Thursday, June 18, 2009

Regionals 2009

Schedule and Scores:

Play starts soon in the Regional Tournament in South Dakota. 14 MN teams will take the field to represent MN in the USYSA National Championship series. While few MN teams are expected to make the semi finals, we can all join together to support them in pursuing the dream of going to nationals.

Could this be the year that the WDB 17 girls can find the results to push through to the semis? Can the VLY 17 boys find their form and make a run? Will any of the MTA teams put the club controversy behind them and achieve what few MN teams have?

Please use this post to report scores, play and the overall excitement of the Regional Tournament. Please leave other topics in the other posts and just enjoy the reports from the tournament.


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Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing as you 12:24.

Anonymous said...

and how can you possibly make any kind of rational comparison between a U18 girls team (high school seniors in a full field) and a U19 boys team (returning college freshman in a reduced field with the USSF Adademy impact). and then make a claim that one is an "elite" team and one is a "cc" (so all of the Valley boys are from Lakeville?). the whole post was just a well disguised knock against MTA. not bad, but I've seen better.

although if my memory serves me correctly, i do remember some of socmom's statistical analysis from a while back on college commitments.......

Anonymous said...

VLY 19s are not a CC. They have players from all over. They have been coached/developed by a "Dad" who did a great job helping this team get out of their group.

Historically this team was strong until they lost Sutton and Bunburry to Shattuck. They had 3 or 4 excellent players and bunch of good players who knew their role.

I doubt he ever drew a 15-20K salary like some of the "elite" older boys/girls teams in MN.

Anonymous said...

Marc Sutton, the coach of the team has never made a large salary. He did a great job developing those kids from little on. I believe 6-7 are actual Apple Valley kids. My son plays on the team. Would of been interesting to see how things went this year at regionals if Bunbury and Rob (goalie) would have been with the team this year. This was a team of kids from all over though I must admit as well but had more from one place then many of the "Elite" teams in MN. Either way I am proud of the coaches and players from this team for their success they always had in youth soccer.

As far as regionals go we would of liked to of advanced to the finals of course but still have to be happy with our result. Indy Burn won the final today we were able to beat them 1-0 in group play.

I was able to chat with some of the Valley U17 parents as well they played before us 2 of the 3 days. They have 10 Apple Valley kids, something I didn't realize before. 8 Apple Valley and 2 Eastview, the 2nd high school in Apple Valley. I would consider them to be CC still.

To add into the injury list from both sides. The 17s parents said they had their starting GK out along with a CM for all of regionals when we were chatting. As the 19's we were rather healthy but I'll echo the MTA 18's girls and say exhaustion by that 4th day really can set in on a team playing at such a high level so many days in a row.

For those of you that couldn't make it I was able to watch many MN teams and they did the state proud playing hard against some strong teams. It's a shame to occasionally see a team getting shots taken at them on here because people think another team could of done better or for other reasons. Congrats all MN teams hope you enjoyed the experience and work hard to try to return next year. I'll miss the experience of being able to go more years now.

Anonymous said...

There can be a excuse used for EACH team and EACH game during the Regionals..Everything from Red Card, Injuries, Heat, Rain, Muddy field, Ref etc...Bottom Line, you gotta win baby..Winners advance, pretenders go home.

Anonymous said...

Whew. I thought 10:46 said the Inferno players got KNOCKED up. Now that would be bad.

tomASS said...

1;17 must be from the MYSA

socmom said...

Short and sweet Regions summary chart from Inside MN Soc.

Anonymous said...

10:46 it looks like you are making excuses for them by mentioning injuries on this board.

Anonymous said...

The WDB reference earlier was to socmoms allegiance. Socmom has a long history of an interesting way with statistics, whether twisted or fabricated entirely.
Re excuses there are none, you win or you don't. It is interesting how an MTA team receives more criticism for losing a semifinal than other teams do for not making it out of pool.

Anonymous said...

5:46 - see 10:42...

socmom said...

Hey 5:57
Why don't you take a name so we can track your comments?
BTW, what don't you get about MTA criticism?
The “Stars” have long been held up as one of the best teams in MN.
Ditto, their current coach.
(Both of the above for GOOD REASON).
Of course they will take a shot or two now; 5-0 is a bit of a shocker.
So what, all those girls are going on to or already play D1 soccer.
And DS will continue to be successful and admired.
P.S. I only wish I lived in Woodbury; I wouldn’t mind the allegiance.
I never pretended to be a stats major.
I gladly give rival clubs (WDB) (VLY) their due when they earn it.

Anonymous said...

11:33 pm

I have seen the U15G team for years. I saw them at State Cup both this year and last year, and thought they played uninspired offense this year compared to previous years. They are the best team by far in MN, so they could afford to play conservatively. However, the offense appeared more unfocused and listless than conservative.

They won Region II at U13 under Abboud. They were a semi-finalist at U14 with Abboud/Cook.

They didn't get out of group play at U15 with Cook. My point is they didn't score any goals against the two competitive teams they played. Maybe Cook improved their defense, but their offense has suffered for it, and they don't play with the joy or inspiration I used to see.

They did not play MRL Premier the previous year, so no comparison can be made there.

Anonymous said...

I was saddened to hear about MTA U18 Girls disappointing loss. The girls on this time are wonderful friends and all will have good soccer careers at their chosen colleges. Good luck Ladies, what a great ride! What I question is MTA's choice of new players to fill out the team this year. Why not pull over some of the strong Wings players going on to play DI? Would really have helped with goal production. Not sure of old politics but there are also some strong WDB players that should have been wooed to make a strong productive team both offensively and defensively. Many talk about consolidating talent but there are definitely some very talented and strong players at this age group that never got a look.

mama mia said...

Are you upset that MTA didn't cherrypick those players from Wings and Woodbury? That's a new one! It's incredible here in MN.

I've heard a lot of factors play into making some of these top teams: commitment, work ethic and behavior being just as important as playing ability.

Anonymous said...

There is no more Wings competative teams. They are all MT*.

Anonymous said...

i always love this notion that mta "cherrypicks" it's players. more often than not it is the "cherry" that is jumping off the tree - no "picking" required.

Anonymous said...


Agree with your assesment. MTA blue teams play more like machines then humans. Where is the passion on the field? Good skilled players but seems to deteriorated into thuggery when not going their way IMHO.

Anonymous said...

Kind of like the USA. Landon Donovan plays like a robot with no joy. We get chippy when things aren't going well resulting in red cards.

Anonymous said...

The “Stars” have long been held up as one of the best teams in MN.
Ditto, their current coach.
(Both of the above for GOOD REASON).
Of course they will take a shot or two now; 5-0 is a bit of a shocker.
So what, all those girls are going on to or already play D1 soccer.

Oh, so now its ok to loose?? After all the BS you spew and when your team gets killed, its ok?? got it!!

Anonymous said...

Just back from Sioux Falls -
Watch alot of games - thought 90% of the teams were competitive and made a great showing.
On the boys side of regionals some things of interest
U14 out score their opponets +16 GD and don't make it out of their bracket. Obviously these boys can play.
U15 at -3GD take 2nd in their bracket
U18 at a -2GD and don't win a game, and are 4th in their bracket.

On the girls side
U15 + 4 GD taking 2nd in their bracket
U17 +9 GD taking 2nd in their bracket
U18 SSM +3 GD taking 2nd in their bracket
U18 MTA +4 Advancing but doesn't have enough health players in the end to make a run at things.

The competition is tough at regions but I think most teams were competitive. I would venture to say for all teams MN has a problem with providing coaches that understand game management. Most are good trainers and drill/task master. Quality game management/coaching has a lot to do with who advances and who did not advance.

Referee's - Gotta say I was not impressed with the referee in SF. There was no consistancy in the calls being made even by the same referee on the field. For example I saw a referee give a KY player a yellow and then warn him for the same foul verbally four more times. Obviously the referee saw the foul but was unwilling to throw the second yellow. That was just one example of the inconsistancy I saw in calls being made of the field. Which was very disappointing given the level of play.

Anonymous said...

The Stars decline started when DS was annointed the coach. He doesn't have a clue how to maximize the productivity of the talented players he had. He is stubborn, one dimensional and has no creativity regarding in game strategy. Was the wrong coach for this team.

Anonymous said...

Amusing that 950 says MTA 15G are by far best team in MN based on a couple good showings at regions when they had fortunate draws. The won regions without playing a single team ranked in the Top 10 in the region at the time. They have done nothing else out of state and were fortunate to win state cup last year in a shootout. MTA logic.

Anonymous said...

They are by far the best U15 girls team in Minnesota.
They scored 15 goals in 5 State Cup matches and allowed only 1.
Who's better? Who's even close?

Anonymous said...

11:36 What about Disney? did that get relocated to MN?

Anonymous said...

Anybody that's been around this game more than a few years realizes that there really aren't any fortunate draws. The best team doesn't always win, but is the one that is able to take advantage of any defensive lapses or lucky bounces. I also wouldn't agree that the U15G MTA team is by far the best team in MN, but they have had success out of state. Winning the predator flight at the Disney Showcase and being 2nd only to the MI Hawks in the MRL premier league does show that they can compete, and sometimes come away with the results, I guess enough to have earned them a spot in the top flight of the new ECNL.

Anonymous said...

you just don't get it do you...

anything that is mta sucks
their coaches
their teams
their parents
their style of play
their success or lack of
the color of their uniforms

there, do you get it now!

Anonymous said...

What you have to say about DS is not even close to being accurate, I guarantee you have not been to a training session or sat in on a team meeting or sat on the bench when he coaches. The stars lost a great player and goal scorer when KB had three serious injuries if you know the team and the age group you would know that she was a major factor in the teams success. DS taught them about possession and passing and becoming a team that defends with all 11 players. If you remember the team was 3 for 3 in State Cups under his coaching. 2nd place in MRL Premier League behind probably the best team in the country Ohio Elite. DS has a philosophy and sticks to it a lot of coaches don't have a philosophy. Ask yourself what is your philosophy or what is your kids coaches philosophy. Yes he is very one dimensional, teach the game and get results in one classy way!!!

Anonymous said...

11:24 Please get your facts straight.

u14b were -4 GD not +16, but they usually do play well.

u15b were +3 GD not -3. Lost to last year's National Champion, who has already punched their ticket to Nationals through the National League. This team also recently beat (MRL premier) the team who ended up winning the region.. oh well, train hard and hope for another chance next year.

Ref's I saw were terrific. I would agree that a foul is a foul, and a caution should be a caution, no matter when, or where, but many ref's struggle with the courage to send off a player. They feel like they are negatively affecting the game, when in fact if they do not take action they are negatively impacting the game...

I disagree with the bash the coaches too. One more quality player on any of these teams could put them into the National Championships. One less on some of the teams that beat MN squads, and the outcome may have been significantly different.

I coached at regionals less than 10 years ago. I am not as good as the coaches are now. The improvement of our teams is significant, but other states, of course, are not waiting for us.

Let's keep training hard, supporting the kids and coaches and referees. We will continue the improvement until we consistently win at the level our kids want to play at. The coaches will improve, the players will improve, and despite ignorant fans, the refs will too.

Anonymous said...

It was the MTA U13 Boys who were +16 goal differential. Not the U14's.

Anonymous said...

don't get too caught up in the goal differential when they beat ND 12-0 and SD 7-0......

Anonymous said...

Way to go U15B! The toughest draw by far and a VERY respectable showing. Ignore the naysayers and just keep playing, training and practicing hard. You'll be there again next year!

Anonymous said...

That team did well. It's been a long time since a Minnesota boys team has beaten an Illinois team at regions.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:24 here
Sorry about the typo, I meant U13B not U14B. My apologize to the U15B great job!

Coaching - has improved since 10 years ago doesn't mean it were it should be for the teams to be competitive. Saw too many games were teams went into halves w/the lead only to lose. To think that only the players need to improve that our coaching is great is short sighted. I appreciate all the work the coaches put into their teams, but again MN does not have a very experience coaching pool IMHO it showed. We have lots of coaches that can run a training session not many that can react to game situations.

Ref's- a Caution is a caution but referee feel they are negatively affecting the game, when in fact if they do not take action they are negatively impacting the game. Qualifies as poor referee IMHO. The game situation I mentioned the KY defender had a knee brace and was having problems turning on his bad knee. So instead as the MN player went by he would just wrap his arms around him. It was deliberate and a good play by the KY player as the refeee did have the "balls" to follow thru and he kept at least four scoring opportunities from happening after the intitial yellow. Other games, OBVIOUS missed off sides, a U18 & U19 games called like they were U9 and every time someone was touch or fell down a foul called, I even wonder if all the referees were from MN and just being MN nice. I watched about 16-20 games some MN, some other states the referee was poor for all.

Your last paragraph, HUH! Talk about MN nice. Everybody played great, the coaches were great, the referee were great. Identifing weakness is a key component to development and sucess. Blindly saying just keep training hard kids is a waste of players, coaches and yes, even referees time and energy. Constructive critism is a key essential to any development. I sure in you opinion MN didn't advance one team to regionals was just bad luck. This maybe were you and I differ, most championship teams make their luck.

Anonymous said...


How are you even thinking that the U15Boys had the toughest draw?! They had NoDak in their group and the team that won their group didn't even advance to the final...They group winner lost to the team that lost the final. Yeah MI and IL are solid states but your overhyping by saying BY FAR.

Anonymous said...


Tired of the DS excuses. The Stars /MTA91G were winning state cups long before DS arrived. They were the best team in Minnesota. He inherited this team. They would have accomplished as much without him possibly more. He got a free ride and padded his stats.That doesen't make an elite coach.

Next year he will be gifted the best team MTA has and get another free ride. This is his MO. Qverrated....

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of claims about the WDB 17's having a high talent level. Socmom treated us to regular updates about the great soccer programs their players were going to in college. We are told players leave MTA to play with players that can challenge them. Despite this they have accomplished much less at the regional or national level than either of the MTA teams we see criticized. Yet never any criticism of their coach. Why is this? Who is doing this criticizing? Who has the motivation? Disaffected player parents? Envious rival coaches? It is obviously someone with an axe to grind. Sad and interesting at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Care to explain his success at Jefferson HS winning State Championship and getting to state on several other occasions?
Guess that's just coincidence. Just like when he took the 1st Tsunami Sota team to the national championship game 2 consecutive years.
So what are your credentials? Please share...

Anonymous said...

9:48 why is this? simple answer. it's because it's the wdb inferno and not the mta inferno.....

Anonymous said...

Socmom is not from Woodbury. She is from up north.

Anonymous said...

Nobody said she/he is FROM Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

DS HS teams were good because they had roughly 12 or 13 premier players. He did nothing to develop any of them. He stopped coaching Jefferson when the talent level went low, then picked them up again after the premier players were back at Jefferson. If anything he has underachieved as a HS coach.

Anonymous said...

DS has been to nationals a couple times. Had those players ever accomplished that before DS was their coach? How many other coaches have coached a MN to nationals multiple times?

Jefferson HS never made it to the dome with a ton of talent until DS arrived. With an awful club program in Bloomington, a small student body, an aging community and less talent, Jefferson has made it to the dome 4 times with a title in the last 10 years with DS coaching.

He "free-rides" to talented teams these days because he earned it. Would you go back to coaching poopie CC teams if you've been to nationals a couple times?

And he wins with both boys and girls and kids and adults. Quite impressive.

Anonymous said...

The DS bashers would love to have him coach in their club. His record with club teams, HS teams and with Lightning speaks for itself.
Just more trash talk from the anti Bangu/MTA crowd is all this is.

Anonymous said...

DS once coached a Cottage Grove club team with all Cottage Grove kids to Regionals. I doubt that team had the best talent in the state. Park(Cottage Grove) HS has been to 4 state tournament and he had a hand in all of them, both as player and coach. They never do anything anymore. I wish he was back in his hometown. Jefferson had never won a state tournament game in the history of the school in the Bloomington glory days when Jefferson, Kennedy, and Lincoln were great sports teams in all sports. He takes them to the Dome 4 times. By the way he left for two year to work on a 2nd Masters degree in Education Leadership. Wow I wonder if that helps him in managing a team and working with players and parents. I am guessing one person has an axe to grind with him becasue their kid did not make a team or did not play. He is well respected by his peers and has won multiple Coach of the Year awards in HS. He has his A license and his Youth License and a NSCAA Premier License. How many coaches have spent that much time trying to get better. Keep up the good work DS and you can always come back to CG and coach.

Anonymous said...

Did masters work at that time knowing the cupboard was bare for players.

Anonymous said...

So, how are the children?

Anonymous said...


If DS was as good as you say,he'd be long gone doing great things at the national level.

Maybe WH will take him with him to the UK.

When you mention DS to college coaches you get a chuckle.

He peaked years ago.

No hate just fact.

Anonymous said...

Actually you are wrong again. DS was given and Admin job and they told him he needed to go complete Ed Leadership degree. That goes to show you how well respected he is at Jefferson. They gave him a job without the degree and then he went and completed the degree. He tried to make it work but his class work was on of the big play days for HS soccer like Tues or Thurs. Nice try again. Leave the guy alone you look foolish.

Anonymous said...

Good one DS is so well respected with college coaches its not even funny. The guy knows everyone and most people come talk to him and not the other way around. You have no idea what you are talking about.
I spent about 20 minutes walking around with him at Regionals and a bunch of coaches came and talked to him and wanted to know about players. Peaked what does that mean he is getting worse? It does not make sense, he has done more to make himself better in the last few years then any coach in MN.

Anonymous said...

DS is not good enough to coach a National team and he knows it. Plus he wants to teach and from what I understand he is one of the most well respected teachers at Jefferson. I have heard as good a teacher as coach and maybe better, I know he won some big teaching award a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

The fools who attack DS are obviously jealous of his achievements and coaching acumen and success.
It's obvious these bashers have little going on in their own lives so spend their time trying to tear down successful people in silly and vain attempts to bring the successful down into the gutter with themselves.
I actually feel sorry for the hateful and jealous bashers.

Anonymous said...

IMHO, DS and MT* have ridden the coat tails of one excellent girls team (sota)that came out of MN....after that it was or is all great PR...neither DS or MT* developed anyone on that team.....the result are the truth and that can hurt....can you say Koolaid

MTA has recently done OK with the younger teams...but they drop off at the older ages.....

Anonymous said...

what is it with the person or two who have such a dislike (you could almost say hatred) for a few of the coaches in this town. there obviously must be some event or decision that impacted them in some way, because why would they go to such extremes to disparage someone? we all know it's easy to spill one's personal vile anonymously here on this blog, but IMO something's short-circuiting in a few of these folks.

Anonymous said...

Tell us when you think player development ends? Is it at U12? U16? Or do these players continue to develop when they're in college?
Come on,'re such an expert. What are your credentials? Show us what you've got besides anger, hate and jealousy.

Anonymous said...

EP 13G have Iowa and the Wisconsin runnerup in their last two games. No reason they cannot be competitive in both those games and end up 2-1-0 or 1-1-1. No other MN U13 team would have done better.

21/6/09 11:54 AM

OUCH I believe the U12's MTA last year did just as well (-10 GD).
All those out there that roasted this team for their results going to apologize? Doubtful

Anonymous said...

A suggestion or question. Do the Regional team Coaches get together after State Cup and evaulate not only the players but the coaches performances? Does it happen at the club level?

I have heard from several parents & players that they out played one even two teams that they lost to. I know soccer is one of those games were you can out play a team an still lose or tie. When it happens I think it would be advantages for all involved coaches & players to evaulate their performances. Telling a player you out played a team but lost doesn't really help them improve.

On the same hand it would be interesting to hear if SSMU18 team, that thought they out played the MTAU18 team, have that kind of process or did they just say "that soccer it is a cruel game" The reason I wondering about SSM team is because they SSM has a reputation of an excellent coaching staff.

To me evaulation of game/regional performances for both coaches and players from a neutral outside source would be a great benefit for all involved. It would help players and coaches develop.

Anonymous said...

if i only had $1 for every parent who thought their kids team was better than the one they played i could retire.......

Anonymous said...

SSM did not out play MTA not even close if anyone would say that they are crazy good. MTA had more possesion, more shots, more scoring chances, and more corners. Oh and more goals. Someone is just trying to stir it up.

Anonymous said...

aaaah.....the koolaid...drink up...maybe next year

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah DS did not take two more teams to the semis with one of them making the final since the Sota team.
That is better than almost any other coach. Since 05 or post Sota team DS and MA are the only coaches to have girls teams in the final at Regionals. If it is so easy why isnt everyone doing. RZ and TC have had boys teams in the final. Older boys is a lot different now too. Great for TC and SSM and very well done but we all know its a lot diferent now that the Academy exists.

You people are amazing.
No matter how much you want to hammer on some of these people they don't really care what one upset, jealous, ignorant person thinks.

Anonymous said...

11:48 - are you referencing U18 boys or girls? Maybe the boys, but you can't be serious about the girls.

Anonymous said...

You know the question wasn't really about who out played who, it was about reflecting and evauluating players and coaches. Does MTA have a vehicle in which coaches can be evaulated based on game management and player management? Does SSM have a vehicle for coaches to evaulate game management and player management? Does the state have a vehicle in which coaches coaching at regionals can sit down and discuss game management, player management. I thought it would be a interesting question to bring up in an effort to advance coaching education and the quality of coaches. I beleive most good coaches do this for their players.

By the way I meant the U18B as many of thier parents indicated that they thought their team out played MTA. MTA I didn't see the game so I have no way of telling if they were accurate comments or not, was strictly based on parent's postings, and was using it as an example. It would be kind of cool if more than 10 comments could be made without someone destroying another team sucesses and actually make constructive comments that could actually advance developement.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks development is going to occur by posting on a blog that is mostly populated by a group of fanatical parents that either love MTA and hate everyone else or hate MTA and hate everyone else except their own kid's team is delusional.

Anonymous said...

Who said Wayne H. was going to the UK?

Anonymous said...

Wayne H got the Liverpool youth DOC job

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was delusional, it was attempt to get away from the fanatical parents that post about their children.
Hey, I love my kids but I'd be one stupid puppy to think they were or are super stars. They good kids, one with some athletic talent and drive the other with talent but no drive. Both talent & drive are need to play at the regional level. For those few with both the talent and drive they will need something beside the "dad" coaches or the guys who played soccer "kind of" in the 80's.

To be honest, unless coaches and administrator post intelligent comments, the idiot parent garbage will only continue. Everyone knows it is garbage even when they are the ones posting it. I personnell don't know DS but I know much of the negative stuff posted about him is parental garbage. If we all just ignore the garbage post and start trying to have intelligent conversations and post perhaps this blog could evole. But until some of us try, it will always be parents saying my kids better than yours and your coach is evil and mine is a god.

tomASS said...

DS is a very fine coach and deserving of the accolades and not so much deserving of the petty parents' comments.

tomASS said...

Wayne actually got two job offers in the same week. The Liverpool job and more recently one for one of the younger England Men's National Team.

Poretti's quarterly editorial in the Soccer Times - public scolding of the MA State Cup incident. How lame, hey MYSA membership when are you going to realize that there is no leadership at the top.

Anonymous said...

TomASS I haven't seen the lastest Soccer Times, but MA State Cup incident is an embarassment.

To be honest I would love to sit in a corner and listen to WH, DS, IB, JC, GP, WB, BL, AM, JY, PC, SW and other of that calibur exchange ideas and coaching philosophy's. I think everyone could learn alot.

Anonymous said...

2010 MRL spring premier division teams announced

MN teams


Anonymous said...

Funny, no where can anyone find any news of WH new employment. Did it really happen? Probably not.

Anonymous said...

The real embarrassment is the "adults" at MYSA punishing a team and coach, MTA 13's, that did nothing wrong. Poretti should scold himself. Childish vengeance to try to avenge years of perceived mistreatment. Laughable if the consequences had not been so pathetic. Tomass is correct but lame doesn't even begin to describe MYSA's infantile reaction to MA's wrongdoing.

tomASS said...

953 - It would be a fun open forum to have take place. a panel of those guys fielding questions from coaches of all level.

Should take place at licensing sessions in an informal setting after the course work is completed.

11:36 - at the level we are talking about, there are contracts which are a bit more complex then your MTA or CC contracts. Though agreements may be reached in verbal principle there are more intricate details that need to be finalized. Announcements are officially not made until signatures are on the papers. Call the Liverpool office tomorrow if you wish.

tomASS said...

715 - I may not provided enough clarity.
Though I did not agree with the punishment handed to the MTA u13 team that is not what I considered to be lame or as you did, consider it infantile. I understand why they made the decision they did.

What is lame is standing on their pedestal and lecturing to an audience of people that are for the most part unaware of the situation and the details. Here is a guy that couldn't coach his way out of a wet paper bag in a Rec league, admonishing an unnamed coach. Maybe it's just my bias of the poorly run and functioning MYSA that is getting the best of me.

I just don't see the point of his editorial.

I wonder if they are providing any additional details in their meeting minutes.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely.
In their rush to judgment they hung an innocent team in the process.
Very immature reaction from a group of bureaucrats with a lynch mob mentality.
I wonder if any of them are having pangs of guilt now they've had some time to think about what they did?

Anonymous said...

I don't know WH personally, but it certainly appears that he is leaving and it will be a loss for MN soccer.

It is exactly what MN soccer deserves. This is such a bitter, resentful, and non-supportive environment that I would not be surprised if WH's leaving is just the start of a larger exodus of top coaches, and eventually, players.

The CC's are resentful of MTA, MTA is resentful of ANYTHING non-MTA (MYSA, CCs, SSM, and UofM, USA Cup, etc., etc.). Nobody is supportive of anybody else's success.

Why would MA & AK stay in MN in this toxic environment? Imagine what they could accomplish in St. Louis. Imagine what DS could accomplish in Cali! Imagine what TC could accomplish in Florida, or MDW could achieve at a Big East school.

Frankly, I don't know why any of those (and other worthy coaches unmentioned) don't leave. Family, maybe? Lack of ambition, perhaps? Is it that they enjoy being big fish in a little pond? I'm not sure, but if they think it through, I'm sure they reach the same conclusion WH did. They all could reach much higher levels of success in a different environment.

I would also expect that parents of top players would also look for more supportive environments in which to nuture their development.

The sad thing is that if these coaches leave, and the players follow, most of you would rejoice, albeit temporarily as your resentment would soon find a new target.

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, I've seen the statements by MA, the referees and parents involved. There was no rush of judgement by the State Cup Committee. It is strange that MA who could not shut up, went to the press, posting on his blog and basically made himself and MTA look like fools is now suddenly silent. The only one that should feel any guilt is MA.
Sleeping fine.

Anonymous said...

MA should feel guilt for costing his team the opportunity to advance. MYSA should feel guilt for punishing innocent girls for the coach of another team's mistake. Clueless, ignorant people always sleep well.

Anonymous said...

Innocent girls surrounded by parents who can't accept the punishment their coaches earned for them a month later.

Get over it. Move on.

I may have agreed with you at one time, but now I'm just sick and tired of hearing over indulged/involved parents whine about it. You know if you post another 100 to 500 hundred post about how unfair it was someone will change the decision. OR NOT.

Anonymous said...

339 I am not a parent nor am I affiliated with MTA in any way. I agree 100% with 715. What club was involved is irrelevant to me. What I don't like is an overbearing state association making yet another lousy decision that wrongly affects a group of kids who did nothing wrong, nor did their coach whether he knew what was going to happen or not. Difficult to believe that you think only parents on that team would feel this way. DQ'ing the U13 team was clearly wrong.

Anonymous said...

You're way off base.
MTA is exteremely supportive of the women's D1 program at the U and also the U's mens club team program.
MTA has helped the NSC sanction the USA Cup this summer and will do so again next year.
Get your facts straight next time so you don't stick your foot in your mouth again.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 4:39, I was unclear. I didn't mean that the staff at MTA was unsupportive, I meant the parents.

And I stand by my statement. Wait until late this July when MTA parents start posting about what an inferior, waste of money USA cup is. Wait until fall, when MTA parents start blaming MDW for, well, everything.

Anonymous said...


I can't hear you. Whine about it some more, I sure they change their decision.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like it change it.

Anonymous said...

1:03, you make wild claims that have no truth they poke holes in all your other comments. Typical hater on this blog.

I get the ban for MA, he's been more that up front about the mistake. If the state cup committee based their punishment for him on the 4th official and his public blog I don't have a problem with it. Neither does he nor does his club as far as I can tell.

As far as the AK punishment and what they did to the 13 team, all based on the 4th official who was part of a club that stood the most to gain by dual disqualifications, that in my mind is extremely suspect.

You say MA ran to the press. That's a complete falsehood and you probably want to talk to Tevlin for clarification on who came to who there. Why would anyone in MA's place want to make a public spectacle of all this?

As for anything coming from Poretti, the guy tries but is a whipping boy of CD. They will both be remembered in the years to come as the shepherds of MYSA's reign of idiocy in the 2000s. Do they think that MTA is something that is not happening in the US? Do they think the US Soccer is not looking for pro clubs to get involved with the youth? Do they think that SSM is not a good thing for the game? Do they think that club mergers are not happening all over the country? 4 or 5 years from now these people will be looked as as narrow-minded fools and we'll all laugh at how bureaucracy tried to take a hand in hindering the progression of the sport in Minnesota.

Tomass, I do hope WH lands in a good place. He has knowledge to share but most in MN won't give him the time of day. Can't wait to see who takes his place at the helm of EP and the HS. Is it Liverpool for sure? Nothing against EP, but the guy was destined for more advanced environments.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps "destined for more advanced environments," but living in the stone-age by saying things like "play for us or don't play."

WH probably didn't belong in our structured US system.

Anonymous said...

11:09- I don't think anyone has to wait for the "future" to view these people as idiots who are not doing the right thing by any means for soccer in Minnesota. I would say that most reasonable, intelligent people can see that now. As does the Federation.

My suggestion for those at MYSA who think they are doing the right thing by continually making up restrictive rule changes and enforcing ghost rules that make no sense is-- keep doing what you're doing. Don't pay attention to the Federal LAWS that keep you from doing what you are doing.It WILL catch up with you. When it comes to the Federation keeping their source of Federal funding open or supporting the MYSA narrow minded ways of restricting who can participate, who do you think the Federation will choose. In short, I suggest that those at MYSA become very familiar with the Ted Stevens Amatuer Athletic Act very quickly. I have a sneaky suspicion that you may be forced into familiarity with it very soon if you don't change/quit your posturing.

BTW- MTA don't view this post as one directed toward the "State Cup incident". It is not. It is directed at those who are contemplating new rule changes which would eliminate a particular group from competition in both MRL and State Cup. Those who this is directed to will understand. How about you come out of the dark places you hide and explain to everyone the proposed changes that will be further discussed at upcoming MYSA meetings?

Anonymous said...

You have to be delusional to compare CA coaches to MN coaches. Poor quality coaching is the reason MN soccer is mediocre at age levels 16/19. The shortage of coaches is the only thing saving their jobs.

Anonymous said...

WH is the typical little man who wants to be a big shot. It was all about WH not the kids.He thought everything revolved about him.MTA has a WH clone also. Wayne..don't let the door hit you in the azz on your way out.

tomASS said...

157 - why don't you ask the players in his club. I would say over 80% ( I'm happy if it's a 50/50 ratio) would disagree with your statement. Of course you are welcome to your opinion. Evidently you are not a coach but a parent that knows very little about soccer. So I understand your bias and bitterness.

such a bold statement from a courageous anon.

Anonymous said...

I'm confident in saying that you know a lot about people and ethics and rules and statistics and history and administration, but that you know very little about soccerball. I'm also confident in saying you let friendship cloud your judgment.

I would prefer you stop telling others they know little about soccer. Besides, with all the numbers and top-notch coaching in EP, shouldn't they be winning a lot more state championships.

xoxo, Anon

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing about this alleged 4th official. As I have posted earlier, no 4th officials were assigned for semi's. If there was one there, why at no other games that day? Why not scheduled?

Honestly, I'm over the scandal and punishment handed out, but I don't understand this fictional 4th.

tomASS said...

314- What Am I suppose to say my soccer playing and coaching background is bigger than yours. Your laughable. If you did know soccer then you would know the training sessions Wayne creates, runs and adapts are some of the very best in the state. But you seem to ignore that fact.

I have admitted to being bias towards Wayne but in a soccer sense if you would read more carefully or more slowly.

You may have preference of what you want me to do or not to do. However, your just an anon, of non-epic proportions. Thanks for providing that clarity.

tomASS said...

327 - not a fictional 4th. I have met the fine young gentleman. Fact of the matter is that he impressed me so much as a person, he would be the type of guy I hope my daughter hooks up with some day.

Very impressive young man

Anonymous said...

3:27 - I don't think he was a 4th offical. I think he was one of the sideline ref's. The 4th offical stuff I beleive came from the blog. I don't know if on any of the statements I saw that he was ever referred to as a 4th offical.

Anonymous said...

If one of these "officials" heard that conversation why didn't they address the issue with the coaches?
Doesn't that seem a bit odd that a 4th official or one of the ARs would hear the alleged conversation and do nothing?
Something just doesn't add up. The more that comes out of this subject the more I wonder what really happened.

Anonymous said...

TomAss ......first time on this Blog , some of it is good stuff, but some comments are so not true regarding WH....You obviously know the guy as I do, and he has been a credit to MN Soccer for over 9 years, 8 Soccer Books published, a program most clubs are envious of, and EP Soccer doesn't steal one player, its not a select Club ,but all home grown talent.850 in the program, and all these kids are having FUN!!! WH has a back bone makes tough decisions for kids to succeed in this World Wide Sport!! After all our kids are our Lives and we love to watch them at any level enjoying this great Game !FOOTBALL!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps "destined for more advanced environments," but living in the stone-age by saying things like "play for us or don't play."

WH probably didn't belong in our structured US system


Anonymous said...

Are you comparing Abboud and Harrison? If not please claify your post.
Seems both of them have been sanctioned by local soccer organizations in the past few years.
Harrison for coercing his club players with threats about not playing in high school and Abboud for throwing a game.
I don't know which offense I find more disturbing.


Where is the evidence on your WH comment??? There has never ever been threats to EP kids from WH...where did you get your information? Its Bull..Wayne is a honest and a first Class Coach.
Mark Abboud is a disgrace to MN Soccer. Never put them in the same category! I was there at the so called game, and EVERYONE was amazed.WH went up to MA and told him straight what he did was wrong!! Did anyone else go up to him when it happened?? No cause everyone is so Minnesota Nice!!! :)
Imagine this happening in English Football.....only in the USA!!At youth level too!!

Anonymous said...

Do your homework before sticking your foot in your mouth.
Harrison was fined and sanctioned for threatening his players with not playing or making the HS team if they left EP club.
This is a fact.

Anonymous said...

hey i know for sure that was not the case, it was for doing a Camp after the HS cut off date!!!! Check it out first before you put down Lies!! You have no clue...Mr Clueless!!

Anonymous said...

It was 5 years ago the first year he took the HS Girls Team..he overstep the rules which he was soory for....and oops i think they won the first year too!!!
I did my homework!!

tomASS said...

705 - you can claim the AR's and the 4th official should have done something. I asked this young man if he considered other actions than the one he took.

His response - no one on the crew ever came across the situation that was presented to them before. Never ever. They felt the most appropriate action was to record in their report the actions that transpired and what they heard.

Nothing unusual about their action or non action. What does concern me is why someone is trying to place responsibility on these officials again.

I think his answer was fair. I know as a referee I have never come across actions of this nature by coaches. Pretty rare

tomASS said...

818 - is still miffed about something long ago.
Bitter, resentful, all that stuff that goes with a parent's disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Tomass...i agree...he has no facts..and he obviously does not know WH.
Regarding the MTA was MA who screwed was easy for him to make that conclusion at that game..i wonder if he has done that before??? threw a game??Came easy to him.

tomASS said...

there is a pattern here of people not teaching their offspring about taking responsibility.

MTA throws a match and it's the refs fault, it's MYSA's fault, it's not the other team's fault.

And they will now continue to bitch and whine about it for ages to come.

Someone's daughter doesn't make the team - it's the coaches fault.

It is amazing what others outside this state must think about our soccer world here.

Anonymous said...

Mysa is responsible i agree...but MA made the decision that upset the apple cart!!
I felt for the kids..they were so a parent and paying all that money ..who wouldn't be??
I have seen disgruntled parents myself so many times...and they just don't see it that little Jonny will never be the next Beckham!! Like those bad singers on American Idol.!!!

tomASS said...

805 - you use the word "threatening". That term is pretty open to interpretation.

You were offered a chance to post the real deal that frightened you and your player so much.

Come on show the rest of us the frightening, nasty, threatening aspect of the letter you have in your possession.

No, you would rather be passive aggressive and hide behind this blog. Someone with character would take the issue up with Wayne directly rather than continue the whining from long ago.

Anonymous said...

It may be MA's fault that the U12's did not advance, "may" because they may have lost anyway. It is MYSA's fault that the U13's did not advance. They did nothing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Lets see if Mr Clueless arises!!!...probably not Tomass..nice name by the way!! :)

Anonymous said...

I know WH wife and he has a big tiddler.

tomASS said...

926 - though I thought they should not be penalized, They were given a win and an advancement that they did not deserve. That is not right nor a way to claim victory. They got a pity win.

According to my discussion with the "4th official" AK absolutely knew what was going to transpire. He, more than the referees, could have influenced MA to stop the action that was going to transpire.

It's over, move on. If they are that good they will be back. It's u13 soccer.

Anonymous said...

Henry says......I agree they did nothing wrong...MA put that team in THAT else...the U13 Coach just did what he was told..and he stood back and watched this farse!! He should have grew some B***s and stood up for what was right...but he was selfish!!

tomASS said...

932 - is that the same as willy?

Is that where the movie title Free Willy came from

Anonymous said...

9 34 there is no free willy well unless you come round my way!!!

Anonymous said...

I have it on good authority that if there are exactly 2363 more posts on the MTA "situation", that time will go backwards to the day of the u12 v. u13 game, giving MA the opportunity to correct his mistake.

So, keep it up, regardless of what others may say, your ceaseless posts on the subject can change the past. Just make sure that you are at the game next time and yell "Mark, NOOOOOOOOO! Don't do it!!!!" loud enough so that the 4th official can't hear any conversation between MA and AK.

Good luck to both teams in the rematch.

Anonymous said...


tomASS said...

Henry I can hear you fine- stop your yelling - I might think my wife is in the room with me

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:33,Someone mentioned the refs hadn't had that happen before.
AK hadn't had that happen before yet you ask him to gorw some B....
Shouldn't 1 of the 4 referees shown some B....?
Not a pair among the all four of them?

tomASS said...

947 - Yep, because technically the refs are only truly responsible for reporting the incident.

My question, "what coach wants to win a game that is gift wrapped and handed to him? He knew prior to the start of the kicks from the mark. What type of pride and character is involved in having someone let you win??
Does that sit well with you? Does it?

have we become that much of a welfare state?

Anonymous said...

Henry here....Well we all know what is right and what is wrong...ding dong the bells are gonna chime!!! Only WH stood up and said....Whats going on here..this is WRONG!!! ....they must be big girls blouses..that all i can say!!
AK was in a difficult situation ...he should have been wearing ear plugs that day!!!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter if AK did know what was going on. If the other team doesn't want to try to win the game that is not his problem. Maybe he should have told his keeper to let the shots go in?

Anonymous said...

Henry here...did AK know what was gonna happen...INCREDIBLE!!!

Anonymous said...

Then why didn't he??I could not believe how they did not even try and hide it a was so transparent.I could not believe my eyes....what i did see was lots of little girls crying!! Sad for them ..that adults can decide thats its ok to throw a important game!!

tomASS said...

957 - again what coach wants a win handed to them? Not his problem? I can understand a parent like yourself seeing nothing wrong with a win being handed to you since you may have a sense of entitlement. But a coach???

Anonymous said...

here here..tomass...!!

tomASS said...

Henry - he did. And the parents felt their players should still be entitled to the win.

Anonymous said...

Henry here....I am obviously living in Kansas...follow the yellow brick road!!
Amazing..where is the sport in that??

Anonymous said...

Henry here....................take take take...don't deserve it but take it anyways!!

tomASS said...

I know if I was playing against a team coached by WH and I told him I was going to let his team win because they probably would do better at regions, he would have told me to stick it up my arse and ridiculed the hell out of me for even being on the sidelines calling myself a coach.

Anonymous said...

henry here...Not sure where they taught that in our school systems...??

Anonymous said...

Henry here....yes cause WH likes to win fair and square...and give value for money!! He is a sore loser!!!So you had better be the best you can be coach!! Sorry about the gay remark earlier...!! :)

tomASS said...

I took the remark to mean giddy and care free

Anonymous said...

Henry here....i did my dear good MAN!!

Anonymous said...

WH had coerced his players for years in the past with threats that they wouldn't play in HS if they left their EP club.

In addition he held tryouts for several years that were in violation of MYSA rules and regulations.

WH is far from a paragon of virtue.

In my opinion the threats he made to his girls about playing time etc in HS is a far greater wrong that MA's once incident.

Anonymous said...

So? Who cares?

Didn't your mommy ever tell you that two wrongs don't make a right?

Just because you can find another soccer coach who, debatedly, did something on the same level of telling 12 year olds to throw a game, doesn't relieve any of his guilt.

What is your point? Since regionals has proven that we don't have any first class coaches, now we have to spend time deciding who is the least ethical?

I don't understand the value any of you find in this thread, unless you are all sad, sad people who can only find joy by finding fault in others. The good news for you is that everyone has some fault, so you will never be far from a new found joy.

Anonymous said...

Nobody here is claiming Abboud shouldn't be sanctioned for his actions. He was wrong.
I think the only debate is in how MYSA also threw Kaaasa and his team under the bus despite the fact he and his team had ZERO control over the actions of his opponent.

Anonymous said...

We don't win at regionals - got to be the coaches (couldn't possibly be the other teams might have had more skilled players)..... Been to regionals many times and can only think of maybe one game where I thought we were the better team and lost.
Sounds like a parent who bounces from team to team because the coach never knows what he/she is doing (or they think they know how to utilize their child better).

tomASS said...

728 - now you are expanding your story eh?
Please provide the proof- Years now?

Try outs in violation of MYSA rules - I think not since I have trained teams during this soccer camp.

Your such a cowardly petty person.

tomASS said...

anon 803 - I agree that the team had no control. The coach and leader of the team did. So acceptance of a game that he knows is going to be given to him is outside of his control to do anything or is it outside his character to do anything? I think you are kidding yourself if you think the former.

Anonymous said...

8:03 - No, I don't comprende. How does 7:28's rant comparing WH to MA prove MYSA was wrong in indicting AK? Makes no sense to me.

8:13 - Welcome to the use of sarcasm. No, I don't blame the coaches, and my kid has been on the same team for years now. My point was I could find no reason for all of this comparison over which coach has done the worst thing. Please try to keep up, it slows the whole class down when I have to go back and explain everything just for you.

Anonymous said...

8:28 - could be you just need to improve your sarcasm capabilities......

Anonymous said...

You are nothing but a billy bull s**t.You have no clue about WH...he has the best ethics of any keep insinuating these accusations..where's the proof????
I just think you are sad you are!!How sad you are!! If he is what you say he is, then why has he been at EPSC for over 9 years, he does not move around like many other coaches, he has built a fabulous program, again you cant please everyone, especially the parents! But overall no one will ever try and pull a fast one on WH cause he can read all you parents like a book..second,third and fourth guessing all the parents that is another book he could write!! oops by the way he has published 9 bad..just checked on his website!!
This guy never sits still, always learning, not a mr know it all by far ....but a good teacher of the game! :)

Anonymous said...

I was just on the EPSC website and noticed that the club tryout camp is in early July and clearly states that the camp is used to form 2009/10 teams. Also on the front page it lists tryout dates for non EPSC players after August 1. So the club has tryouts for current players before August 1(against MYSA rules) and tryouts for non EP players after August 1, which is what all clubs do. Looks pretty fishy and unethical to me.

Anonymous said...

WH was fined and sanctioned by MSHSL for statements about what his players needed to do when it came to playing club soccer. It is almost impossible to get fined by MSHSL and he did it. Its to bad some of the top kids did nt leave EP earlier to play on top teams in the state it would have helped the individual players development and exposure. That is selfish

Anonymous said...

On a positive not that actually has to do with soccer. The MTA U12 team just won their US Club Regional in Indy. They beat St Louis Scott Gallagher in the final 2-0. Congrats to them!!

The MTA U12 boys lost in the finals to Chicago Sockers, nice job boys.

Looks like some very good young teams coming throught the MTA Jrs program.

tomASS said...

1116 - take it up with the EPSC club then.
They don't recruit new players during the early time period.
It doesn't prevent current players from going elsewhere.

It provides an opportunity for other players to come in and try to make certain teams.

I also believe there is an EP rule that prohibits too many non-community members from making up too large of a player base within the club.

Sounds to me the club is serving it's community very well.

I think if you look at the way the rules are written there is not any regulations being broken

tomASS said...

1126 - are you sure he was fined for the statements you suppose he made but can not provide evidence to or was it because the dates violated the dates MSHSL has on the calendar that HS coaches should not have contact with HS players?

I don't think you know as much as you think.

Oh PS - fines happen all the time.

You're starting to sound like a whiney Wayne Bellamy

Anonymous said...

WH won't be missed. As someone posted "he's just a lil twerp trying to be a bigshot".

tomASS said...

1149 - and you can only aspire to reach that level, keep climbing

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
On a positive not that actually has to do with soccer. The MTA U12 team just won their US Club Regional in Indy. They beat St Louis Scott Gallagher in the final 2-0. Congrats to them!!

The MTA U12 boys lost in the finals to Chicago Sockers, nice job boys.

Looks like some very good young teams coming throught the MTA Jrs program.

30/6/09 11:38 AM

Who was coaching the MTA 12Gs??

Anonymous said...

Personnelly, I would not have my child play for WH. I don't like his sideline behavior. He knows the game very well and has taught EP a lot about soccer. He is a fearce competitor, hates losing and often is a poor loser. (I wouldn't be surprised if he agreed with everthing I just said.)

MA & AK are good coaches that have made some very poor choices and decisions recently. Unfortuneately, as often happens others have had to pay for some of their poor decision. It isn't the first time others have had to pay for someone else poor choices and won't be the last time. What that has to do with WH makes no sense unless MA & AK are jealous of opportunities coming WH way?

Earily post indicating that the Federation is watching MYSA seemed kind of silly to me. I'm sure they were watching to see if they need to intervene. Game "fixing" is a pretty serious offence. I'm sure they would have jumped in BIG if MYSA had done nothing. IMHO MYSA has some problems and I often don't agree with them, but in this case I think they were spot on.

It is so sad when there are more post about a U12 & U13 game at State Cup then their has been about Regionals during Regionals. When you can't see past the fence in your backyard there is little hope of being able to develop something beyond the fence.

Anonymous said...

Who is coaching the MA's team next year?

tomASS said...

I'm interviewing for the job ;-)

Anonymous said...

Abboud's U12 girls team just won the US Club Soccer Regionals today and will be going to USCS National Championships.
Sounds like it would be one heckuva team to take over.

tomASS said...

322 - it can only get better. If you do tryouts and recruit properly about 4-6 girls at this age group will be displaced for better talent that will emerge at U13.

Anonymous said...

tomass - are you suggesting tryouts are a bad thing?

tomASS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tomASS said...

443- nope, they are a great thing for select teams. At that age and if you have invited the appropriate players you should have significant turnover of talent to improve the team. I just think parents believe that because their child is on an elite team one year entitles them a position on the team the next year. Wrong, It does not make them a shoe in for the same team the next year.

Anonymous said...

so who is the idiot 3:41?

Anonymous said...

Biggest name at MTA leading candidate at EP.

Anonymous said...

Now who is the idiot? U13 on up...

tomASS said...

729 - that position isn't open just yet.

Anonymous said...

Looks like MYSA wants a permanent ban on MA. The competitive committee is working on something. I'll tell you what, reading the minutes from all the different committees on the MYSA website, it makes me wonder how many lawyers they have on retainer.

Anonymous said...

1;04......MA Ak made poor choices duh!!!mmmm do you think!! never ever in the Soccer World has this happened..except in our good old Minnesota!!!
So WH is passionate about the game so that makes hime a bad guy!! Played at a high level of Soccer and knows the game inside out!! mmmmm!!! so you never get passionate about anything in your life!!!hey and its ony because the MN kids are so far behind in the Soccer world, parent coaches have been ruling far too long!!!Time for the professionals...!!! :)Maybe if our Guys do well in the World Cup then the World of FOOTBALL will stand up and take notice!!

tomASS said...

1040 - I did the same thing tonight and had the same thought. The newsletter editorial had more information in it than the meeting minutes.

I don't think they do anything without consulting a lawyer, plus he is not that good IMO. CD past is not in soccer it is in HR and crisis control. She wouldn't make a move without talking with a lawyer.

I think they think they are the soccer gods and are all powerful and knowing.

Anonymous said...

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

CD and MYSA have no idea. I am embarrassed for the leaders at MYSA. No question what MA did was wrong. We all get that, but to punish the u13 team is sad. If they don't think they made a mistake then they have done even worse then MA has done. I love how they have a meeting to discuss the ethics of MA and AK and then they go behind the backs of some of the members on the state cup committee. It was wrong to exclude them but if you are going to exclude them then tell them do not sneek around. Once again I am embarrassed for them. TM should not be the State Cup guy, he does not even live in MN.

Anonymous said...

I know as a fact first hand that WH told one of his key players that if she left for MTA he'd have no spot for her on the HS team. I talked to the young lady in question and she confirmed it. She went on to do a great job at MTA.

Tomass. you probably know who the young lady was so stop blowing smoke.

Anonymous said...

I've read some of Wayne's books and I've had personal contact with him. There is little doubt in my mind that he is posting here as of late, defending and touting himself at the same time - based on the tone and lack of a 6th grade education of some of the last comments. Stop it. Move on to better things. You'll only be missed by some, mainly those from your club. To most others you're an arrogant prick and no one will miss a beat when you go. There are many other fine coaches and directors here, bred locally, with far more to give MN soccer than someone who has been strictly focused on his own personal gain in a club environment that doesn't take a genius to find success in. Tomass will have to find someone else's arse to warm his cheeks on but I'm sure he'll be OK.

As for current MYSA leadership, I along with many feel they are a complete joke. Moreover as some here have already touched upon, they will be remembered as the administration that could not see past the tip of their noses. Shame that people like Curtis, Coutts, and a few others will also be lumped in to the mix of mediocrity that defines MYSA today.

To MTA, keep on the good fight.

To the Thunder, field an exciting team to watch and you'll have my support regardless of what you do in the youth ranks.

tomASS said...

1248 - I do not know the player you speak. Is she one of the current captains of the EP HS teams? All 3 captains this year play for MTA.
Please advise?

141- I can assure you Wayne has no time for the idiots on this blog. You're more than welcome to your opinion. I would only guess your the type that would smile and shake Wayne's hand in person and give a hardy slap on his back acting like you're a friend; only to come on here and post as anon and bravely declare him a prick.

Psssst I hate to tell you Mr. Brave anon 141 but your character is showing! Too bad we can't associate that character with a name. I'll just keep my eyes open for a non-vertebrae individual with plenty of empty space in his briefs who thinks he might know a bit about the sport of soccer.

Some of the thought sound similar to an individual I spoke with by phone yesterday, But that gentleman seemed too classy to make a post like you.

Anonymous said...

Henry here...Tell us your name??? if you have had personal contact with WH then he needs to know who you are writing all this bull s*** and you ask him yourself personally.Oh but you are actually Minnesota Nice...but nasty cause you hide behind a anon tell me your name and i will tell you mine???
Which lady are you talking about as I know for a fact none has ever been spoken to like that. Obviously your kid did not make the HS ....but it won't be her fault must be WH....because you live in a world of denial....!!
Tomass...why do you put up with crap??? Your better than these guys!!!:) But you are wind up merchant..but these idiots are to stupid to realize what you are doing..!boom boom!!

tomASS said...

henry - I would much prefer to tell most of what I say to their faces, but one anon looks like the other in most cases.

People are so brave when they can hide. I can't believe I grew up in MN and this is what MN nice turns out to be passive aggressive bullies.

Anonymous said...

Henry here....If WH is as bad you all say he is ...why do so many professional organisations want WH?

Anonymous said...

Henry here..
Tomass......I know you are not the norm in Minnesota...being in your company many are a rarity!! keep up the good work!!

tomASS said...

I may be rare, now if only I was worth something

Anonymous said...

The a$$ kissing and holier-than-thou self promotion is getting embarrassing here.

Anonymous said...

An anon actually got under Tomass's skin. Never thought it would happen. All the shots people have taken at him and the one that puts him right in the midst of the negativity is when someone points out that he can't see straight with his nose so far up Wayne Henry's, I mean Wayne Harrison's arse. That's funny.

Anonymous said...

Maybe WH will take his understudy DS with him to the UK. It would be a great twofer. Then they could argue which of them was the greatest coach in Minnesota history. They could start a club and name it "Little Men". A couple of overrated coaches.

Anonymous said...

The real reason WH is wanted by so many clubs is that word is out about his big nudger, its the wags that want him at these clubs.
Forfar 5 East Fife 4, Celtic 1` Rangers 1.
Cumbrian div 1,Nudgers FC 1 Tiddlers Utd 0.Plonker City 7 Twangville 1{scorer Bungle}
Helen Keller Reps 9 MTA Coaches Select 2{H K went home after 51 mins leading 8 0, own goal by MA}

tomASS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tomASS said...

913 - please learn to read and comprehend better. You'll never get a decent score on that IQ test with reading skills like that. That comment you refer to is so trite it's hardly worth a blink. The color white is more original and vibrant than that opinion

what gets under my skin is how people are so brave posting as an anon, they feel it necessary to to disparage others through derogative labels. Think about it, what does that say about the depth of one's character?

More so than anything else that is why this blog site should shut down. At least give a moniker to associate your comments with.

tomASS said...

an addendum to my last post:

say what you want about Wayne, but you do realize at one time he did come on this blog a long time ago in an attempt to talk soccer and tactics.

He at least was willing to stand by what he wrote because he always signed his name.

Anonymous said...

Yes WH is all about self promotion. He even has Tomass working on his behalf. No UK organization wants him. He was fired be cause he was overpaid and underachieved...period.

Anonymous said...

He is a poor loooooser in-deed!

tomASS said...

1131 - are we in a time warp and we have gone back to April 1st? Is today April Fools Day?

Anonymous said...

OK enough with the WH talk. This is boring. Did anyone know the U-12 MTA team through the game at State Cup to the U-13 team? Now that is a stimulating conversation?!?!
As a coach and a parent of a girl who is on a first place team in her division it is very disapointing to have all of the scheduling conflicts with NSC and the MYSA State tournament series (dist,regionals and State finals). Does anyone know if the two have come up with a schedule for next year that doesn't conflict? I am sure there is plenty of blame to go around between the two organizations so i am not looking for finger pointing but rather would just get it worked out for the future.

Anonymous said...

Honey, I have had kids playing MYSA soccer for over 15 years and there hasn't been a year that there hasn't been a conflict.

Anonymous said...

Sweety :) I have had kids in MYSA for the past 6 years and I can't ever remember a direct conflict like this one. I agree a possible single game conflict here or there but the weekend Cup basically forces you to NOT play in Districts.

tomASS said...

I only remember one year there was not a direct conflict.

True leadership at the MYSA level could easily prevent such conflicts.

bureaucrats are inflexible and rules are rules.
Solutions never develop from such a mindset

They voted down a proposal for a NSC solution because it was submitted past the deadline. Of course the deadline was missed because discussions were taking place between the two parties trying to find.

Anonymous said...

I heard a parent talking who called the MYSA office, they said that all three teams would be relegated. Ouch!!

Anonymous said...

If you are playing in the USA Cup week long tournament and are also is Districts, USA Cup will do its best to help with scheduling conflicts. When registering, you should be able to make a note of that to them.

The conflict of dates between USA Cup and MYSA tournaments is because MYSA changed the structure of the Summer State Tournament after USA Cup received other US Club Soccer sanctioning. USA Cup had to get other sanctioning because MYSA didn't choose to sanction both Weekend and Week tournaments.

All we can do is keep contacting both groups of leadership to voice concerns and hopefully they will come to a better decision next year.

Anonymous said...

Why is this a big thing now? It's all been well documented and we all knew what was brewing.

tomASS said...

anon 921 - out of site out of mind. Now that it is getting closer and the conflicts more apparent is why I think it has been a topic once again.

Good reporting by Brian on his blog. Read all 3 articles and what becomes very evident

1) fairness in reporting of the situation based on the responsiveness of the given parties involved.

2) NSC - very open in regard to discussing the situation

3) MYSA - Bunker mentality, no responsiveness to outside inquiries, but also appears to have have been non-responsive to NSC's attempt to find solutions.

It takes two parties to tangle in a dispute. Maybe both parties had points of being inflexible in some of their demands, but it does appear MYSA was the less responsive and inflexible in this matter............well most matters that is, but this reinforces a pattern of a soccer bureaucracy

Anonymous said...

scheduling lead time is the only issue

mysa is guilty of deliberately creating conflicts

for their own teams


Anonymous said...

If your son or daughter's team is inconvenienced or you dislike the conflict, please contact MYSA and voice your disagreement with how they schedule and/or handle this.

If enough have the guts to verbalize, maybe they'll get back to the negotiation.

On the other side, if NSC would put some money back into the fields, we might want to play there... i.e. green sand loosely tossed into large holes is not much safer than the original hole. Appropriate size fields would be interesting too.

Anonymous said...

1244, Don't forget about weed killer. The grass is being over run with weeds. Can anyone say weed and feed???

Anonymous said...

Question..instead of all the bashing and negative chat on this blog, does anyone know why in the USYSA Championship Series, Region III and Region IV both have Qtr finals and Region I and Region II both go straight to Semis?? 4 teams from Region I and II are not getting the same rules as Region III and IV does???
I would think at this level, anything can happen.

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