Tuesday, July 22, 2008

'08 MN Players @ D1 Programs

Minnesota has another large college freshmen class on the girls side heading to D1 program. The boys numbers were a little smaller this year, but they are represented by some very talented players. Which programs will improve this year? Will any MN player stand out as Granstrand (GK-Brown) did last year?


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Anonymous said...

We have a MN kid playing for the Irish?
That must be a lot of fun!!!
Several years ago one of the best MN HS players tried for several years to crack the roster at ND as a walk on.
Congrats to the Sutton kid.
Some of us have older boys who've moved on and out of high school / college soccer.
It's fun hearing about the next crop and how they are doing.
Thanks for the info anon 9:58 !!!

Anonymous said...

here is the ESPN Top 50 2009 Youth players and what college the players will be attending. I did not see any player attending the U, and I also noticed that there are 2 players from SSM on the list.


Anonymous said...

Try this link as well from Big Soccer.
See the Class of 2009 and 2010 Recruiting sticky

Anonymous said...

Holly Manthei (sp) played for the Irish and the US National team some years ago.

Anonymous said...

Mackenzie Misel, a 2010 from Iowa has verballed to Minnesota. She plays defender for West Des Moines SC.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice the Shattuck St Mary's player on UCLA?
Pretty impressive getting onto the field vs USC and on television.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the freshmen for representing Mn and have contributed significantly to their D1 teams!
Teal Bunbury Akron GP 16/GS 8 /6 goals/2 assists /12 pts
Colin Monasterio U of Wisconsin GP 14/GS 8/ goals 1/assists 2 /4 pts
Callum Mallace Marquette GP 15/GS 8
1 goal/1 assist/ 3 pts
Chris Sutton Notre Dame GP 3/GS 0
Marquette was knocked out of post season play while Notre Dame, Wisconsin and Akron will continue to play their conference championship tournaments and will also be shooting for an NCAA tournament bid! Well done!

Anonymous said...

socmom said...
Did anyone else notice the Shattuck St Mary's player on UCLA?
Pretty impressive getting onto the field vs USC and on television.

29/10/08 5:46 PM

Socmom..That player on UCLA this year from Iowa did not attend SSM, the Iowan from SSM is still there, She will be attending UCLA next Summer, she was also the one that played with Lightning this past summer.

Anonymous said...

Yep, my bad.
I've been getting WS and CC mixed up for several years running.
Didn't they once play for the same club in West Des Moines?
Thanks for the correction.
On this blog you don't want to err by giving SSM any more credit...

Anonymous said...

Iowa and Iowa State must not come North to recruit. Only 1 player from Minnesota on both rosters. Given the state of those programs perhaps they should.

Anonymous said...

No, CC has never played with WDM, she played with the current Menace U18 boys team U-11/14, then went with Eclipse then to SSM.

10s Dad (Mr CC)

As for Iowa and ISU recruiting from MN..They need something. The current ISU Keeper is from MN, Ann Gleason. Your forgetting that Drake recruits from MN thou.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for setting me straight Dad.
I thought she was one of the spunky blondes we once played vs a WDMSC team several years back.
Good luck to your #10.
We've had the opportunity to watch her progress at SSM.
She will have a lot of fun @ UCLA.
You all must be really excited !!!

Anonymous said...

10s Dad

Which D1 Program is the best out of Iowa? If a girl from Iowa wants to stay in-state, just based upon soccer where is she going to go?

Anonymous said...

Great ?..However, I myself like ISU better than Iowa. I like the Big-12 better than the Big-10.

ISU has a new coach, so the jury is out on her, however she has a very good resume. Coach Rainey is a good person, we visited the program at Iowa. Some of the things he told us didnt pan out but Im sure that is always true with recruiting. His goal is to win a Big-10 conference out right. It bothers me when Iowa plays bunker ball (iv seen it a few times Iv watched them play at home). At least ISU plays other teams straight up, win or loose.

The history thou for in-state girls are, they want to go to the Hawks. Pretty uniforms and I think the history from the football team. And for that reason I think Iowa will never be able to compete with the Penn State's of the conference. Not with a roster full of Iowa players. ISU has a super great soccer stadium, Iowa, I wouldnt call it a stadium at all. Its a field with bleachers away from the locker rooms etc. The players have to ride to the field after they get dressed on their scooters. However, Iowa City blows Ames away.

Both schools just seem that they cant recruit the best players in state to come play for them. Minnesota has done a good job recruiting Iowa, Hood, Clancey, Clark, Swartz and now Misel for 2010. I dont think there will be a 09 Iowan coming up to MN next year thou??

Some of the players to leave Iowa, Kerns playing at Florida, Sharpe at UCLA, the girls at Minnesota, Woolfe at KU (played with CS). Barber went to a Ivy, and a few others. Now, the girls that all went to Iowa, you cant even remember them because they really havent done anything there?

Hope this helps some...

10s Dad

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the local perspective/feedback. Drake seems to field solid teams for their level but Northern Iowa is down right terrible. Any thoughts on those programs?

Anonymous said...

Drake is kinda on the down slope, the head coach, Corbin Stone, resigned and went to the Idaho Rush as the DOC, his top asst got the job. Not sure if she is really head coach ready, Iv also been told that Drake has the lowest soccer budget in the MVC, which lead to Corbin leaving. With less scholarships and less $ to recruit, he just couldnt keep winning against the other conference teams.

UNI, the head coach there is resigning after this year, 1st year coach and she is quitting already. She is leaving to head down to Atlanta to work for the WPS. So UNI is going to be looking for a new coach for next year. Its a mess with that program.

10s Dad

Anonymous said...

Thanks 3:41...We are all very excited..Matter of fact, its 1/2 time right now on Fox Soccer Channel, UCLA v USC last week. Its going to be hard not to be at all home games...

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that all the neighboring states have more than one Division I program. I would assume that isn't going to change anytime soon either. I would guess that UMD or Mankato would be options to move up but they certainly aren't going to do it unless the other athletic programs move up also.

NDSU is a young squad with several Minnesota ladies on it and while they haven't had much success recently I think they are moving in the right direction. SDSU also has a solid program (with several Minnesota ladies) for their level with a 1-1-1 record against the Big Ten this year and another win over Iowa State.

Anonymous said...

In your opinion which conference is stronger? Big Ten or Big Twelve?

Do these conferences play basically the same style?



Anonymous said...

Wow...You have to be a potential All American to get free ride to UCLA. Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Soccer Buzz Rankings

10 Okla st
11 Tx a& m
13 Col
17 Tx
19 Minn
20 Penn st
24 Mizzou

Anonymous said...

Too bad the Gophers couldn't land the lady going to UCLA. How hard did MDW try to recruit her.

Anonymous said...

ACC and Pac 10 are the two strongest conferences by a wide margin. Big 10 is usually 3'rd or 4'th but not this year. Weakest conference has been in years.

Anonymous said...

Pac 10, ACC, Big East are the top 3conferences I think. With maybe the WCC coming in 4th with Portland and San Diego (Santa Clara is hit again this yr with injuries). I would rank the Big-12as 5th. Big 10 is way down this year. As for the question from Maria, I think the B12 is faster than the B10. Texas, A&M and Colorado are all doing real well getting in the better recruits.

I think this has to do with what region these schools are pulling out of as well.

I got this from the Score at the Shore dated 3-11-05..Ok here it goes..
These are State Funded Schools
Region 1 has 503 Roster Spots
Region 2 has 909 roster spots
Region 3 has 1323 roster spots
Region 4 has 912 roster spots
now, here are the kids from each region that are going to these colleges
Region 1 has 226 in state kids filling those 503 spots..227 out of state kids is a 44.9% in state
Region 2 has 475 in state and 434 out of state for a 52.3%
Region 3 has 524 in state and 799 out of state for a 39.6%
Region 4 has 559 instate and 353 out of state for a 61.3%.
These are just State Schools like most of the Big10.I have tables that break down alot more of this stuff as well.I will share just a few Region II Schools.
Illinois has 119 slots for players (18 players per team). 75 are from Instate and 44 are from out of state. Michigan has 121, 72 49
Ohio has 167, 120 47.
Now, you look at Cali, they have 369 slots, 324 instate kids stay and play for Cali team and only 45 out of state go to Cali. So Cali schools are recruiting Slammers, Surf, SoCal Blues etc. This also means that the Portlands, UCLA, Stanford are only recruiting the top players in the US outside of Region 4.

it also says that Cali state colleges have 90% of the players coming from within Cali. 10% higher than Texas and double from NC. and almost 80% higher than the natl average. In 2004 just 2% of roster slots at Cali State Schools went to players outside of Region 4. Four players came to Cali from Region 1, four from Region 2 and zero from Region 3. Of the eight, 4 went to UCLA. I wish I had some breakdowns of Iowa and MN, but I do not.

I hope this didnt confuse everyone..

10s Dad
ps. I have no life, I try to keep up on all the top recruits in the US and what schools are recruiting what players. Just a hobbie.

By the way, last nite Florida State tied UNC at UNC 2-2. FSU has about 3 former Eclipse players on that team. Swizter is a transfer from UCLA and is a Jr. Jess Price and Casey Short are both Freshman. FSU is going to be really good the next few yrs. Speed Kills.

Anonymous said...

I belive FSU recruits globally. Anybody know if that's true?

Anonymous said...

Very True..matter of fact, the player that scored both goals last nite is from over seas, is a Soph.

Anonymous said...

We get excited when we get a corn fed verbal from the Minnesota baja Iowa.

Anonymous said...

2009 National team recruits by conference.
Big East 14
ACC 13
Pac 10 12
Big 10 11
Big West 6
Big 12 5

So much misinformation floating around about where impact players attend school it seemed some facts were needed. As you can see the Big Ten attracts just as many "impact players as anyone. Of course being on a national team does not automatically make you a great player or necessarily better than someone else, but it is the best benchmark we have.

Anonymous said...

That is 70 NATIONAL players. WoW, how many Natl players are there? I know of a pool, but the pool isnt even this big. Unless you know about some top secret Natl Camps going on that others dont.

Each Natl camp pulls in about 22-24 players, 90% of those 24 players are the same players called into each camp. And 3 of those 24 players are keepers. 70 players?? Do you have names?

And as posted on the other UofM thread, what Natl Players are flocking to MN (besided CP), IL, IA, IN?? You said 11 players for the Big-10, who are they?

Anonymous said...

941 here you go


Anonymous said...

2009's are done and the so are a large percentage of the 2010's. Any players commit from 2010 or 2011 class yet that are not on the spreadsheet posted?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to MN boys making Ivy league awards - 3 MN kids making second all Ivy - brains and skills - not bad for class A.

Joe Yonga, Sr, TGHS, Cornell
Bayo Adafin, So, Rochester, Columbia
Ben Burton, So, BSM, Princeton

Anonymous said...

Kudos to these fine young men that have thrived in D1 PROGRAMS as student athletes. Congrats to Colin Monasterio (Wisconsin) for being named to the BIG TEN ALL FRESHMAN team!

Anonymous said...

any more accolades, let put them here...these students deserve our kudos

Anonymous said...

Great to see kids recognized for challenging themselves academically at some of the top schools in the nation as well as on the soccer field.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Andre Gotsmanov @ Creighton.
He has been named one of 15 finalists for the Hermann Trophy which is awarded annually to the best D1 player.
Andre was also the MVC Player of the Year and MVC Tournament MVP.

bcsoccer said...

its a lot easier for east coast and cali freshmen to make the transition because they can go play a national ranked team every weekend with just a couple hours drive max, so it encourages 'superteams' who can play other nationally ranked teams. in mn putting together top teams isnt too effective because it turns the premier league into a cakewalk and hs soccer is already a joke. unless you have large budget to travel, like shattuck, top teams here dont get much nat'l ranked competition so when you get to the d1 ranks and almost every kid was on a regional odp team, its the first time they are playing against such a high level on a regular basis, and a larger transition time is needed.

Anonymous said...

bsc what are you talking about? It looks to me like there is alot of players from Minnesota that had a good D1 season.

Anonymous said...

Here are 2 players that went NAIA Division 1-

Steven Grand- Northwestern College Iowa (Senior)

Rob La Tourelle- Briar Cliff University (Freshman from Centennial High school) Plays for Ramsey Premier U19

Grant Moris- Briar Cliff University (Freshman from Woodburry) Plays for Woodburry Premier U19

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.

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