Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Girls - MYSA Districts and State Tournament

I guess it is that time of year again. MYSA league teams will be starting districts and then off to the state tournament.


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Anonymous said...

Heard NSSA has hired Clare Grimwood to coach the U16 Girls MRL team next summer.

Anonymous said...

Who is Clare Grimwood? What are her soccer credentials?

Anonymous said...

She's a recent graduate of the U of M. You can check her out at Go back to last years roster and click on her profile.

Anonymous said...

just found that changes the view of the NSSA team, is it too late for tryouts??

Anonymous said...

Just because one can play does not translate into one that can coach.

Anonymous said...

I think the second NSSA tryout is tonight. Clare has coached U15 and U16 teams the past two summers and it sounds like she's done a good job.

Anonymous said...

9:15 i agree, good players dont always mean good coaches, some good coaches havnt been good players.

Anonymous said...

I have kids in the Tonka program and I've heard that a "Big" Tonka announcement is coming soon. The rumor is that they are going to merge with EP to form a west superclub.

Anonymous said...

That would be great. 2 U16 premier teams?

Anonymous said...

3:10 pm - that's funny

Anonymous said...

Tony Bidwell new EP HS Varsity Coach. Good luck to EP team... they will need it.

Anonymous said...

He is a great trainer, but not a good tactician in a game. Not a good fit.

Anonymous said...

New EP coach had a great impact on his MTA team and a great season

2nd in Premier League only to State cup champs

No luck needed

Anonymous said...


Tony is that you????

Anonymous said...

Nope, just a happy soccer mom

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whatever dude, if you think Tony sends anytime on this blog you don't know him. Too bad for you.

Anonymous said...

Just hope he does'nt bail on them 3 weeks after the season starts.

Anonymous said...

I think its safe to say that you have provided the evidence (via your comments) that the guy's a good coach. You are disappointed he left his previous coaching position on short notice. I would advise you to direct your hostilities to the school that provided neither a contract or a teaching position and not at the man himself.

Let's find a new subject, I am done with this one.

Anonymous said...

Ok, let's talk about paid coaches.

When they first appeared on the American youth soccer scene, the paid coaches were charged with creating competitive clubs and coaching teams for the ambitious, talented young players. A kid hits puberty, starts looking like a player with real potential, and needs an environment that truly challenges him or her.

Experienced coaches commit loads of time and energy to their teams, so why shouldn't they be compensated?

"It's a hard thing to talk about pros and cons of the paid coach because the issue for me isn't that they shouldn't be paid," says Bob Jenkins, U.S. Soccer's Director of Coaching Education and Youth Development. "It's who's paying them. Once parents are paying them, that's when things get a little out of whack.

"If they were able to get paid by an independent source, then I think there's not so much a salesman aspect to it and a lot of the problems go away from the standpoint of number of games, number of events and what you're doing developmentally in your training sessions and how you are approaching the games."

There are probably few easier ways to make money than by convincing parents they're investing in their kids' future. And the professional coaches, including the coaching companies that clubs hire to run their practices and tryouts, have been taking full advantage. They're making a killing by convincing parents that professional trainers are necessary even for tykes. Any child old enough to walk is a potential customer.

"America took free play and transformed it into a business, an industry," says Manny Schellscheidt, head of U.S. Soccer's U-14 national development program. "Self-proclaimed experts sell false hopes and dreams and expectations to kids and their parents and the end result is burnout."

Indeed, when paid coaches encourage children as young as 7 to try out for their "elite" soccer teams, isn't it time to sound the alarm bells? It's certainly time to ask questions.

Anonymous said...

1:38 - great post. what do you think we should do?

Anonymous said...

Buyer beware. You should know who's coaching your kid. It's not much different than buying a used car. A nice shiny paint job doesn't necissarily mean that the engine isn't shite. Ask questions, ask for references and a resume and don't just take the sales pitch at face value. Unless the coach is hiding something, I would guess they'd provide you with that.

Anonymous said...

i am a paid coach, i dont claim to be the best out their, nor do i charge enough to make a : killin:, i charge 2.75 per contact, up to 3 per week, over 3 which happens every week, is not charged, i seek small compensation for travel and time put in. i dont claim to be able to make the team this or that, just claim to make them learn as much as they can, increase their technical and tactical understanding of the game and give them a fun and enjoyable team enviroment. i do it for the best interest of the players as a team and individuals. i coach at a level below c1" no teams open at my club in that level" but year after year players i have coached have made top teams, so from a player development standpoint i am doing what i am suppose to do " help make them better players.for their own good, not mine.i never played colleg,soccer back in my day wasnt as big as know" but i have played all my life,played div 1 mens up to the age of 26, ive played soccer, including youth for 21 years, and have coached for 12 years and have a ussf d license and am working on my c. those are the only main things i have for my background. their are some coaches out their taking advantage of getting paid, just dont catagorise all of us in that catagory.

Anonymous said...

thats 2.75 per contact per player, about 30 a month. to clear it up.

Anonymous said...

IMO paid coaches are much better than any coach with a kid on the team. Club presidents that coach their kids teams, not only are they skewed with regards to their kids real talent, it has been my experience that they can cause serious confidence issues with the other players. A

Anonymous said...

8:17 - Agreed to some extent. I have coached my older daughter through Premier. It became clear to me that she was not progressing as a player not because of my coaching ability but because of my presence. With a new paid coach I can see her confidence soaring and her game growing.

It can work at younger ages, but at some point (U13-15) it is time for the parent to step aside.

In retrospect, I also like the idea of a coach staying with a team for no more than three years - two might be better.

Anonymous said...

Wow, don't get going on how long a coach should coach and start talking about how many years, please.

If the coach still has more to offer, and the kids are still learning the coach can continue, if they want.

We have all seen coaches who should let go, AND we have all seen coaches who have continued for years and kept bringing the kids more challenges and successes (no I don't mean wins).

Anonymous said...

I think 3 years is about it if the roster hasn't seen significant changes. Also, it depends on the coach. Too often coaches get a player pigeon-holed and stifle their development by playing them only where they have success. I believe that is sometimes the case with kids whose parents play them up because they're fantastic as a forward at the small-sided ages. So you get them at U15-U16 and they can't play defense to save their lives (or vice-versa . . . kid is a shut down defender who's never gotten to explore other positions).

Anonymous said...

Very true. In general, a player should not stay with the same coach for more than 3 years due to 10:10's comments above. Of course it always depends on the player and coach. Players develop over time, and by staying with a same coach, the player may be placed in a position where he/she were relatively strong in years passed, but not now...only because the coach judges them on their past merits...not current ones. I see this happen all the time. I also see current mediocre players making the top teams year after year because they were stars 3-4 years back. Same concept here. Only, in this case, the pigeon-hole-ing would be to the player's benefit.

Anonymous said...

2:50, I disagree that your scenario would be to the player's benefit. If being on a top team is your only goal, then you'd be right. If being a complete player and continually being challenged to be more well-rounded as a soccer player is the desire, then being dragged along in a stale situation is definitely NOT to their benefit.

Anonymous said...

Eclipse Challenge was this past weekend. Can anyone fill us in on how the 2 MTA teams did? I can only tell that the 13's advanced to the semi finals but then lost and the 14's didn't advance out of pool play.
Both teams had tough schedules, how did they do? a short recap would be appreciated. (The Eclipse website doesnt have the pool play results)

Anonymous said...

6:03 As active as the MTA parents/coaches/supporters have been on this blog supporting those two teams and their current silence about the Eclipse Challenge results one can guess that the results were not very good.

Anonymous said...

13's results

MTA 4 Eclipse 3
MTA 6 FC Stars of Mass 1
MTA 1 Dallas Sting 2

Sting scored 2 goals in last 10 minutes with the last goal right before whistle. Sting was by far the better team. There movement off the ball was excellent. MTA played more direct style compared with other teams moving the ball around more. Very good result for the team.

Anonymous said...

One should not guess at which one does not know.

Anonymous said...

The loss by the U13 team to the Sting was in the semi-finals. Sting went on to win the championship 2-0.

Anonymous said...

How about the 14's?

Thanks for the 13's summary, they are a real solid team.

Anonymous said...

1:10 Can you give the breakdown of the 14's too? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

14's ended up 1 win (4-0 vs Chicago Fire) 1 loss (3-2 vs Chicago Eclipse) 1 tie (1-1 vs Ohio Premier) in regular play. Last game on Sunday was cancelled due to weather after about 10 or 15 minutes of play and MTA was playing well against Scott Gallagher soccer club.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 2:48 not sure why the Eclipse web site didn't show the results? Very good effort for the girls, the teams they played are quite good and it shows that MN teams can compete favorably on a regional level.

Anonymous said...

The tie against Ohio Premier is a strong effort.
With all due respect the win against the Chicago fire team and the "good showing" against the Scott Gallagher team are both teams any team claiming ro be a regional power should easily handle. The loss to the eclipse team is ....a loss.

I agree with the above that the 13 girls are "very solid" team. the 14's are very good in MN but not a regional contender.

Anonymous said...

i was always under the impression that SLSG was an excellent club with very strong teams? why is your opinion so different?

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:30, what would the 14's need to take the step up to being a contender?

I don't have a DD at this age, and am just curious what people think is missing, rather than just they typical rant that MN is not good enough. Let's look to analyze what is missing and look to bridge the gap.

Please don't rip the players, or coaches, just asking if they need more speed, to control the mid, tighter D, or something of that type.

And, do you see another MN 14's team that displays that element? Maybe it can be emulated (sp?)...

Anonymous said...

IMO for Mn to be a "contender" on the regional level, they not only have to pick up the speed of their game but also their aggressiveness on the ball (not the player). Too many times this summer I saw many "big" sized girls teams who were supposed to be the "thing" lose to teams who had a variety of sized kids as well as good placement of kids wth alot of speed.

Anonymous said...

First, the 14's are a very good team, probably the best in MN.

They have a very good midfield.
Very good skills, virtually all of the players
They understand the game
they are aggressive and show great instincts on the 50/50 balls.

They need added speed. They are not fast enough on top and on the back line.
Very good teams will not outskill this team but they will outrun them.

Hopefully that isn't interpreted as a rip but rather a factual (IMO) analysis.

Anonymous said...

Nice job 3:30 and 3:31. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

331, so I take it your daughter plays midfield. They lack team speed and consistent finishers. They also don't have a big time scorer, yes they have girls who can score against Minnesota teams but not consistantly against regional powers. With that being said they are an excellent Minnesota team and a very good regional team just not at the top.

Anonymous said...

4:00 - your third sentance could apply to just about every top MN teams.

Anonymous said...

looks like mta needs to hit the hood on the girls' side.

Anonymous said...

12:30 Not sure the 14's claim to be anything except a team that wants to get better.

Anonymous said...

MTA girls U-14 girls will be tested big time at the end of October. They are attending the Scott Gallagher fall classic. Good for them for putting themselves out there up against some of the best regional competition. Will they win the games? might be tough but at least they are mixing it up with some of the best in the region and surounding states.

I know there are a few other teams who have played fall MRL and some stronger tournaments around the area : (SSM,Rev,MTA boys) No matter the success reflected in the standings my guess is those teams have all "grown" from the experience.

Who's going where this fall/winter?

Anonymous said...

MTA U12 Girls are going down to the Fall Classic as well. Being sold as the Jr. ECNL league for U12-U14. A Premier pool of talent and competition. Brackets have been posted.

Anonymous said...

SSM 17 girls going to the San Diego Surf Cup in November.
This will be a huge challenge as they are likely playing some of the best in the country at this high profile event.
Agree however that it is very cool that MN teams are being accepted to these tournaments and exposing themselves to the best comopetition in the country.
I believe the teams that continue to push themselves like this are or will be the best in MN once the summer rolls around.

Anonymous said...

The Dakota Rev U-14 team is going to California next weekend to play in a highly rated tounament (gotsoccer). The teams in their flight are rated really high (gotsoccer) 7,16,19,48,60,83 in the nation.
To put that into perspective EP has MN's highest point total (u-14)is rated 275th. I know the point system by gotsoccer is flawed but three teams in the top 20 is probably representative of some pretty darn good teams.
Rev will have their hands full.

Anonymous said...

Is that the same SSM team that went 2-4 in their MRL 1st Division bracket?

Anonymous said...

9:32 Yep thats the team. If they get into the "A" bracket with performances like they had in the MRL they will certainly be challenged.
Rev also played MRL and had only slightly better sucess 3-3-3 so as was stated above they too will have a very tough challenge this weekend in CA.
MTA girls (14) didn't play MRL and didn't make it out of brackets in their only fall tourney but face pretty average competition in the SG fall classic. NSA, who Rev handled in MRL, and a low level SG team are two games MTA should win but then they play a real solid team from Ohio which will be difficult. MTa also has a U-12 team attending but I have no idea what team they have put together for this tournament. The top team struggled at the fall NSC tourney but I would guess MTA would add some strength to that roster before heading to a big tourney like this one. (JMO)

Anonymous said...

REV team lost final 1-0 to team ranked #7 congrats on a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

REV team lost final 1-0 to team ranked #7 congrats on a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Nice work Rev 14's . Impressive to compete so favorably beyond the borders of MN (aconstant topic on this blog). A 1-0 loss to the CAN state cup and region 4 champions is very respectable.

Now hopefully the U-12 and U-14 MTA squads can continue this weekend at the SG fall classic. I predict both will advance through their brackets.

Anonymous said...

Agree the MTA teams should compete well this weekend but unfortunately they are going to have to compete short several players (u-14) due to injury and MN high school league still going on. This could have a negative impact on their success this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Also good luck to the TC Fire U16 girls this weekend.

Anonymous said...

The weather looks iffy for the Fall classic this weekend. Lots of rain down there this week could mean sloppy fields.

Anonymous said...

10-29 3:05 You were right. Tournament cancelled for majority of age groups due to poor field conditions. I guess they are only playing the youngest ages and the top flights over 15 and they plan to play them on Turf fields.

Bummer for the MTA teams as that was the last high end tournament that is driveable before spring.

Anonymous said...

9:32 and 4:55- Because I know that you would never report this, since it is positive I thought I better fill you in.

SSM U17 girls went 2-0-1 this weekend in the top flight of Metro United. 2-1 wins over both Eclipse South (MRL 1st Division- previously lost to them 1-0) and a very good SLSG Blue team (MRL Premier Division) were quality wins. Reports say that today's game vs. CSA (NE State Cup Champs) showed a significant let down, but still resulted in a 2-2 draw.

I'd say not a bad showing, but I suppose that doesn't make as good of print for you as it would have had they went 0-3?

Anonymous said...

Relax 11:11, you make it too easy to dislike you.

Just state facts, congratulate someone and move on, most of us reading don't like the negative bash.

Anonymous said...

Golly, you're right 8:54. I do suppose that the comments from 9:32 and 4:55 were probably not meant as a "negative bash" either.

It is no wonder the collective soccer IQ has dropped on this blog over the past 12 months. If you watch closely, you'll see it drop even more as I leave.

Anonymous said...

Again, 11:11 and 8:12 relax...

Most of us skip past the negative rant. If you can't, then I would agree you should leave, you are too defensive.

Anonymous said...

If the IQ on the board drops with 8:12's exit at least the arrogance levels should drop proportionately.

BTW congratulations to the SSM U-17 girls they must have played really well. MRL probably helped that team learn how to win against some of those top teams.
A continual problem with MN soccer is the ability to find a level of play consistant with the higher levels of play throughout the region. Highschool soccer doesn't help raise the level and the only way to realistically get better is to travel to the out of state tournaments like MTA, Dakota Rev, SSM, and one team from TC fire are doing (or trying to do). Problem is this all gets pretty expensive when you rent busses or buy airplane tickets then pay for hotels and car rentals. Is it worth it? these teams say yes many others say no. There is no correct answer, its just a choices.

Is anyone traveling out of state to any other tournaments? Disney?Presidents Day? Who's going where?

Anonymous said...

8:09 AM Shut up!

Anonymous said...

Think a few St Croix teams are going to CASL.

Anonymous said...

9:32 Two more words

Therapy, Medication.

It's just soccer chat!

Anonymous said...

SSM girls teams heading off to Surf Cup over Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

The SSM team should be able to find success out there this year. They are in the Gold bracket playing against teams that they should compete with. If I were going I would plan to spend lots of time watching the Super Group. WOW what a group of teams , The National Champs and several other top 20 teams, fun to watch those games between the SSM games.
Good luck to the SSM girls.

Anonymous said...

9:49 AM No, its my life, my career, my only love!

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