Friday, May 21, 2010

By the Numbers

MN State Cup update. The semi-finals are set. Clubs with semi finalists (not including 19s):

16 for MTA
4 each for EDP, SCV and WDB
3 each for BHK, EDI, PSA and SSM
2 for TCF
1 each for BVL, DKT, LKV, NSS, PRL and TRV

This may the the first semi finalists for Three Rivers at girls U17s. Congratulations to all players, coaches, clubs and parents.


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Anonymous said...


1) Agree, Saints have a great product, the Stars don't

2) Stars tickets have no value today. Give them away but few will see it as a "new benefit" or actually go see the game.

3) A small "temporary" increase in revenues but losses continue.

Anonymous said...

That other site that was mentioned has 1 post on it. : (

Anonymous said...

But that other site at least is dedicated to HS soccer. Start up the trash talking and I'm sure there will be responses.

Anonymous said...

MR. Idiot (aka mister soccer),

Agree, St. Paul Saints is not the model for the Stars, but Portland Timbers may have figured it out -- NSC Stars played Portland Timbers on the road in front of 15,418.

Mister Soccer said...

What's your point? Portland Timbers seems to support everything I say:

-Apparently it's not the product since they are the same product.

-PGE Park is a slightly better facility and is in a slightly better location than NSC.

-Portland is on a coast.

-Timbers are soon to be in MLS.

Are you telling us the model is to move Team NSC downtown to a new stadium and become an MLS team? Isn't that what Mr. Idiot has been saying? And don't forget the UofPortland has a pretty big soccer following, unlike the UofMN.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Idiot, the same product that is selling in Portland is not selling here. I don't think moving the Stars to a "slightly" better facility and in a "slightly" better location will lead to success as a farm team or becoming a MLS team.

Anonymous said...

I bet the local media supports the Timbers and any other D2 team that is doing well financially.

No I don't mean pointing out how poorly attended the games are...

Marketing the product a little more might also help- yes I know it is expensive, but if you want the product to sell, you have to remind people more frequently.

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

Timbers: D2 Pro League
Stars: D2 Pro League

Timbers: 2 Goals
Stars: 2 Goals

Timbers: 15,400 Fans
Stars: 200 Fans

Anonymous, Please explain what the Timbers have "figured out" if it has nothing to do with the venue.

Anonymous said...

Results were probably pulled because MTA is struggling to get players to commit to top teams. Quite a few DA-age kids are reviewign their options, especially those who haven't paid in the past and who are being told to pay this year. I've talked with three so far. Quality players are leaving.

Anonymous said...

1249, Dah...just ask for a scholarship!! I heard they are handed out like Candy on the Boys side!!

tomASS said...

Portland - always has been a soccer town, Great Soccer colleges around. They use to play in the NASL. Parents that are watching now have a history of the club to share with their kids- continuity of the club being around for a long time ( great points from Trevor and someone else on the IMS blog) Many advantages the Stars do not have. They treat the game as it was meant to be treated.

No major league baseball, No NFL, No NHL, They are the team of the city unless you are a NBA fan. Great fan appeal to the core soccer fans ages 15-35

I'm taking 3 friends to the game on Saturday and try to view as it was my first time.

tomASS said...

Going to write it off as a business expense

tomASS said...

I will be near the beer gardens of course and maybe singing EPL type songs

Anonymous said...

Saiyam, who said Portland's success has "nothing" to do with venue? The attendance figures suggest that they "get it." I don't claim to know why.

Anonymous said...

So 12:49, what's the result of reviewing options. So the players selected at higher-level (DA) teams drop down to lower-level (MRL) teams. Do all the boys have to wait until all these kids review their options to find out where they'll end up? What about boys that have received offers from other clubs? How long can they put off the other clubs?

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...


Timbers: Downtown Portland
Stars: Blaine

Timbers: PGE Park
Stars: NSC

Does that help?

Anonymous said...


No, it doesn't.

Good luck in building a soccer stadium in downtown Mpls or St. Paul. Perhaps, Parade stadium might work but is it a better facility? What was the Thunder experience when they played in St. Paul?

tomASS said...

that area of St. Paul where the Thunder played - not very vibrant

Most of downtown Portland OR, phenomenal city!

I say we fill in Loring Park and do it right this time ;-)

Anonymous said...

High school begins Monday. Dominant teams?

Anonymous said...

Apple Valley, that's all you need to know about high school boys soccer

Anonymous said...

AV is right on if you like kickball. I like Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

AV is strong year-in, year-out because it has one of, if not the the greatest HS coaches in MN history. Boys are boys and the reason AV wins is because Scanlon. If he coached at EP or any other school with a large supply of athletes, that school would win.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who gives the credit to a High school soccer coach is nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

socmom said...

Gopher Soccer News...
Jennie Clark named to the Hermann Trophy Watch List.
Go Jenny from the Block !!!!

tomASS said...

422- LOL

such an insult to the players

Anonymous said...

H.S. Coaches can have a real positive impact on a player's game and their life.

Anonymous said...

But most of the time they don't

Anonymous said...

So AV's success is because they breed great soccer players? But just boys for all those years? It takes talented players, but consistant winning at a high level is due to a good coach.

Anonymous said...

but high school soccer isnt a high level of soccer...

tomASS said...

925 - I stand by my statement, such an insult to the players.

Next you're going say Pat Haws of SJU was a great coach too

Anonymous said...

Here's what impresses me about high school coaches: they have what, 8 weeks? to choose and mold a group of kids who typically play their serious/club ball in a variety of places. Yes, high school ball is weak compared to good club ball; maybe the strong programs are those who keep their players together for club. AV kids tend to play for Valley United, Bloomington players tend not to stray from BLM, Stillwater kids tend to play for SCV. Maybe the continuity of play from club to HS helps. Maybe the HS coach influences what goes on in club. I know EDP's football coach controls the youth programs from 4th grade on. So many questions, so little time. But I will say programs with revolving-door coaches never do well.

Anonymous said...

I bet the high school threads come on Monday.

Anonymous said...

More often than not the success of any coach (especially high school because of the short window) is directly attributable to the talent on the team. MTA coaches have little to do with their state cup championships. Swap the coaches at EP, WDB, etc... with their respective MTA squads and they would win just as many. Would the AV coach have won so many titles if he had been at Rosemount (no slam intended on the Irish)? Even some of the greatest coaches out there in all sports will often state that "coaches don't win championships, players do". That doesn't mean they don't play a part albeit a minor one.

Mister Soccer said...

Scanlon is no Mourinho, but he has a little Phil Jackson in him. If he was at EP, they'd have a lot more banners on their wall. Scanlon is a great motivator, not a soccer coach. When you only have players for 8 weeks, simplifying things to being a great motivator is kind of a smart move by Scanlon. It's not pretty, but his players usually play hard for 8 weeks. That's more than most teams can say.

Only a few of Blm Jefferson's boys players play for Bloomington. Jefferson girls is different. Most of them play for Bloomington. You idiots need to distinguish who you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

no he wouldnt have won a game at rosemount because there is zero talent there, most kids dont even play club ball that are in that program, and u dont need to cover ur statment that program doesnt have any one in it that knows enough about soccer that would be reading this, hs comes down to the talent on the roster and having someone smart enough to put the talent in the right spot and make sure they work hard in those spots

Anonymous said...

no he wouldnt have won a game at rosemount because there is zero talent there, most kids dont even play club ball that are in that program, and u dont need to cover ur statment that program doesnt have any one in it that knows enough about soccer that would be reading this, hs comes down to the talent on the roster and having someone smart enough to put the talent in the right spot and make sure they work hard in those spots

Anonymous said...

no he wouldnt have won a game at rosemount because there is zero talent there, most kids dont even play club ball that are in that program, and u dont need to cover ur statment that program doesnt have any one in it that knows enough about soccer that would be reading this, hs comes down to the talent on the roster and having someone smart enough to put the talent in the right spot and make sure they work hard in those spots

mo no syll a ble guy said...

I a gree with mis ter soc cer. high school soc cer is a bout mo ti va tion. my kid plays in a sim i lar pro gram.

nospacebewteenwordsguy said...


Mister Soccer said...

Scanlon is part of why AV has had a strong talent base for 20 years. He has others develop the talent, then he motivates them for 8 weeks. It's smart. It's like Bobby Bowden or Nick Saban. Get the talent. Then motivate them.

I bet Scanlon would say the same thing too. Actually, I don't think Hawes ever claimed to be a soccer genius either. That's what I like about those guys. On the other hand, I'm a self-proclaimed soccer mastermind. At least I don't triple post things like Anonymous Doofus.

Anonymous said...

Fall high school soccer is a nice preparation for college soccer, in that it has a similar schedule (2x a days, school/sport balance etc.). Was struck by that commentary in one of Dorrance's books about how h.s. soccer is below the skills and tactics of club but it does offer some nice preparation for the short, intense collegiate season.

tomASS said...

Many parents are probably more nervous about the next few days than the players are. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not nervous at all and I'm a parent.

Anonymous said...

TOMAAS, how would you know?


This is the 1st year I am not nervous, but this will be the 4th year of varsity.

I would not consider myself as someone who is living through my child, but it's tough to help your kid through self doubt and any potential disappointment. We all want our kids to have a smooth road without many roadblocks, even when we know that adversity is character building...

tomASS said...

1028 - I know parents and how they think and act from many years of dealing with them

1059 - We all don't want our kids to have smooth roads without many roadblocks.

Anonymous said...

so, who looks good today?

Anonymous said...

Julia Roberts


Sorry tomAss, I guess I meant, that some of us hope for the best for our children.

Anonymous said...

Parents hoping for the best of their childrem? Is that possible TOMASS?

tomASS said...

yes that is much better - as long as they earn it

Anonymous said...

Julia Roberts-most over rated ever

Anonymous said...

Finally, an insightful post.

Anonymous said...

7:50pm Julia Roberts was once a overrated mid-fielder for MTA!!!!

Anonymous said...

wasn't it Bangu back when she played?

Anonymous said...

I do believe it was Bangu

Anonymous said...

is 16 & 18 blue the development team?

Anonymous said...

no. Blue is last year's white. DA is separate.

Anonymous said...

It's kind of funny that you used Julia Roberts name. There really is a Julia Roberts that played on the girls U17 national team.

Anonymous said...

TOMASS, how would you rate your experience at last Saturday's game?

tomASS said...

Soccer Experience: C- D+ range; lack of creativity in the attacking third with no sense of purpose or desire to score. Game itself did not hold too much excitement. Standing in the beer Garden with the Stars true fans was fun. Heckling Nolly the Keeper from Vancouver was fun. Heckling the Vancouver Icelandic coach "Tater" was fun. Did not like the overall performance of the team. Very uninspired play with no leadership on the field. I got the impression the players didn't care and playoff consequences were on the line.

Do not like the high number of subs allowed at this level.

Beer Selection slim but solid choices and it was cold.

Tickets are more expensive on a walk-up basis then if you buy on line. You can only buy on line up to 48 hours prior to the game. The most expensive tickets which allow you to sit on the sidelines on white resin patio chairs looked to be a total rip-off. Why would anyone spend that type of money when most seats in the stands give you better sight lines and allow you to still be on top of the game.

Don't understand why a Star's player subbed out at half would be in the Beer Gardens ( drinking soda ) visiting with people.

Overall C+, nothing though would make me want to come back and make the trip to Blaine. That being said I might give them another chance Saturday but only because of the Star fans I was around. Seemed like a good group of supporters

Anonymous said...

The marketing department for the NSC Stars should be fired. They missed so many opportunities to bring kids to their games. In years past; when a Thunder game coincided with a tournament, they would give one free ticket to a tournament player. Well that one free ticket would generate at least one paid ticket for the parent if not more tickets for family members, plus concessions. As I was standing in line to check in my team for Schwan's USA Cup, some of NSC Star players were walking up and down the line handing out "Mystery Tickets" to Nickelodean Universe. Now why wouldn't they had out one free ticket to one of their games? I asked one of the players why and he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. NSC is setting themselves up for failure!

Anonymous said...

11:22am. Agreed! My kids always got a free ticket at some tournaments. I also remember them getting one free ticket from MYSA. The kids got in free, but we always ended up buying tickets for parents or none soccer friends. When we got through the door, we easily spent close to $50.00 on beer, pop, hot dogs, etc.

Mister Soccer said...

I love the analysis. You've allowed me to paint a very clear picture in my head. They've been using those same patio chairs for years! A substituted player in the beer garden disgusts me. Which player was it?

Anonymous said...

who's on the DA team?

Anonymous said...

Which one? There are 4 in MN now.

Mister Soccer said...

I just asked a friend who regularly watches the EPL and reads the STrib if he was interested in going to NSC to watch a Stars game. He responds, "Who? Where is NSC?"

Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Instead of Favre getting out of that plane, I wish it was Ronaldo announcing that he's playing for the new Minnesota MLS team! I can dream can't I?

Anonymous said...

DA mta of course,
ssm has a fancy brochure with pictures & everything for recruiters and fans

Anonymous said...

total disappointment that there is no hs thread.

Anonymous said...

9:30am. HS thread why? 4-6 good to great players playing soccer with a all their rec friends. It's a joke with the exception of a couple of high schools.

Mister Soccer said...

It might be a joke, but it's still kind of fun.

1. Woodbury
2. Apple Valley
3. Eden Prairie
4. Wayzata
5. Stillwater
6. Armstrong
7. Lakeville North
8. Mayo
9. Edina
10. Eagan

Do you need a designated thread?

Anonymous said...

just like a local QB, last year's high school threads began on 8/18 (exactly one year ago), so if we see them by the end of this week we'll be right on schedule.


Mr. S, for your picks, are you using reputation or do you have any 2010 info?

Please expand if you have current insight. Everyone else too.


Prior Lake might be good too, returning players include multiple DA players.

Jefferson?? If I remember correctly, they may have a lot of starters returning too.

Anonymous said...

AV #1, forward, center mid, goalie who are the best in the state at their respective positions

Multiple supporting players from U-17 team who earned premier for next year, U-16 team who won league, U-15 premier team

And the winning tradition associated with apple valley is enough to give them the mental edge over any team they play

Anonymous said...

Who will win Mr. and Ms. Soccer for both Class A and AA?

Anonymous said...

AV gk is not even close to the best in the state-not saying he isn't ok, just not the best.

Anonymous said...

Who is better than AV goalie? I have seen him play multiple times in last couple of years against my son's team. He's gotta be about 6'1" and maybe the most athletic goalie I have ever seen. The scary thing that I have noticed about him is that he now knows "how" to play the position. he was talented before on sheer athleticism. Now he is athletic and smart.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Gophers added another recruit. A defender out of Maplewood, went to North High. Anyone know anything about her?

Anonymous said...

looks like predictions for the boys - what about the girls? I say Eastridge makes State.

Anonymous said...

GK's, not in any order.

Maleek (sp?) not sure what school he goes to.

Dominic-Roseville area, but heard he may be at a charter school.


all much better than what I have seen at AV.

Anonymous said...

WBL keeper has Northwestern and other D1 schools interested.

STW keeper is 2-time all state.

AHA keeper -- huh? Just shoot low.

Also, just a nit for the AV dad, but goalies play hockey. Keepers play soccer.

Anonymous said...

Picking Woodbury puts a lot of faith on EM to carry them, which he very well could. They have 1-2other nice players but they're weak in back and have no keeper.

Anonymous said...

Mark my prediction made at 3:19pm on August 18, 2010: Eric Miller from Woodbury will win Mr. Soccer AA.

Mister Soccer said...

Goalkeepers play football. Goalies play football. Keepers play football. Posers play soccer.

Who cares.

You can call it whatever you want. Centerback or Sweeper or Central Defender. Defensive Centermid or Stopper or Destroyer or Holding Mid. Striker or Forward or Target or #9. In my opinion, use whatever makes sense to the players.

Anonymous said...

C2 and C3 players making a varsity team! Tell me that is not a joke! But on the other hand I guess that's all they had to pick from. The younger premier players didn't even try-out!

Anonymous said...

Obarski from AV wins Mr. Soccer, people love goals and he will score plenty of them

Anonymous said...

Eric Miller is the best player but that doesn't mean he'll win Mr. Soccer....but he'll be in the running if the team has success.

Anonymous said...

who put C2/C3 players on varsity? i hope we play them.

Anonymous said...

armstrong, should be a walk in the park for you!

Anonymous said...

Some schmuck from a wimpy exurban school will score plenty of goals. That doesn't make him Mr. Soccer material. Has Obarski committed to a top-5 D1 school yet?

Anonymous said...

Now someone from armstrong will say something inane like, "But they won STATE (or made it to regionals or districts or whatever they call it now) at C2/C3!"

Anonymous said...

Is there a list anywhere of who made the MTA DA teams?

Anonymous said...

its on there website.

Anonymous said...

Found it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing, C2 players think they're the greatest because they won "districts, state, etc". I'll give them credit for that, but remember that there are levels above you and your team would spin out of control if you played any of them.

Anonymous said...

Girls High School AA:

1. Stillwater
2. Moundsview
3. Eagan
4. Eastridge
5. Wayzata
6. Centennial
7. Woodbury
8. Lakeville North
9. Spring Lake Park
10. Rochester JM


1. Orono
2. Blake
3. AHA
4. BSM
5. Vis
6. Breck
7. St. Louis Park
8. MPA

Anonymous said...

AA - no EP, most of the State Cup team that would all now be seniors will be on that team? Eagan - based on what, all their big guns graduated. Wayzata way too low since they return virtually everybody from a state championship team.
A - tough to know, but BSM too low, AHA way too high. Is rogers still A?

Anonymous said...

Eastrige may very well WIN state. MV isn't a top 10 team this year, Centennial is borderline, SLP doesn't belong,wheres Eastview and EP?

Anonymous said...

Hey, just trying to get a conversation going. Admit - forgot about EP. Wayzata did lose alot of players. I don't understand why MV and Centennial aren't top ten teams when they were in section championships and each only lost 3 seniors. Would love to see other predictions...

Anonymous said...

MV,coaching shakeup, much weaker players than 2008 and 2007, the decline in quality started last year. Centennial, weak conference, marginal coaching.

Anonymous said...

Eagan's coaching and playing style make them a top 10 team every year, as well they some good young talent even though they lost a lot from last years team

3 might be a little high, but they are top 10 for sure

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would you pick Stillwater to win Girls AA? They lost talent and their keeper to graduation and their seniors come from an average at best premier team. There have to be better teams than that.

Anonymous said...

ms soccer aa - bp/ev, tu/ep, tw/wz, lr/er, kl/cg
ms soccer a - ap/rog, mk/bc, some smaller school player who scores 30+ goals
imo there are lots of high level seniors this year (more than last - once again imo). i'm sure i left out quite a few so my apologies.

Anonymous said...

7:26 from yesterday - not sure who all Wayzata lost from last year, but all four players who made the state all-tournament team return (including keeper and top scorers).

Anonymous said...

Nice list. I think I would add SP/Rosemount and BR/Centennial to the list. But it's really a three way race with BP, TU and TW. I think four of the five are going to the U next year.

In Class A, MK sticks out to me as well. Great player, but not a great team. Does that hurt her chances?

Anonymous said...

don't expect eastridge as abboud will mess it up with overthinking simple things such as he did last year in the playoffs. oh is abooud still going to be at eastridge for the full season??

Anonymous said...

Not from Mahtomedi, but they will win state this year and next year for Class A.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Roger's boys team is going to surprise a lot of people this year.

Anonymous said...

Is it the girls or boys team from Mahtomedi that is so strong? They always seem to have good girls teams, just don't know that much about their boys teams.

Anonymous said...

4:19 - they must know something since the Rogers girl team went to
State last year. How far did you kid's team go? If they didn't make it to the State tournament then you might want to stop by Hirschfield's and pick up a gallon or two......

Mister Football said...

That's what the people of California say about us in Minnesota...and those in Ghana about us in the US...and those in Spain about those in Ghana...

"Funny thing, C2 players think they're the greatest because they won "districts, state, etc". I'll give them credit for that, but remember that there are levels above you and your team would spin out of control if you played any of them."

What a stoopid thing today. Our Class AA and Premier players think they're the greatest with all the Regional Championships they've brought to MN. Unless you play for El Roja, you shouldn't be talking.

Anonymous, you is dumb.

ClassAA Girls Guy said...

2:02, ER went 3-0 in the playoffs, didn't they? Not sure what concrete facts you have to support anything you say. Unless of course you were on staff there, then I'll eat my shoe. Sounds like a MA hater on the loose though.

Sub East is a tough conference. WBL is a sleeper, WHS is still strong no matter what people say about graduated talent and how poor the DOC is in that area, and Stillwater will be decent as usual.

Wayzata, EP, and Edina will all be tough to beat.

My Pre-Season Top 10 Girls AA

1. EP
2. Wayzata
3. Woodbury
4. Edina
5. Eastview
6. Eagan
7. Coon Rapids
8. Centennial
9. White Bear
10. Mounds View

Anonymous said...

agree with your top two as i believe they are a significant step above everyone else and will predict they meet in the state final. edina lost way too much from last years squad - they will be good, but not nearly the calibre of either ep/wayzata.

Anonymous said...

Rogers come on! Most of your players are C2-C3 level. Going to state in high school, ok fun and something to remember, but not great. College coaches/recruiters don't even go to high schools anymore. Club level is where it's at and I don't recall seeing anything from the Rogers area in State Cup play, MYSA, DA, etc. You have good football and wrestlers out in the land of truckstopville, but not soccer players.

Anonymous said...

no you're right, just a handful of mn odp kids, a regional kid, a kid on a full ride to DePaul, etc....
thank goodness that soccer isn't a priority or we'd all be in trouble....

Anonymous said...

no you're right, just a handful of mn odp kids, a regional kid, a kid on a full ride to DePaul, etc....
thank goodness that soccer isn't a priority or we'd all be in trouble....

Anonymous said...

Rogers has a high school? Since when? That's just the place we stop to get gas on the way out of town!

Anonymous said...

to 441 sorry i meant when aboud put a field player in nets for the shoot out instead of his goalie, well that worked out??

Anonymous said...

Where is Rogers?

Anonymous said...

I think it's somewhere up by Bemidji

Anonymous said...

Where's Bemidji?

Anonymous said...

Rogers is a huge truck stop west of the cities on 94.

Anonymous said...

OK we get it, when does school start back up for you guys?

Anonymous said...

I think it is a suburb of Elk River.

Anonymous said...

I think Rogers used to on channel 2, oh my bad that was Mr. Rogers neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rogers is actually their mascot

Anonymous said...

10:11am, they have SCHOOL in Rogers?

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to live in Rogers!!?? No school or soccer!! Come on people cut them some slack. I'm sure they are a pretty good single A team.

Anonymous said...

Since Mr. Rogers is there Mascot did he teach them how to tie their cleats?

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

Ok, clear up an argument I'm having with someone concerning college recruiting of soccer players. I say that the majority of college coaches go to tournament type events (College Showcases, State Cups, ODP, ECNL, etc) to see a player play with their club team (better level of play vs HS). My friend says that no, they only go to high schools and recruit players. I can give him that they might do both depending on the HS and the player, but a majority of the recruiting is done via the club level? Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

From what I've seen (parent of a boy, senior-to-be who played State Cup, MRL and numerous showcases), lots coaches attend "club team" events, especially coaches your players contact before the event. Think about the coach/recruiter's job; they're one of hundreds of schools competing for talent, and there are hundreds of players to watch at a typical showcase event.

At least on the boys' side there's rarely money to hand out, so the school and soccer program (hopefully in that order) need to "fit" the player. If the school fits, and you reach out to the coach, you're virtually guaranteed to get a good look at these events.

As for high school, you'll see MIAC coaches all over the place this fall, and bigger schools if you have a stud on your team. Several college coaches have let me know they're coming to watch my club boys play high school ball this fall (most of the club team plays for the same high school).

Finally, managers of 2011 U17 teams, get yourselves to Muscatine next summer, especially if your players intend to stick around the midwest for college.

P.S. Still wondering where Rogers is.

Anonymous said...

Anon - 3:51
Having had two kids go through this, my experience has been the top level tournaments / events provide greater exposure to a greater number of coaches. The local MN colleges do use the MN HS season to get more views on recruits.

With that said, unless your kid is a legitimate blue chip or wearing a halo from past glories, you need to actively recruit the schools and coaches. Just going to a tournament is not enough. We found that by developing a relationship with coaches prior to the tournament is much more successful. It's great experience for a 17 year old kid to have to call a coach and hold a cogent conversation.

Finally, don't rely on your club to do the work. If your club is not participating in a top tournament, have your kid work on guest playing for another team playing at that tournament. We had great experiences playing with non-MN teams at top tournaments.

It's a lot of work for the kid, but in my experience it does pay off if they really want to play in college.

Anonymous said...

Lets start up a MIAC blog

tomASS said...

Go to Inside MN Soccer for a good MIAC blog

Anonymous said...

Anyone see any good scrimmages over the weekend?

Mister Football said...

United at Fulham was pretty good.

Anonymous said...

prairie seeds academy will win state!

Anonymous said...

The MSHSSCA rankings are out and again the private schools make up most of the top 10 in Class A (including the also-mentioned). Why does MSHSL include private schools with public schools? States that produce national-level athletes, like Texas, allow private schools to compete with public schools, but they have their own class (and state titles).

Anonymous said...

Prairie Seeds will win a lot of games, but are a lot of flash. They won't get out of Section 5A.

Anonymous said...

Little House on the Prairie?? Who are they??

Anonymous said...

Get over it 7:03, next you'll be writing that it's unfair because private schools recruit athletes (in the same way public schools do).

Anonymous said...

You are complaining about Class A schools. AA soccer is Horrible which means A soccer is even worse!!

Anonymous said...

Here is this year’s Minnesota State High School Soccer Coaches Association preseason poll.

Boys AA Top 10

1) Apple Valley
2) Woodbury
3) Wayzata
4) Bloomington Jefferson
5) Eden Prairie
6) Minneapolis Southwest
7) Stillwater Area
8) Edina
9) Eagan
10) Prior Lake
Others receiving votes: Robbinsdale Armstrong, Elk River, Blaine, Anoka.

Girls AA Top 10

1) Wayzata
2) Woodbury
3) Eden Prairie
4) Edina
5) Coon Rapids
6) Stillwater Area
7) Eagan
8) Eastview
9) Centennial
10) White Bear Lake
Others receiving votes: Mounds View, East Ridge, Duluth East, Apple Valley, Rosemount, Osseo, Park (CG).

Boys A Top 10

1) Mahtomedi
2) Totino-Grace
3) Hermantown
4) Simley
5) St. Paul Central
6) St. Louis Park
7) St. Paul Como Park
8) Benilde-St. Margaret’s
9) St. Cloud Cathedral
10) Blake
Others receiving votes: Breck, Rochester Lourdes, Mankato West, St. Thomas Academy, Austin, St. Paul Academy.

Girls A Top 10

1) Orono
2) Mahtomedi
3) Benilde-St. Margaret’s
4) Blake
5) La Crescent
6) Breck
7) Rogers
8) East Grand Forks
9) St. Paul Academy
10) Cloquet
Others receiving votes: Minnehaha Academy, Simley, Monticello, Holy Angels, St. Louis Park, Rochester Lourdes.

Next Poll due out Labor Day; Monday, September 6th.

Anonymous said...

Sure 9:17, schools outside the metro area can recruit players. You're either dilusional or just full of it if you think that public schools, especially the smaller class schools recruit players to the extent that private schools recruit. What incentives to public shools have to offer other than they have a good sports program? Can they offer the higher coach/player ratio of private schools? Can they offer the better facilities, faculty, and resume-impact of the private schools? NO. So quit trying to say that private schools should be treated the same as public schools. If other states that have real sports programs with athletes that make it to the professional level have recognized this fact, then maybe its time for MN (which is a high-level sports wasteland except for hockey) to see the light.

Anonymous said...

Once again - HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER IS A JOKE! With the exception of a few teams. Otherwise you have a bunch of c2/c3 and even (dare I say) rec players playing with 2-3 premier/c1 players. Enjoy the high school season and the high school experience, but get back to your club teams as soon as the season ends.

Mister Football said...

Tell us something we don't know. Chalk up another worthless post by Anonymous. Did/Do you play HS soccer?

Anonymous said...

10:27 - That may have been one of the best private school recruiting blogs I have ever read.

Is your point really that MN is a better soccer state if Orono can't play BSM in the state final?


Anonymous said...

10:27 - Mean people suck.

Anonymous said...

11:19am. I do play HS soccer and I'm a premier player on a sub-par HS team. We all know that club coaches hate losing players for these 3 months. Because of budget cuts in districts I think all HS sports are going away in the next few years.

MS. Futbol said...

Mister Football - are you trying to copy Mister Soccer? If you are atleast use Mister Futbol. Unless you're an idiot and and don't know that FOOTBALL is the spelling for American football. You know the game; odd shape balls, huge players wearing pads. If you did intend to use Mister Football, maybe you're on the wrong site. Go find a football blog and leave soccer/futbol to the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

So, 11:03, do you enjoy the World Cup? Or is that a joke as well? Comparing club soccer to HS soccer is the same thing as comparing premier leagues to the World Cup. 95 out of 100 times a Barcelona or Chelsea will would beat the Spanish national team. The point is that it's fun to have pride in your local team and trying to win with the constraints of the HS system.

Anonymous said...

MS. Futbol -- I hope you know more about cooking than you do soccer.

Anonymous said...

1:26pm. What are you staying? Are you saying that women shouldn't play soccer and they should stay home and cook? Maybe woman's soccer isn't as well watched as the men on the World stage. But at the Minnesota level, women don't have a bunch of scholarship immigrants pretending to be 15 when they're actually 18 years old. We have true blooded American girls!

Anonymous said...

1:26pm what a lame &^% response. You must be bitter little man. Are you trying to make yourself bigger to compensate for your lack of "short comings"

Anonymous said...

1:26pm Male pig!

Anonymous said...

So 1:26pm are women not allowed to comment on this blog? I don't see anything about this being a MAN BLOG. I would say 1/2 of the posts on this blog are from women. What is your problem?

Anonymous said...

They have the right to vote, they might as well have the right to Blog!!

Anonymous said...

This blog must be full of East African men who believe women don't have rights at all. Darn good thing we live in the USA! Oh and I'm a man, women have rights in this country and most of the civilized world!

Anonymous said...

Good stereotyping of East African men 2:49. Your a real help to the discussion and intercultural relations.

Mister Football said...

MS. Futbol,
If I were Mexican or Spanish, I would call myself Senor Futbol. I speako ingles, so mi nombre is Mister Football and/or Mister Soccer. Or do you prefer Spanglish?

Anyways, is this how girls play football. Or should I say, "football?"

P.S. Why didn't the coach substitute this monster?

Why do you play HS soccer when it's a joke?

Anonymous said...

2:56pm HS soccer is a joke. I'm guessing you're a c1 player at best and woohoo you made varsity! Playing soccer is not a joke. Anytime you can get your feet on the ball, that's great. If it's HS soccer, so be it. HS soccer cannot compare to club level soccer, that's why it's a joke. I would guess that a U14 premier team could beat most varsity HS teams.

Anonymous said...

2:56pm Come on! If you think HS soccer is good soccer??? Yes, it's great to be part of a community and part of a team with your HS, but it's not good soccer. Soccer isn't the only HS sport that is a joke. Many HS sports are a joke if they have high level club play. With all that said, I still play HS soccer because I want to be part of a team at my high school, wear a letter jacket and have fun with friends. I also enjoy going back to my club team in November for some real soccer.

Anonymous said...

Mister Soccer makes sense, Mister Football does not. Are you referring to being a football fan? Because I think the Vikings are going to do well this year. Packers could give them a run for their money! We'll see in the first game vs the Saints.
Where do you ever see the word "football" in place of the word soccer in the USA. Maybe you're from Rogers or that Prairie Home Seed school? I usually see Futbol if they don't use the word soccer.

Anonymous said...

Mister Football must be that elitist pig that people speak of on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Let's go back to talking about soccer or futbol. Football players go find your own blog. When do the first games of the HS season begin?

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...


Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I think there many more cooking and voting girls on this blog than you think!
Look under;
Boys Club Chat - 600 comments
Girls Club Chat - 1138 comments
2010 Boys State Cup - 290 comments
2010 Girls State Cup - 774 comments

I would say that the women actual dominate this blog! Besides girls soccer is so much better, at least we're not faking injuries and taking dives.

Anonymous said...

Girls rule!

Anonymous said...

"I would guess that a U14 premier team could beat most varsity HS teams."-24/8/10 3:47 PM

You are nuts if you really believe this.

Anonymous said...

5:17 beat me to the punch. For all of you "club soccer is everything," don't forget you're in the midwestern cesspool of youth soccer.

Anonymous said...

I think they said they could beat MOST teams not ALL teams. Have you seen some varsity soccer teams! There's always the exception with a few very good HS teams.

5:37pm. Why so negative? Midwest was a late addition to the soccer world. Give us a few years!

Anonymous said...

will also have mr soccer
& more all-staters than any other team
the DYNASTY starts now!

go watch one game and tell me i'm wrong


Anonymous said...

Do we even know the ages of most of those Prairie Seed players or do we need to get some dental testing done! I would say 1/4 of the players will be deported with their parents in the next year!

Anonymous said...

I don't know many of the players from Prairie Seeds but they have 2 of the finer coaches/trainers in the state.

Anonymous said...

6:06pm. Bold prediction, good luck. But when you say PSA, most people think of Plymouth Soccer Association and Prairie Seeds Academy.

Anonymous said...

PSA - Plymouth Soccer Association NOT Prairie Seeds Academy

Anonymous said...

Shekki- Why no monikker for your post at 8:29?

Futbolisky said...

24/8/10 4:48 PM -- makes sense since you girls have more free time to blog.

Anonymous said...

10:49am. At least girls don't play video games for 1/2 a day and than "juggle" with their balls the other 1/2 of the day!

Anonymous said...

HS games begin tonight. Any predictions?

Anonymous said...

I don't know a ton about HS girls soccer leagues but I have a question. It looks like MSHSL says the Lake conference has Wayzata, Eastview, EP, Minnetonka amd Burnsville. Can that be right? Is ti really a 5 team conference and that's it? If so, good luck to Bunrsville and Tonka they'll need it.

Anonymous said...

It's 5 teams but the five teams are: EP, Edina, Tonka, Wayzata, and Hopkins.

Anonymous said...

many of the Seeds clubbed Plymouth

pun intended


Anonymous said...

MSHL site doesn't have the new south suburban right either.

Anonymous said...

The older Seeds have left PSA to be part of MTA next summer. The freshman Seeds are at MTA Blue as well.

Anonymous said...

Can we get a girls hs thread and be done with the seedlings discussion?

Anonymous said...

I think Edina is in the new Lake Conference and Burnsville isn't.

Anonymous said...

if a thread here could help double the # of
(the big prize)
college scholarship offers...


how many last year ; what's our target

bloggers: let's work this, together.


Anonymous said...

Edina is looking strong this year with a bunch of seniors. Without Valley out of the way the Hornets are my preseason statechamps. They are so much better then every other team its not even funny

Anonymous said...

what about champlin

Anonymous said...

Woodbury vs EP tonight in Duluth.

Civil predictions and analysis? (Is that possible?)

Anonymous said...

I'll start by saying with all the budget problems in school districts why are two metro schools being bused to Duluth for a game?

Woodbury over EP 2-1.

Anonymous said...

speaking of burnsville, no one has them on the radar but i would assume the bulk of their team comes from their u16 premier team that won state cup as u14 and lost the finals at u15. According to some moronic bloggers on here a u14 Premier team could beat most high school teams (dont agree). It looks like they beat Tonka last night (not sure how good tonka is) but do people consider them a sleeper?

Anonymous said...

Woodbury is still a very good team again this year, but I don't think anyone will be able to handle EP's offense this season. EP 3-1 tonight.

Anonymous said...

EP looked really good at the preseason scrimmages at ERHS. Didn't see Woodbury play. Woodbury is talented but younger.

Anonymous said...

Sleeper picks ( You heard it here first)

A South St. Paul

tomASS said...

Tonka is average to slight above average

ClassAA Girls Guy said...

It might be 4 or 5 rip tonight in Duluth for EP. Depends on how long their starters are in. Woodbury MIGHT score 1 but that's a long shot in my mind. WHS is down this year as expected but still a good team. EP is a great team with coaches who would want to send a message with a pounding tonight.

Burnsville will be interesting to watch as mentioned above, so will WBL who started out strong with a 4-2 win last night vs CR. EV off to a good start as well.

Anything brewing up in Centennial? 2-1 win vs MV last night.

Lakeville South / Orono 1-1 draw was mildly surprising.

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