Tuesday, July 22, 2008

'08 MN Girls HS Soccer

As captains practice is getting near, who will be the top teams and players in this falls MN Girls HS league?


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Anonymous said...

Ms Soccer once again from LSHS!

Anonymous said...

Lots of variables go into Ms. Soccer and talent is just one of them. IMO the best player in the state has not received the award in years. I am sure others would differ as I am sure there are others who agree. It is a very subjective thing, from who a coach promotes to who is on a successful team to how conference coaches evaluate players etc. Many different players could receive the award and you could make a case for any of them. Congratulate the winner and move on.

Anonymous said...

Come on ....let's go back to the 2007 championship game agian! :) :)that had more flair!

Anonymous said...

BW from park is deserving of Ms. Soccer! OB and AP are way to hyped up.

Anonymous said...

Class A Ms. Soccer easier pick with two leading candidates one a forward from Mahtomedi and other midfielder from Holy Angels. Both players with very good stats and lead teams with excellent records and rankings. Next year their teams performance will drop off significantly without their leadership. Their performance in high level games both excellent.

Anonymous said...

4:11 yes in class double AA no clear cut choice from group of five for Ms. Soccer depends on their coach, conference and club they play for and who gets more hype than other. Beings there not a clear cut mid or forward think it might go to defensive player again. With it goes an added burden of expectations and billing that has not always been lived up to in college. Several past award winners have flopped notedly in college career. Sometimes this a curse more than a blessing.

Anonymous said...

BW of Park did not play enough this year for consideration and was a shadow of herself when she came back from injury, a tough story but not deserving

Anonymous said...

AP of MV did not perform in conference games as 1:40 notes, but she's been a force in section play. Scored first two goals against Champlin on sheer determination and the winner against Osseo. If she continues that level of play tonight, MV makes state and will be a factor. She has elevated her game when it matters most.

BTW, I am not her father or in anyway related to her.

Anonymous said...

Ms Soccer has already been decided. There is no more need to promote or put down any players at this time.

Anonymous said...

who won the swimsuit portion of the competition?

Anonymous said...

Who won Miss Congeniality?

Anonymous said...

Better yet what parent won Mr. Congeniality?

Anonymous said...

Wayzata 1 Armstrong 0

Anonymous said...

What was the Edina EP score?

Anonymous said...

They got rained out!

Anonymous said...

0-0 after reg.
ep moves on. (4-3 on pks).

Anonymous said...

Wow! Three Lake Confernce schools in the state tournament.

Anonymous said...

and two Suburban East.

Anonymous said...

Spread the Lake out into MV section and you would have 4 teams

Anonymous said...

So, How will the seedings go for the state tournament? Will they be as bad as last year where the third seed wins the tournament?

Anonymous said...

Coaches should consider strength of schedule and conference.
1. EV- won stronger conference
2- WD
2- EP
4- LS

WZ has worse record against common opponents, MV, overrated all year. CR- weak schedule and conference.

Anonymous said...

Lake is way too weak at the bottom to claim title of "stronger conference."

Anonymous said...

Where would your team place in the Lake? Case closed. Lake is the toughest conference in virtually every sport.

Anonymous said...


Except academics--that would be the CLC, which is second in sports.

Anonymous said...

Measured in what way?

Anonymous said...

When Lakeville brings up common oppenents in arguing for a higher seed than Wayzata they don't mention that Lakeville lost to Edina FIVE to ZERO while Wayzata tied Edina late in the season and lost to Edina 1-0 early in the season on a late goal in a game where Wayzata had at least as many good chances. Any Edina people out there who saw both Wayzata and Lakeville South? Who's better?

Anonymous said...

based on traditional soccer values, wayzata wins because they have more cute moms.

there is just something about a woman who's face is framed by the window of a benz or bmw....

Anonymous said...

LS is a Rainbow cupcake, WYZ is a Wuollet sheet cake, and WDB is a wedding cake.

Edina Fan

Anonymous said...

Based on what I saw, LS is a better team than WYZ. I don't think you can judge teams on one game though. It really doesn't matter, both these teams will never make it past the semis.

jag fan

Anonymous said...

Coon Rapids should be #4. Teams that can do no better than third in their conference (WYZ out of only 5 teams!) should not be given the benefit of the doubt because of their "stronger" schedule.

Anonymous said...

8:41 - not much of an argument since CR could not beat the #2 team in that same conference which means they would have also come in 3rd. I guess you just eliminated your team for the #4 seed......

Anonymous said...

805 is right, there are 3 teams with a chance to win. LS and WYZ are not among them.

Anonymous said...


And Eden prairie is center of the plate!

Anonymous said...

The U of EP has gotten so big they might be the whole bakery......

Anonymous said...

Jags fan, Jags played WYZ when its top player was out. If she is back, WYZ will be a more dangerous team.

Jags Fan II

Anonymous said...

She is not the top player.

Anonymous said...

Also Jags fan, Wayzata played Jeff without three starting defenders. I wasn't there but I'm told that Wayzata had more scoring chances and Jags scored twice in last 10 minutes to win when Wayzata was using half their JV defense.
The defender who did a good job on ND all night against Armstrong in the section final spent the first half of the season on JV.

Anonymous said...

Interesting discussion, but none of it matters. You could draw the seeds out of a hat ten times and it would not change the end result: WDBY is the state champ.

Anonymous said...

Enough of the misinformation about the Lake Conference. The truth is the Lake has two excellent teams and one very good team (Jefferson). But when you look at the whole conference it is not stronger than the Classic Lake this year and most other years. Six of the eleven Lake teams had losing records this year, even though some played very weak non-conference schedules. If you have 3 great teams and alot of very average teams that does not make you the best conference. Last year the CLC sent two teams to the dome. If you look at the last five or ten years I'd be very surprised if the CLC didn't have the most dome teams. Having only five conference members is a screwy setup, but if the Lake teams had to play Edina and Wayzata twice every year they'd realize a five team conference can be very tough.

Anonymous said...

In an all-conference game between the Lake and CLC the CLC would win big.

Anonymous said...

Done!! I was only able to find records for the past 4 years. In that time the CLC has had 6 teams at dome with one finalist and no champions. Sub East has had 5 dome teams, 1 finalist and 2 champions. Lake has had 5 dome teams 2 Finalists and 2 Champions. Apparently the argument is more between the SE and Lake, CLC come in #3 in strength of conference.

Anonymous said...

If the Classic is stronger than the Lake then why did the coaches seed the Lake second place team (EV) above the Classic champion (Edina) last year?

Anonymous said...

1150 you obviously got your game recap from a Wayzata fan. Jefferson was better, not dominant but clearly better. Jags struggled against LS and had to scramble to get close at end of game. Again, it is just one game but LS looked like a stronger team than WYZ. And also again, it does not matter because neither team will reach the final. In fact the only way one of these teams gets to the dome is if they get #4 seed and draw section 8.

jag fan

Anonymous said...

One factor not taken into consideration is that the CLC only plays in two different sections while both the Lake and SubEast spill into three different sections so those two conferences have a 50% greater chance of having a team go to state. Having LS playing Rochester schools and MV playing NW schools gives those two conferences an advantage.

Anonymous said...

That is somewhat true although the discussion has been getting to the dome (final four) not just getting to state. The section you come out of does not factor into that. In addition, Edina spent many years in a very weak section 5 with the St. Paul City schools. Also other than Wayzata section 6 has always been a subpar section also.

Anonymous said...

Take WDB out of SE and you have nothing. Take EDP out of the Lake and you still have LS and EV. Take Edina out of the CLC and you still have WAY and MTKA. The CLC has generally had a minimum of three of five of it's teams ranked year in and year out. Any other conferences have half of it's teams that strong year in and year out?

Anonymous said...

Actually, take EV out of the Lake and you still have EP and LS.....

Anonymous said...

322 The Lake has 5 teams ranked every year. Perennial EP and LS and EAG, others step up fairly often like AV, EV, BJ. Only ones that struggle mightily every year are RSMT, CHA, and BK. BVL and LN sometimes good sometimes bad.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is the CLC and Lake are the two top conferences year in and year out.

Anonymous said...

the clc is in the process of disbanding.

whatcha gonna do when those teams show up in YOUR conference?

let the real whining begin!

Anonymous said...

The Lake is licking it's chops.

Anonymous said...

Yep the Lake and CLC are always the top conference but Woodbury is typically in the dome on the last day. Whatever

Anonymous said...

With a little help from google I found the dome (semi-final) teams for the last 10 years. Here it is:
Classic Lake - 14 times
Sub. East - 12 times
Lake - 10 times
Except for Jefferson in 1999, the Lake was all EP and Lakeville. Four out of the five CLC schools and three SE schools had multiple appearances.

SE-5, CLC-3, Lake-2

2nd Place
SE-4, CLC-3, Lake-3

Note: I agree with above 5:41, the CLC will soon be no more. One of the future scenarios has EP and Chaska joining the current CLC teams. If that happens the Lake might be known as the "B" League.
Note 2: I see the brackets are out and Lakeville is playing Eastview. I would be mad if I were Lakeville and even madder if I were Eastview. They should have kept the old system where #1 seed plays #8. If that were the case it wouldn't matter if Wayzata or Lakeville were the #4 seed cause they would have played each other as the #4 and #5 seeds. Now that they changed it Eastview wins one of the toughest sections and gets rewarded by having to play the 4th or 5th best team.

Anonymous said...

LOL why don't we go back 20 years and make it even less relevant? Lake will have 2 teams at dome again this year and remains the strongest conference 5 years running.

Anonymous said...

Top to bottom the CLC is the strongest conference year after year. Take WDB out of the SE and there is nothing year after year. As for the Lake, a very strong conference on top, but the bottom half is quite weak, year after year. NW Sub is generally a joke.

Now, look where the strong girl's clubs are located and you'll know why, again the exception is WDB, which unto itself has the overall best girl's soccer in MN year after year.

No, I'm about as far from WDB as you can get and still be in the metro.

Anonymous said...


Looks like Woodbury walks through the top bracket and some real battles in the bottom bracket.

Anonymous said...

You want the five year history?
Keep in mind Lake and SE come out of 3 sections while CLC only comes out of 2 sections:

Dome appearances:

Cl Lake -7
Sub East-7
Lake -6

1st/2nd/3rd place:

Cl Lake -5
Sub East-6
Lake -4

Facts are stubborn things.

Anonymous said...

The CLC is a joke, they have edina and wayzata, two good teams and that is it. armstrong had a good run last year but time will tell if they can keep it up. The lake has at least 4-5 teams each year that are top ten- LS, EV, EP, BJ, EAG are perennialy, throw in AV and BV and that makes 7 teams that could compete in the CLC. take wdbry out of the SE and they are nothing either. The lake, regardless of the weaker teams at the bottom is easily the best conference.

Anonymous said...

With so few teams in the CLC should they be spread out to 3 sections? That is why they only go to 2 sections.

Anonymous said...

This really is the best summary. Absolutely nobody cares about third place.

"I was only able to find records for the past 4 years. In that time the CLC has had 6 teams at dome with one finalist and no champions. Sub East has had 5 dome teams, 1 finalist and 2 champions. Lake has had 5 dome teams 2 Finalists and 2 Champions. Apparently the argument is more between the SE and Lake, CLC come in #3 in strength of conference."

After this year the 5 year total will be will be Sub East 6 dome, 2 finalists, 3 champs. Lake 7 dome teams, 3 finalists, 2 champions. CLC 6-7 dome teams, 1 FINALIST AND 0 CHAMPS. Facts are stubborn things, and Sub East and Lake are the best two conferences. No champions and only one finalist in the past 5 years? How can people even argue??

Anonymous said...

If you want to make up rules about 3rd or 4th place not mattering you can find the statistics that best suit your argument. This discussion began over dome qualifying teams.
Going back 4 years is not much history. You can have one great senior class (like Lakeville South's last year) that can have a huge influence over any short 4 year period.
That fact that you are so sure about the 2008 tournament's outcome shows you are not much of a tournament expert.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm... dome teams are included in the 737 post. The Lake and SE are the top conferences right now. 5 or 6 years ago it was CLC. It is not that complicated.

Anonymous said...

CLC fan, give it up you are third, by a long shot

Anonymous said...

Since short time periods are all that seem to matter...two years from now, in Nov. of 2010, we'll be talking about the Classic Lake being totally dominant. Edina's two 30+ point getters this year (and most of their varsity)are Juniors or younger. Three of Wayzata's top six players are 10th graders, they start only four seniors. Minnetonka has tons of talent in their lower grades.
And by 2010 Eden Prairie might be in the Classic Lake, and the Lake will then be known as the B league.

Anonymous said...

LOL and in 2013 we will be talking about the NW Suburban. I hear the northern burbs are packed with great U11 teams. Can this get any dumber?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of the All Metro team players. Many nice, hard-working players were named.

Anonymous said...

1147. EP is a good team but has not won the Lake conference since at least 2005. Granted they would become the best team in the CLC if they joined it but they would not greatly weaken the Lake in their absence. Now if Woodbury left the Sub East you might be able to place your CLC conference above them. Not now though.

Anonymous said...

All Metro first and second teams:
Class A 4
SE 4
Lake 9

Anonymous said...

Who chooses these players? What is the process?

Anonymous said...

it would appear the process is to go watch Lake conference games.....

Anonymous said...

Lake is by far the best conference.

Anonymous said...

9:50- I suppose it has nothing to do with the fact there are more fine quality players in the Lake Conference.

Anonymous said...

just did some math, the 11 schools of the Lake conference have over twice as many metro selections as all of the 1A schools in the state. i guess the person who blogs about single A being minor leagues isn't alone in his assessment.

Anonymous said...

That is inaccurate as outstate players are not considered for the all metro team.

Anonymous said...

"just did some math, the 11 schools of the Lake conference have over twice as many metro selections as all of the 1A schools in the state. i guess the person who blogs about single A being minor leagues isn't alone in his assessment."

Get a life, seriously. Someone has way too much free time or is way too involved.

Anonymous said...

star trib does a very good job of naming all metro and out state is considered

p. press does an all right job but tends to favor kids on the east side of the river.

Anonymous said...

As does Star Trib seem to favor more on the West side! Guess some info. is only as good as the source.
That's Life!

Anonymous said...

this is blog is hilarious. nobody cares what conference is better! I haven't read in this is about 2 months. I thought maybe it would be about teams in the state tournament, good coaching and successful team play.....I guessed wrong.

Anonymous said...

MA named coach at East Ridge....

Anonymous said...

with a great new coach :)
one of MTA's best

Anonymous said...

The top four teams in the state will easily be Edina, Woodbury, Eden Prarie and Wayzeta. Woodbury having an amazingly deep roster with almost all senior-premier starters as well as edina. Eden Prarie with Taylor Uhl will be a tough team to beat as well. Tony and wayzeta are very dislipened but can be very unconsistent.
Should be a good year.

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