Friday, May 21, 2010

By the Numbers

MN State Cup update. The semi-finals are set. Clubs with semi finalists (not including 19s):

16 for MTA
4 each for EDP, SCV and WDB
3 each for BHK, EDI, PSA and SSM
2 for TCF
1 each for BVL, DKT, LKV, NSS, PRL and TRV

This may the the first semi finalists for Three Rivers at girls U17s. Congratulations to all players, coaches, clubs and parents.


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Anonymous said...

3:59, this blog brings out the worth in parents, like using profanity to emphasize a point, right?

Anonymous said...

3:39pm. Why would MA care! They have their team. I believe it was the EP girls that are going to be true 15's that maybe losing somebody. Not MA 14's that will be playing 15. Besides most of the top MTA girls teams are leaving MYSA for the ECNL, boys are heading to MRL or US Development. Which will make some people happy, because MTA won't dominate anymore when it comes to MYSA.

Anonymous said...

Come on people! Hate MTA, Love MTA, hate MTA, love MTA, hate CC, love Cc, hate CC, love CC. We are not going to agree, move on and talk about the game not the club!

Anonymous said...

I love the new Thunder Academy logo. I was talking with a number of parents at the boys Dev Academy tryouts, and we are excited that all we could really see in the logo are the initials "MA". Well deserved honorific to the man who set all this up. MN soccer is in a better place for his efforts and the memory of his contributions lives on on all the club's jerseys, on the club website, and everywhere else you see the new crest.

Anonymous said...

4:46, what are we to talk about then?

Anonymous said...

MA = big fish, teeny pond.

Anonymous said...

MTA = big fish, teeny pond

Anonymous said...

To deal with all the trademark and logo issues, MTA was going to change its name to the Lower Minnesota Futbal Athletic Organization, but the directors balked at the LMFAO acronym.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how this blog quiets down when MTA tryouts are taking place. All those hovering parents...

tomASS said...

728 LOL - yep the sound of helicopters fill the air.

Anonymous said...

We (MTA) parents were all watching your kids that were recruited trying out for MTA. It was funny to see very good kids from Eden Prairie, Dakota Rev, Burnsville, St. Croix, Wayzata all trying out. Not so funny, is these players are good and may take spots away from current MTA players. But, still funny because these same kids will be leaving your teams.
p.s. I'm not saying my age group or gender. I don't want to give away anything to their current coaches.

Anonymous said...

yeah right. dream on, loser. hope they keep your kid cuz i'd hate to have to stand next to you on our sideline.

Anonymous said...

9:45pm. You already do stand next to me on the sideline!! I'm your worst nightmare.

Anonymous said...

You're a linesman too? Double-loser?

Anonymous said...

4:50 MA had nothing to do with the logo design. It was done by a club parent so nice try. Stop reading into things and reaching for straws. Only a d-bag like you would try to correlate the two together.

Anonymous said...

11:22pm. People will find any reason to discredit MTA, their players and parents. We're not going out of business, we haven't run out of money, not all players are scholarships players (very few), etc. Move on, you're shooting in the dark now.

Anonymous said...

11:22pm from 11:35pm. I agreed with you concerning 4:50pm.

Anonymous said...

A few things were filtered out of 11:35's post. The original post:

We're not going out of business (like the club we tied ourselves to did), we haven't run out of money (yet...thank goodness everyone is willing to bail us out through this massive fee increase), not all players are scholarships players (very few, hopefully a lot more if we want to have any chance at competing at the Academy level), etc.

Anonymous said...

There is no massive increase...why do you need to lie?
Is that all you can do?

Anonymous said...

11:43pm. At what point do we start using the legal term - SLANDER. There was no massive fee increase at MTA. I have 2 elite players and one younger player all at MTA and I'm not seeing this massive increase that you seem to be lying about.

Anonymous said...

So with all the tryouts going on how do you pick a club for your kid to join? I am new to the area and after reading this blog really wonder what is best?

Anonymous said...

Well, if you like overbearing parents, coaches who think they're god, and high fees to support the starters who can't/don't have to pay, I can't recommend MTA highly enough.

Anonymous said...

lots of deperate people here. i imagine this blog would go away if people could just agree to disagree.

religion, politics and now minnesota soccer. you can't have a rational discussion about any of them.

tomASS said...

804 - ask your kid about their aspirations and the level of love they have for the game. Match that to reality of if what they are telling you is actually what they are demonstrating to you.

Sometimes it takes a few years to sort it out. Kids also develop at different rates as they mature.

Pick two or three tryouts that seem to make the most sense. Let the Player go through each of the processes, see what the results are at each tryout and let the player pick what they feel is the best for them in their heart & gut.

Never let other parents influence your decision - they typically have their own agenda's and interest at heart, not your kids.

Of course finances come into play based upon your budgetary priorities.

The cream always rises to the top. Your kid will have the biggest say on their successes within the sport. The club you pick will only assist in nurturing the love of the sport and a platform for increased development.

The biggest plus for MTA - soccer people making soccer decisions. Don't let some of their over-zealous parents that think they wear the club badge with unfounded pride more then the players do sway any decision you may make. They're not all that way. This forum is the only way for them to try to exert any influence on matters they can't control to begin with.

Biggest problem within many Community Clubs is that too many of them make soccer decisions based upon parental parameters and biases. At the community club level, typically, if the Director of Coaching has complete control of the soccer aspects of the club you will find a stronger teams within that club.

good Luck

Anonymous said...

Thanks, good info. Can someone post a link to the fee page on the MTA website? I can't find it and others clubs we're looking at seem to be pretty upfront about it. Thanks.

Mister Soccer said...

MTA won 9 out of 14 State Cups. MTA also won 4 C1 State Tournaments.

If you want to win at a high level in MN, try out for MTA. Otherwise, choose a club that is close to you and where your classmates play - they're all the same.

You will find good coaches and bad coaches, as well as good parents and crazy parents, at all clubs. Cross your fingers for a good draw.

Anonymous said...

The only real change in fees is that the tournament entry fees are not covered in the monthly tuition. That, uniforms and all travel related expenses are paid separately. And that depends on how often you leave the state.

Anonymous said...

It's a handout at tryouts. They don't post it on the website.

$2300 includes:

Coaching fees
Coaches Education
Indoor Facilities (Holy Angels)
Outdoor Facilities (McMurray)
Leagues(registration, refs, fields)
State Cup (yes, playing in State Cup)
USYSA Regional Event
DOC Fees
St Cloud Event
Club Camp Fee
ECNL League Fees


Tournament Entry Fees
Travel Expenses


November - March
Training 3 days per week
6-8 scrimmages
Orlando ECNL Event
San Antonio ECNL Event
Winter Showcase (St Cloud)

Training 3 days per week
ECNL Regional Games

Training 3 days per week
State Cup
PDA Showase ECNL Event

June - July
Training 3 days per week
USYSA Regionals
ECNL Nationals

There you go!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, non-ECNL teams are $2200, same training schedule and in most cases less travel.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a deal. Sign me up.

Anonymous said...

The fee schedule is assuming you have girls. If you have boys, you may have some additional scholarship fees added on.

Mister Soccer said...

Why are there scholarship players on the boys side but not the girls side?

(Possibly a rhetorical question)

Anonymous said...

I am an MTA parent and I would disagree that MTA has better coaching. I have seen several times in the last year our coaches get out coached in big games. They didn't make the adjustments needed to get back in the game. Also, when an Elite Academy has parent coaches how is that any different than a Community Club.

MTA benefits from consolidation of talent and any coach should win when that happens or they should be replaced!

Also, tomAss, you didn't touch on the fact that parents should also look for a club/team with integrity, transparency and desire to provide an environment where all players can grow and achieve success. Unfortunately, I have seen some of these qualities missing within the MTA program.

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

I've experienced those qualities missing in a couple cc programs too.

Also, most youth players can't execute adjustments. Our players have a difficult enough time passing and dribbling, they can't execute tactical adjustments. Often times it's over-coaching to make adjustments, especially if you have the more talented side.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. The best coaches teach their players to think through the game. I see it regularly on my sons team. They've been doing it since they moved to the big field.

Anonymous said...

10:57 There may be some scholarships on girls team. I hear more from boys teams parents (from several different clubs) about how the team pick up the cost of scholarship players.

Anonymous said...

The majority of teams in MN can't connect 4 consecutive passes. So is this the tactical adjustment:

"Instead of kicking it out-of-bounds or to the opponent, kick it far down the field."

Next game you watch, count how often your team connects 4 consecutive passes and report back.

Anonymous said...

you must be watching c2 or c3 soccer. i see extended possession all the time.

Anonymous said...

Sure you do.

You must be watching GOL and FSN. I didn't know MN had any players playing in La Liga.

Anonymous said...

Gopher preseason has begun.
How about a new thread ....

Anonymous said...

New boys and girls high school threads too! Pretty please?

Anonymous said...

Nope. Just 17 boys premier. Now high school soccer is a different animal completely

Anonymous said...

When a club has parent coaches who have played at the D1 level in college or professionally I would think they're very qualified to coach whether it's with MTA or any community club.
I don't have an issue with parents coaching their own kids as long as the parents have the knowledge necessary to teach the players.
Doesn't Bob Bradley coach his own kid on the US Men's National Team?

tomASS said...

1156: agree it is a weak point even with many premier level teams in this state.

I know of of a premier team in this state that on average had over 35 unforced errors per half. They had possession, had time, had open players and would give the ball away to opponents.

231 - inside MN soccer blog has a pod cast with a great interview with MDW. This could be a very good year for them with results that could finally assure a sustainable, successful, long term future for the program.

tomASS said...

11:01 stated " tomAss, you didn't touch on the fact that parents should also look for a club/team with integrity, transparency and desire to provide an environment where all players can grow and achieve success. Unfortunately, I have seen some of these qualities missing within the MTA program."

With all due respect. Do you have a community club that you feel fits this mold?

When you create a competitive environment for players to compete there are no assurances that all players will grow and achieve success a the same rate. Maybe at the lower levels of play you can have a socialism model. Can't happen in premier

And by Transparency, do you mean Obama style transparency or real transparency?

Anonymous said...

Soccer - not politics

Anonymous said...

Especially not simpleton Bush league politics -- we have all suffered enough without reliving the experience.

Anonymous said...

ok, so let's call it a draw. soccer - not politics please.

tomASS said...

Soccer = politics

Simpleton = Carter

besides Reagan is my hero. Bush was a moderate, a fiscally bad one


Anonymous said...

MTA Parent - I heard that the coach offered a spot to that U13 player who didn't register and the parent is stalling (shopping his kid around).

Anonymous said...

MTA Parent
I would think that at the elite Academy level you would move beyond parent coaches, otherwise you have nothing more than an expense community club.

In the case of MTA - there are parent coaches who are only focused on their kid at the expense of others on the team. I spoke with several parents on the MTA U13 Boys who gave several examples of how their "Parent Coaches" prevented opportunities for growth/development to other kids so that their own kids could have them. Sounds very CC like to me!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well those parents are just upset because 1. They think their kid is the greatest player ever and he wasn't getting to play where he wanted and as much time as he wanted, and 2. The kid plays other sports and didn't show up for training. I know the parent coaches, and while I personally don't agree with the decision to have them continue to coach their own kids, I don't go around insulting them and criticizing the club.

Anonymous said...

When you are a paid elite coach, if you can't take the criticism, then get out of coaching. You no longer are a parent coach.

Anonymous said...

tomASS, you're a moron. You bitch about socialism, yet don't see a problem with half of an elite team being scholarship players.

FYI, I was at the U17 MTA tryouts last night. The coaches had selected and segregated the players for the development academy before even looking at a single player on the field. One coach stayed with that group the entire time while two others tried to watch three other fields of games. It was a joke. I don't know how MTA can truly rank the players based on what I saw last night.

And I'm not sure what's supposed to impress the coaches. From what I saw it must be holding the ball to long; taking way too many touches; trying to beat four defenders on your own; taking impossible shots; taking cheap shots and grabbing (I'm talking raping) players that beat you; and ignoring the correct pass because you don't like/don't know that player. I moved around the entire area for 2.5 hours and can honestly say there were maybe two players that stood out.

Then I overheard one of the outfielders bitching about how bad the keepers were to other players. I saw maybe three goals the entire time. The keepers weren't even challenged because the outfielders barely got any shots off because they were to busy humping the ball. And when they did get off a shot, it was way off the frame.

I'm not blaming MTA for this, all clubs that have tryouts have the same issue. It's just exacerbated when you get the numbers that MTA gets at tryouts. They need to plan better if they truly want to get the best players and put them on the proper teams.

Mister Soccer said...

A player that "humps" the ball too long will have a better chance of eventually passing it to a teammate instead of kicking it out of bounds or to the other team than the player that doesn't have the ability to "hump" the ball.

I'll take 10 ball humpers any day...isn't that what Spain did?

But I agree, the tryout process is ridiculous. It's a required process primarily for the money.

Anonymous said...

I once heard a coach tell a group of parents that the best player on the team was, the kid who hung on to ball to long, was likely to throw a cheep shot once the ball was taken away from and only scored maybe two goals all year long as a forward. Guess what he did not move on to the next level whereas many of his teammates did. Whose to fault the coach who encouraged him or the player who could not adapt his game?

Anonymous said...

"humping the ball." Now THAT is great verbal imagery. I'm going to have to start using that one.

Anonymous said...

Just my opinion, but by U17, doesn't everyone pretty much know who everyone is? This is no different than tryouts at this age for any other sport (hockey would be the first one that comes to mind). I would bet that most coaches already have seen all the talent out there and could pencil in 85% of their roster before tryouts even begin.

I would understand the frustration at an ealier age when kids are still developing (U12-U13 as an example), but by U17 most players are who they are.

Secondly, this whole notion of tryouts being this big money maker I've never understood. The fee is generally fairly small, someone or an on-line entity has to administer them ($$), fields need to be rented ($$), coaches need to be present to evaluate ($$), etc... Every sport and every club pretty much does the same thing. At the end of the day there might be a very small amount of money that any association clears.

Anonymous said...

One the one hand, we have ball humpers. Typically high-end club players. MTA and ODP loves them. They can be beat by smart teams that move the ball and pounce on defensive weaknesses. Example: Both 2010 U16 boys State Cup semi games.

On the other hand, we have kick-ballers. Typically high-school teams. They tend to win state championships. Example: Last five boys' champions.

Take your pick.

Anonymous said...

9:30 AM You sound very bitter. How would you pick the DA team?

Would you pick players that you know can perform at that level because they have, and then add anyone who stands out. Or would you pick a group after 3 hours of small sided, small goal scrimmages?

If you read back in this blog, or ask around. The players who stood out in league or State Cup play were asked to attend a DA "camp" before tryouts. Of course they didn't get everyone, and some declined but again, how would you choose?

By the way, no extra fee for scholarships on the boys side. And for those who think this is a MTA only issue, ask your club how much is spent each year on their own scholarships-you will be surprised if they answer honestly.

Anonymous said...

9:30 Is your son a 93 or 94? If 93 he cannot be on the younger DA team, he's too old.

Eligibility is based on birth year for DA, not the Aug thru July that MYSA and USYSA use...

Anonymous said...

9:30 here.

9:50, I would never consider Spain ball humpers. Their possession was incredible. There's nothing wrong with holding a ball with purpose. It another to play with the ball only to lose it.

Don't agree with 11:08 (but don't completely disagree). While you know some of the players by U17, there are new kids that played outstate or even out-of-state (like the boy from Philly I met last night). Some kids might be greatly skilled, but play with a low-level club team and a poor HS team, so their skills are never really witnessed. Maybe the powers that be know many of the players by U17, but there are always good players that may not have been tainted by MN soccer play or MN club egos.

Agree completely with 11:12. Sure would be nice to have a middle ground between humpers and kickers. I witnessed several boys last night that obviously understood the game because they rotated well, challenged at the correct time, marked properly, and made very productive runs. But I'll bet those boys went unnoticed because the ball didn't get sent to them on the attack or, when on defense, made it to difficult for the opponents to attack their side of the field.

11:26, not bitter at all. Just pointing out flaws in the system that I'm sure exist in most states. No problem knowing the cream of the crop to start, but segregating them instead of seeing them with the others isn't productive. And it was impossible from the way the tryouts were run to identify the "stand outs."

Don't know what the 11:30 post has to do with anything. Wouldn't want my son on the DA team because the cost, I know he's not at that level, and he's just not that serious about soccer. He just wants to play for a C1 or better team that isn't available in our hometown. I'm just pointing out the flawed system, which will manifest itself in the DA teams not doing well when competing with the DA teams from other states. Do I know the answer? No. But I do know that what I witnessed last night isn't the answer.

tomASS said...

930 - you call me a moron but I have never given an opinion about the finances of scholarship players. It was in regard to players developing, growing and achieving the same success within a club program.

Content and context is something key in reading comprehension Mr. 930

Always love how some of you anons try to establish any form of debate by first attempting to demonstrate an alpha presence by succumbing to name calling.

Anonymous said...

Everything and anything is MTA's fault!

Anonymous said...

9:30/12:05 said: Don't know what the 11:30 post has to do with anything. Wouldn't want my son on the DA team because the cost, I know he's not at that level, and he's just not that serious about soccer. He just wants to play for a C1 or better team that isn't available in our hometown.

Since the DA team was the team that was segregated why are you upset by it?

He's not that serious, hmmmm why would you go to a tryout with kids who are very serious about it?

C1? Wrong club, but keep bitching about everyone else's incompetence.

Before you decide that the tryout is not productive, figure out what you are talking about. And maybe even attend a tryout for a team that your son has the desire (meaning true desire, not your desire, and not wanna be desire)to join, not one above his level of "seriousness".

By the way, the club cost for DA is the same as the club cost for MRL Premier-which is where the u17's will play.

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

I would rather be a player that ball humps without purpose (the minority) than a player that kicks the ball away without purpose (the majority).

A ball humper around here might not pass because his teammates will simply kick the ball away. Fabregas was once considered a ball humping ball hog too. He finally decided to pass when he was with teammates that wouldn't kick it away.

My 10 humpers will destroy your 10 thumpers any day.

tomASS said...

930 - never met a tryout/evaluation process that was flawless or that met the approval of a majority of parents hovering at tryouts.

Coaches and trainers involved must have thought it met their needs.

Final Analysis, it's up to the player to make the coaches sit up and take notice. Many ways to do so if you deserve to be on the team you are trying out for.

Anonymous said...

tomAss, you are way too intelligent and soccer-knowledgable to even lower yourself to reading and commenting on this site. Why don't you go solve the world's soccer problems elsewhere and let us that know just enough to be dangerous have our fun?

12:47, don't know what you're talking about. The tryouts last night included MTA's C1 teams. So it was not the wrong club. And I said my son was not "that" serious about soccer... as in not serious enough to play DA or MRL. He just wants to play on a higher level team than available locally to improve at HS and POSSIBLY at a D3 college. As I said, I'm not upset about how the DA team is/was selected. I was noting a flaw.

And I've witnessed several tryouts including with my older kid on premier teams (and, yes, he made those teams). While they all have flaws, last night's tryout was silly. At least you get a couple of t-shirts for your money (gotta give MTA props for the marketing).

I can't believe anyone would defend humping. It's bad soccer, just like thumping is bad soccer. Bad is bad and it just should not be done. Just like a humper can be taught to pass the ball, a thumper can be trained to control the ball. The point is that kids at U17 should have been broken of these habits by that age to where they're working on tactical stuff that will win close matches, especially when you're talking regionals and nationals. Having to beat humping and thumping out of a players at that age will prevent a team from being able to compete at the highest levels. Plus it's that crap that results in teams losing close matches.

Anonymous said...

Please tell us the many ways, Mr. Moron....

tomASS said...

to whom are you referring to anon 134? How many ways do you want?

129 I will conclude by your content, context, and the questions that you answered, that you are the original 930. Don't be so offended. I didn't start a discussion with an inane comment to try to defend your position.

Believe it or not we agree on humping. Humping without purpose as described by OS to me is a player who received the ball without the awareness of his options on the field. Has not seen the runs by his teammates prior to receiving, These are the players whose head is always down so they can do their humping. They typically do not make the teammates around them better. However to Mr Soccer's point teach these individually talented players awareness and you are far closer to improving that player and the team then a group of thumpers. Individual confidence on the ball is extremely important. Thumpers do not have that.

I think I'll stay. I'm here just to annoy you

Mister Soccer said...

It's much easier to take the hump out of a humper than the thump out of a thumper.

Anyone can thump. Not anyone can hump. It takes uncoachable talent to hump. Thumpers are everywhere. Go to Apple Valley HS this month and you'll find a surplus.

Anonymous said...

to you 1:34 PM

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

Mister Soccer's posts have far more substance than anything you've ever posted.

The post seems to be in response to 1:29 who thinks you can coach a kid to have technical ability over night.

The last team I coached had 4 humpers and 12 thumpers. Humpers are far more rare and are the better players.

Anonymous said...

3:46: Mister Soccer's posts have far more substance than anything you've ever posted.


The last team I coached had 4 humpers and 12 thumpers. Humpers are far more rare and are the better players.


Anonymous said...

3:57 amazing! You should be proud.

Anonymous said...

I am.

Anonymous said...

Nice attempt at obfuscation, 12:47. The "club cost" for my club's U9s is the same at the "club cost" of my club's U17s. Don't you dare say the "cost" for your U17s will be anywhere near the "cost" for your DA.

Anonymous said...

Prove it?

I get it! You're an Anon, so there really isn't any way of proving it. That's clever. That is unless Saiyam simply lumps all Anons together to be one person contributing meaningless Anon posts. I mean, I am you and you are me.

tomASS said...

325 - was it too complex for you to understand? I don't know how he could explain it in any simpler terms?

Mr Soccer, could you maybe slow down your typing for 325?

Anonymous said...

Apple Valley is this year's favorite to win it all. thump on.

Anonymous said...

4:51 PM:You're an Anon, so there really isn't any way of proving it.


Anonymous said...

Tryouts are a joke. The MTA U16 girls tryouts were decided before they began.

I hear they didn't change one player on the blue team. They didn't even give any of the other players a chance to make the team. Blue players on one field, everyone else on the other field. How can they compare players if new players aren't even allowed to take on the current players.

Just my observation and opinion.

Anonymous said...

So if there such a joke, why does the MTA U16 Blue team have 6 new players. You have no idea what your talking about. You heard a rumour that someone was not charged from someone who has no idea. Give it up and face the fact your daughter was not good enough to make it on the team.

Anonymous said...

At least Mister Soccer takes a stance and makes a point on here. Most Anons either say nothing, bash another post without offering their opinion, or ramble on and on using poor grammar.

I tend to think Mister Soccer's posts are good.

People complaining about "humpers" around tryout time are probably jealous because they don't have the flashy ability to be a "humper."

Anonymous said...

Who is the coach of the MTA U16G?

tomASS said...

511 I keep looking and I don't see any moniker listed as Mr. Moron. Very perplexing

The substance of your opinions might carry more significance if you didn't start your statements from a position of weakness and insecurity

tomASS said...

606 - a coach at that level knows what his team needs are and what weaknesses he should be trying to fill.

The players on the second field have to stand out to earn a chance to compete against what the coach believes is his team should be.

He has had a chance for a whole season to evaluate his current players, He already knows what they can do from all aspects of their game. Equal talent at the time of the tryout by newcomers is not good enough. You must show superior performance. Of course coaches at that level are paying attention to any competitive talent through out the season that may interest them during tryouts.

Anonymous said...

My kid plays for a high-performing team. I know his coaches went into tryouts knowing where we need to improve, and were looking for stars or talented position players to replace #s 16-18 on the bench. There aren't 18 open spots on any great team. There are maybe 3 or 4.

Anonymous said...

10:36pm. Agreed. When you have teams that have achieved a lot of success, people can't expect that there's going to be a bunch of spots open. The team may have only a few spots open and usually in your weaker areas. Coaches know what brought them success and at try-outs they maybe only looking for a specific position to fill a weaker spot. My kid also plays on a very successful team. 3 players did not make the team and we had one roster spot open. That opened it up for only 4 new players. There were many more kids at try-outs, so those spots went to your top players.

EMS II said...

Your soccer club is one of 140+ youth soccer clubs in Minnesota.

Minnesota is one of 50 states in the US

The US is one of 7 continents on the planet

The planet is one of 9 in our solar system

Our solar system surrounds a sun that is one of 200 billion stars in the Milky Way

The Milky Way is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in our universe

And you sit at your computer arguing about and justifying your choice of a youth athletic club like it has some monumental importance??

Time for some perspective people. Take it from me as I was once like you.

Anonymous said...


DA is still the coach of that team.

Anonymous said...


6:27 is correct.

There ar 6 new players on that team. The roster is going from 16 to 18 and 4 girls either moved to another team on their own (1), did not try out (1) or did not make the team (2).

It will be interesting to see if the team improves with a third of its roster being new players.

Anonymous said...

They were successful last year and should be better next year. They picked up a second goalie, pulled in some talent, and got rid of their humper.

Anonymous said...

Very well said 8:58!! I wasn't going to be as nice!

Anonymous said...

5/8/10 4:45 PM said:
Nice attempt at obfuscation, 12:47. The "club cost" for my club's U9s is the same at the "club cost" of my club's U17s. Don't you dare say the "cost" for your U17s will be anywhere near the "cost" for your DA.

My reply: Nice attempt at using a big word to veil that you cannot comprehend what you read. Nobody said anything about comparing u9 to u17. Go back and read.

This arguement started with ignorant jealously trying to compare CC clubs to MTA cost, then jumped to MTA v. DA. Of course playing out of state is more expensive, but that doesn't make the club any money.

The only difference is going to be travel costs-depending on where and how you get there. Parent cost should not be included, they are not on the team, and are not a team cost. If you are lucky enough to have the time and money to attend all the events, congrats. It's not about you, it's about the player.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 9:12, you can't follow 4:45's logic. You attempted to make the argument that MTA and DA cost the same. 4:45's response was to apply your logic to an example to show it makes no sense. Thus the comparison of a U9 and a U17 "club" fee, which is only one of many fees that go into calculating a total cost. Rational people know U9 and U17 costs are radically different. Rational people may not know MTA and DA costs are radically different. Your attempt was to blur that; 4:45 successfully cleared it up. DA costs a lot more. Period.

By the way, it's "argument," not "arguement". Looks like your school didn't teach your logic or spelling.

Anonymous said...

5/8/10 8:52 PM -- You make me laugh. For everyone's benefit, it is tomASS that I refer to as Mr. Moron.

Weakness and insecurity? These are words that MTA elitist pigs use on this blog to try to make them look/feel superior.

Anonymous said...

9:27 AM said: By the way, it's "argument," not "arguement".

I believe the period should be inside the quotation mark. Where did you go to school??!!

Anonymous said...

9:38am. You always seem to use the word elitist pigs. Does that make you feel superior? I'm glad you found a phrase to prop you sorry excuse for a human being. Oh, and I'm not from MTA.

Poopy Pants said...

Are you Anons incapable of using proper grammar, spelling correctly and figuring out how to use a Name/URL?

Grammar cop watching Poopy Pants said...

10:00am. Proper grammar police. What up with the word Anon? Not proper grammar according to the dictionary!

Main Entry: 1anon
Pronunciation: \ə-ˈnän\
Function: adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English on ān, from on in + ān one — more at on, one
Date: before 12th century

1 archaic : at once : immediately
2 : soon, presently
3 : after a while : later

Anonymous said...

9:48 AM Nope.

Mister Soccer said...

To many Anons come on hear and try two right profound and intellectual messages in for paragraph posts attempting to spread they're deep understanding of the complex game of soccer butt there writing is polluted with spelling and grammer airs. It makes it vary difficult to take them siriously. Eye end up discrediting everything they wrote and labeling them a "idiot". Too me, all Anons our the same ol' idiot.


Anonymous said...

the DA will not cost any more than a team would pay to play at those age groups in the MWL. Travel costs should be comparable. Coaching fees and indoor fees will be similar.
Think about it...

Anonymous said...

We hear the USDA costs will be about same as our U15 costs for this year.
The great news is they have 300 college coaches at the 2 DA showcase events.
This is a great opportunity for the kids who want to give D1 college soccer a shot.

Anonymous said...

Depending on how you're using it, the period can go either outside or inside the quotation mark.

Inside example (used to close a phrase and sentence): Mark said, "I am going to MTA tryouts."

Outside example (when the name of an object is presented inside quotation marks, the "quote, name, quote" becomes the phrase; thus the period is placed at the end of the phrase, which would be outside the quotation mark): I think anyone who would try out for MTA is a "l-o-s-e-r".



Anonymous said...

sounds like every scholarship player in town is headed to UFF-DA. Dig deeper, folks.

Anonymous said...

translated means?

Anonymous said...

1:31 PM -- show me the rule/cite

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think it is: Mark said, "Anyone who tries out for MTA is a "W-I-N-N-E-R"." But I could be, can we go back to trashing teenage girls?

tomASS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Actually, no.

According to AP style, don't use quotation marks around a word or group of words that are directly quoted when the meaning is clear, regardless of the claim made or the slang used.

Incorrect: The teacher called the students “l-i-a-r-s.”

Correct: The coach called the MTA players l-o-s-e-r-s.

tomASS said...

938 - I must respectfully disagree. I am just an elitist soccer swine.

I have absolutely no connection, in any way, to MTA or any of their personnel. Any accusation of me being affiliated to MTA could be consider a slanderous comment against MTA by you.

I do not need to use multi-syllable words to make me feel or look superior. Your responses are enough to do that for me. I do appreciate that, thank you.

Do you understand? Good manners trumps name calling every time.

Anonymous said...

Allow me, for the first time in MN FUTBOL BLOG history, to be the first person to admit she was WRONG (sort of).

I researched the punctuation claim I made earlier and found that, in the United States, periods and commas always go inside quotation marks. Period. No ifs, ands or buts.

However, in the United Kingdom and Canada, punctuation around quotation marks is more apt to follow logic.

In American style, then, you would write: My favorite poem is Robert Frost's "Design." But in England you would write: My favorite poem is Robert Frost's "Design". I've never read that poem, but it was the example in the style book.

I humbly stand corrected (sort of).



Anonymous said...

anyone know when MTA DA results will be posted? my son made it (we knew that), but was wondering who else did? 94/95.

Anonymous said...

I figured out why tomASS and Mister Soccer anger people from both sides of the soccer aisle. Both are observers. They look at things and comment. They look left (cc direction) and see good things and bad things, and point them out. They look right (MTA direction) and see good things and bad things, and point them out.

For those on the left (cc) or right (MTA), there are only good things on their side and bad things on the other side, which is why both sides throw barbs at them when their side is criticized.

Make sense? I could draw a picture if you want me to.

Anonymous said...

isn't it "W-H-I-N-E-R"?

Anonymous said...

If ye ain't with me, yer aginst me.

Mister Soccer said...

Anonymous, I don't got no beef with that. And I would love to see an illustration.

tomBUTT, you cool with that?

tomASS said...

344 - I personally think a picture would be helpful for those that your refer to. We could maybe throw in a beer or two to help calm those same individuals before viewing the picture.

Make sure you just don't use black crayons in representing your stick people or else someone might accuse you of being racist

Anonymous said...

Did anyone attend the MYSA College Development Program 3-day training? Wondering if it was any good and if they got many participants?

Anonymous said...


I think what you meant to say was, they STOLE a second golie and RIPPED OFF some talent.

Anonymous said...

all right. visualize this because I don't know how to cut and paste pictures into a blog: we have two big circles with a very small overlap. tomASS and Mr. Soccer reside there. Because the don't agree with everything they say, the people in the left circle think tomASS and Mr. Soccer are in the right circle, and the people in the right circle think tomASS and Mr. Soccer are in the left circle. See?

Anonymous said...

oooo, someone's pissed about losing players.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Tonka was, not in my words, disfunctional. One player came from MTA U16 white. Makes sense. The Woodbury players left because they lost their coach (KK). The defender spot was a swap between teams. What else is there?

tomASS said...

is the overlap where Mr.Soccer & I reside well furnished with a well stocked wet bar,4-5 flat screen TVs and leather pub chairs? Do we have servers? Well I think it does because it feels pretty comfortable. 604 - I'm feeling it

The only goalie in my opinion that would have been worth while for the MTA U16 Blue team to add would have been the goalie from this past year's EP premier team at that age group. They would have improved themselves three-fold at that position from what I noted this past summer.

Anonymous said...

Over five players left Tonka several went to PSA , EP, and MTA, that team imploded by itself no need for anyone to pluck players, families were leaving midseason

Anonymous said...

Offering a better program and opportunities isn't stealing players.

Anonymous said...

where did their new goalie come from? I think that was a glaring need on that team, so it was probably an upgrade.

Me XMan said...

Same craps different day...

Anonymous said...

any surprises with top teams in U16 to U18 boys? SCV 17s got better...adding a few, dropping a few.

tomASS said...

Me XMan speaks the truth. Now we know how garbage men feel

Anonymous said...

I heard that team (mta 16) lost their top scorer and she is going to SCV.

Anonymous said...

will spa boys be good this year?

Anonymous said...

The best U17 Gk's play for MTA Eagan and REV not necessary in that order.

Anonymous said...

Would someone else please post? I'm tired of having all these conversations with myself.

Anonymous said...

how about new threads for upcoming high school and college soccer seasons

Anonymous said...

4:33 i wouldn't be surprised. scv benefits every year from mta's dysfunction, rarely losing players and frequently gaining players.

Anonymous said...

4:33 Wrong, she is moving up to the 17's, not going to St Croix.

PS, the MTA 16's will do just fine without her, plenty of talent on the team and new additions will help.

Anonymous said...

6/8/10 3:21 PM -- OK, I can accept
that you are just an elitist soccer swine, and I'm happy for you that my responses make you feel or look superior.

Anonymous said...

6/8/10 4:19 PM

The college camp sold out in May. My DD said it was pretty good. It was mostly 11 v 11 scrimmages being run by local college coaches. I think the price was about $90, so it was in-line for a camp. The coaches gave them some good-insight on how to approach choosing a college and college soccer. They stressed academics over sport and also stressed that the players would be ones going to college and not the parents. So the coaches sounded pretty intelligent to me. I would send her there again.


Anonymous said...

9/8/10 11:10 AM Be careful. You have said something positive about a club you obviously like, and that is doing some very good things training wise.

The problem is they are seeing some consistent success and now you will join the MTA's and SSM's as a target. SCV is a fairly open club, and therefore you'll also start hearing how you are stealing players, and that the C3, C2, and C1 teams are financing the Elite teams and scholarship players(which they are in all clubs).

You're better off quietly enjoying the strides the club continues to make.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Spiltsville!

6/8/10 4:19 PM Here

Anonymous said...

If you were hypothetically drafting a U20 Boys team, which position would you look to fill first? In other words, which position is hypothetically the most important or which position would you want to be the cornerstone of your team?

tomASS said...

Goalkeeper ...when is my next pick because any pick on it's own does not a team make? It all starts from the back.

Anonymous said...

center Mid

Mister Soccer said...

I agree with tomASS. But I would love to have an elite goalscorer. They're more difficult to find than anything else, especially in these parts.

tomASS said...

441 - that was my next choice. Win mid and you will win most games

Mr Soccer - agree too few and far between but easier to shut down an elite goalscorer in a game situation then control and influence a top notch goalkeeper

Anonymous said...

MYSA folds; MTA gets all players!

Mister Soccer said...

1. Goalscoring striker (if available)
2. GK
3. Central Def
4. Central Mid

While we say it's easy to shut down an elite goalscorer, there are a few (and only a few) out there in any league that still score gobs of goals and win games.

Anonymous said...

A good player at any position with a real passion for the game who is not the most skilled (nearly though) but works the hardest and brings it 100% every game and every practice.

Anonymous said...

Center Mids touch the ball more than anyone and control the tempo and usually without good center mids Goal scoring forwards would never see the ball.

tomASS said...

934 - agree as long as your back line are humpers and not thumpers thus circumventing midfield altogether

Mister Soccer said...

Don't discount the value and overall impact of an elite goalscorer. The last one we had around here, Teal Bunbury, didn't do too bad for his teams.

Who won the golden ball...Diego Forlan or Xavi Hernandez?

Anonymous said...

945, Agree but without the Good Center mid the goal scorer just stands there waiting for the ball that never comes.

Anonymous said...

1,) A rich owner or strong booster club
2.) Central defender
3.) Central mid
4.) two impact players who are connected


tomASS said...

splitsville - being superior down the middle in every third is a strong formula for a successful team.

tomASS said...

1030 unless the thumpers get him the ball. Great forward players should have no problem winning long balls from no matter where they are sent from. Of course it is easier with possession through mid.

tomASS said...

Mister Soccer - two different roles for their teams and whose team won the world cup?

That is what is great about soccer so simple yet so complex

Anonymous said...

Now this is FOOTBALL!

Anyone else wanna play?

Anonymous said...

Not my post but I copied from NSC Stars area as I thought it would stir more dialogue in this discussion area.

There's an article in today's Strib discussing the poor attenadance at the NSC Stars soccer games this year.
Evidently all the ranting about not going the past few years to Thunder games due to their affiliation with MTA was just so much BS.
The attendance this year is lower than last and isn't close to breaking even financially.
We need to get out and support the Statrs or we'll lose them.

Anonymous said...

I am willing to bet the attendance numbers this year are an accurate measure of actual butts in seats where the MN Thunder of last year were inflated numbers in a desperate attempt to get sponsors and more fans. Not surprising they fell apart with a business run on smoke and mirrors.

Mister Soccer said...

Farm League soccer in Blaine without being connected to the Twin Cities by the LRT will never succeed. It's a stupid idea.

tomASS - I won't argue that Forlan is better than Xavi (Xavi should be FIFA WPOY and should have won the golden ball). In regards to the different roles they played, that's the point of the question. What's more valuable, a playmaking mf or a goalscoring fw? FIFA apparently thought a goalscoring fw. I think I agree because they are more rare. But Xavi has been in a class of his own for 3 years as a distributor.

Anonymous said...

I was at the Stars match v Puerto Rico that is mentioned in today's Star Trib article. I've been to about 4-5 games total.
The article states attendance was 872 that night. My fiends and I were in the beer garden and guesstimated attendance that night and we both said about 400-500.
The article says avg attendance this year is about 1400 fans. I would wager there weren't over 750-850 in any of the games I attended. Maybe they had a few big nights to get the avg up?
I think the same attendance "inflation" is occurring this year as well.

Anonymous said...

The Thunder didn't lose attendance because of MTA. All that noise was just a couple of haters posting on this blog.
This years crap attendance numbers prove that out.

Anonymous said...

Mr Soccer

How many games did you go when the Thunder were located in St. Paul?

How many games did you go to this year?

When you go to the grocery store do you take the LRT? When you go to the doctor do you take the LRT? Do you take the LRT to work or do you drive?

Did you go to any Wild games?

In this economy our lives are very, very busy making mortgage payments and etc.... I agree with Tomass it much easier to sit down in front the the big screen and watch FSC.

tomASS said...

406 - Yep because of the atmosphere at the Xcel

you have a big screen? I'm still watching on my Zenith

Mister Soccer said...

I'm not the target market for the MN Thunder / NSC Stars.

The target markets need to be the Hispanic and African groups living near the downtowns. These are true football fans who aren't attending games. For 20 years, MN has been trying to convince casual soccer mommies and soccer daddies to bring their 8-year-old girls to NSC. That's a square peg in a round hole. For a Farm League team in an old stadium, it needs to be convenient to draw fans.

The economy isn't the issue. I think many could afford a cheap NSC ticket. I go to Twins and Wild games (usually on public transportation). I'd be a season ticket holder for an MLS team in an urban stadium. I have no desire to drive to Blaine to watch a Farm Club in a crappy stadium.

tomASS said...

It is easier to sit and watch good soccer because of the accessibility to watch it. I too would spend the money on season tickets as I did as a HS student/college student when the Kicks were around.

I disagree with Mr Soccer on your target market. Or at least that being the complete target market to aim for. Those demographics will not provide sustainable, profitable growth. I do agree with you that you can not focus just on the casual soccer parents and youngster.

It needs a personality attached to it

Anonymous said...

Mr. Soccer
I guess I'm not in their target market either. Who knew that the only people interested in soccer were Hispanic and African groups living near downtown. Who knew that Hispanic and African groups only live near downtown.

I keep trying figure out why I like watching soccer. It started in the late 70's to mid 80's. Oh yeah, it was a soccer team at another suburban stadium with a team called the Kicks. Stop limiting your thinking and start thinking.

Tomass - mine used to be a black and white out in the garage until technology caught up with it. Now I'm inside until I can figure out how to upgrade the house TV and run cable to the garage. I agree with you about the atmosphere, half of why I went to the Kicks games was because that was where everyone was. Granted the drinking age was 18, but hey I was responsible.

tomASS said...

Mister Soccer - I do agree that if you want to put fans in the stands in building your team a star goal scorer would be a better draw from a financial point of view.

Just make sure they are not passed their prime .....Henry

Anonymous said...

Just my opinion, but attendance last year at the Thunder games was supported by MTA players. Sure, they players received "gold passes," but I had to pay for me, my spouse, and my other kid, to attend. I also visited the beer garden and concessions. So, while there was a free admission, it was a wise business decision due to the revenue generated by associated fees. When the stands aren't full, why not give away a free seat?

Mister Soccer said...

Team NSC has had the same model (sans the new beer garden) for the last 20 years. Attendance and profits have always been low. Should they continue to do the same thing, targeting minivan-driving MTA soccer mommies? That seems like limited thinking to me.

Where are the largest football markets in the US? The coasts, Chicago and Texas. Coincidentally, those areas have our highest minority populations. Heck, they even named the team Real Salt Lake to cater to their Hispanic population.

What would you offer as a solution to the low attendance levels? Remember, we aren't living in the 70s and 80s any longer.

Also, what is more annoying: Harkes Delacamerra or the vuvuzela?

tomASS said...

hey, you may not be living in the 70-80's any more but some of us still need the memories if we can remember that far back. Only wish the disco apparel still fit.

Just remember that if you cater to the Somalis you would lose alcohol revenues, but transportation would not be a problem ;-) oh and don't any of you PC activist go get offended, If so, you need to take more cab rides from the airport

Don't forget the huge Hmong population base here too.

There is a large base of foreign soccer fans to draw from here, but there is also a huge college base and under 30 crowd to go after. You also have older farts that are becoming empty nesters. Go for the non-violent hooligan soccer crowd 35 and under - 50 and older. Appeal to the foreign soccer influences here. But do not culturally paint yourself into a corner in MN. I agree have a family area in the stands so kids don't have to put up with the likes of me, but do not try to make it just a family event. make it what it is - a soccer event

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

As Team NSC has been getting a 1,500 fans for the last 15 years, what are your ideas for getting each of these target markets to attend games?

1. Somali/Liberian/etc community
2. Hispanic community
3. Hmong community
4. U of MN students
5. Macalester/St. Thomas/Hamline/Bethel students
6. 20-something hooligans
7. Nostalgic over-50s

Mr. Moron said...

1. A few Somalian/Liberian players on team

2. A few Hispanic players on the team

3. A few Hmong players on the team

4. Free beer

5. Free beer

6. Free tatoos

7. cheerleaders

Anonymous said...

1. Menyongar & Friends have been on the team for years.

2. They too have been on the team for years.

3. There aren't many Hmong playing this level anywhere in the US. (The Stars do have a Chinese and a Japanese player.)

"Stop limiting your thinking and start thinking."

tomASS said...

How about free tickets or some type of special price to the largest employees in the state - Target, Medtronic, 3M, Best Buy, United Health

Anonymous said...

For those of you that want to start talking Boys HS Soccer, another forum as started at

Anonymous said...

ooo, mnfutbol was scooped.

Anonymous said...

Something about having all the pro players working as trainers for their camps makes me look at them as less than pay-worthy. In other words, why pay to watch the guy who trained my 5-year-old last week? I don't think Ace Ntsoelengoe, Ron Futcher and Ade Coker worked camps during the daytime.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Ace was paid more as a player than the highest paid Stars player?

Anonymous said...

Free tickets is not the answer, TOM ass. The product is the problem.

"Stop limiting your thinking and start thinking."

Anonymous said...

The product isn't the problem, the venue is. The product, at least to me is entertaining.

"Stop limiting your thinking and start drinking." At the beer garden.


Anonymous said...

splitsville -- Do you truly believe that playing at target field would consistently bring thousands of more fans to watch the Stars?

"Too much drinking will limit your thinking."

Mister Soccer said...

I agree with Splitsville. Even though it's an amateur farm team, the product is okay as the games are kind of fun. It's just not good enough to get me to go to Blaine to be in a crappy venue.

It's all about location.

Free tickets is a good idea. I'd consider going with a free ticket. Then once I smelled the gold, I'd probably buy a couple.

Anonymous said...

Drinking tends do make anything look good.

Anonymous said...

Where would you have the farm team play, Mister Soccer?

Anonymous said...

how about that stadium just south of 94 in St. Paul?

Anonymous said...

where the thunder played previously?

tomASS said...

3:38 - I had Ron Futcher, Ade Coker and Alan Wiley at the summer day camp where I ran the soccer portion for the St.Paul Jewish Comm. Center over the course of a couple of summers

Granted they stayed no more than 1-2 hours on each visit. But they came in full attire, and had a great time with the kids. Of course it was more a public relations event then a camp they worked to make money.

tomASS said...

449 - so the product is the problem eh?
Ok how do you improve the product?
Will better talent improve the product?
If so, how do you get better talent?
Ahhhh, you have to pay for better quality players?
So how do you pay better players more money?
I bet if you had more money and profits you could do that right? so we need to make money?

The seats you do not sell are already sunk costs of your business. If you can't sell more tickets how can you make more money?

If you got more people, who have not bought the product before and who would probably not purchase on their own, to attend a game on a freebie basis what is your loss? Maybe the printing cost of the ticket, correct? If they go to the game because it is free, how much money do you think they may spend while at the game? Attract an additional 200-300 people who spend $10 while at the game you start creating new sale dollars. Those new dollars would not have been gained if those people did not attend the game for free or on a promotional basis. Maybe they enjoy themselves maybe they don't. you get an additional 5-10 thousand over the course of the season to attend one game they may not have attended in the first place you create many new dollars you would not have gained by doing nothing.

Should I keep walking you through this? Retail calls this loss- leaders. It is to get you in the store. And even dollar stores with poor quality products have success in doing this.

Mister Soccer said...

Anon, I've already been over that.

As I've previously said, it's a stoopid business model. I mean, you have 2 of the state's biggest football followers in tomASS and myself unwilling to go to a game unless it's free. You're going to have a difficult time succeeding if that's the case.

Anonymous said...

TOMASS -- You are assuming that 200-300 people would attend if the tickets are free. If it's so straight forward, why not give away tickets on KQRS?

The $5,000-10,000 would not be all profit.

The St, Paul Saints average less than 5,000 in attendance. Is the product better? Or is it ALL about location and free tickets?

But, of course, you are, among other things, a marketing whiz. Go sell your product!

tomASS said...

1) the sport of baseball has a long standing platform in the US and a different customer base thus a need for a different business model especially since you are in the same market of a MLB team. Of course the Saints have a great product, but when you sell out and generate revenue and profit you can continue to afford putting the best product you can on the field and make every game an event people want to come back for.

2) KQRS - still have to be sensitive to those that have paid for the tickets. You don't want to flaunt freebies you need to be smart about your approach so you don't want to lose those current sales. HR departments of those large companies I recommended are looking for opportunities to provide their employees with new benefits without incurring new costs

3) 5-10 thousand not being all profit - correct, it would be new sales. But the margins are pretty darn good in what you would be selling. Those seats sitting empty are sunk costs for NSC they own the facility. Fixed costs versus Variable costs

Thank you I do take pride in the successes I have had in my career.

Anonymous said...

Completely off subject but when will the HS threads get started? I can't wait to bad mouth parents, talk poorly about high school student athletes and praise my beloved team. Did I mention I want to talk high school soccer on this blog?

Mister Soccer said...

So what works for the Saints should work for Team NSC? It's a completely different situation and the fan bases for those sports are completely different.

It's just like how the MLS execs for 15 years have tried to model their league on the NFL, NBA and MLB rather than on the EPL. That has worked out well! It's tiring to have these elder American men (Logan, Garber, Anon) make the same errors because of their inside the box "limited thinking."

Anonymous said...

Boys HS Soccer Forum:

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:36-

Does that mean that MN Futbol Blog won't have the usual thread for HS soccer this year?

By this time there is usually some discussion of preseason favorites going into tryout week.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why MTA posted the Elite Boys U13-19 Tryout Results yesterday afternoon and then pulled them last night?

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