Thursday, June 18, 2009

Regionals 2009

Schedule and Scores:

Play starts soon in the Regional Tournament in South Dakota. 14 MN teams will take the field to represent MN in the USYSA National Championship series. While few MN teams are expected to make the semi finals, we can all join together to support them in pursuing the dream of going to nationals.

Could this be the year that the WDB 17 girls can find the results to push through to the semis? Can the VLY 17 boys find their form and make a run? Will any of the MTA teams put the club controversy behind them and achieve what few MN teams have?

Please use this post to report scores, play and the overall excitement of the Regional Tournament. Please leave other topics in the other posts and just enjoy the reports from the tournament.


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socmom said...

Here’s the link to USYS National Championship “Policy Manual”
Looks like the format for regions is left up to a regional “committee”…

Anonymous said...

DS coaching MTA U17 team next year. Its a done deal. Wow what a good deal for that age group.

Anonymous said...

Is DS coaching boys or girls U17?

Anonymous said...

DS is going to the world cup next year whih is during Regionals/Nationals.

Anonymous said...

10/7 8:03

All expense paid trip. Nice MTA benefit eh...

The heck with the team. Lmao

Anonymous said...

The MTA 17B are headed for a two year disaster.Their only hope is to change clubs. By the time the "Poser" gets done with them they will probably never want to play soccer again.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
DS is going to the world cup next year whih is during Regionals/Nationals.

10/7/09 8:03 AM

So! Good for him, wish I were going.

Anonymous said...

I heard DS is coaching the team with a real good assistant or maybe co coach the team.

Anonymous said...

Apparently JE/EP has offered the assistant coaching position to the guy MTA first asked to coach the MTA team and declined. Look for it to happen; that would be a powerful staff leading that team if it becomes reality.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh.... parents and coaches, what would a blog be without them.

Anonymous said...

"Poser" Who????

This year U17B or next year U17B?

At either age group they performed rather poorly. Plus it is a pretty big year for college recruiting. On the boys side of things MTA hasn't shown yet that they can do what they do for the girls the same thing for the boys. In order for them to go beyond SSM or VLY, SCV, BHK and even ARS they will need to step up with a decent coach. Plus they need a coach/or a recruiting director with some contacts.

Anonymous said...

MTA boys won 4 State Cup Championships this year.
VLY, SCV, SSM, BHK and ARS didn't win that many combined!
My guess is with the rapid progress the MTA boys teams are making they will win even more next year.
Take a look at how many premier teams they'll have next summer at U14.

Anonymous said...

From thread below-
"Mark Cook removed for Region II ODP Staff this week after trying to hold a meeting with 93 ODP team to promote MTA while on staff."

Looks like MTA is getting desperate to hold onto players.

MTA said...

We don't steal your players, but we are not above abusing our position of authority to coerce you into looking at other options.

Anonymous said...

DS is assistant coaching the U15G next year they will be U16G with MC being the head coach. DS is the assistant because he will be at the World Cup; and when they win State he will not be able to attend Regionals.

Anonymous said...

where did you hear that from?

tomASS said...

Wayne I fart in general direction. Good Luck in the U.A.E. Drink plenty of camel's milk!

Anonymous said...

How about a blog topic called "Districts, Regions and State" for the rest of us losers?

Anonymous said...

If you want to talk overrated, you have to start with M.Cook. DS is a real coach and has done more for girls soccer in the state than almost anyone. If KB does not have to two serious knee injuries it is a different team but the lack of scoring depth at that age can be squared on Coook's shoulders as he taught them to get it to KB and watch, he is doing the same now with his current team and his "christmas tree" formation. Rumor is that a pretty damn fine player ,KK, who I think plays HS ball in Lakeville and made a splash at regions, is leaving MTA and heading to Shattuck for one reason only, MC and his coaching. Why does MTA trust this guy so much, what has he done?

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. DS added nothing to the Stars. They would have been better off without him. The guy took them downhill three straight years just like the Lightning this year.

Regarding KK...She is the real deal and has the potential to be a national player. I doubt SSM has a better player. I watched this kid take a cheap shot from WH EP team and take 20 stitches and come back stronger. KK is a better all around player now than CK was as a SR.

Anonymous said...

How did KK do at the RII camp this year?

Anonymous said...

851, How is your daughter doing??

Anonymous said...

Hello there :) I am 14 years old and from Burnsville. Well as much as I appreciate your very nice, "positive" comments ( haha positive??) , I think you should let the teams speak for themselves. Now I know you parents know SO MUCH about the game ( haha doubt it) but us players ( yes, the ones actually playing the game) don't need your worthless, negative comments. Now remember we're the ones playing the game, not you. Sorry to this but your soccer dreams are over. Bye Now :)

Anonymous said...

To 8:37- Sweetie, this blog isn't meant for you. This blog is a way for us parents to talk trash to each other and tear apart teams full of pre-teens and teens who are trying to just have fun playing a game.

By the way, if you are a pre-teen or teen who is trying to accomplish anything other than just using soccer for a social event- you are in the wrong State. Convince your parents to move now before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

sad but true

Long Live MA said...

STMA = the newest MTA expansion club. More to come. The vision continues despite all the hater-crap that is thrown around on this site.

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