Monday, October 06, 2008

'08 Girls Sections

An exciting season is moving into sectional play. The top 5 or 6 teams in AA and A have a real shot at winning state.

Section brackets:

Section 1: A - AA
Section 2: A - AA
Section 3: A - AA
Section 4: A - AA
Section 5: A - AA
Section 6: A - AA
Section 7: A - AA
Section 8: A - AA


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Anonymous said...

Moundsview score?

Anonymous said...

AHA 2 - SPA 0

AHA conrolled the first half 70/30 if not more. AHA scored on a set piece. SPA played for the long-thru ball and held back. Second half was different game. AHA sat back and SPA had half dozen corners but no real threats - AHA scored as SPA goalie came out to shorten field. Smart play but interception resulted in long goal and icing the game.

AHA versus VIS at the Stardome on Thursday should be a good game. IMHO the clock will strike midnight before Cinderalla finds the back of the AHA net enough times. The stars midfield have slapped everyone around on their home carpet accept Bloomington Jeff.

Vis has proved that they can play the beautiful game however based on their 5-0 thumping of SPA and 4-0 over a respectable Washburn team.

Either team deserves a top 2 rating coming out of the section-of-death apon a win.


Anonymous said...

Moundsview over Maple Grove 1-0.

Anonymous said...

Vis vs. Blake game was a nice match as expected; both teams played well. Blake controlled more of the play and had more scoring opportunities but couldn't get the W. Blake had a goal taken away from them in the first half that everyone on the field knew was a goal but the referees. Score at halftime was 0-0 as a result. Vis scored with 15 minutes left and then again with about 2 minutes left when Blake was pushing forward. Good luck to Vis and AHA as the toughest section in single A comes to a close.

Anonymous said...

Edina/Wayzata recap?

Anonymous said...

And an eerie silence descended over the land.......

Anonymous said...

All that's left is 4AA, 8AA, and class A.

Any big surprises out there so far? Looks like mainly #1's or very strong #2's making it to the State tournament so far.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that BSM has given up 6 goals in 20 games?

Not bad.

Anonymous said...

edina v ep
both teams had chances. i think edina might have had more.
very good goalie play by ep saved a late goal that just went wide. ep's #16 runs like a deer and is always looking to score (or flop). they are fast up top.
reffing was, let's just leave that to the imagination.
ep's midfield ruled the 1st half by aggressive play. edina's mids picked it up in the 2nd.
after 100mins both sides were dragging.
4-3 on the pks. edina took out the game keeper and replaced her with NF. no balls went wide...the last shot for edina went pretty much at the ep keeper's knees.

game, set, match.

good luck ep.

Anonymous said...

After this year you will never hear of Woodbury again. The Univ of EP will rule forever.

Anonymous said...

Saw a game yesterday that was officiated by the Three Blind Mice.Two legit goals were disallowed because they were out of position to make the correct call.This is HS and ya we know we're lucky to have any refs at all.

Anonymous said...

Once Woodbury gets through top four seed predictions?


Anonymous said...

Agree with 1-3. #4 seed will be interesting. WYZ 13-4-4, LS 15-6 and MV 15-5-1. Might give the edge to MV based on the record, but wouldn't be surprised to see any of those three at the #4 seed.

Anonymous said...

3a prediction - Visitation will beat AHA 4-2

Anonymous said...

3:18, they might win as they are a very good team, but 4 goals is quite an offensive explosion since no Class A team scored more than one goal on AHA this year.

Anonymous said...

EP,EV and WDB will obviously be top 3. Any of 4 teams could be #4, the ones mentioned above and also Coon Rapids. I don't think it will be LS as coaches will be reluctant to seed 3 Lake teams in top 4. MV came from a down conference in a weak section and is in same conference as WDB. Bet on CR or WYZ.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Blake really got the shaft against Vis when the ref somehow did not the see the ball roll between the posts in the first half. Ridiculous! Given Blake's stingy D, it wouldn't have surprised me to see them buckle down and win 1-0. Nonetheless, Vis played a nice game and got the W.

Anonymous said...

CR??? Please help us all understand how they could be #4? They are a good team, but not a very tough conference or section this year. Not sure if they have one win over a ranked team this year.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Three Lake Conference schools in the state tournament.

Anonymous said...

WYZ was ranked higher than LS,CR and MV in last poll so I'm thinking it will stay the same.

Anonymous said...

Only flaw in the 4:15 argument is that the poll is all coaches and the seeding is just the coaches of teams making the state tournament. The coaches really need to polish up their cases so when they need to make them it is compelling. CR's record merits consideration, but NWS conference is not very strong. I think its between MV and WYZ.

Anonymous said...

There are three conferences where almost annually the top teams reside (Lake, Classic Lake, and Suburban East). Those three conferences are spread out amongst SIX sections. It would just make sense that the bulk of the teams making state would come from there. Last year I believe it was 2-2-2. A few of the section finals are also annually contested between these conferences (Edina/EP/BJ in one, EV/Park in another) while a couple pretty much guarantee one conference will be represented (WYZ/RA, WDB/WBL). Currently LS has the easiest route.

Anonymous said...

CR and MV have not beaten anyone. Best wins for LS include BJ, EAG, RC. Best wins for WYZ RC, RA, BRD. Not a great resume for either. Common opponents Edina, BJ, CP. WYZ record 1-2-1. LS 2-1-0. I would give edge to LS but 343 is correct the coaches will never put 3 teams from same conference in the top 4. #4 seed will be Wayzata.

Anonymous said...

I would say MV has the easiest section outside of section 7 and 8. RC in 1 and WBL in 4 give some opposition to LS and WDB but those sections aren't very tough either. 6 is down whenever WYZ is down. The only tough sections year in and year out are 2 and 3.

Anonymous said...

RC got out of the gate fast and might have caught some folks by surprise, but after the first week, they lost all their non-conference games (CR, Edina, & Wayzata).

Anonymous said...

Vis/Blake game was well played considering the uneven bounces on the football field. Blake had more possession and earned several corners, but was otherwise not very dangerous. Vis had better chances from the attack.

BTW, several players including the keeper said the disputed "goal" went just wide of the post. The center checked with the AR, who never signaled a goal, and called the goal kick.

Anonymous said...

8:42 - Your sources are mistaken. Blake was robbed a goal! Of course the Vis keeper isn't going to admit it was a goal, are you kidding me? She probably didn't even see it! Why did every player on the field begin to head to midfield after the "goal?" The ref screwed up. Maybe we should send him the video? I have hard time believing Blake wasn't more dangerous given their corner kick advantage of 8-3 and the fact the Vis keeper had many more saves. Vis scored on their chances, and otherwise didn't have many looks. Bottom line, Vis took home the W.

Anonymous said...

wait... help me understand this... if it rolled between the posts and not wide, isn't that what a NET is for? Did it go through the net? If so then Blake only has Blake to blame. It was at their place.

Anonymous said...


1. Blake generated one dangerous chance in the run of play and missed wide from about 20 yards. I believe I mentioned the corners, which were their best chances. It seemed like more than eight corners, but you have the stats. They also had a few free kicks that were dangerous.

Vis misfired on a few nice plays before scoring and had a few others stopped at the last minute by Blake's defense, which is excellent.

If there is definitive video of the "goal", then Blake was robbed. As I said, SEVERAL players, including the keeper, said the ball was wide. I'm guessing the keeper had a great view since she was trying to stop the shot. I was in the stands with the rest of the spectators 70-80 yards away (not a few feet from the ball like the keeper), or 10-20 yards away like the refs. The Blake players ran back - most of the Vis players waited for the refs to make the call.

In any case, a very competitive well contested game from both teams.

Anonymous said...

Yes we are kidding you.

But why don't you put the vidio on u tube and we can all see it. BTW don't all players head for the mid field on a goal kick, or should they assume the goal kick will only go 20 yards (remember the u9 days when a goal kick was a scoring opportunity for the opposing team - ah the good ol days). Bottom line is defense doesn't win championships. And this wasn't a one goal game and it was played for 80 minutes. The 2008 Bears were a worthy and classy opponent - see you next year.


Anonymous said...

Some good comments on the Blake vs. Vis game. I was an impartial spectator, and personally thought that Blake's "goal" that got called back was a mistake. I'm assuming the video will eventually confirm. Yes, it is Blake's fault if the nets aren't secure, but part of the pregame routine for the refs is for them to make sure the nets are secure! The second goal Vis got was only a result of Blake throwing their numbers forward, so IMO it was really only a one goal result. Good luck to Vis as they take on a very good AHA squad.

Anonymous said...

LS lost 16 players from last years team and another moved to edina. They starter 2-4 and are 14-2 since, one loss coming 0-3 to EP when they scored 3 own goals. if coaches are fair and ignore that three teams from the lake get seated LS gets the nod on how they have polkayed the last 4 weeks. LS finishes 3 in conference behind EP and EV, but the Lake was the deepest team in state once again, having three of the final top 5 teams in the final poll. MV has been over rated all year and WZ did not win their conference and has a worse record against common opponents. LS should be #4

Anonymous said...

11:06 - not a bad argument. The only concern that I would have is except for a win over the team that you tied for 3rd place in your conference (BJeff), can you name another big win during the year (and personally I don't count RC as IMO they were over-rated)?

State seeding is a lot like the college football BCS where unfortunately there are a few strong conferences and not a lot of inter-conference non league games that get played that might help clarify things.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know why Duluth East soccer competes in two different sections?
Boys play in 7A and girls in 7AA.

Anonymous said...

the Duluth East girls opt to play in AA. Enrollmentwise they are technically an A school.

Anonymous said...

Other then JEff, no great wins, but neitehr does MV or WZ. 5 of 6 losses for LS came to teams ranked in top ten. they played tougher schedule and are from deeper conference

Anonymous said...

WYZ was leading or in every one of its losses (worst loss was by one goal), all of which were against top ten teams. Not the case for LS or MV. WYZ deserves the #4 seed, hands down.

Anonymous said...

Being in games make no difference, who did WZY beat. LS did beat BJ and 5 out of 6 losses came against top 10 teams, the last to AV 1-0 when LS dominated game. LS 4 seed

Anonymous said...


Except for MTKA and Hopkins (solid teams), every team in the CLC was in the top ten all year long. There are no cupcakes in the CLC.

Lake has Kennedy, Rosemount, AV, Chaska, Lakeville North, etc. Lake is solid at the top, but they are definitely not a deeper conference?

Anonymous said...

The CL has half the teams as Lake and only three quality teams Arm, WYZ, MTKA and MTKA is debatable. Hopkins would finish in the bottom of the Lake and MTKA would be lucky to crack the top 5. The lake had 6 of its teams ranked in the top ten this year at some point and have three temas in the tourney. it is a much better conference.

WYZ has NO QUALITY WINS, at least LS beat BJ something WYZ could not do.

Anonymous said...

LS 7-3 in best conference in state

WYZ 1-3-4 in third best conference in state

Anonymous said...

I guess it all depends on what you call "deep". Don't forget that in the CLC, you have to play everyone twice. So two games against Edina, two games against RA, etc... An eight game schedule for any CLC team is comparable to the one game per school schedule of the Lake. Put yourself in Hopkins or Tonka's shoes, 6 league games against teams ranked in the top 8 in the final poll....

Anonymous said...

any team that scores on itself three times in one game should not be a top seed.


Anonymous said...

Any score on WDB/WBL yet?

Anonymous said...

Mahtomedi 2 SSP 1

Any other scores?

Anonymous said...

Mahtomedi 2 SSP 1

Woodbury 5 WBL 0

Any other scores?

Anonymous said...

BSM 3, Orono 2.

4th trip to state in a row for BSM girls!

Anonymous said...

Anyone have 2A, 3A, 5A, 6A or 7A results?

Anonymous said...

AHA 1 - VIS 0

Same story AHA mids own their home carpet. Blazers were fast and physical and ran through every ball. The AHA mids combined with AHA's fire power up top wore the Blazers down. AHA may have been deeper on the bench as well. Vis has only about 70 students per class but consistently punch above their weight in most HS sports - but bench strength in a tiny school can be an issue. The game was played hard for the full 80.


Anonymous said...

Class A seeds?

1. Mahtomedi
2. AHA
3. BSM
4. St. Michaels or Hermantown

Anonymous said...

I think that looks accurate. I am going with St. Michaels-Albertville.

Anonymous said...

side note - AHA was missing three starters last night who were on a school trip to London (apparently scheduled last year, before there was any soccer schedule???) - two impact starters in particular the ride outside mid and the goalkeeper. They should be back in the lineup for the quarterfinals.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... my favorite part of the year... the haters be silenced. Congrats to all the sectional champs, you've earned it.

Anonymous said...

Bangu still sucks.

Anonymous said...

Should be a great upcoming tournament in both classes. Lots of solid teams loaded with many of the best youth players in the state.

Class AA is shaping up to be WDB vs. the EV/EP semi winner while over in Class A, Mahtomedi is probably the clear cut favorite with one of the other seeded teams hoping to get a shot at them.

We'll never know until they play them, but it should be fun.

Anonymous said...

Re: Blake vs Vis; not the first time this year there was a disputed goal vs non-goal at Blake involving a ball that went through the net, only Blake got the call on that one; what goes around comes around

Anonymous said...

'hater' another made up word for the ages.

Anonymous said...

.... says the "hater" who has nothing better to do at 5:31 AM on a Saturday morning...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Blake needs some new nets... and maybe a new field to while we're at it. its a shame one of the best programs in the state finishes the year sloshing around on that mud pit. you'd think with tuition where its at they could pay a grounds crew. and no, this isn't an anti blake post (despite the tuition jab) - I MEAN IT - it literally is a shame that one of the best programs in the state doesn't have a facility to match.

Anonymous said...

10:54 - Curious what goal you are speaking of, no other controversial ones come to mind. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

12:00 - happy to hear that Blake is getting turf and although 9:58 might have been a bit harsh, he/she does make a point. Fortunately it looks like a discussion that won't need to come up again in the future.

Anonymous said...

interesting... I see the brackets out and can't seem to figure out why the #2 team AHA has to go TO ST. CLOUD to play St. Cloud Apollo. Whats the point of being seeded if the unseeded team gets home field? What kind of decision is that? seriously? I thought these were supposed to be neutral sites? I also find it curious that only 1 class A game is being played Thursday, everyone else plays Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

12:00 - yes, because clearly you are stupid if you don't know the facilities blueprints for Blake High School. What an idiot. I thought the post was pretty complimentary to Blake, in fact it referred to them as one of the best programs in the state unless I'm mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury gets a free pass to to the dome. A nice going away present.Too bad there wasn't one more Lake conf team cuz then they could have put all four in the same bracket.

HA gets to go to St Cloud. What's that all about?

Whoever the dudes are that made these pairings must have done shots and the last man standing made the final decisions.

Anonymous said...

The last man standing did six double shots of Jack Black in seven minutes saw Elvis and his gramma and said Jesus gave him the pairings.

Anonymous said...

Are you joking? Woodbury gets no free pass.

Anonymous said...

if anything EP gets the free pass

Anonymous said...

EP absolutely has the free pass...what a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

A free pass to the dome, yes, but wouldn't EP have to beat EV in the semi's (the same team that they lost to)?

Anonymous said...

For all the top teams, just comes down to who was lucky enough to have the better game that day. There's a lot of talent and heart out there and these championship games bring out the best. Good luck to all! Every team has a right to be proud of how far they've made it. Don't take away the joy by bad mouthing any team. They still have to win all the games in the end!

Anonymous said...


solid game

Anonymous said...

10:03 - What game was that and when?

Anonymous said...

Don't believe St. Cloud Apollo is playing on their home field, so site is neutral.

Hard to feel too sorry for AHA given the huge home field advantage they get when playing on their ancient rug.

Predict AHA makes the finals unless they run into a physical team that can play well on turf.

Anonymous said...

Yawn....who cares?

Anonymous said...

Ms AA Soccer: Stephanie Brandt (Roch Cent)

Anonymous said...

I thought they would give it to an outstate player this year but thought it would be the BRD player.

Anonymous said...

Rochester needs a little love too.

Anonymous said... one knew who she was!

Anonymous said...

But Congrats to her! Way to go! Way to surprise all of us!

Anonymous said...

coaches really turned out a headscratcher with AA ms. soccer

Anonymous said...

Is she even a soccer player? like no one knew her

Anonymous said...

All big deal here in Minnesota. It's just coaches picking their favorites.It won't get you any college looks.

Anonymous said...

Do the award go to skillful players or to someone who been in the program for four years and show up at practice everyday?

Anonymous said...

she's verbally committed to the U of M and plays club with wsc eclipse

Anonymous said...

SB is a good pick. Great selfless player who is not part of the "system". Rest assured, if you didn't know who SB is, you really are looking in the wrong places for the truly great players who have staying power and will actually have a great career after high school. Some of the very best players in MN soccer don't play for the respective state cup champs and college coaches know it. Many of the so-called "marquee players aren't really that good without the supporting cast. Congrats to SB on an award which is deserved!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:33
Are you saying the Gophers are getting another Ms Soccer in 2009?

Anonymous said...

The Gophers currently have 3 Ms. Soccers that I know of, maybe more. 2 don't play at all, one is very limited.

Anonymous said...

Just to correct 801 college coaches do look primarily at the best club teams when recruiting because that is where the best players are. That is why they win state cup and are the best team. His statement re "marquee" and "truly great" players is off the mark. Are there exceptions? Of course. Players would still be well advised to play for the best summer teams they can and participate in ODP. It is always better to challenge yourself everyday against the best competition you can. And when you do get to college, STUDY! Nothing is worse than having to babysit a player who is disinterested in the classroom.

Anonymous said...

Only 2 defenders picked on All State, really?

Reading Pioneer Press article leads one to believe it's all about scoring stats for All State recognition/Ms. Soccer.

Anonymous said...

it appears as if ms. soccer this year went to an outstate player to appease those coaches who feel they are shortchanged from time to time. There was not a dominant metro player this year especially after BW from Park hurt her knee. ALthough you would hope that politics does not play a part in this, it does, the RC player is a nice player, but not the best senior in the state.

Anonymous said...

you mta folks can make this argument outstate over and over, but anyone who has seen her play club ball knows that she is the most dangerous senior forward in the state

Anonymous said...

I am not from mta, not even sure what that has to do with anything, after all this is HS, but I disagree. I don't feel she is even the most dangerous outstate forward in the state. That would be KR in my opinion. Everyone will have their own opinion.

Anonymous said...

If the discussion is limited to forwards it is surprising ND was not selected.

Anonymous said...

When are the predictions going to start?

WDB 2 MV 0
WYZ 1 CR 0
EP 4 BUF 0
EV 2 LS 1 OT

Anonymous said...

The really high quality 2A out state kids have a greater opportunity to ring up the stats as the day-to-day challenges are not as great as having to play all your league games in the Lake, CLC, SubEast, etc.... Usually a fair amount of 1A teams in their conferences as well. Take a peak at how RC and BR combined did against the CLC this fall 0-3 while scoring one goal and giving up eight. I'm not saying they aren't great players, as they are, but they can dominate games in their league which would be much harder to do in a metro conference.

Anonymous said...

No way she is the best senior forward in the state.

Anonymous said...

It is also true that one game does not mean a lot. RC did well against the LC teams, although those games were very early in the season. They struggled more as season went on.

Anonymous said...

Can't we just be happy for her? This blog is ridiculuous.

Anonymous said...

For all of you mta supporters it is interesting to note that ms. soccer from both a and aa came from a cc team--wsc eclipse...the sky must be falling

Anonymous said...

How can a CC team have players from Mahtomedi and Rochester? And why would mta supporters care? This is High School.

Anonymous said...

9:16, If that is true and there was only to defenders picked the coaches or whoever picks the all state team is sending a real bad message to the young players coming up. I wonder what would happen if all the defenders tried to score and not play defense.

Anonymous said...

^^^Grab the paper and look. There are only two defenders who received All State. And those two deserved it! But,hey,there were some other awesome defenders out there, guess defenders weren't high on the list this year.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury Eclipse is not a CC team you idiots. They are an elite team, the only real elite girls team playing outside of MTA, and a team started by the guy who started MTA. What are you so happy about? You seem like a hater yet your words actually help MTA's cause. Thanks Julie.

Anonymous said...

You have the wrong WDB team, Inferno is the Elite team that was started by MA and is U17. Eclipse is WDB U18 team, they are not really a CC team either though as their players come from all over. Probably the #4 or #5 team at the age group behind SSM, MTA, Wings (not sure what they are called now), and WBL.

Anonymous said...

I hate to burst your bubble but I believe you have your facts wrong. MA never worked with the woodbury 18s...his last group was the inferno(17s).

Anonymous said...

Woodbury is a CC club. Because it has players from different areas, it isn't? Huh? You changing the definition?

Anonymous said...

Its really to bad AP from Mounds View did not win the award. She was most deserving

Anonymous said...

Everyone can have their own opinions.

Anonymous said...

the HS coaches made a mockery of the award with their choice this year. I am happy for the kid but politics should not play a part in this and that is the only way to explain it.

Anonymous said...

I think you can stick a fork into RC. They are all done.

Anonymous said...

813 what is the definition?

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to discuss the games. Any upset predictions. Any of the top 3 in AA or top 4 in A losing would be an upset.

Anonymous said...

Any upsets? All the teams are good at this point. Even comparing the top three or four in A or AA is not comparing apples to apples.
Upsets occur only in the minds of some people that make predictions on this blog!

Anonymous said...

AP ms. soccer?!? are you kidding me. She is overrated and does not perform for all the press she gets. Stephanie Brandt is a good pick because she is not all hyped up, so she works for her attention. It is not handed to her because she plays for the stars.

Anonymous said...

AP ms. soccer?!? are you kidding me. She is overrated and does not perform for all the press she gets. Stephanie Brandt is a good pick because she is not all hyped up, so she works for her attention. It is not handed to her because she plays for the stars.

Anonymous said...

They are both fine players and deserving. Congratulations to both ladies.

It must really stink for all you to waste minutes of your life you'll never get back by always finding the negative in everything and everyone.

Anonymous said...

AP will win both awards in the newspapers which the coaches have feedback and get ballots to vote. SB is a very good player but not even in the top 10 players in the state.

Anonymous said...

They are both fine players and deserving. Congratulations to both ladies.

It must really stink for all you to waste minutes of your life you'll never get back by always finding the negative in everything and everyone.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Mr and MS Soccer winners. You deserve it. Someday you'll do well in business and in other aspects of life and The Little People will make stupid, ignorant and envious statements, just as they have as evidenced by the above posts. It is part of the territory. When they stop talking about you it is time to worry! You are the best. I congratulate you again. Sadly you have to live with THEM. But you are not THEM.

On to Class A soccer.

Mahtomedi beats over Hermantown 7 - 0.

Rochester Lourdes beats Albert Lea 3-2.

Academy of Holy Angels over St. Cloud Apollo 4-0.

Benilde-St. Margaret’s over St. Michael-Albertville 5- 0.


Anonymous said...

Who cares about A

Anonymous said...

10:41 - those teams might win, but expect scores more like 2-0, 2-1, 1-0, etc... The games will be all be tight as all the teams are very good (which is why they all got to this point).

Anonymous said...

Lots of us care about A teams!

Anonymous said...

All one of you?

Anonymous said...

Whitney Browne (Osseo) and Allie Phillips (Mounds View) are Strib players of the year.

Anonymous said...

Nice articles about Brown and Phillips in the Strib.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to first and second team players! There are some very good players listed here who have worked hard and supported their teams.

Still puzzled why only two defenders per team are chosen? A team of eleven needs more than 2 defenders!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the All metro teams! Year in and year out they do the best job of recognizing the best players. Not saying it is perfect, it is not, but better than all state with the geographical restrictions and politics. Also better than Pioneer Press with the east side bias they usually present.

Anonymous said...

How are the players for the all metro team chosen?

Anonymous said...

LC is a good kid.

She's a bencher on the 90/91 ODP team.

She was a non factor in the section game vs LS

I could name several players that didn't make All State because their coaches didn't promote them. One coach promoted his lil favorites even though there were better players on his team.This coach is short on character and frankly a disgrace to the game.

Anonymous said...

Some great players on lesser teams didn't make it, even though they are players which will receive the ultimate award--of being recruited into a strong D-1 program, whilst some of the all-staters wonder why they, as all-staters weren't recruited. Not that this hasn't happened before and will continue to happen. Get used to it all. Not every high school coach has a clue, so fret not. The ultimate award is to be asked into a respected D-1 program. If you're daughter wasn't promoted by her coach, yet she is all-state caliber, don't worry about it. Maybe her team isn't very good, and how many people in our society, much less high school soccer coaches will vote for substance over fluff? To add, the majority of all-staters are very good, deserving players, but a number of them can't even get off their club team bench. They know who they are.

Anonymous said...

High School soccer is enjoyable whether A or AA, although the doofus constantly tweaking the A posters is making me dislike AA boosters.

With the level of soccer played in this country, it is amazing how many experts we have posting on this blog in MN.

If the players going on to college at any level do not improve their skills considerably, they will never get off the bench in college.
The best college coaches can recognize and recruit the players with significant upside, and there is a strong chance these players will not be on the top club team.

Anonymous said...

There is very little chance they are not on a top club team, whether in MN or anywhere else. Quit fooling yourself.

Anonymous said...

I said THE top club team.

Anonymous said...

Then the chance is somewhat better but still saying it is "strong" chance is overstated. In MN I would put it at around 15-20% if past and current years are any indication. Check Soccer Buzz.

Anonymous said...

8:25-- Which coach are you speaking of?

Anonymous said...

Please reveal, we want more dirt on people.

Anonymous said...

I think they should hold off on season recognition until state tournament is over. Less distractions for players, no in fighting between player/coach or between disappointed players.

Anonymous said...

Several have suggested that all-state awards are driven by stats such as how many goals are scored. Several past posts have commented favorably on coaches who pull their starting lineups when they are ahead by 3 goals or so. Personally I believe this is the right thing to do but someone brought up to me that this actually hurts the player who could have scored three more goals to increase their goal stats if they were in the hunt for post season recognition. Never looked at it that way because I believed selection committees/individuals would look at the big picture. I can dream, can't I?

Anonymous said...

is it any coincidence that most of the "top" players play for the top teams? Are they making the teams good or are the teams making the player look good (IMO - usually a bit of both)? take any great goal scorer off of one of the best teams and put them on a weak team which does not possess the ball much and watch their stats evaporate. take Ronaldo off of ManU and put him on one of the teams that is going to be relegated and then tell me if he's fifa player of the year...... where you really see who is who out there isn't at high school but at the club level where most of the best kids migrate to the top teams. see who does what out of state, at regionals, etc...

Anonymous said...

Who were the coaches that made up the All State selection committee?

In state.out state, A vs AA etc....

Interesting to know..

Anonymous said...

Holy Angels won 4-1 tonight

Anonymous said...

any other scores for tonight

Anonymous said...

BSM beat STMA in shoot out! (1-0)

Anonymous said...

wow... STMA deserved a little more respect me thinks! They were the more dangerous team, though BSM controlled the pace. I know that sounds like a contradiction but the game was a classic clash of playing styles - BSM methodical and controlled, STMA a dangerous counter attack team. In the end neither team, neither style prevailed, and it went to the lottery. While STMA had the better chances for my mind, BSM must have had a vast majority of the possession.

The semi final should make for great soccer, both AHA and BSM like to PLAY SOCCER - there won't be any kickball.

Anonymous said...

not mention, its just awesome that you get such a RIVALRY in a state semifinal. How cool is that??? No matter who wins the Metro will be rocking Monday morning at 10 am

Anonymous said...

I have followed class A for years and I have to say this is as down as I have ever seen it. Last year there were 43-5 very good teams who could have been competitive in AA. Totino, AHA, Blake, BSM, and Mahtomedi all had better teams last year than this year. Is this just a blip?

Anonymous said...

I agree. This seems like a down year. Remember in A the problem is never the quality of player (IMHO) it is the number of players. You could graduate 3-4 players and have a hard time replacing them (whereas usually in AA you just reload).

And these teams usually not only CAN compete with AA schools but the DO.

Anonymous said...

I was at the match as well and agree with Anom 8:24 AM.
It was also a clash of two great attackers (STMA) and a great defense (8 goals in 22 games).

I also think that because BSM has been in 4 tournaments in a row they have experience and didn't waiver. Plus they have won several games by 1 goal and/or in ot (STMA missed their last 2 shots of pk's while BSM missed their second shot-please do not take this as a rip on STMA, just an observation and some speculation).

Anonymous said...

Agree with the above comments. I think last year was a real "up" year for A as all the teams mentioned above really lost some strong seniors from last year. Those graduated seniors when combined with this year seniors made for some stronger teams.

What you are also starting to see in A is the rapid improvement in the outer suburbs like Rogers, STMA, Orono, etc... who have pretty much caught up with the big privates schools and Mahtomedi. The top 4-5 might be down a bit, but I would bet that teams 6-12 are also much better. These teams will continue to excel until they outgrow A and due to enrollment will eventually be pushed into AA.

Anonymous said...

cav-J...solid comment on the 1 goal games by BSM, of their 22 games this year 13 have been 1 goal +/- final scores.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how many of the players the secret selection committee actually saw play. My guess is less than a handful. That's why picking an all state team is an effort in futility.

What is the criteria the selection committee must follow. Does anybody know?

Anonymous said...

AA Woodbury and EP Roll. LS and WYZ win in shootouts.

Anonymous said...

The first step in the all state selection process is for the conference coaches to accurately rank their players. A #2 ranked player cannot be selected before the #1 (and so on down the line).

The section reps then make the teams based on biographies submitted by each player's coach.

The section coaches are also given a sheet with the ranked order of all of the nominated conference players.

Each section and conference has to be represented as well (which usually is not very hard to do).There are also some quotas and limits on how many a team will get.

(Ms. or Mr. soccer has to come from the pool of #1 conference ranked players).

Why doesn't anyone on this site use monikers or real identities?

Anonymous said...

Eastview won two zip

Anonymous said...

Eastview won 2-1.

Eastview plays a fundamental boot and scoot that suits them well with their team speed.

LS played them earlier in the year.
EV didn't do anything different.They are a predictable team.

The LS coach should have made a change in strategy from the first game.Better deployment of one or two players to help out the lesser experienced defense.That didn't happen and that wass the ball game.

Anonymous said...

918 wrong EV wins 2-1
they dominate first half, LS dominates second EV lucky to get out of there, were under a lot of pressure in second half, very good game

Anonymous said...

Eastview won 2-1

Anonymous said...

EV had numerous high quality chances. More in first than second half. LVS had only one good scoring opportunity the entire game and they put it in. LVS applied more pressure in second half but never had the feel of being a threat. Game could have easily been 4-1.

Anonymous said...

Interesting game of conflicting styles. LS trying to possess and EV playing very direct. As is usually the case in HS direct play will win the game. Is there a final on game #2 yet?

Anonymous said...

EP 1-0 final

Anonymous said...

"As is usually the case in HS direct play will win the game."

University of North Carolina anyone?

Anson Dorrance lives and dies by it.

Anonymous said...

Ev dominated in first half. A big player change occurred in second half. anyone notice?

Anonymous said...

944- what game were you watching?
LS dominated second half, had a corner hit both bars and missed two chances inside of ten yards so as far as one chance, that is ludicrous. LS had at least 5 corners in the second half and 5 set pieces inside of thirty. The game could have been 3-2 LS as easliy as 2-1 EV. EV played a good game and is a strong team. EV wins first half and finishes its chances LS takes second half and cannot finish theirs, it is that simple. EV gets up and goes, plays to it's speed, LS moves the ball, controls tempo, it was a great state game.

Anonymous said...

The only change 10:16 is that LVS stepped up their intensity in the second half, which made them win a few more 50-50 balls and made the possession time more even. The only threat they really mounted was some free kicks from EVHS fouls. Not much pentration in the final third otherwise by LHS.

Anonymous said...

EV- LVS very close game- look at the stats

saves- EV-7, LS-6
SOG- EV 11- LS 9

Game could have gone either way, congrats to EV for 1st trip to semis

Anonymous said...


No change LS coach could make, not a very deep team. Inexperiece was a key to start. First 20, LS was very nervous and gives up one poor gaol and a great individual effort by MP. After first 20, LS controls much of game and the LS defense really stepped up 2nd half, if LS finishes better it is a different game.

BP of EV is the biggest reason EV wins the game, best player on the field

Anonymous said...

^^^Then you should have noticed the reason EV didn't control the middle in the second half.

Anonymous said...

I think AA is down this year... for all the talk about how A is down, lets just call it what it is, everyone is down. I expected to see a serious step up in the AA games from the A's that watched earlier. Nope. EV and LS just wasn't that great a game, and as much respect as I have EV's ability, take one player off that team and they just aren't as dangerous.

Anonymous said...

With most teams in MN if you take their top player off you will see a big drop in overall team ability. As time goes on I think we will see that last year's LS team was a bit of an exception as they had 3-4 top seniors as well as 3-4 quality returning players (this year's seniors). Many of these kids all played on the same club teams which annually won State Cups. IMO, the overall level is comparable, we might just be missing that top team which puts the entire AA class in a brighter light.

ps - this was not intended to start the LS/EDI revisit of last years final (we've all been down that road already - a few times).

Anonymous said...

I thought the LS-EV was a solid HS soccer game, very even teams playing well in a game that could have went either way. The EP-Buffalo game was good also, EP was obviously the better team but the Buffalo team acquitted themselves well and were a break away from getting to OT.

Anonymous said...

any reviews on the EP-Buffalo game?

Anonymous said...

Buffalo defense was interesting. For a long portion of the game they had a flat back four with a sweeper behind them. Buffalo was a scrappy, fast team. I don't think EP expected them to be as fiesty.
Curiously EP soph forward and little freshman were pulled out early in first half and then didn't start in second half. They sat the bench for quite a while. Nice play/passing by sr mid. Almost everything goes through her, definitely a playmaker. I'd key on her to shut down offense.

Anonymous said...

probably a smart idea to use the experience of the senior to try to unlock a strong defensive formation.

Anonymous said...

its not a flat back four with a sweeper behind them...

Anonymous said...

The Buffalo D plays like Grecce did in Euro 2004 and 2008

Anonymous said...

Whatever you call it that's what it looked like and I thought it was interesting. Had a whole section of fans in the stands talking. Not something you see all the time.

Anonymous said...

you mean.... talking and not barking about how the referee is out to get them?? wow.

how shocking, a heavy underdog played with 5 in the back, I HAVE never seen that before... wow

Anonymous said...

11:34 sounds like an EP fan who got more than they had bargained for.

Anonymous said...

how todays games go

Anonymous said...

Woodbury 2 Moundview 0

Anonymous said...

Checked out the MV WDBY game tonight and thought MV did a good job shutting down the two WDBY forwards in the first half. MV was playing 4 in the box, looked to be trying to win in OT or overtime. WDBY first goal was kind of a fluke that forced MV out of their box. Once it opened up, WDBY had numerous scoring opportunities and continued to control the play. Was impressed by both WDBY forwards, both are quick and can create their own opportnities. MV had a great chance outside the box in the first half that hit the cross and was eventually cleared. WDBY d player had a couple of fouls that imo should have drew cards. Both of WDBY mids shutdown AP and controlled most of the game. WDBY outplayed/controlled most of the game and deserved the W. WDBY had a good all around team and is probably the team to beat in the dome. Saw EV and EP yesterday and believe EV would have a better chance against WDBY. WDBY has a great back line and midfield to control the game and the forwards are quick/skilled and can finish. Looking forward to Tues at the dome!

Anonymous said...

Woodbury is flat out a "THUG" team.That has been their MO for years.

Anonymous said...

Agree...If WDBY plays Univ of EP a hockey game may break out.

Anonymous said...

Wayzata 2 Coon Rapids 0

Wayzata controlled play

Anonymous said...

too bad LS and wzta could not have played for trip to dome, it would have been a good game.

any ideas on new seeding system? I don't think the AV boys are so fond of it

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that the refs start getting a control on unnecessary rough play. Heard from LS that one player needed 20+ stiches and another crushed cartilage in the neck after EP game (dangerous kick, no call)now after EV game, one player with broken ankle, two knee injuries and one with 2 broken ribs. EV vs EP will be dangerous unless controlled by refs.

Anonymous said...

the ref in teh EV- LS should have cautioned one of the EV players early in the match and things would have calmed down, instead he let them finish tackles very ahrd and injure some girls, EV was a rough bunch

Anonymous said...

Alot of what you see in HS soccer are players who don't have a lot of skills running around out of control like banshees.

The three dirtiest teams are Wdby,EP and Rosemount.Actually their coaches encourage it.

Anonymous said...

Actually, on Woodbury, there's just really one player that stands out as being dirty. Anyone who's played them, or watched a game, knows who that is. EP is loaded. Don't know about Rosemont.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dirty play should not be tolerated. Tough play is part of the game, get used to it.

Anonymous said...

8:44....master of the obvious. Everybody knows rough play is ok. But when a player drop kicks another player who's on the ground that's not rough play.That's dirty play with intent to injure.When the above three dirty teams play there should be a penalty box.

Anonymous said... thinks there are a few players posting on here....? Maybe some players whose team lost?

Anonymous said...

I think the frustration just plain escalates. One team puts a move on the other. Then there's retaliation. It goes both ways. Bad reffing doesn't help. Ref's call one bad move and not another. Players retaliate. Watch tournament play at a Las Vegas or Orlando - it's rugby. I don't believe any of those coaches "teach" being dirty. This is State - the teams want to win.

Anonymous said...


You are very wrong. Not everyone knows physical play is ok. MOST fans of soccer in MN do NOT think physical/rough play is acceptable. Most of these people have never seen soccer as it is played outside of MN and think a hard tackle should be carded. Reality is, it is part of the game but most high school fans here in MN think it should not be. Even in high level club it's not widely accepted here in MN, but is the norm elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

MN kids are not skilled enough to attempt a tackle.That's why it should not be allowed at the MN HS level.

Anonymous said...

Not skilled enough to tackle, that is a stupid thing to say, I have seen plenty of good clean tackles this year from a variety of teams. Soccer is a physical game but there are lines that should not be crossed. Took in the LS- EV game. very physical but there were some "dirty" plays. One springs to mind, late in the game LS is pressing, a ball is played up front, LS attacker has the defense beat at the top of the box, EV defender takes her out at the knees and did not even pretend to go for the ball. EV player gets yellow, could have been red. There is no place for a tackle like that in the game as it could have caused serious injury.

Anonymous said...

I've seen tackling in Minnesota girl's soccer that is as good as you'll see anywhere in college. There is a player at U-17 that tackles as well as any female player I've ever seen, college or club or high school.

Anonymous said...

But 99.9% don't have a clue how to tackle properly thus cleanly. High school soccer is like bumper cars out of control with no speed limits. Clumsy kids pretending to be real soccer players.

Anonymous said...

No surprise in that the biggest schools are at the dome again.

EP #1
WYZ #2
WDB #10
EV #19

I realize a small school won it last year (LS #41 in enrollment) but that was very unusual. Numbers matter.

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