Tuesday, July 22, 2008

'08 MN Players @ D1 Programs

Minnesota has another large college freshmen class on the girls side heading to D1 program. The boys numbers were a little smaller this year, but they are represented by some very talented players. Which programs will improve this year? Will any MN player stand out as Granstrand (GK-Brown) did last year?


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Anonymous said...

Would be nice to know where local kids will be playing. Can someone make a list and post it so we can follow the teams and kids?

Anonymous said...

Shari Eckstrom Minnesota
Tam Starhota Minnesota
Josie Solie Minnesota
Krista Lundgran Wisconsin
Kelsey Bertamus Northwestern
Steph Peterson South Dakota State
Michelle Gaffeny North Dakota State

Just getting the list started

Anonymous said...

Some Division II girls from MN

Savannah Nolen: Concordia-St Paul

Jaimie Clifford: St Cloud State

Danielle Kurtz: St Cloud State

Laura Moline: St Cloud State

Alexandra Pafko: St Cloud State

Melisse Sullivan: St Cloud State

Jenna Sand: Upper Iowa

Jessica Sand: Upper Iowa

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I really enjoy reading how local players are doing and what schools are doing well. Any more to follow?

Anonymous said...

1st Years:
Calum Mallace - Marquette
Colin Monasterio - Wisc Madison
Chris Sutton - Notre Dame

2nd Years:
Mike Voigtlander - Green Bay
Dan Krueger - Green Bay
Abe Gibbons - Milwaukee
Aaron Gibbons - Milwaukee
Greg Rosenthal - Milwaukee
Sam Alexander - Milwaukee GK
Paul Grandstrand - Brown GK

3rd Years:
Ryan Vint - Wisc Madison GK
Jacob Rouse - Green Bay
Nkuti Ndely - Milwaukee
Nick Larson - Milwaukee
Tom Spiess - Drake GK
Trent Senske - Creighton

4th Years:
Andrei Gotsmanov - Creighton

Anonymous said...

Other D1 Men:

1st Years:
Teal Bunburry - Akron

2nd Years:
Bayode Adafin - Columbia
David Dale - Boston U

3rd Years:
Brandon Miller - Wisc Madison
Ben Wexler - Providence
Martin Brown - W. Illinois (?)

4th Years:
Aaron Club - UC Santa Clara
Joe Yonga - Cornell
Alex Davis - Dayton

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lots of men and women appear to be doing well and have the opportunity to play for some nice teams and develop their games. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

No disrespect..I too think it's great for the kids. My concern has always been that I don't see any of our kids getting a chance to play with a top 25 team.This tells me that we still have a long way to go regarding player development.I disagree with the coaches on this blog who blame the kids for not developing.That's a cop out. Coaches need to devote more practice time to skill development. That includes the coaches demonstrating the skills to the kids.Conditioning is important but not more than skill training.

I have watched teams practice at all levels for many years and I've only seen two coaches actually demonstrate the skills.

Let's start changing priorities.

Anonymous said...

UC Santa Clara was top 5 last year. Madison was top 25 last year. Brown was top 5 last year. Boston U was top 10 last year. Akron was top 25 last year.

Let see, that makes at least 5 MN boys playing at top 25 schools. Sounds like an old tired english coach chimning in. Kids get recurited from top team that are winning teams. Winning comes from preparing player, being fit, putting together sound tactics, playing to your strength, motivating players, making tacticle adjustments and oh yeah...sound technical skills. Maybe 1/5 of the winning combination.

I know plenty of top skilled players who will never play D1 or pro because they are fit enough, aren't dedicated enough, not mentally tough enough.

Any why is it that of the major youth sports, only soccer places so much emphasis on coaching certificates? Because the english brought that system to the states so they could create a pecking order and make money. Sure everyone can improve their coaching by looking at systematic training. But I think especially in MN we place way to much emphasis on coaching certificates.

Anonymous said...

Geez who cares if they are at top 25 programs. Are you saying a kid should aspire to play D1 at a great soccer school rather than Cornell or Columbia or Brown just to name a few?! 605 I think you are the one who needs to start changing priorities.

Anonymous said...

8:42 Another coaching myth.

Anonymous said...

1st Year
Rob Kempf - Santa Clara (which is not a UC school)

2nd Year
Ben Sippola - Butler

Anonymous said...

anon 842...Re-read what I posted. It's a statement regarding the quality of soccer here in MN. Are you saying that all these kids/schools you mentioned were 5 star recruits? Don't be so defensive.

PS how can you type with your arms crossed.

Anonymous said...

With the players listed above all one 1 team and a 1/2 decent coach you could win a national championship.

Anonymous said...

842 well said

Anonymous said...

1st Year
Peter McKeown - Loyola GK

Anonymous said...

Cat Parkhill - Minnesota

South Fan

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all these young men and women for their hard work and showing that MN players can elevate their game and inspire others. Will be fun to watch/listen/read about local players. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Thought this was really interesting!Wonder what the U of Mn and Wisc spends???

20 Schools Spend $1,000,000+ on Athletic Recruitment...

Nearly half of the nation's largest athletics programs have doubled or tripled their recruitment spending over the past decade, as their pursuit of elite athletes intensifies and becomes more national in scope.

Forty-eight percent of NCAA Division I athletics departments at least doubled their recruiting budgets from 1997 to 2007, according to a Chronicle analysis of financial data reported to the U.S. Department of Education. Of the 300 Division I institutions for which data were available, 21 each spent more than $1-million chasing talented players in the 2007 academic year.

On the whole, the 65 biggest spenders shelled out a total of more than $61-million in 2007, an 86-percent increase from 10 years before. That amount does not include salaries for recruiting coordinators or construction and operating costs of the gleaming multimillion-dollar facilities that help lure prospects.

Biggest Spenders:

1. U. of Tennessee at Knoxville - $2,005,700
2. U. of Notre Dame - 1,758,300
3. U. of Florida - 1,451,400
4. Auburn U. - 1,374,900
5. Kansas State U. - 1,316,700
6. U. of Georgia - 1,284,000
7. U. of Nebraska at Lincoln - 1,275,000
8. U. of Arkansas at Fayetteville - 1,259,700
9. Duke U. - 1,245,300
10. Ohio State U. - 1,236,800

Ivy League Athletic Recruitment Expenditures 2006/2007

1. Princeton U. - $941,000
2. Harvard U. - 851,900
3. Columbia U. - 778,000
4. Dartmouth College - 774,700
5. Brown U. - 757,200
6. Cornell U. - 752,800
7. Yale U. - 748,300
8. U. of Pennsylvania - 643,600

FULL STORY: The Chronicle of Higher Education

Anonymous said...

Interesting list of D1 mens players. This years freshmen class is very small (only 2 2008 MSHSL seniors, the others are from Shattuck.) But outside of Mallace, they are top quality and could all play as freshmen. Mallace is not a bad player, but marginally D1.

This blog has discussed the drop off of quality players after the 2007 graduating class. Looking at the numbers above '06 and '07 seemed to be quality classes. Looks like D1 coaches believe the same thing.

Hopefully the MTA will help consolidate talent and thus give the top players a chance to train against their best peers.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment regarding Mallace. I think he's really good. I recently played D1 as a 3-year starter at an average school. Mallace is a better player than I was. He also seems to be the kind of player with a lot of upside with his athleticism and build. Should only get better.

Life is soccer said...

Another DII player from Minnesota not on the list is Lauren Hoof from Maple Grove who will play for Concordia University, St. Paul this fall.

Anonymous said...

Mallace has great technical skills and because of that he probably has the best chance of any minnesota kid around his age to sustain a professional career.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that one person thinks Mallace isn't D1 material while another person thinks he has the best chance to sustain a pro career.

I agree with 10:52.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Mallace brother and father are posting. I coached against his teams over the past few years.

He is strong and athletic. Great technical skills are a stretch. His technical skills are average at best for a D1 college player. He does have an above average work rate, couple with his athletic ability should help him.

A pro career? Another big stretch. I hope he is going to Marquette to get a good education.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mr. and brother Mallace must not watch other teams/players play much. Certainly, he is a good player, but I'm not sure how they would rate even their brother/son as the best change to have a pro career???

Anonymous said...

yeah pro career is a big stretch, but i agree that he has the best chance out of any MN kids we've seen for a while. I'm talking about top flight MLS soccer here--everyone can have a cup of coffee with the thunder.

Anonymous said...

Soccer is primarily a girls sport here in Minny. Priority for boys is baseball,hockey,football and basketball. Generally all the stud athletes go for these sports. That's why girls do better on the national and world level as well as Minny.

Anonymous said...

Funny. I would agree that hockey draws some top athletes. The rest play soccer. The big, fat and unathletic play football and baseball (or is that bore-ball.) Basketball does draw some good athletes as well, but mostly tall soccer players and inter city kids.

Anonymous said...

Best chance of any MN kids? Funny Mr. Mallace. He is not in the top 25 players to come out of MN in the past 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Best chance of any MN kids? Funny Mr. Mallace. He is not in the top 25 players to come out of MN in the past 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know where Chelsea Turner transfered to?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:16: Marquette

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Heard a rumor that B. Lyons will not be returning to UMD and will be transfering. True?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:35
Wouldn't that be her 2nd transfer post high school?
I believe a move to a 3rd school might keep her from being immediately ncaa eligible to play.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it would be her second IF it is true.

Anonymous said...

It is true

Anonymous said...

Anyone going to the U vs. UNI game this week?

Anonymous said...

From our neighbors to the East:

Marquette 2 Cardinal Stritch (NAIA) 1
UW-GreenBay 3 Illinois Tech (D3) 0
UW-Madison 0 UW-Parkside (D2) 0
UW-Milwaukee 1 Bradley (#21) 0

Can't read too much into these games, but UW-Milwaukee had a surprisingly good result.

Anonymous said...

Come support a good cause and watch Gopher soccer this Friday @ 7PM.
The season opener marks a ‘Kicks for the Cure’ event co-hosted by the Komen Foundation.
The team will be sporting special pink jerseys and tickets are only $1.

Anonymous said...

Will be interesting to see if the Gophs make any position changes this year.

Good luck Gophs!

Anonymous said...

What is the difference in caliber between the D1 and D2 teams? They can both scholarship to the same level, right?

Anonymous said...

D1 List Cleanup

Dave Dale at #3 Boston College, not Boston U

Andre Adams at Boston U

Anyone know where BU is rated now?

Anonymous said...

Difference between top D1 teams and top D2 teams is a huge difference. At the low end of D1, there are plenty of poor teams. Good D2 should compete well with the lower 25% of D1 teams.

Madison should have done better against an OK D2 team in Parkside. Madison likes to think of themselves as the top program in the Midwest outside Indiana. However, over the
past few years their coaching staff has done a poor job with their talent level.

How does Marquette only beat a very bad NAIA (D3 or lower) team 2-1. Same issues with coaching and chemistry.

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:23, CT goes to Marquette now, so there is your chemistry issue.

Anonymous said...

Did the Gophers try to recruit Bertamus and Lundgren? Anybody know?


Anonymous said...

Bertamus no. Krista yes, wanted to get away from home, also did not really like the coaches.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

938 post has multiple inaccuracies

Anonymous said...

8/24 9:44

Would you elaborate please...


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm... some people didn't teach their kids to MYOB. Don't answer 944.
How about we talk about the players the Gophers do have, solid opening win over UNI. A bit of a make or break season for MDW with a senior laden team. Anything less than a top 4 finish in the Big 10 would be disappointing. I predict 6-4-1 in the league and an NCAA berth!

Anonymous said...

9:44 are you a father of one of them? i would like to know. my daughter highschool with both of them and were very good friends with them.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! What I meant to say is my daughter played with both of them during high school season.

Anonymous said...

It will be hard for the Gophs to go 6-4-1 in conference. Maybe 6-3-1? They are playing a much more exciting brand of soccer now than they were 2 years ago and are worth a look. Try to go to a game, ELRS is a beautiful facility. 110,1144,158 etc why are you so interested in personal decisions that kids make? I don't know either of them and I certainly don't care. I do know that I would not want people gossiping about what went into my DD's college decision. Let's stop this now before it spreads.

Anonymous said...

MDW will have a solid team but you have to question the non-conference schedule. They will be able to go 8-2 or 9-1 or better without breaking a sweat. There is not a major conference opponent in the lot. Doesn't seem like a good prep for the Big 10 season or a ticket to a respectable RPI.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the M in MDW stands for Mason?

Anonymous said...

Gophers score late, beat Montana 2-1.

Anonymous said...

Brostrom and Gaffney NDSU both had winning goals this weekend. Mauer Creighton also had a winnig goal vs SDSU, Orbell also scored for Creighton. Eckstrom goal for the gophers in romp over UNI. Good weekend for the MN girls.

Anonymous said...

I think it's interesting that last years two best sr players aren't playing for the U ofM.When you can't sign the best that tells me something is wrong.

anon 8/24 1:20..who are you to tell others what they can blog about.Think you should mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

Bertamus gets an assist in Northwestern win but hurts knee,may be torn MCL, poor kid has the worst luck of any player I have ever seen

Anonymous said...

3:51 - who's to say who the best two sr players are? There were lots of solid players last year and I would include Strahota and Eckstrom amongst them. Sounds like you might just want to knock MDW and the program, but as you noted, I can blog about whatever I want to whoever I want.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 351. There were several very good players in last years senior class. Strahota, Eckstrom, Bertamus, Lundgren and arguably the top recruit in the bunch in Parkhill. Many other solid players also such as Kemp, Gallivan, Peterson, Mauer, Solie etc. I know I left some out. Very difficult to judge which is better and it does not matter. Different players will do better under different coaching styles and programs. Hopefully all can contribute to their programs, stay healthy and make their coaches happy.

Anonymous said...

Gophers have outshot first two opponents something like 60-10.

Anonymous said...

ekstrom may be one of the finest midfileders this state has produced

Anonymous said...

Ah, there is a midfielder at Shattuck that has been in MN since her freshman yr.

Anonymous said...

LOL here we go.

Anonymous said...

The Big Ten is an awful soccer conference. Results from last weekend.

UW Milwaukee 3 Wisconsin 0
Notre Dame 7 Michigan 0
Kansas 3 Purdue 0
Dayton 4 Indiana 1

And some of these are supposed to be first division teams.

Anonymous said...

The style of play in the Big Ten leaves a lot to be desired. The top skilled players tend to avoid the Big Ten.

Anonymous said...

That is not the case. Big Ten style no different than ACC or Big East. Only conference that plays some "pretty" soccer is Pac 10.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:57-
Except for Purdue, those results aren't that surprising to anyone familiar with those teams.
Anon 10:57-
I'd argue it's the top coaches who are passing on “midwest” players.
Anon 11:39-
No argument there....
Gophers play tonight vs SDSU.

Anonymous said...

I hope the video on UM's website is not indicative of these "great" players....I say the U is lucky to go 500% in the weak big ten.

Anonymous said...

I've watched the Big Ten for years and they play modified boot ball.Only a couple teams attempt to play a more sophisticated style and they usually get beat at nationals.Don't see this trend changing any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Just like any other conference in other words

Anonymous said...

how come CP the keeper at UM didnt see any playing time last week??

Anonymous said...

The word is she has been redshirted due to national team commitments.

Anonymous said...

U-20 World Cup I suppose...got it

Anonymous said...

The Gophers are at home this weekend hosting the Regina Moench (Memorial) tournament.
Of the four teams attending, only Northeastern doesn't have a MN player on their roster.
Creighton and Ohio U both boast two MN players apiece.
I believe one ticket will get you into all games Fri & Sun.
Come out and support the gals as they make a run for their 5th win in a row.
Congrats to Gopher GK for being named Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week

Anonymous said...

One of top freshmen in country appears to be playing at University of Wisconsin of Milw. Has had multi- goals games in wins against Big Ten teams, not very heralded and did not come from big name club but smaller high school program. Will be playing here in tournament at ELRS Sept 19 and 21. Too bad gophers didnt find out about this prospect from Appleton, Wisconsin, could have completed for Big Ten title with her scoring and gophers solid defense.

Anonymous said...

why didn't she go to Madison? maybe she wanted to go to Milwaukee?

Anonymous said...

Milwaukee I heard was supposed to be the better soccer school? Just what I have heard.

Anonymous said...

Heard EP (Stars) goalie has verballed to Milwaukee.

Anonymous said...

That is correct.

Anonymous said...

The coach @ Milwaukee is firmly established in WI soccer circles.
Ditto, the ODP network.
I assume that's how he finds those WI players who fly under the radar.
Since 2000, the UWM Panthers have:
-won 8 league championships
-won 3 tournament titles
-attended the NCAA tournament 4 times (into 2nd round twice).
Engleman Field, now lighted, sits on site surrounded by dorms / academic buildings etc.
The campus is much more intimate than Madison or the "U".
Milwaukee is a fun place but avoids the notorious party reputation of Madison.
In state tuition is really reasonable.
If you are a kid / parent from Appleton WI…
What's not to like?

Anonymous said...

socmom how would you compare the academics between Milwaukee and Madison?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:42-
I'm not an academic expert.
Here's the link to NCAA APR.
(Academic Progress Rate)
Maybe you can find the answer!!!
I can't open the threads.
However, whatever the result, I do know one thing...
That academic superiority goes out the door Fri, Sat and Sun nights!!!
Gophers win 6th straight.
GK has given up only one goal all season.
The Gophers back line is very solid.
The midfielders and forwards are are creating a lot more attack this year but need to finish their chances.
The freshman are getting their feet wet and holding their own.
Headed to NV next weekend for games versus NV-Reno and U-Idaho.

Anonymous said...

The answer to 1242's question is that there is no comparison. Madison is one of the top public schools in the country. UMW is not. That is the answer to socmoms "what's not to like" question. Unless of course soccer is the main focus of your college choice.

Anonymous said...

Then again, you're lucky to graduate in 4 years from Madison, you can get just as good of an education at Milwaukee if you apply yourself, and my degree on my resume looks the same from either school to an employer. Academic reputation takes a backseat to what you then actually do at the school (grades, involvement, internships, etc.).

To each their own. Sounds like Milwaukee is a cool place to go.

Anonymous said...

"my degree on my resume looks the same from either school to an employer." So what you are saying is that in the eyes of an employer a degree from a top level college means no more than a degree from a college who's educational standing might be middle of the road? Harvard vs. Bemidji State - the same? Notre Dame vs Northern Illinois - the same?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:57
You really think the average undergraduate degree is scrutinized that closely?
Yeah, I don't think so...
Besides, how many kids actually end up in their degree field?
This is a soccer blog.
I thought we were comparing Milwaukee vs Madison in that light.
Hence, the NCAA APR which sorts academic records by sport.

Anonymous said...

socmom - actually I do and I doubt I am in the minority on that issue - 12:57. But I agree we should be talking about soccer and not academics.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:04 and socmom: Nice try. mn state tournament vs. state cup. whats the difference? Both played on grass. bangu soccer vs. bemidji soccer-what's the difference? both play in MYSA system. C1 vs. C3 what is difference? LOL - I agree let's stick to soccer not academics because we seem to not have our facts straight. soccer at madison dame and football at madison-what's the difference?

Anonymous said...

The U is 6-0, but lets get real here, who have they played?? Penn State has played FSU and out east schools...The top schools appear to be played each other while the U is playing patsies.

Step up and play Texas AM, Texas, UCLA, Portland, Stanford and the likes. MN will show how slow they really are once they hit the tournament which I think they will get into this year.

Anonymous said...

APR has nothing to do with quality of school, just a measure to make sure the "students" are being shoveled thru the system at a good pace.

Anonymous said...

Let’s compare apples and apples...
IND, OSU, MINN ea won 5 B10 conf games last year.
Here are the IND and OSU opponents so far this year.
Indiana: vs Miami (OH), Dayton, Tennessee, Texas A&M, Vermont, Cal Poly
Ohio State: vs UW-Milwaukee, Marquette, Charlotte
Are these schedules really that much more competitive than Minny?
Don't coaches put some thought into their preseason matches in order to affect their NCAA RPI?
Maybe that has something to do with the Gophers schedule?
P.S. Congrats to Jenny Clark for being named a BigTen Def Player of the Week.

Anonymous said...

Which resume is better:

1. UW Milwaukee: Economics and Chinese Major, International Relations Minor; GPA 3.97; student editor of newspaper; vice president of international business club; youth mentor for community outreach program; soccer player.

2. UW Madison: Communications Major, Marketing Minor; GPA 2.85; soccer player.

Anonymous said...

socmom are you serious? Both those schedules are much stronger than MN. Indiana in particular.

Anonymous said...

mama mia - I'm surprised you did not leave off felony charges on the UW Madison side. Thanks for the very impartial example for comparison.....

Anonymous said...

anon 8:45 - we also omitted the 3 DUIs on madison side

Anonymous said...

Point being, what you do at the school trumps the school's prestige value.

Obviously it's great to go to Harvard and Yale. But it's better to do great things at Augsburg than it is to sleep through class at Carleton.

In conclusion, you aren't handed a better education by going to Madison rather than Milwaukee. So as a soccer player, to me it sounds like I would prefer Milwaukee.

Anonymous said...

Next year we need to separate mens d1 comments from womens d1 comments. Too hard to follow.

Anonymous said...

mama and mia point is you can get a better education at a top flight school than you can at one that isn't. Obviously if you sleep through class you will not get a good education wherever you go. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

personally,I went to St Cloud State. Majored in partying and dropped out after jr year.Had to quit soccer cuz I was always too hung over. Started my own company designing websites. Sold my company for 4.6 mil.

Today I have a lot of spare time so I coach soccer in East burbs.

There are many roads to success.

Anonymous said...

mia hamm - would it be better to put in the same effort at Milwaukee or at Madison (putting playing soccer aside as I'm sure we are all in agreement that the key issue is the education)?

Anonymous said...

anon 1:50 - if you had gone to Madison, you will sell you compnay for 5.7 mio. gurantee. You missed an extra mill...You would have played good soccer - which I believe does not exist in st. cloud.

Anonymous said...

It is difficult to compare Madison and UW-Milwaukee academically. Madison is a research based university, UWM is not. Madison competes for students internationally, UW-Milwaukee does not. Quality of education would be comparable and depend on area of study.

Today, success in life has little to do with your college selection. ACT, SAT, GPA and academic honors mean little to most employers. Employers want people that can effectivley communication, solve problems, deal with change and work hard.

A Harvard, Yale, Stanford degree may help you with certain employers, as historically their graduates hold high positions in companies because they hire each other. This practice has been dieing for 10 years or so. I'm sure we have all had to deal with academic snobs from grade school, through high school, through college and graduate school. They are move focused on the reputation of "their" school than on actually learning and preparing themselves for life.

Few would argue that a degree from a prominent school will create more opportunities for a graduate. However a degree from one of these schools will not mean more success, however you measure it (happiness, income, etc.)

Madison is hardly a top reputation school. Any administration can hire full time employees to get governement grants, pump stats and favorable news releases to build a schools reputation. Amount of research grants to a University does not mean much to employers.

Carlton is a great local example with professionals who build and maintain their reputation.

Anonymous said...

And Carlton liberal arts leading the charge with the most students worrying about how and if they can be gainfully employed after they graduate to pay off school loans.

Anonymous said...

3:55 Sounds like you have the same beef with Madison that you perceive Harvard, Yale and Stanford have for you.

Stick to the soccer.

Anonymous said...

Other than about 25 univs who are
legit D1 the rest are just posers when it comes to athletics.

Anonymous said...

Gophers heading to Nevada this weekend to make it 8-0 on the season to date.
Here's hoping for two more Ws, double digit points,and shutouts for the GK.

Anonymous said...

I attended several MIAC universities, completed graduate work at Madison and have participated in post graduate study at Columbia. I have a beef with arrogance. Some Ivy League schools and those who attended or want to attend personify arrogance (which they will call excellence.) Some parents, students and faculty at Madison are known to describe their school as a Midwest Ivy League school.

I have had the pleasure of working with (working for, and hiring) people from all “levels” of schools over the years. Generally, people from what would be considered mid-tier schools have demonstrated they are the most creative, hardest working and best communicators. They tend be more well-rounded and also find themselves the most respected and rewarded workers. Some would call this success.

I am not trying to demine Ivy League or other “upper” tier schools. They are fine institutions, as are the MIAC schools, NDSU, UW-Eau Claire, DePaul, Iowa State, Bradley University, Minnesota-Morris, St. Scholastica, Madison, UW-Milwaukee, U of M, etc.

It is human nature to paint a life story that you can feel good about. Your education will be what you make of it. So will your chosen profession. If you are taught to believe you are superior, without the ability to deliver, you may find yourself feeling unsuccessful when you get into the real world. Your chosen college or university will not make you more successful…you will make yourself successful.

Anonymous said...


Dead on!!! Congratulations for having a very clear understanding of human nature. This could well be equated to this message board. Just because a player plays for the "elite" club, does not make them "elite". Just because a player plays for a "CC" club, does not make them "fodder". I could give you exmaple after example for both the "elite" and "CC" clubs.

Anonymous said...

Here's some info from an article (What Do Employers Really Look For?) in the The Daily Northwestern.
According to a Collegegrad.com survey, employers where asked to pick the criteria they found most important in college graduates.
The job interview,internships or experience were ranked highly.
A student's major was ranked most valuable by 37 percent of employers.
6 percent of employers found GPA to be the most important.
3 percent of employers reported where a student's degree came from most important.
Given that kind of info...
Parents of athletes at less prestigous schools can relax.
Make sure your soccer player learns some marketable social skills, works on the side, and graduates.

Anonymous said...

Graduating from a more academically challenging school will gain you more interviews and all else equal a leg up with employers when first starting out. However as others note the key is all else equal. Someone who muddles through an Ivy won't be regarded any more highly than someone who excels at a lower level school. Employment aside education in and of itself is a good thing, the strong academic schools will usually offer better profs and resources than ones who are not. It is still up to the individual to take advantage of this.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing these days is to get a degree in a field that is marketable. Math, hard sciences, medical field, computer science grads are all finding work.
It's the English lit, psychology and political science majors etc who are struggling to find decent paying jobs.
The school you choose is a factor but bigger factors are your grades and field of study.

Anonymous said...

"Gophers heading to Nevada this weekend to make it 8-0 on the season to date.
Here's hoping for two more Ws, double digit points,and shutouts for the GK."

Considering they will play 2 teams with a combined record of 1-7-1 and a goals for/against of 6/18 this weekend, the Gophers SHOULD prevail. And as far as that "8-0 record", the first 6 MDW opponents have a 11-18-1 record and goals for/against of 36/54. Not a great way to prep for the Big 10 IMHO.

Anonymous said...

12:09 I disagree.

When you say "lower level schools" what do you mean? Cost less? Less perceived academic rigor? Less marketing and self promotion? I also disagree that your reference to upper level schools have better faculty.

In the extremes of Yale Business Degree versus Metro State Business Degree, some companies would interview the Yale grad only. However the range of companies requirements for educated business grads would yield a range of standards for interviewees. Just as many companies would not bother to interview the Yale grad.

You are passing your elitism bias from schools to companies. Do you thing that "better companies, hire better grads, from better schools."

If you are trying to equate better, with more successful or more income, again you have missed the boat. Your education, career and life will be what you make of it. A Metro State Business grad, who takes a sales job at a small technology sales company in Minneapolis, has a good chance of being more successful (making more money and being happier) than a Yale grad who takes a trader job at Fidelity in NYC.

The elitism though is not based in reality. It is based in an elitist opinion about what they want for themselves and their children.

Go Lady Gophers!!

Anonymous said...

4:29: Time will tell of course.
But, IMHO, this "weaker" schedule has allowed MDW to work out some bugs without exhausting her starters before Big Tens.
And,like it or not, the RPI does have a win component.
Every game I attend (this year) I see the Gophers getting stronger.
I predict they will do better in the conference this year than last.
On a side note, you have a class of pretty determined seniors this year.

Anonymous said...

The RPI is important though and last year the Gophers finished #78 and weren't even in the running for an NCAA berth. Two teams that finished with roughly the same conference record as the Gophers, NU and Iowa, had much better RPI's. Time will tell but one thing is for sure, the Gophers can't afford to lose to any of these cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

Gophers win # 7.
Tied up at 81st minute.
Game winner Schwartz from Rouse at 83rd min.
(First goal Clark unassisted).
That was close...

Anonymous said...

Great to see the Gopherettes thoroughly dismantle the 0-5-1 Nevada Wolfpack. Next up, the dangerous 0-4 Idaho Vandals. There is no rest for the weary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gopher tied with Idaho 0-0 after 90.

Anonymous said...

They play Brown on Friday who beat Penn St and tied UCLA this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Gophers win in OT 1-0

Anonymous said...

Given the results vs PSU and UCLA, the Gophers sure won't want to head into OT @ 0-0 vs Brown.

Anonymous said...

Brown did nothing but play 10 behind the ball v UCLA.

Anonymous said...

I heard the same.
Word has it the coach was going for the tie as the game wore on.
The Gophers need to score right away on Friday.
Here's hoping lightning won't strick twice for Brown.
It would be fun for Minny to end this weekend 10-0 heading into Big Tens.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Gopher GK Cat Parkhill.
She's headed to training with the U.S. U20 WNT.
DiCicco will use this camp to make his final U20 Women's selections.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Can't believe all the '09 girls headed to UW-Green Bay!

Anonymous said...

And good luck to them turning that program around...

Anonymous said...

yes i believe 5 minnesota seniors headed there.

Anonymous said...

Coach at UW-Green Bay former assist at Portland under the Clive Charles considered one of the all time great coaches in womens college soccer.

Anonymous said...

how are some of the other 08 girls doing? does anyone know? anyone having a good start to their freshman year?

Anonymous said...

Here are a few
Columbia: Gallivan ("A" Ms Soccer) & Schultz : both getting into every game
Creighton: Mauer (starting all games-3pts)
Northwestern: Bertamus : stats show an appearance in only 1 game; maybe an injury here
Ohio University: Famodu sisters: one has played in every game
Wisconsin: Lundgren ("AA" Ms Soccer): has played in 5 of 7 games

Anonymous said...

Yes, I heard Bertamus is injured. She has terrible luck with injuries! Hope she heals soon.

Anonymous said...

The Gopher tourney this weekend looks to be pretty exciting.
And, there are MN players rostered to all four teams!!!
Come support our home grown athletes.

Anonymous said...

Gophers over da bears of BROWN 2-0. Spirited first half before a rowdy crowd of 1200. Gophers jumped on the da bears with one well placed shot and another result of controlling the field and possession wholly in favor of the gophers , 2nd half gophers missed some good opps. In the other game Wisc of Milw. wins as sensational freshmen scored her 10TH goal of season, although at times seemed to be trying to fit into offense. Wish UWM gophers opponent, not Boston U not STRONG ENOUGH test gophers need before Big Ten season opener

Anonymous said...

Gophers should finally crack coaches regional rankings with win against Boston U.


Anonymous said...

GOLDIE , GOLDIE calm down calm down. Just dont get too excited , quite yet. Now stare thru the umbrella and carefully view on the eastern horizon the combined forces of two nations slowing amassing to form the University of North Carolina West. Beware of their planned lst.invasion in a few weeks to come. This very young and nasty and... gulp hungry animal may determine the destiny of your burrow.

Anonymous said...

Before Anon 9:24's prediction comes true...
Come out and watch the final day at the Gopher soccer tournament.
Milwaukee plays Brown then Minny plays Boston.
It's been a fun tournament so far.
Gophers stand to make it win #10 and stay the only unbeated B10 school (preseason).

Anonymous said...

Gophers win #10.
Goal Eckstrom (FR) from Shelander (SO).
On to first Big Ten weekend...

Anonymous said...

According to Soccer Buzz it's been nine years since Minnesota appeared in their national rankings.
But today the Gophers jumped into the Top 30 @ # 24.
Continued good luck to MDW and the ladies this weekend in Michigan.
Nice work sustaining the 10-0 streak.

Anonymous said...

Not saying these are right or wrong, but good to see the gopher women ranked by nscaa in the region.

1 University of Notre Dame 8-0- 0
2 University of Illinois 6-3-0
3 UW Milwaukee 7-1-2
4 Penn State University 5-4-0
5 University of Minnesota 10-0-0
6 Northwestern University 5-2-1
7 University of Dayton 6-3-0
8 Marquette University 5-3-1
9 University of Wisconsin 6-2-1
10 Purdue University 6-3-1

Good luck to them this weekend as well as the balance of the season.

Anonymous said...

edited from a post on Big Soccer...
"Minnesota is ranked in three of the five (national) polls that I look at each week.
They're ranked by Soccer America, Soccer Times and Soccer Buzz.
But not ranked by NSCAA or Top Drawer."

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone has any idea how good the Gophers are. They just haven't played anybody yet. Remember they were something like 8-1 nonconference in 2006 and followed that up with a 1-8-1 conference record. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:19
I believe the 06 team was 6-2-1 with 15GF and 6GA heading into B10s.
The 08s are 10-0 with 23GF and 2A.
Give these girls some credit.
Winning 10 in a row is hard to maintain and easier to give up.
That 06 season is not lost on the current group of senior starters.
I believe they have something to prove in 08.
Based on the preseason, the Big Ten looks to be wider open than last year.
But, the 08 Gophers are are stronger and deeper than the 07 Gophers.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s going to be a fierce battle every game.
I'm sure they know it's start over time.
But I would be willing to bank on the 08s winning more than one B10 game.
BTW, I'm sure the 10 beaten opponents appreciate being called nobodies.

Anonymous said...

We should all just wish them the best and hope for a winning league record. If they are fortunate to go 6-4 (or better), then they would be at least 16-4 going into the league tournament which just might be good enough for an at-large berth into the national championship tournament.

Anonymous said...

socmom seems a bit defensive. 219 makes valid points, the 06 team was 7-1-1 nonconference and then struggled. We will see what the gophers have over the next month. As far as quality of opposition so far the fact that they are 10-0 and ranked no higher than #20 shows that it has not impressed anyone. I think they are for real, they just haven't proven it yet. I predict a 6-3-1 Big Ten season and an NCAA berth. A good finish is important for MDW. This is likely the best team they will have for the next few years and they need to get it done. I agree that the top of the conference is down this year with PSU appearing more vulnerable than I can remember. A conference title for MN not out of the question.

Anonymous said...

we'll never know until they play them, but i think the belief is that this year's gopher team is better than last year's team which went 5-5 during league play. here's hoping that 11:37's prediction comes true.

Anonymous said...

forgot to put in this link of Molly Rouse interview. http://www.bigtennetwork.com/videos/soccer.asp

Anonymous said...

I remember when Molly was a sr in HS and scoring a ton of goals. All of the jealous whackos who post were saying "wait till she plays with the big girls". Well we waited and me thinks she's doing pretty good.Most of the posters on this board don't know jack.

Anonymous said...

12:49 - I do remember some of the posts, but I believe more of it had to do with an indictment of that team's coaching/offensive mentality. Scoring 4,5,6+ goals against tiny Class A schools was the underlying source for most of the comments. More scorn than jealousy.

I'm sure everyone is very happy for her success and wish her all the best during the balance of her gopher career.

Anonymous said...

First game with Michigan State similar in sense that neither team really fiercely tested and competition and wins mostly from mid major schools. Both coaches wise in doing so with coaching contracts under review ala ex-gophers coach Mason. Cautiously hopeful but keeping in mind MDW 14-27-2 big ten record that includes 2 big ten tournament losses and no wins. Agree with earlier post this year or else , next few years dont look as promising. This years team definitely mentally tough enough to win on road and deserve a good season and recogntion.

Anonymous said...

Predicting 5-3-2 big ten record because of belief gophers still need more scoring while defense will keep all games close and competitive.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Nobody was slamming the player when Cambridge Isanti was winning by lopsided margins.
All the heat was directed at the coach for running up ridiculous scores with starters still in the game.
I suspect the coach actually hurt the players chance of winning Ms Soccer.

Anonymous said...

Let's move on from discussing the player and situation mentioned.
That's was hashed and rehashed two years ago on the girls HS blog.
8:06 and 8:22 make thoughtful and fair points.
This weekend, the Gophers have to find a way to finish more often.
The Minny defense is rock solid.
The midfield is anchored by one of the best players in the B10.
It's our attack that needs to sort itself out and fast.

Anonymous said...

You are right socmom let's move on and talk about the talented freshmen class of 2008 some of which are not playing with the gophers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 11:08
Here's what I've got.
What about you?
Talented Class of 2008 (FR) D1
Schultz & Gallivan getting into every game @ Columbia
Mauer starting all games (4pts) @ Creighton
Bethke starting 8/9 & McGuire starting 3/3 games @ Lipscomb
Prunty playing all games (1pt), Zachman playing 5/7 games (2 pts), Voeller into a game @ UND
Dean & Gaffaney (All Tournament Team) starting all games @ NDSU
Boldenow (2 pts) & Brostrom (2 pts) playing all games @ NDSU
Wagner playing 8/9 & DeMike playing 7/9 games @ NDSU
Bertamus injured @ Northwestern
Famodu Sisters playing / starting @ Ohio University
Peterson starting 4 / playing all games (2 pts) @ SDSU
Kemp starting / playing 4/7 games (1 pt) @ UC Davis
Eggen playing 6/7 games @ Western Illinois
Lundgren playing 6/9 & Cochlin playing 4/9 games @ Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

The Gophs are still missing a playmaker with solid on the ball skills who would help set up scoring opportunities.They should be better than .500.

Anonymous said...

I respectfully disagree.They need to start finishing.I'm not sure you get 245 shots without someone setting up scoring opportunities.

Anonymous said...

Where are the shots from? That can be a very misleading statistic.

Anonymous said...

Spartans 2 - Gophers 0

Anonymous said...

Gopher wake up call.
Must score to win.
Better luck on Sunday....

Anonymous said...

No chance for the Gophers winning a Big Ten title. They racked up 10 wins against okay competition. No major conference teams they played. No team from SEC, PAC 10, BIG 12, ACC, BIG EAST. No they play the BIG 10 Schedule. 5-5 and will lose first game of BIG 10.

Anonymous said...

Tough loss for the Gopher girls.
They outshot MSU 16-7 and didn't allow MSU a shot in 1st half.
Bottom line we lost 2-0. We must score against top level teams.

Anonymous said...

Please no more hiding behind shot totals. A 30 yard prayer can be a SOG but is not dangerous. Goph's midfield needs to create some quality chances.

Anonymous said...

Or forwards need to finish....

Anonymous said...

Gophs have some good players but lack a playmaker. Don't see anything getting better next year either. Matter of fact next years team will probably be a little weaker.That's the way I see it.


And I approve this message.

Anonymous said...

big game for Gophers today, Michigan will be near bottom of B10. Need a W.

Anonymous said...

Gophers up @ half 1-0
Goal Wags from Hoodie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:45..if they cant beat MSU, how are they going to beat a TOP LEVEL team?? And then I read, the team has one of the best mids in the big 10, but then others are berating her.

Anonymous said...

Gophers hold onto the win.
They missed a PK in the 2nd half.
3 yellow cards given in less than 10 minutes.
Quite a bit of playtime for subs.
BTW: MSU beats Iowa 4-0.
The Spartans have something goin on with their Fr forward.
She's been in on 4 of the 6 goals this weekend.

Anonymous said...

MSU will be one of the top 2-3 teams in Big 10 this fall. They have the talent and play good team defense.

Anonymous said...

MSU will finish 5'th at best.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:04: They are off to a good start !!!
6 Big Ten goals for and 0 against and 2 wins on the weekend.
Of the other Big Ten matchups this Fri/Sun...
1 game was won 2-1; 6 games were won 1-0; 1 game was tied 0-0
Not a ton of goals being scored really...

Anonymous said...

Big 10 Forecast:

Top 3: PSU, ILL, PUR
Bottom 2: IA, MICH

Middle of pack for the rest. If I had to pick the other team to miss the tourney it would be IU.

Anonymous said...

Happy to see the girls bounce back on Sunday and beat a team on the road that they should beat. What they are going to have to do is play tough at home (especially against IL or Purdue) and then knock of an IA, etc.... on the road. Hoping for a 6-4 or 6-3-1 conference record, at least a 1st round tournament win, and NCAA invite. Go Gopher Women!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:53
Finally, an encouraging word ...

Anonymous said...

3:57 - why wouldn't we want to support them as well as every other eam out there (from house league all the way up to Thunder/Lightning). Some folks may not like the school, coach, organization, club, etc... but that shouldn't stop you from rooting for the players on the teams.

Anonymous said...

One other point - success breeds success. A stronger Gopher women's program gives them hopefully a better chance to hang onto the best local kids as well as attract out of state players. Never any guarantees, but maybe enough to sway a kid or two.

Anonymous said...

Women's Side - How is soph Angie Olson doing? She started off the season with a number of assists... then I lost track.

Update please!

Anonymous said...

AO continues to contribute, off the bench, at the wing position.
Here are her stats:
442 Minutes Played
12GP / 3GS
3 Assists / 3 Points

Anonymous said...

Duke v UNC on Fox Soccer Thursday
7pm CST

Anonymous said...

Gopher GK "Cat" named to U20 National Team.
From Gopher press release:
"Parkhill will be back in the Twin Cities for a few short weeks before she will join the national team again at the Home Depot Center in Carson, Calif. on Oct. 18. The team will train in Carson and at Nike headquarters in Portland, Ore. for another week traveling to Chile for the World Cup in mid-November. The team is slated to kick off group play with a match against France on Nov. 19. The U.S. also has group matches with Argentina on Nov. 22 and China on Nov. 26."

Anonymous said...

Still scratch my head to understand why U-20 national teams prepare and play during college soccer season. Full National and Olympic team is one thing, but it is silly to pull so many kids out of College, both athletically and academically, to play these other levels. There has got to be a way to schedule later, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

The U-20 national team is preparing for the U-20 Women's World Cup being held in Chile during November & December of this year. FIFA runs this event and I doubt they will ever schedule anything to accomodate the US college soccer season.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:16-
So you're saying US collegiate soccer isn't the center of the "football" world?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up. Yes I am aware that the U-20's are preparing for the world cup, and that FIFA is in charge. Still, a move to early December would accomodate not only U.S. players, but foreign players in U.S. schools. As for whether the US Soccer Federation could/should influence the decision...

Anonymous said...

B10 last night

MI 1 PUR 1
PSU 1 NU 0
OSU 4 UW 0
IA 1 IU 0
IL 3 MSU 0

MSU gets a dose of reality. PUR with a stumble against MI. OSU impressive.

Anonymous said...

Other than Canada, are there many foreign students playing for US colleges? Last year there was a Japanese girl playing for FSU, but am not aware of many others.

Anonymous said...

Gophers beat Indiana 1-0 in OT.

Anonymous said...

Very nice win for the girls on a day where the weather made playing in the attack third very difficult.
We'll take any kind of a win in the weather and slick field conditions we faced today.

Anonymous said...

3 teams are undefeated: Purdue, Penn State, and Ohio State. 3 are winless: Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Gophers in middle of pack with games this weekend at home with IL and PUR. A sweep would all but lock up an NCAA berth. 2 losses would mean a likely second division finish and no NCAA's. Gophers have played the weakest stretch of their B10 schedule, most difficult 4 game stretch dead ahead. Close with another easier set of games. I predicted 6-3-1 at the beginning of season but loss to an average MSU team and close wins against very down IU and MICH have shaken me, I now predict 5-5-0 and a need to win a game at tournament to get into NCAA's. The home games this weekend are very important.

Anonymous said...

D1 Soccer is a real step up from MN HS. Grandstrand who had a tremendous Freshman year after the starting GK at Brown got hurt last year is now on the bench. Monasterio is seeing very limited time at WI. Two very good players looking for a chance to play.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what happened to Moosh, the goalie from Holy Angels? Thought he was going to Louisville this year as a freshman.

Anonymous said...

He is at Marquette. Not playing anymore.

Anonymous said...

College soccer as a freshman is always a difficult transition from HS especially at the D1 LEVEL.Teal Bunbury has been a starter with AKRON,Chris Sutton has played in 2 games for a total of 16 minutes at Notre Dame,CM has played in 7 games ,starting in 2 for U of Wisconsin and Callum Mallace has earned a starting role after the 4th game w Marquette.It is also not uncommon to RS freshmen at this level.Paul Granstrand is playing again for BROWN which has decided to alternate their goalies.Overall, Minnesota has been able to send some kids to D1 programs and are doing well as upperclassmen as noted in the previous post.

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