Monday, October 06, 2008

'08 Girls Sections

An exciting season is moving into sectional play. The top 5 or 6 teams in AA and A have a real shot at winning state.

Section brackets:

Section 1: A - AA
Section 2: A - AA
Section 3: A - AA
Section 4: A - AA
Section 5: A - AA
Section 6: A - AA
Section 7: A - AA
Section 8: A - AA


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Anonymous said...

Any results from the A games?

Anonymous said...

Mahtomedi 5-0 and Holy Angels 1-0 in 2OT

Anonymous said...

354- What's your daughters name???

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why HS soccer at the Dome isn't televised like other sports?

Anonymous said...


Not my daughter, but a player I've officiated in club and high school many times.

Anonymous said...

when will mahtomedi opt up to AA where they belong instead of A where thay are rarely challenged?

Anonymous said...

What is their enrollment at compared to AA schools?? Is there a cutoff for the number of students to be considered AA or A?

Anonymous said...

at 1109 Mahtomedi's enrollment would be one of the smallest for AA (they are currently one of the largest A schools) But considering that they rarely get challenged at A, you would think that they would want to prove themselves against the best.

Anonymous said...

At least 2 other A schools (Hill-Murray, which has a considerably smaller enrollment than Mahtomedhi, and Duluth East) have chosen to compete at the AA level. It's also interesting that AHA and BSM are AA in hockey but not in soccer.

Anonymous said...

I agree, it's time for Mahtomedi to move to AA. There would be more pride in winning in AA than in A. Their enrollment is very big compared to the majority of A schools.

Anonymous said...

Is there a number of students where you are forced to move up to AA??

Anonymous said...

As someone pointed out earlier enrollment isn't everything. LS won AA last year with an enrollment half the size of EP or Wayzata. The disparity from Mahtomedi to other A schools is not nearly as large. Who won A last year? A bigger problem is how public schools are supposed to be able to compete with private schools with no boundaries.

Anonymous said...

i'm sure the administation is thinking about all of their varsity sports in deciding to play with the smaller schools...yes the soccer program has been great for a number of years, but they lose the last of their high level players when bh graduates in the spring...the school is not and has not ever been an open enrollment institution, and can't control the fact that they have had a significant number of gifted soccer players living within their boundaries over the years

Anonymous said...

can't really say Mahtomedi isn't challenged in A, they won their sectional final game 2-1 after trailing 1-0... they won their state quarterfinal 2-1 after trailing 1-0... just because Lourdes was out of their league doesn't mean every A team is. I'd wager AHA gives them a run for their money, not saying I'm picking the Stars to win, but it will be a lot more competitive than the Zephyrs semi was.

Anonymous said...

you can opt up in any sport, so the administration does not have to go all in. Look at hockey where a lot of small schools play up, for the pride of it. Kudos to hill murry and Duluth east. mahtomedi is significantly larger most of the A schools they play

Anonymous said...

LOL EP and Wayzata are significantly larger than most of the AA schools they play. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Mahtomedi isn't necessarily good because they have numbers. They have a great girls' program, and a lot of their players get to develop year-round with top-notch nearby clubs like St. Croix.

Anonymous said...

I was out of town so this topic is a couple of days old but the reffing in the Wayzata-Coon Rapids game was weak and the game got a little out of control at the end. Coon Rapids is physical and towards the end they got frustrated. The ball was dead after two players collided and the CR player walked up to and gave the Wayata player a shoulder right in front of the ref. I saw it on TV and had to rewind it and watch it again when the ref didn't give her a card. Some refs would have thrown her out because she obviously wasn't showing any respect to the refs authority. All the ref did was call the two players together for a little chat. The Wayzata player stood there dumbfounded, probably wondering why she was getting scolded for having a shoulder thrown at her.
Things got worse and with 2 minutes left Wayzata's star was chasing a loose ball and was pushed from behind by one player into another CR player. Again, no card for the two handed push. She had to be carried off the field. If she is hurt and can't play in the dome the blame lies more with the ref than a CR player.
Who cares if the refs are male, female, or martian as long as they are good refs, but the ref in question was female and I couldn't help wondering if the best ref available was used for the game or if someone thought there needed to be a female reffing a girl's State game.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? A good team like Mahtomedi doesn't have its players at MTA during the club season? They really play at other lowly clubs like Woodbury, St. Croix and TC Fire? That is shocking.

Anonymous said...

EP and Woodbury will win today but hope for a Eastview Woodbury final.

Anonymous said...

lets rip MTA any way we can, because we have SOOOOO.... MUCH... CLASS....

Anonymous said...

class and mta...isnt that an oxymoron?

Anonymous said...

Issues with enrollment and class selection. Currently the MSHSL takes the top 65 teams (in enrollment) and makes AA and then the next 100 or so are Class A. That makes AA sections to be nice and tidy--8 or 9 per section and Class A to be rather unrly 13-20 teams per section. It also means that AA players have closer (by #'s) access to being honored--All State etc. The MSHSL should draw a line (like they do in most sports) and the classes equally by enrollment (2 equal classes of about 80 teams each). The MSHSL polled the schools and the biggest opposition came from AA schools.

Anonymous said...

no, but you are "some" kind of moron...

you should just wear a tee shirt that says "hi I am a small, spiteful, jealous person. how are you?"

Anonymous said...

are you really that angry 1121?

I guess you proved that 1108 is quite accurate in his/her assessment of many of the individuals associated with your can't be that stupid. Look up the definition of a word you are not familiar with before you respond next time.

Anonymous said...

I am not usre the biggest opposition came from AA schools. There were several ideas out there and i know that some of the larger A schhols - Mahtomedi, BSM, HA wanted tsh status quo. They should do half and half the A sections with so many teams is ridiculous and look at section 5AA that is pathetically small.

Anonymous said...

1-1 Woodbury/Wayzata 1st half

Anonymous said...

Why not split A into two to even out the enrollment differences at the A schools a bit?

Anonymous said...

HS season almost over and the club haters are starting to crawl out from the rocks they were hiding under. Stay away from us for at least two more days until we can get through HS. Hopefully this blog will shut down or require log ins to post.

Anonymous said...

any more updates on woodbury/wayzata?

Anonymous said...

Woodbury up 2-1, flexing their muscle

Anonymous said...

who won the class A third place game??

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

1:36 - the same spiteful little child who probably posted the character attack on MTA. And seriously, YOU can't be that stupid can you? Guess you didn't see the "QUOTES" around the word moron there. Go back to you community club and talk about how much better you are than MTA, even though you just lost 5-0 to their second team.

Anonymous said...

1:47.... get a life.

Woodbury wins 3-2

Anonymous said...

Seriously they should get rid of the third place games. Nobody cares, they don't even bother to break a tie if there is one.

Anonymous said...

Any score on the EP EV game?

Anonymous said...

agree that it is worthless, although I know some coaches that use it as a time to give their seniors once more chance to play together, which is nice.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the 3rd place game? Is this opinion of a player or someone who has never been to the state tournament or experienced the dome? This is about the kids, not your dumb ass opinion.

Anonymous said...

The Woodbury/Wayzata game was very well played and competitive until the final whistle. Well done by both teams!

Anonymous said...

...although I know some coaches that use it as a time to give their seniors one more chance to play together, which is nice.

Hardly is this what is used for. Looking to win the game...period.

BTW..which coaches use the 3rd place game to play their seniors?

Anonymous said...

Eden Prairie beats Eastview on PKs.

Anonymous said...

What was score after regulation

Anonymous said...

EP - Eastview was 1-1....then PKs

Anonymous said...

my daughter played for DF when LKVLLE had one school. He started and played all of his seniors and lost twice in the third place game to DE. I can rememebr one of our "more passionate" parents sitting in the stands demanding that our AD go down and "do something about whet was happening on the field." We may have lost those games, but those seniors got to have their names called at the Dome. IF you aren't first who cares about third?

Anonymous said...

BSM has played everyone on the team in the Dome the past 4 years.

(And they have finished 2nd twice, 3rd once and 4th once).

Anonymous said...

A 3rd place game

BSM 1, Lourdes 0.

Anonymous said...

410 I am a player who has played in one. Are you?

Anonymous said...

Entertaining semifinals today. It does appear that the best two teams are in the final. WDB outplayed a hard working WYZ team most of the game. EP also had an edge in play although not as pronounced. Should be a great final. WDB 2 EP 1 in OT.

Anonymous said...

im a wayzata fan not saying wayzata shouldve won the game but how can u let up 2 goals a minute after your goals and expect to win

Anonymous said...

WYZ was still celebrating their goals. Probably for good reason, as WDBY had shutout their last 10 opponents. Except for the 60 seconds after they scored, WYZ played well. Saw both games and thought the first semi-final was much better played than the second. WDBY by at least 2 over EP.

Anonymous said...

I would disagree. I thought the first semifinal was rather one sided. The final will be a close one, these teams tied early in the year and I would expect a similar game.

Anonymous said...


I agree w/you. The person who wants to eliminate the 3rd place game probably never competed in anything other than bantering for attention on a message board in anonymity.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury was the better team and had more chances in the first semi but Wayzata played well. Woody and Way looked like the best two teams playing in the semifinals today. EP will have to step it up to win Thursday.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Woodbury Eclipse team sweep MS Soccer Awards!!! Must be all the development that Woodbury does. Awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

In the last 5 years only 4 schools have made the final. WDB 4, EP 3, LS 2 and Edina 1. Balance? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

To the bonehead in 2:40. These games are for the kids, not for you. If you ever played in a 3rd place game you would know they're important. Tony Pez will play his backup keeper and every player on his roster will get significant minutes Thursday. Any coach with any regard for his players will do the same.

Anonymous said...

738 you just agreed with the 240 post. Perhaps it would have been more accurate to say nobody cares who WINS the third place game. There are some parents who do though as 455 noted. Maybe they should be barred from the dome.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to EP! EVHS was a bubble off...not as aggressive as usual...nerves??? Maybe the early yellow card pulled them back? EP was quick to the ball, strong in the air. Good game. I think EV should have kept strong player in center instead of moving to attacker, too easy to contain the sisters. EV defense kept EP attacker in check most of the game bur EV midfield wasn't strong today. EP mid was tenacious and is a good playmaker. Feel of the game was totally different from first encounter. Congrats to both teams on good seasons!

Anonymous said...

Thanks FOA!

Anonymous said...

TP has to be sick. first, his team goes ahead 1-0 and then BAM! 15 seconds later Woodbury ties. His team doesn't play all that particularly well but with 4 minutes to play, they draw even on a great goal by #12 (who was wayzata's best player in the 2nd half). They've just extended their season a bit longer and then BAM AGAIN! 18 seconds later, Woodbury scores to go up 3-2. This one will sit in Wayzata's stomach for a long time.

Anonymous said...

They are not called PKs when deciding the match after overtime.

No penalty has been called therefore they are not penalty kicks. They are kicks from the mark or if you must, a shoot-out.

Anonymous said...

I'll go out on a limb and pick EP in the final, as their players are much hotter than WDB. The Eclipse girls look like the old East Germans...robotic and emotionless.


Anonymous said...

the eclipse girls?

Anonymous said...


The core of the WDB team is from the U-17 Inferno, with a few of the U-18 Eclipse filling out the line-up.

Anonymous said...

only a soccer geek would call them "kicks from the mark"...NERD!

Anonymous said...

its so obvious that for all the ripping on the A schools on here this blog is dominated by pompous AA people. After the class A semis, which by the way featured one GREAT game (BSM's goalkeeper is amazing, FYI) there was barely a whisper on here, then the AA games and all the sudden a flood of posts.

sometimes even the tag "anonymous" can't hide where people are from on here.

Anonymous said...

of course people are talking about the AA games, that is where the best soccer is. If AHA, Mahtomedi, BSM and the like want people to care, they should opt up and play AA, then maybe someone would listen when you talk about how good you are. AHA opts up in hockey why not soccer, maybe because they would get crushed in AA.

Anonymous said...

From the MSHSL rules:

d. If a tie still exists, each coach selects five players, on or off the field (except those who were disqualified), to take penalty kicks. The team winning the coin toss has the choice of shooting first or second. The referee designates which captain will call the coin toss. The teams alternate kickers with the goalkeeper being any eligible team member. The team scoring on the greater number of kicks shall be the winner.

Even they call it PK's.

Next your going to tell me you have tourettes!

Anonymous said...

9:20 - the classic idiot. AHA went 6-3 against AA schools this season, three of which had 10 or more wins.

and lets be honest here, its high school, there IS no good soccer... but if you really want to get into it I saw more possession, combination play, and teamwork in the A semis than I saw in the AA. That must be because they are all inferior athletes I guess.

Anonymous said...

9:26... they split with two of those teams, Northfield and Prior Lake, I would consider them good AA schools, not great. Prior Lake you don't hear much about because they are in the section of Doom with EP, Jeff, and Edina. Northfield usually gets sniped by Lakeville South.

my understanding is the only team that really beat AHA bad this year was Jefferson 3-0, but even then AHA held their own (actually had more shots on goal according to the box)

Would AHA be in the state final in class AA? no. But to say they'd get crushed playing in AA is pretty ignorant. Half their schedule is AA teams, they went 19-3-1 this year.

Anonymous said...

robotic and emoitionless?!? hmm who scored the winning goal of the wayzata game..and Eclipse girl.

Anonymous said...

The three teams that had 10 or more wins are Prior Lake, Northfield, and BJ. Prior Lake and Northfield play in a very weak (by AA standards) Missota conference, that is how they get their 10 wins. The other AA schools that AHA defeated (FMT,SHK) had a combined record of 11-17-3 playing in the Missota and a not strong non-con schedule. All lost in the first round of section playoffs. If you feel you can compete with the best then opt up and play AA. Otherwise continue to be a big fish in a smal pond and be content with that.

Anonymous said...

PL, NFLD are inferior AA teams, can't ven get out of the first round of their sections. FMK and SHK are just weak period. The only real AA team they played AHA lost 3-0. Opt up and prove us wrong.

Anonymous said...

PL, NFLD are inferior AA teams, can't ven get out of the first round of their sections. FMK and SHK are just weak period. The only real AA team they played AHA lost 3-0. Opt up and prove us wrong.

Anonymous said...

7:44 - I guess the important thing is that the game is played. It's not as important who wins it (except to the players). Coaches who play everyone in the 3rd place game are still trying win it, but they trying to win it with class.

Anonymous said...

11:06 Yeah, it had to hurt. Not something you'd expect to see from Tony's team. But Woodbury was clearly the best team playing yesterday. Wayzata has to be happy to have given them such a close game.

Anonymous said...

11:20 - don't say "us," everyone knows you post on here over and over trying to make it seem like people agree with you.

Anonymous said...

this thing on here about how some A schools should "opt up" and prove their worthiness (I believe AHA and Mahtomedi have been the targets) is about the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

This is just more from the AA schools that got beat and still need to feel good about themselves. If Mahtomedi for example "opted up" they'd be competing against schools (looking at the final four) with MORE THAN TWICE AS MANY STUDENTS AS THEY HAVE.

Give it a rest, go lick your wounds and spare us your blather.

Anonymous said...

agreed - give it a rest. good luck to all the teams still playing and congratulations to all the high school players at all levels at all schools on what we all hope was a fun and fulfilling season (i try to be very inclusive with lots of "alls").

Anonymous said...

EP 3099
WDB 2475
EV 2211
WAY 3043

MAHT 1109
AHA 862
BSM 873
R-LOUR 541

This sounds like a fair fight (especially in true team sports which require large participation).

Any coincidence that the two largest AA schools also arguably have the top football teams (another large participation true team sport - unlike baseball where one pitcher can dominate).

Anonymous said...

The opt up talk may be more of a reflection of some bloggers getting sick and tired of AHA parents thinking they are the best team in the state. Of course there is a split for a reason, but don't use NFLD, FMGTN, SHK and Pl as examples of how AHA would be competitive at AA. AHA is a very good A school leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

Eclipse, inferno, whatever...they're all wannabees. Wayzata rocked out there and their players were hot.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury and Eden Prairie of course have large enrollments, but more important they have structured training at the younger ages. Huge enrollments mean nothing if the kids aren't trained early and trained properally. They are sucessful because they have both criteria.

Anonymous said...

4:04 - agreed, but many other schools have quality structured training at the younger ages. Numbers do matter - even if only 1% of the kids are really good, wouldn't it be better to draw from 1% of 3000 (or a female player pool of 1500) vs 1% of 2400 (or a female player pool of 1200)? Even that conservative number equates to 3 more high level kids. One advantage that Wayzata and EP have is that their high school coaches are also the DOC's of the local clubs which should in theory translate into a consistent playing style.

Anonymous said...

The DOCs being the high school coaches means more than the greater numbers in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult for a real on the ball player to play with average kids. They have poor field awareness and less anticipation skill. They don't know what to do when they don't have the ball.Very difficult to make them better. That's why HS 's play boot ball.

Anonymous said...

Not every HS plays bootball. Look at Ev v LS, very different styles and EP v EV. EP and LS both move the ball more while EV more direct. And as for bootball, isn't that what the women's national team played while they lost twice in two years, one being the cup final? Sometimes being direct is more in your temas interest, not everyone can be Brazil

Anonymous said...

Works for North Carolina!

Anonymous said...

And the Gophers!

Anonymous said...

Last I heard the NC coach was defending himself in a sexual harassment case.

Anonymous said...

The Gophs aren't a very skilled team that's why they play direct (boot ball).That works in the Big Ten which also isn't a skill league.

Anonymous said...

Does NC play in a "skill" league?

Anonymous said...

Wayzata 3 - Eastview 1 in AA third-place game.

Anonymous said...

Did all the young ladies from both teams get to play in consolation game.

Anonymous said...

0 - 0 at half between AHA and Mahtomedi

Anonymous said...

End of game.
Mahtomedi 1-0 Holy Angels

Anonymous said...

hi everyone

Anonymous said...

according to the box score there was only one substitution total in the eastview wayzata game. If true both coaches are pretty pathedic.

Anonymous said...

the box score is wrong. i was there and i bet every healthy kid played.

Anonymous said...

thats good to hear!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a whole day of soccer at the Dome. Some very good, some were tuckered out. Congratulations to all who participated. Now I have time to head south for the winter. See you next Fall!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say Congrats to AA champions Woodbury!

Anonymous said...

. . . and to all the girls that played in the State Tourney!!

Anonymous said...

Very competitive AA title game between evenly matched teams. EP drew first blood only to see WDB tie game up less than a minute later. Unfortunate that winning goal for WDB was clearly offside, by at least one player if not two. Would have liked to see game decided on a good play.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the Lake conference posters can dial down the smugness a little now that the Classic Lake's 3rd place team (wayzata) beats the Lake champion 3-1 and gives Woodbury as good a game as Eden Prairie did.

Anonymous said...

Thank God it's over!

Anonymous said...

Watch the replay on the news, an EP player was standing on the back post - NO OFFSIDES.

Anonymous said...

Did someone just ascribe importance to the result of a 3'rd place game? This blog continues to plumb new depths.

Anonymous said...

agreed on the 3rd place game- no way to judge anything- laughable- hope all the kids enjoyed it

Anonymous said...

all you bootball haters, wdbry wins by being direct, a good game all around

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone disputes that bootball wins games.

Anonymous said...

It's certainly not enjoyable to watch. This years championship was hard to watch.

Anonymous said...

class A game was good. stats were pretty even (AHA 10 shots, Mahtomedi 9) - Zephyrs won it on a great goal off a corner, their keeper also made two big saves in the final 15 minutes. Definitely the two best teams made it to the final, and the best team probably won, but man it was close.

Anonymous said...

they need to get these games off of turf and out of the dome. even with the new turf, the game is different and these kids are not skilled enough to handle the bounces and fast track. there is a reason FIFA does not play on turf. if the games were played on grass it would look much better. move the games up a week, you do not need such a big break in between section finals and 1st round. play the finals at the Gophers stadium it would make for a much better atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

FIFA does play on turf. In fact there are many top level professional teams using field turf, including some in MLS and European leagues. There have been World Cup qualifiers played on field turf, its a matter of time before there is a world cup game played on turf. Actually the turf makes it an opportunity for BETTER soccer, true roll, etc etc. "these kids aren't skilled enough to play on turf" is an absurd statement, and I can think of players from at least 8 teams that would disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

if you think it's a good idea moving the games off of turf and over to the Gopher's stadium then obviously you did not go to the last weekend of their home games. nothing can suck skill out of players like 40 degrees, wind, snow flurries/driving rain.

Anonymous said...

You will never see a World Cup game on Turf, when the Cup was here and they played in the dome in Detroit they actually moved a grass field in, it was not turf. Play the games on soccer only fields and the product is better. If you have to play on football fields that is one thing, but you can find soccer only fields AV, NFLD etc. Do not use the MLS as an example of anything, it is barely soccer and name me ANY top level club in the world that plays on Turf, you cannot. The ball moves too fast, it bounces too much and yes these kids are not skilled enough to handle it. Do you see how often the ball bounces and the passes that miss the mark becaue of the speed of the surface. Ask any coach who knows anything and they will tell you the game changes on turf, no matter how fancy it is. You move the girls final outside and it is not such an ugly game.

Anonymous said...

Agree, turf is bad. You can warm up in 40 degrees but you can't take the bounce out of the carpet.

Anonymous said...

Zenit-St. Petersburg plays on field turf - they were the UEFA Cup Champions AND beat Manchester United for the UEFA Super Cup this year.

Anonymous said...

oooooh 10:35... I GUESS he CAN

Anonymous said...

After the novelty wears off, the dome is a bad place for soccer. The games are already played during the day, girls final kicked off at 3pm, takes a lot of the chill out of the weather. Play the games on grass at a local college if need be

Anonymous said...

yes - the Petrovsky stadium, home of Zenit and Dinamo, switched to field turf last year.

Anonymous said...

people are just saying this because it was unseasonably warm yesterday - turf changes the game a lot less than frozen players (like the above poster said) - few years back I went to the men's college cup in Crew Stadium in columbus ohio, in December- it was the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

keep it indoors. I'll bet you all the participating players AND coaches much prefer the climate/conditions. And while the difference in field turf vs grass is noticeable, its light years beyond the old astro turf

Anonymous said...

the funny thing is if they were played outside in normal MN weather this time of year the same people would probably be complaining about how dumb it was to play the game outside. it amazes me how many soccer "purists" we have in this state (almost as many as the soccer "experts").

Anonymous said...

I love when people on here qualify their own remarks with statements like "ask any coach who knows anything." well, I'm a coach and I believe the turf GREATLY ENHANCES the players ability to control the ball by eliminating uneven surfaces, odd bounces, and making the action of the ball whole heartily much more predictable than a divot filled beat up late October field. When AV and NF get the same kinds of groundskeepers as all those top professional clubs your spouting off about then lets talk, in the meantime, "ask any coach" WHO ACTUALLY WAS THERE and they'll tell you they prefer the controlled environment over the crap shoot that is late October weather in MN

Anonymous said...

If you are a coach then you would agree how foolish it is to move to turf, these kids do not have the skill needed to weight a ball properly or handle the extra speed and bounce of the turf after playing on grass all year. Professional may be bale to and high end colege teams, but don't fool yourslef into believing that these kids can handle the transition. A case in point, yesterdays girl's final, not a very pretty game to watch, I bet you put those two teams on the gophers field at midday and it is a much better game.

Anonymous said...

The AA champ game was perhaps the poorest played in years. These two teams just don't have any skilled players. I thought I was watching volleyball.Pretty embarassing attempt at futbol.

Anonymous said...


No skilled players? You, need to get a clue. I was NOT at the game, but have seen many (most) of these two teams players over the last two/three years and can say w/out question there were some very good skilled players on those two teams. Interestingly enough, I don't believe any of them play at MTA. To you, is that maybe why none of them are skilled? Be honest and answer.

Anonymous said...

The Price sisters are pretty skilled =) think they are MTA

Anonymous said...

Price sisters didn't make it to the big dance.

Anonymous said...

305 was correct in that the championship game was not very well played. I disagree that it was necessarily because the players lack skill. Some probably do, some probably don't. The direct style of play just does not let them show it.

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