Tuesday, July 22, 2008

'08 MN Girls HS Soccer

As captains practice is getting near, who will be the top teams and players in this falls MN Girls HS league?


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Anonymous said...

Can someone post a link to the rules/bylaws on uniform regulations?

Anonymous said...

go to the national federations of h.s.


that should be a starting block.

when does blake play holy? i can't wait to see the parents in the stands with their laptops! hahahah

Anonymous said...

anon 11:14, what are you looking for?


they have a few NFHS Uniform rules. scroll down a bit to "News".

from NFHS site

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links! With cold weather approaching just trying to remember what can be worn under uniforms (colors/lengths).

Anonymous said...


names out of a hat -LOL good one

5. Chaska- middle of the pack in Lake Conference
6. Tonka - bottom of Classic Lake
7. Kennedy - split with Chaska during the year but lower in the conference
8. Shakopee

Anonymous said...

Eagan has absolutely collapsed since Ohio trip. A lesson learned.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if they have collapsed but I think the loss was more from strategy error. EV possessed the ball and was able to string together nice passes to move the ball while Eagan seemed to rely on kicking the long ball forward to their attackers. EV was able to keep the attackers out of their defensive zone and start the counterattack forward. Eagan has two attackers with good
speed/1 v 1 skills but EV defenders were able to contain them.

Anonymous said...

I think a more interesting question right now for section 3A is who is going to get the #3, #4, and #5 seeds. Minnehaha, SPA, and Visitation will earn those seeds, but it is a virtual toss up given the loss Vis had yesterday and the fact SPA got hammered by Vis. Quite possibly, Minnehaha, who beat Vis and tied SPA, could very well sneak away with the #3 seed although they are probably the weakest of the three teams.

Anonymous said...

Vis should be #3, SPA #4, Minnehaha #5. Minnehaha has lost too many games (against soft opposition) to make their claim. SPA will probably place higher than both of them in their conference but they have no argument against Vis. I am a Section 3A coach (not representing any teams listed above--just logged on to see for myself that our section was getting so much play) and will rank the teams as listed above.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above post, except don't rule out Highland Park as a possible 5 seed if they can beat Minnehaha on Saturday. HP has had a good year (yes against a soft city conference) and could make a strong claim with a win.

I am amazed at the strong feelings and emotions over what is supposed to be a game, played by kids and played for fun. It seems that the parents and fans take it more seriously than the players. I hope the coaches allow the girls to play the game for the love of the game and the fun of the game. Those are the best coaches in my book and the ones I want coaching my kids.

Anonymous said...

the eagan vs. eastview game was 1-0 until six minutes left when eagan had to try and push more and score a goal, final score a lot of times dont tell the whole story, injury problems have played a large part in eagan's struggles this season

Anonymous said...

2:38 P.M.

Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses. If my daughters team hadn't graduated five good seniors from last year's team and had scored three goals a game this year, they would be undefeated going into sectionals.

Anonymous said...

2:47 - lighten up. I'm not reading where 2:38 said that they would have won or would have had a stellar season. All I can take away from the post is that they have had some injuries. Not sure if your post is a commentary on excuses or a personal crack at Eagan.

Anonymous said...

1053 - why is Edina over EP?

Anonymous said...

3:37 - good question, but then again, why should EP be over Edina?

Anonymous said...

EP tied Woodbury is one thing that seperates them and I think the Lake is a little stronger and deeper then the Classic Lake.

Anonymous said...

135 I am not referring to a single game. Eagan record before trip 7-1-0 34GF 2GA. Since returning 3-4-0 13GF 13GA. The trip was a mistake. Injuries are not the issue.

Anonymous said...

Agree trip was a BIG BIG mistake added to the fact, cost , time missed from school and increased risk of injury and fatigue of playing 7 games in two weeks. Question the persons motive and what was to be gained from this experience. Their was lack of realistic attitude about playing and gaging the strength of those truly nationally ranked teams. It appeared to be a reversal of Class A Pine Island playing AA Eagan last year, and adage that what goes around comes around and kicks you .. ... ...

Anonymous said...

Cases could be made for either team E.P or Edina for 1# seed in sectional. I think what you are not likely to see is the same amount of gibberish spewed out to justify either choice, that was endured here lead by insecure AHA parent endless stream holy smoke and balloons. Both teams play on turf most of games during season. And a side note both teams respect each other having scouted opponent during the season.

Anonymous said...

I really dont understand why there is so much hate for eagan on this board? they are a solid high school program that has had good success for the past 15 years, they have a very good coach, if they score a few goals in a game everyone freaks out, woodbury has scored more than 6 goals in a game 4 times this season why is nobody crying about that, i guess i just dont understand why there is so much bad blood for eagan can someone please enlighten me

Anonymous said...

Eagan has a very solid club program. The coach is very average and always has been. Absolutely no coaching going on during the game. Has a hard time recognizing coaching opportunities and very rarely adjusts until it is too late. The final score of the Eagan, Eastview match up did tell the whole story. Eagan cannot score. However, probably has one of the best sweepers (#4) in the conference. Needs help as evidenced in the last 6/7 minutes of the game as she wore down late.

Anonymous said...

eagan has a good coach, they lost their starting keeper and their best player to injury before the season started. the trip was a great experience for those kids and if they came up with the money the came up with the money so why even bring that up. as far as missing school, it was not that much compared to the time some teams take off during the state tourney and no reason to bash the coach. eagan is young and really missed the two injured giels for the leadership they would have provided.

Anonymous said...

very average coach? thats funny he has coached some extremely good club teams: late 80's early 90's valley boys teams who went on to win a couple high school state championships, kickers girls teams in the mid 90's that won a couple state cups, wayzata boys team that won state cup, and his sons valley team for the last 8 or 9 years who have always had success they never lost a game until they were 12 years old and have stayed premier every year while maintaining a team with 9 apple valley boys which is very rare for a premier team, eagan high school teams finished second in state in 96 and have made it to 3 other state tournaments, also a former ODP coach, to me those seem like some pretty good accolades for a very average coach

Anonymous said...

you can say what you may about running up stats, but eagan has a good coach that has found himself in some tough section battles over the years or he would have been to state more

Anonymous said...

Two things. Eagan isn't very good. Against small schools they are 5-0-0 (27-1) WOW!!!
Against AA non-ranked teams they are 5-1-0 (18-6) OK. Against ranked/mentioned AA schools they are 0-4-0 (2-10) TERRIBLE!!! Whoever is hyping Eagan shopuld understand they are 10-5-0 (47-17), but can't even score against a decentteam. Losing to LN is a joke, beating Burnsville without LD--big deal, everyone does does.

Eden Prairie will get #1 seed over Edina, as SW is not appreciated by his peers for his vocal tantrums. BTW, Jefferson will knock Edina out in round two of sections. Don't bet on what is supposed to happen in that section to happen. There will be a shocker!

Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone was hyping eagan, i think everyone would agree they are an average team this season, i think it was the bashing of their coach that was uncalled for and caused all the hype

Anonymous said...

edina had a much tougher schedule than Univ of EP! 5 games vs top 10 teams....EP only 3.

Anonymous said...

2:23 - I don't think you can say Minnehaha has dropped a game to a soft team, the only exception being St. Croix. However, St. Croix just beat Vis and also took SPA into overtime. The only significant loss that SPA has is their 0-5 loss to Vis, but they were also the only team but Orono and AHA to tie Blake. SPA has also fared better against some common opponents. Comparing Minnehaha, SPA, and Vis by looking at their results against common opponents is a mess, and comparing them head to head is even more messy since Minnehaha managed a win against Vis and tied SPA. When it comes down to it, I agree that Vis and SPA are cut above Minnehaha, but who knows how the seeds will fall out since Minnehaha has some odd results?

Anonymous said...

edina got hosed last year in the section seedings and still got to the 'show'. over ep and jefferson if i remember correctly.

good goalies, solid defense, potent attack. if the midfield wakes up...the kevlar is the limit for them again this year.

Anonymous said...

This Eagan coach has coached some very good CLUB teams indeed. I think you need to check your facts on who the coach was for the 96 team. And I'm sure he hasn't won any state tournaments at the helm. Your facts seem a bit fuzzy. I think this is a high school blog, not the club blog. Making it to the state tournament in a very weak section at the time, I guess is an accomplishment. Coaching boys is quite different than coaching girls and I'm not sure he has found the handle yet. I'm impressed with the history on his accolades as a BOYS coach and his ability to recruit, but development...please. Playing the hand that has been dealt, appear to be more of a challenge for this club coach.

Anonymous said...

Eastview will stomp down EP tomorrow. They have no chance...

Anonymous said...

9:58, Obarski and Warter were co-coaches at eagan, he has taken a program at a schoool that didnt exist 20 years ago and turned them into a perennial top 10 school in the state for the last 15 years, as a club coach he has never been a person to go out and actively recruit players, he has coached boys AND girls club teams, kickers girls won a couple state cups, eagan girls premier team in the younger age groups, and former girls ODP coach, the kickers and the wayzata boys team that he coached actually asked him to be the coach because he had former high school players on the teams that thought he was such a good coach that he might be the one to lead them to a state cup championship and play in regionals, he didnt recruit anybody to those teams and they got it right, there seems to be a lot of evidence pointing at the fact that he is great coach and can get the job done, yes this year has been a struggle for the eagan girls at times, but does that mean that he can not coach, not at all

A former player

Anonymous said...

Looking at common opponents appears E.P stronger 36-3 than Eastview 25-3 over nine games. E.P. scores more because of wiser shot selection and more unselfish execution having seen both excellent teams play during season. E.P. wins Lake outright unless both defenses buckle down and ends in another tie for E.P.

Anonymous said...

EP easily over EV. EV is a good team but has had some luck, beating LS with 3 seconds left in OT on a goalie miscue and barely getting by BJ. ALL EV has is the Price girls while EP is strong across the board but lacks a star. Team wins out over individuals

Anonymous said...

EV has an excellent keeper and a solid defense in front of her. They don't have a lot of offensive punch but defense wins big games. 1-0 EV.

Anonymous said...

With Eden Prairie (12-1-2) losing to Eastville , number one seed in section 2 should go to undefeated Edina (14-0-3) In common opponents Edina 16-0 to Eden Prairie 17-3.

Anonymous said...

edina over duluth east today 2-0.

Anonymous said...

Saw the second half of the EV vs. EP game. Tied 1-1 at half, and EV outplayed EP in the second half - probably 7-8 vs. 2-3 "good" shots. Ball spent lots of time near the EP goal. Final score 2-1 EV.

Anonymous said...

EV/EP game was very enjoyable! Both sides had opportunities. EV defense played strong against EP attacker. Great 1 v 1 between her and EV defender who marked her in second half. Well matched for speed. EP attacker will be fun to watch over the next two years! Fun game, great weather, perfect day for a soccer game.

Anonymous said...

top four in section 2 set.
1. Edina
2. EP
3. Jefferson
4. Prior Lake

any chance of an upset here?

Anonymous said...

Any of the top 3 winning would not be an upset. Big drop to #4.

Anonymous said...

Eastview has more than the Price girls (though they are very good).
Take a look at where some of the club teams where Eastview kids play their summer soccer.
This team could go all the way this year.

Anonymous said...

EV v. EP was an intersting game. Rather rough and took a while for the refs to catch on. Call should have definitely been made on player who turned her back and walk away from the ref when he was trying to speak with her.

Anonymous said...

There will be a major upset in Section 2. Major upset.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

EV deserves #1 ranking. except for a game they should have won at RC they have been great and they did something even WDBRY could not- beat EP.

Anonymous said...


You will have to wait until next Saturday, but there will be a major upset in Section 2. Major.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to know that we are worthy of each other and not of you. Thank you for such thoughtful insight. It means much coming from you!

Anonymous said...

Lightning to hold Pro Am Combine on Dec 22. I guess current players, high school players, and possible new players.

Anonymous said...

"EV deserves #1 ranking. except for a game they should have won at RC..."

is that the same RC that edina DID beat (2-0)???

hahaaaa. nice try.

and by the way, section seeding and state seeding is just that. nothing more. you still have to WIN the rest of your games.

Anonymous said...

AS (EP's GK) was MIA yesterday vs EV. She wasn't between the posts, or on the bench. Very curious!

Anonymous said...

AS from EP had a family commitment yesterday which took precedent over soccer. Tough choice when the conference title and section seeding were on the line, but the right choice. Backup sophomore keeper played very well and gained some valuable big-game playing experience.

Anonymous said...

AHA 1 BSM 0 yesterday... meanwhile Blake lost to an very good, but not great Hopkins team 1-0, one of the very few AAs they play.

I keep waiting to hear all the AHA haters who said "AHA should only get the #1 if they win out, beat Orono, PL, BSM"... check, check, check.

I guess we find out today. I think the best post was "aha people are all MTA "meglomaniacs" when it was confirmed they have ONE player in the program from MTA."

Anonymous said...

ZZZ does anyone care about class A except the teams and parents themselves? The top teams in A are there purely because of good fortune because of where the enrollment cutoff falls. The biggest 65 schools are AA, if it were split half A and half AA then AHA and the rest would be mediocre AA schools who would be lucky to win a game in sections. It is great that these teams are given a chance to win a state title because of this, but stop making it sound like a big accomplishment. It is interesting that the only team that could compete at a higher level, Mahtomedi, is never heard from on this board.

Anonymous said...

936 good point, and it shows megalomaniacs come from many different clubs.

Anonymous said...

9:57 - I think you should check some enrollment numbers. Schools like Blake, Vis, and SPA are about half the size of the biggest single A schools.

Anonymous said...

9:57 Many of us do care much more about hearing about A schools than your self-centered opinion. Lot of bragging by AA schools is obnoxious. Go A schools!

AA parent

Anonymous said...

AHA should be 1# seed in Section 3. Blake then will have no chance of an upset playing on pool table top turf of AHA and under voodoo time keeper rules. The da Bears of Blake are out of luck. Should get chance to see one of better forwards and center midfielder AHA #9 and #10 in Class A final in dome. And an added bonus, the cessation of any further dribble to justify AHA getting 1# seed.

Anonymous said...

Yes there is only one player in AHA from MTA after second MTA , a national ODP player from prior year, wisely followed advice from nation ODP leaders and left to playup one year at C.C. in Woodbury against stiffer completion acknowledging and realizing the Class A level she plays at High School. Players parent said she just wanted to fill the role as scorer not MTA distributor even though she was adept at each. Should be treat to see her play in dome against likely Mahtomedi and how she fairs against older and stronger players in club season and tournaments.

Anonymous said...

Let's stick to talking about teams and soccer rather than talk about players.

Anonymous said...

Ya. She is not the only "great" soccer player at her age.

Anonymous said...

Is this Sunday the day coaches meet for seedings and when do teams and coaches find out where their seeded.

Anonymous said...

E.P has a couple of dirty players who clutch,grab and take cheap shots.W.H. has either lost control of the players or he condones their actions. Their dirty play should have been dealt with long ago. Big difference between aggresive and dirty play.

Rosemount also has a dirty player who constantly whines.

No place for this in soccer at any level,

Anonymous said...

E.P has a couple of dirty players who clutch,grab and take cheap shots.W.H. has either lost control of the players or he condones their actions. Their dirty play should have been dealt with long ago. Big difference between aggresive and dirty play.

Rosemount also has a dirty player who constantly whines.

No place for this in soccer at any level,

Anonymous said...

Edina #1 seed on MSHSL site in 2AA - unless this is an old page.

Anonymous said...

Section 3A Seeds:

1. Holy Angels
2. Blake
3. Visition
4. SPA
5. Minnehaha
6. Highland Park
7. Washburn
8. DelaSalle

There you go....

Anonymous said...

We may not be worthy, but but Oh , oh, Great Great One... please we beg you, please 4/10/08 8:49 P.M. explain to us mortals now that section 2 seedings are out what the score will be. WH may not even have to waste practicing this week if this is preordained.

Anonymous said...

359 good that you put great in parentheses.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone shed any light on the 1AA seedings. This is very confusing, and the rankings just don't make any sense. Some teams have 18 games others 12 that are included in the win/loss tally. Minnesota State High School and Minnesota Sports Online have different results and rankings. Which one really matters?

Anonymous said...

Several of the above posts make it sound as if AHA has the easiest road to state in section 3A given they have the #1 seed. Why then were a couple hundred posts made on this blog that tout section 3A as the most competitive in state?

Anonymous said...

Because AHA has a huge home field advantage with their competitors being unfamiliar with turf.

Anonymous said...

Why are only a few sections updated on the Minnesota State High School League website?

Anonymous said...

7:47 - hmmmmmmmm, I wonder if any other teams in 3A played any games on turf this year or might possibly practice on turf over the course of the next two weeks?

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, as many as AHA? Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

Wow did Edina/SW get a sweetheart draw in 2AA bracket!!! Toughest team they have to beat is Prior Lake to get to the finals, while the other bracket has EP, BJ and Minnetonka (who tied Edina once this year). Questionable how Chaska gets seeded above Minnetonka when you look at records against common opponents.

Anonymous said...

tonka's recent 4-0 loss to Edina couldn't have helped. Toughest part of tonka's draw is having to travel to Jefferson. Same issues as last year for them. I can see Tonka getting an upset against Jefferson though.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the main reason AHA supporters think they have a free ride to state is that they get to play on their pool table. Gives the rest of the inferior teams in their section a glimmer of hope they might have a fighting chance.

Anonymous said...

8:20 - Don't see how Chaska's 3-0 loss to Jefferson last week was less meaningful than Tonka's 4-0 loss to Edina. Both stunk it up at the end of the season. However, one tied Edina earlier in the year and lost to Jefferson by one goal, the other had their blanks handed to them by both of these teams. Again, hard to follow the logic of Minnetonka ranked behind Chaska, which definitely plays to Edina's / SW's favor.

Anonymous said...

8:36 Absolutely see your point. It had to be a close vote and I'm sure Edina would rather face the winner of PL-Ch than a potential third meeting with Tonka.

Jefferson, Tonka, and EP will make in interesting bottom bracket!

hard to believe that only one team will make it to state. Edina, EP and Jefferson have what, a combined 4 loses!

Anonymous said...

edina 0
ep 1
jefferson...the rest.

this week's rain will get everyone howling about bloomington stadium. i think there is a tractor pull scheduled for wednesday night there...

grabbing, pulling, whining...sounds like my honeymoon.

Anonymous said...

As I've been saying, there will be a MAJOR upset in Section 2. MAJOR!

Anonymous said...

8:57...edina's class, tenacity, aggressiveness, and home field advantage will put them on top. Good luck EP....

Anonymous said...

section 1AA seedings make perfect sense, what is the problem?

Anonymous said...

who is going to win Ms Soccer?

Anonymous said...

9:58 Good question.....any early opinions? I'd suggest someone from Edina, anyone else??

Would you care to explain your major upset in 2AA sections?

Anonymous said...

There are more and more teams that have artificial surfaces to play on for the home fields. When these teams play against teams that aren't accustom to such surfaces it is obviously an advantage for the home team. I'm curious though, how often these home teams actually get to practice on their turf given the demand by both girls and boys soccer teams, as well as the football team. Do these teams actually get to use the field enough for practices to make it a huge advantage in games?

Anonymous said...

8:57 LOL! Is that you ems???

Anonymous said...

Ms. Soccer candidates will be from the usual group mentioned. (EP,Edina,LS, EVHS, MV and ARM) Have seen four play and each has own merits. Could come down to how their teams progress through sectionals and state as they make those around them better players.
Good Luck to all!

Anonymous said...

MAJOR upset in section 2 this Saturday (4/10/08 9:26) perhaps B.J. over unexpecting E.P. Of course this after sinking of Skippers in bog at Bloomington. Just how badly will these two good teams suffer from BJ ferocious kitty cat offensive attack. Dont be a wimp lay it on the line.

Anonymous said...

The teams that are currently unbeaten and will remain unbeaten in post season are the players and coaches that are focused on that and not post season honors. Most dont want any discussion as a distraction. I do hope that the defensive players are given due diligence this year and will probably determine whose state champ. Too often they are not considered as strongly and get overlooked for all state and all conference considerations. When teams only allow .7 or less g/a/g for season some very deserving defenders need equal recognition as mids and attackers.

Anonymous said...

1027! ;)

see you soon...

Anonymous said...

11:59 Agree, I have seen some awesome defensive teams.

Anonymous said...

There are strong defensive teams, but IMO that's a combination of a style of play (heavy numbers back and then breakout for the counter) and the lack of quality offenses at the high school level. Don't confuse that with quality offensive players, as there are many, but a quality offense needs 2-3 good options to be potent.

Anonymous said...

Please remember that Ms. Soccer is an award eligible only for seniors and at the girl's level is not always stat driven. Agreed it will come from one of the big schools at AA and one of the traditional A powerhouses.

Anonymous said...

1041 Ms. Soccer is already in the works. Playoff performance does not matter as the decisions are made prior. In fact the award is announced before the state tourney even begins.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 7:40 - there is no free ride to state in 3A, home field or not. I can assure you those ARE NOT AHA supporters making it sound that way, those are AHA haters trying to raise expectations and put unnecessary pressure on our girls. I can assure you it won't work, they don't read this blog.

3A is a battle, always, and it still will be. AHA, Blake, Vis, Minnehaha, SPA... I would bank on any one of those teams winning it, not to mention that there are two other teams in the section that had 10 or more wins.

Anonymous said...

In the end it was strength of schedule, but i can tell you that has one of the "have nots" in this section its a shame that any one of 3 or 4 of these teams can't move on. People like to rip some of these schools, but I can tell you there is a TON of mutual respect in that room when we get together every year - the Blake coach, AHA coach, Minnehaha, Vis, and SPA coaches all hold eachother and their programs in the HIGHEST regard. I wish some of the folks on here could see how the programs treat one another, they could learn a thing or two.

Anonymous said...

let me premise this by saying I am a BSM parent, so note biases if you will.

What a great game vs AHA Saturday night! Too bad for us it worked out as it did. I thought we were far and away better in the first 40, the second 40 it was pretty even. Bottom line is we had probably 7 great chances and no goals, they had maybe 5 and finished one of theirs. We could have, maybe should have won, but at the same time anyone who says that teams can't play away from home/on grass is out of their minds. They were tough, I just hope we get another crack at them in state.

Anonymous said...

When will all the seedings be posted?

Anonymous said...

see link below.


Anonymous said...

Like to compliment MSHSL and coaches for apparent clearness of seedings this year as compared to last year. Seems there is bit more justification and thought went into process. Next big hope is that in future championship games could be televised at dome with FSN getting the business and advertisers interest necessary. Perfect fit for people in the commercial construction stadium industry, colleges recruitment or new Thunder owners to spread some goodwill. MSHSL needs to get this off ground and shouldnt try to charge too much for TV right to get initial telecast.

Anonymous said...

Prior Lake will beat Chaska 3-0

Edina will beat Prior Lake 5-0

Edina will win it all, oh wait they have Simon ....never mind

Anonymous said...

i'd like to put simon on the auction block and see how many ADs would try to grab him. more than a couple i'd imagine.

name 1 coach who has had a more consistant playoff appearance record on the girl's side...

small school, big results.

Anonymous said...

2200+ students is a small school??? One of the bigger AA (#17) schools in the state would be more accurate. Better playoff appearance records to name a few:

Eden Prairie
Mounds View

Anonymous said...

Last 8 years; duluth east, woodbury, lakeville (LS) all have similar or better records then SW and SW, up until last year, had the advantage of playing in one the weakest sections in state- mpls public schools etc

Anonymous said...

talk about tough sections...EP BJ Edina (and tonka on a good year). section final here will be a good one!!!

I hope SW lets his team play though...

Anonymous said...

I have had the opportunity to observe and had several daughters play under various coaches most with B license or higher even former A license national staff coach. Mr SW hands down has the fullest breadth of knowledge of game and can teach skills that only handful here in minnesota can pretend to do. How many coaches in the U.S have authored books on soccer and coach high school soccer. Furthermore this adult is positive role model. He gets alot of grief from big club because they know they dont measure up to his credentials and integrity. And further more hes not afraid to surround himself with assistants that are the equal of any head coach at other schools. And lastly he truly cares about the interest of kids on the field and off.

Anonymous said...


Are you SW??? hahaha. You are kidding right? that guy can't coach and his players HATE him!

Anonymous said...

the only thing 10;09 forgot was to say

"I'm Simon Whitehead and I approved this message"

Anonymous said...

After viewing stats of certain player after regular season who was most heralded at beginning of season and probably get Ms. Soccer in AA. Im even more convinced she is way overrated and largely a figment of large club long ago imagination. Bottom line, with games that matter against strong competition she produced one lone assist. Added to the fact that her team will win neither conference title and struggle to win section title. If she nominated then that tells you something about the people voting and their motives.

Anonymous said...

The one senior captain defender that is most responsible for a team that won conference title this year and last and help anchor defense to second place finish in last year state tournament and always has shut down top offense player from other team gets my vote for MVP. And no im not related. Her tenacity and will to win has been a pure pleasure to watch. Her team has compiled 32-2-5 so far over last two years and this years team only allowed .5 goals per game. The pics in Mn Prep Photo from last year State final speak volumes.

Anonymous said...

1258- as i'm sure you know, that kid started her run as a 9th grader on the team that came in 3rd in the state in 05. she is having a great year. nothing flashy, just strong and steady like her mentors before her.

could she be the 2nd defender to win ms. soccer ala dana tripp?

i saw sw driving down the road the other day...his license plates says '666'...hmmmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

I've observed SW from the sidelines, had my kids at his camps a number of times and I regret that neither of them have had the opportunity to directly play on his team. No, I'm not from Edina.

Anonymous said...


Good player, but take away the "high-pressure" team around her and she is mediocre at best. Merely a role player who doesn't even get off the bench on a good Premier team. Now, do you agree? Am I right? SW is a great coach.

Anonymous said...

This current exchange about a specific player is why we should talk about teams and not individuals. For everyone who wants to sincerely build someone up there's someone with their own honest opinion (not always positive).

Even though this has been mild compared to some of the back and forth player comments, personally I feel it has no place on this blog. These are teenage high school kids.

Anonymous said...

23 shutouts and counting in last two years, yes that role player will be playing against who i suppose was person that wrote self interest comment from club in U-18 MWRL Premier league next spring.

Anonymous said...


My bad! You must be SW! hahaha

Anonymous said...

for any parent who has never ACTUALLY had their kids on a SW high school team...you do not know what he is like. He doesnt know how to shut his mouth (i.e. screaming at refs) and WILL make your daughter cry at some point in her soccer career!

Anonymous said...

#4 Captain from Edina is AMAZING! She has been proving herself since the 9th grade.

She is the backbone of the Edina team!

I think this is her year for Ms. Soccer

Anonymous said...

5:40- #4 is a nice player, certainly not MS. Soccer. Without her Edina is a very good team anyway. Without #3, Edina can't score. Wanna talk HS vs. club. #3 sits for the Inferno.

Anonymous said...

SW a positive role model?

Anonymous said...

554 with that teams abysmal regional record and lack of goal production maybe #3 should not be sitting. Edina will not have a girl even considered for Ms. Soccer as only one player from each conference will be looked at and Edina does not have the best player in the CLC.

Anonymous said...

here is how all state and Ms Soccer is selected http://www.mshssca.org/recognition/allstate.html

There always seems to be some fog around Ms. Soccer. In a nutshell to be Ms. Soccer.
1) Your coach must select and nominate you as the best player on your team.
2) The conference coaches must select you as the best player in your conference. Again, you cannot be selected as the best player in the conference unless your coach presents you as the best player on your team.
3) the section reps select Ms. Soccer and the rest of the all state teams.

Much of this process is already complete so you can quit lobbying.

Anonymous said...


yet another reason all but 1-2 kids on inferno hate their "nazi" coach...their word choice not mine

Anonymous said...

Highly doubt anyone from Inferno is going to take that bait. Best be fishing in another pond.

Anonymous said...


You are smoking something!"Without her Edina is a very good team anyway."

How do you figure????

I believe she was the key defender last year getting Edina to the State Finals.

Anonymous said...

seems to me that both of lakeville so's goals came from outside the box in last year's final? i call that good team defense across the back, not 1 person's effect.

Anonymous said...

Why is it bad if a coach might make your daughter cry once in her career?

Anonymous said...

The only time my daughter has cried during her high school career was when her team lost in sections in a shootout, mainly because she knew she wouldn't get to play any more games with the seniors. That's the only reason I would ever want my daughter to cry, certainly not because her coach was a bully who humiliated her.

Anonymous said...

#4 for Edina is a great player and deserving of consideration for Ms. soccer.I have watched her play tons. She totally shut down ND for Armstrong in all 4 games this year and last.

8:55 LVS socored both goals from INSIDE the box in last years championship game. BTW on the second goal the Edina goalier got MUGGED, should have been a card....additionally, she is the best keeper the state but to my knowledge SW is not pushing her for recgonition

Anonymous said...

Edina 7-0 over Shakopee. Any other scores?

Anonymous said...

LVS had around 25 shots in the final last year. If not for great goaltending and a friendly crossbar that game could have been much worse. I would not be staking any claims to Ms. Soccer on the Edina defensive performance in that game.

Anonymous said...

no recognition from SW for his senior keeper. I don't think she has played as much as last year- seems like he's trying to get his sophomore in as much as possible. all state for #4 and CF? I believe #4 was only an all conference honorable mention last year

Anonymous said...

As reported here SW kept 5 goalies this year, weird. CF has played about 60% of the time (about the same as 2007), the others as SW wanted. The Soph has risen to the top of the rest, but not close to CF. She was All CLC last year and All-Tournament. You're correct, #4 was honerable mention CLC last year.

Anonymous said...

edina's defense in last year's final- what a joke- that game could have been 5-1 without a great keeper and a healthy dose of the woodwork. SW abandoned the midfield in that game- LS dominated and the edina D was abused. To the idiot who thought a card should have been issued on the winning goal, soccer is a physical game, it was all above board. No way #4 is Ms. Soccer.

Anonymous said...

#4 deserves much more! She should be ALL State this year.

I don't think SW appreciates her enough

Anonymous said...

5:54 the ex-keeper coach doesn't know enough about evaluating field talent along with close minded militant attitude alienates players. JS head and shoulders better all round player than the two that start in front of her and comparison of high school stats starkly bears that out. Feel fortunate daughter didn't have to play at that age group for her. Enjoyed beating their team twice in premier league after their teams motivation and performance eroded and player/coach relationship soured following annual regional meltdown..the only thing she as been able to do for team is promote one of their players in regional ODP camp.

Anonymous said...

Wow the Edina players are really wonderful! First of all, #4 is not one of the top three defenders in the CLC. That will be proven out by the level she will play at in college, if she plays at all. Put her on a mediocre team and she is lost in the shuffle. As for #3, the lack of depth in hs makes it easier for a good/not great player to get playing time. No defense Edina has played this year has more than a player or two, which is easy for a coach like SW to exploit.

Anonymous said...

i GUESS nd was the clc nomination for ms soccer. let us move on and concentrate on the important stuff...like which stadium has the best hot dogs.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Soccer will likely come from Sub East this year. CLC and Lake reps (whoever they are) not as strong players. Caveat: Since there is no clear favorite in the metro this could be the year you see a keeper or an outstate player given the award.

Anonymous said...

Lay off the ED defense for the finals performance last year. That game was lost in the midfield as SW was completely outcoached. Also LKV had the most offensive talent I have seen on a HS team in a long while. The ED defense held up well with all this going against them. You can't judge the group or any player on one game.

Anonymous said...

906 i agree with you on some of the points.
the game was lost in the midfield (like most) when edina's collapsed into their defensive 3rd and took away targets for the transition out.
when edina was able to clear the ball, lakeville kept 4 back (midline) and swarmed the lone edina attacker if the ball even got close and put the pressure back on by dumping it back in.
outcoached? naw.
outplayed? yes.

Anonymous said...

Ms soccer will most likely be a stars player like MP, AP. If we are talking defender,what about BW?
#4 was best player on field in Woodbury/Edina state semis. I agree key defender in advancing to finals. #3 has great field vision and is great passer in addition to scoring. #4 successfully defends because of foot skills,speed combined with determination and effort that is rare. Let's not forget that these are high school kids and we are not trying to develop olympians so much as great adults.

Anonymous said...


LVS played a 3-5-2 that game. SW was OUTCOACHED. LVS dominated the middle of the field and ED could never get out of their end as a result of SW collapsing his midfield into the defensive third. If he would have put some pressure into the midfield, it may have been a different game. LVS coach knew the game would be won in the middle, even with their tremendous attackers, and committed SP into the middle. SW never changed his tactics even after his team was running scared in the first half. SW is a good coach but cannot win the big one, even with the best attacking player the state has produced in the last decade.

Anonymous said...

1046 my last comment on the matter.

you can coach all you want, the kids still have to execute. the lack of descipline in the midfield by edina handed the game to lakeville.

Anonymous said...


"we are trying to develop great adults". Then why so much emphasis on #4 being Ms. Soccer? Quit promoting a mediocre player. There are three better defenders in the CLC alone.

Anonymous said...

the kids do have to execute, but if their coach employs a certain strategy which does not allow them to compete, it is the coaches fault. Sure the LVS midfield outplayed ED, but they were hamstrung by the tactics SW asked the them to play

Anonymous said...

LVS last years state champ was one of the best teams in years.It"ll be a long time before we see another that good.

Regarding their two goals vs ED the first was a perfectly timed on the ground pass from MR directly to the foot of the charging KL.The ED goalie had no chance.

The second goal was just an outstanding individual effort in the box by KL.

The ED goalie played an oustanding game and the team played a style that gave them the best chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Outstanding individual effort in the box? A two yard tap in off an excellent corner kick where the goalie was interfered with? Are you kidding?

Anonymous said...

Bulletin: This is 2008, the 2007 state tournament is over.

Anonymous said...

parents reliving their glory days how sad

Anonymous said...

seems more like trying to justify a loss by blaming the coach. And also pushing a Ms. Soccer candidate based on her performance that game.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who don't know #4-Edina-mediocre player. Without #3, they finish behind Armstrong, Wayzata, Minnetonka and Hopkins in the CLC. BTW, MS. soccer would be ND of Arm. if voting was objective. Best player in the state by a long shot.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that objective comment.

Anonymous said...

To All: How many of you have watched a video of the 2007 championship game recently? None is my guess, so here are the facts:

LVS deserved to win, they wanted the game more.

The first goal was nice.

The second goal was no special effort by anybody except the referee. She had a date with her girlfriend and didn't want overtime. The Edina goalie got ASSULTED!! The LVS player that took her out missed heading the ball by two feet and wiped out CF.

Without this horrible officating call the game could have had a different outcome.

So, don't lie about what really happened.

But as I said, LVS deserved to win....because thay wanted the game more.

Now....let's move on to 2008.

Anonymous said...

ya gotta love it........we should all move on but not until I get the final word in.....

Anonymous said...

in the final play- why does the LVS player not have a right to go for the ball? it was not assault, it was agressive play- you must be someone who thinks that every little touch is a foul. watch a college match some day, they rarely blow the whistle. that is a fifty fifty ball, the kepper did not have it in her hands and was not even close to the ball, it was not a foul. LVS not only wanted it more but was better prepared and coached

Anonymous said...

Weakest AA Section?
4, 5, 6, 7?

Anonymous said...

weakest? 8 as always.

Anonymous said...

8, defintely the weakest, every year, despite what they might think

Anonymous said...

ND is a FANTASTIC player. very skilled and composed on the ball. However, I don't think ms. soccer should have so many cards under her belt. She has come late to games (sat on the bench first half of Edina-Armstrong game) and has pretty consistently shown a attitude that shouldn't receive this award. Again, very good player- probably not ms. soccer though.

Also...did woodbury really tie Roseville on 9/27 or was that a mistake on Minnesotascores.net??

Anonymous said...

that was a mistake, It was 2-0

Anonymous said...

I agree. ND has a fantastic competitive spirit. Really. Often a persons greatest strength.... is their greatest weakness. She can't stand to lose....nor can she control her emotions. The best athletes can control themselves and do the things that get them in a spot to win. This is what Tiger has that the other golfers on the tour don't have. He was a will to win....just like ND in a different context....but also maturity and control. I bet she matures soon; into a good college player....but not Ms Soccer this year.

Anonymous said...

Next time she gets a mouthfull of elbow and comes out with a few less teeth. Ask her folks how she feels about that. yea sure 50-50 ball. :)

Anonymous said...

in the back of my mind i somehow knew we would find our way back to LVS-EDINA 2007 title game.....

Anonymous said...

It was sad when parents (or coaches) got on here and boasted about what their players had done. Now we have boasting about what they could have done or will do. Pathetic. At least it hasn't become as bad as the boys thread.

Anonymous said...

7:23 AM
Couldn't agree more. Let's all mor on, please.

Who is the best team and player in you section. We're in the CLC, EP will beat BJ on Sat. and Edina will beat EP to move on.

Most folks think ND at Armstrong, but there was an interesting post alst hnigh about her.

Some have put forward #4 on Edina, bloggers seem to disagree.Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I've watched the CLC and am confident saying ND is the best overall forward/mid in the CLC. She more than anyone can take control of a game. There are many other very good players, but they necessarily don't have the strength to literally take over a game. Basically, ND doesn't have a supporting cast. #3, Edina would be next in line.

Anonymous said...

Lets see who plays D1 next year and in what conference. D2,D3 no excuses please.

Anonymous said...

#3 in Edina? Can that parent get a life? Guess that makes the rest of the team pretty humble....since she's the only one that makes a difference. Don't even know #3, but the parent of that player sure does! Probably a wonderful young lady. Let's stick to team performance for what it is in high school...fun! Then back to real life with CC teams. Good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

#3 sits on the Inferno bench. She could play 80' for Burnsville though!

Anonymous said...

I don't get the Burnsville thing?

Anonymous said...

its funny how mf from edina is never mentioned on here yet she is probably the best player on the team. Not enough goals I suppose?

Anonymous said...

its funny how mf from edina is never mentioned on here yet she is probably the best player on the team. Not enough goals I suppose?

Anonymous said...

MF is a very good player, the best offensive player in the conference though is JS and it isn't even close. And offense is what gets the attention.

Anonymous said...

Whether you are mentioned on this blog hinges on whether your parents or other relatives are bloggers.

Anonymous said...

The major upset that was projected by BLoomington Jefferson 4/10/08 8:49 P.M. and 5/10/08 8:57 P.M. in Section 2 this Saturday AND was also projected by their backers last year to win state last year sadly comes to close. Eden Prairie head and shoulders above the kitty cats.

Anonymous said...

the volume of this blog will be turned down with each completed round.

chaska put up a fight today but edina had too many horses.*

slp v armstrong. 3 different scorers for armstrong. slp will be a power starting next year.

*tomass, got there late, had to leave early. talk soon.


Anonymous said...

very true 9:15!

It'd be funny to see if there are just 4 of us that comment back and forth to each other now that a lot of teams are done.

Anonymous said...

There probably aren't many more than 4 right now.

Anonymous said...

Out of curiousity I looked up some goalie stats because I wanted to see how ED GK was doing. Looked to me like several others are having better year...WDB, EVHS and Irondale in particuar. Too bad ED player didn't have the opportunity to play more. Heard Irondale GK and Roch Cent GK will head to UWGB and EVHS GK to SD for bball.

Anonymous said...

Thanks FOA!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting discussion on who should be Ms. Soccer. I have seen several players who have impressed me during particular games but then not at other times. I guess my bias is to look at consistency through the HS years...who has done well, who makes their team better, who has the skills. I don't always think stats tell the whole story. Then you throw in the ability to stay injury free! I think many of the players who have been discussed all have skills as evidenced in receiving college offers. Each is unique and offers different strengths to their team: blazing speed, raw power, brute strength, perfect shot selection,laser like passing ability, etc. It all depends on what the team needs and the coach asks that player to bring to the field. I've seen great attackers moved to defense and solid defenders moved to forward position because that is what would make the team stronger. I admire the players who are willing to give up playing a position that would showcase their talent in order to make the team better. Congrats to all of the senior players who have made HS soccer so enjoyable to watch! Good Luck to each of the nominees!

Anonymous said...

There really hasn't been a "discussion" about Ms. Soccer because all we have seen is a few shameless parents and coaches plug their favorite players and criticize others. Thankfully most of the top players inner circles either have kept quiet or better yet do not read this blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice job by the various sections (with few exceptions) getting their scores reported and posted - NOT.

Anonymous said...

457 you have hit on one of my biggest pet peeves...the lack of responsibility by coaches to follow the rules for score reporting. THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the investigative research; you looking up "stats" online. You really give Sherlock Holmes a run for his money. Now we really, really know who the good goalies are. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

what does "stats" mean anyways?
does the ED goalie have less saves than the EVHS goalie??? oh no!!
what about time... ever take into consideration that Edina has 5 goalies and all have played this season? I guess that means that the ED goalie isn't doing as well as last year.

Anonymous said...

stats are only one part of the picture and to base anything on merely stats is ludicrous and naive

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why Armstrong only lists one player and one goalie on Minnesota Sports Online. What about the other players?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for summarizing the last 4 posts about "stats". They are meaningless and incorrect. To make a comment about a player, one would need to see them play or have an objective opinion of someone that has seen them play.

Likwise, suggesting that a player that is "going D1" vs D2 or D3 is necessariarly better is also poor thinking and incorrect logic. There are dozens of good reasons why a better player might choose to play D2 or D3 vs D1. Especially when the 25% scholarship to Timbuktu State (D1) is factored into the equation.

Anonymous said...

Timely and straight forward article in Opinion Exchange of Star and Tribune 10/13/08 about youth sports , worthwhile reading. Parents dont lose sight of the overall purpose of all youth sports amiss all this parent posturing and pride in their daughter accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:38
Probably because coach is only trying to promote those two players.
Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

The best player in the state plays at Mounds View but don't know if her team gets the respect it should.
If I had to bet I'd say a player from Edina or Eastview will get Ms Soccer.

Anonymous said...

How and by whom do they even pick Ms. Soccer (other than I know it's a senior)?

Anonymous said...

The best player in the state MV? AP is a nice player but hardly head and shoulders the rest. SHe is a very good player, but not Ms. Soccer material, she is almost a carbon copy of OB from LS, who is not deserving either. Ms. Soccer is up for grabs as there is not a dominant player this year.

Anonymous said...

In games against quality opponents one assist in Park 1-2 loss ,Woodbury 1-0 3-0 losses,White Bear 0-0 tie and 2-0 loss, No goals in any of these games or assists. No more idle talk its down right embarrassment. If a Senior playing at High School level against freshmen sophs and junior cant contribute more or decide outcome then accept what the outcomes show you. Other players deserve it more.

Anonymous said...

1:40 P.M.:

Agreed, more hype than substance. Too many players are "hyped" into greatness. An all-state player should be able to dominate in their position, if not, then they are not all-state.

Anonymous said...

......i always love the way some folks can make the game sound so simple. this isn't basketball where a point guard can lob the ball into the dominant post player. how many touches did she get? where were these touches? are Park, WDB, and WBL better teams? did those team control the possession the vast majority of the time? don't know the girl nor the team, but just my attempt at putting things more into perspective.

just curious, based off of your criteria, who should we be talking about?

Anonymous said...

Last year KL was a solid and deserving choice, but if she had been on a different team would she have been as successful? Just like the MVP voting in baseball, it helps to be in a powerful line-up with good hitters all around so you can't be pitched around. It also helps to be on a championship contending team.

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