Sunday, May 01, 2011

Chat: '11 Boys HS Soccer

2011 Boys Minnesota State High School  Soccer


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Anonymous said...

A. Why are there Class A games at St. Cloud State?

B. I recall the masses saying Prairie Seeds would be found guilty of numerous offenses after last year's tournament. It doesn't look like that happened.

C. Intriguing bracket in Class AA.

Anonymous said...

who is johhny mulvahil? he is the best soccer player in the state?

Anonymous said...

Johnny Mulvahill:

Anonymous said...

Maple Nut, Evil prairie, the purple guys, and Apple Valley jr high should all advance.

Anonymous said...

Maple Nut over North Snowman Polar? I do like the fact that Maple Nut is getting ZERO attention/respect. They handily beat St. Paul Central, while North needed PKs.

Anonymous said...

Maple Nut won 3-2 over Centro, handily? Maple Nut/North game will be the most direct game you will see all year! Maple Nut by 1 in o.t.

Mister Soccer said...

Let me guess: the 3-2 score doesn't give justice to a lopsided game?

Embarrassing discussion happening on regarding the All-State selections. You parents are a disgrace.

tomASS said...

Mister Soccer - great call

Anonymous said...

Maple Nut State champions? I think so!

Anonymous said...

NSP = Not Soccer Players

Anonymous said...

10/24/11 10:12 AM - what offenses against Prairie Seeds?

Anonymous said...

There were accusations that the coach was guilty of having ineligible players on the team. They said that after the season, things would come out that would ruin the program. Doesn't look like anything has been ruined.

Anonymous said...

Is his Super 60 Sports' Future Stars Showcase for real?

Anonymous said...

Looks real to me:!soccer/vstc5=future-stars

Sounds like a good place for MIAC coaches to recruit.

Anonymous said...

MG over NSP 2-0. Wow

Anonymous said...

Yeah - 2 to 0 and not really close. North St. Paul were not even close to their ranking in the state rankings or the tourney seedings. Not saying MG dominated, but MG were definitely the better team to start the game and then they just sat back and defended.

Anonymous said...

Both those teams are week, not fun to watch, EP however were passing to ball like crazy and looked great. Heard the game of the night was psa\humbolt, psa 4 humbolt 3 in ot, also heard ref gave psa the game.

Anonymous said...

EP will definitely be more of a challenge. MG was effective at what they needed to do. Tough to judge a defensive shell except in its results which was a shut out. Ref gave NSP plenty of opportunities around the box, but the MG keeper was on his game.

Anonymous said...

Mg has one player, kick and run soccer, this year is a down year for hs soccer, ep in final other game could be good though.

Anonymous said...

EP definitely the favorite. The boys play together on summer ball and it shows in the way they played tonight. MG was missing a 9th grader that plays on the national team tonight though. First MG or EP game I have seen this year. Judge on MG's first 15 minutes and it will be a game. Judge it on the rest of the game and I don't see EP missing on as many opportunities as NSP did. Not sure which MG player you were referring to.

Anonymous said...

they only have 1 good player, its an easy one, anyone who has watched them on any given night can pick him out.

Anonymous said...

they only have 1 good player, its an easy one, anyone who has watched them on any given night can pick him out.

Anonymous said...

Did he play tonight?

Anonymous said...

Sw 5 Anoka 1

Anonymous said...

He took every kick

Anonymous said...

He got hurt in the first half but stayed in the game. He didn't influence play much

Anonymous said...

Yeah - he started well and tailed off after he went to the bench for treatment. Looked him up and he was all state honorable mention. Seemed a capable player early on, but he wasn't asked to do much in the 2nd half. Good on the ball out of the air.

Anonymous said...

Went to the Maple Grove/NSP game. Maple Grove scored about 4 minutes in on a throw in that was headed in. About 3 minutes latter they scored again when the ball wasn't cleared by NSP and it was put in the back of the net. Two shots on goal two goals! After that I don't believe Maple Grove got another shot the whole game let alone many if any corners. NSP is very quick and fast and extremely young. They ,however, IMHO need to play more as a team. To much individual soccer when they got down. Neither team looked good as a team. First touch was bad on both sides and a skills class or coever wouldn't hurt. Everything was played at 100 miles per hour ( out of control). Good luck to Maple Grove!!

Anonymous said...

Thats how I saw it also.

Anonymous said...

EP / Blaine was one of the more boring games I've seen. EP looked good because Blaine wasn't.

Anonymous said...

how about ev? do they look like the number 1 team?

Anonymous said...

11:36 PM is right - Maple Grove didn't win one corner the entire night. NSP defense was weak and played balls over the touchline all night so there were plenty of dangerous throw-ins, but MG clearly decided to protect the lead rather than push for another goal. Seemed a dangerous strategy with so much time to play, but their defense played admirably and as asked. At the start of play, they controlled the midfield but after going up two goals this was clearly a game in which they decided that 9 field players would play the remainder of the game as defenders. It was not pretty, but it was effective thanks to a strong showing by their keeper. He had three excellent saves and came out effectively when tasked to do so. Stayed for the Blaine/EP game too - Blaine made it through a weak section and EP survived a tough section. I didn't see the Anoka game either, but they too came through a weak section to make state. EP should handle MG to make it to state in my opinion. Wish I could make the games in the Metrodome, but work will not allow.

Anonymous said...

What was all the blather about North HS. They dropped an egg!

Anonymous said...

North benefitted from a weak schedule.

Anonymous said...

And playing 90% of there games at home on a 45 yard wide field..

Anonymous said...


MG > EP: MG plays a great team game. EP runs around a lot.
SW > EV: SW/EV will be the AA game of the year. Lots of emotions around S/SW, but these are the two best teams.

3d: EV > EP: EP doesn't belong here.

Ch: SW > MG: SW will win by 3.

Anonymous said...

12:28 PM -- Prairie Seeds Academy head coach Youssef Drabaki confirmed rumors that Carlos Boquin was not on the tournament roster as he is being investigated by the Minnesota State High School League for age violation. Drabaki said that they have submitted a birth certificate to the league but it was not satisfactory and needed an original. The Lycans coach claimed he now has the original mailed from Salvador and received just this morning and will be submitting it to the State High School League today. He said he expects Boquin back in the lineup for Thursday’s final.

Is CB the same person that plays for the MN Kings club and is listed on the club's site as being born in 1988? If true, Darbaki should be run out of town!!

Anonymous said...

Yes he is the same one.

Anonymous said...

Mg is not good!!!

Anonymous said...

6:14 PM - Tell that to North St. Paul, St. Paul Central, Spring Lake Park, Moundsview and the 7 or so teams MG landing on top of in their conference. Not saying they will beat EP tomorrow, but they must be decent to get here. Credit to all the boys and girls that made it to state!

Anonymous said...

Can a 23 year old play HS sports? Why would he want to play HS soccer?

Anonymous said...

Youssef has his own agenda at PSA and its not about the kids!

Anonymous said...

I would have to double check, but I believe you can be beyond the age of 18-19 and play HS sports. If he is stll a valid student and hasn't graduated?
It still doesn't make it right. A 23 year old should be embarrased about playing HS.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Prairie Seeds Academy.

Duh, winning.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that the soccer gods in MN are not speaking up on the CB issue. Hopefully, BQ will do a followup.

Anonymous said...

You can not be 20 before the season starts, that is the rule. cheats will continue to be exposed on rule violations, training kids year round and recruiting like crazy. Which would be fine and dandy if he was not playing in the mshsl. It takes some time because the mshsl does not really investigate, you need to bring them solid proof of violations, and with a coach who is also the athletic director he basically is in charge of busting himself.

Anonymous said...

maple grove over ep today and sw will get beat by eastview no doubt about it

Anonymous said...

Chris Weinke won the Heismann as a 29 year old. I'd be embarrassed to be competing against 18 year olds.

A MIAC POY was 26. I'd be embarrassed. I think he's coached a lot of your kids.

Anonymous said...

he was 28...get it right.

any update on EV vs SW

Anonymous said...

EP over MG 2-0. EP stayed fresh and MG didn't sub.

Anonymous said...

EV2, SW0. Gweh, Gweh.

Anonymous said...

No one supporting Youseff or Carlos? Someone out there must know if Carlos is 17 or 23?

Anonymous said...

Hes 23, YD knows hes 23 his friends know it.

Anonymous said...

that would make mr. CB 23 years old, which makes him ineligible for high school athletics. Its is absolutely absurd the MSHSL did not investigate this prior to the state tournament and even the season! YD is the AD there so he can get away with a lot of things because hes the coach too. If he is 23 PSA would have to forfeit all the games they played with him, trust me i know from experience. (a few years back we played with a kid that was too old, caught about halfway through the season by the AD and we had to forfeit all the games we played with him) we were nothing like PSA but still were not rule compliant and we paid for it. PSA is a joke, everyone that is involved with soccer knows it. im all about giving kids an opportunity to play no matter the situation but do it the right way, the fair way.

Anonymous said...

Key word not 23 year olds

Anonymous said...

always wondered why he never played for MTA.... CAUSE HES 23!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! Someone needs to contact one of the news organizations and see if they can do a story on this.
PSA is cheating!

Anonymous said...

After they win state he can go to the bars and shoot back a few beers to celebrate! PSA and YD should be ashamed. MSHSL should also be ashamed for letting this happen!

Anonymous said...

Prairie Seeds player's eligibility questioned
11/01/2011, 12:55pm (CDT)
By DAVID LA VAQUE, Star Tribune
Carlos Boquin could miss Thursday's title match because of a high school league inquiry into his age.

Anonymous said...

If PSA is found in violation by the MSHSL, what would happen to last year's championship? If the DOB some are using is correct, CB would have been 22 during last years championship run.

Anonymous said...

PSA would have to forfeit last years title. East would get the trophy and PSA would have a record of 0-24 or whatever number of games they played.

If they win Thursday without him and it is found to be true as expected by most would they still have to give up this years since they used him to get there? I'm not sure on that, I personally feel they should though and the new program should be shut down immediatley since it never began clean in the first place.

Anonymous said...

This is in regards to La Vaques article, ok the principal says hes 17 but the so called AD "took" care of it last year, then why on the NPSL web site does it say he was born 06/09/1988, doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And thats why he didn't play for MTA like all the other PSA players because i know MTA checks on their paper work and the age of players. Ban them from the MSHSL!

tomASS said...

Is the over the top state of political correctness in MN preventing a proper investigation, judgment, and possible punishment from occurring?

Typo on the NPSL web site?

Anonymous said...

Could it be they fudged the NPSL age to get him in so he can compete with others at his skill level?

Anxious to see how this one concludes.

Anonymous said...

you can play in the NPSL at age 17...why lie?

tomASS said...

why lie, when the truth is so much easier to remember.

Anonymous said...

My guess is PSA will get out of this one for a short bit but as more people keep the pressure on more proof will come forward.

Anonymous said...

i think your right, some way some how they will get out of this.

Anonymous said...

MSHSL will not let this slide away this year.

Anonymous said...

A decision needs to come soon, like in the next few hours or their might be only one team present for the championship game tomorrow if these allegations have merit.

Anonymous said...

There's an article in the paper today about PSA. Not just the Soccer Hub section, which unless you love soccer you don't read.

Anonymous said...

what happens to last years title then? if this does hold merit? CB would have been 22 still non rule compliant.

Anonymous said...

@204 - I believe that is the same article, but this bus inceident at PSA is being reported

Anonymous said...

Hmm, isn't loading right now. Anyone else experiencing this tech problem?

Anonymous said...

same problem, but you can just go to

and it pops right up, kinda strange that you can't get on their site.....

Anonymous said...

Kannah supposedly played as an 8th grader at Burnsville in 2004. That would have made in 21-22 last year at Prairie Seed. The team is probably loaded with players who are in their 20s, competing with HS kids. But according to their coach they might get a college scholarship...can they read?

Anonymous said...

Look at about 1/4 of them. They look like men not high school boys!

Anonymous said...

I looked at MN Kings website the first night this came out. It had no birthdates and his last name is the middle name from his Facebook page. It seems like they were trying to hide who he was, but NPSL website has the 1988 birthdate.

Anonymous said...

...or count?

Anonymous said...

In case anyone cares, SW is ahead of MG 2-0 midway through the second half. Thier placers are people too, you know. Lots of players getting on the field. Not very inspiring. No Carlos sightings yet.

Anonymous said...

psa should be warming up, is the 23 year old out there?

Anonymous said...

PSA by 2 today, I hope BSM wins but I think PSA will be fired up.

Anonymous said...

CH 45 online is saying he's not playing. The entire PSA team should not be playing since he wasn't able to prove that he is a true high schooler.

Anonymous said...

No Carlos.

Anonymous said...

methinks he was offered up to keep the MSHSL from digging deeper, though if he's not eligible now, he couldn't have been for all of their other wins.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the principal saying something about having to get his birth certificate translated from Spanish to English. I guess they had troubles finding someone that knew Spanish!

Anonymous said...

Yep, no Spanish speakers in the entire state of MN.
PSA should be ashamed!

Anonymous said...

he just scored

Anonymous said...

He's not playing, so not sure how he can score!

Anonymous said...

He is playing now. What up?

Anonymous said...

Boquin was not on the field as the 10 a.m. game began at the Metrodome, but came to the PSA bench escorted by a school staff member 90 seconds after kickoff. He was given a standard uniform-and-cleat check by a game offical and immediately began to stretch.

Boquin checked into the game in the 12th minute, with BSM leading 1-0, replacing Mounir Darbaki. Later in the first half he scored on a shot from 30 yards out to tie the game.

From Star Tribune

Anonymous said...

I speak Spanish and have connections in El Salvador. It would be interesting to see the certificate and do some checking in E.S.

Anonymous said...

Are today's games broadcast on the internet?

Anonymous said...

BSM up on PSA 3-1 with 20 minutes left

Anonymous said...

Games on internet. Here's the link:

Anonymous said...

You stay classy, Prairie Seeds. I'm sure college coaches are SOOOO impressed with how you take the loss.

Anonymous said...

Final Score: BSM 3 - PSA 1

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link, a lot of hard feelings on PSA side.

Anonymous said...

I am giddy right now, PSA loss, program starting to be exposed, unclassy kids, grear day!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No way those PSA kids are going to college. Although, I'm guessing since they lie about their age, they will also lie about GPA's. It's easy to have a GPA in the upper 3's to 4.0 when they're taking 2 graded classes.
I give them 2 months in college!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where the unclassy comment comes from 12:35 PM?? They had a few kids at the end that acted as many kids losing their state championship would. I personally was there to support BSM, but I felt the vast majority of PSA kids played well and with class. Let's not take anything away from Boquin - his paperwork was approved by the MSHSL and it should be left at that for now. He was the best player on the field. My take is that the BSM coach out-coached the PSA coach. Moving the big and strong #8 into the midfield was a huge mistake and once that was done the PSA team lost their lustre.

Anonymous said...

2 psa kids went after the ref and got 2 reds, this has happend multiple times this year!!!!!! Sit behind the psa bench and listen to the nonsense!

Anonymous said...

Yep - those two kids were not playing with the level of respect one would expect. But overall I felt PSA and BSM both played a hard game with a fair amount of fouls and yellows to each team. I think it is fair to call out the two kids who showed the end of game dissent, but I think it is a stretch to paint the entire team with the same brush.

Anonymous said...

True, half the kids those 2 were throwing around were psa teamates trying to stop them, I will go with partly unclassy.

Anonymous said...

Wow. compare the BSM girls receiving their 2nd place awards to the PSA boys receiving their.

Classy. Well done, BSM.

Anonymous said...

First prediction for next year's AA state final: North St. Paul v. Eden Prairie (assuming all MTE academy kids leave). North will win.

Anonymous said...

That is a lie!

Anonymous said...

I was only able to see part of the A and AA games online today. Saw more of the A, and the foul count was massive. (what was it for each team?)When the game was tied Benilde planned a physical game and it worked. How many times did CB hit the turf? With a lead BSM didn't need to be as physical, and PSA went totally individual. Also thought BSM were fitter at the end with PSA's desperation and fatigue leading to what looked like on my small compt screen as some nasty late challenges. PSA was better with Kannah and Ben last year, still all the credit to BSM as they did what other class A's could... do beat PSA.

Anonymous said...

meant to write:
other class A's COULDN'T do.... beat PSA.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Carlos B receive all all-state award????

Anonymous said...

Ask his coach. The coach nominates players from his team. Maybe because he's only a sophomore?

Anonymous said...

he he. sophomore.

Anonymous said...

Now that is funny!!

Anonymous said...

Instead of all-tournament, the coach is going to take him out for some beers since he's of legal drinking age.

Anonymous said...

all state award can be given to 9th or 10th graders too

Anonymous said...

I boycott Super 60 Sports' Future Stars Showcase

Anonymous said...

YD created his own wiki page, lol, who does that?

Anonymous said...

fragile egos?

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