Tuesday, March 24, 2009

'09 Boys State Cup

Boy's parents don't seem to get as worked up as the girls, but they are usually not as well behaved on the sidelines. Regardless, should be competative at all boys age groups, except U19.



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Anonymous said...

I can't believe it, but I am going to defend Moriarty. He does work very hard, but may not be a good decision-maker.

The problem is that MYSA has the attitude of "come to us and tell us why you should get to host state cup." Most other states either work directly with the larger facilities to work out an arrangement or make all of the games self schedule up until the finals. The MYSA arrogance, not Moriarty, are the problem.

Anonymous said...

Shattuck boys sweep u16, 17 and 18 at state cup..............

Anonymous said...

9:28, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you shattuck people are hilarious, 16's are not very good, an average boys soccer team amongst MN teams, sad for a program with those resources, 17 are a good team, but that age group is far too loaded with even teams and it is going to be very hard for them to get through playing these teams, many for the first time at full strength, and 18's should win, but to say that they will win all three is laughable

mama mia said...

Kind of neat that at SSM, their U16s are weak while their U18s have become a national power.

Can somebody say, "Developing their talent?"

Oh wait, that's a MN discussion from the past. We only like clubs that develop their players, but SSM is crap. I'm so confused again.

I'm sure some yahoo will now say SSM's U18 roster is made up of players that weren't at SSM at U16. Let's just let the jealousy continue.

- Not a SSM mama

P.S. Who at MYSA is to blame for the aforementioned State Cup follies if not MYSA's tournament director?

Anonymous said...

hmmmm SSM u16's weak, they won las vegas tourney with 6 players injured, play and win against Mn u-17 and 18 teams...beat the Mn u16 teams regulary ...very weak indeed.

The u-17's 1 unlucky goal from winning their group as .....Dallas Cup...yep weak teams.............

Anonymous said...

I bounce around a bit on this blog amongst all the different threads (boys, girls, college, youth, etc...) and without a doubt there are more postings from SSM folks than any other club out there (and SSM only has 5 teams). I guess when it is all about soccer for your little mia/landon (which would be the only reason to send your child there), the parents are into it as much as their children....

Anonymous said...

Let's watch this year to see how SSM's teams with their players recruited from all across USA and Canada as well as some countries across the pond perform against the teams comprised solely of kids from Minnesota.
Shouldn't SSM win every game they play against Minnesota teams?
Shouldn't they win every State Cup championship in age groups they enter?
If they're getting top recruits and developing them as players they should sweep every game and championship...right?

Anonymous said...

Everyone assumes that SSM is pulling in the absolute cream of the crop, and at the younger ages they are not. Players do come from all over, but they are not the highest rated blue chippers-- so no they shouldn't be a "lock" on anything. Question is- what do they do with what talent they pull in?

Anonymous said...

A little CYA from 9:50 prior to State Cup. Is every kid at SSM a blue chipper - no, but from top to bottom they should and do have more talent than a team comprised of metro MN kids. Add in the fact that they train 6 days a week in a structured soccer environment (strength/speed/agility, etc... workouts) and they should develop more than the average metro MN kid. Yes, much like some of the older Bangu teams comprised of top metro talent which were heavy State Cup favorites, based on all the advantages that they have - I agree that they should win every State Cup event that they enter. If they don't, then I guess they aren't all they are cracked up to be.

Anonymous said...

11:12...and win OR lose, this is a fact on why college coaches like to recruit from Shattuck!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you people put SO much into winning State Cup and every other game these kids play in?? Winning State Cup is NOT that important. If these players are getting out and playing in front of college scouts, they are doing their job. Just wait till a few more yrs when the players that are leaving Shattuck now and do well at the college level, Shattucks name will then get even bigger. Coaches are just now starting to find out about Shattuck. To me, that is a big reason to attend Shattuck, NOT to go up there and win MN State Cup!!

Anonymous said...

12 10pm,have you done the right thing and asked why your team of non MN s is playing in a state cup?

Anonymous said...

one post from a non-SSM person
2-3 SSM posts

another post from a non-SSM person
2 more SSM posts

hundreds and hundreds of non-SSM teams
5 SSM teams

one word - "vicarious"

Anonymous said...

Isn't the reason that the State Cup games aren't at Coon Rapids because they suddenly decided to charge $10K to MYSA just to host the tournament? I would like to know what they took in consessions for the whole tourney.

mama mia said...

A little CYA from 11:12 from the other side: "SSM trains 6 times a week so they ought to win."

To clarify my confusion:
-9:38 says SSM 16s are weak and average in MN.
-SSM 18s have become a national power.
-SSM players appear to develop between 16s and 18s.
-MN parents support programs that develop their players.
-MN parents don't support SSM.
-MN parents don't care who wins State Cup.
-MN parents don't think SSM should be allowed to play and win State Cup.
-MN parents are jealous of SSM's training opportunities.
-MN players can train with teammates every day at the park or gym if they got on the phone and got off their couch.
-"But SSM players have an army of coaches and trainers at their disposal."
-MN parents seldom have anything good to say about MN coaches.
-9:33, Who at MYSA is to blame for the aforementioned State Cup follies if not MYSA's tournament director?

- No affiliation to SSM

Anonymous said...

mama mia - thank god everyone is entitled to their own opinions here in the good old USA as I think yours are in the complete minority. Also, you twisted 11:12's comments as no where was it written that since SSM trains 6x/week so they ought to win.

Personally, some of what you state might have some truth to it, but some of it is plain silly - training at the park or gym if they got on the phone and got off their couch- LOL in winter? SSM players develop between 16 and 18 - ROFLOL.

No affiliation to SSM, MTA or the world that you live in......

Anonymous said...

4:38 The City of Coon Rapid want money to help defray the damage the tournament does to the fields. They normally don't let the club on the fields until the end of May. As has been discussed, part of the problem with State Cup is it is really too earily to be on the fields. The grass hasn't really developed yet.

The club runs the concessions and they have been seriously down over the past two years.

I find it humorous that everyone in the past has complained about the Coon Rapids fields and parking. I guess you never know how good you have it until you leave.

Anonymous said...

I know this is not a high school blog but this is where it seems all are discussing soccer right now so I will post with the hope someone has the answer.

Does anyone know which teams are playing at the NSC Challenge Cup this Fall?

Thanks for the help

Anonymous said...

It's funny that in Minnesota, you spend more time preserving fields than using them. And then you all argue about why MN teams can't win at regionals.

8:50, what is so silly about training at the gym or park that it makes you LOL? I grew up on the east coast and that's how players trained. The training habits and expectations of players in MN do not align.

Anonymous said...

BOYS PREDICTIONS (Please comment):

U13 - too young to tell
U14 - NSSA vs. MTA in finals. There is no other real competition in this group. This will be the matchup to watch. NSSA has a solid team that should be together by the finals. MTA is well-oiled and is ready to steamroll over all opponents. Prediction: NSSA in OT win (before PKs).
U15 - St. Croix vs/ Mpls Jedi in finals. St. Croix plays clean; Jedi do not. In the end, it's about winning. I think the Jedi will pull it off if their own frustrations don't get the best of them (which they are known to exhibit).
U16 - Without a doubt: Blackhawks to take it...easily.
U17 - A close one. It will probably end with Blackhawks playing newcomer Arsenal. It will be tough fought. I'd like to see the Arsenal boys take it, but I'm afraid it will be another Blackhawks victory.
U18 and U19 groups - Teams have been depleted of real talent. I'm not sure who even plays for the teams anymore.

Anonymous said...

No wonder 11:28 wants comments after that clueless post.

Anonymous said...

yeah i am just baffeled right now about what was just written by 11:20, has he/she ever watched any soccer in the state of minnesota or did they just look at the brackets and pick two random teams in each age group

Anonymous said...

Coon Rapids is great venue. They have good fields and pretty good shelter. Lighted fields. Too bad, I will not be going down to LWB to watch games that don't have my kid in them like I did at CR.

Anonymous said...

It is cool that 11:20 took the time. I agree with almost zero of the predictions, but that's just an honest disagreement, unless 11:20's predictions are just a wind-up. I don't think there is a wind-up because s/he seems pretty sincere. Anyway, I would be curious to read what others have to write because it helps me take a look at teams I might not have expected. From my point of view, MTA teams on the boys side have a strong chance of sending 5 teams to regionals. But I am not selling their product and am would enjoy hearing other perspectives.

Anonymous said...

Here is an uneducated guess but based on some knowledge:

U-13 Boys - anybody guess but with MTA having 4 teams I would say the odds are in there favor

U14 - again a toss up as changes between 13 and 14 can be very noticable, but can see MTA vs St. Croix

U15 - I see MU as the number 1 team, but a dark horse in Dakota Rev

U16 - not much knowledge there, but probably MTA vs Blackhawks, will be interesting to see if MTA - U16 keeper who is now at the National Academy in Florida is able to play.

U17 - Having seen a number of these teams probably SSM vs St. Croix, don't think anyone else has the horses to compete with SSM when they are playing well

U18- SSM in a walkover vs MTA, SSM has to play Woodbury and that probably isn't worth watching

U19 - don't know the teams, but if Valley has some players from the U17 team they had 2 years ago, could be very good and could do well at Regionals.

Anonymous said...

I predict that 0 of 11:20's come true. More likely that MTA will sweep he boys side where they have teams...at least 3 or 4 MTA teams will win, could be as many as 5.

mama mia said...

U13: MTW1 over MTA1
U14: MTA over EDP penalties
U15: MTA over MUS blowout
U16: MTA over BHK
U17: SSM over SCV
U18: SSM over MTA blowout
U19: VLY over WBL

Region Champs: MTA U15
Region Champs: SSM U18
National Champs: SSM U18


Anonymous said...

mta ep penalties why so close?

Anonymous said...

boys pres
13 mta
14 e,p.
15 mta
16 mta
17 ssm
18 ssm

Anonymous said...

ep u14 references are interesting. they fared very poorly last year at state cup. and that bangu team (with which i have no affiliation) has become much stronger as a mta team. it will be intriguing how it all plays out. who is coaching ep u14 this year?

Anonymous said...

E.P. lost 1 2 to MTA last fall at mrl

Anonymous said...

SSM 17s will never win anything with CC as a coach. If you look up underachiever in the dictionary, you see a picture of CC. He will find a way to mess it up.

17s will be BHK over MTA
18s will be MTA over SSM
19s will be Valley, in a landslide, over WBL (I believe the WBL team is a 18 C1 team hoping nobody else would enter at U19)

N0 MN boys teams will get out of their group at regionals this year.

Anonymous said...

Interesting thing, 6:31. CC is not the U17 coach, CB is. If that is the best intelligence you can come up with, maybe you should reconsider providing picks in a public forum?

Anonymous said...

This is 11:20 again. Wonder if any of you are trainers and not just parents of players on the teams? It's bloody crazy how biased most folks are on this blog. You'll all see what happens. MTA will have some successes, but will not reach the hyped up pinnacle that MTA marketers on this blog want people to believe.

Anonymous said...

another thing 6:31, that should also show you what happens if you should ever slight a SSM team......

Anonymous said...

6:31, BHK and MTA are in the same group at 17's so it would be really tough for them to both advance with SSM in their group as well I dont see the wildcard coming out of that group, and why is no one giving Valley any chance in 17's, they won the league last year and have only gotten better with some additions, I like their chances as teams seem to struggle against their aggressive style

Anonymous said...

Because, as has been discussed for 2 years now, the U17 group is a crapshoot with about 7 teams that could likely win it.

Do you have any examples of an immensely talented team that CC underachieved with? I personally had a good experience with CC. Of course the players aren't to blame.

Anonymous said...

cc must of cut someones kid.

Anonymous said...

SSM have hammered the u17 teams,they are going to be tough to beat and Valley or St Croix do not match up well with them.
MTA may have a chance but unlikely.

Anonymous said...

SSM beat Valley 3-1 with SSM scoring on two penalty kicks and Valley hit the post twice in the game, it was a very even game, MTA has no chance in this age group IMHO, they are the third best team in their own group and do not at all play as a team, too many individuals doing their own thing on that team, I like SSM to win it as they have the deepest and most talented team, but VLY, SCV, and Arsenal should be able to give them a run for their money

Anonymous said...

Uhhhh 11:20, I have coached teams now competing in two of the age groups in question, and I did not coach for MTA or SSM. I have friends in MTA, SSM and several of the so-called community clubs. I don't have any agenda in promoting any particular program. I just happen to think youth soccer is great. That said, in my humble view, your predictions are crazy. I could be very wrong, but I dn't think you get any result right, and some of your predicted finals are impossible given the brackets. MTA will take at least 3, maybe 5 of the age groups. But that isn't the success MTA is trying to achieve. MTA is trying to establish a regional reputation, and I think the poster above who wrote no MTA team will get out regional group play is probably correct. Given the talent they have accumulated, MTA should win state cup in most of those age groups. But regionally they have a long way to go.

Anonymous said...

Difficult for an outsider to judge the MTA 17's as a group that "do(es) not at all play as a team, too many individuals doing their own thing on that team."

Although they may be the 2nd or 3rd best team in the group - you will see a collective effort that does not compromise individual talent.

Maybe you should check them out Saturday morning when they play Arsenal in a MRL game at Macalester.

Anonymous said...

17 final will be SSM/Westside.

Anonymous said...

Westside does not have the horses, they have a nice team but cannot put the ball in the net with any regularity.

Anonymous said...

brackets dont allow a westside/shattuck final,semi maybe

Anonymous said...

I predict that SSM, MTA, BHK, VLY, WSD, SCV, or ARS will win 17 boys, that is how open this age group is any one of these teams could win it and it wouldn't really be any kind of upset or anything

Anonymous said...

VLY, WSD or SCV winning would be a major upset. They all are very average teams.

Anonymous said...

ARS also have no chance. It will be SSM, MTA or BHK. These three are in a diffent class than the others. And really BHK are the darkhorse here...they really are not a very good team outside of 2 players. This is the age group where the kids that grew first tend to be caught by the rest of the kids. BHK has relied on a number of early growers for too long.

The posters who said that MTA is a bunch of individuals are stupid...compared to which team? ARS? BHK? These are the 2 teams of individual style, me first, players.

Anonymous said...

last years winners,premier league winners and group winning beaten semi finalists???Real upset there,wow.

Anonymous said...

What the hell has happened to MRL?

It used to be the best 0, 1 or 2 (for IL, MI, MO) teams from each state divided into a premier and first division with real quality. Now, few if any of the top Region 2 teams play in it.

U16 Boyes has 17 Premier teams and almost 50 First division teams. It is like an average tournament, with lots more travel and cost, spread out over 3 or 4 weekends.


Anonymous said...

6:11, last years state cup champion and MRL premier division team, and last years premier league champion and MRL first division bracket champion would be major upsets to win state cup over BHK or MTA who have proved nothing in the last two years? I just don't see the reasoning behind this comment

Anonymous said...

SCV fluke.

Neither MTA or SSM played in the premier MN league last year. If they both did, SCV would have only won 1 MN league game.

BHK improved by 3 very good players this year.

I have watched 6 of the 7 teams listed above play a competative match or train multiple times.

It will be MTA, SSM or BHK. I agree with previous posters that SSM challenge will be their coaching staff.

Anonymous said...

Worth repeating...

Lets not forget how the SCV 17 boys were formed. As SCV was in bed with MYSA allowing a team to form and play C1 in about the weakest division the East had ever seen. Allowing them to easily make premier and attract other to players...funny thing is that MYSA did everything they could to stop the old bangu from doing these things over the years. I guess it helps that one of the SCV parents was on the MYSA committee that allowed this to happen.

Anonymous said...

I hear the already good WSD team has "horsed up" some about 5 new starters.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that BHK added 3 new "horses" when they lost some very good players to other teams

SCV is not a fluke they are a legit team, look at MRL results this spring, I know they have played the weakest teams in the premier division, but its still the premier division

VLY added a couple very strong players as well as getting back healthy a couple who were struggling with injuries during last years state cup

WSD has improved a lot by adding some much needed depth to their roster

ARS has lost some talent, but in some ways in may addition by subtraction by changing coaches and getting rid of a few "cancers" off of that team

MTA tried to consolidate some of the talent in this age group this year and picked a FEW of the top players but not nearly all and filled the team in with leftovers

SSM is SSM and is going to be very good and has had good results against most of the 17's already this winter

these are also very solid teams and that is why I am not making any predictions about what will happen in this age group, but to say that any one of the seven teams mentioned above has no chance of winning is a ridiculous statement because any one of these teams could win it with the right bounces which is what it is going to take to get through this age group as the champion

Anonymous said...

What team is Paul Yonga playing with?

Anonymous said...

can anyone analyse the u14 boys teams for me? We are new to the area. I'm a father of a player on one of the teams in the state cup and would like to know more about the background, coaching, player makeup, training regimen, and histories of his team and that of the competition. I will withold naming his team so as to not influence any responses. Thanks.

mama mia said...

U14 Boys

EDP was the powerhouse with all EDP players. VLY and EDI also had talented community club teams. BHK and SCV do what they always do, quietly developing strong teams from large areas. MTA collected talent throughout the last 3-4 years, particularly from weak community teams like Eagan and Bloomington. MTA is now the strongest team.

Basically the same background as every age. Hopefully, the top 18 players will quickly leave their their teams for MTA so they can make a good run at Minnesota's first national championship since 1990 when they are U16 and U17.

-Not connected to MTA

mama mia said...

My prediction for U14 is,

With tough economic times and busy multi-activity players, many of these players will feel too much allegiance to their original teams. Parents, players and coaches won't think outside the box about winning Nationals for MN and will think inside the box about winning state for their community club. The top talent will be dispersed over a handful of teams and there will be a lot of mediocrity that won't be able to win at Regionals until a private prep school starts recruiting nationally, sabotaging any false hope those MN teams ever had.

Wait, this sounds like the U17s.

I hope MTA and ODP can work to get the top 18 players in Minnesota's premier academy program.

Anonymous said...

Yonga plays with the MTA group

Anonymous said...

mama mia,the mn u14s winning nationals,are you kidding?
You could load up Mns best 15s,play them down a year and they wouldnt win regionals.

Anonymous said...

Thanks SCV-dad for the rundown on the 17s team. You basically replayed what other team parents have said about their teams. I wish BHK was in your group, because then you would have not chance at the wildcard to make the semis. VLY will beat you and hopefully you will slip up against one of the C1 teams and get a tie. Then the guy who said your team was fluke will be proved right.

Anonymous said...

You have to take SSMs wins at their home field with a grain of salt. They have their coaches ref most of these games and they are the most 1 sided refing jobs you will see anywhere in the country. I don't think I have ever seen a SSM home game at home they didn't get at least 1 PK.

Anonymous said...

its not the reffing that wins Ssm games its the quality of players and coaching staff{no,Im not ssm}

Anonymous said...

thank god for U17 boys parents or this thread would be at zero posts instead of 266. Extremely entertaining for everyone else.

i propose we have all the U17 male parents stand facing a wall during State Cup and then see who can "xxxx" against it the highest. The winning parent's team then wins State Cup.

Anonymous said...

So we are not allowed to discuss the 17s?I thought this was a youth soccer blog site.Whos your team/group?Perhaps you could open up a better topic,doubtful though,your grammar gives you away.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You have to take SSMs wins at their home field with a grain of salt. They have their coaches ref most of these games and they are the most 1 sided refing jobs you will see anywhere in the country. I don't think I have ever seen a SSM home game at home they didn't get at least 1 PK.

17/4/09 5:19 PM

First off 5:19pm. if your post had a merit, how would explain the u16,17,18 SSM boys results away from "scary SSM" 00000. Go to the SSM website, review the records. u16 SSM boys winning, whilst playing against mostly u17/18 teams. The 17/18 SSM boys also playing up. Should be a real interesting state cup then since SSM won't be playing "at home".

Anonymous said...

7;34, 6:52 here, blog all you want. when i'm bored at work during the day i can always pull up this website and it brings a bit of levity to the workday.

Anonymous said...

Woke up this morning to find the absolute best post on the Inside MN Soccer site on the recent post called the Gift of Professional Soccer. I'm pasting the comment on all the threads here.

Full story here-


2009 April 16
Fox Moulder permalink

That is a great letter, spoken from the heart I feel.

It’s truly unbelievable the negative response that many club officials I’ve spoken with have towards MN pro soccer now that the organization houses a youth academy. Though I call many of these people friends, their lack of understanding coupled with MYSA’s blatant denial of the Thunder existence of late has put our state at a crossroads that could lead to the end of pro soccer in this state.

What baffles me when talking to many paid coaching directors is that they bash the Thunder for not being a “true” pro team (for whatever reason) and for initiating a youth system that lures players away from local community clubs. Yet most of these coaching directors make a living in this state BECAUSE pro soccer has been around for 18 years or so and has had a positive impact on our young players and the overall interest of the game in MN. People at Shattuck bash the Thunder, yet Shattuck has a program led by people brought to MN through the Thunder.

It comes from the so-called “top”. MYSA’s leadership is suspect, vindictive, and stubborn. The majority of the MN soccer community looks at MYSA as the end all be all of soccer knowledge in this state and the MYSA leadership abuses this power of suggestion. The same goes for local community club volunteer presidents/board members and paid coaching directors. They are the gatekeepers of information to the masses and have the ability to turn their membership against the pro team through the propagation of misinformation and bias.

I ask IMS to dig for the truth. Call out these people at MYSA and within our local soccer club system. The questions to ask are simple.

1 - Do you believe professional soccer is beneficial to the promotion and growth of the youth game in our state?

2 - Do you believe that parents and players should have the right to pursue any development option they choose?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then there is absolutely no non-self-serving reason to not support the Thunder. Period. If the answer to either question is no, then one must question why these people in positions of power and soccer decision making for their members?

Pose the same questions to every single metro area club. Seek answers from coaching directors like Wayne Harrison (EP) and Ted Kroeten (Blackhawks) as to why they refuse to support pro soccer in this state. Talk to club presidents and board members at Mpls United and PSA and ask why they’ve continued to propagate misinformation and all out lies to their membership about the Thunder and about MTA. Talk to the Chan Chaska club president and ask why he didn’t renew his season tickets this year, having been a stout support of MN pro soccer until this point.

You might not get responses but no answers speak volumes in their own right.

Compile and publicize a list of all MYSA officials and affiliate clubs and their respective stances on the pro soccer/MTA issues. Everything is easy for them behind closed doors. It’s time to bring things to light and call people out for their true intentions; many of which I guarantee are selfish and self-serving in the end.

The MN soccer climate stints. Time to clear the air and IMS can do it.

The truth is out there.

Anonymous said...

MTA 3-0 Arsenal this morning inr MRL

Anonymous said...

Looks like MTA U17 boys are a bit stronger team than many of our bloggers would like to admit.

Anonymous said...

MTA-Arsenal match is over? Thought it started at 10:20?
The 3-0 score is bogus...right?

Anonymous said...

Start time was changed to 8:30. 3-0 MTA.

Anonymous said...

the game wasn't even close. MTA dominated.

Anonymous said...

Valley 17's won both their games today in MRL, 4-0 win over Inter FC Select(IL) and then 2-0 over Eclipse Select(IL) who is ranked #8 in the country on NSR, and region 2 runner-up last season

Anonymous said...

Any other scores from MRL? Good job to VLY 17's - love MN teams getting wins.

Anonymous said...

Settle down Valley U17 Dad. No way Valley beat the Region 2 runner up. Eclipse Select would not have their top team playnig in MRL 1st division. Anyway, see the previous posters comment about the number of teams. There are 6 division at U17 1st division as well. That's 48 teams. The only thing you can tell from MRL results these days is that if you finish the league in the league in the lower half, you probably won't make the semi finals in your own state cup.

Anonymous said...

MRL scores are at:


Saw the 2nd half of the ARS MTA game...early poster correct, not even close.

I was the poster about SSM home wins, 9:04 PM is probably from SSM. Coach and one of one-sided culprit referee. I'm sure most of the successful DOCs in the metro area would share the same advice about program sustainability coming through integrity. Get some.

Anonymous said...

ok 6:01pm, but you can cry and whine that SS-M gets unfair advantages at home - STILL YOU HAVE NOT ANSWERED WHY THEY ARE JUST AS SUCESSFULL AWAY. When you can answer that, or man up to you clubs own shortfalls (every club has them including SS-M) then get back to me.

Anonymous said...

why knock Valley beating Eclipse?
It IS the top Eclipse team,the poor cousin is in MTA/Arse division,Valley won 4 0 in game 1 and beat the region 2 runners up 2 0 after that.
Instead of being negative applaud it.
Great job Valley and hats off to Mark and Scott for the job they have done in building,maintaing and now kicking on at u17.
Hold your keyboard,I'm not a Valley Dad!The earlier poster might be but I am not.
Peter,WFC Reds

Anonymous said...

isnt IMS a very biased thunder site?Dont they do articles on MTA but not much on others,they are part of the propaganda.

Anonymous said...

5:51, Why put the age group down? I went and compared teams names and everything just to check as I thought it was an impressive win as well. The names all match up. Eclipse has a second team but that name is matched up with a team in Arsenal and MTA's group.

The U17 age group has many competitive teams with the top region teams don't be mad cause there is not one "super team." It's great for the age group and I love how well all the teams are doaing this off season. My guess would be your a U17 parent that is not happy to see Valley get a good result or a U18 parent mad your kid doesn't get to play with such a high level competitive age group in the state.

Alot of the U17 parents need to relax and love the talent level the state has for this age and not worry about oh no such and such a team is not that good blah blah blah, your prolly the same type of poster who doesn't see state cup as a 7 team race and that none of the 7 will have a successful regional tournament.

Anonymous said...

7 41pm,people up here think you have to have a monopoly on players,dont dare have the talent spread and create a competitive age group,that might actually take hard work and coaching ability to pull away from the pack.
Just Bangu it and wear cute blue coaches warm ups,get the best players and then struggle to beat cc teams.
Fact is,the 17s have developed well with some competition at the age group.The fact that one team has never really loaded up has made for a healthy competitive scene that has done quite well at the regional level.

Anonymous said...

8:02 is a typical idiot who has no idea about competition outside of MN. Like it doesn't take hard work and solid coaching to develop the very best 18 MN has to offer. Take the top 18 players out of competitive MN soccer and you'll still have your healthy MN competition while the top 18 work together to get better and look to compete on the national stage they deserve to compete on.

Anonymous said...

8 34 is a blinded mta er.
Do you have the balls to discuss with me why I am a typical idiot?
Of course it takes hard work to develop the best 18,not very hard to collect the best 18 then claim you are the top club,develop,develop,develop.
Bangu couldnt afford to develop as it was win at all costs because of the sales pitch.Keep collecting the top players and win some more,typical idiot,thats funny.

Anonymous said...

looks like anom 8.34pm is a Mta coach,

Anonymous said...

My hunch is the MTA/Bangu will win as many or more State Cup championships as they have the last 3-4 years.
They are the top club in the state and getting better.
There will always be a few teams at a couple of age groups who can compete with them but from top to bottom MTA is by far the best.
No need to whine or argue about it because it's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

I've taken some shots at the VLY, ARS and SCV over the years, and sometimes with good reason.

However, SCV and VLY results to date are impressive. I agree that MRL is not what it used to be, but getting wins against good, non-MN teams in March and April is an accomplishment. The teams should be applauded for the their performances. Congratulations!

State Cup at 17s should be exciting.

Anonymous said...

Any St. Croix scores from this weekend? They are not posted on MRL site...

Anonymous said...

must of lost as the dad has not posted

Anonymous said...

They won 2 tied 1 overall record 5-1-1

Anonymous said...

St Croix went 5 1 1,thats awesome for a Mn team at mrl premier.
Though its diluted due to Academy teams its still a great acheivment by St Croix.I wonder if they will get a region wild card?
Congrats to Mark and the Lads,thats so impressive for a Mn team who are not even an academy.
I have come onto this blog as I could not be with my team this weekend,Westside FC 17s,and was told I might get info on scores here.
My team went 0 3 which is very disapointing,lost 1 2,1 2, 0 1,but I think its great that Valley and St Croix are doing so well regionally and proves that this is,still,a very strong age group,Peter,WFC Reds

Anonymous said...

Great results - hopefully they lock up the MRL spot for Regionals and two MN teams get in...

Anonymous said...

St. Croix did well with a group of #4, #5, #6, #16, #17, #24, and #35 ranked teams according to NSR. Congrats to them.

Valley United has beaten the #2, and #39 teams in the region and also have another win over an Illinois team so far. Hopefully they turn in another good weekend in 2 weeks against the #14, #32 ranked teams in Region 2 and another quality team from Missouri along with Westside in early May I believe they play.

State Cup will be a blast and I suggest if you are a casual fan and want to see some good soccer come watch these U17 boys teams.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to burst anyones bubble, but the Eclipse team VLY beat was not their 1st team. The have 3 at the age group and their top team is not in MRL. Their 2nd team is playing their 1st teams MRL slot. They asked to be moved out of Premier to allow their 2nd team to be competative. Still an accomplishment to beat their 2nd team.

VLY has a real chance against SCV at state cup. It's a shame one may not get through to the semis. The real shame is the Group C at 17. Group A has 2 very good teams. Group B has 3 very good teams and Group C has 0 very good teams.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 8:22 to burst your bubble but it IS their top team, and just to put all of this to rest here is a link to their teams webpage

where you can clearly see their accomplishments on the right hand side, which include ILL state cup champion and region 2 runner-up, as well as their MRL schedule, including a game against VLY, listed further down on the page

Why is there a need to degrade something that a MN team has done? Why not be excited for them? Just as everyone should be excited for SCV for their accomplishments in MRL this spring, the things the boys from these teams are doing are only helping MN soccer as a whole get more respect and show the types of teams that can be produced

At this point everyone should be cheering for SCV to hold on to that top spot in the premier division, and for VLY and MTA to win their first divisions and get promoted to premier for next season

Anonymous said...

Huge coaching change coming next year that will only strengthen MTA and help it to maintain it's dominance.

Anonymous said...

What do people know about NSSA? I caught a U14 game of theirs at the West Des Moines Premier Games. They dominated against the Blackhawks and I see they also blew out a Kansas team.

Anonymous said...

9 53,looking forward to next year already?Comical,I guess the DAP dream ended!!

Anonymous said...

the eclipse team that the 17 valley team beat had the Illinois state cup champion patches on their sleeves.

Anonymous said...

I think the Eclipse/Valley thing was already sorted,no real responses since I posted,move on.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to these boys teams for winning the Madison Spring Shootout Tournament this weekend.

Eden Prairie U16
Eagan U17

Anonymous said...

How about SCV U17B kicking butt in MRL premier?

Anonymous said...

relax dude we all know your excited for what your team did and congratulations, but its already been discussed

Anonymous said...

How about SCV U17B kicking butt in MRL premier?

Anonymous said...

2:26 - go finish your homework before practice this evening.

qooqle said...

Rather than picking winners, here are an idiot's picks for the semis (I'm calling myself an idiot before everyone else does):

U13: crap-shoot...5 of the 15 teams are MTA, so I'll go with some combination of them.
U14: MTA v. MTW, EDP v. NSS.
U15: MTA v. PSA, SCV v. MUS Jedi.
U16: EDI v. SCV, MTA v. BHK.
U17: SCV v. VLY, SSM v. AFC.
U18: MTA v. SSM, CDA v. EDI.
U19: VLY v. WBL (that's a lock).

The U15 and U17 semifinals and finals will be by far the best to watch for the non-parent fan. MTA has accumulated much of the talent at U15, but MUS and SCV have solid cores and play great team ball. Plus, the teams all know each other very well, and the rivalries are strong and intense. U17s are wide open, with many strong teams. I think it's a huge drag that the U15/U17 semis are scheduled to be played at the same time...the U15s in Wisconsin and the U17s in Canada.

Anonymous said...

interesting work, google. no issues here with your picks, as my projected winners are in your semi pool. i have no picks for 13 or 14 as i haven't worked with any of them, tho i assume MTA will be strong. MTA is very strong at 15 and 16 and will win both. SSM will win 17 and 18. you show three SCV teams in the semis. SCV is impressive and has a great thing going on the boys side, but i don't see any of them winning it all.

Anonymous said...

oops i hit send before i was done. i also agree that 15 boys will be the most competitive semi-finals. the four semifinalists will be very evenly matched. and there are lots of very good players spread among the top teams.

Anonymous said...

SCV and VLY, you don't see MTA and SSM here touting their MRL accomplishments...so everyone take notice who the self-rightous, self congratultors are.

The Eclispse team could certainly have some of the 1st team players guesting, it was not their 1st team. BTW, nobody would have set the record straight, if VLY didn't boast first. A state cup champ and regional runner up wound not, I repeat not, be in the 1st divsion of MRL. The league would not allow it.

Anonymous said...

Eclipse didnt make premier because they lost in the playoffs.
This was their top team,in their other game they beat a team 3 0.It happens,they lost to St Croix last year,this year Valley,its not a big shock just a very good result.
Eclipse will probably run the table on the rest of the games so Valley would need to not lose either.

Anonymous said...


"A state cup champ and regional runner up wound not, I repeat not, be in the 1st divsion of MRL. The league would not allow it."

Tell me how the SSM U18 Boys are in the first division then?

Anonymous said...

SSM will always be a different scenario as this year's U18 was not necessarily last year's U17's.

MRL promotion/relegation rolls upwards to the new age group. This will always be an issue for SSM and they are quite aware of it.

Anonymous said...

7:20, for the record I am not associated with any U-17 team, but I do remember that the MTA score was the first thing posted on sat. morning, followed by the VLY score and then SCV later, and SSM has nothing to boast in this age group because they are not playing MRL, so whatever the need to tear down anyone at least do it with some real facts

also refer to an earlier post for eclipses team website and notice that it is their top team

Anonymous said...

The SSM 17s were not 2008 state cup champs. Thus the 18s are not in premier. If this years 17 win, next years 18s would be eligble, but not automatically in.

The earned MRL spots for Eclipse were for their Eclipse, and Eclipse East teams. The Eclipse South team is playnig in the Eclipse slot in MRL, and thus asked to be moved back to Division 1. I have a business acquaintance with a kid on the 1st team, don't be an idiot, the team SCV beat was not their 1st team.

Anonymous said...

9:30, no one asked to be moved back to division 1, eclipse did not qualify for premier based on results from last season, on the eclipse select 91-92 website it clearly states their MRL schedule including a game against VLY, eclipse east is in another division and eclipse south is not in MRL at all, dont degrade it just because you are upset that someone is having success

Anonymous said...

Maybe MU?

Anonymous said...

ref the Eclipse...It might be the 1st team, but it isnt 1st teamers playing!! Most are playing HS.

Anonymous said...

Next topic please...this weekend's upcoming MRL games perhaps? It seems everyone is in IL

Anonymous said...

Next topic please...this weekend's upcoming MRL games perhaps? It seems everyone is in IL

Anonymous said...

12:59, that makes zero sense considering that Illinois plays HS soccer in the fall

Anonymous said...

I wish USSF would have granted Development Academy status to SSM and MTA so the "soccer experts" in Minnesota would realize how ridiculous the constant arguing over MRL, State Cup etc is...It is such a small grain of sand in the overall youth soccer landscape...please people try and keep your comments positive and get to an Academy Showcase if you want to see how the future of elite youth soccer looks. Nobody cares about the Minnesota State Cup champs..

Anonymous said...

10:12 you are retarded. I have first hand knowledge from a parent of a 1st team player. His son was at an academy training/scrimmage event this past weekend, with most of his teammates. Few, if any of the 1st team players are playing MRL. Nobody is denying the result. Nobody is denying that 1 or more 1st team players could have played in the game. Don't over-glorify the win. As 4:32 stated, the landscape of competative youth soccer has changed with the academy system. Many top teams and players do not bother with MRL.

10:12 your an idiot too. Go read the rules for MRL team placement.

Everyone already knows that Shekki is a racist idiot as well.

The good news for SCV is that Regionals gets 2 wildcard from MRL. Even if they drop another game , they still have a chance as some 1st place MRL premier teams will win their respective state cups. Congrats to SCV.

You can't put the VLY win in the same category as the SCV MRL performance. VLY beat a good team, congratualtions. SCV has had consistent success a division up.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:32.
Maybe a small grain of sand...
But how , without MRL, State Cup / Regions etc will the almighty Academy build a reputation?
They have to get their press and record from somewhere.
Without a "winning record" no one is going to take them seriously.
ANd that takes a several years to attain.

Anonymous said...

Haha academy is all college coaches are watching now besides major tournaments like Dallas Cup, Disney Showcase, Final Four Showcase....which many academy teams are in.... the only other thing college coaches watch would be the national championships they honestly don't care much about state or regionals anymore-or even odp...

Anonymous said...

anon 9:33...although I don't think I would have said with your tone, what you have said is basically correct...State Cup is now a second-tier event...that is just the reality of how youth soccer has evolved for the better player

Anonymous said...

Too many of us saw your posts and knew your intent and knew who the racism was directed at.
Don't give us that BS about someone else posting under your name.
You're not welcome here. Just go away.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Shekki's true colors came out last year. He should just continue posting under the anonymous moniker like he's been doing, doing that is until state cup and MTA glory lured him clear of the rock he was hiding under.

Anonymous said...

A few of us bloggers who coach HS and club teams get together for a few beers about once a month.
During the Shekki rants last year we were able to determine Shekki's club and even narrowed it down to the 2 teams that he may have been involved with. We are about 99% certain which of those 2 teams is his.
The true depth of the hate and vitriol went much deeper than his racist rants on this blog.
If you only knew the lengths he went to in his attempts to undermine minority players it would make you sick.
He isn't near as anonymous as he thinks he is...

Anonymous said...

From IMS

That is a great letter, spoken from the heart I feel.

It’s truly unbelievable the negative response that many club officials I’ve spoken with have towards MN pro soccer now that the organization houses a youth academy. Though I call many of these people friends, their lack of understanding coupled with MYSA’s blatant denial of the Thunder existence of late has put our state at a crossroads that could lead to the end of pro soccer in this state.

What baffles me when talking to many paid coaching directors is that they bash the Thunder for not being a “true” pro team (for whatever reason) and for initiating a youth system that lures players away from local community clubs. Yet most of these coaching directors make a living in this state BECAUSE pro soccer has been around for 18 years or so and has had a positive impact on our young players and the overall interest of the game in MN. People at Shattuck bash the Thunder, yet Shattuck has a program led by people brought to MN through the Thunder.

It comes from the so-called “top”. MYSA’s leadership is suspect, vindictive, and stubborn. The majority of the MN soccer community looks at MYSA as the end all be all of soccer knowledge in this state and the MYSA leadership abuses this power of suggestion. The same goes for local community club volunteer presidents/board members and paid coaching directors. They are the gatekeepers of information to the masses and have the ability to turn their membership against the pro team through the propagation of misinformation and bias.

I ask IMS to dig for the truth. Call out these people at MYSA and within our local soccer club system. The questions to ask are simple.

1 - Do you believe professional soccer is beneficial to the promotion and growth of the youth game in our state?

2 - Do you believe that parents and players should have the right to pursue any development option they choose?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then there is absolutely no non-self-serving reason to not support the Thunder. Period. If the answer to either question is no, then one must question why these people in positions of power and soccer decision making for their members?

Pose the same questions to every single metro area club. Seek answers from coaching directors like Wayne Harrison (EP) and Ted Kroeten (Blackhawks) as to why they refuse to support pro soccer in this state. Talk to club presidents and board members at Mpls United and PSA and ask why they’ve continued to propagate misinformation and all out lies to their membership about the Thunder and about MTA. Talk to the Chan Chaska club president and ask why he didn’t renew his season tickets this year, having been a stout support of MN pro soccer until this point.

You might not get responses but no answers speak volumes in their own right.

Compile and publicize a list of all MYSA officials and affiliate clubs and their respective stances on the pro soccer/MTA issues. Everything is easy for them behind closed doors. It’s time to bring things to light and call people out for their true intentions; many of which I guarantee are selfish and self-serving in the end.

The MN soccer climate stints. Time to clear the air and IMS can do it.

The truth is out there.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just so you guys know, what is happening in MN about other clubs not backing and promoting the pro soccer, or highest level of soccer in MN isnt any different than other states with like setups. I know for a fact that clubs in the Des Moines area feel the same way about the Menace/PDL. ASC, WDMSC, JUSC, and even ISA, etc do not back Menace, nor do they promote it to the families of their clubs and state. I also know that it is felt the same way in Chicago. Magic and Sockers do not back the Fire since the Fire/MLS club started their own academy in Fire Jrs. So what MN is going thru is no differnt than other states.

The end story is sad, but so true.

Its all about the $.

Shekki Weewax said...

Give me a clue, please. I'd love to know who you think I am.

Love, Shekki

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