Monday, October 06, 2008

'08 Boys Sectionals

Similar to last year, 10-12 teams have a chance to win state at AA and A. Many good teams but no dominant team that will steam roll into state. This should be one of the most competitive tournaments is quite some time.

Section brackets:

Section 1: A -- AA
Section 2: A -- AA
Section 3: A -- AA
Section 4: A -- AA
Section 5: A -- AA
Section 6: A -- AA
Section 7: A -- AA
Section 8: A -- AA


«Oldest   ‹Older   1001 – 1137 of 1137
Anonymous said...


I'm shocked that Jefferson didn't win. They were like nice babies out there on the field. oooohhh babies and studs...WAKE TF'up J parents!

Anonymous said...

Osseo goalie is no good! He drops ball all the time. He's a NUB!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately poor sportsmanship abounds, somewhere it got lost that this is about a bunch of kids doing the best that they can...

Anonymous said...

You can go crying on your mama...grow up and be a man.

Anonymous said...

"Now I can't wait for these BJ people to shut the hell up and never to return."


Anonymous said...

Lake "Bootball" Conference is OUT!

Anonymous said...

Watch the real FUTBOL!

Anonymous said...

The style of play showed that Lake Conference's boot and scoot does not work for Apple Valley and Jefferson.

Chato outcoached both high profile coaches in state (Scanlon and Storlien). Controlled ball and worked into the box to finished.

Get the real coach that knows about futbol.

Anonymous said...

Tim Carter took the Shattuck U18 boys team to nationals this past summer. Also finished as runner ups.

Anonymous said...

futbol? Is this Mexico? Football is English. Dummy.

Anonymous said...

Chato took his team to nationals this past summe....he took his team to nationals last yea....he took his team to nationals last deca...

Congratulations to Chato on having a great season with SLP. I know a player who played for DS for club and that player says he's the best. It seems as though players like him and fans don't. Kind of like Belicek of the Patriots.

Anonymous said...

If I could recruit from across all of North America like Tim Carter's Faribault club I'd be able to select a team that could beat teams from one metro area too.
I'm not all that sold that going to nationals is that big of a deal considering they recruit nationally and internationally.

Anonymous said...

The Jefferson - SLP match was fun to watch.
Both teams know how to play the game and the 2 coaches are among the top in all of Minnesota.
Good luck to Chato and the SLP boys.

Anonymous said...

Storlien got outcoached. Period.

Jefferson is a stud team with talent, speed, size, and should be whipping St. Louis Park in the game and not have to go to shoot-out.

Once again Storlien showing his limited coaching knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Osseo is no good! WB is all they've got! If you stop WB you'll be winner!

Anonymous said...

"Stud team." Wow. Thanks for the compliment. Do you think I will play D1 too?

Anonymous said...

9:52 is obviously a Bangu basher or some immature soccer parent whose kid couldn't cut it or make the roster cut on one of Storliens teams.
Grow up, Bubba.

Anonymous said...

In case you didn't know it Chato was at one time a Bangu coach, but left and took over the SLP program. He is very knowledgable and his players all like him as well. He gets everything he can out of his teams and they are successful.
The only experience with DS is that he backed out of taking the Bangu boys U16 team last year after verbally telling parents he was in the for the season weather they made the academy or not. Didn't like the fact that he bailed on the team and players. As for kids that have played for him all they say is they like him and enjoy him as coach.
He must be a good coach as well to be successful in the levels that he has. Becausing having talent doesn't always mean you are going to be the best team.
So sum it up, both are excellent coaches and good luck to SLP as they were better this year.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck to SLP. Especially to Harry the GK. It was nice to see him be able to silence his critics so soundly!

Anonymous said...

Don't know this for sure or anything but if DS did back out of coaching the bangu 16 boys last year it could be because they may have had some jefferson boys and then he would not be allowed to coach them, again i dont know for sure, but that is a possibility

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here after now seeing Osseo & WB play believe WB is a one man team? I think the promo gang for a certain ethnic group sold a bag of @&!* to the selections committee and coaches. WB is a solid player who benefits from space and opportunities developed by his team mates. Something the Wings U16 team could not do for him. The Osseo team is very good, and has been all year. To say that WB carries never made any sense to me, other than it was a great way to promote a certain player.

Anonymous said...

No Jefferson boys on roster. He just bailed when they weren't accepted to academy.

Anonymous said...

WB is one-man team. Osseo is no good without him.

Anonymous said...

No Jefferson boys on the Bangu team. Bangu administrators didn't deliver the kind of team they proposed. Would you enter a messy situation at Boys U16 last year when you could coach state champs for girls?

Again, it has nothing to do with ego. He doesn't have a need to prove anything after 15 or so state cup championships, in both genders, various ages and a various clubs.

Anonymous said...

When did WB score last? How many goals does he have in the State Tournament? ZERO, NADA, ZIP

Surprise, Surprise I hurt my ankle. EXCUSES, EXCUSES!!!!

We all bought some prime real estate in florida folks!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that Osseo has quality in the attack, WB does benifit from the players around him as was obvious on other players contributed during the Osseo Vs CR game. I would have liked see the out comes of the games had LN and CR not given the PK's to Osseo. I think Osseo was likely to score in both games but it was the PK's that really changed the momentum in their favor.

Anonymous said...

Fouled in the box or got juked and got scored on, are they the same thing: mistakes? Defenders got to be very careful when Osseo get in the box. They can't be too agressive and fouled them.

Anonymous said...

Osseo has a player we all affectionately call the Screame. I don't remember his name or number. But the kid takes more dives than the the Osseo swim team does.

Two years ago, he went down screaming holding his ankle, and four of our guys mimiced him by flopping down screaming around him. Now, that was funny! He received a warning for diving.

The side effect is I question how many fouls are really fouls now w/Osseo, especially when this player is involved. I wish I could remember his number or name. I didn't see the fouls in the box. But LK w/1 & CR w/2 PK sounds a little fishy. CR one PK sounds like it definately was a PK.

Anonymous said...

#10 John Neufville AKA Screamer

Anonymous said...

DS and girls state champs.....they carried his butt the last two years. Anybody could coach that team to state champ. Heck they won it 2-3 years in a row before he showed up.

Wait and see how many of the Lightning players bail on this great coach.

Anonymous said...

How many played there because of him?

How many coaches could get hired by that Bangu team? Why did they let him show up?

If anybody could coach them, why do they pay him that much? Rules of supply & demand not applied?

Somebody jealous?

None of this makes sense. So many holes; so many questions.

Anonymous said...

Any prediction for Osseo vs St. Louis Park game?

Anonymous said...

Chato helped coach this past summer's Bangu 19 boys and the prior summer Bangu 18 boys, he was an assistant to an "evil" parent coach ;) Both State Cup winners.

Chato is an excellent coach. DS is an excellent coach. Chato does have the knack for winning big games. Good luck to SLP in the final!

Anonymous said...

If you didn't see the games, dont cry foul on the PK calls.

Osseo plays so close to goal--they carry the ball around in the box more than any team I know--they are constantly close and dangerous. I'm not surprised, as most teams don't close on Osseo fast enough--you really need to challenge early--then you are giving up the kick outside the box.

Anonymous said...

Osseo also has one player - 10 or 11 - that likes to take dives - A good ref will see it for what it is and not give them the PK - Watch, you will see it -

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are saying that AV lost because of the way they played are mistaken. The outplayed SLP during the quarterfinal game. They were unlucky on 3 corners that all should have been buried and other times when they just didn't pull the trigger. You have no idea what your talking about you just think that the final score means that they were outplayed, thats terrible learn to understand the game of soccer before posting please.

Anonymous said...

AV got beat. That's all I know. Isn't that bottom line?

Anonymous said...

That is precisely the point!AV relies on set plays and someone crashing through to score off a corner or a free kick.The notion of moving the ball up the field by attacking space and controlling the pace of the game is non existent in their playbook.The better team won and is now in the finals!Furthermore,
BJ AND LAKEVILLE both play the same style and guess where they are now!CR will validate that bootball belongs in the lake conference and they will show BJ the 4th place door.Move on with your AV what ifs because the season ended rightfully last week.

Anonymous said...

How can you say if you shut WB down their nothing...? They easily have 4 more very talented players that can create and score. But they have a bit of a problem in the back, and their goalie is nowhere near and technically good as SLP's goalie (thats quite obvious since hes not even a goalie). I want to say SLP will win because of their all around skill, passing quality, and good defense/ goalie. And you refs out there....please dont fall for osseos lady like falls inside the box, its ridiculous. It better not cost SLP the game because of Osseo's good actors. It should be a good one!!


Anonymous said...


Their defense is horrible and GK is NUB. He can't catch a darn and drops balls. They dive and scream. They can't string passes together. They can't kick the ball right. They're not Premier players. They can't dribble. They can't score goals. Their coach is a Track coach. They don't know how to play soccer. Best they can do now is 2nd place.

Anonymous said...

My prediction:

Osseo 3
St. Louis Park 1

Anonymous said...

How stupid can you be? 2nd place is not bad. Better than all but 1 HS team in MN. Osseo and SLP are both quality teams. I think the quality coach will find a way to win tomorrow. Go SLP!

Anonymous said...

Keep screamming on how bad Osseo is but they keep winning...suck it up boy.

Anonymous said...

Coach Chato is way better than Coach Smith. Osseo coach is a track coach. What does he know about soccer and strategy. Osseo is no good!

Anonymous said...

Coach Smith knows 1-10 formation. It's the oldest trick in the book. Look it up.

Anonymous said...


MG parent.

Anonymous said...

For everyone out there who says that BJ and all of the lake conference can't contend with the real teams, BJ just dished an embarassing 5-0 win over Coon Rapids in the STATE 3RD PLACE GAME. Don't try to say that they are a bad team when they can dominate a team like that and finish top 3 in state. And saying too little too late is saying a little much, considering that your team probably flopped 2 weeks ago and couldn't make it out of sections. Be happy for the teams that made it to state, don't criticize them.

Anonymous said...

CR strongest defender is still out on red card in Osseo game.

Anonymous said...

Jefferson was seeded #4 and St. Louis Park got no respect. They beat #1 AV and #4 BJ. So BJ just take your lump and be happy with 3rd place. Lake conference finished behind Northwest Suburban and North Suburban conferences.

Anonymous said...

That can't excuse a 5 goal whomping. Plus a shutout. CR can't generate offense, BJ offense and posession too much to handle. No bootball here, everyone assumes that lake conference teams kick the ball up and down the field and have one athlete that is fast and can score, but they make assumptions without knowledge.

Anonymous said...

9/10 games AV and BJ would have taken it to SLP, but they did have an exceptional game against Jefferson, and there is no getting around that, but BJ boys were probably tired after having to beat top ranked EP two times, and play AV to a tie.

Anonymous said...

now now don't cry like big babies...

Anonymous said...

St. Louis Park came out of Section of Death so it's no surprises that they beat up the big babies from Lake conference.

Anonymous said...

Storlien is a class act. Here's his quote to St Paul Pioneer Press:
"Sometimes things work out in these situations, and sometimes they don't," Jefferson coach Danny Storlien said. "In the section final, we were on the right end of (the shootout). This time we were on the other side of it. As the game wore on, we were fortunate to get it to the penalty kicks. They were the better team."

Anonymous said...

Is Storlien gonna be there at BJ next year or it's time to move on to new pasture? I hear they're pretty bad next year.

Anonymous said...

Meaningless game and a meaningless score for BJ vs CR.Too bad not may spectators were able to see BJ show they can actually connect 2-3 passes in row.But then again, I am not sure how lake conference defines possession and counterattacking.DS is a great coach and he knows when a the better team has outplayed him.

Anonymous said...

What DS didn't say was that he should have done a better job preparing his team. He will never admit that. He's the "master of the excuse". Off course he had to say they were the better team.Don't blame me.

Anonymous said...

There are no GREAT coaches in Minnesota. Great coaches are doing great things at the pro and D1 level.You need to raise your standards.

Anonymous said...

DS has the qualifications to be a great HS coach in Minnesota.To be a great coach in the D1 LEVEL OR PROS, you need some talent and this year is not a good crop of D1 talent or potential PROS.Give credit where credit is due.

Anonymous said...

I don't why there are so many cry babies with Jefferson. My advice is to suck it and go on with your life. Quit making excuses and defending yourself after spouting craps out of your mouth of how good is your team with many Premier players. Ask SLP how many do they have? One?

Anonymous said...

I'm sicked and tired of hearing Jefferson people still spouting craps out of their mouth. Shut TF up and be gone!

Anonymous said...

3 red cards for CR. Coach of the Year???????

Anonymous said...

[69:39] Red card on B-CRAPID Pappas, Adam.

All-State Player.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the MN State High School League should learn something about soccer. There is a huge difference between a red card and a yellow card.

The box scores say
YC- #13 - Davis, Kyle
YC #25 - Gavic, Caleb
YC #20 - Pappas, Adam
RC- #20 - Pappas, Adam

In otherwords, only one red card was issued, but three yellow cards were issued.

Anonymous said...

DS did not back out on that Bangu team. Zahl tried to convince him to come coach the team, he went to the meeting to check it out. A lot of players were meant to be coming to the team according to Zahl. DS said he would do it if they got all the players to come over and they did not. He never agreed to do it. He told us mabye. I don't blame him because the team was a mess and he had two teams plus in school for another degree and an AD.

Anonymous said...

DS players like him and they respect his knowledge. Ask any of the Tsunami Sota players. Ask any of his current JHS players. I guarantee you they will praise his tactics. The Lightning team is doing well because the top players come play for the team becasue they know he will get them ready for college.

Anonymous said...

Can you people give DS a break and leave him alone.

Anonymous said...

Zahl...what a freaking loooooooser. Snake oil salesman. If you need one reason to run far far away from MTA, he's it.

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't know Zahl because he is a class act.
If kids can't a ride get a ride to training he works with parents on the team to arrange rides for the kids so they can get there.
In situations where the club has been tapped out on scholarship funding he's sacraficed his coaching salary to allow a player or players to continue to be with the team.
If more coaches were as committed to their teams and club as Zahl has been the soccer world here in Minnesota would be a much better place.

Anonymous said...

Jefferson boys soccer had never won a state tournament soccer game until DS started coaching at the school. Now they have finished 1st in 04, 2nd in 00, 3rd in 08, and 4th in 01. Not a bad decade for the Jaguars. That puts them 4-0 in the first round. In the previous 30 years they had never won a game at State.

Anonymous said...

That's good to hear.
Storlien can have his job for life.


Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone has questioned DS ability to coach soccer, he has been succesful at every level he has coached, his players past and present have all said good things about him, so I don't understand why there is this much commotion over someone who has done an admiral job, this year he just happened to lose to a quality team and coach.
In regards to his committment to the Bangu U16 boys last year, there were probably things that were said to him(probably unknown to most), but he did back away from his committment. I was at the meeting and I heard him say he was committed, but things change and we move on.
So should we all and enjoy the state finals.
Good luck to all.

Anonymous said...

YC-B-CRAPID #13 (36:44); YC-B-CRAPID #20 (69:39); RC-B-CRAPID #20 (69:39);
YC-B-CRAPID #25 (77:05)

Check out the box score, obviously these guys need to understand the difference between and yellow and a red. Here the box score.

Anonymous said...

My prediction:

Osseo 3
St. Louis Park 1

Anonymous said...

MSHSL evidently has no clear understanding of the game of soccer. Understand the diffence between a red card and a yellow card is a elementary component to the rules. Obviously the person writing the blurb knows nothing about soccer, bet it is a basketball person. They think the player fouled out.

The Star Tribune should be ashamed as journalist not to have check their sources. How hard would it have been to check the box score before posting that (three) red cards were issued. But this I somewhat expected after the joke of an article they wrote for their preseason predictions. Kinda destroys all their creditibility in naming a "All-Metro" team. But it seems as the same should be said for the MSHSL "All State" selections.

Just an FYI thou this is one of the many reasons I don't subscribe to the Star Tribune. I would love not to be able to subscribe to MSHSL.

Anonymous said...

Eagan was the best Lake team at the end of the year. Too bad RS couldnt have been a little smarter. He and Eagan would have been fun to watch at the dome.

Anonymous said...

FYI that article is from the Pioneer Press, so all of your Star Tribune bashing that just went on is pretty irrelevant, maybe you should check your sources :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah that right the Star Tribune didn't print anything :)

Anonymous said...

Flops, dives and screaming is tactically smart. Good for those Osseo players for recognizing that. Now they're in the final. Get a clue hockey fans.

If Osseo is a one-man team with WB, then what is Coon Rapids with their center defender? When he's out they lose 5-0? Where were the other players? What a joke.

9:33, There are great coaches and bad coaches at every level. A lot of bad coaches are in D1 and pro. A lot of bad coaches are at international (Bruce Arena). Raise your standards and get a clue. You sound like a soccer snob by saying MN coaches aren't good.

11:37, Is correct. I was heavily involved. I would have backed out too.

Anonymous said...

If I can't have the best players I will not coach that team. My personal won/lost record is much more important to me.

Anonymous said...

BJs high school success is more related to the development of BYSC from about 1999 on (thanks Jeremy and Reid). And to the development of Bangu Boys in the south metro (thanks Steve, Rob, Barry and Bob.) If anything DS is smart and opportunistic...which aren't bad things.

Anonymous said...

Zahl has proven himself a great coach. He truely develops players coaching all ages and all levels. His committment to kids, players, club and the game is second to none.

Anonymous said...

Mama Mia says Osseo wins because they know how to tactically flop or dive. So, does the coach have flop practice? Does he use 2” mats or 4” mats?

Osseo is in the position it is in because they are quick and have MULTIPLE attackers. I think many of the people who have played against #10 do not respect him as a player. I do not think your coaches respect him nor do the players on the team. His teammates and coaches body language speaks volumes. Most players are known for certain moves or shots, I cannot think on one that would want to be known for flopping on the ground screaming.

Osseo supporters here have been the biggest proponents of WB being a one-man team when you were advocating for Mr. Soccer. No one in the NW Suburban Conference would ever tell anyone that Osseo was a one-man team. I think myself and other have continuously said that WB is an above average player on an above average team with lots of individual talent and speed. That while he is a good player he certainly has not elevated Osseo to a higher playing level because of his talent. Other candidates for Mr. Soccer actually did elevate their team’s performance.

IMHO WB should not make the All Tournament Team. However, more than a few of his teammates should.

Anonymous said...

For everyone who is saying that WB is a one man team is wrong. Other teammates are obviously stepping up when WB doesn't score.

Anonymous said...

mr soccer not making the all tournament team...haha people are stupid on this blog....and its all clueless parents that think they know the game...why do u guys continue to blog?? because you want to see the teams with good players that whooped on your team loose...leave if u dont have something good to say about good players on good teams. and im sure by everyone commenting on the blog about whos going to win and who wont will effect the outcome of the game tremendously

Anonymous said...

SLP will win. Osseo is too weak in the back.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:54 " leave if u dont have something good to say about good players on good teams" Please enlighten us on how it done. Since Osseo has belittle, mock, and insulted every team they played. To get respect you must first give it and then earn it. While your team is talented and working on earning it, because you don't give it I doubt that you will still earn any respect.

Right now, I would have to agree with 2:06 Mr Soccer has not shown up at the dome. On the same hand Ahmad Bah, Albert Sims and Lucas Hoang I have been impressed with. It would be a shame if one of those players did not make the All Tournament team and WB did.

Anonymous said...

Osseo is not good! Their defense is weak. Their GK is NUB. They're bad all around. They get this far because they're LUCKY! They're LUCKY I say. MG should have won the game at section final as MG took shots after shots. CR did the same last game but got bad lucks. SLP will tear Osseo up into pieces.

Anonymous said...

80 percent of goals are scored off of set plays, 15 percent off of counter attacks at the professional level and at any level.

Anonymous said...

Wrong! Show us the source.

Anonymous said...

Mr soccer and all state is pure bull$%#&. Strictly coaches favoritism and politics. Wanna know who the real players are see who makes the All Tourney team. Best teams and best players going heads up.See which players show up big and who the pretenders are.

Anonymous said...

All-Tournament team: number of players from team.

4 Osseo
3 St.Louis Park
3 Jefferson
2 Coon Rapids
2 Apple Valley
2 Stillwater
1 Lakeville North
1 St.Cloud Tech

Anonymous said...

BTW, WB Mr. Soccer won't be in All-Tournament team. He hasn't been the shine of Osseo in State Tournament.

Anonymous said...

Ahmad Bah has 4 goals and he'll make the All-Tournament team.

Anonymous said...

Kyle Davis has 2 goals and will be in for CR and either Biernat or Talery.

Anonymous said...

Adam Pappas (CR) got red card and won't be in.

Anonymous said...

Sweeney and Gilmer will be in for Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

Hey Folks,

I just wanted to let you know I'll be (almost) live blogging again today from the Metrodome. MSHL rules do not allow me to file live reports until the end of each game. But I'll be compiling notes as if I'm live blogging and post them immediately after each game just as I did on Monday.

I'll also be adding audio interview within a half hour or so after each game.

Just go to Inside Minnesota Soccer

Anonymous said...

Brian. Thanks for your great effort in covering MN soccer. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

So quiet here since BJ is finished.

Anonymous said...

Best players are always on the best teams? Sophomore at Cooper is one of the best in the state. Andre Gatzmanov a few years back team wasn't very good, he was the leading scorer in the Big East as a freshman, D1, at St. John's who was national champs runner up, in New York, transferred and was a standout at Creighton. Dustin Branan's h.s. team wasn't great and he had a stint in MLS.
Abdul Salaam wasn't on a good team at Richfield and was the 2nd youngest player ever drafted in the MLS!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just finishing reading Xmans review and he picks Huang over Chato as a better coach, I know that is his opinion. I have seem both in action both in High School and club teams and Huang in my opinion isn't even close to being the coach Chato is.
Chato gets more out of his players and has more respect from his players than Huang. At least the ones that I have known over the years.
But as I said earlier that is his opinion and this is mine.

Anonymous said...

Hoang is a psycho. Too emotional--clouds his judgement. Not even in the running.

Anonymous said...

How Osseo get so good so fast?

Anonymous said...

Osseo is no good! WB can't play and they're done. Defense is weak. GK can't catch and NUB. Coach is psycho. They dive and flop. They scream. They keep scoring and winning. What's wrong with this team???

Anonymous said...

Osseo pissing me off!!!

Anonymous said...

Two teams with many minorities.

Anonymous said...

So quiet here since Apple Valley, Eden Prairie, Hopkins, Coon Rapids, Eagan, South, Southwest, Armstrong, Stillwater, Cretin, Wayzata, Lakeville North are finished.

Osseo plays the best football, so Osseo's coach is the best.

Anonymous said...

Minorities rule boys soccer in Minnesota. It has elevated Minnesota soccer.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Blake 1, Totino-Grace 0, Class 1A boys’ soccer final score
Posted on October 30th, 2008 – 2:07 PM
By Michael Rand
Just when it appeared overtime was inevitable, Austin Dressen’s redirected header off a long free kick by David Nash accounted for the only goal with just 75 seconds left in regulation, giving Blake a 1-0 victory over Totino-Grace and earning the Bears the Class 1A boys’ soccer title.

Anonymous said...

Wow why would someone post about minorities. The Twin Cities has a very diverse population, we should at least recognize that and respect what the good majority of them provide to Minnesota, many are hard working families trying to live a solid life. In regards to soccer the more exposure our children have to different styles of play will only make them better players.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great game to watch between TG and Blake.
Congrats to both teams for making state and to Blake for winning.

Anonymous said...

I read me xman's post on Inside Minnesota Soccer. I seriously LOL when I read his coaches evaulation. me xman, sorry dude I just lost all respect for your opinion. Especially when you claim Hoang has better creditials. hahaha let see, a profession soccer player with years of experience coaching some of the top teams in MN, compared to some nut case dad who can't let his kid go and a "C" License. Yeah, thats comparable. IMHO me xman obviously an Osseo assistant coach or could it be another dad that just can't let go of his son. Adolfo is that you hiding behind the curtain?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just went to Inside MN Soccer web site. How could anyone, who knows anything rate the Osseo knuckle-head over Chato. Having a USSF C license means nothing except that he paid his fee and went to class. The Osseo assistant knows almost nothing about the game.

Additionally, the writing and opinions are very awkward and poorly written. Probably not the inside of soccer you would care to see!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Osseo for a well deserved championship! The skill and the speed of their mdifielders and forwards more than made up for the defense. Like I had predicted, once their new goalie settled in, it was lights out for their opponents.St Louis pk put out a good effort by even taking an early lead but once they started to get chances inside the 18 by simply moving the ball with deft touches, it was jsut a matter of time!WB never got in for this game due to an unfortunate injury, but tonight, because they played like a team,it would not matter!

Anonymous said...

7:10 -- you are an example of why this blog's posts are a total joke compared to insidemnsoccer. You obviously have some stupid agenda that manifest itself in your inane post here. The fact is that insidemnsoccer is an EFFORT to provide just one person's positive yet nonetheless discerning perspective on the game. This is what we need to build this sport here, not your cheap shots. And I am not BQ. I am somebody who respects an honest effort to provide a view and build recognition of a sport that many of us dearly love regardless of petty, childish rivalries that indicate nothing other than insecurity.

Anonymous said...

Who won?

Anonymous said...

You better eat your words...

"Anonymous said...
I read me xman's post on Inside Minnesota Soccer. I seriously LOL when I read his coaches evaulation. me xman, sorry dude I just lost all respect for your opinion. Especially when you claim Hoang has better creditials. hahaha let see, a profession soccer player with years of experience coaching some of the top teams in MN, compared to some nut case dad who can't let his kid go and a "C" License. Yeah, thats comparable. IMHO me xman obviously an Osseo assistant coach or could it be another dad that just can't let go of his son. Adolfo is that you hiding behind the curtain?
30/10/08 3:36 PM"

Anonymous said...

Did you say something?
WHat a fricking stupid.

"Anonymous said...
Wow, I just went to Inside MN Soccer web site. How could anyone, who knows anything rate the Osseo knuckle-head over Chato. Having a USSF C license means nothing except that he paid his fee and went to class. The Osseo assistant knows almost nothing about the game.

Additionally, the writing and opinions are very awkward and poorly written. Probably not the inside of soccer you would care to see!
30/10/08 7:10 PM"

Anonymous said...

Did someone say WEAK DEFENSE?
Who has WEAK DEFENSE? quiet here after Oseeo embarassed SLP 4-1 butt-kicking.

Anonymous said...

Here's what I've found from XMAN blog. His assessment for the final early on.

So is he right on or he's jerking my chain?

AA State Final - Prediction
Osseo 3-1 St. Louis Park

Here's my assessment on both teams:

1. Technicals. Overall Osseo has an upperhand in skills in the middle and flanks.

2. Tacticals. They both play the same game plan by dominating the midfield and work into the box or shooting at the key. Whoever dominates the midfield will win the game. You'll have Hoang and Bah vs Lozancic and Johnson.

3. Physical. Size is about the same. Speed will be a big factor in favor of Osseo. Quickness favors Osseo. If Osseo can spring the attacks from midfield then SLP will be in trouble. Also Osseo plays bootball then they'll win the races.

4. Mental. Both are very determined. Osseo won't relax after scoring goals. They're scoring machine.

5. Defense. Even. Both can be erratic at times.

6. Offense. Osseo is scoring machine. SLP has problem in scoring lately.

7. Coaching. Chato vs Hoang (assistant coach and not head coach Smith). Google them both and you'll see where they've been. Hoang has upperhand.

In general, I'm going with Osseo. They've been scoring 2-4 goals per game and coming back 1-goal down so you can't really suppress Osseo attacks. MG game proved that well when they put 10-man bunker defense when up by 1-0 and still got beat 2-1. Defense has to weather out the Osseo storms.

St.Louis Park is not a scoring machine like Osseo. Their defense can be shaky under pressure. It showed in Apple Valley game. If Osseo get a jump in scoring then game is over. SLP must score first to stay in the game.

Anonymous said...

Is this XMan for real?

Anonymous said...

One of the best Minnesota boys high school team i ever seen in Osseo, speed, quickness, and relentless attack and their star player didnt even play. It was well worth the price of admission.

Anonymous said...

Must be some Hoang friend or relative. Dude is nuts. I love beating his Kickers team. See you guys next year.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the real football futbol show last night?
I sure did!

That's the way how real soccer should be played.

Unlike bootball Lake and Classic Lake conferences.

Anonymous said...

Listen to what head coach Smith said about his assistant coach Hoang and what are their roles in the team at ISM.

Chato was out-coached by master technician and tactician!

Me XMan said...

Welcome to 2008 soccer!

Me XMan said...

Osseo winning has shut a lot of mouths here I see.

Anonymous said...

Here's my assessment of the final:

1. Osseo had players with more skill. Osseo had a number of players who can do things with the ball, resulting in 4 goals and a lot of goals all season. Tactics equal. Athletic ability equal. Mental equal. Coaching equal. It would have been 6-1 if Mr. Soccer played.

Great season for Osseo.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea that Osseo was run by "supercoaches!" The team has no discipline, which is why they were highly ranked last year and bombed out of sections to a weak team. BQ noticed in his write-up that everyone seems to go forward. Yep--they actually play like very-skilled little kids. Everyone gets to play forward!

They won because they had the most talent. They won because other teams aren't used to that sort of pressure. Next year it will be someone else. Maybe Elk River? Didn't they beat Osseo at the end of the season, denying Osseo conference champ?

Nice to see the NorthWest sub conf represented well in this tourney. Several decent teams there, and the conf in general will do well the next several years.

Me XMan said...

Osseo is more skillful and speedier in overall IMO. Osseo needs a discipline coach to get them in line and perform as a team. First-half SLP gave Osseo problems on right side. Second-half, Osseo put better and speedier defender on left side and shutdown SLP crosses from right.

The major difference is speed of play. Osseo plays through the midfield very fast and they get midfielders to attacking third very quick. You didn't see they take crappy shots from way out. They slow down in attacking third and setup the scoring play from there. Midfielders scored 3 goals while 1 for attacker.

Overall tactics are the same but speed of play was a major difference.

Anonymous said...

Osseo 4 goals is the most since two classes system was created in 1997. Also the goals difference of 3 is the most as well since '97.

Anonymous said...

BQ doesn't understand scoring machine. It's made and conditioned to score. Not a lot of people have seen this so it's weird to them.

Anonymous said...

Xman. Now that's what you call real football.

Anonymous said...

Xman and BQ know almost nothing about soccer. I would guess that neither has played or coached in their lives.

Osseo was outplayed most of the game. I don't think anyone disagreed that Osseo had better players. SLPs coaching is what has allowed them to compete this year with much less talent than the top 10 teams in the state.

Osseo's tactics and strategies were poor, very poor. They have speed, more good players and finished their chances last night. If SLP had 1 dominant attacker, they would have scored 5 or 6 goals on counter attacks last night.

I would not put this Osseo team even in the top 15 boys HS teams in the last 10 years though. They have much to be desired in style of play, decision making and tactics. Very undiciplined. 3 years ago this team would not have made it out of their section. Boys HS soccer is way, way down in quality over the past 2 years.

With all my negative comments, I will congratulate them. They did find a way to get it done and should be proud.

Anonymous said...

so sick of the conversation on here. Osseo winning has shut a lot of mouths? Well the seasons over, you probably lose a little traffic at that point. This is just like politics; think like I think of you are an idiot. Maybe you picked the winner this time. Do you always pick the winner? doubt it. I'm a fan of osseo, but why does the discourse have to be so negative on every subject even h.s. soccer?

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