Friday, May 21, 2010

By the Numbers

MN State Cup update. The semi-finals are set. Clubs with semi finalists (not including 19s):

16 for MTA
4 each for EDP, SCV and WDB
3 each for BHK, EDI, PSA and SSM
2 for TCF
1 each for BVL, DKT, LKV, NSS, PRL and TRV

This may the the first semi finalists for Three Rivers at girls U17s. Congratulations to all players, coaches, clubs and parents.


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Anonymous said...

is it me, or was USA Cup really really bad this year?

Anonymous said...

Mister Soccer -- Your posts are meaningless!

For example:

"For club, the easy and obvious answer is MTA if you are looking to win and possibly develop."

How stupid! Winning is that important to you???!! Why would you join MTA if you are looking to "possibly" develop?

MTA is not suited for all players and most cc clubs can offer the ability to win and to develop at various levels. MTA provides an alternative to those who, among other things, have a tremendous desire to succeed at soccer. But MTA has it own problems, so don;t expect to experience nirvana there.

Anonymous said...

Nirvana = MTA. Love MTA! Hate us all you want. Hating MTA just makes us stronger, besides hating us will also keep the less than talented players away. Stay with you cc's, they're good too and have lots to offer to your average player.

Anonymous said...

What a pompous response, 10:41. Put down the bottle and go to bed.

Anonymous said...

10:41pm Great response. My kids don't play for MTA, but I do get a little peeved when people keep slamming on MTA. Hey they're good, let's live with it. We like our CC and it's the place for us and MTA has it's place.

Anonymous said...

10:41 is a 14-year-old girl from a wealthy western suburb.

Anonymous said...

8:34 AM -- You don't get a little peeved when people keep slamming cc clubs???

Anonymous said...

Great showing my our premier girls club in the ECNL.

15G; 15th of 20 teams in the lower division (i.e., 35th out of 40)

16G; 8th out of 20 teams in upper division. Nice job.

17G; 8th out of 20 teams in lower division (i.e., 28th out of 40)

Club ranking: 27th out of 40.

Brag away, MTA.

Mister Soccer said...

Anon 5:45:

Correct your typos. They make you look stupid.

Do all players develop? No. That's why the level of play in MN is so low. Not many players develop. Therefore, "possibly" develop is the correct outlook.

"Win at various levels?" Really? Who cares about winning at C3? Or even C1. That's like winning the NIT. Personally, I don't consider that winning. If you win at C1, you're really just winning the 9th Place trophy, right?

Anonymous said...

Very few players develop. Go watch high school soccer.

Anonymous said...

Some interesting results at region camp -- a few top players not spotted into the regional pool and no longer on national team rosters.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, everyone knows ODP is a joke and will soon be replaced.

Anonymous said...

222, What would be the replacement??

Anonymous said...

Isn't it based on the same idea that clubs are based upon: A bunch of kids gather at a field and try out for one team selected by a small group of coaches.

I imagine it's a joke because of BS selections, predetermined selections, poor training, and soccer politics. Well, doesn't that happen at the club level too? It's just more competitive at the ODP level.

So why is ODP a joke?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, the kids from MTA Elite Blue teams that didn't make Holdover Camp don't seem to think it's joke.

Anonymous said...

Bitter bitter much animosity over kids soccer?
So sad to see adults so envious and vindictive.

Anonymous said...

Agree, 222 shouldn't be a troll.

Anonymous said...

Only about 1/4 of the kids from MTA blue elite teams participate in ODP. The training is better at the club level. Besides, the ENCL will get them noticed by colleges before ODP.

Anonymous said...

I think ODP is slowing becoming irrelevant, to be replaced on college recruiting forms by ECNL and USSA Developmental Academy, which enable high-quality teams to build and grow and still play the best of the best. Most ODP teams consist of flashy players with hairy legs (on the boys' side). Rarely do they form into a functioning team.

Anonymous said...

That said, it is surprising to see the number of college recruiting forms that still ask for ODP participation when fewer and fewer top-notch kids are doing it.

Mister Soccer said...

Purpose of ODP:

Primary: identify the next wave of players for the US National Team.

Secondary: to develop the best of the best by bringing the best of the best together.

Tertiary: used for scouting by college coaches or any other coaches.

Some of you think the primary purpose of ODP is college recruiting. That is incorrect. Nearly all of our national team players were first identified through ODP. Without a strong MLS academy system like they have in Europe, ODP has been the best ladder to use to identify the best of the best for our National Team. Our system is constantly and slowly evolving to be more like England's as soccer is constantly and very slowly growing.

Anonymous said...

Why evolve like England given its world cup failures?

Anonymous said...

853, MTA Blue Elite teams, WOW!!! ODP isn't there to take the place of club training. It's there for kids who have a higher interest (Dreams)than playing just College soccer. Your last statement sounds like someone from your club is giving you bad advice. It's an opportunity that your kid may miss out on. What do you think would look better on your kids resume??
1. National Team Member/Regional Team Memeber
2. MTA Blue Elite

Anonymous said...

Mr. Soccer, I'm starting to wonder if you have any idea what you're talking about. You dwell far too much in theory and far too little in reality. ODP for years was the ONLY option out there for players to develop among other strong players. There are other options now available, and they're making the ODP people stop and wonder wher all the good players are going.

And please stop with "the only reason to try to get good at soccer is to win World Cups." That attitude is about as detached from reality as I've heard. I'm the parent of two very good soccer players, and the last thing I'm thinking about when I write the club and team checks is winning a World Cup. State Cup? Sure.

Anonymous said...

204, I think you hit it on the head when you stated the last thing you are thinking about when writing the check is winning state cup? Sure. What are your kids goals, State Cup? Very Good soccer players don't stand a chance of making a Regional or National Team and thats Ok, but don't bash other kids choices of doing ODP because they dream bigger! My kid doesn't do ODP for the training, she does it because she wants to play on the National Team some day.

Anonymous said...

Dream big, but 99.9% of you don't have future Mia Hamm or Landon Donovan in your family. It's important to dream, but really how many players do you see on those older rosters actually come from Minnesota. Brianna Scurry was about it and she came from a time when soccer wasn't that big for girls. Thankfully soccer has grown leaps and bounds since than, but it also makes the talent pool much larger. California, Texas, Arizona teams make our teams look average.

Anonymous said...

Cat Parkhill from Apple Valley is on the U20 women's team. She's a goalie, so maybe Minnesota can only produce goalies?

Anonymous said...

I not going to bash anyone’s team, club, school or method of getting the most for their child out-of-soccer. My DD had good experience with hiring coaches for one-on-one training. I felt that the $50 an hour for three or four sessions with a good trainer was the best money I had ever spent on soccer. I do not have unlimited resources of money.

I believe the mta, ssm, odp , coerver, footholde, etc, are all excellent choices for training. We used the mta camps and various other camps and believe we received good value for our money. But my long-winded point is this - hiring a personal soccer trainer may be worth looking into if your want specialized training and can be very good for eliminated bad habits like taking a stutter step, or if you want to focus on a few specific things that may be of most help to your player.


Mister Soccer said...

Goalie is our best bet. It's the best bet for any American.

Sanneh. Lagos. Cullen. Kluegel. They have received caps.

So ODP is primarily about getting looks from college coaches? How many of our MN players go D1 each year? Of those D1 players, how many are in a major NCAA conference? Of those in a major conference, how many ever get starter's minutes? You're kidding yourself if you're signing checks to get seen by college coaches.

Anonymous said...

Family friend pushed and pushed their child, ODP, camp after camp, high school, club team, all to get noticed by college. That same child did get a scholarship. Freshman year realized how much of life they missed out on and quit soccer after freshman year. Make sure it's what your child wants and not what YOU want or what your child thinks YOU want out of them! You need to give them balance. Play on a top club, ODP, etc, but let them also have a life.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the anonymous advice- you sure it was a "family friend" ...

Anonymous said...

At nationals...

SSM 18s win first game
MTA 16s lose first game

Anonymous said...

9:25pm. Since it was anonymous, why wouldn't I say it my child?

Anonymous said...

Chances are higher that your kid will get an academic scholarship over an athletic scholarship. So study, study, study. Actually play hard and study.

Anonymous said...

The posters promoting training and ODP and pushing your kid to be among the 0.000001% of players who get money to play soccer tend to be the ones who will profit from you pushing your kid to be among the 0.000001% of players who get money to play soccer. Keeping the dream alive keeps them employed.

tomASS said...

4:48 - well said and advice that many should think more about.

for example; anon 204 when he writes the check for soccer is thinking, hoping, praying(?) for a State Cup championship. Wonder if his/her kids are too?

Anonymous said...

If you child wants to play D1 soccer, then MTA is the way to go. On the girls side, ECNL events have tons of recruiters. Girls may be invited to id2 camps, which can lead to national teams. The only cost for the camp is airfare. I didn't believe it, but it is true. Sure, MTA is not the only team that has kids that will play D1, but if that is what your child wants to do, then a MTA team participating in ECNL is the best way to get exposure. I am not a MTA coach, and I thought it was all propaganda, but many girls on these teams will end up playing D1 and getting scholarships, if that is what they desire. Show up to tryouts and I am sure the parents of the ECNL players will confirm what I am saying.

Anonymous said...

SSM 18 boys lost today
MTA 16 girls tied

on a side note, former Valley United, now 18 boys team, player is the leading scorer in the U-17 boys tournament, Karl Chester for his team from Georgia

just thought that was an interesting fact

Anonymous said...

2:04 here, and yes, my kids hope and pray for State Cup championship much more than I do, and luckily they have won a few. They're crazier about playing than I am about paying for it, though I've grown to love the game. My point is, State Cup, and maybe a high school state championship, is as high as virtually all of our kids will climb.

Someone's kid will make the World Cup team; though I'm convinced they'll be discovered regardless of the elite clubs, ODP programs leagues that continue to get promoted to us as the only way to get there. Get where?

Anonymous said...

3:16 PM is right on!

Anonymous said...

316, Your a buzz kill.

Anonymous said...

Today's result eliminates the MN girls from the finals.

Boys are still alive, have a real chance at advancing to try and avenge today's loss.

Anonymous said...

Boys did advance to the finals. 2nd year in a row that a U18 boys SSM team makes the finals at USYS Nationals.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Last year was US Club. This year its US Youth Soccer.

Anonymous said...

any predictions on State Tourney results? Who wins the top brackets?

Anonymous said...

Glad we had some MN representation at Nationals and best of luck to the U18 boys as they advance. How many MN teams at US Club Nationals this year?

Anonymous said...

High school thread?

Anonymous said...

Yup. Last year was US Club- but the year before SSM was a National Finalist at U18B. So, two of three years. Not bad.

Funny how this is the only time of year anyone acknowledges (outside of the parents of SSM kids) that SSM is a MN team.

Anonymous said...

SSM IS a MN team. The school is in Faribault, MN. However, to say that SSM's success is representative of soccer in MN is idiotic. SSM SHOULD do well at nationals. They draw from all across the nation and compete against club team from a single state. There was only one pure MN team at nationals.

Anonymous said...

Finally, the SSM crap is back. What took so long?

1:39 we can't have the high school thread yet because we need to sort through tryouts first. Then high school, then meaningless winter scrimmages, then bash teams that travel, then state cup (who's going to win and prom). Sprinkle in some MYSA insanity...

I do still hold out hope that a truly different and interesting topic will come around on this blog.

Congrats to all MN teams and SSM at all of the nationals. Does that make you happy 9:34? (rhetorical)

Anonymous said...

Let's move on and talk about the MYSA summer state tourney. I know how to get everyone up in arms. For argument sake, I'll say that MTA will win every age group that they have a team playing!

Anonymous said...

MTA has posted USSF Development Academy Tryout dates on the website for the 92/93 and 94/95 teams.

Anonymous said...

They forgot to add link to the budget

Anonymous said...

If you're under the age of U14, why would you go play for MTA. They're fees are double what other clubs charge and their fees are going up.

Anonymous said...

MTA has already recruited all the players for their premier, USSF and ECNL teams. Unless you were approached by someone from MTA, you don't have a chance. Try-outs are just a way for MTA to make more money with the try-out fee.

Anonymous said...

You're a really small little man to post something like that. Can you sleep at night after telling all those lies?
Your jealousy is duly noted.

Anonymous said...

3:15pm You are jealous. No teams are set as of yet. Everyone has a chance. Stopping hating MTA.

Anonymous said...

MTA haters rise again. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Their not haters. It's legit. Go to MTA tryouts. Watch the girls sitting in the stands who don't have to tryout because they know they are on a team. Happened at every age group for girls last year.

Anonymous said...

There are MTA haters and MTA hater haters.

Not sure which I hate more.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure every club has a list of kids that have already made teams and they just go through the motions at try-outs. I'm sure it's not exclusive to MTA.

Anonymous said...

6:06 is on the right path. Many established teams are looking for improvement in certain positions. Evaluations frequently focus on players who could fill those gaps.

It's not unique to MTA by any means.

Anonymous said...

...and there are the MTA elitist pigs too. Grow up 12:26 AM.

Anonymous said...

Uninjured kids sitting in stands at tryouts:

- displays a sense of entitlement
- shows that kids don't "really" love to play
- results in poor performance at regionals
- shows our coaches are cowards and puppets

Anonymous said...

lol 9:13, maybe just a tiny bit of a stretch don't you think?
i guess the bigger question (as is usually the case).....why do you care?

Anonymous said...

Because every August, our players and coaches think they are pretty good while they act arrogantly at local tryouts.

Then July rolls around and every year we are (only temporarily) humbled as we fail to get out of the region.

I care because I want us to win.

Anonymous said...

Don't lump all MTA teams together as I'm sure you couldn't possibly have attended all tryouts.

Anonymous said...

...and there are the MTA elitist pigs too. Grow up 12:26 AM.

Apparently 8:23 includes having the most scholarships in his/her definition of Elitist.

By the way, telling someone to grow up means ...

Anonymous said... be mature and not make asinine remarks like: "There are MTA haters and MTA hater haters.

Not sure which I hate more."

Mister Soccer said...

"There are MTA haters and MTA hater haters.

Not sure which I hate more."

This might be my all-time favorite post on here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Soccer.

I thought it was one of my better posts too...akin to Michael Caine's famous line in Austin Powers/Goldmember: "There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures...and the Dutch."

Anonymous said...

Since this is the State Cup blog, anyone else heard about MYSA not paying all the referees yet?

The excuse appears to be that background checks were not completed. Even though the refs have receipts for the background check, which they actually get charged for.

Doesn't sound right, if the background check was not done, why did MYSA allow them near the kids. If it was done, why haven't they paid? Games concluded early June, and most done long before that.

Anonymous said...

MYSA is notoriously slow paying referees. That is but one reason why a lot of experienced referees who *should* be working at State Cup, don't.

Anonymous said...

That may help explain why they had such god-awful refs this year.

Anonymous said...

4:11pm. Can you hear me applauding you. Really what was up with the refs this year? There was some good refs, but it seemed like this year there were more refs that didn't know a thing about soccer. When you get a ref that doesn't know the difference between a goal kick and a corner kick, you know you're in trouble.

Anonymous said...

The new MTA website is crap. The only thing worse is the logo. Must have held a contest for our u9s to design it. Yuck.

Anonymous said... they're whining about MTA website design.
Some of these nutjobs are totally obsessed with MTA.
Get a life, losers.

Anonymous said...

6:02, I might be a nutjob, but I'm in the club and have every right to post thoughts here alongside the haters and supporters. If you like the clipart, good for you.

Anonymous said...

You hate MTA players, coaches, parents, fields, website, logo. What else can you find to hate about MTA? Oh wait, they just beat your team once again or your kid didn't make an MTA team. The nut jobs should start and anti-MTA club. They can even have a logo made - Hate MTA Futbol Club.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of private trainers, we're looking for a quality skills trainer for our DD in the Minneapolis area. Any suggestions that aren't a ripoff?

Anonymous said...

why does everyone talk about mta so much, if u dont like them beat them, if u cant beat them get off teh computer and go to a field to get better

Anonymous said...

26/7/10 12:50 PM So if MYSA's excuse was delaying payment for referees who had not completed the required background check, why were they doing games. Either they are required or not.

Apparently MYSA is pretending to protect the kids. Background checks should be done before exposing kids to adults, not after.

Another job well done at MYSA. Hey clubs, is this what you voted for? Are you going to continue to allow this kind of management? Time to start having the club presidents use their votes to get rid of dead weight and incompetence at MYSA. People we need to hold our clubs responsible, call your contacts.

Mister Soccer said...

If you're going to rip on MTA's logo, at least be fair and check out these awful clip art logos designed by bored mommies. These make me sick:

Blaine Soccer
Bloomington Youth Soccer
Arsenal Soccer
Chan Chaska Soccer
Cottage Grove Soccer
Dakota REV
Eagan Wave Soccer
North Metro Soccer
Plymouth Soccer
Prior Lake Soccer
Valley United
Tonka United
Woodbury Soccer

To be most fair, the best logos belong to: Blackhawks, former Bangu, Keliix

Hon Ment: St. Croix, Edina, Wayzata, Burnsville, Westside, MTA.

All of our logos beat the MLS kits of the late 90s.

Anonymous said...

Old bangu was cool.. Krishna!!
I'll agree with all of that except Woodbury's costumes are so jazy!

Anonymous said...

Bangu was cool!!

Anonymous said...

I vote Mister Soccer to run MYSA.

Anonymous said...

While Mr. Soccer may have good judgment on logos, his views on other soccer issues(as reflected on this blog) are questionable, bordering on absurd. I vote NO for Mister Soccer to run MYSA.

Mister Soccer said...

I didn't know I was running.

Could I make it a dual-position where I manage Premier League, Select Clubs and ODP, while some Anon 3:25 manages Classic Leagues and Community Clubs. We'll see which branch flourishes.

tomASS, will you be my Vice?

Shekki Weewax said...

Pick me for VP! Pick me for VP!


Anonymous said...

I nominate Shekki for Court Jester.

Anonymous said...

All the games are finished for the MTA girls. What are the coaching assignments for next year? Any changes?

Anonymous said...

932, you are asking a blog who is going to coach which team. You are obviously an MTA'er trying to start chatter. Get a Life.

tomASS said...

Mister Soccer, I am honored to be asked. I would prefer to serve you as Minister of Defense

Anonymous said...

I vote for Shekki as "Bigot of the Year".

tomASS said...

709 and I vote you liberal loonie leftist of the year. Typical of your group; always throwing the racism card on the table when a frank, candid, adult discussion can not take place when something is stated without the political correctness you desire.

I bet you wear a helmet when you drive your SMART car eh?

Anonymous said...

A "frank, candid, adult discussion" involving you Tom Ass? Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

Shekki's racist comments about some of the young men playing soccer were quite explicit and left little doubt of what his intent was.
I'm in the camp with 7:09. Shekki's posts were racist in nature.
Maybe someone with more time than me can find his posts in the archives.

Anonymous said...

Time for H.S., pre-season top 10 picks anyone?

tomASS said...

Ah yes, an attempt at an adult retort by someone cloaked in the shadow of an anon moniker.

When you parents grow up and let the kids play for their own sake; adult soccer like discussions might take place.

1027 - good topic, but wait for the HS detractors to chime in with pissy comments.

936 - explicit? If they were then there would be no question of his intent. He did not use any explicit language nor any derogatory racial name calling.

I still judge a person by their actions, not their words.

Most racists are not incline to shy away from being direct in their message.

Anonymous said...

1. Woodbury
2. Armstrong
3. Eden Prairie
4. Apple Valley
5. Anoka
6. White Bear Lake
7. Edina
8. Mayo
9. Wayzata
10. Eagan

tomASS said...

EP I think will have a down year in the boys arena.
Don't know enough about the Mayo team to predict them that high. What leads you to believe that 1104?

Anonymous said...

A "frank, candid, adult discussion" by Tom Ass:

"Ah yes, an attempt at an adult retort by someone cloaked in the shadow of an anon moniker.

When you parents grow up and let the kids play for their own sake; adult soccer like discussions might take place."

Does "TomAss" make you less anonymous? Or does it reflect your true character?

Anonymous said...

how can anyone other than apple valley be number 1? They have 3 kids from the VLY18 boys, starting goalie, center mid, and forward - who scored 20+ goals last high school season, the VLY17 boys are in the C1 championship and have beat a couple premier teams in tournaments this year, VLY16 boys won their C1 league, and VLY15 boys were over .500 this season in preimer, sounds like they are reloaded

The three kids from the 18's are enough to make them probably the best team because of the positions they play and how those positions impact the game, but add to that the kids from the 15-17 teams and they may not be as dominant as last year but I really dont know who is going to beat them

tomASS said...

An "Or" is not necessary. Yes to both questions.
Click on the name and it gives you a brief profile and location where I live. For some reason it should give my full name but doesn't.

I'll give you a hint T.A. Nygaard

My moniker makes me a point of polarization. Although a MN native, I've lived away in enough places to know that MN nice is nothing more than passive aggressive behavior. Too many , in this instance, soccer parents will typically say one thing to your face and stab you in the back the first chance they get. I have greater respect for people that want to disagree with me and do so eye to eye or at least not hiding behind the moniker anon.

What I write here I would say to your face. Whether you agree or disagree. I do not cower behind the opinions I express as most of you do.

Back when people took monikers, you may not know them as a person, but you knew who was taking what position.

The good old days, with halfback Jack, ems, sweeper, bangu mom, mrs robinson, etc. ect, At least you could follow some form of a dialogue.

Anonymous said...

1. EP
2. Wayzata
3. Woodbury
4. Eagan
5. Centennial
6. Eastview
7. Edina
8. Stillwater
9. Lakeville North

Anonymous said...

Will the East Ridge girls be playing AA or A this year?

Anonymous said...

MTA will take over all high school programs and win every conference, boys and girls!!!! Than they will move on and take over all youth programs in the USA, than the world! World domination is near my people!

Anonymous said...

East Ridge will be playing AA this year.

Anonymous said...

All the games are finished for the MTA girls. What are the coaching assignments for next year? Any changes?

Anonymous said...

MTA u14 and u12 girls play for MYSA state championship tonight. MTA u13 girls won last night.

Anonymous said...

Tomass - I'll agree with you that you probably do say what you would say directly to someone's face.

But you mention the good ole' days. EMS ducked, dodged, and weaved took shots, then disappeared. EMS was about as classless as they come and I'm sure his mole like tendencies will have him popping his head up again. So I would say that you two are of a completely different meld.

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

ANON posters know their contribution is likely stoopid, so they post as ANON to avoid the ridicule they like to dish out.

tomASS said...

EMS was a good guy and like to rock the Bangu Boat.

Actually got to meet him a couple of times and have a few beers. As an individual he was a class guy.

Clarity of different opinions is far better than agreement

Anonymous said...

MTA wins U12 and U14 Girls tonight. They won U12, U13 and U14 this year. MA won another state title with the 13's playing up to 14. Who's the U12 coach?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to see if any other club has 3 titles? Good run for MTA! Congrats! MA's team could probably beat most 14 and 15 year old teams. The true 13's are pretty good team too and they don't have to deal with the MA drama.

The 12 coach is Christian Isquiardo. He won't be coaching the 12's when they move up to elite. Not sure who will be 13 elite girls coach?

Anonymous said...

Good thing no one is mentioning Stillwater boys. No pressure then.

Anonymous said...

I've heard 13 elite is Dave Alberti

Anonymous said...

im sure abbouds team could win 14 and 15 yr olds as they demolished centennial 3-2

Anonymous said...

the u12's beat centennial, abbouds U13s won U14 over st croix.

However I agree they would not win U15 or beat the top U14 teams at this point.

Anonymous said...

the mta u14 is that schaffers team or abbouds MONEY

Anonymous said...

imo it doesnt matter as they are both making a ton of money off people THINKING their kid is going to be the next Mia Hamm

more power to both of them, they are smart

Anonymous said...

9:14pm schaffers team AND abbouds MONEY. One in the same team.

Anonymous said...

Is Schaffer coaching a MTA team next season?

Anonymous said...

Last I heard Schaffer is not coaching an MTA team and is not going to be Abboud's assistant coach, but you never know.

Anonymous said...

4 state titles for MTA and 4 state titles for PSA.

Anonymous said...

Still no comparison between the two clubs, PSA has great C1 teams and not much else.

Anonymous said...

10:52am Exactly, they have some good C1 teams and that's about it. PSA does not have the premier teams that MTA has. And there is no summer MYSA state tournament for premier.

Anonymous said...

and once again PSA U17B doesn't get to move up to premier with that team. they didn't win their league so even though they won state they are not eligible to move up. The C1/premier promotion rules are so ridiculous. PSA, Valley United, St. Croix, all are better than the current garbage at U17 premier.

Anonymous said...

Here's my title count (so far):

4 - PSA
3 - Owatonna
2 - Dakota Rev
2 - MTA East

No one else has more than one.

Anonymous said...

MTA has 4 titles. East, North, West and South MTA are all the same - MTA. MTA places teams in all the regions of MYSA. The girls 13 north team is an elite team, along with abboud's east team. Both teams earned premier status for next year.
The count still stands PSA and MTA with 4 titles. But remember that most MTA teams above U14 are premier and do not play for state titles in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Bring me the wah, wah, wahmbulance 12:40. If a group of U17s, their parents, coaches, etc. haven't figured out by now that you have to win the league to get to Premier, tough noogies.

That method has been used for a long, long time.

Anonymous said...

12:45pm. You need to get glasses, I count 4 titles for MTA.

Anonymous said...

12:40pm You have to win league! If you're upset go try-out for a premier team and leave Players Suck Association.

Anonymous said...

High school (fun to talk about but still aware that it is what it is)...Class A prediction. Blake will dominate the Tri Metro (maybe St. Croix Lutheran will challenge but I am not sure if anyone else in that conf. can hang with Blake)....I think Blake/BSM/Orono/AHA will be the cream of Class A.

Anonymous said...

1:04pm Boys or girls. I agree Blake. Girls has to go to Orono again.

Anonymous said...

because of babu?

Anonymous said...

sorry. thought they were 4 clubs. if you need to combine them to get your wins, go for it. mta attracted kids from all over and won 4 titles. psa didn't and won 4 titles. don't bash psa.

Anonymous said...

it is funny how the mta people talk about being a regionally competitive club. they aren't...look at regionals and ecnl results, which is why they need to brag about mn summer state titles. they should win everything in minnesota and it should be news when they don't. it's like forming an all-star team and then playing the teams you took all the stars from. whatever. mta people, you live in a very small world if mn summer state titles is all you can brag about.

Anonymous said...

The premier rules protect the pathetic teams that play there.

Anonymous said...

2:56pm. The jealous monster comes out again. Hate MTA all you want. Every state has one club that dominates everyone else and recruits players away from cc clubs. Get over it already! Why aren't these cc out recruiting MTA players. The cost to play for cc's is less 1/2 of what it is to play for MTA. Why don't those cc's go out and recruit more, it goes both ways! Or is that MTA doesn't do much recruiting it's just that the better players leave the cc's on their own to play for MTA. Quit your gripping and go out and recruit an MTA player, I'm sure your kids know of some!

Anonymous said...

PSA 17 boys didn't go premier because they couldn't beat Valley any of the three previous times they played this season, Congrats on finally figuring it out and winning, but Valley is still going premier next season because they were able to sustain it for an entire season

Anonymous said...

I've watched that PSA boys u17 and they are average at best. Stay C1 you can compete, you'll get your heads knocked off at premier. Oh and I'm from Eagan, the team that lost premier.

Anonymous said...

They play soccer in Eagan?

Anonymous said...

PSA recruits their a@$ off. They just don't have a strong girls side because they often lose players to Wayzata.
Open season starts today on players watch for lots of players dip their toes back at CC only to stay at MTA

Anonymous said...

It seems that often at the older ages of the boys premier level, the C1 team(s) that get promoted to premier last one season because they get creamed in the premier league. For example, year ago at U17 (boys), Rochester and PSA got promoted and both were relegated. The year before that EP got promoted and lasted one year with a 0-9-1 record. At U 18 this year, Woodbury was promoted and went 0-7-1.

Anonymous said...

PSA's is all over my child, he plays for Tonka. Will we stay at Tonka, I don't know? He likes it there, but many friends play for PSA. Competitive cc's do their fair share of stealing from other clubs, so don't just knock MTA. I'm not a fan of MTA, but only because their teams haven beaten my kids teams. We could try-out if we wanted to, but sadly the fees are out of our budget. MTA does have a good club model that is very similar to my nephews club in Texas. But, CC's are just as guilty of stealing players away. MTA just has more success with it.

Anonymous said...

is mta more expensive because of the additional training, out of state leagues like mrl, and out of state tournaments or just because they charge more? me thinks if you compare same-to-same with the higher level cc teams there would be very little $$$ difference.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 4:49 100%, my guess is JE's EP spent the same or more than MTA 17s. If you are going to travel, train all winter the cost are going to equal out. What you find is cc put out a small budget and then add on and on. MTA puts everything in front of the parents at tryouts and does not hide the fact that it cost money to play year round soccer in MN.

tomASS said...

how can it be stealing players when there is free will involved? Sound more like marketing to me.

Anonymous said...

and no wall (school district boundaries) to keep players from fleeing

Anonymous said...

3:04 PM -- which single club dominates in Illinois? Wisconsin? Ohio?

Anonymous said...

Eclipse, FC Milw, Ohio is more diverse, but probably Elite/Premier

Anonymous said...

Women's Premier Soccer League Championships in Dallas this weekend. Semi #1, FC Milwaukee Natls vs Boston Aztecs. Semi #2, Oklahoma Alliance vs Redondo Beach Ajax.

Anonymous said...

eclipse in Illinois doesn't dominate boys. really there is no state where one club dominates boys and girls like MTA does here. it's scary, like a democratic majority in the house, senate and white house. don't fret; i'm a democrat. it's just scary when the power is concentrated like that because decisions aren't often well thought-out.

i agree fees between MTA and high-end clubs tend to be similar, except MTA is price-gouging this year to build a reserve to fund scholarship players that will be attracted to boys academy. that will be their achilles heel if they don't find a way to fund the kids who can't pay, because the kids who can't pay tend to be the kids who can *play*. oh, and i'm an mta parent too.

Anonymous said...

8:35am. The fees did not go up by much at all. Elite the fee dropped by $200.00, because tournament fees are not bundled in anymore. Each team pays their own. Younger juniors team went up slightly, but if you take the fee for fall, summer and jr academy (you paid that each thing separately last year) it's about the same. They just bundled it all together.
Yes, you maybe a MTA parent. But you did get a lot for your $$. 3 days of dome training throughout the winter. It's worth every penny!

Anonymous said...

9:30AM is correct, fees did not go up and the people who come on here for the last few months claiming they would did it just to scare people away. For those of you who listened too bad you did. MTA has always been upfront with their fees and you know what you are getting into each year.

Anonymous said...

MTA deceives people with their fee statements. Sure they suggest that the new club fee's are lower than last year, but when you add the cost of proposed tournaments, coaches travel and extra's it amounts to another $500 or more per family. It is a nickel and dime mentality now so people don't ever know what they are paying. I also hear that they are cutting special deals to teams looking to leave to try to keep it together.

Anonymous said...

12:31pm. But they do tell you that those fees will be extra depending on the team. Every club does the same thing! I have one child at MTA and one at Wayzata. Atleast MTA puts all out front. Instead of saying these are fees, see how low they are and than add on winter training, coaching fees, etc.
Actually other clubs are offering special deals to MTA teams if they leave as a team and come to their club.

Anonymous said...

Once again the MTA PR machine revs its motors to spin the news away from the fact that they need to build a reserve for the scholarship players who will come to the academy (and who they desperately need if they plan to compete). That has always been the "hidden" cost. Nearly three grand (double it to include travel) to play for the academy, whether you make it or Blue? Wow.

Anonymous said...

Same old CC rant, same old MTA rant. Pick a club that your son or daughter will fit and go with it. Neither is better or worse. One size does not fit all.

Anonymous said...

1:27pm. You have no idea what you're talking about it. I'm guessing MTA did not want your child once again this year. Well get over it and stop spreading lies. You'll come back on this blog and say something like; no way I would have my kid play for MTA, etc. You're showing your true colors. I agree with 2:28pm, stop the CC and MTA rant. Everyone has different needs, wants or abilities. Play were it will make you happy.

Anonymous said...

OK let's talk about soccer and not that you hate MTA or your local CC. If you need to let out your rage against MTA, there is a dedicated Facebook page "I hate Minnesota Thunder Academy". Although, I do believe MTA has infiltrated that site too! Not sure if there is "I hate CC soccer". Everyone move on and let's just love the game no matter who you play for!

Anonymous said...

OK let's talk about soccer and not that you hate MTA or your local CC. If you need to let out your rage against MTA, there is a dedicated Facebook page "I hate Minnesota Thunder Academy". Although, I do believe MTA has infiltrated that site too! Not sure if there is "I hate CC soccer". Everyone move on and let's just love the game no matter who you play for!

Anonymous said...

4:26 PM and other MTA whiners -- If you don't like it, get off the blog. It is possible to love the game and to hate MTA.

Anonymous said...

If the MTA dweebs would just stop reacting, the haters would go away. That would take maturity, though, and I don't see much of it at MTA.

Anonymous said...

I love MTA and I love how everyone hates us. I'm not sure the mature folks over at MTA would use the word dweeb! But, whatever word makes you feel better about yourself as an average soccer player than by all means use it.

Anonymous said...

I am hearing several reports that the turnout at MTA tryouts is way off this year. Maybe the slow economy is affecting the number of families willing to pay the big price for travel. Both Midwest league and ECNL require significant travel costs.

Anonymous said...

From one of the MTA dweebs, I'm glad you don't/can't play at MTA. You're obviously jealous of them!

Anonymous said...

Hey my kids don't play at MTA, we like our cc. But come on, why does everyone keep attacking them? Soccer is soccer! The more you keep ranting about them, the stronger they're getting. Build up our local cc and let's beat them at their own game!

Anonymous said...

no way you'll do that, cc.

Anonymous said...

5:12pm I'm from MTA and the try-outs #'s are low. The cost and time away by playing ECNL (girls) and US Development (boys) are scaring some people away.

Anonymous said...

5:11 PM Average compared to what dweeb!

Anonymous said...

5:13 PM -- you're obviously proud to be a dweeb. More power to you!

Anonymous said...

Proud to be an MTA player that's going to whip your kids *&)!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In your dreams 5:33 PM

Anonymous said...

MTA -- Mr. Tom ASS!

Anonymous said...

5:21 PM what age groups?

tomASS said...

537 - how insulting to MTA.

Anonymous said...

If you can't beat them, well it's time to join them. My children are at MTA try-outs. Oh and they were very upfront with their fees. More upfront than PSA or Maplebrook.

Anonymous said...

I am not a MTA parent but Kudos to them for taking two of the top 3 girls championships in MYSA state championship games. (Dakota REV took U-11)Really the only ages that are representative of the best teams in MYSA State are 11-13. Premier league dillutes the 14+ championships.

Anonymous said...

9:19pm. MTA does have a winning model that more clubs seem to be migrating to this year. Which will be great for soccer in Minnesota. Competition is a good thing!

Anonymous said...

9:23 agree results have been good. I do question why the numbers are so poor at tryouts this year and why several very good players are not returning? Economy? ... hard to figure?

Anonymous said...

REV's u12 that won state at U11 last year played u13 this year. At U13 the best MTA team won the U14 c1 championship and earned a premier spot.

Anonymous said...

Both of MTA's U13 girls team earned premier spots. MA u13's girls that play U14 earned premier at U15 and the true MTA u13 girls earned premier at u14. It's a very talented group of U13's soon to be U14's.

Anonymous said...

8:01PM What didn't you understand about PSA's or Maplebrook's fee structure? It's on their websites. I don't see MTA's fees posted.

Anonymous said...

I am a jealous average player who wishes he could play for MTA? NOT! We beat 3 MTA teams on our way to winning State Cup. We'll be better next year because we're adding players and none of us are moving to the Academy.

We are winning. You are whining (and paying lots of money to do it).

Anonymous said...

916, I believe One of your better players was seen at MTA tryouts?!?!

Anonymous said...

9:16am. I know your team and one of your best players was at MTA try-outs.

Anonymous said...

1:56 PM prove it

Anonymous said...

9:16am. If you go to the MYSA website and look under State Cup. First of all congratulations on winning state cup, but there is not a team in any age group boys or girls that had to beat 3 MTA teams to win state cup. You may have beat 2, but don't lie.

Anonymous said...

9:16am. Eden Prairie girl by chance. Oh and there was a EP girl at MTA try-outs.

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

I love the post shoving it in MTA's face. That's great.

But shouldn't you be caring more about the two 4-spots you guys gave up at Regionals? You might be pretty sweet to win State Cup, but getting spanked at Regionals is the same old sorry tune for MN teams. Looks like your team's defending might need some help.

Typical of MN to quickly forget about getting spanked at Regionals.

Anonymous said...

2:19 This is not 9:16 but look again at U16B - SCV beat MTW C1 in pool. Beat MTA MW in semi, beat MTW PR in championship. You owe 9:16 an apology.

Anonymous said...

Its too bad MAs parents and MTA coaches have to pounce on a blog to post about a u14 girl at tryouts...and not event be in the same conversation as 9;16. Get a grip. These are the things that are classless and continue to give the club the negative rep. Why the insecurity?

Anonymous said...

initials, please.

Anonymous said...

keeper has always been a weak spot for this team. always.

Anonymous said...

3:10, MTA obviously doesn't consider those lowly C1 teams part of MTA, especially the Wings' ones.

Anonymous said...

amazing too how a scv kid can get a whole group of mta parents into a tizzy.

Mister Soccer said...

Are you stoopid or something?

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