Tuesday, March 24, 2009

College Bound Player

Recent annoucements on College Signing Day show once again that MN is hot bed for girls soccer development. The boys still have a way to go to represent MN at the D1 level. Then again, many of the top boys players end up going to SSM and don't get any press.


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Anonymous said...

I think the same could be said of the MTA U18 Tsunami Stars who went to Lakeville HS. Check it out!

socmom said...

From Big Soccer...
Another 2010 Woodbury SC Recruit / Commitment.
That makes nine girls so far to nine different colleges.
Congrats and I assume more to follow.
And before anyone accuses me of being from Woodbury...
Sorry, not from and never had a kid play for.
Just impressed with what they've been able to accomplish within the constraints of a community club.

Anonymous said...

socmom - please describe the "constraints" that you reference.

Anonymous said...

FYI - there is also a 2009 Inferno player going to Iowa State.

Anonymous said...

The Inferno team has no constraints. They have no residency requirements.
At least 75% of the team is not from Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

10:19 - The are 5 committed from Woodbury and there are still more that aren't on the list so I think you are a little off.

Anonymous said...

i believe this is correct, but 7 of the 19 Inferno players played on the WDB High School team last fall. actually quite impressive and on par with the Lakeville South girls who played on what was then the Bangu Stars (a few have already graduated).

Anonymous said...

All this what player is from what club and lives in what city is just mind bloggling. Who gives a rat what club they play for or where they live. Good mighty people. Give it a break.

I hope each player can go to the college of choice and make all conference, all freshman team, win all kinds of championships. I say, good for each of them. And concrates to the clubs.

Anonymous said...

EP U16 girls don't compare to the model of the 2 WBY teams.

Anonymous said...

12:16 is correct. the majority of the players on that team are EP kids.

Anonymous said...

Same with REV only has three none Eastview or Rosemount kids.

Inferno is a MA product and a good one and he shall have as much credit for it as the people at Woodbury who has worked with them the last few years.

Anonymous said...

in the beginning, Inferno was a majority WDB team, but each year they would pick up a new player or two from outside WDB. i think EP is what EP will be as they are already U16 and its getting kind of late in the game for most players to change teams. with REV, it will be interesting to see if they have success what will happen. what i see possibly happening (pending their level of success) is any other non-MTA/REV talent at the current U13 age group will migrate to one of those two clubs over the next year at that age group. very well could be same story - different "fill in the blank" club that competes with MTA next year at U13. only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Eastview, Rosemont..isn't that 2 communities? BTW there are 2 players from outside these cities.

Where do you draw the line for community club? 2, 3, 4, 5...

socmom said...

Anon 2:18..
Correct me if I'm wrong...
But didn't ex Gopher coach Brandon Barkus have a hand in developing the now college bound WSC Inferno?

Anonymous said...

8:40, you are correct. MA brought BB in at the Inferno's u13 year. BB brought in JE.

Anonymous said...

DREV is a much closer comparison to SCV than any community club. They pull from Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemount, etc...

Nothing wrong with that, but not sure if anyone should be calling them a CC.

Anonymous said...

REV has a total of maybe 2 or 3 teams that do that on the girls side, they are still very much a regular old CC, no where near what SCV is

all the clubs around there have a few teams that have set themselves above the rest in a certain age group and pull from all of these communities, REV is no different than L'ville, Valley or Eagan

Anonymous said...

I just have to say what a nice job REV has done the past few years. Our kids played REV for many years but had to leave the community club to find better coaching and training. This was back during the B. Lloyd era. The kids didn't leave because they were recruited, they left because the program was unable to provide high level coaching and training. At least three of the players that left that year will be playing at college next fall(DI, DII and DIII). The parents recently talked about how well REV is now doing and how well the program is run. COngrats to those who turned this program around and have been able to provide a competitive south metro option!

socmom said...

Another WSC Inferno player commitment.
According to Big Soccer...
This makes two to Iowa State.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To set the record straight on the Woodbury recruits, of the twelve 2009's and 2010's, four are Woodbury kids, which is a great number. That is probably more D-1 recruits in any two year span of any high school in MN history. These four are also going to pretty noted soccer programs, all of which are established or are in a very strong new coach/rebuilding period. They are: Florida State, Wisconsin, Georgetown and Iowa State, which has hired one of the winningest coaches at D-3 and herself an all-time great at Indiana.

22/4/09 9:29 PM
In regards to the comment on the new ISU coach, yes she had a great run at D3 in StL, however, D3 in StL is NOT the Big-12 going up against the likes of Coach G at A&M, Coach Chris at Univ of Texas, Coach Hempen at CU and Coach Francis at KU. BIG BIG Difference. However, ISU is a very nice school and they have a very nice SSS. Any player going to ISU will have a fun time. ISU travels to some really nice cities and its not too far from home. Good Job!!

socmom said...

Anon 1:30
Woodbury's doing something right!
These girls / this team / their past and current coaches all have a lot to be proud of.
I'm a little surpised we haven't seen more than one Infero player committing to the U.
Especially after the Gophers outstanding season.
But,maybe Coach MDW will pick one up before it's over!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Lakeville has at least 4 of their residents and maybe more at D-1 schools from their HS classes of 2008 & 2009.
Some of the girls went to Lakeville HS and some were at private schools.

Anonymous said...

Will Minnesota add any additional players from Minnesota?

Half of Woodbury is committed and arguable the top players. MDW must be recruiting out-of-state players. Numbers seem short already hopefully there aren't any injuries.

Anonymous said...

Kate Cortis the main recruiter for the U of M is leaving after the school year. The job is posted already.

Anonymous said...

Lakeville had 8 D1 players from class of 08 and 09. Solid showing.

Anonymous said...

Class of 2010 in MN not that strong so MDW likely not concentrating on instate recruits. CS would have been a nice addition. Class of 2011 has much more talent and I expect she will do much better there. Kate was a great recruiter but Gophs will continue to do well. MDW has had 3 solid classes in a row so one off year will not be a concern.

Anonymous said...

any word on where Cortis is headed?

Anonymous said...

the downside to what many believe is the improvement in MN girls youth soccer is that as the players get better (and more recognized regionally/nationally) the out-of-state opportunities at the "powers" may also start to improve. kind of like in football or recently in girls basketball where the truly elite kids leave state.

Anonymous said...

Class of 2010 not as strong as those in the past? Have you noticed where the 2010's are going. In the past, most of the D-1 recruits headed off to a third or fourth tier program such as ND, GB or NDSU. Now they're going to the Big 10, Big 12, SEC, Big East. Before the 2010's are done, don't be surprised to see more than a dozen Minn kids off to "major" conference programs, vs. maybe five or six in the past. I've heard another 2010 player is right now deciding whether or not to stay close to home or head to another najor Big 12 program. Fact is, this class will put more players into strong programs than any previous class has. The 2011's should do well and possibly better and hopefully that continues. Could it be that the writer of 7:05 is only comparing MTA's results this year. Likely that team will help fill out ND's recruiting.

Anonymous said...

currently there are 9 2009's off to "major" conference programs (although Iowa State which was 0-8-2 in the Big 12 last year isn't exactly what I call a powerhouse - I know, I know, new coach, blah, blah, blah). what i think we all agree on is the improvement in opportunities for MN players

Anonymous said...

705 is correct in their assessment, 2010 is a slightly down year compared to previous years. 2011 will be slightly stronger than previous years. Everyone should keep in mind that there is a difference between attending a "major" program and actually contributing there.

Anonymous said...

Class of 2008 had 13 girls attend "Major" conference programs. 2007 had 14. Appears 905 unaware of facts before posting.

Anonymous said...

maybe everyone should define "major" conference program.

Anonymous said...

MVC, Horizon, Ohio Valley are NOT major conferences.

Anonymous said...

Major would be Big Ten, Big 12, ACC, SEC, Big East, Pac 10. All the info I have seen posted is accurate. You can find it on Soccer Buzz. Congrats to all players wherever they go. This arguing and boasting about who is going where is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I am always amused when posters talk about where college players, especially female players, end up and whether they go to "strong" conferences. Many of the college bound young women have had offers at traditionally "strong" soccer colleges but choose to play at schools where mom and dad can travel short distances to watch them play.Young women like family support in the stands. Many times closeness to home trumps strength of soccer and academic programs when choosing schools for young women.

Anonymous said...

7:25 is correct. We also don't know if the players are recruited walk-ons, minimal scholarship kids, etc...

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why Cortis is leaving, where she's going and who might replace her?

Anonymous said...

Choosing a school is such a personal, private family matter. Some like small privates, some like huge state universities,some like math and science tech schools, some want liberal arts and some need the full tuition offered by smaller programs. Accepting an offer is a complex equation that is different for every family. It's not all about the strength of the soccer program.

Anonymous said...

well put 7:54. when it is all said and done four or five years after their first day (hopefully not more than that since I can't afford it), their soccer careers will be behind them.

Anonymous said...

What!? Academics more important when choosing a college than how good the soccer team is?? Ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Choosing a college for athletics is ok in my book if there is a potential pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (football, men's basketball, men's hockey, maybe baseball). Even then, those who find the pot of gold are very, very few.

No pot of gold in women's soccer so best to be a "student-athlete" and not an "athlete-student".

Anonymous said...

If you want to see more kids going to the top 10 colleges better stop playing bootball here in MN.

Anonymous said...

North Carolina plays "bootball", they seem to do ok. would you consider them to be "top ten"

Anonymous said...

except when they play it since they are UNC they get to call it "direct" or "attacking-over the top".......

Glad the WNT is slowly moving away from that style under their new coach.

Anonymous said...

RE: Women's Recruiting Classes
Using the most recent NCAA RPI rankings and Soccer Buzz and Big Soccer Recruit Lists…
Here’s how the past, current, and future recruiting classes, from Minnesota, shake out.
I only included recruits attending a Top 100+ program.
2008 Recruits: (1 Top 20, 2 Top 75, 2 Top 100)
2009 Recruits: (1 Top 20, 1 Top 30, 1 Top 70, 1 Top 90)
2010 Recruits: (1 Top 10, 1 Top 20, 1 Top 50, 4 Top 75, 1 Top 100)
If the 2010s continue, they are on their way to the most competitive programs yet.

Anonymous said...

3:26 - thanks. nothing like an inferno parent with some free time on their hands......

Anonymous said...

Also obviously an Inferno parent who does not consider the Gophers a top 100 program.

Anonymous said...

LOL the list isn't very accurate is it.

socmom said...

Apologies, I hit Anon vs Name before previewing.
I posted the recruiting class results.
And sorry, not now , not ever , a WSC parent.
Just like to get facts straight before commenting.
I did however include MN.
With an RPI rank of 17 they are the Top 20 program.

Anonymous said...

aren't there 5 MN girls from the class of 2009 going to play for the Gophers in the fall? Gophers RPI was #17.

Anonymous said...


here's your 5 MN girls from the class of 2009.......so much for that list.

Anonymous said...

There also were at least 4 from the class of 2008. The socmom list has to be one of the least accurate things posted yet on this blog, and that is no easy feat. Wonder what her motivation is?

Anonymous said...

2007: 6 top 20, 2 top 50, 3 top 70,
5 top 90, 2 top 100
2008: 4 top 20, 1 top 65, 2 top 95
2009: 6 top 25, 2 top 65, 1 top 85

previous classes have had 5-8 in top 65, 2010's have 3.

Anonymous said...

5:14 Please tell us who these players from 2007 are, where they went and whether or not they are still rostered there or have dropped out of soccer. It might be good to know what happens to these players after a few years away at a top 100 program. Seriously, I'm interested to know.

Anonymous said...

Info is at soccerbuzz.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks, when I get some time I'll check out their progress.

socmom said...

I'll try one last time then take a break.
Clearly, I confused everyone.
Using the NCAA RPI rankings, Soccer Buzz, and Big Soccer...
The lists below represent the D1 PROGRAMS being attended by MN recruits.
(I.E. if three recruits attend the “U” in 2008, that's 1 Top 20 school represented).
I was making an attempt to compare PROGRAMS being attended not numbers of recruits attending.
Also, I only noted programs if they had a 2008 RPI of 100+.
2008 Recruits: (1 Top 20 School, 2 Top 75 Schools, 2 Top 100 Schools)
2009 Recruits: (1 Top 20 School, 1 Top 30 School, 1 Top 70 School, 1 Top 90 School)
2010 Recruits: (1 Top 10 School, 1 Top 20 School, 1 Top 50 School, 4 Top 75 Schools, 1 Top 100 School)
The point here....
Over the last three years, MN girls are slowly cracking more competitive programs.
I have no axe to grind, just continue to be interested in how MN players fare post high school.

Anonymous said...

socmom - we all appreciate your efforts. very interesting statistical angle. in regards to competitive programs, at the current D1 college level, there is still a huge disparity amongst the haves & have-nots. The gap between a top 20 school and a top 75 (maybe even a top 50) is very large.

i do agree that the quality and quantity of MN players is increasing which is the most important thing.

Anonymous said...

SocMom..are you putting in the Shattuck girls in this as well. I know some do not consider SSM players as products of MN, but my view is, they have lived in MN and trained in MN, why arent they MN players??

Anonymous said...

11:41 - I understand where you are coming from, but if you look at the college press releases on signing day they never reference MN. It is always their home towns and states. They don't claim to be MN players (rather IA, IN, KS, Canadian) so why should we claim them?

Anonymous said...

socmom if it wasn't your saying "If the 2010s continue, they are on their way to the most competitive programs yet." and "Have you noticed where the 2010's are going. In the past, most of the D-1 recruits headed off to a third or fourth tier program such as ND, GB or NDSU. Now they're going to the Big 10, Big 12, SEC, Big East. Before the 2010's are done, don't be surprised to see more than a dozen Minn kids off to "major" conference programs, vs. maybe five or six in the past. Fact is, this class will put more players into strong programs than any previous class has."

This has been shown to be completely inaccurate and indicative of some kind of axe to grind. Don't you think the MDW recruits from other years could have played for another "major" or "competitive" programs? Don't you consider MN a "strong" program? Those kids could have played for other major programs, just because they decided to stay close to home does not mean some idiot needs to demean them and their entire recruiting class. I realize what may have set you off was someone saying that the reason MDW did recruit more players from MN for 2010 was because it was a down year. I don't agree with that being said either but it was presented as an opinion. You and others are distorting facts and telling outright fibs and disguising them as research and fact. In fact your research has been shown to be wrong.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at socmom. So the fact that MDW recruited more top players from MN in 2007-2009 somehow means that those classes are not as good because the recruits thus attend a lower number of different programs? Because more of them attended the same program? If she had decided to recruit 4-5 players from the 2010 class do you think that they would be attending as many other programs? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be slightly more accurate to cite the total number of girls going to top 20, top 50, top 75, etc... versus the number of different colleges? So if 5 kids went to UNC and 5 kids went to UCLA, based on this line of thinking, all we would see is 2 top 20 colleges and nothing else. If you didn't have that fact then that would be equivalent to one girl playing for the Gophers and one for Penn State ....

Anonymous said...

11:41 - I understand where you are coming from, but if you look at the college press releases on signing day they never reference MN. It is always their home towns and states. They don't claim to be MN players (rather IA, IN, KS, Canadian) so why should we claim them?

30/4/09 12:10 PM

I understand this thinking, however, Shattuck St Mary's in Faribo,MN is being used in media guilds, TopDrawer, and other pubs. So yea, MN is being recognized.

Anonymous said...

3:44 - no, SSM is being recognized. that's like saying Indiana is being recognized if Notre Dame does well.

Anonymous said...

Some of you could use a refresher in Stics 101. lol

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't support the Gophers basketball and football teams either, because most of their players aren't real Minnesotans.

Anonymous said...

National Women's Soccer Recruiting by club:

Ables, Alyssa M Huntertown, IN BALL STATE
Ainsworth, Gabby D Coralville, IA IOWA
Burns, Crystal F Kansas City, KS NEW MEXICO STATE
Cline, Chelsea M Des Moines, IA UCLA 2006 U-16 NT Player Pool
2006 January U-16 NT Camp
2006 Nike Premier 50 Camp
2007 U-17 NT Player Pool
2007 February U-17 NT Camp
2007 adidas ESP Camp
2007 Nike Premier 50 Camp
2007 NSCAA Youth All-American
2008 U-18 NT Player Pool
2008 PARADE All-American
2008 NSCAA Youth All-American
2008 ODP Christmas Interregional
2009 U-20 NT Player Pool
2009 U-20/U-18 January Super Camp
Dyce, Brooklyn F Winnipeg, MB NORTH DAKOTA STATE
Harrison, Amy M Winnipeg, MB TENNESSEE 2007 Canadian U-17 Player Pool
2008 March U-17 Canadian NT Camp
2008 April U-17 Canadian NT Camp
2008 July U-17 Canadian NT Camp
2008 Team Canada - U-17 WC Qualifying
Team Canada - U-17 World Cup - NZL
2009 Canaidan U-20 NT Player Pool
Huser, Emilie M Fort Wayne, IN MIAMI (FLORIDA) 2006 U-16 NT Women's Nike Friendlies
2006 NSCAA Youth All-American
2007 U-17 NT Player Pool
2007 January U-17 NT Camp
2007 adidas ESP Camp
2008 U-18 NT Player Pool
2008 NSCAA Youth All-Region

Levin, Sloane F Hamburg, MI VIRGINIA TECH
Ochs, Taylor D Omaha, NE SEATTLE PACIFIC
Rhoades, CJ M Plainfield, IN VANDERBILT 2007 Region II ODP Costa Rica Trip
2007 Region II ODP
2008 Region II France Trip

Look real hard and tell me how many MN mentions there are in there..... Don't see Faribault mentioned once....

Impressive listing and some great players though. SSM is doing a very good job.

Anonymous said...

Saw SSM play three times this year.They have a few nice role players but didn't see any potential impact players at the college level.Few will get much PT next year as frosh.No disrespect but that's the way it seems to be.

Anonymous said...

That still is more good players than any other team in MN.

Anonymous said...

6:44, only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

other than the UCLA girl, the rest of them are no better than the top MN players. Just because a few of them are going to non-midwest soccer programs (most of them marginal at best) I wouldn't put much stock in that. SSM lost to last years U18 Bangu team and will most likely lose to this year's U18 MTA team. The WDB U17 Inferno outplayed them in a scrimmage six weeks ago (and SSM had all their players). But it's soccer so you never know.......

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is none of those players are from Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

let's break it down.....

1 player UCLA RPI #4
i player V. Tech RPI #29
1 player Miami RPI #35
i player Tennessee RPI #73
1 player Vanderbilt RPI #104

5 players MN RPI #17
1 player UW-MILW RPI #26
2 players Northwestern RPI #63

IMO, I believe the MN girls more than held their own........

Anonymous said...

and lets not forget two more girls going to S. Dakota RPI #85 (higher than Vanderbilt).

so based on RPI, of the top 14 2009 recruits, MN had 10 of them, SSM had 4.......

Anonymous said...

Where is RG going to college?

Anonymous said...

Who is RG and what age is she or he?

Anonymous said...

11:33- So let me see if I have this correct. You are comparing ONE TEAM (the SSM U18s) to every other U18 team in MN? And then, you are making a judgement that SSM isn't as good as the other teams/clubs because statistically they have a lower RPI/recruit ratio than EVERYONE else combined?

Nice. That makes total sense.

Anonymous said...

One of the SSM girls will be attending Seattle Pacific, let me get this correct, even thou SP is a D2 school, they did win the D2 Natl Championship last yr and every year they are very competitive v Portland.

How many girls on the SSM current U18 team are U17s?? Last yr, someone posted that Bangu 18s beat SSM, (were you at that game? SSM hitting the post and for the most part, out played Bangu) last yrs squad was made up of mostly U17s. This yr, there are U17s starting as well. That is the way it is at Shattuck.

And does it really matter who wins. As long as both teams are competitive, isnt that what matters??

Anonymous said...

12:15 - seven of those players are from one team, so yes, SSM did not "win" the 2009 recruiting analysis.

And if you want to start citing U17's on the SSM team, sorry, but the MN WDB U17's will end up being the champs for 2010.

Doesn't take much to get the ol' Faribault gang on the defensive.....

Anonymous said...

12:44, you may want to pull your head out of its hiding place and read 12:38's post again.

The mention of the u17s wasn't a call for dominance this year and next. To the contrary, it was an admission that they do depend on younger players every year - which may cause them do lose some battles against age group teams like MTA this year or WDB next year.

There was also that little bit about "and does it really matter who wins"?

To some, like yourself, it obviously does. This despite the fact that you likely couldn't run the width of the pitch.

Anonymous said...

seldom has a thread started with a stupid, misleading post (socmom's original) and just kept going this long with several other idiotic posts. Why do people care where kids go to school? Or who teams choose to place on their schedule? MYOB.

Anonymous said...

i always love it when people blast away to make a point and then sum it up with a "does it really matter".....classic MN passive-aggressive.

socmom said...

RE: 3:56
Why do people care where kids go to school?
Because, like it or not, those results have become the yardstick for measuring a state, club, coach, team's success rate.
And, it is the topic of this thread.
While my earlier posts may not have been as cleary communicated as I'd hoped...
And, they won't win me a passing grad in a stats class ...
I continue to own up to my thoughts and not hide behind an anon or calling people names !
And, you'll like this ...
Another WSC 2010 committment to Northwestern.

Anonymous said...

At least she finally admits she is affiliated with Woodbury in some way. ROFLMAO at the statement that recruiting results "have become the yardstick for measuring a state, club, coach, team's success rate." How enlightening, some people think results are what matters.

Anonymous said...

"I continue to own up to my thoughts and not hide behind an anon". So, why do you hide behind the anonymous socmom? Who really are you socmom? Or are you just going to continue to hide behind "socmom"?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
other than the UCLA girl, the rest of them are no better than the top MN players. Just because a few of them are going to non-midwest soccer programs (most of them marginal at best) I wouldn't put much stock in that. SSM lost to last years U18 Bangu team and will most likely lose to this year's U18 MTA team. The WDB U17 Inferno outplayed them in a scrimmage six weeks ago (and SSM had all their players). But it's soccer so you never know.......

1/5/09 10:06 PM

Can you say teams peaking at the right time. 6 weeks ago was not a peak time in training. I beleive that you need to peak in your knowing the game a bit better.

Oh yea, SSM was not at full strenght. When you play year round, injuries are part of the game.

I think there are players on SSMs team that knows the differnce bewteen a scrimmage and playing State Cup.

Anonymous said...

Hope MTA west plays Woodbury in final than we can look forward to another week of discussion on who is the better team SSM or MTA Blue =)

Anonymous said...

I was one of those who thought the gap had closed at U18. I stand corrected. When one team goes 7-0-2 and the others go 3-5-1 in MRL that is evidence the gap still exists. That said, even though SSM and MTA are clearly better than WDB and MTW I would not be surprised to see any combo in the final. Anything can happen in a single elim tourney. I would be much more surprised to see WDB beat SSM than MTW beat MTA thou. This is the strongest age group the state has to offer and should be fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

My take on the U18G State Cup. IF and that is a BIG IF, MTA Blue and SSM makes it to the finals, I think from top to bottom, MTA Blue has better players, however, no matter what team is playing SSM, you gotta stop the offense of this team. It was noticed that the MTA Blue team was watching SSM at MRL this past weekend. Between the 2 teams, SSM plays a more attacking syle of soccer, as MTA's power is in its defense. May the best team win out.

Anonymous said...

I'll make a prediction that MTA will beat SSM 2-1. It will not be difficult for DS to shut down the kid going to UCLA.It's been done before.

Expect to see a lot of college players coming back who are eligible to play in this game.This could be a very physical game.

Local team vs nationally recruited team...Lots at stake for SSM.

Anonymous said...

Will MTA have all their 4 starters back who are away at school?
This could be a major factor in the outcome.
Why are they playing this match so early?
They could have scheduled at a later date to give the college players a chance to get back into town.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Um? CHanging dates of State Cup to give college players a chance to get back in town?

Are you freaking kidding me?

All I can say is that I can't wait until next year. Keep being angry and making excuses MTA, it is only going to get darker before it goes pitch black.

Anonymous said...

Duh...aren't they already doing that at U19 age group?
Think before you stick your big foot in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:05
Were did that come from? What happens next year. Did you confuse MTA with MYSA?

Anonymous said...

Interesting article today describing a big shift toward "speed" in the NBA, NFL and NHL. Is the same thing happening in college soccer?

Anonymous said...


Nope...as the NC coach said the USA has to develop complete players if they intend to compete on the world scene. AD the father of bootball has finally seen the light.

Anonymous said...

last time I checked, the US Women are tops in World Soccer??

Full Natl Team Winners Oly
U20s Winners U20 World Cup
U17s Runner-Ups U17 World Cup

Anonymous said...

You can train and drastically improve skill but you can't drastically increase speed and quickness through training.

Anonymous said...

4:46- Define drastic increases? I disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

There has been an increase in size and strength of players in all youth sports. 40 years ago in men's hoops 6' was a reasonably tall player. 20 years ago it was 6'3-6'5. Now it is 6'6-6'8.

There is always room for the rare small, strong, explosive player with excellent skills, and more so in soccer than basketball or football. However, I think better soccer teams will come from identifying bigger, faster, stronger athletes and teaching ball skills. There are more and more of them available, and they don't even notice the lesser athletes as they go past them or through them.
Doesn't seem fair, but it's reality.

Anonymous said...

last time I checked, the US Women are tops in World Soccer??

Full Natl Team Winners Oly
U20s Winners U20 World Cup
U17s Runner-Ups U17 World Cup

6/5/09 4:10 PM

Please......best players in the world? not US...

Anonymous said...

8:29..after watching WPS, the Brazil girls are NOT all that, except Marta who is the best player in the world right now. Kelly Smith from England, she is ok, but she isnt in the top 5. Give us examples or names 8:29 to back up your claim.

Anonymous said...

8:29 I take issue. I mostly ignore the WNT but if they win most of the competitions how can you say they don't have the best players? (please notice I said players... plural. I realize their are outliars like Marta)

Over time, the best win. thats how it works.

Anonymous said...

3:08, you have misinterpreted AD's comments. After winning 19 national championships with speed, he wants players that can play even faster. His version of a "complete" player is one who can receive passes while turning and immediately getting to full speed.

Anonymous said...

AD is the father of bootball period.

Anonymous said...

You may criticize "bootball" all you want, but AD's approach is better than just swinging the ball around the back (including the keeper) and calling it "possession."

Anonymous said...

In regard to AD and his squads. If the NCAA went to FIFA rules, he would not be able to change and sub like hockey, that might have a thing or two to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Any college coaches recruiting/scouting at MN State Cup? Any coaches from outside MN?

Anonymous said...

UW Green Bay from out of state

Anonymous said...

Creighton watch the U18 MTA vs SSM game. I believe they are interested in several boys from MTA.

Anonymous said...

Some would say there have been some big upsets this weekend at the boys State Cup. SSM out at the 18’s, SSM 17's are probably out, with only the SSM 16’s left. Most at SSM will say yes, we lost but all of our 18’s that are eligible have signed and are going to play D1 soccer. Whereas the MTA 18’s have maybe 3 or 4 playing D1, 2 playing D2, 2 playing NAIA, and the rest playing D3. It probably explains why MIAC is such a strong D3 conference. However, it does still raise the question as to why MN boys/teams have problems making on D1 teams. They obviously can play at that level. What does SSM do for their players that MN Club teams do not or cannot?
1) In our families experience most public school teachers are not willing to work with soccer players when they have to miss school for tournaments or training. According to SSM the teachers and staff go out of their way to keep the players current. Could MTA or a club hire a teacher or tutor to help their players academically keep caught up?
2) MN parents do not always understand the process nor start early enough. They should really be sitting down and discussing it at 16 instead of 17. Nor do I think most MN parents understand how handicapped they are by our location and lack of D1 Men program. Will MYSA college talk this past Saturday help? Or is it something that needs to go beyond that?

It sounds like several players on the MTA 18’s have made their college decisions not based on the schools soccer program but on how those schools best fit their educational success. I think we should all commend those players as it shows a lot of maturity. I would also question how many of the SSM players going D1 are receiving financial aid for soccer. I would have to believe that a greater percentage of the MN boys need the financial aid component in order to attend colleges in Ohio, California, and New Jersey etc…. Whereas for the SSM boys it is not as an important factor. I would love to see other thoughts and comments on this subject.

Anonymous said...

Creighton Asst Coach used to play with Zafer on the Thunder.

Anonymous said...

Ok, he was their to watch Zafter stand behind Carter. Who cares. I think many thought the 3 or 4 MTA practices he's attended and the 4-5 boys he has been speaking to gave them the impression they were interested in some of the MTA players. But your probably right he was their to watch Zafer on the bench.

Anonymous said...

12;23, I think if the PK shootout would of went the other way, your above comment would of been a bit differnt?? the reason you saw ZAFTER standing behind Coach Carter was, there wasnt any subs on the SSM bench. mmmmmmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:12
I think you missed the point.
It's possible Torres and Zafer stay in touch and that's how and why Torres knows to look for players on MTA.
This speaks to 12:23 as well.
Coaching contacts are an important part of the recruiting process.

Anonymous said...

My bad..
Should have said SSM.
As that's who Zafer coaches for.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is the dumbest arguement I think I've ever let myself get into. How about in an effort to bring this to a more mature level we just say that the Creighton coach was at the game. He has some interest in players on both teams and he knows the asst coach for SSM.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 1:43
No, I do not think my comment on 12:23 would have been different. MN needs to work on creating opportunities for the boys to play at the next level. I am not sure how winning or losing that game would suggest otherwise. Unless you are suggesting that if MTA had lost, it proves they are unworthy of D1 notice. WOW.

Anyone reasonable person who saw the game would agree that the game at any point could have gone either way. I get the impression you are a SSM parent and it has been a bad weekend. I will assume you are suffering from some type of hang over and have a bad case of word vomit. In your post, you insult your own team while trying to justify your lost in a very close game. Take heart in the fact that on any given day the outcome could go the other way.

To SSM 18’s & to MTA 18’s congratulation on a well played game. To both players & coaches on both teams, THANK YOU, that game was probably one of the more entertaining games I have seen in awhile.

Anonymous said...

2:44..I agree that the game could of went either way, and its too bad it ended in a shootout.

As for the part about MN doing a better job of getting the boys to the next level, PDL Thunder and the Thunder is doing this right now.

Anonymous said...

You say PDL is the next level? Man, THERE'S your problem.

Anonymous said...

I would agree that the Thunder seem to be working hard in providing that next level. But a PDL seems to be the step beyond college soccer not the step to get to college soccer.

In short how does MN explain the difference between SSM having 13 players signing with D1 schools and the whole state of MN maybe signing 3-4 players at D1 college soccer. If MTA won or lost the shoot out, they obviously can play at the D1 level.

Anonymous said...

The obvious difference would appear to be that SSM is doing a better job of helping their players find opportunities at the next level.

Anonymous said...

Easy, SSM recruits players that are already on college radar. They cherry pick players from ODP and academy squads. They are also built to sell to D1 programs with all of the traveling they do.

After this years state cup performance and their continued decline in talent, they will no longer get the same attention. The mistake they made was to recruit and develop a team, 1 team, last years U18 team. They did not, nor was their management team/coaching staff capable, of building a sustainable program. The 17s that stayed around this year to play in MN's state cup, will not do the same next year. They will return to their respective states/clubs to play for a better chance at regionals. Next year's MN boys 18s will be even more competative than this years. They will have no chance at 18 boys or 16 boys next year.

Anonymous said...

9:15- Not all players which end up at SSM are on college radars. However, they are committed enough that you can feel pretty sure that with appropriate training they will get there. Many players were in the program prior to the DAP being set in motion.

I will agree that SSM is built to sell to D1 programs, and they are doing a better job of marketing their players to the D1 programs.

This year's State Cup results will have no effect on numbers of returners, and very little effect on recruiting. The college coaches will continue to give the SSM players the "love" that they have in the past.

Whether you believe it or not, the program is here to stay. The sooner you grasp this, the faster you can get on with your life. If you don't want to send your kid to SSM, then don't. I don't hear any of the SSM people talking trash about any of the MN clubs, why do you have to be this way toward them?

socmom said...

As long as SSM pumps boys out into D1 programs , they will attract players and coaches.
More than likely, the real test of time will be how well those guys perform at the D1 level.
Winning a MN State Cup is pretty small potatoes compared to a D1 calling card.
SSM has all year long to develop and promote their players.
And, while the rest of MN is arguing who's the best MSHSL team, SSM happily attends showcase events.
I just don't see their demise on the horizon.
Boarding school is clearly not an option for most families.
But it's not that unusual.
And, let's face it.
Athletes who attend prep schools have already conquered a few of the "first year away from home adjustments".

Anonymous said...

Nobody said the players wouldnt return to SSM. Nobody said the program would dissolve.

My point was that players are far less likely to stay around to play MN state cup and MN league, knowing Regionals is a long shot. They will return home after school completes to play with their local club teams for the summer.

Yes, I agree the program is unlikely to dissolve. It will only occasionally (every 4-5 years maybe) attain the performance of last years 18 boys. The leadership team is not capable of building a consistently quality program (either boys or girls.)

My comments dont imply that SSM has nothing to offer. Certainly, training 6 days a week will make you a better player. Preparing players academically is also very important. Given the choice between a player who will perform in the classroom over a player who will be at school for 1 semester (or cant get in because of grades) most coaches will focus on the academic accomplished player.

Much of the stink around SSM is from MN people who believe it isnt fair to allow them to compete. These people will be less vocal for a few years, until one of the SSM teams is dominant again.

Anonymous said...

Regarding SSM winning State Cup, if thats the reason my kid goes there, its for all the wrong reasons. Colleges around the US, womens and mens sides are starting to find SSM. If I remember right, college coaches could give a rat on who wins what tournaments. You are correct thou, the jury is still out, if the kids that have gone thru the program and now are playing college ball turns out good, then the program is doing something right and its name will start to get out there even more.

Anonymous said...

8:24- Again, you are incorrect. The program does not allow you to take part and choose who you play State Cup for. So, by saying that kids won't stick around to play MN State Cup is wrong. They will either stick around and play with SSM for State Cup or they leave the program.

So, that leaves about zero of your post that is remotely accurate. I guess we chalk that one up to another post filled with speculation - with no facts.

Anonymous said...

as they say in the journalism business...."never let the facts get in the way of a good story".

Anonymous said...

After you have been to SSM, the school itself is just as important as the soccer is.

Anonymous said...

"Facts"? Beyond game scores, this blog is opinion.

"Incorrect"? "zero of your post that is remotely accurate"?

So your saying SSM doesn't offer a good eduction, doesn't offer good training opportunity and that college coaches don't care about academics...interesting...I hope you are not the face of SSM!

Are you stupid? What did the SSM players do before FBT and SSM had mrl/state cup teams? They went home and played on their local club teams. Nobody said kids go to SSM to play state cup. SSM has evolved into a program that will keep kids year round for soccer by offering State Cup/Regionals and Summer Leagues to play in. Some players will choose to go home instead and play with their local club teams.

I do think SSM is good for MN soccer (and education, even though you SSM coaches/parents dont seem to.) It presents another option for education and soccer development.

If you are making it a requirement for players to stay around and play on your state cup team, to be part of the soccer program at SSM, your might have even more problems with all the mommies and daddies. Probably with MYSA as well.

Sorry 9:21 SSM parent or coach but it must be difficult to see this unraveling right before your eyes.

Anonymous said...

For MN boys and families I think two things should be taken from this years State Cup. 1) You do not need to move away from home to play high-level soccer and be successful. 2) We do probably need to develop better marketing and support for MN boys wanting to play and train for the next level of soccer. I think many different components go into getting a kid to want play and being able to play D1. I suspect one of the biggest hurdles we have here is the lack of a D1 Men’s soccer program.

As far as SSM goes, I do not hate you. I disagree with your programs decision to compete in State Cup. I disagree with your programs decision to have players from different states try out for MN ODP. I think this year’s losses do blacken the eye of SSM reputation. The rules allow them to compete. I do not think we should change the rules. I would rather see us expend our energy into making our competition consistently tough so SSM would not want to compete in those events for fear of another blackeye

Anonymous said...

Wait...I'm trying to follow the plot here...let me catch up.

Last year SSM wins State Cup, and Regionals, and finishes as runner's up at nationals. This year, they lose at State Cup on the randomness of penalty kicks. Right?

OK, so all of a sudden, regionals is a remote possibility? Athletes will turn down offers from SSM and the exposure the program provides to D1 colleges, because they don't want another "black eye" of losing on pks?

I do have the reasoning, correct here, don't I? Because, honestly, I have had hard time believing that anyone of sound mind would believe that.

I have noticed that often times certain politicians take up the habit of repeating some discredited, inane talking point (ie, "carbon dioxide doesn't cause global warming") in hopes not that the lie becomes truth, but rather that some voters with poor critical thinking skills will believe it. That is what is going on here, right?

Anonymous said...

in all honesty, anyone who gets worked up over postings on a blog (especially one pertaining to MN youth soccer), may want to reevaluate their priorities....

and that goes for both sides of any of the arguments.

Anonymous said...

Global warming?
Didn't we have global warming 10,000 years ago with glaciers melting and the end of the ice age?
I don't think man was burning fossil fuels 10,000 years ago?
Could it have been the mastadon farts?
Or just possibly increased solar flare activity from our sun?

Anonymous said...

For SSM this year regionals will not be happening. There is no MRL slot for first division teams. Unless, there is another State Cup you would like to attend. Hmm I think there is a rule against that.

As many have point out before, this year’s SSM team is not last year’s SSM team. Next, year’s SSM team does not seem to be doing much better (maybe worse).

Athletes turn down offers from SSM...well I believe U18 MTA's have 3-5 kids who did turned down SSM offers. As many SSM parents here before have pointed out, recruiting can be difficult. SSM losses this year will probably make it a bit more difficult. Especially if a player is in a DAP program or playing on a team that is already successful at State Cups or even regional’s. Playing for SSM will not guarantee a Regional or National playing opportunity.

Exposure to D1 college coaches, yep SSM does do that. Can MN offer the same thing yes, I think it can. (Note to self- Work on developing D1 Soccer College exposure)

Nevertheless, my main point was, I would rather see MN Clubs/player/parent/administrator concentrate of developing skills and programs to consistently beat SSM than developing more rules.

Does that help be more politically correct? I’m sure the damage control SSM is feeding parents & players doesn’t take up the habit of repeating some discredited, inane talking point (i.e. “you must spend 20K+ a year for high school in order to play D1 soccer”) in hopes not that the lie becomes the truth, but rather that some parents with poor critical thinking skills will believe it. Did I get it right that time?

Anonymous said...

MTA is too busy promoting themselves to have time to support their players.

-MTA dad

Anonymous said...

it doesn't matter what club, boarding school, etc... your kid plays for, you need to take the whole recruiting process into your own hands and make it happen. no coach is going to write the emails that need to be sent or make the follow up phone calls to the colleges (and frankly the colleges want it coming from the players anyone - shows maturity and responsibility). a good coach, club, school should be providing the guidance and recruting experience to provide the path to scholarship success. the player (family) still needs to make the trek down the path.

Anonymous said...

Too bad about the PKs, but it's all about winning and moving on and getting seen. It will affect SSM to not be seen on a regional/national stage, especially when MTA will be getting plenty of visibility...at least regionally. I think a lot of potential SSM families will opt to save a few hundred bucks to play for MTA instead of SSM.

Anonymous said...

How important is the club coach in the recruiting process? Assuming that college coaches only see a MN player at one or two showcase tourneys, do they rely on the club coach to fill in player info?

Anonymous said...

I would agree that families need to be responsible for marketing thier kids. But from experience you maybe wasting your time. Coaches get thousands of email, DVD and letters, most go in the trash unless they recieve a phone call from someone they know. I personnelly, would rather see coaches coaching. But most often in MN the people with the connections are the coaches. Might be a easy area for the Thunder to help out. Many of the players on the Thunder also have connections.

Anonymous said...

12/5 2:40

You got that right.

Anonymous said...

I think it is incredible that some on these boards will argue points with people who know the facts intimately. For example- how silly is it for me to argue with any of you about what you and your spouse discussed tonight over dinner? I can't possibly know- and it would be ridiculous for me to speculate or make wild accusations that you said this or that.

Unless you have a child in the program at SSM, you cannot know what the "message to the parents" is, or what the motivation, policies, or plans are.

I don't see anyone from SSM talking about MTA plans, thoughts, or motives? Have you seen this?

Funny thing- the players from the now disgraced SSM U18s are gong to quality programs (ALL of them). These kids were recruited and signed PRIOR to this year's result in State Cup. Obviously, the State Cup result isn't the most important factor in a college coach's decision making process.

Anonymous said...

Global warming? I'm sure a SSM parent make that comment. MTA working on spreading lines to confuse the parent with critical thinking problems. Whatever gets you thru the day dude.

Anonymous said...

You're assuming that anyone with a beef against SSM is from MTA.
Believe me there are many clubs and people involved with Minnesota youth soccer who are not enthralled with SSM's intrusion into MYSA/USYS programs.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are small, sad, bitter people everywhere; not just at MTA.

Anonymous said...

Having an opinion that a high school that recruits from across USA, Canada and even Europe shouldn't be playing against MYSA clubs in State Cup and in MYSA leagues doesn't make one "small, sad and bitter".
It's a valid difference of opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm coached at a cc and I think SSM is just fine. If you play them, it is probably a good competitive game. If you lose players to their program, they are probably leaving in search of something your cc is not providing. I dont understand why their "intrusion" is such a problem. Because it is harder for you to win state cup? please. state cup is not the reason kids play soccer.

Anonymous said...

12:17....RIGHT ON BROTHER!! And I dont care who won or lost. Can anyone answer this question without looking?? Who won all the State Cups 3 yrs ago?? And, who won the Regionals, and, who won the Natls?? So, without looking, does it really matter??

socmom said...

2011 D1 soccer “commitments” are starting to trickle in.
Those are kids currently finishing up their So year.
Here are the NCAA recruiting guidelines for soccer coaches.
FR / SO: Questionnaires and camp brochures only
JR: Recruiting materials: September 1
JR: Telephone calls: Once per week July 1 following Jr year
JR: Off-campus contact: July 1 following Jr year
SR: Telephone calls: Once per week
SR: Off-campus contact: July 1
SR: Official Visit: Opening day of prospects classes
Given these restrictions, what chain of events is occurring to bring players / parents / coaches together?
Are your sons / daughters, at 14/15, ready to make these kinds of decisions?
Does the NCAA need to review / revise its guidelines?

Anonymous said...

socmom - yes, they need to revise things. Unfortunately, it's the players who must push the process along. They are the ones who have to make the "unofficial visits" (how do you pick a school without visiting the campus?). They are the ones letting the coaches know what events and the game times. They are the ones who pick up the phone and talk to the coaches or when on the campus talk to them (this is about the only contact allowed). College coaches also convey interest through the club coaches - ask the coaches at the top U16 & U15 teams. The top 2010's were committed by the end of last year. Being that per the rules coaches can only call once per week after 7/1 of their junior year how do you think this all happened?

Anonymous said...

socmom, I see that you have camp brochures listed for FR/SO. If the player is receiving these brochures, does it necessarily represent interest from the coach or are they just part of a mass mailing looking for revenue dollars?

Anonymous said...

between watching and listening to the parents from a certain cake eating community's club team at state cup last weekend, and reading this blog, I am amazed that some of you can cross the street safely!

There is so much that is factually FALSE on this site, it is somewhere between amusing and pathetic - or maybe both. No, I will not correct the record, because I won't be back here for awhile. This is not meant to knock anyone, just to remind that those who "know", might not.

I used to think that it was great that we have these passionate discussions here, because I thought it meant we had a growing number who were passionate about the world's greatest game.

I fear that most are only passionate about their kids (a good thing, of course) but not about the game of soccer itself.

Do any of you have a kid on a team who has been beaten by a team who was simply better, and not just lucky? Do any of you truly enjoy seeing a great goal scored, even if it is by an opponent?

Any of you cherish the opportunities your kids have to play big games, the ones where the outcome is truly in doubt, and the battles are real from minute one to minute seventy/eighty/ninety? Even when they come up short in their worthy pursuits?


I would write which teams I am with, but that would instantly make me an idiot to many, and a hero to others. I know, I'm an idiot anyway, haha, I saw that movie, too.

One can attempt achievement by tearing down others, or by (crazy idea alert!) committing to a plan and working hard. No matter what MTA, Shattuck, Inferno, SCV, blahblahblah do, or how well they do it - or how much you try to tear it down, or how well you do so - your kid's only progress and achievements are those (s)he earns.

Yeah, these games are important to us, and our kids/players/coaches/teams/clubs. Yes, we should be excited about the games.

However, try to sit back and enjoy the soccer - you will see some fine play if you watch enough games. Try to appreciate it even if it does not involve your kid, or his/her team.

Also, try to not rip down what others have built - teach your kids a lesson, that they should compete with opposing players/teams/clubs. There is plenty of time to learn the cynicism of the business world that tells us to tear down what the others have if it is better, because it is likely easier and cheaper (time and money) than trying to compete straight up.

Good luck to all the players, and a big efffffffffffyyyyyooooouuuuu to anyone who gets wound up by any of this! :p

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why only 4 of the 5 recruits are on the 2009 Gopher Women's roster?

Anonymous said...

Who's missing? Did she back out?

Anonymous said...

looks like the name missing is AP from MV.

Anonymous said...

Status of AP? Anyone know?

socmom said...

I doubt anyone backed out if they signed a letter of intent.
Some coaches won't post names on a roster if a player's NCAA Clearinghouse paperwork isn't in order.
Maybe it's just a typo.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rachel Quon the #1 HS player of the year is going to Stanford. Wow!
This kid is a real player.

Anonymous said...

old news, mr. quon. i think she committed about 6 months ago. and btw, she's not even their top recruit..........

Anonymous said...

MIght be old news but Sports Center just did a great segment on her and Stanford.

don't think Mr Q goes slummin on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should stay on topic.
Isn't this a thread for MN college bound players ?

Anonymous said...

What's the early prognog for the Gophs this year. How will they do in the B10?

Who will be their top three contributors and why...

1 GK

Anonymous said...

What carries more weight in college coaches minds - what they see at their prep camps or scouting? I'm guessing prep camps gives them a better look, but most parents talk about being scouted so much and having to HAVE TO GO to this tournment or that tournament to be scene. Would appreciate some insight.

Anonymous said...

AP is on the roster now.

Anonymous said...

1:01 are you kidding? Prep camps? May as well call them fundraisers.

Anonymous said...

Is your kid a bootballer or an on the ball player?

You have to do a little research on what style different college teams play.Usually you can get some insight watching college games on tv. Also check college websites.

When your kid is 16,17 years old have them go to the college camps that you think best fit your kids style of play. Go over the rosters to see how many jrs and srs and at what positions. A couple camps a year and use as opportunity to see the campus etc.

The #1 priority should be does the college meet your kids academic requirements/interests.

Showcase tournaments are costly and over rated. They do more for club recognition than for your kid.

Parents need to take the initiative. Don't expect the club to do it for you.

Anonymous said...

914 is completely wrong. As 806 intimated college camps are a way for the teams/schools to make money and provide some summer employment for their players. Play on a good team, travel to a few showcase tourneys. You don't have to fly all over the country, Midwest tourneys like Blue Chip or Crossroads will do. 914 is correct in that academic fit should be #1 and you need to visit schools and talk to coaches and see how you will fit in. Overnights are a good idea if there is mutual interest. Much of this depends on the level your player is at. If you are zeroed in on one college and are not on a team that is good enough to be accepted into showcases, going to a college camp can be worthwhile. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Even if the colleges make money and employ their players over the summer that doens't make the college camps inconsequential. Putting a player on the same turf as the current players is only going to help- provided the player shows potential. The college soccer program making money off your kid isn't going to hurt your chances.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't hurt but also does not help much. The key is getting the coaches of the schools you are interested in to watch you play in game situations against good competition. That is best accomplished at a showcase and is the reason they exist. If you are successful in ODP that works too.

Anonymous said...

7:18....no disrespect but you don't know what you are talking about. I've had disccussions with many college coaches who would disagree with you. They prefer to see how potential recruits perform in sim games and drills vs their current players where they control the action.

Anonymous said...

I thought RG was headed to Madison on a full ride?

Anonymous said...

There are no full rides in soccer.

bystander said...

7:18 - I also would point out that, I believe, the situation is completely different for a keeper. While my daughter might go to a showcase tournament, and, in the course of 3 games, get about 15-20 "stops", 80% of them slowly rolling in to her, and the other 20% of them occurring while the college coach's head is turned, if I send her to a camp - especially a camp where the head coach is handling the keeper training himself, he'll have a whole week to evaluate her making hundreds of stops of all shapes and sizes. He'll also get to see her training ethic and get to know a little about her personality - how she's going to fit in with the team.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, yes there are full rides in soccer. 9.9 per team for men. most programs use 2-4 for blue chip players (full ride) and then split up the rest.

3:22 If she is not on the radar already (invited to come to pre-season camp) her chances are 50,000 to 1 against. The problem is the camp is loaded with weak players. Even if you show well, it is against weak players.

Anonymous said...

6:41--and who might your little MIA be that you are so critical of a poster looking for advice?

bystander said...

I guess if your child isn't getting a full-ride scholarship to a soccer powerhouse college, as it appears 6:41's child is, there's just no reason to continue playing soccer in college.

Anonymous said...

when was the last time anyone from a MN club went to a "soccer powerhouse college"?

Anonymous said...

Jenna Kluegle

Anonymous said...

Gregg Thompson. Graduated 1979 from Stillwater. Played 4 years with Indiana. Won the National Championship (scored the winning goal). Played for the US Olympic team. Played in the real pro soccer league (NASL), with the Rowdies and the Kicks. Ran camps in MN before the Thunder got nutty. Now lives in CA and coaches his amazingly talented kids.

Anonymous said...

so one player a dozen years ago and one 30 years ago? although there is a WDB girl going to FSU in 2010 and they are traditionally top 10 - we're getting there.

Anonymous said...

SSMG player going to UCLA.

SSMB player went to Notre Dame.

Anonymous said...

mn club players please. i believe the boy is from AV so good call. the girl is from iowa, so IMO hard to call her from mn - and if you look at the UCLA press release - they don't either.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:43
Thanks for the info.
Our lack of soccer history in this state is problematic.

Anonymous said...

Thats exactly what the Thunder is trying to change but taking flack for from CCs for trying to change the status quo.

Anonymous said...

I doubt the players going to FS,ND and UCLA are gettig a full ride if they are getting anything at all.I've seen them play and I've seen the colleges in question play.Hopefully they are getting something but it'd be a stretch.

Anonymous said...

12:31..Seems like you are in the know?? I doubt that you are correct. But then again, does it really matter to you? The big question is, where did you see UCLA play at?? FSU? Notre Dame? And when did you see them play? UCLA and ND are over 45k a year to attend for out of staters.

Anonymous said...

there are very, very, very few full rides at the big time schools. do the math. if everyone is a superstar and the roster is 18-22 kids, how can everyone get a full ride when there are only 14 scholarships available.........

don't confuse "full ride" with 100% being covered. what they can't always give in athletic scholarships is usually supplemented with academic and financial aid, so at the end of the day, the student-athlete is getting all expenses paid.

socmom said...

Even a "recruited walk on" (i.e. no first year athletic scholarship) playing for UCLA, FSU, or ND has to be a good player.
These schools have their pick of the liter.
Full or no ride, a soccer parent / student athlete would have to be really proud of landing on these rosters.

Anonymous said...

socmom - are there that many "recruited walk-ons" at the big powers (and if you reply back - please define your idea of top level programs)? most of those kids are high level ODP and/or national exposure and oftentimes have lots of choices. it would have to be a school they really wanted to go to.

socmom said...

Yeah, 3:35, that's a good question.
I don't really know the answer.
But if all teams have the same # (is it 14 for women) of NCAA athletic scholarhips...
I would think even ND has to find a few players willing to work for free their first year.
And, I'd need a little time to come up with my powerhouse list.
I simply responded to the three schools named previously (UCLA,FSU,ND).
Morever, I was really trying to make the point that some kids might play for more than just money.
Strange as it may sound.
It seems to me, the real trick as a coach, is finding those types of players who can contribute without breaking the bank.
Many teams need the 2nd/3rd tier recruit who ends up making good.

socmom said...

Well, that didn't take long.
We'd all agree North Carolina is a powerhouse?
From their girls soccer website...
Dorrance Announces Nine-Woman Recruiting Class For Women's Soccer
Talented group of prospective student-athletes will enroll in August 2009.
May 3, 2009
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - The University of North Carolina women's soccer program officially announced a cadre of nine scholarship
and recruited non-scholarship prospective student-athletes who will join the Tar Heel program in August 2009.
This group will look to help replace the loss of four valuable seniors from Carolina's 2008 NCAA championship team.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine a really competitive kid who'd be willing to go to a top D1 and be happy to just pick splinters out of their butts. So the team wins a national title and your contribution is 46 splinters."But I'm on a national championship team". Delusional wannabes...there are a lot of em...

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming not all of them stick. Once again, do the math, if there are 7-9 annually scholarships and recruited walk-ons, then that's roster of 28-36 kids.

bystander said...

I've discussed this with my incoming-HS-senior daughter before. Her take on it is that, all other things (academics, location, etc.) being equal, she'd rather be training with the better players and coaches, and working for a spot on a better team, than coming into a program where she'll immediately be a starter. For her, it's all about what's going to make her better as a player/team member.

I think the _truly_ competitive kids are the ones that might start out sitting on the bench, but would never be content there...

Anonymous said...

Considering no one will graduate from college and make money playing soccer (pizza drivers make more than the average USL player), doesn't it make sense for kids to invest their time learning something when they're at college?

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