Tuesday, March 24, 2009

'09 Girls State Cup

Brackets are posted, teams are practicing, parents are getting worked up...must be state cup time. You can find the brackets here:


U17 girls should go to WDB, but will be the most competative in years. U18 girls a toss up...the rest could go to MTA.


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Anonymous said...

There is one coach who's EGO is so big he puts his personal won lost record ahead of his players. When you talk soccer with him it's all about how he won this or won that. Besides the Ego the guy is obnoxious and abrasive. Pretty pathetic for a youth soccer coach.

Larry said...

Disclosure, one of my granddaughters is on 96Blue (MTA u-13).
The 96Blues played up in league play last year. 2nd in their league, admittedly not the strongest district. Just couldn't beat Woodbury.
This years team had a serious upgrade from last years team with six new players. These six weren't necessarily more skilled, but they brought tons more speed and power.
They have the best training coach ever in Andy Kaasa. He works on different phases of the game as he develops his players. He was almost completely focused on individual and group skills for years. He then added training on implementing an aggressive attacking defense with counter attack. Now he is working on finishing and to a lesser degree, an aggressive attacking attack. From what I see, this should add a couple of goals per game.

Anonymous said...

Sure hope it "works out" for your "granddaughter".

Larry said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Larry what is your soccer background/experince as player/coach/parent/grandparent

You either sit back/defend and wait for the other team to make a mistake and than counter or you pressure high trying to force a mistake from the other team that you can capitalize on. Curious to see what the combination looks like.

Anonymous said...

Larry, Hope your Granddaughter isn't one of the next six players to get cycled out of the MTA recruiting machine. Six new players on a team that won state cup playing a year up? Doesn't sound like the AK development is the reason for their improvement but rather is the AK recruiting skills.

Oh yea, here's my "Disclosure" I have seen the Blue team play several times and agree they are very good. But think it is unlikely they will just walk through State Cup. They should win their group but will be far more challenged once they hit the quarters and finals (if they advance). Edina and PSA could give a credible challenge in group play also. MTA should be able to handle both but I doubt they will just roll over.

Larry said...

My granddaughter is in danger of losing her slot. Every player on the team is.. There is no false promise to the girls that they will be on the team next year. Each player has to continue to improve or they are left behind. They know this to be true. I acknowledge that playing at the top levels requires all three legs - skill, commitment and athletic ability. Athletic ability is the one that a player can not manufacture. This is what starts separating the older ages.

Anonymous said...

Woke up this morning to find the absolute best post on the Inside MN Soccer site on the recent post called the Gift of Professional Soccer. I'm pasting the comment on all the threads here.

Full story here-


2009 April 16
Fox Moulder permalink

That is a great letter, spoken from the heart I feel.

It’s truly unbelievable the negative response that many club officials I’ve spoken with have towards MN pro soccer now that the organization houses a youth academy. Though I call many of these people friends, their lack of understanding coupled with MYSA’s blatant denial of the Thunder existence of late has put our state at a crossroads that could lead to the end of pro soccer in this state.

What baffles me when talking to many paid coaching directors is that they bash the Thunder for not being a “true” pro team (for whatever reason) and for initiating a youth system that lures players away from local community clubs. Yet most of these coaching directors make a living in this state BECAUSE pro soccer has been around for 18 years or so and has had a positive impact on our young players and the overall interest of the game in MN. People at Shattuck bash the Thunder, yet Shattuck has a program led by people brought to MN through the Thunder.

It comes from the so-called “top”. MYSA’s leadership is suspect, vindictive, and stubborn. The majority of the MN soccer community looks at MYSA as the end all be all of soccer knowledge in this state and the MYSA leadership abuses this power of suggestion. The same goes for local community club volunteer presidents/board members and paid coaching directors. They are the gatekeepers of information to the masses and have the ability to turn their membership against the pro team through the propagation of misinformation and bias.

I ask IMS to dig for the truth. Call out these people at MYSA and within our local soccer club system. The questions to ask are simple.

1 - Do you believe professional soccer is beneficial to the promotion and growth of the youth game in our state?

2 - Do you believe that parents and players should have the right to pursue any development option they choose?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then there is absolutely no non-self-serving reason to not support the Thunder. Period. If the answer to either question is no, then one must question why these people in positions of power and soccer decision making for their members?

Pose the same questions to every single metro area club. Seek answers from coaching directors like Wayne Harrison (EP) and Ted Kroeten (Blackhawks) as to why they refuse to support pro soccer in this state. Talk to club presidents and board members at Mpls United and PSA and ask why they’ve continued to propagate misinformation and all out lies to their membership about the Thunder and about MTA. Talk to the Chan Chaska club president and ask why he didn’t renew his season tickets this year, having been a stout support of MN pro soccer until this point.

You might not get responses but no answers speak volumes in their own right.

Compile and publicize a list of all MYSA officials and affiliate clubs and their respective stances on the pro soccer/MTA issues. Everything is easy for them behind closed doors. It’s time to bring things to light and call people out for their true intentions; many of which I guarantee are selfish and self-serving in the end.

The MN soccer climate stints. Time to clear the air and IMS can do it.

The truth is out there.

Anonymous said...

Lets keep the discussion focused on the MN State Cup for this thread. If you feel the need to take sides on the MTA/MN Thunder / MYSA disaster do so on the other threads where that content is more more appropriate. Plenty of blame to go around on that mess.

Anonymous said...

There should be some insight gained into the U18G age group this weekend. WDB and 2 MTA teams in MRL Premier play. So far in MRL MTA Blue defeated WDB easily 4-0 but tied MTAW 0-0. And WDB beat MTAW 3-2. Still looks like an SSM (for sure) and MTA Blue (almost for sure) final. Remarkably strong age group though and anything could happen. Final will be anti climactic as both teams will already be going to regions.

Anonymous said...

8:40, I agree with most of your post, however, if anything, MTA is bashing SSM more than what you just said about SSM. Give facts to backup your claim!! Till then, you great post wont carry much weight.

Anonymous said...

mta u15 blue mrl premier won today 2-0 and 6-0

Anonymous said...

hey 618, why don't you go post that on the other string. This is a state cup string, not MRL.

Oh wait, you're too proud of your DD to notice.

Larry said...

Responding to 12:00 am on 4/18. My background is mostly Texas community club soccer, 15 years coaching and 10 tears refereeing. That is probably why I embraced the Bangu, now MTA philosophy. The frustration of trying to develop a competitive team in a club with parent administrators that gave token support for developing top players wore me down. In and open meeting, one board member criticized me for trying to build a "super team". That was 20 years ago. The pride in saying "all are players come from our community" struck me as selfish when the top players in that club were relegated to teams below their potential.

Anonymous said...

larry - i commend you for showing conviction and standing firm behind your beliefs. i hope you have thick skin as be prepared for many slings and arrows that will no doubt be coming your way...

Anonymous said...

MTA U14 is markedly improved over last year based on what I observed in U14 Premier games last year and what I have observed in winter play this year.

Anonymous said...

thread, not string

Anonymous said...

"Edina and PSA could give a credible challenge at U18 Girls"?

What are you smoking. It will be MTA or SSM, bet the farm!

Anonymous said...


When have you seen them this winter?

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I have not seen that team play this year.

Anonymous said...

MTA has a few teams in the MRL Premier division that have a chance to win the league. How many MN teams have won the premier league?

Anonymous said...

U15 G Brackets

A&B both tough, C relatively weak

MTA Blue clear favorite in A (and in the tourney), EDP and
Eagan Premier good teams but not MRL Premier level.

NSSA, MTA White should decide B Bracket, REV Premier and NLS both solid and could pull an upset. My pick NSSA - big, fast team, above average ball striking, undefeated in Premier league last year, beat MTA White twice, added more players

Wayzata and MTA Gray the only two competitive teams in the C bracket - my pick MTA Gray

Anonymous said...

The TC fire team is well organized and has one very dangerous player, the St Croix team is much improved as well so I would not be suprised if this turns out to be a group with a lot of very close games and some upsets.

Anonymous said...

The U-13 girls kick off the State Cup this weekend.


Group A: This is the weakest group, looks like MTE 12's should get through.

Group B: Can't see anyone here matching up with Dakota Rev. EP and Tonka Maybe? Rev beat both at Harvest fest last year by 4-0 scores.

Group C: North Metro in a toss up. Thunder north and Cottage grove could be competitive.

Group D: MTA in a walk through. Only possible competition seems to be Edina or PSA. Anyone but MTA advancing would be a huge upset.

As discussed by others in the past this age group appears to be a two horse race. MTA and Rev.

MTA deserves the nod but a REV upset is far from a longshot.

Let the games begin.

Who are the Dark horses at this age group? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Rev has legit shot at it noone else though will challenge mta.

Anonymous said...

What about the MTE U-12's ? Can they compete with either the MTA or Rev team?

Larry said...

Yes. I watched them play 3 times this weekend at the MWSC. They defeated PSA in the final 4-1. I believe 96Blue is 3 goals better than any of the teams but if the 97eBlue comes out of their group and 96Blue slips up, it could be deja vu. MA has them on the top of their game and they have a very good attacking team. Thunder North (96White) has the talent and skills but play passive on defense. If they crank up the D they could tighten things up.

Anonymous said...

Larry, I was with you until you threw in the idea that the North team could possibly make a run too. U-12's should take their bracket. The White team can't stay with the Blue east or Rev. The Blue east team has beaten them several times and the Rev team handled them easily in St Cloud just a couple months ago. You need to remove the blue glasses and see these teams realistically. It is Rev and MTA Blue. U-12's a darkhorse,Yes.... White, NO.

"3 Goals better than any other team", You know we are playing soccer right?

Anonymous said...

Enough already...Rev has no chance to make the final.

Larry said...

Thanks for your perspective. I watched the Rev-96White match at St Cloud. I was disappointed at the lack of defensive intensity by White. Rev would counter and White would give ground until Rev closed to the 18. I didn't say White would win, I said they could tighten things up. See 5:06.I still maintain Blue is that far ahead of the field.

Larry said...

OK 7:34. I bit. I went to the MYSA State Cup site and pulled up the brackets. I say Rev should be the favorite to make the finals. They are solid and have some explosive forwards. Who will stop them?

Anonymous said...

No girls teams from MN have ever won the Premier League and the Tsunami Gold Boys team won it about 10 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Who played on that Tsunami Gold Team?
Who was the coach? What age was the team? Was that Bangu?

Anonymous said...

Storlien was the coach of the Tsunami Gold team. They played together from U16 to U19 if I remember correctly.
A few of the names I can remember are Sasha Gotsmanov, Chris Glinski, Eric Schwebach and I think one of the Branan brothers.
Maybe somebody else can remember of few more of them.
That was a great team.

Anonymous said...

They won the Premier League and were the only MN team to go to the Semi's at Disney in the top flight too. Brett Branan played on the team and he coaches the WDBY 18 girls and Tom K??? played too and he coaches the Edina 18 girls.

Anonymous said...

How many teams have played in the Regional Final from MN?

Anonymous said...

PSA Super Eagles a few years ago as U15 Boys (runner ups).

Bangu U13 Girls won regionals the same year.

SSM (sort of-kind of MN) won U18 last year.

I think you then have to go back to the old Sota teams.

Anonymous said...

A Bangu boys U13 team lost to the Chicago Magic in Region Final 3 or 4 years ago.

Anonymous said...

It was 4 years ago in 1995 that the Bangu U13 boys's lost regional final to Chicago Magic.

Anonymous said...

Late 80's (88 or 89 maybe) Bangu girls U16 won Regionals and took 3rd at Nationals.

The Blackhawks U19 boys won Regionals and Nationals in 89 (not sure of the year exactly)

The Burnsville U16 girls won Regionals and Nationals in 92 (the year is close)

Storlein's Sota Teams won back-to-back region titles 5 years ago or so.

Anonymous said...

I think 10:02 meant that it was in 2005 that the Bangu 13's were region finalist.

Anonymous said...

Storliens 1st Tsunami Sota girls team was National Finalist 2 years in a row, maybe about 2002 and 2003?

Anonymous said...

1990 Blackhawks U19 Boys Natl Champs
Lagos/Sanneh/Magee Coached by Lago

1992 Burnsville U16 Girls Natl Champs (who coached this team?)

Blackhawks U? Boys team went to Natls (maybe 3rd) Lagos?

Tsunami Sota U17 and U18 Girls 2002 and 2003 went to Nationals (runner up) Storlien's first Tsunami Sota team

Carter's Shattuck U18 boys (runner up)

I think these are the only 6 to go to Natls

Abboud's U13s won the Region but no Natls

Other teams in Region II Final

2005 Tsunami Sota U17 Storlien 2nd Tsuanmi Sota team

2005 Bangu Boys U13 Zahl

2001 Tsunami Sota U16 Storlien

St Croix Boys team coached by Magnuson and BrIan Miller (U16?)

St Croix Girls team coached by OJ

Boys team maybe coached by Tom
Engstrom with Dusosky twins lost the Region 2 final (U19?) I think Westside?

I did not think a girls team went in the 80's from Bangu? Who coached and who was on the team?

Anonymous said...

Good stuff! That's a lot of history!

Anonymous said...


You saw MA's 12s 3 times this weekend? If you're not a parent on the team please give me some insight as we play them in group play in the coming weeks =).

Anonymous said...

11:20 = typical soccer parent who doesn't care about the game other than the one their kid is involved in.

Anonymous said...

1:04 - how do you know one of his relatives wasn't on the CR team? I think he played the center "hunter" or the outside "gatherer".

Anonymous said...

1:04..are you a typical soccer parent that doesnt rally around your Pro team Thunder and Lightning, do you watch any WPS games and the Womens USNT play?? Or are you just blowing smoke??

Larry said...

12:06 I am the grandparent on a different MTA team. MA's u-12Blue....fast, aggressive, skilled, physical and well coached. That makes for a long day for anyone that plays them.

Anonymous said...

I just learned another 5 high level clubs just committed to joining the new national girls league that will operate under US Club Soccer.
Dallas Sting and Lonestar SC from South Texas among the newly added clubs.
I think that's 37 clubs now committed.

Anonymous said...

I think most people in the know would agree that MTA and DR are the favorites to win the 13 Girl's State Cup. Any opinions as to which teams to watch for maybe pulling an upset? Any of these teams which have looked particularly good over the winter with great training, upgrades, etc.?

Anonymous said...

9:22 Here are a few who COULD surprise. I agree with your thoughts that MTA and Rev are the favorites.
Best chance: MTE U-12 team, skilled,well coached,good speed.
Others: (no particular order)
North Metro, was very strong at U-12.
Edina, Physical,well coached and good goalkeeping.
Cottage Grove, Big and strong.
EP, Had success at U-12

Group C with CTG,BVL,SAS,MTN,NMT should be the most competitive.

Group A is weakest and that will allow MTE to advance. (Eag,NLS,MTE,PRL,PRL)
Group B Rev is strongest, Tonka and EP good but Rev has had good success against both in the fall.
Group D MTA is best team by wide margin. Edina could create problems if weather is poor due to their physical play and good keeper. PSA ? havent seen them play in a long time.

Earlier post by self proclaimed 13 guru and Larry think it will be MTA by 3. I think that is way too aggressive. I think MTA or Rev by a goal. Tossup. Now watch, both will get knocked out before the championship :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like Burnsville and MTA should be the favorites at U14.

Both are doing well in MRL. Other contenders, Woodbury and Tonka have seemed to struggle.

I do believe those four teams will win their brackets, but it will be Burnsville and MTA in the final.

Prediction - Burnsville 4 - MTA 1

Anonymous said...

6:33 Like your contenders but think Thunder will prevail over Burnsville. Both are solid teams but Thunder seems to really be putting it together as of late.

Anonymous said...

I too would give MTA the nod at this age level. I think a championship game between those two teams would be a one goal game that could go either way, but i would give MTA the edge 2-1 or 1-0.

No offense to 633, but I watched that team play an MRL game against Tonka and I do not believe their defense would give up 4.

Anonymous said...

12s and 13s what a joke.

Anonymous said...

let's review -

Burnsville parents think Burnsville will win state cup.

MTA parents (& grandparents!!) think MTA will prevail.

Wow, this discussion sure is an eye opener.

Anonymous said...

Burnsville is 1-0-1
MTA is 5-0

Your comparing these accomplishments by saying the are both doing well? How is 1-0-1 even close to 5-0?

Rememeber that there are at least 48 teams in the MRL U14G 1st division. And 16 more in the premier division. So even being 5-0 in the first division isn't really saying much. MTAs goal differntial is strong +15 over 5 games meand +3 on average which might be saying something.

I'm not sure how you say Burnsville is doing anything special at 1-0-1.

Anonymous said...

1:11 is correct. at this age mrl has not yet sorted itself out, good thing to have many teams doing mrl, but they are not balanced divisions yet. either or both of those teams could be in weaker divisions. Hard to draw any conclusions and probably none should be drawn except congrats to all teams working to improve by doing mrl.

Anonymous said...


I am 1052 and I'm actually a Tonka parent. Sorry to ruin your stereotype.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone can help me out regarding MRL wild cards. If I understand things correctly, in the premier league (MN has teams in the U15, U16, & U18 age groups) wild cards are awarded for the regional championships. Some of our teams are doing fairly well and have good chances. Does winning your respective state's State Cup trump the MRL wild card? Where I'm going is a team could come in 3rd, 4th, even 5th in the MRL league and if the teams above them win their State Cups (and that is a real possibility since they obviously would be solid teams to be at the top of the MRL Premier league) then the wild card slot keeps dropping down to the next eligible team (which would be a non-State Cup winner). Does anyone out there know the definitive answer?

If I understand things clearly, then a few of the MN teams which might not win our State Cup could still get to go? If MTA U15 was upset, either MTA U16/EP U16-since only one can win, and the same scenario at U18 where MN has three teams participating.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is true.

The MRL Wild Card Slot #2 for the 2009 Regionals in the Girls U15, U16, U17 and U18 age groups is
determined by play during the 2009 Spring Season. The top ranked team in the Premier Division in each of
these Girls age groups that is not a State Association Representative or State Association Drawn Wild Card
shall represent the MRL at the 2009 Regionals in South Dakota.
In gender age groups that have two Premier Divisions (Boys U14, U15, U16, U17, U18, and Girls U14), the top
ranked team in each of these sub-divisions that is not a State Association Representative or State Association
Drawn Wild Card shall represent the MRL at the 2009 Regionals in South Dakota. Red Division representatives
are designated as MRL Wild Card Slot #1 and Blue Division representatives are designated as MRL Wild Card
Slot #2."

Anonymous said...


There are 2 different wild cards slots.

One wild card slot is for the MRL Winner of Premier ONLY. Now, if you win State Cup, that does trump the MRL wild card, and yes, if you place 3rd or 4th in MRL Premier, you could get a chance to go if all other teams win state cup. Its not unheard of. How do you think Eclipse gets numerous teams in each age group??

The other wild card is for States at different age groups. This yr, MN has wild cards for the following ages, 18, 17, 16, 15.

Anonymous said...

3:26 - so who gets the state wild cards? State Cup runner ups? Are the age groups you noted all for MN girls? If so, then we should be well represented in SD this year.

Anonymous said...

3:26 is incorrect. MN has the non-MRL (at large) wildcard for U18 girls only. So the U18 girls state cup winner and runner up will both go to regionals. Not sure where you came up with 18,17,16 and 15. The document is available here:


2 MRL entry wildcards are available at U14-U18 for boys and girls. The previous poster is correct, the highest placing non-state cup winners, in MRL premier, will get wildcards. However, since many academy and other top teams do not play MRL, the chances of the wildcard sliding down past both blue and red premier division #1s is pretty slim.

Anonymous said...

6:53 - agree with your last comment regarding the boys, but on the girl's side don't be surprised if some 4th & 5th place teams get the wild cards.

Anonymous said...

From IMS

That is a great letter, spoken from the heart I feel.

It’s truly unbelievable the negative response that many club officials I’ve spoken with have towards MN pro soccer now that the organization houses a youth academy. Though I call many of these people friends, their lack of understanding coupled with MYSA’s blatant denial of the Thunder existence of late has put our state at a crossroads that could lead to the end of pro soccer in this state.

What baffles me when talking to many paid coaching directors is that they bash the Thunder for not being a “true” pro team (for whatever reason) and for initiating a youth system that lures players away from local community clubs. Yet most of these coaching directors make a living in this state BECAUSE pro soccer has been around for 18 years or so and has had a positive impact on our young players and the overall interest of the game in MN. People at Shattuck bash the Thunder, yet Shattuck has a program led by people brought to MN through the Thunder.

It comes from the so-called “top”. MYSA’s leadership is suspect, vindictive, and stubborn. The majority of the MN soccer community looks at MYSA as the end all be all of soccer knowledge in this state and the MYSA leadership abuses this power of suggestion. The same goes for local community club volunteer presidents/board members and paid coaching directors. They are the gatekeepers of information to the masses and have the ability to turn their membership against the pro team through the propagation of misinformation and bias.

I ask IMS to dig for the truth. Call out these people at MYSA and within our local soccer club system. The questions to ask are simple.

1 - Do you believe professional soccer is beneficial to the promotion and growth of the youth game in our state?

2 - Do you believe that parents and players should have the right to pursue any development option they choose?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then there is absolutely no non-self-serving reason to not support the Thunder. Period. If the answer to either question is no, then one must question why these people in positions of power and soccer decision making for their members?

Pose the same questions to every single metro area club. Seek answers from coaching directors like Wayne Harrison (EP) and Ted Kroeten (Blackhawks) as to why they refuse to support pro soccer in this state. Talk to club presidents and board members at Mpls United and PSA and ask why they’ve continued to propagate misinformation and all out lies to their membership about the Thunder and about MTA. Talk to the Chan Chaska club president and ask why he didn’t renew his season tickets this year, having been a stout support of MN pro soccer until this point.

You might not get responses but no answers speak volumes in their own right.

Compile and publicize a list of all MYSA officials and affiliate clubs and their respective stances on the pro soccer/MTA issues. Everything is easy for them behind closed doors. It’s time to bring things to light and call people out for their true intentions; many of which I guarantee are selfish and self-serving in the end.

The MN soccer climate stints. Time to clear the air and IMS can do it.

The truth is out there.

Anonymous said...

10:37 I assume you'll air all the dirty laundry reported regarding the behavior of all involved in this fracas. It is so easy to bash mysa leadership, as soon as things don't go my way, "they at mysa are poor leaders" blah blah blah. As to question 1, no, pro soccer, while nice to have here, is not of huge importance to the participation in youth soccer. As to seeing high level soccer there are too many more convenient choices on tv, seeing college games etc that fit better into a busy summer schedule. We had two national champions from Mn while we had no alleged pro soccer here. When mta folks go out recruiting they claim competition is good for the clubs, when those clubs don't just roll over you claim they are behaving unethically fairly childish logic. Let the Thunder put a product on the field people want to see and they will buy tickets. As to their youth club plans I think we need a couple more years before anyone should claim it is successful.

Anonymous said...

Just so you guys know, what is happening in MN about other clubs not backing and promoting the pro soccer, or highest level of soccer in MN isnt any different than other states with like setups. I know for a fact that clubs in the Des Moines area feel the same way about the Menace/PDL. ASC, WDMSC, JUSC, and even ISA, etc do not back Menace, nor do they promote it to the families of their clubs and state. I also know that it is felt the same way in Chicago. Magic and Sockers do not back the Fire since the Fire/MLS club started their own academy in Fire Jrs. So what MN is going thru is no differnt than other states.

The end story is sad, but so true.

Its all about the $.

Anonymous said...

@11:48, 10:37 here.

I agree with you on a number of points. Let the Thunder put a worthy product on the field and people will buy tickets. It's also too early to gauge whether or not MTA will be the "way" for top players in the future.

Doesn't change the fact though that there are many people out there bashing the Thunder because of their Academy and, for the most past, there are extremely selfish reasons involved... maybe on both sides of the coin. I think you'd agree with me there.

Anonymous said...

10:37 The same article was already posted here on 4-18. It is unfortunate to see the disconnect between the Thunder, MYSA and The National Sports Center but lets be real about this. The Thunder is far from the innocent victim here. They abused their privledges with MYSA. They decided to be a soccer club competing against the rest of the youth soccer community. Used privleged email lists to "announce the start of the new Thunder Academy" Listing all tryout times etc. MYSA can't support one club at the expense of all of the others just because it has links to the "pro" team. It isn't hard to understand why some community club leaders are less than excited to support the "pro" team carrying the same name. Whether it is true or not it certainly is no stretch to think that supporting the Thunder organization is like putting money in the pockets of your direct competitor. If the Thunder wants to have a youth program it might be advised that they focus on the masses rather than one group of kids (aprox 1000) that wear a jersey similar to their own. The entire Thunder Academy program as it currently exists has many major flaws, how can little Billy or little Susie play against the Thunder Academy in league play and then turn a switch and support them as a "pro" team. Idealistically and intelectually one may be able to make the seperation but emotionally a non MTA player will have trouble supporting the Pro team.

Anonymous said...

1:33, more accusations of impropriety without fact or knowledge to back anything up.

If people have a problem with the top secret MYSA database, then someone tell the leaders over there to stop posting all the contact info on their website. There was no illegal use of any MYSA database. In fact, the Thunder never sees the MYSA database. All past mailing to MYSA families using the MYSA database wen through MYSA's mail house under their OK.

Moreover, according to MYSA policy, tryout promotion to members bound with other affiliate clubs is COMPLETELY LEGAL. Rochester or Duluth could talk to any Twin Cities family regarding their club's upcoming tryouts if they so chose. Fact is, most choose not to promote outside their community. Fine. But they could.

Please get your facts straight. Else you perpetuate rumor and misinformation, like many threatened DOCs do now.

Anonymous said...

1:45 You seem very confident in your response. How are you so sure? BTW not claiming illegality, just improper use.

Also, The Thunder pro team, at the very least, has abused the "spirit" of their relationship with MYSA by starting a competing youth soccer club (competing against the balance of MYSA's membership) using the same brand name and Logo identification therefore linking the Youth academy to the pro team and then asking for the MYSA governing board to advertise for the pro team which indirectly advertises for the youth program.

I love it haw you can say I have no facts or knowledge of the situation yet you can spew your "facts and knowledge" with no more visible credentials than I have provided.

The MTA way: I am always right and everyone else is always wrong because we (MTA) know all and the rest of the soccer world knows nothing. I too would be oh so proud of a "pro" sports organization who can't even figure out that they have created an adversarial relationship with the very market demographic they need for their survival. This whole Bangu/MTA program is so sad, so devisive, so unhealthy for the entire youth soccer community. All run by a few great players who are in fact very good coaches but who's egos are so big they can't even see the harm they are creating .

Anonymous said...

2:42..So what your saying is, the Fire cant have a club called Fire Jrs with the same kit, Galaxy cant do it either, RBNY cant do it either, Sounders cant do it either. Get off your rec ideas. Im not with MTA, but I agree with what they are doing. I think your thinking is the problem with MN soccer. Again, its all about the $

Anonymous said...

2:42, I am very sure. What is improper use? What does that mean? Improper relative to who? MYSA?

What spirit of their relationship with MYSA was abused? Isn't MYSA here primarily to help MYSA affiliate clubs promote the game of soccer? The Thunder started a number of MYSA affiliate clubs. How is that going against the spirit of MYSA?

I do speak fact. Look up the MYSA policy and talk to people there. There is nothing wrong with promoting tryouts. Any club can do it. How is me stating that fact the same as your misinformed nonsense?

Granted there are some egos at MTA. I'd say there are just as mig egos out there with many CCs. Don't you agree? You also seem to be one who can't get past the Bangu name. If anything is sad, it's that.

Programming for elite players will always seem to make the environment unhealthy to those not involved. Go cry to your school district about AP classes and accelerated placement. Let's all keep things equal for everyone so no one feels left out. That's the better way...

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of big posts with lots of words here. The net is, a great many clubs have had players recruited away by Bangu/MTA over the years. Frankly, most clubs deserved it because they had a crappy product. Now, many of the clubs are offering the same year round programs in an effort to win back the local kid. Most youth soccer families are way more passionate towards the Bangu brand than the Thunder brand because it hits closer to home (generally either love or hate). I would bet even those that support the Thunder pro team don't have that much passion about it because it doesn't involve their kid or community. Like many predicted, if you loved Bangu before you love them more know. If you hated them before, you hate them more now. At the end of the day though, I can get the same level of training from my CC now so I don't need the thunder academies. We all have Bangu to thank for that in some part. I (like many) have always said they wish MTA would focus on elite player development and training only and leave all the tier 2 players to the cc. The fact they put poor quality teams on the field at about the same rate as great ones, is my core reason for not supporting them.

Anonymous said...

4:16 you are dead on. Half the MTA teams are not very good, yet they call them elite.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys bashing the Thunder for offering the programming or the parents for choosing to take part? Seems to me the Thunder wouldn't offer anything if there was no demand for it. Maybe the demand for the second teams will diminish if, as you say, the level of training other clubs are offering matches what these White team families want.

Anonymous said...

it's been a while, but welcome back mr. "how can MTA call all their teams elite". we've missed you....

Anonymous said...

I loved the old Bangu, I do not love MTA.

Anonymous said...

State Cup?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to post this in the State Cup thread...but did anyone catch the cost of ODP Regional Camp for the 1994's? It is $760 PLUS $100 training fee PLUS the $40 for tryouts. WOW! My daughter is in this age group and I will seriously need to consider the cost. I have to feel that some parents of the top players will not be able (or willing) to pay this. Why the increase from last year?

Anonymous said...

State Cup thread?

Anonymous said...

That camp os two days longer than the others

Anonymous said...

let's hope the weather is good this weekend. i want to see the best teams play in an environment that shows their skills. a sloppy field with crappy goals sucks

Anonymous said...

This Weekend? What is this weekend? Oh yeah, the 13s play state cup this weekend. NO ONE CARES!

Anonymous said...

13s & their parents care


a kid would have to ref about 38 games to pay for odp

Anonymous said...

7:04, I think you made 6:35's point for him/her, too many poele care.

Who's the idoit?

Anonymous said...

8:19 try s-p-e-l-l-c-h-e-c-k and you may solve your own mystery.

Anonymous said...

this is the state cup thread, therefore a post about state cup games matters (idiots). there are compelling games this weekend and frankly the u13 age group is potentially one of the more talented ages in the state. there are about 8 or so good teams plus MA u12 team that plays u13. this will be a highly competitive age group with a decent chance to produce a regionally competitive winner

Anonymous said...

A bit of a stretch to say the 13s are one of the most talented in the state. They could be, I suppose, but frankly, there is just no evidence for that statement. If there were multiple teams with a track record of success at competitive regional tournaments (not Des Moines!!) then maybe you could make an arguement.

Right now I would have to say the 16s and 18s have claim as being the most talented age groups. Both have at least 2 teams with a record of regional success, and both have had ODP teams win the regional tournament and represent region 2 at nationals.

The 15s and 17s have one regionally competitive team each, but that's it. 14s appear to have no really strong teams. As for the 13s, it is just too early to tell. You may as well state that the u7s are the most talented in the state. No one could prove you wrong...

Anonymous said...

I would think that most people that are knowledgeable about MN soccer would agree that the 13s are the most talented group.

Anonymous said...

i'll buy the U18's national success as the old Stars team won at LV and has always been a top national team, but the U16's? winning lower tier flights? maybe I'm missing the regional success as well since spring MRL is pretty much just a few OH teams.

i do agree with 12:05's post about the U13's. give it some time, win a few things, have some success, and then you might have something to hang your hat on.

Anonymous said...

Wait til you guys see the current U4s, then we'll talk best age group in the state.

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