Tuesday, March 24, 2009

College Bound Player

Recent annoucements on College Signing Day show once again that MN is hot bed for girls soccer development. The boys still have a way to go to represent MN at the D1 level. Then again, many of the top boys players end up going to SSM and don't get any press.


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Anonymous said...

Most top level programs do, in fact, recruit from out of state. Normally this type of recruitment is highly targeted, however.

In order for the recruitment to succeed, the player needs to either move to the area, or be willing to commute the distance. Instances of both do occur.

MTA will rarely be successful at this because their simply is not a large pool of players that fit their needs in an area that doesn't already have better options. Top Iowa players do commute to Chicago to play with the eclipse. WI has FC Milwaukee (and the Eclipse). This really leaves the Dakotas. I am sure that if I really top level player were to come out of the Dakotas, MTA would have no qualms about recruiting them.

When relocating is an option, the competition isn't just Eclipse or FC Milwaukee, but Dallas, all the SoCal teams, etc. Why would anyone relocate to play with MTA when they could relocate to play with Dallas, etc? Not going to happen.

This is SSM's real advantage. They can attract top talent without having to relocate the entire family, and without commuting concerns.

Anonymous said...

at the current boys 19's age group the wings did in fact recruit a goalkeeper from Jamestown, ND, he was a national team pool player and the wings got him to come and play state cup and big tournaments with them, and few league games when he could, also the EP girls a few years ago got a Moorhead girl to come down and play with them, not out of state technically, but seriously thats a four hour in-state drive, so things like this do occur sometimes in MN

Anonymous said...

I think there is a big difference between having someone who is nothing more than a glorified guest player (like the two mentioned in 2:41's post) and having kids relocate. In that respect I believe 1:49 hits it right on the head. The whole national soccer scene is slowly evolving with the big clubs looking to team up and programs like Nike Rush which has teams scattered in many different geographical locations (think of the MTA regions, but instead of east, west, north, etc.... how about 19 different states). A program like that could conceivable pool their talent and create superteams at different age groups. Oh the times they are "achangin".

Anonymous said...

These so called "super pools" are what the Regional ODP pools are except that the Odp teams/pools don't fly in and compete at college showcase tournaments, regular leagues or StateCups. Would rather defeat the purpose or original intent of "local" teams and the term STATE cup. Like moving from local government and do with what you have or letting BIG government take over. Can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

In less than 5 years, the word STATE CUP will have about as much significance as the current summer state tournament. If MN gets a USSF Academy program then the top players will migrate there (and unless things have changed they do not participate in State Cup). The girls programs will follow suit (in one form or the other) a few years later.

Anonymous said...

4:33, I think you are 100% correct!!

Anonymous said...

I think you both are partially correct. For 24 kids in certain DAP covered age groups, you are right. The coverage that DAP currently has for players is not very broad currently.

Anonymous said...

if 24 of the best (i'm not saying the 24 best as there will always be players worthy but not included as well as those who opt not to be a part of any DAP), then I would have to say that yes, State Cup would be considerably "watered down". Even if the next best 18 players were all on one team (which would not happen - they would be scattered amongst the next 4-5 teams) the winner would still have an asterisk ("*") by its name.

Just like the key showcase tournaments, MRL, etc... which start off with limited enrollment but then annually expand (how many flights at Disney now? how many teams in MRL 1st Division now?) if successful, a DAP program will expand to the top 40+ players at each age group. At that point, State Cup (and the regional tournament that accompanies it) will be relegated to secondary. On the girls side, the top clubs will establish their own national tournament (US Club?) and those regional/national winners will be arguably the best in their age groups.

If the objective is to be showcased for college recruiting, then any form of DAP will almost have to part of the family decision making process.

Anonymous said...

To 8:47's comments, what would then happen if for example MTA/SSM were selected as the DAP clubs, there would then be a jockeying for position amongst the current remaining clubs to be the next potential MN DAP club.

Anonymous said...

Not that simple, they ONLY take so many clubs, with saying this, this is why most but not all the better players will flock to MTA and or SSM. Chicago has numerous clubs, but only a few were invited into DAP. Fire, Magic and Sockers. Eclipse boys are not it in that Im aware of, NSC boys arent etc.

Anonymous said...

9:39 - same thing was said about the showcase tournaments, MRL, etc.... but now look over time how they have all expanded. Bigger=+$$+ and lets not all forget that first and foremost club soccer is a business. From its first year, how many new clubs have and will be added to the original USSF Academy on the boys side? There are now 75 clubs and it will probably hit 100 within the next two years. On the girls side they are talking about an initial 40 clubs, but I would speculate that the 40 will grow to 60 and then 80 in the subsequent years.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:49
The other problem with recruiting from the likes of WI and IA ...
I believe the high school season runs during the spring in several surrounding states.
HS players with spring seasons may be inelebile to play during the dates of MN State Cup.
I could be wrong , but I remember this being an issue a few years back with a couple WI players playing on MN club teams.

Anonymous said...

USSF Academy has said from day 1 that there will ultimately be about 80 boys Academy Clubs across the USA. They have nearly reached the saturation point.

Anonymous said...

10:13- if an Iowa player is committed enough to be looking for a club team in another State-- they certainly would forego the Iowa HS season (which IS in the Spring).

Not to mention, once a player is a part of the DAP program you can no longer participate outside of your DAP team (including HS).

Anonymous said...

12/3/09 1:38 "You can no longer participate outside of your DAP team (including HS)"

Your statement is simply untrue. Players enrolled in a DAP program are not permitted to take part in ODP or various other soccer expereinces aside from their DAP program with the exception of their high school season.


Anonymous said...

If MN, MTA/SSM gets into the DAP, will the MTA boys be willing not to play HS??

Anonymous said...

Local girls playing at UWGB.


Anonymous said...

if mta becomes a DAP their boys would be allowed to play their high school seasons

Anonymous said...

Wow. Huge roster at UWGB ...

Anonymous said...

new coach must be cleaning house

Anonymous said...

Girls soccer?

Anonymous said...

Ryan MacArthur is going to UIndy. That is DII and a competitive conference.

Anonymous said...

Whover RM is from the last post has had the last word for two and one half days--a record.

Anonymous said...

You heard it hear first and second, SSM will not win state cup for U18 boys. Girls have a shot if MTA struggles to score.

Anonymous said...

St. Paul Pioneer Press
Monday 3/23/09

At the Capital
Scholarship bill would bar foreigners

Two Minnesota lawmakers have introduced legistration to keep foreigh athletes from getting state scholarships to play on Minneota college or university teams.

The bill by Rep. Bob Dettmer, R-Forest Lake, and Sen. Ray Vandeveer, R-Forest Lake, would prevent state money from being used even indirectly for an athlete who is not a U.S. citizen.

"We just feel that if we're ... using taxpayers' money that we want the opportunity for the student in the United States first" said Dettmer.

The bill was introduced March 2. No hearing has yet been scheduled. With the session ticking down and a budget still not set, prospects for the bill are uncertain.

University of Minnesota spokesman Dan Wolter said the legislation would probably not affect the university because state money does not fund athletic scholarships. Minnesota State Colleges and University schools, including St. Cloud State University and Minnesota State University-Mankato, would be affected.

The few foreign athletes at those schools play hockey, tennis, baseball, golf and other sports.

Anonymous said...

That is really sad. What is next, 50 mile radius.

Anonymous said...

This isn't sad at all.
Foreign athletes families have not paid taxes to fund public institutions.
I don't think this goes far enough.
Collegiate sports is expense stuff.
Let the private institutions do what they want with their funds.
But public institutions should be more frugal with taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


now what did that accomplish?

Anonymous said...

NAIA is a great alternative to chasing a Div 1 program... My son received money offers from 3 seperate schools all NAIA. None of the programs are great but he is going to be able to continue to play and he has some money towards tuition regardless of where he goes.... Once he decides I will post the information. The fact is a good student with some skill can get a look from these programs and while they are not Division the education is great and the chance to play is great....

Anonymous said...

NAIA provides an opportunity, in some cases, to graduate with less debt. Certainly that is good. However, their athletic programs are not on par with ncaa schools and often neither are their academic standards.

that is why few people have ever heard of these colleges, they are not on tv, or the newspaper.

If you are looking for the least expensive option why dont you just send your kid to Century College or DCTC. They have soccer. Sort of.

Anonymous said...

NAIA schools come in varieties. The fact of smaller classes and great student teacher ratio's. Many are consider Tier I schools by US News Report. As far as the quality of education they generally are great. As discussed before Grand View is better than any MIAC school in soccer. Augsburg lost to Clarke College another NAIA school that was not all that good in their conference. Every school stands alone in terms of quality, there are crap D3 schools, crap D2 and if you think some of the D1 programs have great focus on academics........

Anonymous said...

Ok 3:43, then what you are saying is, only MN players can go to MN public schools since out of staters do not pay State taxes?

Anonymous said...

The sports they list have very few scholarships with the exception of hockey. So most of the non minnesota residents on those rosters may not be getting scholarships anyway. The impact on the hockey programs could be significant.

Anonymous said...

I'm saying I’d like to see athletic scholarships reserved for the students whose parents, through their state taxes, are funding the state institutions.
I really don't see the problem in this line of thinking.
Every state has public schools.
Let student athletes who want their way paid attend their state institutions.
(It would certainly help athletic departments stretch their dollars).
Let the other athletes attend private institutions.
As a side benefit, you might see more state schools able to land local recruits.
I know it’s unrealistic but I still like the idea.

Anonymous said...

3:53 should be deleted!! Real taste of class. Hope your proud.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know something about this goalie from MG thunder academy who got wasted at the first home game for the school, ending his highschool career

Anonymous said...

353 you're not a conservative, you're a loser, period. Go walk through the Lowry Tunnel at rush hour.

Anonymous said...

Ok we have a conservative and a liberal.

It is funny thou I read the article and didn't see anything mentioned about race? I do beleive the bill is targeted to address canadian hockey players. Darn is that a white on white crime?

Anonymous said...

541- Is that the guy who is going to UWGB?

Anonymous said...

Word has it that the 2011 stud forward from Iowa visited the U. Rumor has it that its between MN and Iowa.

Anonymous said...

So her choices are MN & IA? Sounds like a very good player. You might want to define "stud". When I think of stud, I think of someone who the big programs are after, not someone deciding between the gophers and a team that came in second to last in the Big 10 last year. Hopefully MDW will get her as I'm sure she could add some strength in 2+ years.

Anonymous said...

146, spot on!! Real studs typically choose big time programs. Taking nothing away from the Gophers they did great this year and were exciting when we went out to see them. The last stud that went to the UM that I can think of was Jennifer McElmry. I'm sure there have been a few others but not many. I would consider a Stud to be a player that could choose and go to whatever school they wanted.

Anonymous said...

Gophs had their day last year. Back to the pack in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Lets put it this way, she is a Youth Stud. A true forward. She was with Region II ODP, but injuries the last 2 summers kept her from attending camp. She is flying under a lot of radars due to not attending R2 camp the last 2 yrs.

MDW does a good job thou of getting the top Iowa players as history has shown.

Anonymous said...

The Gophers had/have a few "studs" on their team.
You don't achieve what they did last year without them.

Anonymous said...

Any (thoughful and intelligent) comparisons between division 3 Iowa (IIAC) and divsion 3 MN (MIAC). Be nice - not trying to start anything other than an interesting conversation about schools and programs.


Anonymous said...

Pretty similar, although the bottom teams in MIAC are weaker then the IIAC. Loras is generally better than any team from the MIAC. Loras has been to back to back final 4.

Anonymous said...

3:38 - you are always talking up this player as this is not the first time she has been brought up and I honestly doubt many folks up in MN would know of a youth player who has been hurt the last two years and has no regional recognition. Your relationship to this player is....parent?....current or former coach?......future agent?....friend of the family?.....parent of a teammate?...

We should ask SSM-SC what his thoughts are since I believe his daughter is a U16 and an Iowa 92 ODP.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to compare the IIAC and MIAC. When the d3kicks.com forum was up and running it was debated endlessly.

I know more about the men's side so I will go with that-

The IIAC has 9 schools. 4 are strong, have been strong, and will continue to be strong (loras, central, wartburg, and suddenly dubuque). 2 are viable programs- that is they have some history, they will actively recruit (luther, simpson) and be able to get some recruits, etc. I expect Luther will get a lot better very shortly. They recently hired a good coach. 3 are not strong, nor will they be. Buena Vista is downright bad.

The MIAC has 11 schools. They currently go about 7 deep (basically, just look at the table). Mac will always be tough but probably not ever a regional/national power again. Hamline is likely to get a lot better. The school is a place that can attract kids and they just hired one of the Wake Forrest assistants. If he is ambitious, they will improve. St. Mary's is awful. Bethel is not good either. Concordia has improved recently but I suspect it will always be difficult to get kids to go up north and capable players in northern mn and the dakotas are few.

Loras has been very successful in the national tournament the past few years. They should have lost the conference title in 08 to central but central was deducted points because of a silly yellow/red card conference rule, which is just wrong

The MIAC has their own crazy rule, 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie scoring system. The result is a table that stays a lot tighter than it would otherwise. Teams who are lower in the standings are held in the hunt longer, raising the level of play through out.

Augsburg made a nice run in the tournament this year and met Loras. At Loras' home field Augsburg lost in double ot 2-1. Augsburg's coach is a top man and will bring them to the top of the table soon, along with future runs into the national championships.

I lean towards the MIAC because I think they are deeper. But it should be noted that I am a Minnesotan. I do not have a personal or professional relationship with any IIAC or MIAC institution either.

If you want to know about a specific team just see if they have a winning record. Then look at the records of the teams they played. If everyone is a winner you know you are dealing with a very serious program. Then again, maybe you or your son is not that good...

Anonymous said...

NAIA is not on par with D1 athletics. Not soccer, not anything else. NAIA is on par with D3 sports. Academically, they are as scattered as NCAA.

Also, don't kid yourself at the level of academics because some schools (NAIA or NCAA) don't get press or mentioned in lists in magazines. Schools that want to be on these lists hire full time staff who upsell (aka lie) about their accomplishments, faculty, etc. Same crap that happens on Wall Street. Lie to improve your stock.

Anonymous said...

No one is going to state or believe NAIA is on level with a D1 program. The fact is a good NAIA program can play soccer with any of the D3 and D2 schools. My son is going to NAIA school. The process of selecting a school involved visits to D2 and D3 and NAIA. The fact that he choose the school he is going to was based on Academics and opportunitys. No one should generalize about quality of colleges but no one should presume to label NAIA as inferior to D3 or D2. He will have a chance to play against top D3 teams, so I am not sure what the rant is about. Plus as a parent I am confident in the education he will receive, 99% of college players are going to make no money playing soccer after college. I am not sure what really seperates the D2,D3,NAIA except some peoples ego's.

Anonymous said...

Many of the top NAIA soccer programs could beat many of the D1 programs. You simply cannot say because a team is D1 that they would be better than NAIA,D2 or D3.

Anonymous said...

Very true 12:24!!

Anonymous said...

Many of the top D3 soccer programs could beat many of the D1 programs- it happened a few times last fall and its fairly common during the spring season (though a teams commitment to winning is in question during this time). I hope that people understand that because a team is involved in a league that is percieved to be higher in quality, doesn't necessarily mean that it is so.

SSM-South Campus said...

I refuse to discuss the latest player to be brought up in this thread. Do not make any negative inferences from this....I personally like the kid and the dad (sorry, don't know the mom).

My reasoning is that I refuse to give you guys anything negative or positive to go after a player with. It has become apparent over the past week or so that those on who are active on this blog are class-less jerks who only want to bitch, yell, and complain about everything, So, wait and see where the "Iowa Forward" ends up--

Anonymous said...

My observation after watching MN soccer at levels u16 thru 19....

Biggest area in need of improvement is one touch passing.Too much dribbling is easy to defend. Also field awareness is mediocre. Often not making the correct pass.

At the older ages most of these players have played together for several years and should be able to anticipate each others moves.

These are the areas that need the most improvement.

I'd love to hear coaches explain to players where their pass should have gone. Correct passes lead to more scoring opportunities.

Anonymous said...


For any kids who want to continue playing soccer after HS but for whatever reason feel they won't be able to....

Look into Dakota College Technical College DCTC. Two year courses and they offer in many cases a full ride for soccer.Pretty good option for those interested.

Anonymous said...

I think the Gophers will be playing Iowa State in Ames,Iowa this Saturday 1pm. Anyone going?? ISU has a very nice stadium, almost like the Gophers.

Anonymous said...

Just been told that the ISU/MN game this saturday mite not go if the weather is bad, the ISU football team has the dome till 5pm.

Anonymous said...

Whitney Brown - W. Illinois D1 (track)
Rodrigo Galvan – Wis-Madison D1
Keegan Gunderson – Pittsburgh D1
Dan Killen Valparaiso D1
Ryan McArthur – Indianapolis D1
Daniel Rasmussen – Upper Iowa D2
Hank Robson – Hasting College, NAIA
Jeff Webster Wis-Green Bay, D1
Abdi Hassen – Dakota Technical School
Luke Van Meveren Clarke College

Anonymous said...

ISU/MN game this Sat. in Ames will be at 1 if outside or at 6 if inside.

socmom said...

Gophers announce fall schedule...
8 games vs NCAA tourney teams...
No Big Ten tournament in 2009!

Anonymous said...

When is Gopher game on Sat 1 or 6 ?

Anonymous said...

Why does MN still play Sr's during spring games?? Srs for the whole game even. Does not make much sense??

Anonymous said...

anyone have score of Gopher game? Was it inside or outside? Still playing seniors cuz the team wouldn"t be as strong without them.

Anonymous said...

it was outside, 5-0, Seniors played the whole game. You look at numerous other schools around the US in the spring, and they do not even have any Srs playing at all. You would thnk spring is used to try new playes, let everyone play, but not with UofM.

Anonymous said...

are these seniors who were seniors last fall and have no eligibility left, or players that are going to be seniors this fall with one year of eligibility left?

Anonymous said...

Becuz without the current seniors the team wuld not and will not be the same.

Anonymous said...

pretty sure they are seniors that are graduating this spring.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a scrimmage? Who cares how strong the team is or who wins. I would think the most important thing would be development of next years players.

Anonymous said...

agreed. But Gophs seem to need to win at all costs right now. That will surely change this fall when those seniors are gone.

Anonymous said...

understood, but why the need to win at all costs right now?

Anonymous said...

I doubt that MDW has seniors with no eligibility left playing in a spring game, more BS flying with no backup. What would be the point of playing them?

Anonymous said...

To have the best chance at winning.

Anonymous said...

11:08 - it's a scrimmage. Do you feel it it that important to win a scrimmage? Wasn't there, so just going off of other posts, but if they played the seniors to win a scrimmage I would question the motive. If they were played as kind of a "going away present" and in appreciation of everything they accomplished in the fall then that would be different. If they played them to win, then what would they be accomplishing? They would not be jeopardizing recruiting as the 2009's are already locked in and I doubt 2010's care about a spring scrimmage. What's your take?

Anonymous said...

Guess we'll find out with the home games of the Spring schedule if the seniors are out on the field.

Anonymous said...

ARe you all being serious....were any of you actually at the game yesterday? ZERO seniors (seniors in the fall of 2008, with no elgibility left) started the game yesterday. Two players are hurt so 3 former seniors were brought along to fill in. All three played forward (2 were not forwards at the U) and filled in at the end of the 1st half and parts of the 2nd half. The score was 3-0, not 5-0 and all three goals were scored by non-seniors. A senior did have an assist.

Haters should at least get their facts straight.

We don't care if you don't like the Gophers, just use some common sense before posting ridiculousness.

By the way, incredible showing of Gopher parents at the game...probably double the amount of IA STATE fans. It was a real testament and great to see everyone again.

Gopher parent

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I doubt that MDW has seniors with no eligibility left playing in a spring game, more BS flying with no backup. What would be the point of playing them?

5/4/09 11:05 AM

Ah, were you there? Im sure 22 KH played the whole game. Other Srs as well. No BS being flown around here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

KH did not start either half and played forward the LIMITED time she was in the game, a position I doubt she has played since she was in diapers.

If you would like a position on the coaching staff or have your daughter play more, I'm sure there are more effective ways than this blog.

Enjoy the rest of your palm sunday.

Anonymous said...

She did in fact play several no longer eligible players. So what is the big deal. Guess we'll all find out in the real season whether they are still needed. Me thinks last year was an anomaly.

Anonymous said...

Post as many wins as you can because the wins will be hard to come buy in regular season. It's called padding your record. It puts food on the coaches table.


Anonymous said...

Spring is often used to give those players who see little or no play time during the regular season a chance to compete. Or, at the very least, a chance to be rewarded for their hard work in helping create a successful team in the regular season. It's also used to try players ,who will be playing in the fall, in different positions. There is really no need to play seniors in spring games. And, by seniors, I mean those listed as such on the fall 2008 roster. As painful as it may be, the Gophers need to move on. Before anyone calls me a hater...I have and will continue to be a loyal supporter of this coach and team. I just think this move is in poor taste and I hope we don't see the same at the last home game this April.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chilli - people said the same thing before last season also. It is nothing but groundhog day every year.

Gopher Parent

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that a forward has decided to leave the team? Any comment Gopher Parent??

Anonymous said...

Which forward? Nope, no forwards leaving that I'm aware of. It would be way too late at this point anyways. Not sure where these rumors start.

Gopher Parent

socmom said...

Maybe the rumor is concerning a freshman forward?
I haven't heard any such rumblings.
But, with all due respect, is it really "too late"?
Once a player gets a release aren't they free to transfer and play as long as NCAA and academically eligible?
Players usually seem to transfer in the spring but I'm guessing there are exceptions to that rule.

Anonymous said...

maybe it is a ISU player then?? Heard it at the game on Saturday.

Here is a post on BS.com about Penn State

Caught both of the PSU matches on Saturday. They essentially fielded two teams, so everyone got a lot of playing time. The first game was vs. Villanova, and PSU won 2-0. Same result for second match. It was fun to see some of the new talent in action. The addition of the '09 recruits in the fall can only make them stronger still.

Villanova plays a very nice game under John Byford.

For what its worth??

Anonymous said...

Yes, they can transfer once they are released.

All 11 Gophers who started on Saturday were non-seniors. 1 extra goalie on the bench + 2 players that were hurt and couldn't play. next year 4 or 5 freshman will be coming in, which leaves about 19 total players.

Gophers do not have enough players currently to field two teams in the spring.

what Penn State did was nice but Gophers do not have this luxury....neither do most other teams.

Penn State is one of the elite programs who can get away with carrying more players. It is a great problem to have.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the current Gopher situation (numbers down) was not in the coaches gameplan.
If you look at the 2006 roster, you will find 7 true freshmen and 2 redshirt freshmen.
Those are players who would have been eligible to play as seniors in 2009.
Only two left on the current roster.

Anonymous said...

Could be, not sure, but the Gophers have an incredible nucleus in their sophomore and freshman classes with another strong one coming next year. With only 2 seniors next year, #'s will not be as high as previous seasons but they will also not have as much to replace as they did this past season.

Regardless of who played, who didn't play, it will still be VERY difficult to score on the Gophers with a national teamer in goal, an all-american centerback and two studs on the outside.

Anonymous said...


C'mon...you sound like Brewster.

Anonymous said...

Penn State will be tough to beat. The player from England Watts is a super player as well as Schoepfer. But their best player who is pretty much an unstopable force and their top offensive threat is Toney. Gophs will have to double team her and not sure that will stop her.P.S. odds on fav for 2009.

Anonymous said...

3:18 from the 6th--looked to me like #5 from ISU easily beat #21from UM numerous times. That doesn't equate to a stud.

Anonymous said...

Ex Gopher GK Molly Schneider now an Assistant Coach @ Gonzaga.
It's nice to see MN natives moving into the D1 coaching ranks.

Anonymous said...

Yep #5 beat #21 so many times she had 1 shot the entire game. Great analysis. We can agree to disagree, next topic please.

Gopher Parent.

Anonymous said...

1032 Toney is a fine player but Schoepfer is the focal point of PSU offense. I will agree that Toney is the player the Gophers have the most trouble with because other than JC the other defenders are overmatched with respect to her speed. This was obvious watching them play PSU last year. The key will be the midfield. Gophers mids last year controlled play most games and kept pressure off D. In games they did not (ND,PSU etc) the defense was exposed some and gave up numerous chances. Finding replacements for CG, KH, KW et al will determine this years success.

Anonymous said...

11:24 - VERY well said.


Anonymous said...

11:24.....the Gophs defense will be weaker than last year in spite of top GK. They will have to increase scoring.

Anonymous said...

5:19- I suppose it is logical to assert that because the gophers may allow more goals against that they will have a need to score more goals. However, this is not how soccer works. You will not find a successful team with a GAA great than 2, even if their Average GPG is 3.

Anonymous said...

MDW has the inside track on a four star 2010 recruit from IL. Also a good chance to add a transfer from ACC. Both good offensive players.Don't count Minnesota out yet. The wheels are turning.

Anonymous said...

are you blowing smoke? where did you hear that?


Anonymous said...

If she has the inside track then why is there no verbal commitment yet from this 4 star recruit? And why would this "fact" be so public....seems a bit fishy?

Anonymous said...

Yea, most 4 star 2010's are all committed already.

Anonymous said...

Blue chip 2010s are done......most schools are moving on to the 2011s. Nice try though. Any 2010 who doesn't know where they are going probably will not make much of an impact on a program, unless they are someone who has been hiding under a rock.

Anonymous said...

And so who has the inside track with MDW that she would be even sharing what's in the works!

Anonymous said...

Apparently there was a coaching change and the player wants to opt out. This will be a good addition for the U.

Anonymous said...

I peaked at the verbal commitment listing for the 2010 Eclipse Select (best chance that any 4-star would be on that team). Of the schools the players have committed to, none stood out as having recent coaching changes. Now it could be an assistant coach who left or the player might not have verballed yet so wasn't listed. Hope it's true as any good player would always be welcome, but kind of doubt it. 2:23 is correct as most of the 2010's have already committed (you can look at the same spreadsheet and see that info).


Anonymous said...

Eclipse isnt the only club in IL that has blue chippers!! Not in the 2010 yr anway.

Anonymous said...

I know of 3 boys my son played against who went NAIA Division 1

Grant Morris (Woodbury H.S) Briar Cliff University

Rob Latourelle (Centennial H.S) Briar Cliff University

Justin Blaine (Champlain H.S) Briar Cliff University

Anonymous said...

Not this again...NAIA is not the same as D1 NCAA. It is comperable to D3. Yes, some (few) of the schools offer some athletic scholarships. I played NAIA and coached NAIA recenlty.

The NAIA national champs could not hang with many of the D1 schools...even the bottom 10%. If they played in a D1 conferene they might win 20% of their games at best.

Anonymous said...

Who cares how NAIA stacks up against D1,D2,D3 the bottom line is some player gets to continue to play. Name me 3 Minnesota Boys in the last 5 years that have made any money playing soccer anywhere that played at any level of College soccer. If you go get a college education what does it matter what level of soccer you are playing? If you are going to be elitist and you are involved with soccer in Minnesota, maybe you should move.... because given the level of soccer here you are very confused and misguided. The very best MTA, Shattuck St Marys player will likely make less money related to soccer than their parents put in the gas tank in one summer to drive to matches....

Anonymous said...

Except for the SSM player who has been signed to Man U. I guess that this player throws a monkey wrench into your theory.....he'll make more than you within five years

I can tell you that there are Top Flight Professional teams around the World who are now paying close attention to what comes in/out of SSM now. Sign one player to the EPL Academies, and the World pays attention.

Say what you will, stick your head in the sand, whatever you want to do- but attention is being paid in the direction of Faribault. All this whether you like it or not.

Anonymous said...

So thats one player, can you come up with 2 more? So if you do come up with 3 that's logical to believe Minnesota Soccer is a hot bed of Professional prospects.... keep drinking the Kool Aid they are serving up...... and unless this unknown player from Shattuck makes it to the big stage he likely will make less than that D3 player with a College Degree.....

Anonymous said...

I bounce around a bit on this blog amongst all the different threads (boys, girls, college, youth, etc...) and without a doubt there are more postings from SSM folks than any other club out there (and SSM only has 5 teams). I guess when it is all about soccer for your little mia/landon (which would be the only reason to send your child there), the parents are into it as much as their children....

Anonymous said...

Come up with 2 more? Can you come up with 2 more US players who have been scouted and signed by an EPL academy this year? From any club in the US?

Anonymous said...

Come up with 2 more? Can you come up with 2 more US players who have been scouted and signed by an EPL academy this year? From any club in the US?

Anonymous said...

Was able to see the Iowa State game v Univ of Iowa on Saturday. Gophers, you have nothing to worry about v Iowa this year. They showed nothing v ISU. All positions were slow. The center mid, Morgan Showalter did not attempt once to attack. The flanks were flat and showed zero speed.

Anonymous said...

If it doesn't matter then why mention NAIA division 1? The parent listing the players was trying solidify their childs soccer accomplisment. By saying Divsion 1 they appeared to be trying to compare it to NCAA division 1.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance? There is no NAIA Division 1, Division 2, etc.

Anonymous said...

The response is your right, there is no such thing as NAIA Division 1 that parent is misinformed. The overall point of it really does not matter because none of the Minnesota players going to play college soccer is going to make money as a professional is still valid. If anyone has the chance to play college soccer while getting a great education and a College Degree it does not matter what level they play.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if you are playing NCAA Div 1, 2, 3 or NAIA or Junior College, the idea is that you are still playing the game that you must enjoy playing and getting an education at the same time. We all know that getting an education is the way to get ahead in this world, even if you fall into the very small minority of acheiving pro status, you can't play forever and you need to be prepared for LIFE. So as I said at the beginning who cares what level your playing at, it is not a big deal in the overall picture of life.

Anonymous said...

Actually, there are two NAIA Divisions (I II) for basketball.

Anonymous said...

There were 2 divisions in NAIA soccer for a short period in the late 80s. At the same time that NAIA began allowing scholarship money. They were quickly merged back together as few schools offered any real athletic aid.

Anonymous said...

So does playing Community College soccer where you train 2 times a week and drink beer on the weekends, have the same benefits as NAIA? How about junior college? How about division 3, how about division 2, how about division 1? How about club soccer at the UofM? Are there different levels of perceived benefit? To building character? To employers?

Anonymous said...

NAIA, NCAA, NBA, NHL, D1,D2, D3, CC, JC, MCTC, Jack & Coke, .......IMO this discussion keeps circling back around and not sure anyone cares.

SSM-South Campus said...

9:40- You are a bit naive. Community College soccer isn't all twice a week training and drinking beer on the weekends. I can point to a local community college who can put a hurting on most D2, D3 programs in the US. There are programs at all levels who vary in their expectations and level of their play.

There are no brushes big enough to make the strokes you are trying to paint. The NJCAA has two divisions, and covers all Community/Junior Colleges. If you look hard enough, you can find high quality programs at each of the levels. The real question is if those high quality programs can find quality competition on a game by game basis. The local community college set the NJCAA Division 1 record last season beating another CC by 17 goals. Same program has beaten Grandview College, which is a pretty good NAIA program. Grandview has beaten (on occasion) Drake which is a middle of the road NCAA Division 1 program. Drake has provided players to the local PDL team (Des Moines Menace) who won the National Championship in 2005. PDL? Who cares? Well, in many seasons the Menace take out USL Division 2 and 1 teams (including the Thunder). They have played the Wizards to 1 goal losses many times.

What does all this mean? That you cannot make judgements on teams from NJCAA, NAIA, NCAA, or any other levels. Once you reach a particular level, anyone can beat anyone on any given day.


Anonymous said...

well said ssmsouthcampus.

Anonymous said...

Or you could go to school to get a good education and not worry whether some parents on a blog think you are attending an "elite" soccer program.

Anonymous said...

But it is so fun to point out the absurd views of people on college soccer. If their little Mia/Landon is able to play beyond High School great,but dont fool yourself it to thinking it is anything more than a chance to enjoy a sport they are passionate about. You can play at the very highest level of club soccer and Division 1 and the benefit is simply a great life experience. You can get that experience regardless of where you go to college.

SSM-South Campus said...

7:42- Your point was almost exactly the point that I was also trying to make. Good soccer can be found at all types and "Divisions" of schools. Do some research, find a good fit for your kid, and allow them to have a great experience. It is important to remember, however, that for 99% of the student athlete population- soccer can assist you to further your academic career, college is not a place to further your soccer career.

The first thing that a player/kid needs to consider is not the strength of the soccer program, but does the school offer the academic program that their kid is pursuing. People honestly do forget this.


Anonymous said...

SSMSC, one thing to remember ref your 8:29 post, some/most student athletes do not know what they want to major in the freshman year. People honestly forget this as well. jc..

Anonymous said...

One other thing, some medical schools place grads better than others...Duke for example is better than Iowa, Harvard places grads better after law school than say MN. Not to bash on Iowa and MN, but this is a fact. Now, does Duke have a good womens soccer program. Darn straight. So yea, it does come into play on trying to pick a good soccer program at college. jc..

Anonymous said...

No matter the level of soccer ...
The beer drinking continues ...

Anonymous said...

well said 719, there is a rampant lack of perspective on this blog over what is important in selecting a college.

Anonymous said...

7:01- This lack of perspective may be the result of this being a SOCCER blog and not the Princeton Review blog. We are here to talk sport, not honors programs.

Anonymous said...

hear hear 7:49

Anonymous said...

How do you know why I am here? Don't speak for me.

Anonymous said...

You're here because you wish to espouse your knowledge about soccer, which is limited and your knowledge about having knowledge, which is even more limited.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again, but that was a nice clusterfrank of a sentence.

Max said...

You can't know what you don't know, but you can guess, I guess. Know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

what's next between you two? one of these options?

"no you are!"
"I'm rubber, you're glue...!"

socmom said...

Gopher Classic this Sat:
9 a.m. – Minnesota vs. Nebraska
10:30 a.m. – Drake vs. North Dakota State
12:30 p.m. – North Dakota State vs. Nebraska
2 p.m. – Minnesota vs. Drake
Lot's of MN girls represented...

Anonymous said...

Woke up this morning to find the absolute best post on the Inside MN Soccer site on the recent post called the Gift of Professional Soccer. I'm pasting the comment on all the threads here.

Full story here-


2009 April 16
Fox Moulder permalink

That is a great letter, spoken from the heart I feel.

It’s truly unbelievable the negative response that many club officials I’ve spoken with have towards MN pro soccer now that the organization houses a youth academy. Though I call many of these people friends, their lack of understanding coupled with MYSA’s blatant denial of the Thunder existence of late has put our state at a crossroads that could lead to the end of pro soccer in this state.

What baffles me when talking to many paid coaching directors is that they bash the Thunder for not being a “true” pro team (for whatever reason) and for initiating a youth system that lures players away from local community clubs. Yet most of these coaching directors make a living in this state BECAUSE pro soccer has been around for 18 years or so and has had a positive impact on our young players and the overall interest of the game in MN. People at Shattuck bash the Thunder, yet Shattuck has a program led by people brought to MN through the Thunder.

It comes from the so-called “top”. MYSA’s leadership is suspect, vindictive, and stubborn. The majority of the MN soccer community looks at MYSA as the end all be all of soccer knowledge in this state and the MYSA leadership abuses this power of suggestion. The same goes for local community club volunteer presidents/board members and paid coaching directors. They are the gatekeepers of information to the masses and have the ability to turn their membership against the pro team through the propagation of misinformation and bias.

I ask IMS to dig for the truth. Call out these people at MYSA and within our local soccer club system. The questions to ask are simple.

1 - Do you believe professional soccer is beneficial to the promotion and growth of the youth game in our state?

2 - Do you believe that parents and players should have the right to pursue any development option they choose?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then there is absolutely no non-self-serving reason to not support the Thunder. Period. If the answer to either question is no, then one must question why these people in positions of power and soccer decision making for their members?

Pose the same questions to every single metro area club. Seek answers from coaching directors like Wayne Harrison (EP) and Ted Kroeten (Blackhawks) as to why they refuse to support pro soccer in this state. Talk to club presidents and board members at Mpls United and PSA and ask why they’ve continued to propagate misinformation and all out lies to their membership about the Thunder and about MTA. Talk to the Chan Chaska club president and ask why he didn’t renew his season tickets this year, having been a stout support of MN pro soccer until this point.

You might not get responses but no answers speak volumes in their own right.

Compile and publicize a list of all MYSA officials and affiliate clubs and their respective stances on the pro soccer/MTA issues. Everything is easy for them behind closed doors. It’s time to bring things to light and call people out for their true intentions; many of which I guarantee are selfish and self-serving in the end.

The MN soccer climate stints. Time to clear the air and IMS can do it.

The truth is out there.

Anonymous said...

Any score yet from the Gophers first game of the day?

Anonymous said...

socmom please udate us on the Gopher Clasic today.

socmom said...

Gophers loose to Nebraska in a shootout.
(Cornhuskers tied game in last 15 seconds !!!).
Gophers over Drake 3-0.

Anonymous said...

18/4/09 8:41 AM
As this is a "College Bound Player" thread ...
Shouldn't we be asking if MTA / Thunder are good for college soccer ?
Your post is worthy of discussion but let's move it to the "MYSA - General Club Chatter".

Anonymous said...

What about RG?

socmom said...

Big Soccer showing another Woodbury 2010 recruit committed to college.
Thats five 2010 girls (so far) to five different D1 programs.

Anonymous said...

congrats to her as well as all the other recruits. she comes from quite a successful soccer family!

Anonymous said...

socmom - there is also a 2011 who is on that team who has also committed (BG).

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:15
So that's six girls , from one team, going to six different D1 programs?
Nice ....

Anonymous said...

1203 that has occurred in MN for at least 6-7 years running. People who constantly bemoan soccer in this state forget that.

Anonymous said...

Anyone see Gopher games over the weekend that could give a synopsis?

Anonymous said...

When it is all said and done there will end up being roughly 20+ players from the class of 2010 who will receive everything from high level D1's to non-scholarship DIII's (MIAC, Ivy League). Annually, usually one team has the lion share (Singer's Bangu 90's, Storlein's MTA 91's, Eibensteiner's WDB '92's). Not sure about the 2011's as there are a few good teams with quality players on them and that is still a ways off.

Anonymous said...

12:20. Ivy League is Division 1 not Division DIII. You are right in your statement that they don't give out athletic scholarships.

Anonymous said...

2:02, 12:20 here - you are correct, my bad (probably why I could never get into one of those schools).

socmom said...

Saw Gopher games...
Nebraska gave them some trouble.
MN had easier time vs Drake.
Starting lineups / positions:
GK: Parkhill
Backline: Solie, Clark, Kallman
Center Mids: Bethke & Eckstrom
Wings: Rouse & Olson
Forwards: Rezac & Strahota
Looks like MDW still in the hunt for a 3rd center mid.
(Only a couple seniors played this weekend but they filled in the center).
IMHO, the door is wide open for an incoming freshman to make an immediate impact.

Anonymous said...

Can we start a separate thread for Gopher chatter?

Anonymous said...

why should we start a new thread, this place is as good as any.

Anonymous said...

Nebraska has been playing very well this spring. They played USC to a draw at USC. USC scoring the last goal with only seconds left.

Anonymous said...

SocMom...on your starting lineup, you only have 10 players??? Did MN play a 3-4-3?? Your missing either a defender or a forward unless MDW played a 3-5-2 then you would be missing another mid??

socmom said...

I enjoyed watching NE play the sidelines.
They used their wings and could pass the ball down the line with great accuracy.
Cornhuskers were big,strong,direct and played with purpose.
They scored in the last 15 seconds because they hadn't given up and stayed focused.
Same formation (3-5-2).
Hood (SR) played in the middle.
Wagner (SR) filled in there as well.
Good catch!!!
Still missing a center mid for 09.
That's why the doors open for a FR.

Anonymous said...

Big Soccer showing three more 2010 Woodbury recruits.

Anonymous said...

Update on boys 09 class (from All-State Lists):

Ryan MacArthur - Indianapolis
Brent Kallman - Creighton
Jeff Webster - Green Bay
Sam Hynah - Barton County CC (KS)
Chad Gilmer - Augsburg
Whitney Browne - Western Illinois
Hank Robson - Hastings (NE)
Jeff Butler - Augsburg
Jon Eickemeyer - Wartburg (IA)
Ryan Fuchs - St. John's
Kyle Farrell - Regis University (CO)
Josh Biernat - Augsburg
Reed Adler - UC-Santa Cruz (CA)

Interested to know where these guys are headed:

Rodrigo Galvan
Spencer Duhaime
Tyler Heaps
David Saidu
Dula Fadis
Dan Killen
Joe Gustafson
Rollie Thayer
Eric Collins
Kristian Reiersgord

Anonymous said...

Future 2010 Gopher Mac Misel from Ankeny,Iowa...Lets keep in mind thou, this is ONLY HS soccer.


Ankeny's Megan Fisher scored a total of five goals, with four of them coming in the first half during a match at Cownie Soccer Complex in Des Moines. MacKenzie Misel scored a hat trick and provided two assists for Ankeny.

Anonymous said...

11:15 - that has to be one of the most useless posts I have seen in a long time.

Anonymous said...

I second 1127

Anonymous said...

I think 11:15 is either the mayor of Ankeny, a Misel family member/acquaintance, current/former coach, agent, publicicst, etc......

We know more about this kid than any of the current Gophers or incoming 2009 local MN players....

Anonymous said...

jeeez, touchy arent you. A little ink from a out of stater and you all get your feathers all out of wack.

Does this make much sense??
Mayor, family member, acquaintance, coach, agent, publicicst, etc?? I guess etc means just a fan, like you, maybe??

Next thing that will be happening up in MN is the goverment will be passing a law that says ONLY in-state kids can play any sport at the U.

Anonymous said...

12:52 and/or 11:15, if you read this blog very often, posting comments about specific players (both pro and con) is usually frowned upon. Nothing wrong with mentioning her as a verbal commit, but I believe most folks feel you should leave the kids out of it.

Anonymous said...

The Gophers had a great season last year but their run is pretty much over. The team just doesn't have any real playmakers so the emphasis will be direct play. 500 in the B10 is acceptable and a NCAA appearance would be a big bonus. Good luck Gophs for 2009.

Anonymous said...

1:28..Ok, so its alright to use playes first and last name letters then right?? Got it! Iv been on these boards forever, and Iv seen some real bad mud slung about players, coaches, teams and clubs but that is ok thou isnt it??

Anonymous said...

2:35 - 1:28 here, IMO, none of it is right and please let me know what in my previous post gave you the impression I thought it was? I understand people knocking teams and questioning coaches, but IMO, you should leave high school kids out of it. Just my opinion, if you disagree then you are entitled to your opinion and you can talk up (or down) anyone you'd like.

Anonymous said...

But some parents just need to see their DD's name (or initials) in print, even if it is just on a blog. Then others need to discredit their post, and on and on it goes....

Anonymous said...

I say, who cares about a hat trick in a 10-0 game. Obviously Roosevelt isn't very competitive this year. Score a hat trick in the State Finals, or against Valley, Dowling, or CR Kennedy. Then I'll care.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the Woodbury girls who have already verballed for 2009 and 2010. They have been a very good team over the years, have obviously worked hard and deserve a pat on the back for achieving what they have done.

socmom said...

9:16 Agreed.
This is a darn good showing for a "community club" premier team.

Anonymous said...

socmom - define community club (Eagan, Edina, Wayzata, Hopkins, White Bear Lake, Burnsville, etc....). Granted some of the original core of the team comes from WDB, but they are no more a "community club" team than most MTA teams.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that was meant to be a joke?
Woodbury Inferno is not a team of players from one community.
Look at where those players are from!
As already noted that team is no different than any of the MTA teams that draw players from several communities.

Anonymous said...

Um, you're right. And they are one of the most successful teams MN has had? Compare them to all the other MN teams who have had success and what do you see in common?

I would help you by pointing it out, but I'd rather "thin the soccer herd" and let those who can't figure it out fall by the side of the road.

Anonymous said...

This is what I've heard about recent college committement. Most of these are in what I would call the rumor/decision stages as of yet.

Spence Duhaime is going to Columbia to play soccer.

Tyler Heaps is looking at going to Lewis College. Brian Sexton has already committed to go there.

Eric Collins wasn't going to play college soccer and was going to concentrate on acedemics.

Other rumors are David Kim & Brian Holms will be attending Bethel College.

socmom said...

Has anyone else noticed that men's college soccer programs are slower to release recruiting class info.
What's up with that?
P.S.11:38-Community clubs exist to serve a specific geographic local that can be identified by a zip code?
As opposed to a club that exists to serve "the best" players from any zip code?
Does that work?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I say, who cares about a hat trick in a 10-0 game. Obviously Roosevelt isn't very competitive this year. Score a hat trick in the State Finals, or against Valley, Dowling, or CR Kennedy. Then I'll care.

21/4/09 7:22 PM

Oh look, a Iowan is on the boards. I still say, Its ONLY HS, and a Hat Trick in ANY HS game is way way overrated.

By the way Iowan, Valley got beat to knock off the run of 55 games.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:55...Remember, no names can be mentioned on this thread. It upsets some. Good OR Bad.

Anonymous said...

10:27 - personally, I don't think anyone sees anything wrong with college commits (verbal or NLI) as much of that publicly available (see link for girls recruiting). IMO, it's when an individual teenage high school player is bragged about or torn down then I think that's wrong. What happens is if someone talks someone up then someone else comes in right behind and tears them down.


You don't have to agree and there is nothing stopping you from talking about your favorite MN or Iowa player(s) or stating your opinion. It has never stopped "10's Dad" or SSMSC from expressing their opinions (although I do not believe they have ever crowed about their child or talked disparaging about another).

Anonymous said...

Heaps is going to North Park, not Lewis...thanks for the other updates - good news for Bethel...Holmes can play

socmom said...

Not sure this belongs here but I can't find the old MYSA / SSM / CLUB thread...
A good follow up article by BQ about why MTA / SSM didn't get into USSF Acadaemy.
Manny Lagos does make mention of the lack of college level talent coming out of MN...

Anonymous said...

10:41...nice post!! I have also seen many players, coaches, and teams torn down big time on this site. Im ok with people expressing their own thoughts on things, but when they start to drag down players and spew hate is when it gets bad and the I think the person in charge of the site needs to take care of it, delete the post and warn the person posting.

Anonymous said...

socmom are you serious? You think that WDB U17 or U18 for that matter serves players in one zip code. Their players come from all over the metro and even outside metro. Nothing wrong with that but spare us the "community club" nonsense. It is possible you didn't know this but I doubt it with your background in that area.

Anonymous said...

My son is one of the players going on to play college soccer. I had an interesting conversation with him the other day regarding our college search.

He basically, feels that when he started looking at U17 for coaches and colleges he was too late. He feels he should have started when he was a U16 players developing relationships with college coaches. From what I've heard a good deal of the boys that are graduating this year are saying that because they are from MN they feel they have to work harder to get the same opportunities as players from let say IL, IA, WI and so one. Without a D1 program in the state and an Academy they struggle to get noticed by D1 College Coaches. I asked him why SSM seems to have so much more sucess than the MN teams? He stated because there coaches/administrator are marketing their players (to help grow their program) that there coaches probably have a lot more contacts with college coaches and that the school is willing to pay for coaches to come vist their school. There team travels to more of the tournaments that the coaches are at. The program understands that they need to be marketing their kids when they are sophmore year not there junior year.

None of this is a meant to slam or disrespect any program/coaches but more as an FYI to parents.

I beleive MIAC is a very strong division. I think that is true to a large extent because we do not have any D1, D2, or NAIA schools.

socmom said...

From the Woodbury SC website:
"We are proud to be based in the eastern Twin Cities community of Woodbury, MN which over 90% of our players call home."
That's a community club IMHO.
Of course the two teams you mentioned have players from outside of Woodbury.
I was referencing CLUBS not TEAMS.
I was trying to make a point with the zip code comment.

Anonymous said...

socmom - with an answer like that you should be running for higher office.....

Anonymous said...

My son is attending a NAIA school and is getting a generous amount of help to attend because of soccer. If any parent thinks that by playing on a premier team or attending this or that tournament that coaches will be beating down the door forget it. Most of the hype that clubs put out is just that hype. My son was contacted by 3 seperate schools with offers only after a DVD was set to each of the programs that showed him playing. The tournments, the player profiles ect did little to generate interest. Being from Minnesota College Coaches simply seem not to respect the quality of player we develop.

Anonymous said...

socmom said...
9:16 Agreed.
This is a darn good showing for a "community club" premier team.

LOL hard to back off when your words are in print. Congratulations to all players going on to college soccer, whether they be WDB, MTA, SCV, PSA or whatever. 20+ girls going D1 in 2009, probably another dozen at least in 2010. Very good.

Anonymous said...

Coaching in Minnesota leaves a lot to be desired. Also,don't count on the clubs to market your kid. Whoever said start at u16 and you take control of your kids marketing is correct.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to hide the real numbers of "out of zipcode" kids on the Premier teams when you have lots and lots of recreational u-littles in your club.

Nice sentiment, great PR quote for printing, but in reality it is bunk.

How many kids are there in the Woodbury club in total? 1000? That means that 100 of them are not from Woodbury. And I guarantee you that not many of them are recreational U6 players.

Anonymous said...

To set the record straight on the Woodbury recruits, of the twelve 2009's and 2010's, four are Woodbury kids, which is a great number. That is probably more D-1 recruits in any two year span of any high school in MN history. These four are also going to pretty noted soccer programs, all of which are established or are in a very strong new coach/rebuilding period. They are: Florida State, Wisconsin, Georgetown and Iowa State, which has hired one of the winningest coaches at D-3 and herself an all-time great at Indiana.

The kids which joined Woodbury are from around the metro and are off to: Minnesota, Green Bay, Colorado College and Northwestern and a couple more solid programs.

Is Woodbury a community club? Yes. Are the Eclipse and Inferno community club teams? No. But, who cares. The point is, for an elite player to be recruited they have to play on a top level team and NO community can provide enough talent to do just that.

What you are already seeing is the Woodbury model being used by any number of clubs (EDP 16's)and DR13's in an attempt to do exactly what Woodbury did. Can it continue to be pulled off? Time will tell. The point is, there are and will be an increasing number of top level players coming out of MN in the very near future. Will they make it like Krambeer did at Texas A & M or like Smith at Kansas, or will they flop in college?

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