Monday, July 27, 2009

2006 Team formation exception for SCV

With the recent blogger discussion regarding the soon to be SCVs U18 boys team forming under suspicious circumstances back in August 2006., a blogger recently provided the meeting minutes of the infamous DOC meeting that documents the first failed attempt to allow the team an exception to policy, and to form at the C1 level. Eventually, a vote did occur that allowed the exception. See "East Boys" section.

The votes, reintroduction, and re-votes, across several meeting may certainly be considered suspicious by some, as the DOC’s son was to be on the team that was eventually given the votes to bypass MYSA rules in team formation. The same policy that has denied other teams, without parent representation on MYSA’s DOC.

What transpired to allow the exception for a team with a DOC’s member’s son on the roster? Should MYSA provide public comment and explanation? Or at a minimum, repost minutes so that all may see who voted for and who voted against the decision?

The first post on this thread is a copy of the meeting minutes as provided by a blogger. It should be noted that the meeting minutes are marked as "draft." Additionally, minutes have been edited for length.


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Anonymous said...

Uninformed people like 11:18 are pathetic. Our state Cup champs over the past 5 years (this one being an off year) have had as good a winning percentage at regions as any state other than MI and IL. The numbers have been posted here before by someone and are accurate. We do much better than SD, ND, IA, NE, KY. We are in the middle of a pack that shifts position every year. Usually just ahead of WI, IN, KS. Usually just behind MO, ON, OS. Teams like MTA 19, MTA 18, SSM 18, WDB 17, MTA 15 have proven themselves and been consistently ranked between 5-20 in the nation and 3-6 in the region over the years. No state has multiple teams that could beat any of those teams as has been shown over time. A combination of talent at most age groups would yield similar results. Do some research and build something instead of this constant woe is us, nobody is any good BS.

Anonymous said...

11:18 here, I stand by my opinion except for the "not much different than most other MN age groups". My comments were directed at the aforementioned BVL/MTA combination.
Some of my comments were also based off of this year's RII results.....let's review on the girls side shall we:
U13's didn't win a game
U14's didn't win a game
U15's won one game
U16's didn't win a game
U17's did very well and for the first time won two games
U18's both teams did exceptionally well
U19's won one game
(sorry, you asked me to do some research.....)

NSR rankings are meaningless as I'm sure you know how they are formulated. Every team that makes it the RII championships is usually in the top 16 in the region. Semi-finalists are the top 4, 2nd place pool winners are usually slots 5-8, etc..... On the national level, don't you think it's a coincidence that the top 50 in virtually age group is comprised of 12-13 teams from each region.......hard to believe there is so much parity at every age group across the country.

Of all the teams you mentioned, the Stars are ranked #13, MTA U16 is #26, and Inferno is #41 (still looking for consistently ranked in the 5-20 in the nation - sorry just doing some research..).

I was just expressing an opinion, sorry you don't agree, even more sorry that you feel the need to ridicule.

Oh BTW, 2 kids with 7 RII championships appearances between them so far (and hopefully counting). Sorry I can't be as informed as you.

Anonymous said...

240 I would suggest you go to the R2 archived results and compile the states records. You will find out that 1:05 spot on with their comment. Nice attempt. Also I believe NSR still archives their rankings, maybe not. If so you will find that part to be true also.

Anonymous said...

sorry 2:52, I don't live in the past.....

Anonymous said...

Don't know about everything else but 240 is dead wrong with how NSR is done. I recall many years in my kids age group where 5 of the top 8 ranked teams in the country and 17-18 of the top 50 were from one region. I don't think that site keeps up much anymore though as gotsoccer has made such inroads as the official site for tournaments and reporting of results.

Anonymous said...

what's next.....are we going to re-live the old Sota teams and how BVL and BHawks had success back in the 90's?

Anonymous said...

Look at every girls national top 50. Each region has either 12 or 13 teams. The regional rankings are all generated by their respective regional championships. IMO, Gotsoccer is also a joke as that is all points driven. The more tournaments you play the more points you get which skus heavy to west coast teams as the quantity/quality of teams is high which translates into an abundance of high level tournament opportunities.

Please give me a NSR example where I am completely off-base.

Anonymous said...

I think 259's last comment was correct that NSR has thrown in the towel in the last year and no longer attempts to do meaningful rankings as they did in the past. No ranking sysem is perfect, but gotsoccer is the best at this time. Of course, opinions on this blog are always the most accurate. :)

Anonymous said...


U14 38 231
U15 30 160
U16 3 16 {even though they could not win their pool)
U17 13 60
U18 10 66
U19 3 10 (imo rightly earned over the years)

I agree that all ranking systems are flawed after probably the top 20 teams in the nation as these teams usually play each other in the National League, old Red Bull, and soon to be ECNL.

Anonymous said...

You need to remember that the U15 (now U16) team didn't loose to anyone at Regions either. Two 0-0 ties against IL and Ohio will keep them ranked high in the region. They beat that Ohio team in MRL 2-0. And I'm pretty sure they've earned their ranking over the years also.

Anonymous said...

Since your dd played at BVL last year you would know most about the bootball. I was refering to Mrl games ,where they beat the IA champ 4-0 and were tied by the WI champ in the last seconds. Im not saying they would have won their pool had they not been handcuffed, 2-1 would not have been inprobable. Thanks for being so positive.

Anonymous said...

Love the bootball comment. How bad did they beat you (and how many times)?

Anonymous said...

Duh. Have you seen the Valley U17B. Those boys kick the ball all over the place and have a very impressive record (did ok at regions too).

Anonymous said...

you can call it whatever you want, "bootball" if you like, but if it is done with a purpose and done playing the ball forward to the strikers making diagonal runs, or for them to hold it and work with each other or the midfielders making diagonal runs toward goal and creating great scoring opportunities, it is something that can be very effective and take a great deal of skill from the players to execute properly, long direct balls can be a beautiful thing, soccer does not have to be ALL about possession, it is still the team that scores the most goals that wins the game

Anonymous said...

The MTA 14s (now 15s) did earn an MRL premier spot for next year. Not sure if they'll use it, but they did win their division, that's a pretty good result. Burnsville beat MTA in state cup. Put all that together and you have two teams that could at least be competative regionally. I'm not saying there's a threat of winning regions, but they should at least be in most games.

Anonymous said...

Anyone go to the MYSA competitive committee meeting on Saturday? Any interesting petitions?

Anonymous said...

We may never know 7:53. MYSA is anything but transparent.

Anonymous said...

Predict Burnsville U15 girls will falter next year for a variety of reasons. Had some success this year but won't happen again.

Anonymous said...

Bootball is for the unskilled teams and can be successful in Minnesota. Even the father of bootball Dorance from NC is whining about lack of skilled players even though he's made a living off of it.

Anonymous said...

10:03, do you care to elaborate?

Anonymous said...

The Stars were by far the best girls team since the Sota. It will be a long time before you see another team that good.Their record speaks for itself. This is the state of soccer in Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

There is so much chatter about being the best (player, team, coach, etc) and the measuring stick by many seems to be wins vs. losses or the team's regional/national ranking. IMO, real success should be measured by the level of enjoyment the player gets from his/her current team, how much improvement he/she experienced during the past season and how much they love to be around the sport (playing, watching higher level matches, reffing, etc.) As parents, our role should be to watch their games, applauding the effort and commitment that these players exhibit. I get so sick of the parents that yell out "you have to want it more". I'd love to see them get off their backsides and try to keep up with their daughters on the field.

Anonymous said...

I think the most valuable skill you can teach a player is to ignore anything they hear from the sideline (coaches who dictate every move included). The best players make their own decisions, right or wrong, and believe in themselves and their teammates regardless of how much they're torn down by parents accusing them of not 'wanting it' as much as another team, etc. Implicit in the "you have to want it more" is the idea that you already don't, and if you can read the mind of a teenager, you should get off this blog and go make your millions.

Anonymous said...

hey mnfutol....
Can you start some new threads on College and HS soccer now that college kids are back for preseason and HS starts in a week or so??? Looking forward to following some of the local kids.

socmom said...

Anon 5:35.
Check out these D1 girls programs to follow entering freshman from MN.

Anonymous said...

Nice unsubstantiated comment , perhaps a window in your bellybutton would help you see where you're goin, given the fact that your head is up your #$%.
Any possibility of making comments about teams of which any of you have knowledge. Blog Turrets.

Anonymous said...

What happened to GK supposed to be at Milwaukee? Also noticed player change from UWGB to St. Cloud.

Anonymous said...

let's start a h.s. thread! top 10 lists?

Anonymous said...

The pre-season polls should be out this Sunday. I think all the AA schools will repeat again like last year for the girls. EP, Woodury, Wayzata, Edina, Eastview. But it will be interesting on the class A side. Some top players out with injuries until after the season, and losing players to graduation. Will it still be Mahtomedi, Benilde and Holy Angels? Or maybe Hill Murray, St. Louis Park and Simley?

Anonymous said...

Class A,
Zephyrs, Blake,Vis, SPA, AHA
Orono, Benilde, St Mikes, Totino, simley (no surprises)
also: washburn, MHA, SSP, Lourdes, Orono

I think the Zephyrs will be back in the final show. They lost their big player but they were deep on the bench as shown by hockey-line like substitutions.


Anonymous said...

bsm will be tough. return pretty much their entire team plus a few key players they missed last year due to injuries. strong goalie.
mahtomedi (zephyrs for the 95+% of those out there who might not of known...) will always be strong but will really miss last year's ms. soccer as she was their major offensive force. without her they will have some difficulty scoring in the tougher games.
vis lost their big gun as well as their second leading scorer so they will be young and a bit on the rebuilding side.
orono lost their big scorer so will struggle against the better teams.
STMA will take a step up as that program continues to grow due to greater numbers and a growing youth program.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe MTA's fees can be reasonable when you see all the scholarships being offered...even to white players now. Someone has to pay for it...their "pro" parent has their own financial issues.

Anonymous said...

You are assuming that MTA does no fundraising on it own to cover financial aid requests?

Anonymous said...

Are MTA scholarships being offered based on need? And/or are the scholarships being used as a recruiting tool?

Anonymous said...

Rich parents of players #15-18 on the depth chart = fund-raising.

Grey/Navy/Magenta programs = fund-raising.

Scholarships are dangled to woo players.

Anonymous said...

A majority of the scholarships are from the boys side. Very little on the girls side.

Anonymous said...


There you go again rolling out the old-tired argument that second, third or even fourth teams fund the top teams. Nothing could be further from the truth. Each team has its own budget and it is shared with all the parents. So keep thinking you know.

Anonymous said...

As happens at just about EVERY club in MN, scholarships are available to any family that has a need. In this economy, probably most club budgets are a bit strained. From what I know, scholarships at MTA are available to any kid, down to the C3 kids at MTW. I know they ask everyone, which I assume includes the scholarship kids, to fundraise to help with that part of their budget.
Besides, it's nobody's business who is on scholarship other than the club board and the family requesting the help. That goes for any club, not just MTA.

Anonymous said...

By the way, scholarshipping every player is the goal of MTA. Of course they are not there yet. If you are jealous that no scholarship was offered to you or your child, look up the club and request info-that is if you really need it. One more thing, as long as MTA takes those scholarship kids, your club doesn't need to spread the cost to you- ooops.

Anonymous said...

Article about Mark Abboud and the "incident" ....

Anonymous said...

High school soccer talk is fun. Class A girls? Rather interesting. BSM (Benilde) really great collection of players. Blake/VIS/AHA...not sure who in that section will dominate? Any thoughts?

A Casehardened Minty Mount said...

Judging from the scholarships that were dangled in front of families who were shopping their sons around, MTA obviously understands that it ain't the rich kids from Apple Valley, Eden Prairie and Edina that are taking MTA to the championships. When winning is your only goal, it's easy to find ways to pay for the poor inner city kids who are the ones who take the team to another level. If other clubs had the same drive to win, they'd figure out ways to attract the types of names you see on the MTA Blue lists. See how I didn't mention the term "player development"? And don't throw out the "You're a loser/idiot" response, as I saw it first-hand last summer.

A Casehardened Minty Mount

Anonymous said...

"If other clubs had the same drive to win, they'd figure out ways to attract the types of names you see on the MTA Blue lists"
And these are the types of comments that only further divide the soccer "community".
I'm guessing most current MTA players started off at the CC level with the "undriven"...

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to me how so many people on this blog, claim they know first hand about MTA this or MTA that. Yet none of you seem to actually have much knowledge of the clubs you claim are so much better.

Many clubs offer scholarships to kids who cannot afford to play, actually many offer scholarships to kids whose parents just won't sacrifice for their kid to play at the level he/she should. In fact, look at the team that this blog is supposed to be about. When they first formed, this team had scholarship players- oh my!

Get over it people, no matter what you think, the grass is not browner everywhere else but where you have chosen for your child.

If you need help ask for it. If not be thankful you don't have to.

Anonymous said...

10:51 - You do know that last season they had a fundraiser for scholarships? I believe they had scholarships up around the $100,000.00. That's a lot of money for just scholarships! Are there really that many "Elite" Players in MN? Hmmm

Anonymous said...

When are the high school threads going to get started? Anyone, anyone???

Anonymous said...

11:02 do the math. For a top level team annual costs are probably close to $5K (indoor training, tournament travel/fees/food, coaches) so even at $100K that's 20 kids. From U11-U18 that's roughly one kid per age group per gender. Some teams might have 2-3 others none (and there are more on the boys side than the girls).

Anonymous said...

i have yet to understand why some folks are so concerned with clubs, teams, coaches, finances, events, etc....that have absolutely nothing to do with them.

Anonymous said...

Really? Do your math. 100K/5000 = 200. For the record, 100K was the goal but if I remember correctly they only raised 50K not sure if that was before or after paying for raffle prizes. It also was supposed to help pay for coaching education as well.

Anonymous said...

Dude, $5,000 times 200 equals $1 million!

Anonymous said...

100k was the goal, but they already have money that comes from your fees that made up the difference. Money is alloted for scholarships in your fees. 11:55, It does have something to do with me!

Anonymous said...

nice math 12:12......

Anonymous said...

2:12, must be the accountant for MTA???

Anonymous said...

that should be Mister 12:12

Anonymous said...

How do you think you will feel after paying almost 6k for three years and you kid gets bumped off the blue team by a new scholarship player? This is youth soccer and is supposed to be about development not pro soccer where a coaches job is on the line and the team attempts to make a profit.

Maybe youth soccer really is a business.

A Case Hardened Minty Mount said...

It's totally a business at MTA. Why waste time developing kids when you can lure them over with scholarships?

Heck, just think of the salaries they pay the people who police the blogs to refute all anti-MTA posts. That's a full-time job there.


Anonymous said...

As the coach of one of the best club teams said " It's all about winning the state cup"!

The best advertising tool a club has is the number of state cup wins.

This same club lobbied all the senior players who were going on to play at the college level no matter what club they played for to attend a signing day ceremony at their location to make a promo video for their club.The heck with the traditional signings at their high schools. A great self serving recruiting tool for the club.

It's all about maximizing head count.

Anonymous said...

Where can we talk High School? Cretin boys will be very hard to beat.

Anonymous said...

My observation is there's need and there's greed.

A: I can't afford to pay the fees (need)

B: I don't want to pay the fees - or - I'm so good I don't have to pay the fees (greed)

Most clubs set aside money for Player A, but not Player B. MTA sets aside money for Player B, but not Player A.

Anonymous said...

Why should the high schools take the credit for their high level soccer players? They didn't develop them, the club did. oops... there's that word, develop! High school soccer is not where the top level players are seen, it's during the club season. And anyway, MTA held the ceremony so early in the morning that the kids had time to get back to their schools and hold another ceremony (if the school even did so).

Anonymous said...

Once again, the MTA P.R. department is hard at work with another "spin."

Anonymous said...

Nope, just a parent who believes that high school soccer is for fun and playing with their friends and that club soccer is where they are seen and where the scholarships come from. So for any club to want to celebrate that accomplishment, they should go right ahead and do so.

Anonymous said...

this whole topic is LOL

the funniest thing is the timing of these posts after tryout results sink in.

Anonymous said...

What's going to make Cretin boys so hard to beat? I probably have a few teams in mind that will. But it being a private school I am unsure who they have. Fill me in. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have also heard that Cretin will be very good this year. They have pretty much everyone back from a good team they had last year. I believe they have 3-4 players from the U-17 Blackhawk premier, and since they are private, I'm assuming they have players from elsewhere too.

Anonymous said...

It's very popular on these forums to minimize the importance of high school soccer.
But these are the facts...
The NCAA Clearinghouse doesn't give a rip where you played club soccer.
And without qualifying, you won't be playing D1 or D2 soccer, it doesn't matter your talent.
BTW, I am not diminishing Community College.
Many athletes use the JUCO system to springboard into NCAA D1.
But this kid could probably have started at a higher level had someone helped him navigate the academic side.
And yes, I mean those high school, club, ODP soccer coaches who had to problem exploiting his talent.

Anonymous said...

High School Soccer and HS Sports, in general, will continue to become less relevant as players choose to play more with their non-HS season teams. The growth of importance of AAU basketball is a prime example. One of the top BB recruits this year didn't play for his high school EVER! Especially in states with HS soccer at the same time as college, the staffs of most colleges don't have the time to go out and scout kids at their HS games (where they'd be treated to inferior play that may not highlight the talents of a particular player). That's why college showcase tournaments exist. It's why so many coaches go to State Cup competitions.

Anonymous said...

8:39 Am,
You are right in if Brown had been given some academic guidance it could have helped him, unfortunately there are to many instances like Brown where academics takes a back seat, this kid is a good soccer player, but not great, he wasn't able to do much with the club team, so hopefully he takes advantage of his college opportunity for a better education and can use that for life vs soccer,

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, the NOMADS soccer club has an Academy Community School. Players who are experiencing difficulty meeting their educational obligations are enrolled to receive special individually prepared accredited courses through the San Diego County Office of Education as an alternative to the City School they were attending.

Anonymous said...

So Cretin and Valley are out there as teams people think will compete for the title on the boys side. I'm sure there are others.

Anonymous said...

I agree this gifted athlete should have had his hand held his entire life. after all his academic acheivements are not his repsonsibility, or his parents, or his school teachers, or his school counslers; no it is his soccer coaches who are responsible for his academics. dummest thing I ever read in my life. BTW - How do any of you know that his coaches didn't ask him how his academics were? Were you privy to ever conversation he ever had.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't count out Stillwater on the boys side. Lot's of premier players at 15,16,17's.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Well its about time that is finally over.

Long Live MA said...

STMA club = the newest MTA regional program. After all the hater crap out there the vision moves on still.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know anything about this new Eastridge soccer club? Did MA create another job for himself?

Anonymous said...

make a high school soccer blog already

Anonymous said...

Its not The East Ridge Soccer Club, it is the East Ridge Athletic Association. If you look at thier website you will see it is like any other community athletic association. Providing sports opportunies that would feed into the HS programs. Makes sense.

Anonymous said...

All the new high schools do it your right 411, its the smart thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I believe most communities with High Schools have them, BAA Bloomington Athelic Assc., BAC Burnsville Athletic Commision, etc...

Anonymous said...

Bloomington Jefferson will be very strong this year. Contender for state.

Anonymous said...

724, he was refrencing high schools that don't have a city association to claim.

Also Jefferson, Stillwater, CDH may all be good but Apple Valley has to much talent all over the field to lose state this year. They would be my preseason favorite on the boys side. I also think Lakeville North should be a quality side. Stillwater whoever did mention them though I dont think many of those St. Croix players actually attend that high school.

Anonymous said...

11:38 you are right that not all the SCV boys go to Stillwater HS, but many do, especially from this summer's 16's and 15's, and several from the 17's. They went deep into playoffs last year...just throwing the name in there, it is one of the schools that look interesting after watching summer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing it up 816. I was unsure as to how many of them actually went there. I know the 17's is not several though as that team is very spread out. But they have some good talent with all those age groups.

Anonymous said...

when do preseason rankings come out?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Eden Prairie, Edina, St. Croix, and Woodbury, the community clubs with the most premier teams in 2010!

Anonymous said...

Must be nice for us now that most of the MTA premier teams don't play MYSA league.

Anonymous said...

Can't help it that they are running scared!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if this is current? his thread is about this specific SCV age group and it seemed to be the right place to post this.

Go to:

It says Red Devils, but for U18, but U18's would be 91/92... Rumor had it that the coach listed wasn't coming back.

The most curious thing is that under "Leagues," it says, "May/July – MYSA Premier League (Team Discussion)." So, are they considering/hoping to get admitted to the MYSA Premier League? It doesn't show this on the MYSA website:


Anonymous said...

Oh... "running scared" (3:34) is back. Seriously??

Just consider MYSA Premier League as the new C1, C1 the new C2, etc., etc. Have fun and enjoy the game, but don't kid yourself that it is the best of the best in the state.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance to the SCV 18 coach. 1 freaking nightmare.

Anonymous said...

The MN MYSA Premier league is not the best league available. MRL has 2 higher leagues. Not to mention the national league and the the USSF Academy leagues. That is at least 4 leauges higher the MYSA Premier. How many of teams do Eden Prairie, Edina, St. Croix, and Woodbury have in these leagues?

Anonymous said...

BTW, MTA have 11 Premier teams, more than 2 times as many as any other club.

Anonymous said...

8:16 (and 8:19) certainly sounds like that worthless idiot loud-mouth dad no one wants to sit next to. Thank goodness your kid made an MTA'll fit right in.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I"m typing with one hand, as the other is forming the letter "L" in your honor.

Anonymous said...

You know it is still interesting that no matter who puffs their chest out, (anyone who is not affiliated with MTA), and brags about a mediocre accomplishment and then gets corrected by someone else, the MTA comment is tagged as someone who is an A-hole. Amazing!

Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid. For parents to stay in CC's do you have to go to some sort of "conditioning"? Are you instructed to put a negative "spin" on everything MTA?

Settle down, you have made your decision, they made theirs. If your brag is "one-upped", you'll need to get over it. If your kid does well, then maybe you made the right decision, same for anyone at MTA or anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

As Bill the Cat used to say, "pfffffffffffft!"

Anonymous said...

Sorry 11:49, I don't have any kids playing soccer anymore. But when I did, I was the one on the sideline trying to settle YOU down as you did the stupid-CC-parent-spaz-attack.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, 10:26? Well, I fart in your general direction.

Anonymous said...

US Club and MN Thunder Academy files USSF Grievance against USYSA and several youth associations, including your own...

Minnesota Youth Soccer Association.

This is MYSA's second grievance in the past year. The first one was filed by ND.

The MYSA people remind me of Forrest Gump for some reason...

Renegade Lou said...

MYSA is one of the state associations listed on this. Good for US Club Soccer to put their foot down against the entitled monopoly state associations like MYSA feel. mnfutbol, maybe another thread for this?

On August 17, US Club Soccer, along with AYSO and several other member clubs, filed a USSF grievance against US Youth Soccer (USYS) and several state associations.

The thrust of the grievance is to challenge what we feel are discriminatory practices in treating US Club Soccer teams differently than teams from USYS state associations on issues that include: denial of insurance coverage for USYS teams attending a US Club Soccer sanctioned tournament; denial of a team's use of their USYS player cards, rosters, etc. when attending a US Club Soccer sanctioned tournament; and charging US Club Soccer teams an extra insurance fee for playing in a USYS sanctioned tournament. Pursuant to USSF rules, the grievance will now be assigned to an independent hearing examiner, who will hold a grievance hearing in approximately 90 days.

To view a copy of the grievance, click here.

While we will not comment further publically on the merits of the case, we will keep you posted as the grievance moves forward.

Bill Sage, Executive Director
US Club Soccer

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight . . . so if you're a member of one organization, you want those benefits to apply to another organization. So if I join my local insert-your-favorite-sport club, I should get into any private insert-your-favorite-sport club in the US?? I want my kid to be eligible for instate tuition in any state in the union too!! Hey I paid my MN taxes, I should have transferable rights, correct? As an MYSA parent, I should get to play my son's team in USClub soccer championship without becoming a member of that organization? That's the most ridiculous argument I've heard in some time. This all comes down to the NSC making a very bad business decision and not being able to face the consequences of that decision without blaming someone else. Let's just open the gates and if you're a member of anything at all, you should get to play in anything at all. I'm sure the insurers will love that! Hey, Mr Insurance company, we'd like you to cover our athletes in a USSSA event. They're a USSF affiliate (that doesn't background check their adults). USClub can't have it both ways. Meanwhile, the frivolity of this won't even be examined by USSF in their screwed up grievance process, so we'll all spend a bunch of money for something completely without merit.

Anonymous said...

does US Club need any kind of MYSA or USYS approval or sanctioning to hold an event in MN?

Anonymous said...

Nope, USClub can do whatever they want, they just don't get to have USYSA/MYSA benefits transfer to them just by saying it's so. My girls played in several NSC events (USClub sanctioned) without much hassle. MYSA verified their registration as age eligible, etc. and sent that info to the NSC.

Anonymous said...

US Club needs USSF affiliation, which they have. USYSA is on the same level as US is AYSO and couple of others (mostly out west.)

Anonymous said...

what was NSC's bad business decision?

Anonymous said...

12:28 Your ignorance is showing.

Read part of the actual grievance, you will find out that MYSA(and others) are making statements to clubs/teams/parents about tournaments that there own rules do not allow, nor does the rules of US Soccer, and in fact the law of our country.

They do not expect the insurance to be extended to their tournament, per se, they expect that the members of MYSA (and others) should not have to purchase extra to play at NSC. Why? Because they don't have to purchase extra to play at any other venue, including out of state, and out of country tournaments.

Settle down, not all things are bad just because you are not aware of the issues and laws. AND CLEARLY, NOT ALL IS GOOD IF MYSA IS INVOLVED.

Have you ever seen Poretti or Daley smile? Hmmmm. Why are they so bitter?

Anonymous said...

me thinks it wasn't us club/nsc that the post was targeted at......

Anonymous said...

folks, very few people will take the time to develop an understanding of what the rights and responsibilities are for members of US Soccer (the national governing body that USOC has designated for soccer).

sadly, this is also true for many involved in the administration of MYSA.

Connecticut and Rhode Island ran afoul of these types of things in years past, and it was close to costing those organizations dearly. Hopefully our state association will clear their heads and someday begin to think more clearly about their rights and responsibilities as a member of US Soccer.

Anonymous said...

Wait.......MYSA think clearly............bwwaaahahahah

Anonymous said...


whoa...I was laughing for an entire hour.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually quite surprised some of the characters at MTA haven't tried to post something on their website regarding this grievance, spinning things to their membership about how "MYSA can't do anything to us".

Hey MTA directors, I know you read this site. Where is your website update?

Anonymous said...

4:24 - could you be more desparate....

Anonymous said...

Agreed 9:11. Some people will reach for anything to tear a good thing down.

Anonymous said...

the grievance might need its own thread

at some point some clubs might just refuse to play

MTA or SSM teams or at NSC


i'm in favor of a complete divorce

Anonymous said...

The whole mess comes down to two key points: U.S. Club trying to position itself alongside USYS where it (arguably) belongs and secondly, another whack at MYSA.

Will the MYSA membership ever stand up and say enough is enough?

Anonymous said...


It's all under the umbrella of USSF. Litigation years ago established that USCS and AYSO had to be treated as equals with USYS.

Anonymous said...

lc-please refuse to play them. It's called a forfeit. But, even though it is premeditated, you will not be punished equally because you are a CC.

Your ignorance will only hurt your team. This type of jealousy/ignorance is why MYSA and MN soccer is in the state it is in.

Just because you don't belong to a club or don't agree with their mission, doesn't mean you can discriminate against it or where it plays.

By the way, if you would support them rather than make silly rules against them, your dream of not playing SSM or MTA will be realized as they will move to higher levels of competition and you can have your precious "Premier" league to yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who's dream it is to never play against MTA or SSM is sad, too. As a coach, I always want to test my kids against good/better teams, regardless of what club they're with. I pick tournaments out of state based on who I think will be worth the trip. I don't want to play who I can play in my backyard (MN) and I want my kids to be pushed to their limit. I think MTA has some fine people, it also has it's share of rascals that are determined to be disruptive in any way they can. Competition with MYSA isn't a bad thing. It'll focus people on offering a better product. I believe the mistake by MTA is the wanting to be everything to everyone. Rec soccer isn't something they should be involved in. Get the academy designation (it'd be good for everyone) by focusing on one or two teams at each age group U13+ for each gender. That focus on a single mission will make MTA far better than they are now. Pick one thing you do very well and stick to it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:52
Any thoughts on why MTA hasn't decided to do what you've suggested.

Anonymous said...

1230, Chan Ching$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

Any ideas why CC's hate MTA so much? Same answer CHA CHING$$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

Imagine what the per player fees would be at MTA is they only had one or two teams at each age group.

It'd be a worse financial problem than the Social Security mess we'll experience in about 10 years.

Anonymous said...

let me guess for everyone........8:57 is mr. "all other teams subsidize the mta blue teams" guy.
probably also has an issue with them calling their teams "elite".

Anonymous said...

MTA had only one or two teams a an age group for quite awhile...fees did not change all that much. Why does anyone really care what someone else pays for training? When we were with a community club, between what we paid them and the extra training our kid wanted to do it all came out the same. So what is the problem??

Anonymous said...

Imagine what the per player fees would be at INSERT COMMUNITY CLUB NAME HERE if they only had one or two teams at each age group.

What is your point 8:57? It's ok for CC's but not for clubs trying to be more than a one size fits all?

But hey, it's ok if you do it. But not ok if someone who is consistently better does it.

Anonymous said...

he he. i love getting under the very thin skin of the MTA 'goons. get a life, losers.

Anonymous said...

it would appear that mta seems to get under your skin......

Anonymous said...

It seems like MTA does the majority of the winning.
So wouldn't that make you the LOSER?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that if MTA truely adopted the academy approach that they claim to be following that the fees would rise at all for the 1-2 teams that would exist at each age group and gender. That's because the actual model provides for subsidization of the academy by the pro team, and therein lies the problem. It's not really the type pro team that generates revenue for their programs. That's been my biggest gripe about this whole experiment called the Minnesota Thunder Academy. The claim that we're somehow backwards in our thinking because everyone won't buy into supporting the model. The model is a perversion of what they purport to be following.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense 10:13. Another way to look at it is that buying a Thunder ticket, concessions, etc. equals making some level of financial contribution to MTA.

Aside from the Thunder's recent performance, I'm not interested in helping finance a group of people who consistently tell the rest of us how stupid we all are. My kids don't even play youth soccer anymore, so the tired old "you're kid did not get picked" does not apply here.

Once upon a time I enjoyed going to Blaine or St. Paul to watch the Thunder. No more. A few of the MTA parents have taken care of that. I'm voting with my pocketbook.

Anonymous said...

I've heard some parents complaining about their monthly payments. What did they expect, they need to pay all the directors and scholarships. It's kind of like taxes, the rich pay a majority and the rest don't pay their share. The only difference is you have a choice of whether or not your kid plays at MTA.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, those same ficticious "people" complaining about monthly payments would complain at any of the CC's that train as often and play outstate tournaments. The cost is related to training time, and travel, not club directors and scholarships.

Anonymous said...

3:48 - You keep telling yourself that!

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again...

he he. i love getting under the very thin skin of the MTA 'goons. get a life, losers.

Anonymous said...

348, do you really think all those fees go to training time. Please tell me your not that stupid. There's a reason they cram in 5 to 6 teams at Holy Angels on one field at a time. I heard from a driector that they had almost $100,000 in scholarships last year, they did a raffle to make up about a $60,000 shortfall. Where do you think the other $40,000 came from. Your fees have extra built in for scholarship and coaching directors.

Anonymous said...

11:56 - why do you care....

Anonymous said...

which bothers you more . . . that the had 100K in scholarship kids that they provided for or that your club did not?

Anonymous said...

I appreciate that clubs offer scholarships for kids who want to play sports. For some, sports offer a chance to develop self-esteem, leadership, discipline... We should support the idea of keeping kids interested and playing in sports for as long as possible, and for some that means receiving scholarship money.

Anonymous said...

11:56 Do you think that all your fees go to training time at your CC? Do you really think your club is that different? Who's stupid?

The reason for "cramming in" teams at AHA, Augsburg, Rosemount, etc is lack of available time and having so many kids wanting to get training.

The managers of each team get a breakdown of the hourly fee, multiply it by the percentage of field they use and that is what the team is charged.

Seriously, why do you care anyway! Have the balls to answer.

po'boy said...

in youth sports, scholarships should be based on need, not on ability.

Sheriff of Nottingham said...

Thank you Robin Hood.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:43.

Anonymous said...

So maybe someone could answer this question.....
Soccer club (traveling team - not lower level or rec team) has to pick between two players

Player A - poor but the better soccer player

Player B - poorer but not as good a soccer player than Player A

So which player should the soccer club pick?

Anonymous said...

Player B, because poorer players are always the best!

Anonymous said...

9:32 This is a trick question.

If you're MTA, either one is the wrong choice, you should leave these kids alone, so the CC they live near can ignore them.

Why? Because according to this site, MTA is always wrong, and CC parents never ever pay more than what their child costs. In fact, none of their CC coaches, or club administration gets paid, they are saints.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 3:00, wrong answer!

Anonymous said...

MTA folks want to offer the scholarship $ to Player C, the kid who's not really poor but is REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY good.

Anonymous said...

Actually, 3:00, my CC doesn't ignore them. In fact, we gave out more scholarship money in 08-09 than ever before. If you're MTA, you are wrong, though.

Anonymous said...

A CC backer suddenly opening up about scholarships. Oh my, 4:39 who is paying for this, all the C2 and C3 teams??? Hypocrits!

Anonymous said...

Does the scholarship money cover only the club's registration fee, or does it also include uniforms, tournament fees and coaching fees? What portion of these costs does the team itself pay for its scholarship player?

Anonymous said...

11:21 From my experience it depends. Not all families need 100%; and some parents help cover other less fortunate families-and not because the kid is a superstar, because they feel good helping; some coaches waive their fees; other coaches use their fees to buy extra uniforms or bags or pins for their players-yes there are good people in MN soccer.

Also depends on how healthy the club is.

People, it's ok to ask your club, your manager, your coach. If you don't get the answers you want to hear, make a decision for your family to either stay or leave...

Anonymous said...

8:03 - The difference is that in a CC they (scholarships) are based on need.

Anonymous said...

Why all the discussion about scholarships? If you are a player in need, talk to the person in charge of scholarships at your club. If you aren't in need, consider yourself fortunate. If you are worried that the fees you pay might be going to scholarships, then ask about it - then make your decision to stay with the club accordingly.

Anonymous said...

8:03's wise crack remark -- that's why!

Anonymous said...

My MTA registration fee was raised to $250 from $150. I'm also paying over $100 is "online transaction fees". I've requested a detailed expense report to find out exactly where my money is going, no response from any director. Heard they read this blog often so I'm posting here in the event that the public outcry my generate at least a courtesy response in the near future.

Anonymous said...

9:51AM, please don't come on this blog and look for MTA answers. Continue to search out your directors or your board members.

Anonymous said...

$100 for online transcation fees, what's an online transaction?

Anonymous said...

MTA has gone to an online payment system. There is a $12 one time fee and per payment fees. When you make a payment online, a percentage of what is owed is charged as a fee. The fee will go up or down depending on what is owed. So it really shouldn't work out to $100. They took the fee from the largest payment and assumed it would be that each time. That fee goes to the online company, not MTA. The payments are for dome time, coaches salaries, tournament entry fees, things like that. Each team usually has a treasurer and they collect money for the travel portion of the team expenses. Hope that answers your question 12:31.

Anonymous said...


Thanks (1231)

Anonymous said...

MTA U18's allowed into MN Prmr League

Anonymous said...

4 03pm thats good, too bad scv think they are above it, get mta and scv in and it becomes better than state cup. Imagine the top 6 teams home and away, a real season.

Anonymous said...

8/8/09 1:07 PM -- You are sooo full of it! Most don't care about assembling the best team in MN to compete regionally. Having one team or club dominate at one or more levels in MN would be counterproductive for soccer in MN. MTA Blue/White or SSM is simply a choice for an extreme minority.

Anonymous said...

12:15 Work on the speed of your comebacks-over thirty days? Wow!

Anonymous said...

It was a slow day at work.

Anonymous said...

I had a son play last year for MTA. I never knew and never asked who was scholorship and who was not. But we were told at the end of the season, that two or three players, whose parents make significantly more than our family, fees were paid. It was not based on their income, but on their bills and the players skills. Our family took up part time jobs and work overtime to pay our fees. Based on the other players we could have easily asked for assistance, but that would be wrong and we would have felt like we were robbing people we knew. On the same hand our son will be playing for MTA next year, the development aspect was well worth it. Do I blame MTA, no. I blame the greedy parents and have lost all respect for them. I would love to publish there names and allow everyone to know what great people they are. But instead I'll be working the night shift at Walmart. :)

Anonymous said...

10:10 Welcome to our world : )

You are not the only one who sacrifices for your child, but we are becoming a minority. And this is not just an MTA issue, my son played at a CC, and my wife volunteered on the board, apparently financial need rewards poor choices (in houses that are bigger than needed, 52 inch TV purchases, eating out,and nice cars).

The most frustrating is to watch these people go on vacations. Our vacations are tournaments. Luckily we love the game...

Some say we are stupid, I disagree and choose to think that somewhere down the road, good things will come for my child, from my hard work and sacrifice. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

10:10 You should be proud! However, it's the club's responsibility to have objective guidelines and procedures for financial assistance, including providing supporting documents. Of course, there always will be people who will or try to take advantage of the system.

Anonymous said...

Inside MN Soccer is reporting that the USL has "released" all Thunder players from their contracts.
This looks to be related to the Thunder vs USL (new owners) spat.
The question?
Who owns the rights to the "Thunder" logo / name?
And, can MTA continue to function, as "MN Thunder Academy", if the Thunder leave the USL.

Anonymous said...

Just for the sake of soccer in Minnesota I would hate to see the Thunder and Lightning liquidate just for the sake of promoting soccer in the state. But is professional soccer.....not USL but MSL type of team even goign to give Minnesota a chance? Doubt it!
We have been down that road before. Thunder gave it a good chance.
"Sources have told IMS that the Minnesota Thunder, Carolina RailHawks and Miami FC Blues have not renewed their contracts for the 2010 season. Those renewals were due September 1, and would now be over 30 days past due. Those same three teams have been leading the way for the TOA and their demands for more control of the league."

Interesting to see what happens

socmom said...

Thunder GM leaving ...

Anonymous said...

MYSA Elections

Please start a discussion thread on the MYSA elections. There are some names running for the office and there need to be more dialogue about these folks. The next few years will be challenging if these people win the offices.

tomASS said...

1:28 - Looks like same old same old and not much interest by new people to challenge for spots in the inept state soccer bureaucracy

Someone needs to check Bob Poretti's bio - a C license ?? LOL Hockey coach- I would pay to see him on skates

The NW District should be concerned with their lone rep candidate.

Anonymous said...

Is a C licence a requirement for MYSA President?

tomASS said...

12:36 - no, but he was the one who put it in his bio. I doubt he could really understands the game at that level. Maybe E level at best.

Why fudge on your resume if it is an uncontested election. Don't be someone your not.

Anonymous said...

And, I'll repeat my old rag, a license does not a coach make . . . or even an informed administrator.

tomASS said...

151 - I agree. The point I am making is I think he has a bogus resume

Anonymous said...

Is Bangu coming back?
"Dean Johnson and the Minnesota Thunder, Are They in Financial Peril?"

Anonymous said...

I hope not.

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter what they call themselves? They won when they were Bangu, they won when they were Bangu Tsunami, they won when they were MTA.
What's the difference?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they can call themselves Broke..

Anonymous said...

as the article clearly states, MN Thunder & MTA are two completely separate entities.

Anonymous said...

Appears as if the bashers and haters aren't all that literate.

Anonymous said...

lots of t shirts to turn inside out if mta folds,

Anonymous said...

5:55 - agreed. I think anything longer than a "four-letter" word gets to be a bit taxing for them.....

Anonymous said...

MTA is not going to fold. Some of you can keep dreaming. Maybe a name change or maybe even without the pro team they'll still continue to operate under the MTA banner, but they won't fold the club. I'm waiting for the response of the MTA directors in the wake of all this recent publicity. I know they read and comment on this site. Do you job guys. Your membership (me among them) is waiting.

Anonymous said...

What would be the point of operating under MTA banner if there is not a Thunder / Professional team?

Anonymous said...

Anyone go to the MYSA general meeting on Saturday? Anything major come up?

Anonymous said...

Nothing of real note occurred at AGM this past Saturday.
The one interesting thing I noticed was that a few folks spoke up about the lack of a relationship or willingness to work with NSC.
Evidently it has put MYSA into a poor position for the State Tournament forcing some brackets to have only 3 teams and therefore only 2 games.
This was a definite issue of concern and appears to be a growing source of frustration for many clubs in conversations during a break.

Anonymous said...

Looks like MTA is trying to cover its bases:

Don't know where else to post this.

Anonymous said...

From the above link...
"If the relationship between the two organizations (MTA & Minnesota Thunder) ceases to exist for any reason,
MTA will continue to offer all of the high-level programs that MTA families have come to expect."
A youth club, MTA, without ties to the professional club / namesake?

Anonymous said...

to 937: From the AGM - the folks that spoke up about the NSC came off as uninformed when someone from the West correctly pointed out that NSC was operating out of a gun-to-MYSA's-head attitude that put MYSA in a much worse position if they bowed to NSC than the current situation. They voted to fix the 3team bracket issue, I believe (so hard to keep track during fits of boredom).

Anonymous said...

That rule proposal did not pass. There will still be 3 team brackets.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Pressure MTA directors on this blog and they finally respond!!!!! Wow.

Hey guys, how about a detailed description of all the paid directors. What are their roles, and more importantly, who is paying for their "services"? And why in this economy should members be paying 6 guys to run this club? Why are you forcing kids to sell raffle tickets under the guise of raising money for player scholarships? Seems like you're asking your members to raise money for your salaries? I look forward to your response on your website.

Anonymous said...

Agree, MTA should show some accountability and transparency to its members (but not on this blog). How about it RZ?

Anonymous said...

If 12:48 & 5:15's kids play for MTA then they have ever right to ask. If they don't, then why would they care (although I think I might know the reasons....).
Personally, if I had those concerns I would deal directly with the MTA directors instead of crying and moaning on a blog (although once again I think I might know the reasons....).

Anonymous said...

It's a shame they have playoff brackets where only 2 games are played. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

So what was MYSA's excuse that they had to have 3 team brackets with only 2 games per team to determine who advances?

Anonymous said...

12/11/09 5:51 PM I said "to ts members (but not on this blog)."

In fact, requests have been made but the director doesn't produce the information. Perhaps you might know the reason?

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