Tuesday, March 24, 2009

College Bound Player

Recent annoucements on College Signing Day show once again that MN is hot bed for girls soccer development. The boys still have a way to go to represent MN at the D1 level. Then again, many of the top boys players end up going to SSM and don't get any press.


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Anonymous said...

Top 10 not in any order

Penn State

Top Conferences in Order
Big East

Anonymous said...

So now being a competitive athlete has been reduced to getting money.
I pity your kids.

Anonymous said...

Some are you are spewing that kids do not get scholarship $'s to top programs, well, what is recruiting all about. Lets just say ND offers a player 30%, but FSU offers 65%, then ND ups the offer to 70%..doesnt that happen?? I think it does. I know it does!! As for 2:37, what is that comment all about. In todays world, every $ counts for a EDUCATION. Would you rather pay $180,000.00 over 4 yrs for a ND education, or would you rather pay $45,000.00 after 4 yrs?? I know what I would rather spend. Is recruiting competitive?? You bet. Just like being competitive on the field. You can pity anyone you want 2:37, but for those players that are getting some sort of scholarship $, I say, CONGRATES!!

Anonymous said...

1:58 - on paper, you would think the big 12 is much better than the big 10, but the big 10 consistently beats the big 12 in regular season competition.

Anonymous said...

Think of all the dough parents (especially on the boys' side) are investing into scholarship pipe dreams. Take the difference between what you'd pay to play for MTA and a strong CC, invest it into a 529 plan, and there's your scholarship. Plus, a lot less heartbreak, fewer egos to deal with and more time to go on a vacation or two.

Anonymous said...

1:58 - not a bad start. others to add might be Duke, Wake Forest, and USC. IMO, Penn State and Texas maybe a bit too high.

You also left out ND in your top ten who are annually top 5.

Up and coming programs are Virginia, Florida, Cal, San Diego, and I'm sure I left a few others out (most like wherever the poster who responds kid is off to.....). WI is also starting to put some nice things together. Some schools can rise/fall quite a bit depending on an incoming class or two, while the top ten just kind of reload (unless injuries get the best of them like Santa Clara last year).

Anonymous said...

Seriously, 4:41, what percent of the parents out there have their kids in high level soccer primarily to get a scholarship? IMO, maybe 10%-15%. Now is it a nice byproduct of all the kids hard work - sure, and I wouldn't blame one single parent for trying to get every dollar that they can. The only thing I hope for is that the school that gets chosen is for academics first and soccer second. Sometimes this is where things get more fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

if you listen to the recruiting pitch from one local club, their players get scholarships. That's why kids should play for the club that will get them visibility. Is that not correct?

Anonymous said...

My daughter plays for MTA and I've never heard the pitch put that way. Will they get good visibility - absolutely if you are on a state cup challenging blue team, so-so if on a white team. Never any guarantees and all depends on the player. Last time I checked looked like quite a few 2009's heading off to colleges to play soccer after a very solid 2008. 2010 will be a much different story as the bulk of the top talent plays elsewhere. 2011 is a bit far off, but from what I've seen there appears to be talent scattered on quite a few teams at that age group.

BTW, if you think MTA pushes it, check out SSM, there pitch is on one of the first pages in their soccer program guide.

Anonymous said...

Yea, but arent facts facts??

Look at Eclipse website, the list is never ending on that site.

Anonymous said...

Some would say Michigan is on the up swing as well. Building a new SSS on campus, they have Ryan as the HC, Things are going to happen up there. WI?? Maybe, but I still see Penn State as the power of the B10. They got a great 09 class and a good 10 class as well.

Correct ref ND, totally blew it on that top 10. I wouldnt put Duke, WF or SD in that group thou. Duke was killed in the qrts last fall 6-1 by UCLA if I remember correctly. Lets do this, top 2 teams of each conference

Pac-10 UCLA, Stanford
Big East ND, WV? UConn?
WCC Portland, Santa Clara
Big-12 A&M, Texas? Nebraska? Mizzou?
SEC North Tenn, ?
SEC South FL, LSU?
Big-10 Penn State, IL?

Anonymous said...

what's your point 9:50, that every MTA player should get a scholarship? Using the Eclipse as an example is like comparing the Yankees to the Twins.

Anonymous said...

9:56 - not bad, but unfortunately it's kind of like NCAA basketball. there might be 4-5 teams in one conference (ACC/Pac10) that are better than virtually every other team in a few other conferences (Big 10 - excluding PSU, Big 12 - excluding A&M, SEC - excluding FL). True on Duke, but they did knock off VA in the sweet 16 and USD took UCLA to the death. I agree with MI, and keep your eye on VA, WV, and Cal as they are building on a few solid classes. Even keep your eye on Kentucky in a few years - solid new coach. Every year there is more and more top notch soccer talent so many programs are building strong recruiting class on top of strong recruiting class.
It's like a cycle - success=recruiting=better talent=success=recruiting, etc....
So long as there is good coaching in place.

Good topic and beats watching the USMNT get whooped down in Costa Rica.....

MaMaYo said...

Here's a question to ponder...

How would having a D-I men's program at the U of M affect boys' soccer in Minnesota?


Anonymous said...

someone is smoking bad drugs - Nebraska good?????

Wisconsin has been AWFUL...even with the good recruits they have been getting. They have some good ones coming in....but it is still going to be tough to recruit to the worst facilities in the big ten.

Michigan????? they could be better with Ryan.....but they were also AWFUL last year. what did they score...like 2 goals

Missouri????? incredible starts to every season.....have never been two a sweet 16 - never

Anonymous said...

9:16 - we are all just tossing around thoughts, agree or disagree (i believe the poster even put a few question marks after some of the teams). What are your thoughts of the difference teams and conferences. You sound knowledgable so love for you to contribute (in a positive way).

socmom said...

Here's a top ten list.
All teams below have ranked (RPI) in the top 25 each of the last 4 years.
The are arranged by most recent # of wins record.
Notre Dame
North Carolina
Texas A&M
Florida State
Penn State

Anonymous said...

thanks socmom - solid list. anyone out there who is missing who you think should be in there (SCU?) and any thoughts on teams/schools on the rise (or decline)?

From what I've seen, there is still a bit of spread between the truly "elite" programs and everyone else. Kind of like MTA vs Eclipse, Slammers, Texans, etc.... (but maybe even a bit more of a gap). If you check the final eights for the last few years, you will see the same schools consistently in there.

Anonymous said...

How about a lil reality.....The B10 has been in a decline for many years. Once the top conference in the land now the center of jokes.
Some attribute that to tougher entrance requirements. Today other then wrestling,swimming and track the B10 is pretty much a non factor.

Anonymous said...

since when was the Big 10 the top conference in the land? might be a bit of a "homer" there. Take a peak at which conference has won the most titles over the years in all sports and it might be the Pac 10. ACC/Big East has always been basketball and football is life down south.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 1:39
Did we all miss something?
I don't recall anyone holding Big Ten soccer up as all that.

Anonymous said...

1:39 get a clue. Do the math on just how many basketball and football national titles (the two primary revenue sports) that the B10 has won over the last twenty years and you may be surprised. True, right now it is down, but like everything, there are ebbs and flows.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't necessarily call the Big 10 as a conference in the dumps.

They had a really strong men's basketball season....football has been disappointing for years, soccer would have had 3 teams in the sweet 16 if PSU didn't lose their keeper before NCAA's, wrestling is #1, baseball is very average, women's basketball is strong,

But I believe part of this is due to the fact that academically, the big 10 is FAR superior to the other top conferences. big 10 schools don't open up their academic acceptance doors for just any student-athlete unlike many of the other conferences. it really isn't even close from top to bottom. Big East....maybe, but pac 10, sec, big 12, acc.....if you look top to bottom, there is no comparison to the big 10 academically. You put the academics combined with athletics and the big 10 is an incredible opportunity.....especially in women's soccer where there isn't the dangling option of professional soccer at the end of the collegiate career.

UNC and ND are also incredible academic institutions....but then again, 1/1000 of 1% are even going to get a look there in women's soccer.

Anonymous said...

11:43 - good post. The bottom line is you get out of college what you put into it. A "top ranked" college does not guarantee a quality education and one ranked lower does not guarantee a lesser one. I might call you on the Pac 10 though. Stanford, UCLA, Cal-Berkeley, USC, UW, etc.... not exactly slouch schools on the academic listings (granted ASU is part of the conference.....JK).

Anonymous said...

agreed somewhat on the pac 10 - but yes, asu and az and the oregons schools don't really help the cause.

top to bottom, it is really hard to beat the big 10. It is what you put into it, I agree totally. but many on here bash the Big 10 in athletics when in reality, they are just a notch or two below lvy league academically and trying to compete athletically with schools that allow anyone off the street to come to school. then you have the big 10 grad programs that are exceptional.

Anonymous said...

There's always North Hennepin Community College...

Anonymous said...

You might be better off going to a trade school and playing soccer with a local Ukranian team. That way you will have little debt and will probably be able to land a job. College means little today.

Dreamer said...

Who needs college? I'm going to play for the Thunder someday and make $50 per game!

Anonymous said...

College means a lot if you're willing to work hard and choose the right major.
Math, physics, chemistry grads are finding jobs. Couple that with a computer science or Econ and you're golden.
Your poly-sci, psychology and English Lit majors are serving lattes at Caribou and Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Who's the favorite to win the womens national championship this year?

Anonymous said...

Canada. No, wait. That's hockey.

socmom said...

Anon 2:14...

Here are last year’s "final 8" tournament teams ranked according to final RPI.
(I noted the starters lost to graduation etc.)
Take your pick!!!

-1 North Carolina (loosing starters Averbuch, Long)
-2 Notre Dame (loosing starters Bock, Dew, Hanks, Mendoza, Weber)
-3 Stanford (loosing starters Falk, Abegg)
-4 UCLA (loosing starters Dimartino,Zerboni)
-5 Portland (loosing starter Rapinoe)
-6 Florida St. (loosing no starters)
-9 Duke (loosing starters Quinn, Powers, McDonald, McCann)
-10 Texas A&M (loosing starter Robinson)

After finally getting to see Stanford play, I'd love to see them take it all.
IMHO, they played a really pretty style of soccer.
But, I doubt they will overtake a NC or ND.
Teams from the west seem to have trouble vs the more physical teams from east / midwest.
My opinions are based solely on watching the available NCAA tournament games the past couple years.
I’m no expert.

Anonymous said...

Good homework 2:26...I think ND lost the most. Bock and Hanks are huge loses for them. UCLA will playing at UNC Aug 22nd.

Anonymous said...

Interesting articles on college admissions and economic downturn. I know several families who have recruited athletes that are doing the homework to figure out if scholarships offered are worth going out of state for. Even if you get half tuition at a school like Michigan you would be paying big $$$. Wonder what the impact will be on future recruiting.



Anonymous said...

Golf is the way to go baby.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world does the U of M offer men's gymnastics as a scholarship sport, and not men's soccer? Are there about 10 boys who do gymnastics in this state? And how many play soccer? Isn't this the state's land-grant university, meaning our taxes go in part to support it?


socmom said...

I'm just guessing...
But starting up a new program,of any kind, must be kind of expensive.
(It looks like gymnastics has been around forever at the U).
Besides that, I wouldn't want to see one guys sport cut in order to add a different one.
Our best bet is adding another girls sport.
Then the door might open for boys soccer.
Until then, club soccer it is...

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2:39. Did anyone check how many young male gymnasts there are in Minnesota? Having mens gymnastics as a scholarship sport instead of soccer is gay (pun intended?).

Anonymous said...

could we be a bit more provincial. is the U only obligated to recruit MN gymnasts? have you looked at where the golfers are from?

Anonymous said...

Yes, golf and gymnastics should go. They could also reduce the 85 football scholarships.

socmom said...

I'd rather see some of the D2 state schools add soccer.
It would give more guys more opportunities.
There is only 1 state school program in all of MN for guys.
That's just silly.

Anonymous said...

Nice article about new and departing Gopher assistant coaches.
Coach Kate will be missed.
Good luck to Coach Krystle.

Anonymous said...

Very nice aricle. Didn't mention what level coaching license/certification she has? Will it be a conflict coaching her sister?

Anonymous said...

I know U of M athletes come from all over the country (except for hockey). The thing for me is, the U is taxpayer-supported, so one would think there might be at least some commitment to local athletics when deciding which sports should be scholarship. Golf is a big sport in Minnesota...the fact that there aren't many MN kids doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fact that men's gymnastics is NOT a big sport in Minnesota. and soccer is.

Anonymous said...

Soccer doesn't even get much coverage in local papers compared to other sports. Like soccer doesn't exist. If Robbie didn't donate the fund the U would be playing at Van Cleve park.

Anonymous said...

So what do your summer workouts look like? Saw a few players doing some 300's and then in the weight room. Nice to see motivated kids!

Anonymous said...

On boys side, just saw on MTA web site Jeff Webster is now headed to Augsburg (had signed at Green Bay). Big pick up for that team.

socmom said...

New site for discussion of D1 Womens Soccer RPI.
This guy has a unique interest in the RPI and puts in a lot of work on such during the collegiate season.
It's an intereting topic for anyone wondering how the NCAA decides who goes to the dance and who doesn't.
Without a Big Ten Tournament this year, I would guess the Gopher's RPI becomes more important.

Anonymous said...

socmom - sorry to ask, but why no Big Ten tourney this fall?

socmom said...

Not really sure the reasons why, or if this was a coaches or Big Ten decision.
But, it's a done deal from what I hear and was posted on earlier Gopher press release.
I've heard only rumors...
Some Big Ten coaches wanted more time between end of Big Ten season and NCAA's...
Cost cutting measure for B10...
Gopher coaches and players disappointed in the decision …
All just rumors though.
It cuts the season short if you don’t go on to the NCAA…

Anonymous said...

So, when will Minnesota get a D-1 men's soccer program?

socmom said...

I'm just guessing...
But not until another women's sport is added at the U.
Does anyone know when / where the last men's D1 program was added to any school ?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the UM drop all sports. Cut 50% of their VPs and reduce tuition. Building a stadium is rediculous when tuition is going out of site.

Anonymous said...

You gotta spend $ to make $

Anonymous said...

You gotta make $ to spend $. Let the new stadium go. It ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

where do you find the spreadsheet that details all the girl's college commitments?

socmom said...

New Link for Big Soccer Recruit Spreadsheet

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Will be interesting to see which MN players get some PT and a chance to make an impact. This will be a good gage of our progress.

Anonymous said...


Part-time? Physical Therapy? Pete Townshend?

Anonymous said...

Playin Time

Church Lady said...

Sorry, had to post...I can't stand staring at the number 666.

socmom said...

Church Lady ...
Hilarious ...
Thanks for the lightheartedness ...

Anonymous said...

"Well, isn't that special"....

Anonymous said...

Anyone have a review of the soccer training available to college bound athletes at FIT in MPLS?

socmom said...

Congrats to the two 2010 (NON WOODBURY SC) recruits from PSA.
If they are from the current U17GP team...
They have worked diligently and under the radar for many years.
Nice to see it start paying off.

Anonymous said...

Captains practices are happening now and within the next few weeks at some of the colleges. Any news on how things look?

Heard at USA Cup that several local players have reconsidered leaving MN for soccer. Hard decisions this late in the game.

socmom said...

Do you mean leaving MN (state) or MN (university)?
I can't imagine any player , who signed a 2009 Letter of Intent ,being released at this late date....
I can imagine 2009 recruited walk ons and 2010 committments changing...

Anonymous said...

Hear that several of the MTA players simply could not get past Academic issues to be considered as a NCAA Div 1 prospects.......

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it 2 UWGB recruits will not be heading OOS. Supposedly one changed mind and heading to St. Cloud and the other is a sad situation, death in the family so wanting to stay close to home. Both have been removed from posted rosters as well as GK previously headed to UW-Milwaukee.

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