Tuesday, July 22, 2008

'08 MN D3 Soccer - MIAC, UMAC and UofM

OK the UofM men's team is club, but I had a request to include them in this years thread. I should also mention the growing talent level at UofM-Morris, who I believe are the only public men's D3 program in MN. The MIAC should be competative again. On the Men's side I will guess the top four will include Gustavus, Augsburg, St. Olaf and St. Thomas or St. Johns. Sorry, I don't know much about the ladies programs.


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Anonymous said...

Eau Claire in the WIAC and Wartburg in the IIAC did very well in the playoffs last year. Both teams had some local girls playing for them.

Anonymous said...

I beleive for the first time in a couple years, the MIAC (Men's) could be wide open. Gustavus is deep enough to replenish their graduated talent, Carleton returns many players on last year's championship sharing squad, Augsburg looses a few yet returns a core talent of players, St. Olaf returns some players but lacks depth, St. Thomas and St. Johns lost their spine from last season yet still has the depth to produce winning teams. Macalester is this year's sleeper, I expect a top 4 finish for the Scots. Should be a great year to follow. I'm excited to see some MIAC soccer this fall.

3)Gustavus (tie)
3)Augsburg (tie)
5)St. Thomas
6)St. Johns
7)St. Olaf
11) St. Mary's

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Augsburg is picking up two D1 transfers, a MF and a striker.
If it's the 2 players I've heard I'll pick them to win MIAC.

Anonymous said...

With Eau Claire loosing key players to transfer/graduation and a new head coach at Wartbug it will be difficult for those teams to equal last years success. It will be intersting to see who they have picked up as incoming freshman or transfers themselves.

Anonymous said...

Augsburg will pick up a MF and D from UW-Milwaukee. Not sure about a striker.

Anonymous said...

UST and SJU - so much talent in their programs. If they only had coaches. UST wasn't half bad last season after one year of working with their new assistant (rumor has it he did most of the work).

Be interesting to see how GAC rebounds after graduating many. I agree Augsburg can be a contender, but we'll have to see if they get their results - they might need to start scoring. Carleton will fall off this year, it appears they are still riding high on last year's success... too high

Anonymous said...

UST assistant did all the work. Mackey is not really involved anymore...thus their success. The guy was not a very good coach.

Anonymous said...

Jamesee will make the all Universe Team... the kid is God at soccer. Augsburg

Anonymous said...

If you say so...

Top MIAC players this year:

Bobby Philips - Car
Robert Carlton - Car
Brian Tenhor - Car
Jason Daly - SJU
Chris Schultz - SJU
Levi Lowell - SJU
Tyler Kodet - SJU
Tommy Jungwirth - UST
Reid Moser-B - UST
Carson Gorecki - Mac
Mike Samuelson - Mac
Alex Hildebrant - AUG
James See - AUG
Matt Carlson - AUG
Fraser Horton - GAC
Flynn Stweard-Franzen - GAC
John Zietlow - STO

Not many players at Bethel, Hamline or St. Mary's. Don't know much about Concordia.

Anonymous said...

Yeah James See made the list... I knew you would agree

Anonymous said...

Van Hong - Augsburg

Anonymous said...

Van Hong at Augsburg? He is great. Great pick up for them.

GAC get any transfers this year??

Anonymous said...

Fraser Horton will be a top player in the MIAC this year.

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that Ben Wexler will also be transferring to Augsburg from Providence.
Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

Anonymous said...

Top player in the MIAC will be Carson Gorecki.

Anonymous said...

Bex Wexler is returning to Providence.

Anonymous said...

Matt Carlson is not playing at Augsburg...but they return their all-american GK who missed last year due to injury

Anonymous said...

Yawn...what were we talking about again?

Anonymous said...

Predictions -

1. GAC - Spine too much for the others (Horton, VanderStreet, Malmquist, Stewart-Franzen, Strom)...and the others will play their roles well like any Gustavus team
2. AUG - will be fun to watch with high quality players, but I don't think they have the attitude to actually win
3. STO - any team with John Zietlow is dangerous - and as bad as the Oles are in the back, he will carry them
4. SJU - the most talented group of players - especially seniors like Schultz, Lowell, Kodet, and Daily. Why won't they win it all? You know the answer.
5. CAR - Robert Carlton assures the Knights they will be in any game. Phillips can score, but the loss of Grassman will be too much for this group to repeat...life is about ups and downs
6. UST - led by a sophomore, this underachieving group will continue to do what it does best - disappoint. Stillwell, Jungwirth, Gikling and gang will self-destruct once again
7. MAC - could be much higher than this...I am not thrilled with picking them this low, but they really only have Gorecki and Rocke. Carson can change a game, no question - but the rest of this group is younger and pretty average. Fan support and schedule will make them look good.
8. CON - rapid improvement on the north side...look for Dahl and Patselov to make their mark on the quality of play behind Foss and the Italian Riboli. Assume there will be another strong recruiting class.
9. HAM - Pipers will continue the downward swing. Lukas and Warhol cannot carry a team, especially one that will struggle getting them the ball in dangerous places. Goalkeeping could be a big issue depending on what is coming in.
10. BET - Better than last year, but still bad. Johnson will be solid in the center defense, but if the Royals rely on kids like Andreas Scott and Brandon Peplinksi to score goals it's not gonna happen. They scored 12 and gave up 48 last year...that number will tighten, but not by much.
11. SMU - they will remain the punching bag of the conference...new field should bring a new energy to the team, but not quality. 0-10 last year, scoring 19 total goals overall (7 of those were penalty kicks)...not much different in 2008.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the predictions and scouting report 11:45! An enjoyable and thoughtful post!

Anonymous said...

How about the D2 scene? Any predictions with the movement of teams into the NSIC? Tomass?

Anonymous said...

It's funny how Zietlow and Gorecki can be world beaters in MIAC, while during the summer they're tucked away in the back pocket by MASL opponents

Anonymous said...

anon 8:48,
It's all about the talent surrounding them.
Zietlow and Gorecki are top notch players. Their MASL teams leave much to be desired.

Anonymous said...

Most coaches don't know how to build a team around an elite player.It's easier to play boot ball.

Anonymous said...

Any good freshmen coming in?

Anonymous said...

MASL is far superior to MIAC technically. Most of these stars do well in MIAC because the league is all about athletic ability and the wing ding kick it to the corners style of play. The MASL is a lot more possession oriented and therefore requires better technical skills to be a star in.

Anonymous said...

MIAC boys are still boys. MASL is for men. While fat and out of shape, many MASL players have old-man strength and speed and composure. And yes, MASL is generally better. Most MASL teams on a good night (when their more fit players show up) would take it to the MIAC teams. With time, Zietlow and Gorecki can be top players in the MASL - when they develop old-man skills. The core of the MASL D1 is made up of above average MIAC players and other former collegiate players.

Anonymous said...

U of M club can kick the crap out of any MN college team.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We will find out this fall when they play St. John's, Gustavus, Augsburg, Hamline, etc...I have to believe that statement is a bit far fetched (based on historical results). Also, please remember - when U of M club team plays the MIAC teams, typically it is during pre-season when the MIAC is using its top players sparingly.

Anonymous said...

I went 2-0 against the UofM in my 4 years of MIAC play. They weren't impressive when I played within the last 10 years. One star player can make a huge difference though.

Anonymous said...

Then you must be from St. Thomas. Nobody else has beat the U of M 2 times in the past 4 years. They were 6-1-1 last year agaist MIAC teams. They were outplayed in the tie against Gustavus, but outplayed St. Thomas in the loss. The biggest problem they have is lack of fitness (and some play games hung-over.) Player for player, they are better than most MIAC team.

I strongly disagree with the yahoo who things the MASL is better thatn the MIAC. There are a couple of MASL teams that can give MIAC teams a good game, but playing in games that mattter, the top 2/3 of the MIAC would be top finishers in the MASL.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget that when the UofM plays the MIAC, they are playing 6 games in 8 days. They are also in pre-season. They are also playing 24 players to figure out who makes the gold team.

Anonymous said...

MASL is without a doubt a better league and you would be crazy to think otherwise. MIAC teams would only be able to compete because of their youth and fitness so I guess it's kind of hard to compare the two because they are both very different styles. Talent-wise the MASL is better but MIAC has a better fitness level. There are a good number of d3 players who make a solid core of MASL, however, even the best of the MIAC look average in MASL... but hey they're young and have time to improve.

Anonymous said...

The Sambas D1 MASL team is for all practical purposes the St John's soccer team.
They had a tough year in D1 this summer.
Kinda tells me the top teams in MASL D1 are a cut above the caliber of play in MIAC.

Anonymous said...

I dont think it is fair to compare the UofM club to D3, the MASL to the MIAC, or for that matter D1 soccer to D3. These sort of interleague discussions come up often enough and the fact of the matter is that you are comparing apples to oranges in every case. MASL is where competitive soccer players go to die. D3 college guys who play in those leagues are doing so in the summer to maintain a level of fitness and get some games in as preperation for the fall. Not to mention they are balancing their summer job etc. When D1 teams play D3 teams and lose it is always in the spring season and everyone makes a big deal out of it. Disregarding the fact that the D1 team is likely taking a look at some guys for next year and the d3 guys are playing in the game of the lives. The UofM club is precisely that...a club. When they play against MIAC teams in PRESEASON the MIAC are trying to look at guys and find their identity as a squad. Meanwhile, the UofM club guys are fighting like hell to legitimize their program.

NONE can be compared until they are all playing in the midst of their season for something that they all value...which will never happen. So let it go guys.


Anonymous said...

UofM is in it's preseason as well, and as the guy mentioned earlier they're also trying out players during those games.

If i was a MIAC coach, seeing the fact that the UofM club consistenly dispatches my team and others from my league by hefty margins, I would be a little fed up and roll my supposed "A" team out wouldn't I? it just doesn't make sense. UofM has just as many excuses as the MIAC does. UofM is just flat out better because they have a bigger talent pool.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sam.

I played for a top 5 MIAC team and a top 5 MASL team at the same time. Both leagues are solid and both teams were good.

My MASL team would have handed it to my MIAC team.

Apples to Oranges. A lot of it has to do with fitness and attendance. You never know which crop of players will show up for your MASL games.

The MASL league champ would destroy the MIAC league champ. No question and no offense. They're just older...and better.

Anonymous said...

TCF against Gustavus. Interesting. I would take Gustavus. 2-1.

Anonymous said...

Augsburg recruited David Scheller(Maple Grove) and Peter Loyd(Armstrong) this year..two very solid players..

Anonymous said...

gac gets a solid player with his teammates going to ust along with the valley boy

Anonymous said...

Training starts today for most of the teams - Monday for the others...any word from any of the camps? Injuries? New players? Can't wait for this season!!!

Anonymous said...

UofM 2 SJU 1

Anonymous said...

Inferno vs. Augsburg tonight at Augsburg...

Anonymous said...

Womens Soccer:
Gophers VS No Iowa Friday 7PM.
‘Kicks for the Cure’ (breast cancer awareness) event.
1 $ tickets.
Gophers wearing pink jerseys!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a great cause - thought this was a Div. 3 site...

Inferno 1-0 over Augsburg last night. One player for Augsburg collapsed and was taken in ambulance with a few minutes left in the game. Not sure what happened - looked like a seizure or something?

Anonymous said...

LOL did someone just report a friendly score?

Anonymous said...

21/8/08 3:04- why is that so funny?

A seizure? sounds awful. How many guys did augsburg use? Any quality in that group?

Anonymous said...

They used 25 players or so...maybe 30. There were two subs ready to go on when the player went down. Turns out he fainted and then his airway closed due to the way he fell - it was scary, but he is OK now which is great news. Not sure he will play again, but at least he is alive.

The quality I thought was really strong - both sides played really technical soccer - no smashing the ball up the field, etc.

Anonymous said...

UST has a young team but the most talented in the miac. A strong defense including captain reid moser-bliel, an extremely talented midfieldrong with d1 transfer tommy jungwirth and extremely strong eliot amundson, and forwards that can change a game in an instant including d1 transfer jon stillwell and the best freshman in the miac mike hutton. This team has enough leaders to keep the team intact and has the ability to not only win the miac but go much further.

Anonymous said...

As for UST - about the only thing I agree with there is Mike Hutton will be the most talented freshman in the league. Reid looks to be playing in central midfield (sophomore captain might explain some leadership issues with upper classman, yes?). Tommy is good, Eliot must be your son since he only played in 6 games (limited minutes) as a freshman and I have never even heard of him (Trinity?), and Stillwell may not see the field all that much. His ability to waste his talent is incredible and frustrating for the great coaching staff at UST. (no sarcasm there...)

As for winning the MIAC - the last time a St. Thomas team won the conference was in 1995 - 13 years ago. You name the bet, and I will take it. No chance for them to win this year, either.

Anonymous said...

sheller and lloyd have the ability to shut down hutton as well as egelseder from gac. ive seen it before so that whole statement from 11:26 is false...

Anonymous said...

sheller and loyd do not have the ability to shut down hutton for an entire game . . . maybe for a half or so, but hutton has more athletic ability than anyone i've seen and will score well over 10 goals as a freshmen

Anonymous said...

im excited to see augsburg play - if they can stay healthy they will be tough to beat. augsburg -gustavus will be top 2

Anonymous said...

augsburg? they are solid in the back and the midfield but they have NO ONE up top...their "top" forward coming back from last year had three goals. every MIAC champ the last few years has had a top notch goal scorer. that being said, i would have to say that gac, sju, ust, or carleton have a much better chance in what looks to be a crowded field.

Anonymous said...

seems UST had a strong weekend. Early to tell what the seasn will bring.

Few players to watch. Hutton of course and freshman Daley. Speed is amazing.

Anonymous said...

UST looked pretty solid this weekend. Some flaky moments with out of position and not so solid passes... however when they connected they meant business.

Anonymous said...

Heard Carson Gorecki is out for a while with a broken foot for MAC...that is a HUGE loss for them to begin the season. It sounds like he will be back in October, though.

Anonymous said...

UST beat the Gopher-men 1-0 but were outplayed. The Gopher-men are missing 4 or 5 starters who will not be back until school starts. They have had some strange result while playing 20-25 players per game (I understand the MIAC teams are looking at players as well.)

St. Johns 1 Gopher-men 2
Carlton 2 Gopher-men 0
Macalster 2 Gopher-men 0
Gopher-man 2 Gustavus 1
St. Thomas 1 Gopher-men 0

I think the Gopher-man play Augsburg later in the week also.

Anonymous said...

Those games are scrimmages. You can't really draw anything from those scrimmages. When I played in the MIAC, playing the Gophers was a nice day to play 20 minutes and get some rest.

UST has always brought in the D1 transfers. I assume their results will be the same. UST will always be in the middle of the pack, despite their high profile players and large student body.

Anonymous said...

Augsurg 3 - Gopher Men 1. Gophers looked weaker than in the past. Looked like Augsburg played 15 players the for the first 60-70 minutes (leading 3-0). Gophers grabbed one back with 5 minutes to play.

Anonymous said...

Also saw the scrimmage last night - Augsburg looked like the real deal. They are still missing a scoring threat (hard to say that when they scored 3), but the rest of the team is solid - and deep. Should make for an interesting year in the MIAC.

Anonymous said...

It's always interesting in the MIAC. This year won't be any different. Look at how much the landscape has changed in recent years with Augsburg, Carleton and Hamline moving up the standing.

Who would have ever thunk it?

Anonymous said...

Augsburg did look good. Also saw St. Johns and Carleton. Based on those games Augsburg did take another step forward. I think they may struggle scoring goals consistently, but their attack did look more dyamic this year.

I talked to some U players after the game and they have not had 4-6 starters(international/other state players). Sounds like they may be as strong as last year when those players come back for the start of school.

Anonymous said...

Season Preview is up with Poll: http://www.miac-online.org/News/msoc/2008/8/28/mscocprev08.asp?path=msoc

Anonymous said...

how did the games all go today? any stand-out players or hat tricks or anything???

Anonymous said...

GAC gets crushed today 4-0 but even on shots with 9 a piece vs. Whitworth. The Gusties beat PLU 1-0 the day prior.

AUG ties lowly Simpson 0-0, then beats Central 2-1 (a good win for the MIAC)

STO gets hammered by Colorado College 4-1, then beats Lake Forest 2-1.

CAR drops Lawrence 3-1

UST hammers Northwestern 3-0

Johnnies beat Wartburg 2-0 (great win for MIAC) and Univ of Mary 6-0.

Cobbers fall to Wartburg 2-1, then beat Univ. of Mary 2-0

HAM drops one to St. Scholastica (international roster) 3-1

SMU loses big to Morris 5-1, then beats Presentation 3-2

BET gets a win over Bethany Lutheran 2-1

MAC scrapes by Ripon 2-1, then takes Lawrence to OT and wins on PK 1-0 (questionable call - foul was out of box and Rocke was not going to score).

Decent weekend for the MIAC overall - good start to help get multiple teams in NCAA.

Anonymous said...

ust hammering northwestern is a huge overstatement. UST scored the first goal off a pk which drew a red card. the rest of the game was fairly even with the other two goals coming off counters

Anonymous said...

Wow - is Northwestern good, or was UST not sharp?

Anonymous said...

UST did not look sharp. Their midfield play and defense was especially poor. However, their goalkeeper bailed them out on a couple of occasions...On a side note, Mike Hutton looks like the real deal.

Anonymous said...

Hutton is the real deal...

Anonymous said...

UST coaching leaves a lot to be desired...they have a lot of talent.

Anonymous said...

i saw that carleton won two easy games so far. any chance they can repeat? i heard they only lost about three or four players from last year.

also, there is a freshman that has four of their six goals. anybody know the guy? tim wills from portland oregon?

Anonymous said...

Northwestern just had Hamline in 2OT...Pipers win 3-2 after scoring to tie with 30 seconds left in regulation. Maybe St. Thomas's win was better than we thought. Is Northwestern good now?

Looks like the UMAC is catching up to the MIAC. Augsburg barley beat Morris 2-1 yesterday and Crown beat Bethel 4-3.

Anonymous said...

is whitworth the real deal? or is gac off to a poor start?

Anonymous said...

GAC/Whitworth game was MUCH closer than the box score shows. Shots were even yes, but Whitworth capitalized on their chances...GAC will be strong again this year...very strong.

Anonymous said...

anybody know much about platteville? i saw carleton shut them out and i think platteville had previously tied loras college who is ranked in the top five in the country.

Anonymous said...

st. thomas stomps simpson 3-0 in a dominant UST performance.

Anonymous said...

is you are serious about d3 soccer you should check out the forums at www.d3kicks.com

Anonymous said...

When Hutton was off the field, Tommies were under attack by Simpson. He is a BIG time differene maker.

Anonymous said...

ust beats oberlin 3-2 in ot on a great goal by andy gikling. the tommies were extremely strong in the first half and then fell off and got killed in the 2nd... however, they regained control in ot and finished off a great win... good stuff ust.

Anonymous said...

anyone else getting sick of ust??

Anonymous said...

Predictions for MIAC opening week!!! The real stuff begins now:

Wednesday Games:
Bethel 1-2 Hamline
St. Thomas 3-2 St. John's
Concordia 1-2 Augsburg
Macalester 0-2 Carleton

Saturday Games:
St. Thomas 5-0 Bethel
Hamline 0-1 Augsburg
St. Olaf 3-1 St. Mary's

Sunday Games:
Concordia 0-2 Gustavus
St. John's 1-1 Carleton

Any other thoughts? A few non-conference games as well that will be important for NCAA bids - Wartburg vs. Macalester and St. Thomas vs. St. Scholastica

Anonymous said...

St John's manages to score in the 60th minute vs St. Scholastica for a 1-0 win.

Anonymous said...

i disagree with the bethel scores. hamlines not very strong this year, and ust wont be able to score 8 goals in 2 games.... not gonna happen

Anonymous said...

I do not think carleton will shut out macalester. this game will be better than most think. Carleton is missing their best defender who is still a few weeks away from returning from a broken ankle/leg. Although they have only surrendered one goal to date, they have only been challenged by one team.

Anonymous said...

Carleton has yet to play a good team - maybe that's why not having Robert Carlton hasn't hurt. I agree, MAC could challenge, but only because it is at MAC. MAC is 4-0, too, but like the Knights, they haven't played anyone.

When will Robert return?

Can the Cobbers knock off Augsburg up on thier postage stamp? They are 3-1 for the first time in ages...

Anonymous said...

Let the games begin! All eyes on St. Thomas vs. St. Johns. STU is certainly the favorite with a strong start against quality opponents, and St. Johns have not been as dominant as expected against some weaker UMAC teams. Still, St. John's has a strong stable lineup for 2008, and a strong win against Warburg to start the year.

Anonymous said...

Augsburg will be missing their Soph mid--Bowman. Might be out for the season. Don't know why.

Burn89 said...

I'll be in attendance for the SJU STU game. Predicting a 2-1 win for SJU in a very physical one. As well as looking forward to seeing how much talent each coaching staff can waste as they do year in year out.

That being said,

Wednesday Games:
Bethel 1-2 Hamline
St. Thomas 1-2 St. John's
Concordia 0-1 Augsburg
Macalester 1-1 Carleton

Saturday Games:
St. Thomas 3-0 Bethel
Hamline 0-2 Augsburg
St. Olaf 4-0 St. Mary's

Sunday Games:
Concordia 0-3 Gustavus
St. John's 2-1 Carleton

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. Those 2 schools have historically been poorly coached.
It's even more glaring these days since many of the other MIAC schools have hired coaches who actually understand the game.

Anonymous said...

Bowman (Augsburg) out for year or his career with a heart condition. He collapsed on the field early in the preseason. He had, or will have, heart surgery. Scary stuff - big loss for Augsburg. This was already posted on D3kicks.com

Anonymous said...

st. thomas 2-1 over st. johns

Anonymous said...

Bowman is out of surgery (had it this morning) - it went as good as it could have gone! He will make a full recovery and be able to play soccer again in the near future.

Anonymous said...

predictions for the weekend..anyone?!

Anonymous said...

UST over BET 4-0
AUG over HAM 3-0
STO over SMU 3-1
Wartburg over MAC 2-1
GAC over CON 2-0
CAR tie SJU 1-1

St. Scholastica over St. Thomas on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear about Bowman. thats great news!

Anonymous said...

anon 10:01.... UST took Scholastica to town. they gave up a shit goal after like 3 minutes in, but after that they took over and scored 3 goals and kept all the posession

Anonymous said...

carleton beats st johns 3-2 in OT.

Anonymous said...

like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like.

Anonymous said...

augsburg ust predictions? i have ust slipping through 2-1 with augsburg scoring on a free kick and dominating possession but the tommies using their speed up top with counter attacks

Anonymous said...

St Johns has so much talent on the field but they have really struggled the last 3 years.
For some reason they just can't put it all together against other quality sides.

Anonymous said...

augsburg vs. ust will be a good one to watch. st thomas has started most of its games strong and faded throughout (it seems to be a lack of stamina everywhere from forwards to defenders), so we'll see if they can put together a full game for that one. augsburg will definitley have the more possession of the two sides, but they can never score... this games a biggie

Anonymous said...

I wonder why everyone seems to agree that St. Johns has all of these exceptional players? Is it based on High School Success? Or summer MASL? I watched them play St. Thomas, and STU clearly had the best 2-3 pure SOCCER players on the field.

St. John's plays some guys in the middle of the field that show a lot of heart, but they also seem a step slower than most MIAC midfielders.

But these guys have got to have the TOUGHEST schedule starting MIAC with STU, CAR, and then GUS. Wow. It will be a real stretch to make the playoffs starting 0-3 with STO and MAC and AUG still to come.

Marqueis Gray's Tutor said...

I agree about St. Thomas having better pure players.

But I think most people are in agreement that they (St. Johns) waste potential talent year in year out. This was more the case from 2000-2006 but is still relevant in the past few years. Having a coach that knows nothing about the game does not help develop players. He is a joke and should stick to swimming. I think that was what Burn89 was getting at.

On a side note, I really hope the UMAC or whatever it is does not get a bid to nationals in the upcoming seasons as rumored. Not a quality conference. Yes they have made strides recently (Morris) but even they would get shelled 5-0 or worse if they played in the dance. Beating the whipping boys of the MIAC is nothing to be proud of. Maybe some day UMAC, but hopefully not in this decade.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:48,
St Johns has a few very good soccer players. Jason Daly and Levi Lowell come to mind immediately and stack up with any of the STU players.
I do agree with you however when it comes to midfield play.
This is an area that SJU has struggled with forever. I don't think their coach understands and appreciates good midfield play and fails to recruit strong middies for this reason.
When I watch SJU this is always their downfall. So little goes through the middle and because of that their offense is totally predicatable.
At this point it looks like the top 4 in MIAC will be STU, CAR, AUG and STO not necessarily in that order.

Anonymous said...

What about GAC? They are now ranked in the top 25 - how can they be out of the playoff picture?

STO might be scoring goals, but have yet to earn a quality win. Only good opponent crushed them 4-1.

Huge game Wednesday in St. Paul - UST vs. AUG. Winner is in a strong spot for regular season title - tie makes it even more interesting - and loser is still in good shape for playoff run.

And SJU fans, don't forget about Tyler Kodet...they have the quality, but if GAC beats them Saturday, they are 0-3 and dead in the water.

Anonymous said...

SJU will beat GAC this Saturday.
GAC graduated too much talent to hang with SJU's athletes.
Not even Haws can screw this game up if he just lets the guys play.

Anonymous said...

Some picks to start a conversation. Game of the week has to be STU vs AUG on Wed.

St. Thomas 2 Augsburg 1
St. Olaf 1 Wartburg 3
Macalester 2 Bethel 0
Gustavus 1 Saint John's 2
St. Olaf 2 Macalester 2
Buena Vista 0 St. Thomas 4
Saint Mary's 0 Hamline 2

Anonymous said...

SJU falls 3-0 to Morris. Wow. I know that the bloggers in this forum don't like the coaches, but there has to be more to it.

I saw part of the game on the UofM, Morris WEB feed tonight. Looks like Coach Haws is going back to shuffling the line up again which might be needed, but it sure makes them look confused.

Their two best players are Daly and Schultz, but that's the defense, and even the defense is getting beat on set plays.

Anonymous said...

jason daly and levi lowell stack up with any stu players? how about a reed moser-b???? hes a stud and is the rock for st thomas.

Anonymous said...

One prediction for the only game that matters - AUG over UST 2-1. Auggies can't keep Toms off the board, but actually finish a chance in the run of play to go with a set piece.

Morris over SJU is an embarassment for the MIAC. Morris is now 4-1 against the conference with wins over BET, HAM, SMU, and SJU...lone loss to AUG

Anonymous said...

Even more embarrassing for SJU is that 9 of 11 starters for UM Morris are from Minnesota high schools.
It's amazing that with all the talent at SJU they keep losing to teams with inferior talent but are more organized in how they play the game.
It must be frustrating for the SJU players .

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:02-
Have you compared the cost of SJU vs Morris?
Maybe the kids at MN don't want a heavy debt load after four years.
I'm not sure how PH is supposed to compete with affordable tuition elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

UST beats Augsburg 2-1. Any comments on UST and how the season ends for them?

Anonymous said...

UST looks very good and is my pick to win MIAC.
They have great athleticism and players who were strong club players from excellent teams/clubs and show the savvy that comes from playing high level regional competition.
The Hutton kid's speed and skills are special and he's giving defenses fits.
Yesterday's win over Augsburg was big as from what I've seen they are the top 2 teams from player 1-11.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday's game was a huge win for UST. Augsburg shut down Hutton and the other dangerous players, but gave up two bombs to the right back. Auggies scored on set piece as predicted above, but couldnt get anything of substance in the box.

UST has to be the favorite - Augsburg picked up two more bad injuries - season may be over for Keller and Sorensen. Will be interesting to see how they bounce back.

Anonymous said...

It will be a big week for the St. Olaf program with three tough games in a week. MAC / AUG / SJU in seven days. They had a great year in 2007, and they can sure score goals in the wide open games, but they have not played well against the better competition this year.

Anonymous said...

rumor has it that robert carlton will start practice today for carleton. when game ready, that should be a big lift for the knights. Probably not soon enough for the big tilt with St. Thomas next week. Any predictions?

Anonymous said...

Carleton has to win that game...and Gustavus has to beat St. John's this weekend if they want to repeat. Adding Robert will be a big boost for the Knights. Still - St. Thomas is too dangerous for them.

St. Olaf will drop 2-of-3 in that run mentioned above, defeating a lowly Macalester team.

Anonymous said...

carleton squeaks by concordia very unimpressively. look for carleton to fall from unbeaten ranks this week with probably two losses. st thomas looks like the real deal

Anonymous said...

agreed - I watched the game...could have been 4-0 CAR at the half, but Cobber GK made some good kick saves. CAR does well to get players in behind the defense, but they were boring to watch overall. Staunch in defense, but the Tommies will eat them up.

Anonymous said...

My predictions:

1. Tommies
2. Oles
3. Gusties
4. Carls
5. Auggies
6. Johnnies
7. Scots
8. Pipers
9. Cobbers
10. Royals
11. Marys

Top 4 in a crapshoot in the playoffs. I predict a Northfield border battle in the final.

Anonymous said...

oles at the 2 spot? wow... my top 5 would be...
1. GAC
2. UST
3. AUG
4. CAR
5. ur Oles
I still think UST will fade. Augsburg and SJu shut there hutton down and the back 3 are all sophomores (mader, white, moser-b). I don't care if one is the captain... Just c them fading. And GAC may be weaker this year than normal but has the spine and attitude to win it all.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why on the D3kicks website I can't get the rankings to show?

Anonymous said...

What's going on at St Johns? GAC rips them 3-0 after GAC graduates a load of senior starters. SJU is loaded with seniors and most were thinking they would be tough to beat this season.

Anonymous said...

Being a senior is different than being a good senior.

Anonymous said...

d3kicks rankings have not been updated this year at all. The forum is alive and well, particularly the west (miac) threads. Lots of smart people. Not like the hs threads on here...

Anonymous said...

does anybody know if robert carlton will be back any time soon for carleton?

Anonymous said...

i think i read on d3kicks that he is training again.

Anonymous said...

predictions for this weeks games?

Anonymous said...

I saw this video this AM and thought I would share it.


Take a look at this video (right side of page) on Augsburg's Matt Bowman. Best of luck on a continued (and speedy) recovery.

Anonymous said...

Augsburg's win last night was impressive - at least the score was. Great piece on Bowman.

Predictions for today:

I am hoping Carleton can take a point or two off of St. Thomas and then Carleton takes one or two from GAC this weekend...then it is back to being wide open! Right now, the Toms and Gusties are in control.

Anonymous said...

CAR-5 ST Thomas - 1 with 30 minutes left

Anonymous said...

CAR-5 and ST Thomas-1 final score. Carleton finally finished a few opportunities.

Anonymous said...

Shocking! St. Thomas goes on the road and things change. 7-0 at home and a road win at Buena Vista (bad program) precede a massive loss on the road. Box score looks about even, but the game was nothing close to even. Carleton from start to finish outclassed the Toms.

Now - how will they respond this weekend in WI? Carroll is average, and Whitewater is usually strong but down a little this year.

Anonymous said...

outplayed, yes.

out classed? no

st thomas didnt take any cheap yellow and weren't hacking or anything. dont take away from st thomas's class in the game

Anonymous said...

give credit where credit is due......UST has done plenty well this season, why is it when they win the other team is a poor program and when they get beat (once this season I must add), they were out classed???? UST will do well this weekend, not because the other teams have poor programs or because the other programs have more class, but simply because UST is a classy, hard working talented program that like any and all other teams have bad and good days.

Anonymous said...

"outclassed" is simply a term that is commonly used by European football broadcasters. It's heard all the time while watching EPL, La Liga, etc. games. Tommy Smyth loves the term.

It has nothing to do with classiness. Chill out, bro.

I think we can all agree that the MIAC, while physical, is in general a classy group with the majority of the players being Minnesota Nice.

When it comes to losing 5-1, that is simply being outclassed...errr outplayed...same difference.

Anonymous said...

St. Thomas did in-fact take a few cheap yellows and were outclassed. The defender with the long hair (#7 I think) got one for arguing with the ref, a midfielder got one after a player ran by him and he just took a swing. The St. Thomas players were continually whining and complaining at each other and the ref all game. They were definitely outclassed.

Anonymous said...

So they were outclassed and outclassed. In my day, St. Thomas probably had the least class in the conference, which always made those victories sweeter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So it looks like Carlton is for real now and playing like repeat league champs. I wrote them off after their early MIAC 0-0 tie wtih MAC, but now they have posted serious wins against GUS, UST, and SJU.

My MIAC playoff outlook:
1) CAR
2) UST -- they will start clicking again
3) GUS

Looks like AUG is the favorite for the all-important #4 spot, but they still have CAR, GUS, and SJU on the schedule. SJU posted a nice 3-0 win today at STO. SJU has three MIAC losses, but they have the toughest part of the schedule behind them.

There are some good "out of conference" games in the coming week, but no BIG MIAC games until Oct 11th with AUG vs. CAR. That should be a great one.

Anonymous said...

Great game between CAR and GAC. The primary difference was CAR finished well again on their opportunities and GUS did not. Run of play was pretty even.

Another point. Robert Carlton has not played yet. Probably a couple more weeks.

Anonymous said...

st. thomas lost to carrol 2-0 and was taken apart 10-1 by U of Wisconsin Whitewater. that is unbelievable. 10 goals?! 10 goals!?

10 goals...



Anonymous said...

10 goals! UST might want to rethink their goalie choice. And where was the defense???

Anonymous said...

10 goals! UST might want to rethink their goalie choice. And where was the defense???

Anonymous said...

you can't blame 10 goals on a goalie... unless they played without one.

Anonymous said...

i thought moser-bleil couldve been poy if thomas kept it up even as a sophomore. now def not, too bad to.

Anonymous said...

Are there any bloggers here who are not tied to St. Thomas? Let's talk about other things!! Ha Ha.

But now I have to add: UST didn't play their excellent starting Keeper in the 10-1 game. Colin White was sitting or hurt too. This was not a real game. Do not write off UST.

Anonymous said...

"not a real game"...? Really? Because I'm pretty sure it was a contest between two real teams, with real people, real referees, and apparently a lot of real goals. Two players do not make 10 goals difference.

Not a real game... what is wrong with you.

#21 ranked St. Thomas went to Wisconsin and got it handed to them on consecutive nights. 12-1 aggregate. I bet the bus ride home was pretty real.

Anonymous said...

and their 'real' gk played...that is a box score error. Castelon was in for the first 6 or 7.

Big game Oct. 8th at Augsburg when they host GAC...tough week for the Auggies - who btw used real players in real games vs. Oshkosh and Whitewater. Both ties.

Carleton is the favorite hands down. SJU is still alive, the 10-1 losers are still plenty healthy in the MIAC race (even though the self-implosion has officially started), GAC and AUG round out the top 5.

My choices:
1. CAR
2. AUG
3. GAC
4. UST

Anonymous said...

10 Goals? That has to be a typo. And against a ranked team?

That isn't good for the MIAC. You would think after 6 goals, a MIAC team could just get everyone behind the ball. The coach must have enjoyed seeing his players get pummeled.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe someone just said that the 10-1 lashing wasn't a "real game." Players should be ready to give it their all every time they step on the field, in training, scrimmages AND REAL GAMES.

Embarrassing for Minnesota soccer. Have some self respect.

Anonymous said...

Did they just roll over and quit?
Did anyone see this disaster and wish to comment on it?

Anonymous said...

it was all tommy jungwirths fault. Hes such a little child

Anonymous said...

new rankings have Carleton #8 in the NCAA III national poll. Make sense for a Minnesota team?

Anonymous said...

yes it does. they haven't lost a conference game in 2 years. plus they have a ton of talent....

Anonymous said...

I dont think #8 is realistic based on their actual quality, but it is based on their record thus far. I dont know what them being a minnesota team has to do with it. The MIAC is a good conference.

It is a big leap to go from being unranked to #8 in the country.

Anonymous said...

NSCAA has 8 regions...if you are #1 in your region, you have to be in top 8. If you are #2, then top 16, etc. Those rankings are not strong indicators of true rankings. They are simply some underinformed coaches trying to lobby their own teams into the NCAA tournament from a distance. The only rankings that matter are on the NCAA page and don't come out for two more weeks. Those are the real 'top' teams in the region.

Props to Carleton - they have an incredible streak going. Gustavus and Augsburg round out the NSCAA Regional poll this week...will be interesting to see how that changes in the next two weeks as well.

St. Thomas trips again today, drawing Hamline 0-0. They are a mess right now. Great coaching.

Marqueis Gray's Tutor said...

First off, in regards to UST 1-10 loss...

What a complete embarrassment for UST. Let this be a lesson to all the quality local players and transfers that end up at St Thomas -- you can do much better! Go to Gustavus, Carleton, or Augsburg. These teams have quality coaches that will not allow you to get stroked by 9 goals.

Seriously, 10-1??? No self respecting program gives up 10 goals. More than anything it shows a lack of heart by the coach, and to some extent the starters. I traced through the St Marys and Concordia websites and neither has lost by 9 goals to anyone in the last 5+ years.

I hope you all threw up in your mouths. May God have mercy on your souls.

They then go and get out shot by a less than average Hamline team and come away with a bad 1-1 draw.

UST is a joke, especially the coaches.

As far as Carleton goes...very overrated, they will crap themselves just like last year.

Marqueis Gray's Tutor said...

Oh, and I disagree with whoever it was that said UST has no class. The only player is Stillwell or w/e his name is. Kid has no class and is a punk who complains every other minute about calls. As well as taking cheap shots at his opponents. Outside of him their players seemed respectful to me.

Anonymous said...

I think the UST position is part-time, so they have a difficult time filling the position. Is that true?

I don't think MIAC players are selecting any of their schools for the coaching. I think they're going for the other things the schools offer. So rather than going to GAC, AUG or CAR for better coaching, go to the school that best fits you. UST is pretty cool. Big small school in a great location, good academics with a graduate program, etc.

Anonymous said...

i hate tommy junwirth! what a little cheapshot

Anonymous said...

MIAC-Mac falls to UMAC-St. Scholastica 0-3

Anonymous said...

To: Anony: 29/9/08 10:50 AM

Yes, I'm the low life who said that the St. Thomas 10-1 loss was not a "real" loss ( I used quotes). What I was trying to say was that it was not a MIAC loss which -- I thought -- this blog was focused on.

But you have educated me. I thank you for that.

10-1 is a terrible score, and I don't understand how it happens at this level of soccer. I get the impression from this blog that there are some "colorful" characters on both the roster and the coaching staff at UST. Someone in blogworld will certainly blame either or both. That's the way blogs work.

But the way Soccer works -- it's a recipe of talent and coaching. If two teams take the field and the talent is EVEN, coaching is critical.

But that rarely happens.

Coaching and talent must come together (with HEART) to have an interesting and successful team.

Back to reality: WHY did SJU need overtime to beat Bethel U today? Is SJU off with injuries? Or are they just not that good?

Keep that AUG match up in mind.


Anonymous said...

St John's is that bad. They have some talent but coaching there is horrid. It may be the one school in MIAC with worse head coach than UST.

Anonymous said...

The Tommie job is a dream job, but AM is just waiting for the AD to retire and he will be gone. I think it is part time, but things can change when you want to bring in someone who can actually do the job.

Marqueis Gray's Tutor said...

St. Johns wastes so much talent every year. Their coach should stick to swimming...

As far as UST goes I was not knocking the school, just the soccer aspect of it. The education is great and is a great place. I was simply saying I personally, would want to go to an equally strong school academic wise that also has a great soccer program.

UST tied Hamline this past week so I think we can officially say they are finished.

Carleton meanwhile jumps to #8 in the nation. Overrated? Yes. I do think they are a top 20 school. Once the actual NCAA rankings come out in a few weeks we should see them around 16-20 I'm guessing.

Anonymous said...

CAL-5 and BET-0. CAR holds serve anticipating next weeks game with AUG. Complete domination of the game.

Anonymous said...

UST-2 and CC-1. UST played better soccer than CC today. Will UST hang onto 2nd in MIAC? Shouldn't count them out just yet.

Anonymous said...

how can you say UST is finished? you aren't on the inside of whats going on around here and clearly dont know the players from the team. they work hard for each other and will get back to form. the team still stands among the top in the miac and hamline is a very underrated team. ust has a fairly soft schedule the rest of the way with olaf and gac being the only real tests along the rest of the way... by counting them out you are dead wrong.

Anonymous said...

I think the sentence reads, "shouldn't count them out just yet". This blog has been harsh towards UST and I was stating that they are in 2nd and hanging in so perhaps the harsh words towards UST aren't warranted.

Anonymous said...

Three words...ten to one.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:56
And let's forget the "UST has a terrible coach" talk.
Any MIAC team that can't sort themselves out on the field vs that kind of situation has something wrong.
Don't they have captains?
No excuse.
6 goals by 6 different players in the first 34 mintues ?
Even I, a soccer mom, have heard of packing the back to stop the bleeding.
That game exposed some kind of huge TEAM CHEMISTRY problem.

Anonymous said...

Since, you, as a soccer mom, know of the huge chemistry issue with UST, pls enlighten us all and do tell, perhaps your analysis and solution will reach the UST team and you will single handedly save them from themselves......LOL....are you for real???

the end will be the end and we ALL have to wait and see how the chapter ends.

One number.......2nd!

Anonymous said...

I played at UST a few years back...coaching is the problem. While UST may not be as deep/experienced this year, they clearly have the talent to be in the top 2 or 3. It is time for UST (and SJU) to move beyond their sub-par coaches. I don't think the Tommies are finished, but it will be an up hill battle with the poor leadership. If the guys work hard and want it bad enough, they will still find a way to get back on track.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else bored with all this UST talk? Why do people keep feeding into it?

... and it's easy to pick out the UST players posting. Kudos.

Anonymous said...

This will be the "SHOW" week for AUG with GUS and CAR on the schedule. I'm thinking 0-0 with GUS, but I don't think they can beat CAR.

Should be fun.

Anonymous said...

Carleton is ripe for an upset. They have won several big games lately, and that, coupled with what appears to be an overrated #8national ranking, spells an upset on Saturday to me.

Anonymous said...

looks like UST is back in form with a 3-2 win over nationally ranked Loras. Anybody see the game?

Anonymous said...

game coulda been 6-6. it was crazy. fight on the field, so it was an incredibly intense last 20 minutes of the game. great game from both teams!

Anonymous said...

as predicted AUG-1 and CAR-0. it was a great game. goal scored on a phenominal shot off a failed clearing attempt in first half. CAR had a ton of pressure in second half but could not put the ball in the back of the net.

Anonymous said...

Watched Aug - Car game on Car website (props to Car College)! Need to get more schools broadcasting games...

Good game - not a failed clearance, flicked on header in the box... then a jumping volley finish.

Car put on pressure in final 15-20 minutes, but Aug sat back. Credit to their back line, Car was not threatening at all. Aug broke everything up in back or middle 3rd. I think Car's nerves got to them.

Great goal, hopefully that's posted on youtube soon. Good win for Aug, hopefully they didn't just hand GAC the MIAC title...

Anonymous said...

check out Augsburg goal: http://www.youtube.com/user/AugsburgSoccer2008

Anonymous said...

does anybody know when the NCAA rankings come out, and if historically the MIAC ever gets an at-large bid?

Anonymous said...

The first of four weekly rankings comes out next week - Tuesday night I think.

Yes - MIAC has gotten an at-large bid in the past, and this year looks good. However, if a conference champion (Loras) gets upset in playoff it will be tough for the MIAC to get a 2nd team. Same could happen in the NWC if Whitman beats Whitworth in their second game.

As of now -it looks like they should get 2 teams in (maybe 3 if Chapman and Colorado College lose a few more games)

Anonymous said...

Is it just the quality of the YouTube video or is the grass on the Carleton field EPL quality? It looks like a fairway on YouTube.

Great finish in the box, garbage build up off a bad clearance.

Anonymous said...

Cool highlight video.

First they take all day to get the long, high school style throw-in into play to walking players.

Then the service from the flank is mis-hit.

Then the first touch pops up to his head and he desperately heads the ball on.

The sidevolley finish against a sleeping zone defense is very nice (defender probably wasn't expecting the ball to land on the strikers foot after that build up).

Not sure what 3:16 is watching.

Anonymous said...

Carleton dominated that game against Augsburg. Augsburg's defense was pretty solid but they had no quality offense other than their goal which was a shot that kid would miss 95% of the time. Unlucky result for Carleton.

Anonymous said...

What? I must have beenw atching a completely different game. Carleton was rarely threatening and augsburg had the possession like they always do. Carleton did press at times but never achieved anything that looked like domination . . . The Auggies deserved that game.

Anonymous said...

this years gonna be a very tough playoff game on both sides for whoever makes it, and predictions of the finish in the miac or playoff matchups?

Anonymous said...

this years gonna be a very tough playoff game on both sides for whoever makes it, and predictions of the finish in the miac or playoff matchups?

Anonymous said...

how do the national playoffs work and when do they start/end? start with 16 and the higher seed has home field? how often do they play and when is the championship? what is the farthest an MIAC team has advanced?

Anonymous said...

The amazing MIAC Auggies tie the underated UMAC Scholastica 1-1. Heard Holker was quite unhappy and possibly outcoached.

Anonymous said...

Bounce theory after huge win over Carleton. It happens at all level of sports.Fortunately for them it was nonconference. I would have bet my house on it.

Anonymous said...

holker was unhappy that his team after the biggest win of the year tied a shitty one? wierd i would have thought most coaches would have been alright with it...

Anonymous said...

wow, i think this year is going to be one of the best. Gustavus, St. thomas, and Carleton will win their remaining games and will all be within a point for the title coming down to the last game of the season Gustavus vs St. Thomas. Gustavus is looking really strong as usual and St. Thomas has found their rythm again winning their last 3 including nationally ranked Loras. can't wait

Anonymous said...

anybody comment on how national playoffs work?

Anonymous said...

The tournament is a 58 team single elimination format starting on November 12th and finishing on november 30th in Disney Land. Teams make the tournament in one of three ways- pool a, b, or c.
Pool is is automatic qualifiers like the MIAC conference tournament champion.
Pool B is teams that play an independent schedule like UWO, UWW, UWP...
Pool C is teams that did not recieve a pool a or pool b bid. This is where a 2nd miac team could possibly recieve a bid if their results and strength of schedule are determined to be up to par.

I dont know if the UMAC is considered independent since their conference does not have an aq. So UMAC schools are hoping for a pool c but maybe a pool b. Either way, it will be difficult for umm or css to get into the tournament because their conference is so awful and they play each team twice.

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