candace being around youth soccer for 20 years, is not a stretch - tomass why do you know so much?

hey Pat sign me up anytime - just give me a call - maybe MA will give the sanction money to support Topsoccer - it's still just a game - jy

Anonymous said...

I give up. MA made a bad decision. There was no subterfuge, no deception, no cover up...nothing sneaky at all. He admitted he was wrong, apologized and said he would accept his punishment.

Lynch mob mentality rules.

tomASS said...

1206 - no one is lynching him. It's the MTA supporters who are still having trouble.

jy - I will give you dates tomorrow- we aren't going to try to solve GM problems are we?

Anonymous said...

1206, OK, I'll promise to side with you and all the other apologists as long as your PROMISE to give up. I think the coverup begins when you retract the blog entry that describes the misdeed.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:38,
You posted that the 4th official is from EP?
Are you sure about that? What is this officials name? Does anyone know?
This all seems so secretive at MYSA. Is this what they're using to place the blame on the U13's? A comment from a possibly biased source?
Isn't EP a team that benefited from this action taken against the U13 girls?
Maybe the writer from the Strib should look into this.

tomASS said...

657 - sounds like the perfect job for you. Give the guy a call if it is so important to you. It's not like there is anything else for him to write about if he has done two articles on youth soccer already.

Anonymous said...

Message from Executive Board - Update

The Minnesota Thunder Academy Executive Board has met with regard to the incident that occurred during the Minnesota State Cup on May 17, 2009, where a Minnesota Thunder Academy East team voluntarily ceded a game to a Minnesota Thunder Academy Elite team. The children on the Minnesota Thunder Academy East team acted at the request of their coach, Mark Abboud. The actions were in violation of the Minnesota Thunder Academy Coaches Code of Conduct Articles I, II, and III and were done without consultation with the Minnesota Thunder Academy Executive Board, and without consultation with other Directors of the Minnesota Thunder Academy. The actions are contrary to the spirit of the game and to youth sports, in general. The actions further appear to have violated State Cup rules, which led to sanctions against both the U-13 MTA team and the U-12 MTE team, along with sanctions against both coaches. The Minnesota Thunder Executive Board has received many letters of support on behalf of Mark Abboud and Mark indicated regret regarding his decision. We, as a board, have also been asked to recognize that this is a “teaching moment” and to move on from the issue. However, in teaching the children of the Minnesota Thunder Academy to grow into responsible adults, which is one of the goals for which Mark has strongly advocated, it is imperative that we recognize that an improper determination can have significant ramifications and has had significant ramification for the Minnesota Thunder Academy, especially the U-13 and U-12 players.

Therefore, in addition to the sanctions levied by USYSA State Cup, effective immediately Mark Abboud is removed from his position as Technical Director of the Minnesota Thunder Academy. Steve Bellis is appointed as the Interim Technical Director of the Minnesota Thunder Academy. Steve was formerly the Director for Wings SC and is the current head coach at the College of St. Catherine.

After much discussion, and due mainly to the request of the U-12 players and their families, Mark Abboud shall retain his current role as coach of the Minnesota Thunder Academy East U-12 team through the 2008-2009 season, unless a sanction by a governing body makes continuing in such a role impossible.

Mark Abboud shall make a donation in the amount of $600 (the State Cup Entrance Fee) to a charity to be determined by the players of the U-12 team.

We also examined the U-13 coach and the actions with regard to the game. From our examination, Andy Kaasa, and all of the players on the U-13 team acted appropriately and played the game as intended from the beginning of the game, through the conclusion. While we do not believe the outcome was fair to the children on the U-13 team and to Mr. Kaasa, it is important to remember that a bad decision does have negative impact beyond oneself.


Minnesota Thunder Academy Executive Board

tomASS said...

From the last article:

"Neal said Abboud denied that Kaasa participated in a plan to rig the outcome, and in an e-mail, Abboud defended his colleague: "The assumption [of MYSA] was that the U13 coach was 'in on it' which he most assuredly was not," Abboud wrote."

MA can be very good with words. His statement does not mean that AK did not know about MA's plan.

Anonymous said...

I'm not 6:57 but it is an interesting angle.
I'll send Tevlin an email with a link to this blog.
Maybe he'll also be interested in the WH story about how he coerced dozens of young EP girls to stay in his club with threats of repercussions during HS soccer season.
I know a few folks have kept copies of those emails from WH.
That could be another chapter in Tevlin's articles on youth soccer.

Anonymous said...

"If I was the EP 13 coach I'd respectfully decline to participate in regions. The players know that they didn't win anything and are probably embarassed to go. Oh,you are the Minnesota team that was gifted in.Especially bad for the players if they get dominated.

Minnesota should not send a team from that age group."

This is absolutely BS. EP should not be embarrassed by anything whatsoever. Congrats to them, they should train hard, prepare well, and enjoy the experience of going to regionals.

This will be an experience to not be taken for granted, as well as one that will likely test them like they have never been tested before - whether they win games or lose games. The standard each day will be high, as will the pressure, and it is a wonderful opportunity for players (and parents) to learn a little about themselves and how they handle difficult situations.

It might be the first of many for you, or it might be your only opportunity to play at regionals. Either way, congrats, enjoy the ride, and best of luck.


Anonymous said...

"deep throat" from Watergate
"the 4th official" from MYSA

is Tevlin angling to be the "Woodward and Bernstein" of youth soccer?

Anonymous said...

I'm with TomASS on this one...
Does Candace Daley's 20 years of being around youth soccer include driving past soccer fields?

Anonymous said...

quote from candace - "Both teams in the final deserve to be considered the best," Daley said. "They are every bit as skilled as the teams that were disqualified."

um, candace, it is not your spot to comment on the abilities of any of the teams in the event. one might argue that the 4-1 result that EDI had in group play would dispute your assertion.

let me help you out, candace. do not critique anyone's play. do compliment teams and their efforts.

"Both teams in the final competed well, and put on a good show for all in attendance. Congrats to both teams on their appearance in the Minnesota State Cup final, and good luck to Eden Prairie as our state's representative to the Region II Championships in Sioux Falls this summer."

you see candace, this compliments the teams involved, does not take say anything about the teams that you have already sanctioned (they should not be the show anyway, right?).

also, it takes this opportunity to get mention in a major newspaper that there is a regional championship (and national championship series) that our state's soccer teams can earn the right to play in.

if you were truly all about minnesota soccer, you would have taken this opportunity as a positive moment to promote mn soccer, rather than making a comparison to the two teams that were disqualified.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't the "4th" official card the coaches if he/she heard them plan to throw the game during the PKs?

Anonymous said...

Good point.
Or why didn't he tell the center referee?
This is getting interesting.
Maybe the Star-Tribune reporter should call the 4th official?
Bet that would be a fast "no comment."

Anonymous said...

so tomASS, if your friend tells you that he is going to rob a bank and you don't do anything about it, would you get charged with a crime, found guilty, and punished?

Anonymous said...

EP DID NOT CHEAT. Congratulations to the U13 champions.

Anonymous said...

988 post later, and its over. Lets let it die and move on. when is enuf enuf??

Anonymous said...

Tevlin's own words....."The teams that played for the championship in place of the Thunder -- Eden Prairie and Edina -- were denied the right to brag without an asterisk, without someone wondering if they really beat the best team"

Anonymous said...

Stop grasping for straws. EP (and not and EP parent) did not cheat. They won the final. MTA coaches decided what they wanted. They made a directors decission who would be best of the two teams in the final. They didnt realize they were cheating when they did so as a result the two teams were disqualified. Im hoping that EP wins just to prove that some of you are selfish and can't move forward. I am not an MTA parent either I happen to be neutral. But to listen to you try and say EP is cheating is a bunch of BS. This is from a totally neutral party. I live in the eastern suburbs and know quite a few of the Woodbury parents. Face it your coaches screwed up move forward. Its not a conspiracy against MTA. MTA just got caught doing something not quite ethical.

Anonymous said...

MTA "Good Old Boy" network at work I see.
MA keeps his team, pays a fine,and is "removed" from position A.
Any bets he lands a "new" position in the very near future.

Anonymous said...

Was WH fired when it was proven beyond any doubt via emails that he coerced young girls to stay in his club if they expected to play for his HS team? That was extremely unethical. What were his sanctions?
Or is Wayne still there pulling down the big bucks?
In your opinion what should have happened to Abboud and WH?
Should the EP club have demoted WH? Terminated him? What should MTA have done with Abboud?
Let's see if you're consistent on this matter or just a typical Abboud basher.

Anonymous said...

Do I think that its wrong to make a child play for a certain club in order to make the HS team the answer is yes. If you try to force a child into that decission your butt should be sanctioned. Just like if you try to fix a game you should be sanctioned. There are rules to this sport and you need to follow those rules. If your unfamiliar with these rules then you need to do some reading before you become a coach. I understand parent coaches don't and shouldnt be expected to know these rules but these are paid coaches this is there chosen profession.

Anonymous said...

This blog brings out the worst in people and in this game. I've fallen prey to it like many and am ashamed at what I've posted and for many of you. Goodbye, good riddance. The guy you love to hate.

tomASS said...

crap - did I miss my chance 959.
We don't love to hate you but there seems to be a lot of anger yet after something that happened 4 years ago.

I was going to suggest that you go ahead and contact the guy at the strib so he could do you story. Maybe at the same time he could explore angry parents in youth sports. But alas I think you left.

tomASS said...

830 AM in games where FIFA laws of the game are the governing application, coaches can not be carded.

tomASS said...

902 - good question with a lot of "ifs" involved.

However I would like to think I know right from wrong on many of choices life throws at you.

If it was my friend, and I knew he was not joking I would not let him go through with the act. I would talk him out of it.

At least that is what I would hope to do considering he is my friend.

Anonymous said...

this thread can end with a whimper

Anonymous said...

Let the Thunder handle their coaches as they see fit. I think we will all learn alot about the organization based on how they deal with this.
Will they impose a slap on the wrist? or will they put some teeth in their penalties? Everyone will get the chance to decide on their own if they are truley trying to follow their coaches conduct requirements or if the are just trying to do the minimum necessary penalty to get through this event. Some on here feel no harm was really done, others feel strongly that the club and both coaches need to be "made an example of". The Thunder is in an unenviable position, Two standout coaches are under the microscope. The court of public opinion is Huge to the Thunder Professional organization. The Thunder need to walk the fine line of looking too soft on the issue vs firing two leaders of their Youth organization which could result in an exodus of kids from the program and a bad feel about the Thunder all together.

Not Fun for them at all, But it will be very telling as to the true spirit of the organization.

Anonymous said...

I hear you tomASS but unfortunately we will be hearing about this controversy 4 years from now also.

In the end EP beat the team they faced in the final and deserve to move on to Regional's without an asterisk and the support of the Minnesota Soccer Community.

I think AK deserves allot of credit for his comments on “The best thing for the U13’s (Kassa’s team) is to just move on.” Kassa said he didn’t want his girls to have to be in the middle of this debate.

Hopefully others will take opinion and we can move on to some constructive soccer discussion, which does occasionally happen.

Anonymous said...

9:58 "I understand parent coaches don't and shouldnt be expected to know these rules..."

What! - please don't volunteer to coach if you don't understand the rules or if you are unwilling to learn them. And yes all coaches should be expected to know the rules.

tomASS said...

1053- Yes agreed, AK comments were surprising to me but very refreshing to hear. He impressed me with that statement.

Anonymous said...

I think the Strib reporter, Jon Tevlin, has found there's a lot of interest in youth sports and is exploring how adults actions affect the kids.

A mother of a girl who played with my daughter at EP claims she still has a copy of that infamous WH email. Although our daughters have graduated HS and out of youth soccer she does have a younger daughter in both EP club and who will attend EPHS.

She has heard the same pressure is still applied to the players but not in email or group meetings. Supposedly the message these days is conveyed carefully in 1 on 1 meetings with select players.

She claims she kept the email to have in case this same situation occurs with her daughter who enters HS in the fall this year.

I'll see if she will give me a copy of that email.

If she'll share it with me I'll send it on to Tevlin at the Strib. It might be another story for him to do on how adults mess sports up for the kids. He seems to like this theme as it's generated a lot of interest on the Strib's website.

tomASS said...

anon 1100 - the same pressure is being applied?
That is why all 3 captains for next fall's HS team at EP play in the MTA program.

Go for it - the evidence now does not support your theory of what happened 4 years ago and the man served his punishment of what was handed down.

LOL why am I not surprised. At the same time make sure you give him this web site so he can see the parent's bitterness in all it's glory

Anonymous said...

Why are you people so out for blood, you dont care who gets hurt do you? Looking and begging for past emails to give to some paper, people complaining AFTER MYSA and company acted, just let it all lie. MTA will be here tomorrow, there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

tomASS - I believe the intent is to keep the players where EP has a top team. Being that the best EP U17 team is middle of the road C1, WH is no dummy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Do I think that its wrong to make a child play for a certain club in order to make the HS team the answer is yes. If you try to force a child into that decission your butt should be sanctioned. Just like if you try to fix a game you should be sanctioned. There are rules to this sport and you need to follow those rules. If your unfamiliar with these rules then you need to do some reading before you become a coach. I understand parent coaches don't and shouldnt be expected to know these rules but these are paid coaches this is there chosen profession.

2/6/09 9:58 AM

Are you talking about High School? High School!!? Grow up. What a fool, HIGH SCHOOL Soccer?!

Anonymous said...

MTA Executive Board...these guys are cronies of MA and AK. This was probably discussed well in advance of the start of State Cup.Wonder if MYSA and USYSA questioned the board.

Anonymous said...

That "mysterious fourth official" was spotted on the "grassy knoll".

It's a conspiracy I tell ya !

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