Friday, May 21, 2010

By the Numbers

MN State Cup update. The semi-finals are set. Clubs with semi finalists (not including 19s):

16 for MTA
4 each for EDP, SCV and WDB
3 each for BHK, EDI, PSA and SSM
2 for TCF
1 each for BVL, DKT, LKV, NSS, PRL and TRV

This may the the first semi finalists for Three Rivers at girls U17s. Congratulations to all players, coaches, clubs and parents.


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Anonymous said...

Eagan plays Prairie Seeds on Saturday. Eagan is #5 in AA, but they're not that good. Their club is weak and no one leaves to develop with stronger clubs. Prediction: PSA 6, Eagan 1. And on Monday you'll have a whole new batch of PSA haters.

Anonymous said...

Great 4:20- now we'll have another comparison point besides Lkville So. for their scores with AV...

Anonymous said...

Who cares about PSA and AV they are in different classes it is completely irrelevant

Anonymous said...

East Ridge 1 Woodbury 0

Anonymous said...

6:36...people need to find a way to bash on AV's success and now they are looking for ways to bash on PSA for the illegal activity everyone keeps talking about. People just try to put winners down anyway they can.

Anonymous said...

Wow, MTA is catching a two month break while everyone is attacking PSA and AV over their successes. Or maybe people just don't like a successful program and they have to bash it to make themselves feel better about their inferior program?

On a side note - I'm an MTA lover, I have nothing against AV and I wish them luck this year, but I do think PSA is walking a fine line right now.

Anonymous said...

9:07 its 8:25...enjoy your two months off of being the bashed one! I'm sure someone will still find a way to attack the three programs now! Oh well good well it lasted for ya at least.

Anonymous said...


Wayzata 0 @ EP 0

Mister Football said...

I love PSA. I think it's great to have a program that supports these talented and skilled players and I hope some move on to playing at the next level.

I love SSM. I think it improves soccer overall in MN.

I love MTA. I think it brings many of our best players and coaches together to try to compete nationally and it makes MN better overall.

I love ODP. It also brings many our our best players and coaches together.

I love Gopher Women's Soccer, even if nobody but their parents cares about them.

I love NSC Thunder Stars, even if everything their management does is wrong.

I love High School soccer. Most kids compete harder with more passion in those 2 months than any other part of the year, making everyone better.

I like AV. They run a strong program. I don't like how they play a creampuff non-conference schedule.

I don't care for C3 leagues with ignorant parent coaches. They make soccer in MN worse.

Anonymous said...

Mister Football - I actually agree with you on every point you made! This might be a first!

Anonymous said...

I don't care for Mister Football elistist attitude. Instead of incouraging volunteer parents who are trying to make something for the sport and their kids he mocks them.

Anonymous said...

Bravo to the parents that do volunteer to coach, but C3 is an embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

To be fair to Apple Valley and their non-conference schedule I don't think it has changed in 25 years. They play the same teams every year and at times the teams on that schedule have been good; Sibley had some great teams, SPA obviously had outstanding teams, Richfield back on the day was good, Minneapolis South had some really good teams. Recently though, yes, I agree their non-conference has been very weak.

Anonymous said...

C3 is the BEST form of soccer as it is the purest form of soccer - kids just playing for the love of the game and their teammates. No grand illusions of being the next Mia or Landon, just kids having fun playing the game (and their parents being outstanding, supportive parents by VOLUNTEERING to coach).

Take a peak some day at how many C2 & C3 teams there are in this state - a whole, whole lot more than C1, MN Premier, MRL, ECNL, etc....

tomASS said...

Mister Soccer - well stated and good clarity but I disagree on

1) ODP - needs to be completely reformatted

2) NSC Stars - don't love or hate them from a soccer perspective but do agree that ownership and management is a problem

3) C3 - Should be moved to a competitive Rec League environment. However Kids playing soccer at that level is not bad for the sport. Ignorant parent coaches can be

10:20 I don't think he was mocking parent coaches. Many at that level are ignorant to coaching the sport and serve more as babysitters and chaperones. If the kid has fun great! But many of the DOC's should make sure their top coaches not only take the top teams in the club but also have some training opportunities at the C2-C3 level.

Anonymous said...

U13 and up, C1, Premier, MRL etc are earned through promotion. Lose too many games are your team is relegated which is why there are so many C2 and C3 teams. Too bad you can't relegate lower than C3! C3 really should switch to a competitive rec league environment.

Anonymous said...

East Ridge and Woodbury? Anyone see the game?

Mister Football said...

I've coached C3. I was paid. The parents & players loved me. Wanted me back. Begged me to return. I liked my team. I liked the parents. I didn't care for the soccer or most of the opposing coaches who were clueless and made the game less fun. Those players don't play for the love of the game. They play because their parents signed them up.

I like volunteer coaches. But I like knowledgeable volunteer coaches even more. Remember, I'm the same person that doesn't understand why soccer coaches are paid while most of our hockey coaches are not. That ain't right.

I like tomASS. He's a smart and funny guy.

Anonymous said...

Switching topics - sort of - after reading the Gopher Women's rainy day draw and after watching countless HS and club games that end in a tie when one team is clearly better than the other team. My biggest problem with MN soccer is finishing and creativity.


Anonymous said...

Lack of finishing and lack of creativity?

That's a nice way of saying the players aren't very skilled and aren't very good.

PSA doesn't seem to have a problem in those areas.

Anonymous said...

A lot of ties...conservative soccer....defensive tactics...playing with only 2 up front. All of the same issues plagued the recent world cup. Best way to develop players is to get them playing up front. Get them to play closer to the goal so they have to be creative, play under pressure, play with the idea of taking someone on. I have coached since the early '80s and I, too, have gotten much more conservative but it is fun to contemplate the early systems used especially with the womens' sides in the early '80s...they at times played with 4 or 5 strikers. I do wish our developmental ages in this country would play with greater numbers up front.

tomASS said...

I don't think greater numbers up front are the answer. Teaching kids complete soccer like the Dutch teams of the 70s & 80s would be more productive IMO

Just because your an outside back does not mean you do not get up in the attack when circumstances dictate.

Just because your an attacker does not mean you are without any defensive responsibilities or preparatory attack positioning.

Kids now days play their position like US football players do. They think and they are coached that roles and responsibilities do not change throughout the game. They think and are taught that their roles are static on the field. They ask where should I be when the ball is in a certain area but fail to think that it is dependent on where the other 19 field players are positioned when the ball is in the area of question. Players want to know what their responsibilities are while ignoring what the other 10 teammates responsibilities should be and how they should work together.

tomASS said...

should be you're failed to proof

Anonymous said...

tomAss, blaming the players instead of the coaches? IMO players are playing strict roles due to the overly structured coaching systems.

tomASS said...

514 - read again - "they think and they are coached" and "they think and are taught"

were on the same page,

You should see what happens when you ask players to think for themselves. Uff-Da!

Anonymous said...

Just looking over PSA's schedule so far this season. I found some interesting things. The only team that PSA have played that has a winning record is SPA. the combined record of the teams that PSA have played is 22-45-7, a winning percentage of .328. In comparison AV, who people complain plays a weak schedule, and this not meant to say it's not, has a combined opponents record of 42-47-17, a .472 winning percentage. Only teams they have played so far for both teams.

Just because PSA demolishes terrible teams does not mean they are some super fantastic team. They are good, not spectacular like people try to make it seem. the Eagan game tomorrow should tell us a little more, if they win that by a large margin, then we can make some more conclusions about them.

Anonymous said...

11:18. I watched East Ridge vs Woodbury. Very even match. Neither team could sustain an attack. ER got ahead and packed it in. Woodbury had several chances, one great one, but no goal. What about Bloomington J and Rosemont? Stillwater won 3-0, but struggled. EP finally got challenged.

Anonymous said...

going to eastview girls (my dd's team) vs. spa girls. I cannot believe that we are playing such a small school. Should be a good day to get some goals!

Anonymous said...

going to eastview girls (my dd's team) vs. spa girls. I cannot believe that we are playing such a small school. Should be a good day to get some goals!

Anonymous said...

This next week of soccer on the girls side should help clarify the top 10 rankings and also sectional seeding. Not sure how much the top half will be challenged assuming no late season meltdowns, but looks like Stillwater, Jefferson, Edina and WBL all have difficult schedules for the next 3-4 games.

Eagan could jump up to the top half with a strong finish. Stillwater needs to show they are for real and set themselves up for seeding in the 4AA section of death. Jefferson needs to stem the bleeding. Edina will show well as their season wraps up, but a high sections seed will just delay the inevitable against EP in 2AA. WBL and East Ridge duke it out for the last seat at the table.

Will be fun to watch things unfold!

Anonymous said...

Keep your eye on Anoka, they are well positioned to crack into the top ten with a win over Stillwater next Sat.

Mounds View could also break in with a win over Stillwater during the last week, but for sure if they upset Woodbury that week as well.

Anonymous said...

I predict that Stillwater, White Bear and Jefferson all fall out of the rankings by the end of the year, East Ridge, Anoka and Mounds View all come in.

Anonymous said...

Stillwater will pack on the goals against a poor Armstrong team today. I guess Armstrong is in a building year. They put some 8th grade C2 player on the team that can't play soccer. She's tall and fast, but watched her play, don't give her the ball it's a joke!

Anonymous said...

MV and Anoka, thats funny...

Anonymous said...

Eagan - Prairie Seeds 1-1 who saw it for a report?

AV 4-0 over the SPA that PSA beat 8-1

Anonymous said...

Stillwater has lots of talented girls and should have gone undefeated. I believe their stars will shine bright enough to overcome the poor coaching.

Anonymous said...

AV 4 SPA 0, SPA no shots on goal for the last 50 minutes of the game, Obarski red carded late, Scanlon subed all his best players off after 65 minutes except Obarski, SPA was hacking the heck out of the kid but Scanlon left him in and after being punch and put in a head lock by an SPA player both players get red it was rather odd. AV was absolutly dominant and had a few finishing problems.SPA yuk.

Anonymous said...

Prairie Seeds 1, Eagan 1. Wow. Eagan isn't that good.

Anonymous said...

Stillwater's time was last year, but WBY was still strong. Stillwater's defense and GK are suspect. Offense can also be stifled.

Anonymous said...

Why all the Stillwater bashing? Could it be that they all play for St. Croix versus the mega club and are kicking some butt?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Soccer & Tomass
I kind of agree with you and I kind of don't. It would be wonderful if all c3 teams had knowledgeable experienced coaches. Here in MN at least, we are not there yet. Perhaps in another 5 to 10 years. But I don't see us getting there if people slam those who are trying. I think we need to appreciate them and encourage them to get better.

Is C3 terrible, umm no, but is different. I have a kid who has played MWL, Premier and is now in college and I have a kid who played C2 & C3. The Premier kid was a lot more driven and I basically needed to stay out of his way. For the C3 kid it was all about hanging out with his friends and playing the game the best he could. I don't see anything wrong with that, each kid was getting exactly what he needed out of the situation.

I do think structurally our league and organization at MYSA needs improvement. I think MYSA DOC should be developing Rec Leagues and ODP should have a staff hire out of the MYSA office. Too much time and money are spent on ODP when it only accounts for perhaps 1% of the soccer population. I keep hoping that clubs will form their own Rec leagues, let say MPB, KIK, CDA, PSA and the old Wings got together a form a Rec league. One game a week with one weekend for a totally of 10 games, then throw in an end of year tournament just for fun. All games in the same place every week. Switch up the age groups a bit so it 4th-6th grade teams, Middle school teams and High School teams. All teams are formed within the boundaries of their communities. Charge them $50 for the season. I think that if some of these C3 teams had this option you might see C3 disappear. It makes a whole lot more sense than paying the $500 for C3 soccer.

Anonymous said...

Not bashing Stillwater. Stillwater has one of the best all around players in the state (KH), one of the top scorers in the state (MS) and one of the best defenders in the state (KM?). Their wide midfielders are very effective. The bench is deep. Their problem comes from playing linear sometimes. When they reverse the field and work the wings, they have been unstoppable except when they forget to have attackers on the far post side for crosses.

Anonymous said...

920 is correct, their attack turns into a dump ad chase to their target forward when they panic, like many other HS teams. It takes educated coaching to break the habit.

Anonymous said...

I pretty sure Stillwater has a excellent coach. High School dump and chase is what happens from long narrow football fields, players of different caliburs playing together and team being rewarded by score goals that way. I've rarely seen a high school team that doesn't play dump and chase.

Anonymous said...

Widened football fields overall have plenty of width. It is on the coaches to teach the players to make full use of the pitch. I agree, too many coaches play boom ball. The problem is, coaches forget to teach and just go for W's or D's. They leave player development to club coaches. The best coaches don't. The players actually improve during the season.

MA,TB,TP,SC,DW...These are excellent coaches. Too many school AD's see soccer as a "who cares" sport and don't work that hard to get qualifed coaches.

Anonymous said...

2:07 that is the a very uneducated answer, most High School coaches are coaching club and are qualified, High School is a different style of soccer for so many reasons, and the kids want to win ask almost any kid that's playing varsity soccer and they will tell you they want to win first and learn second. Soccer is a sport and at the competitive level the object is to compete which means win if possible.

Anonymous said...

Tobie's players are mainly at Eastview. I might have favored them in 2AA, but they got whupped by Eagan on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Oops, 3AA, not 2AA

Anonymous said...

12:57 - what games have you been watching? Have seen very few dump and chase games this year!

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

I've played and coached at a fairly high level for 25 years and I have never heard something like this:

"...playing linear sometimes. When they reverse the field and work the wings..."

Where do you Anons come up with this stuff? Is this C3 language? Is this new language from coaching clinics? Did I miss something? Playing linear?

Anonymous said...

Hey Saiyam -- Be smarter,lay off C3

Anonymous said...

QRF boys AA rankings as of 9/23(considers strength of schedule):
1 Apple Valley
2 Stillwater Area
3. Eagan
4 Spring Lk Pk/St. Anth Vill
5 Centennial
6 Park of Cottage Grove
7 Woodbury
8 Bloomington Jefferson
9 Wayzata
10 Maple Grove

Anonymous said...

As I've read these posts knocking C3, I can't help but think that is what is wrong with soccer in the USA. I grew up in the 60's playing ball; we had three leagues with eight teams. All games were played at local parks. EVERYONE played! EVERYONE loved the game! Yes, we wanted to win but we all understood that we were only as good as the weakest player on the field. Every team had their super stars and every team had the kid with two left feet. Everyone knew the game even if they couldn't play it. Everyone could afford to play (it was only $15 for the season)no indoor training, no batting cages, no hired coaches.

In soccer we seem to think we need try outs and select teams for 8 year olds, we don't develop a broad base knowledge of the game. We have developed an exclusiveness that in the long run is hindering the development of soccer. So, soccer is a second class sport in the schools and the media, that because we have limited the exposure of soccer to only a few. Ask yourself if your local Little League team was going to Nationals or even Regional’s it would be in the local paper and everyone would know about it. If MTA or SSM goes to Nationals or Regional’s what local paper is going to report about it? Where is MTA home town? Where is SSM home town? Their only fans are their parents.

Finally the kids get to go to high school and show their friends and communities what they have been working so hard on. Every team has their super stars and every team has the kids with two left feet. It is not pretty soccer, but it is soccer the community can get involved in. Granted we have a few private/charter schools that seem to think they still need to be select teams from the summer. Exclusive communities turn fans away from the game of soccer. (reason why polo and cricket are not big here either) We have some soccer people criticizing volunteer soccer parents for not knowing enough, criticize the quality of play of the kids with two left feet and criticize probably the only group in MN that is playing the game because they love playing soccer. I can only think it because they like the status quo, “exclusive for me.”

Anonymous said...

Girls AA QRF
1 Eden Prairie
2 Duluth East
3 Wayzata
T-4 Anoka
T-4 Woodbury
6 Elk River
7 Centennial
8 Park of Cottage Grove
9 Stillwater Area
10 Burnsville

Anonymous said...

Boys A QRF
1 Orono
2 Sartell-St. Stephen
3 Mounds Park Academy
4 Mankato East
5 Prairie Seeds Academy
6 Benilde-St. Margaret's
7 Rochester Lourdes
8 Worthington
9 Hillcrest/Pelican Rapids
10 Breck

Anonymous said...

Girls A QRF:
1 Rogers
T-2 Rochester Lourdes
T-2 Mahtomedi
4 Blake
5 Kasson-Mantorville
6 Byron
7 Holy Family Catholic
T-8 St. Paul Academy
T-8 St. Cloud Cathedral
T-10 Benilde-St. Margaret's
T-10 Chisago Lakes Area

Anonymous said...

I too am also always disappointed when a high school coach who is atttempting to train a wide variety of ages, skills, and experience for roughly 6-8 weeks can't effectively install an off-sides trap..... (yes, just a little bit of sarcasm).

BTW, a HS football field being used for soccer has dimensions of 120yards by 65 yards. A normal soccer field is 120 yards by 80 yards. The 15 yard width reduction DOES have a huge impact on being able to play "wide" as their is not a lot of "wide".

2nd BTW, my kids have played at all levels of MN soccer and I knew what "linear" meant.

Anonymous said...

What does "linear" mean then?

mama mia said...

1. I think "linear" meant "direct." But come on.

2. So is Anon saying we should do things more like how they did it in the 60s? US Soccer was really good in the 60s right? We were producing a lot of talented players back then? You're stuck in a time warp.

3. "Show their friends and communities what they have been working so hard on. It is not pretty soccer." Is this a joke? This is comical on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

For those who skipped this class in school.....
lin·e·ar (ln-r)
1. Of, relating to, or resembling a line; straight.
a. In, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line.
b. Having only one dimension

So to simplify things:
Boot 'n Scoot
Kick 'n Chase
Highway 1
Over the top
etc.... add in your own as I'm sure I missed quite a few

PS - why does anyone feel the need to rip on any level of soccer? The funny thing is those doing the ripping (mainly parents) probably couldn't even dribble a ball let alone juggle it more than 5 times.

Mister Football said...

Coach: Hey kids, in tonight's game, we want to play linear.

Player: Huh?

Coach: You know, like in a straight line.

Player: Okay.

Coach: Yeah, and then parabolically shoot the ball towards vertex of the two posts.

Player: You got it!

Anonymous said...

I hate to break it to 11:30, but unless a HS football field is specifically widened to accomodate soccer, it is nowhere near 65 yards wide. A football field is only 53 yards wide and typically the soccer lines are laid out 2-3 yards beyond that, maximum. That's not even 60 yards. But it does prove your point... that schools should have dedicated soccer fields for the betterment of the game.

And then you have yahoos like MSHSL Region 5AA forcing all section 5A games to be played on "permanent" host fields, which are all football fields that are too narrow and destroyed by the time the section tournaments start. Forget seeding, forget travel distance, forget field conditions. It's a real shame when sports (both club and school) are run by those that don't understand the sports. It takes away from the game for the kids.

Anonymous said...

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, so to me that sounds like a good strategy to get to the opponent's goal as quickly as possible; however I will admit I can only juggle to 1.

Owatuhgu Saiyam said...

The fastest way around the basepaths is a homerun, so a baseball team should have 9 sluggers in their batting lineup.

Anonymous said...

It works for the yankees

Anonymous said...

Any predictions on the Jefferson vs. Rosemount girls game tonight? Jefferson is needing a win badly, but on paper looks like Rosemount could be up to the task.

Anonymous said...

2:00pm, you might be right, but I stepped off the football sideline and soccer side touchline at my kids high school and it was 6 yards.

Anonymous said...

What is QRF?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

QRF is the rankings that is cited by parents who don't like that their DD's team is not ranked high by the coaches. Funny how a team in the same conference and section who lost to another team is ranked does this happen if the rankings are based on the schedule, when both teams basically faced the same opponents...

Anonymous said...

Stillwater v East Ridge girls tomorrow at Stillwater, 5pm. Time for Stillwater to decide if they're for real.

Anonymous said...

If you get a chance, go to a high school soccer game at one of the north and west suburban Milwaukee schools. Most have separate soccer stadiums. The two I saw recently in Brookfield and Cedarburg were beautiful, wide, well-manicured real grass, World Cup goals, lined for soccer only, smaller bleachers and student sections (that yes, were full of loud enthusiastic students when we played there). You'd think a rich district like Wayzata or Eden Prairie would do something like this.

Anonymous said...

Regular rankings and your best place for scores and standings:

QRF rankings:

QRF stands for quality results format. All teams get a QRF rank, which is based on record, opponents' record, class differential (?), and margin of victory. It is used in all high schools sports. Interestingly, in high school state quarterfinal football games since 2003, the team with the higher QRF ranking wins 84% of the time.

Anonymous said...

Apple Valley has had a soccer only stadium for at least 15 years, but that is the only one that I know of in the twin cities

Anonymous said...

The MSHSSCA rankings are a joke, especially for Class A. Not many coaches vote, even though it's open to all coaches. Some conferences get all their coaches to participate, so teams from those conferences have more reprentation in the rankings. There is no way that Simley or Anoka's boys teams should be ranked in the top ten. At least the QRF is an objective number based on results.

And 9:48, the reason that a team can lose to a team with a lower QRF is because it's based on opponent records (just because they're in the same conference doesn't mean they've played the same teams at the time of ranking) as well as goal differential, and different size of schools. While the QRF isn't an exact science, at least it's not a popularity contest.

ClassAA Girls Guy said...


Eagan over BJ 2-1
AV over Lakeville South 3-0
Eastview over Burnsville 2-0
MV over CDH 2-1
Woodbury over WBL 2-1* (assuming WBL is still missing a number of starters out with injuries)
Stillwater over ER 2-0* (assuming ER is as beat up as people say they are after the Woodbury game)


#1 (1) Eden Prairie Eagles (10-0)
2 (3) Centennial (11-0)
3 (2) Wayzata (8-1)
4 (5) Duluth East (7-3)
5 (6) Stillwater Area (12-1)
6 (10) Eagan (10-1)
7 (8) Edina (7-3)
8 (4) Woodbury (7-3)
9 (9) White Bear Lake (6-2)
10 (NR) Anoka (7-3)

Not sure there is too much to argue at this point. It all won't matter once section play begins in a few weeks.

tomASS said...

Chaska HS has a soccer only stadium facility located at the middle schools complex. IMO, probably one of the best maintained grass soccer field in the state.

Unlike AV's field, this one is rarely used during the summer.

Next couple of weeks are always the best for home games with the fall colors that can be spied with the view of the MN river Valley

They are looking to improve the bench areas next year with the European styled half dome protective benchs

Now if only the Chaska teams could be as good as the facility itself but that has been a problem for a very long time

ClassAA Girls Guy said...

tomASS, I've been to that field. Fantastic. I can't remember though if its location puts it under threat of the flooding occurring in your area.

Soapy said...

ClassAA Girls Guy.

Only way that field will flood is if noah begins building an arc. The stadium is on top of the river bluff.

Anonymous said...

Week of September 27, 2010

Class A Girls

1. Benilde-St. Margaret's (10-0-0)
2. Mahtomedi (10-0-3)
3. Blake (8-1-1)
4. Rogers (11-0-0)
5. St. Louis Park (7-0-2)
6. Rochester Lourdes (11-0-1)
7. Orono (8-3-1)
8. Simley (7-3-1)
9. East Grand Forks (10-1-1)
10. Monticello (10-1-0)
11. South St Paul (7-2-2)
12. St. Croix Lutheran (8-3-0)
13. St. Paul Academy (4-2-2)
14. La Crescent (9-2-0)
15. Minnehaha Academy (5-3-3)

tomASS said...

Class AA Girls Guy - nope - no flooding concern. It's up on the bluffs from the MN River Valley. If that field ever floods due to MN River flooding I would suggest we start building an ark - damn Soapy you beat me too it!

The Chaska Cubs Amateur Baseball Stadium is prone to flooding being so close to the river.

The levees in Chaska are pretty well designed, engineered, and constructed

Anonymous said...

Class AA Girls Guy - agreed that sectionals will take over the conversation. The only thing I would guestion regarding your comments is having Centennial #2 with their big signature victory over.......??? The tricky thing with high school rankings (in most sports - not just soccer) is that since there is a minimal amount of inter-section play it is difficult to rank many of the teams. Some squads can plow through their league and AA section which means they are a pretty good team beating merely good teams.
IMO, and an early prediction here, there are two teams clearly better than every other team in the state and they are EP and Wayzata. When the dust finally settles in about a month it will be those two teams battling for the championship.

Anonymous said...

1008 What are examples of a "signature victory"?

Anonymous said...

victories over ranked teams once the season is past midway so we know who's who??? just my thoughts. would help if those "ranked" teams also might have beaten some one decent during the season. there are a lot of #8-#14 teams that at the end of the year really haven't beaten anyone but weak pre-season teams and the bottom feeders in their conferences. these teams usually get bounced in the sectional semi-finals.

Anonymous said...

Maybe MV should be #2?

Anonymous said...

Easy argument to make if they hadn't lost to Duluth East as Cent. MV is a very good squad, but a big step down compared to EP & Wayzata.

Anonymous said...

Stillwater girls results will tell us how accurate the QRF is: according to QRF as of right now, they will loose to ER tonight, beat WBL by a hair on Thr, loose to Anoka on Sat, beat Roseville, and then loose to MV.

With an 84% success rate, I'm going with QRF for all of my picks from here on out.

Anonymous said...

No love for Centennial on this blog.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the schools that usually end up in the State Championship game they are usually the teams that have a high concentration of the top level club kids.
For a long time it was Lakeville South that had quite a few of the BT/MTA Stars players.
Next it was Woodbury High School (pre-East Ridge) with all the Inferno kids.
They usually battled Edina which had high level kids on many of the top club teams.
The current MTA 18's and MTA U17's are kind of scattered all around, but EP and Wayzata High Schools are loaded with players from the EP U18 team (current state cup champs) and Wayzata U18 team (previous year's state cup champs).

Anonymous said...

Fascinating how that works.

Anonymous said...

I'll agree with EP being a cut above, but I wouldn't go so far as to call Wayzata a clear #2 as of right now on the girls side. I haven't seen WYZ play yet this year (I will tonight), but their game scores have been pretty close, and it looks like half of their roster is sophomores.

Don't rule Tonka out of it yet folks!

Anonymous said...

What I find way more facinating are the teams that one have one MTA/EP/Wayzata top club player on them.... and are winning!!!

Anonymous said...

12:25 Master/mistress of understatement.

Anonymous said...

Centenntial will be the only undefeated team at the end of the season!!!

Anonymous said...

1:40pm give us an example of team(s) you are talking about

Anonymous said...


AA Handicapper said...

Class AA Girls Guy-

Solid picks top to bottom.

I'll got with a 1-1 tie for LS and AV however.

And a little more scroing in the Eastridge Stillwater game. 4-2 Stillwater.

Anonymous said...

Class A seems quite open this year. Potentially a year for an outstate team to win it? Blake, Orno, Mahtomedi...any other quality metro teams?

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Holy Angels? They used to annually be pretty solid.

Anonymous said...

2:27 SLP, Rogers and Rochester Lourdes come to mind.

2:58 OS had two knee surgeries over the last year and that really hurt their team

Anonymous said...

Benilde, St. Croix Lutheran are very strong Class A teams. Cloquet was an athletic and strong team last year, but haven't seen them play this year.

Anonymous said...

OS out absolutely hurts them. Look for Rogers to be the top of Class A, in fact they would be a top 10 AA.

Anonymous said...

Agreed about Rogers - lots of high level kids on top club teams - I bet they have at least 3-4 MN ODP kids on that squad plus a lot of players on the TRV U17 team that had a great run in this year's State Cup.

Anonymous said...

What's ODP?

Anonymous said...

I think the poster meant to say "OCB", it stands for "Old Country Buffet" and is one of the premier dining establishments in Rogers.

Anonymous said...

Stillwater smoked East Ridge tonight...boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

2-1 isn't exactly "smoked"

Anonymous said...

I always love that one. Anonymous is known for saying, "It was 1-0, but we completely dominated."

I know OCB. There's a great one in Burnsville down the road from IHOP.

I saw a statistic that 7 of the last 8 Class AA champions had a roster with the state's most ODP participants.

Still, what's ODP?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they meant OCD...

Anonymous said...

ODP= Olympic Development Program

Anonymous said...

1-0 could be a domination. The team who won could have controlled the ball 90% and had a 10-1 shot ratio. They just couldn't get it in the net. I see it all the time.

Anonymous said...

ODP= Overly Dumb Parents (that think their kid will get to play in the Olympics someday).

Anonymous said...

Shots were actually 26-4. Looks like it might be Stillwater's year.

Anonymous said...

Don't players that play ODP play for the same reasons as players that play C3?

-to have fun
-to meet friends
-to challenge themselves

It's just they're a little bit better and want to play a little bit more.

C3 stands for Crazy Crackhead Ckids who think they will play varsity someday.

Nevermind. C3 kids have it all figured out and they actually play for better reasons than everyone else and they have more fun doing it!

Anonymous said...

East Ridge finds their way into Stillwater's box one time in the first half...hand ball, pk, goal. That was their entire offense for the night. They got smoked by a much better team. On a related note, someone has to teach girls how to run without flailing their arms all over the place.

Anonymous said...

28/9/10 1:00 PM - from yesterday. Good call on Tonka vs. Wayzata

Anonymous said...

Can anyone give an unbiased recap of the Wayzata Minnetonka game?

Anonymous said...

Meet JOE
JOE lives in the twin cities and has a child who plays soccer
JOE occassionally posts on this soccer blog
JOE loves to crack wise about all levels of youth soccer
JOE is an avid golfer - but not a very good one - he just loves the game
No one has attempted to ban JOE from the area golf courses due to his high handicap and force him to stick to the par 3 executive courses and driving ranges/putting greens
No one has suggested that JOE quit the game since he has no chance of making the PGA or Champions Tours
No one has accused JOE of having illusions of granduer regarding his golfing abilities
JOE looks forward to his standing Saturday tee time with his foursome friends who aren't any better than him
JOE just spent all weekend bragging to his friends about how he lowered his handicap from 20 down to 17
How did JOE do this?
JOE spent lots of money on lessons and even bought some expensive new equipment
Is JOE really any different than the vast majority of youth soccer players in this state who play for the love of the game, to be with their friends, and to push themselves to improve?
Unfortunately, JOE (or one of his friends BOB, TIM, MARY, etc...) will either not get the point of this email or it will cut too deep and feel compelled to slam it.

Anonymous said...

I hope they don't let JOE on MY course.

Anonymous said...

I saw the Minnetonka-Wayzata game, I would say each side was very average, generally evenly matched. Neither side really generating much offensively, all goals sloppy. I'd give Tonka the definite advantage from a work-rate standpoint.

Net-Net: Wayzata not as good as their rankings indicate, Minnetonka not as bad as their rankings indicate.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed a decline in ref quality this HS season? I'm a ref and have been amazed at how inconsistent refs are in making calls. I've actually overheard refs telling coaches that "players need to go down" to make sure they get calls. And I've heard racial taunting with no warnings. Some refs don't know the difference between MYSA and MSHSL rules.

I don't know if it's because refs want to avoid conflict or are just lazy. But it seems like most games have an escalation in hostility, cheap shots, and retaliation because the refs (and ARs) refuse to step in.

I thought that the problem might be more common out of the cities because there isn't as big a pool of quality refs from which to choose. But I've watched some games in the cities that were as poorly reffed as games I've seen outstate.

OLD REF said...

29/9/10 1:43 PM I understand your concern, but again, you do not appear to be part of the solution.

First things first. The refereeing is not worse than before, you're just noticing mistakes.

Some refs are lazy, I too am embarrassed at some games when spectating, but I go talk with the referees in a respectful manner and offer feedback and mentoring if they are interested. Did you?

Did you contact the assignor with professional feedback? If not, please do so. The vast majority of referees want to be good, and fair. Feedback is critical to improvement. The high school league and assignors have implemented more assessments this year. They will listen to your feedback, if you are calm and professional.

On the other hand some referees are just plain tired, or hurt. There are too many games and assignors (and schools) are desperate.

A referee explaining that the player needed to be impeded or "go down", may have been that referee's way of explaining why they allowed advantage... or they could be wrong, we have both types out there doing games.

Another point. Our referees are aging. Very few young referee's are working games, and if they are good and young they are doing the top games and college games.

We need some 25-35's to join or the game is really going to be in trouble soon! Please people, if you know someone who is interested in staying attached to the game and doesn't coach, push them to get certified and start refereeing.

If you really heard racial taunts, you should be contacting the school as well. If it happened,you were not the only one to notice it, but someone needs to report it so it can be dealt with. By the way, no warning for taunts in high school- Red card, mandatory.

Anonymous said...

1:43 - I have not noticed an overall decline in the quality of the referring. Also racial taunting should be a straight red and not a warning. What I have scene is Refs taking less crap from coaches and fans. I saw one fan ejected from a HS game and have never saw that before (in HS).

Overall I agree with you that there needs to be more control of dangerous plays.

I would be curious if anyone knows who many concussions any HS team has suffered this year (men or women), I am guessing the average is over one per team and we are less than half way through the season.


Anonymous said...

1052, I just don't buy it. Everyone knows MEN and WOMEN can't be friends therefore Joe would never have a Golfing Buddy named MARY!!! Maybe Marvin, but never Mary. If you are going to be telling stories please make them accurate.


Anonymous said...

I would like tell JOE that he needs to switch to a real sport like soccer! Come on - golf!

OLD REF said...

Splittsville, don't get me wrong, I think we agree, but I have to make the point for many spectators (especially parents).

Controlling dangerous play is up to the players and the coaches. Referees can only punish dangerous, reckless or careless play.

I too would be interested in the concussion results. But please be careful in what you blame increased numbers on. Turf fields could be an issue. I also believe the increased knowledge, better reporting, and respect for how serious they will be a major factor in any increase.

Anonymous said...

Refs (specifically linesmen/women)have been horrible on the East Side this year. H-o-r-r-i-b-l-e. Our poor speedy outside mid gets repeatedly demoralized when he speeds past the final defender after the ball is played, only to have the damn flag go up when he receives the ball all alone.

And why can't refs apply the advantage rule?

OLD REF said...

29/9/10 3:58 PM Please sign up next year. That's the only way you can change what you perceive to be horrible. If not, please tone it down.

Were you in line with the second to the last defender, were you square to the field, watching before the ball was played? If so, I apologize.

Anonymous said...

Bad calls are part of the game. It's up to the players to help the ref make the right calls (i.e. flopping, moaning in agony, being a foot onsides, wearing proper uniforms, etc.).

Why do you think there is so much flopping in the World Cup?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:58. I've been to games where the AR is clearly out of position to determine whether a player is in an offside position. And I'm not talking a step or two. I've seen it where the AR is 5-10 yards out of position. And an AR's head should be constantly swiveling to catch offsides and action behind the play. But more times than not you see ARs look to the next-to-last-defender after the ball is kicked from a long distance and assume the attacker was offside when the ball was played.

There is a significant problem with the physical conditioning of refs, which doesn't appear to be an issue for the MSHSL. If you're a warm body and have a whistle, they'll use you.

And don't anyone give me the "they're doing their best" line. If you went to McDonalds and a kid making $7.50 an hour screws up your order, you'd complain. Refs making $30/hour should do their job correctly. If they can't physically keep up, then go back to doing U9-12 games.

Anonymous said...

I don't have proof, and I'm sure Old Ref will confirm this, but I've heard that after travel costs, licensing fees, apparel and supplies purchases, that refs barely make a profit. I would love to ref, but I don't want to commit to something yet if it's not going to be worth my time.

If all the unqualified refs went back to U9 games, would we have any refs for HS games?

Anonymous said...

Border Battle tomorrow night.
Badgers vs Gophers @ ELR Stadium.

tomASS said...

Good posts Old Ref - especially the call for people to get involved refereeing games instead of complaining about the referees. I don't know how some can be so critical when they have never attempted to haul their butts up and down the field.

My biggest complaint is referees that wear hats - I never see it at any higher level and don't see the need

To me it's a red flag in regard to competency of the individual...typically

508 - If you only do it one year your overhead is expensive because of initial costs but it is very worthwhile

Anonymous said...

My daughter is a solid athlete. She plays for a respectable class A team and she plays for a very good club team. I really value the positive support, care, and guidance that her high school coach provides. The coach knows soccer (runs well developed training sessions, seeks to teach the skills and tactics of the game etc) but more importantly, they are also a teacher who is present at school and does a great job of mentoring all the kids on the team. I like that about H.S. soccer. I also enjoy watching how the coach is challenged to put together such a wide array of talent and age into one unit in such a short time. I value the positive experience my daughter is getting...good coaching, great mentoring, and an enjoyable fall spent with her friends.

Anonymous said...

Cripes, old ref. Why can't you just deal with the fact that some (many?) refs stink and have no clue what they're doing?

P.S. Funny thing about whether I'm aligned aligned with the second to last defender...the linesman/lady rarely is!

P.P.S. I reffed from ages 15-22, then got a life.

Anonymous said...

It was mentioned that refs don't know the difference between MYSA and MSHSL rule. Aren't the laws of the game just that - what are the differences - didn't know there was. Old Ref can you help us out?

Anonymous said...

A caution requires the player be substituted immediately. If a throw-in never enters the field in HS, the throw is not retaken. Shin guards have to be a minimum size and can only be so far above the ankle in HS. There are special uniform rules in HS. Several others.

Anonymous said...

You know you're in for a long night when the first five times the ball goes out of bounds, the linesman flag goes up and points in exactly the wrong direction.

Anonymous said...

Another high school difference: two hands on the opponent's back is a foul, sliding tackles cleats up from two steps behind are "PLAY ON."

AA Handicapper said...

Class AA Guy

great games tonight!

Stillwater 3-2 over WBL
Park and Eastridge 1-1
Centennial 3-0 over Coon Rapids
EP 2-1 in a battle with Edina
Eastview 2-1 over Lakeville North
Rosemount 2-1 over Lakeville South
Eagan 2-0 over Burnsville

tomASS said...

Edina will not score against EP. Edina plays too direct in a very predictable fashion. EP's #4 and her teammates on the back line will have no problem reading any attack.

If Edina Scores I would think it was a fluke

Anonymous said...

No need to wait for sections, the tournament final four on the girls AA side is crystal clear already:
1. EP
2. Centennial
3. Stillwater
4. Eagan

Anonymous said...

I don't think Stillwater will get past Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

So the differences are with Throw-Ins, Yellow Cards, Shin Guards and Uniforms. Things that have little effect on how the game is called.

Sometimes you people think too much and make a mountain out of a molehill.

As most experienced coaches will say, don't put yourself in a situation to allow the ref to determine the outcome of the game.

tomASS said...

1034 Pm - great post!

Anonymous said...

i'm still waiting for the post from someone that states that an AR made the wrong off-sides call and allowed his DD's team to score a goal that they shouldn't or the offsides call that wrongfully took a goal away from their opponent......

Anonymous said...

If Eagan is the 4th best team in the state then IMO high school soccer is slipping. Although it could be as some school districts open up new high schools over the year (Lakeville/Eastview, East Ridge) the concentration of soccer players is getting more spread out.
There will always be a few mega schools like the UofEP, Wayzata, and Stillwater that just due to the total numbers will annually be strong.

Anonymous said...

Minnesota cracks three "Top 25" rankings this week:
Soccer America: #12 Minnesota
NSCAA: #15 Minnesota
Soccer Times: #18 Minnesota
Gophers also inching up on tournament prediction ranking:
Top Drawer : #23 Minnesota

Anonymous said...

10:31am, 8:56am here - didn't mean to suggest that Eagan was the #4 team in the state, just that their sweatheart section assignment will help them finish in the final 4 at the state tourney again. It is unfortunate that so many good teams get knocked out in the 2AA and 4AA sections, but that is how things go in the current state tourney format.

Anonymous said...

10:08 and 10:22: There was a boys game last night in which three red cards were issued and a PK given when, at most, there were maybe two yellow cards warranted. You don't think that changes the outcome of a game (playing 9 v 10)? And there was a brutal tackle that wasn't called which should have been seen by either the ref or the near AR.

And I've seen at least one goal allowed/disallowed due to a blown offsides call every HS season for the last six years.

And the point about the differences in rules between MYSA & MSHSL is not that they are significant, but that the refs just don't know the rules, let alone interpret them during play correctly. A big difference between the two leagues is interpretation of handling the ball. But I have to admit that does seem to be one thing that has gotten better. It used to be that anytime a ball hit a hand it was called.

Anonymous said...

11:02 (10:31 here), got it and agree. Do you think that your teams #2-#4 are all better than who might come out of 6AA (Minnetonka or Wayzata)?

Anonymous said...

11:08 - i believe the decision to issue cards lies with the ref not a blog poster. you might be right, you might be wrong, but these are all judgement calls and everything else is just someone else's opinion.

Anonymous said...

11:14 -- yes, but not by blow outs. Generally I think things are pretty level on the girls AA side this year, this is also why state seeding is going to be very important this year.

Anonymous said...

11:08, now that's my kind of game. Who was playing? It looks like there were only city games and Hill v. Mahtomedi last night.

Anonymous said...

EP and Centennial make it through for sure barring injuries to one of their standouts but some battles to be fought before we hand a spot to Stillwater and Eagan.

Anonymous said...

11:31 - what are you basing your opinions on? Eagan beating Wayzata? IMO at the end of the day there is a significant gap between EP and the others. FYI, I am west of the river and I get the impression you might be more on the eastside.

Anonymous said...

11:56 -- my assumption is based on Eagan getting the critical #4 seed instead of the 6AA section winner. Outside of the top 4 seeds it is luck of the draw, and I am hoping Eagan gets an easy first round draw to advance to the dome.

Anonymous said...

EP, Centennial, Stillwater and Eagan should all go undeated for the rest of the regular season, so assuming no mistakes made in sections they should get the state seeds.

AA Handicapper said...

AA Handicapper says

Eagan goes 1-1-1 or 1-0-2

EP ties either Edina or Mtka

Centennial goes undefeated

Stillwater goes undefeated but has its work cut out for them in sectionals.

ClassAA Girls Guy said...

Handi -

Stillwater WBL 1-1
ER over Park 3-0
CR over Centennial 2-1
EP over Edina 2-0
EV over LN 3-1
Eagan over Bville 3-1

The reffing this year has been the poorest on record and a direct result of uber-competitive, idiot parents and coaches berating 12 year old refs at the U9 level. These younger refs don't stick around long enough to see their reffing potential realized.

Anonymous said...

I agree on your picks, AA, but not on your ref rationale. I only rip into older overweight refs, refs with British accents (they should know the game, for crying out loud), and also those who you can just look at and conclude are absolutely clueless.

I will not berate a kid ref. Never.

Anonymous said...

You guys are completely high if you think CR is going to beat Centennial tonight.

Anonymous said...

I do have a problem with a kid ref when he looks to the sideline and his dad tells him what to call. You shouldn't be a ref if you can't make the calls yourself. Also, learn the difference between a goal kick and a corner kick.

Anonymous said...

lol - at a high school game 3:59? personally i think all the folks complaining about reffing (except where dangerous play is involved) fall under 1:32's description.

anyone taking the time to go on a blog and complain about the reffing in their DD's high school (if allen iverson was here he's say "we're talking high school") game is comical - get a life.

Anonymous said...

4:36pm Not at a HS game, MYSA league game.

Anonymous said...

4:38 - so something from many months ago?

Anonymous said...

4:43PM How do you know unless it also happened to you? There is still MYSA league games going on this fall for U14 and under.

Anonymous said...

4:43pm. why was it your kid

Anonymous said...

see 1:32'S "uber" comments. it's kids soccer - get a life.

Anonymous said...

Isn't everything we talk about on this blog "kids" soccer? Anyone under the age of 18 is considered a child in the court of law. So 99.9% of this blog is about kids. So you get a life!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Uber defination

The ultimate, above all, the best, top, something that nothing is better than. Also Ãœber

Thanks, we're all Uber's on this blog!

Anonymous said...

unfortunately adjectives are just descriptive of the nouns that they proceed.

ClassAA Girls Guy said...

2:16 - I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone commenting on this blog, just making a point. It's the same as in youth soccer - if you have a well trained base of players at the younger age levels it will translate into stronger teams at the older age groups. If we somehow figure out a way to increase the size of the reffing pool of 12, 13, and 14 year olds and don't keep scaring them away, it will translate into a higher number of quality officials at the HS levels and beyond.

Looks like I'm 0-for for my picks tonight thus far. What's new...

Anonymous said...

28/9/10 11:31 AM
2007 - Anoka (A C1 team that played together for several years)
2008 - Osseo (Maybe one or two players at most that played Premier, most played the previous summer together under then current assistant coach CH)
2009-Apple Valley - Almost a complete premier team that played summer soccer together.

It not what team has the most top players it what team plays as a TEAM. S

Anonymous said...

10:03 So you're saying the Osseo team cheated by having the AC coach over the summer?

Anonymous said...

30/9/10 9:56 AM

Woodbury won't get past East Ridge

Anonymous said...

East Ridge won't get past Stillwater

Anonymous said...

Tartan to take it all!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No, point was same group of players playing with the same coach, same system. I'm pretty sure CH followed all the HS rules, you don't win a State Championship without people checking you out.

As much as this blog, some HS coaches and even the kids don't recognize, winning in high school soccer is alot about playing together. It is a team sport, and the more the team works together the more sucessul they will be. The players and coaches that understand that do well.

OLD REF said...

Sorry, got busy with work and games.

I'll try to address comments briefly after stating I am not defending poor or lazy refereeing. But complaining or ignorance of the laws and interpretations does not solve the issue or positively affect the game for the kids.

29/9/10 4:25-You sound like you understand the responsibility of an AR, please join and show us your physical conditioning. Those out of shape ref's will no longer get the games if you are better.

$30 per hour doesn't include travel to games, certification fees, background check fees, uniforms, time away from family/work/or personal time. But some of us think our soccer experiences are worth paying back.

29/9/10 5:08 It will be worth your time if you commit to getting better every time you enter the field. And yes, we would have some left..

tomAss- I also get annoyed when I see the hats, socks half way up, shirts untucked, sun glasses, etc.

29/9/10 10:55 I can and do deal with the fact that some people are not cut out to be a referee. But, I doubt that many spectators understand what referees are instructed to do and when. I also call for those that are complaining to join and push out those they feel are not competent rather than whining. Congratulations on getting a life, hope it contains more than putting others down to feel significant.

30/9/10 The rules differences are small in most cases, but interpretations are sometimes significant. I don't have time to explain all, but agree not all calls are appropriate due to differences. I would vote for having one set of laws, and allowing different points of emphasis only.

30/9/10 Thanks! Nice strategy, and it usually ends up in a win.

30/9/10 10:22 Those are they same people who applaud when the opponent makes a mistake.

30/9/10 11:08 Again, come out and ref. But in your own words, a brutal foul was missed, sounds to me the bookings weren't enough, not too much.

Handling the ball calls are many times a response to coaches, players and spectators all complaining continuously. Rather than ignoring them, many refs succumb and whistle the non-fouls just to lower the temperature of the game.

ClassAA Girls Guy - I usually enjoy your posts because you generally stay out of the rant. I agree that young refs leave due to low pay, low respect and they do not get enough feedback/mentoring, (most leagues are now recognizing this and improving), but do not agree the quality is the worst ever-it really looks the same.

30/9/10 Sounds like he was trying. Sign up, and he won't get games if you are better.

OLD REF said...

Sorry, got busy with work and games.

I'll try to address comments briefly after stating I am not defending poor or lazy refereeing. But complaining or ignorance of the laws and interpretations does not solve the issue or positively affect the game for the kids.

29/9/10 4:25-You sound like you understand the responsibility of an AR, please join and show us your physical conditioning. Those out of shape ref's will no longer get the games if you are better.

$30 per hour doesn't include travel to games, certification fees, background check fees, uniforms, time away from family/work/or personal time. But some of us think our soccer experiences are worth paying back.

29/9/10 5:08 It will be worth your time if you commit to getting better every time you enter the field. And yes, we would have some left..

tomAss- I also get annoyed when I see the hats, socks half way up, shirts untucked, sun glasses, etc.

29/9/10 10:55 I can and do deal with the fact that some people are not cut out to be a referee. But, I doubt that many spectators understand what referees are instructed to do and when. I also call for those that are complaining to join and push out those they feel are not competent rather than whining. Congratulations on getting a life, hope it contains more than putting others down to feel significant.

30/9/10 The rules differences are small in most cases, but interpretations are sometimes significant. I don't have time to explain all, but agree not all calls are appropriate due to differences. I would vote for having one set of laws, and allowing different points of emphasis only.

30/9/10 Thanks! Nice strategy, and it usually ends up in a win.

30/9/10 10:22 Those are they same people who applaud when the opponent makes a mistake.

30/9/10 11:08 Again, come out and ref. But in your own words, a brutal foul was missed, sounds to me the bookings weren't enough, not too much.

Handling the ball calls are many times a response to coaches, players and spectators all complaining continuously. Rather than ignoring them, many refs succumb and whistle the non-fouls just to lower the temperature of the game.

ClassAA Girls Guy - I usually enjoy your posts because you generally stay out of the rant. I agree that young refs leave due to low pay, low respect and they do not get enough feedback/mentoring, (most leagues are now recognizing this and improving), but do not agree the quality is the worst ever-it really looks the same.

30/9/10 Sounds like he was trying. Sign up, and he won't get games if you are better.

OLD REF said...

Sorry, not sure why it posted twice.

Anonymous said...


Many refs you defend with your blanket comments do not deserve your defense.

Nothing like a ref who feels the unquenchable desire to inject him- or herslf smack dab into the middle of an otherwise intense and competitive game. Gotta love those weak PK calls near the end of regulation. What is it about the psyche of that type of person ("I need to feel IMPORTANT!!!!), and why do so many of them end up as soccer refs?

No interest in reffing...I figure we pay enough that some decent people would choose to do it. Rather, my time is spent on the other, more productive, end of the soccer world...running a club, coaching/managing teams, organizing fund-raising, etc.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a fan with the "unquenchable desire to inject him- or herslf smack dab into the middle of an otherwise intense and competitive game". I don't see this once in a while, I see it at every game. Last night for example there was a fan who went ballistic on an offside call. Now it was a close play and the ref was right on top of the play. The fan who went nutz was on the 35 yard line and the play was near the other goal, so the fan was at least 65 yards in back of the play and at last 30 yards off the pitch. And yet he felt compelled to scream about how his team was being cheated when there was no way possible the fan could have called the play accuarately. The kicker here is - these screaming idiots almost never know anything about soccer.


Anonymous said...

If only running a club, coaching/managing teams, organizing fund-raising, etc were done in the middle of a soccer field. The fans could all yell crass comments at the club about being too competitive or not competive enough, the manager's inability to communicate a simple practice schedule, or why we can't bag groceries instead of selling this darn cookie dough.

The pat response is, if you can do it better, volunteer. That's all that Old Ref is highlighting. If you're concerned about compentency of a ref he noted 3-4 avenues to file a grievance.

Anonymous said...

Let's hear some predictions for this weekend's girls AA games!

Here's mine:
Stillwater/Anoka: 1-1 draw
Duluth East/Woodbury: 1-1 draw
Wayzata/Minnetonka: 2-1
EP/Chaska: 85-0

Anonymous said...

Wayzata just played Mtka on Tuesday and now they have to play them again on Saturday? Who scheduled that?

Anonymous said...

we deserve better. we really do.

Anonymous said...

What club(s) do the Anoka girls come from? Are they really good enough to play even with Stillwater?

Anonymous said...

Just watched SPA vs. Blake girls. 1-1 tie...I was far more impressed by the SPA girls.

Anonymous said...

Just watched SPA vs. Blake girls. 1-1 tie...I was far more impressed by the SPA girls.

Anonymous said...

Anoka can play with Stillwater. The Tornadoes took a tough loss 2-1to Stillwater. They lost in overtime with 20 seconds left in the game. Stillwater came out strong but faded in the 2nd half. PA kept his players fresh and the Tornadoes clearly outplayed them drawing even at 1-1 for regulation time. The break before starting the overtime let Stillwater rest and they came out strong again but were held off until a determined effort created a score with less than 30 seconds left. Anoka can play with anybody.

Anonymous said...

They didn't play with Centennial.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they did. I am a Centennial parent, and Anoka was one of the strongest teams we faced, in the first half. After two late goals in the last 2 minutes of the first, the game turned around. They had great passes up the field, aggressive play, and some solid shots. Of course, Centennial has not faced EP, Wayzata, etc., but Anoka was tough competition.

Anonymous said...

They didn't play with Andover.

Anonymous said...

No one plays with Andover.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of TP - he is a dinosaur. Wayzata could / should do MUCH better. He probably is still forcing the girls to wear dresses on game days and wearing an ugly mullet that is gray now!

tomASS said...

I think 1250 am was drinking liquid courage last night.
That is why I dislike the inability to require registration and a moniker on this site.

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